Kimber K6s Chapter 2

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the same time Blahnik Picaro reached beneath the table with her right hand and drew a stainless steel Kimber k6s 357 magnum revolver from a simple pancake holster under her vest the vest was stylish lightweight cotton and suited a woman of her age it also did a nice job of hiding her sidearm which she was seldom without bonnie had done her research quizzing her nephew who was a detective with the Dallas PD and watching dozens of videos of different models on the Hickok 45 YouTube channel this was the first gun and holster [ __ ] ever owned oh just catching up on some of my reading here Hickok 45 hope you don't mind you know what though that makes me want to shoot my K 6 it really does I look at that let's just let him bleed out oh man yes k6s stainless steel Kimber six one what the six stands for there he goes hey guess what we got no shot at him I'll bet it stands for six that holds six rounds cuz I are from Kentucky and I can count the six two four six it does hold six and that's its claim to fame more or less yep we're into chapter 2 territory with the Kember k-6 you could probably tell by the title right and this is my gun a little more about that oh wait a minute on we can't call it a gun it's a revolver right our revolvers guns oh yeah I think they are so yeah it is a gun too specifically a revolver and before we start hashing over this firearm let me remind you to go to the buds gun shop comm website and check out all the cool stuff they have you know you see a lot of it right here that they lend to us you know we do videos where they'd shoot it test it and enjoy it and send it back for the e gunner auctions so we appreciate their help and if you're not a member the NRA be sure you go to the description or our website the [ __ ] 45 com click on it and you go to a site there we can get a discount to join please join the NRA if you're not a member join all the other organizations too if you can that's what I do that's what I did that's what I'm doing and we're gonna shoot federal ammo we appreciate their help look at it we got some fusion we got some 357 Magnum American Eagle some 38 special we've got all kinds of things some gold metal 38 wad-cutters and not on what a long shoot I've got way more ammo out here that I'm going to shoot in this revolver no doubt about that or else you all will be up all night watching this video and I know you get tired of doing that having to stay up late to finish them but anyway we are happy to be here and and to have this revolver you know I like revolvers I'd like what don't I like I like semi automatics I like revolvers I like muzzle loaders like everything and this is one of the things I do like I've got some of my favorite firearms I've got another one I'm going to compare here in the Baltic safe it is I see what it is oh there it is oh yeah one of my very favorites I carried that quite often I carry all of these at various times believe it or not and that's my little 642 ere wait you've seen it here before pretty cool little revolver that I've really gotten the use out of that I have probably carried that almost as much as anything that I own you can still see it's got the dust bunnies because I was carrying it all week and this is my model 65 Smith & Wesson 357 Magnum you've seen that that's one of my very favorite revolvers these are all kind of my carry revolvers you know everybody well not everybody a lot of people like revolvers and joy shooting them but they may not have many carry revolvers what they consider defensive revolvers whereas I do I both I big ones you know the big old red hawk and model 29s and everything I'm not likely to carry cold single actions but these are defensive revolvers not to be defensive unless you have to be but these are some of my favorites and yes the k6s is one of my favorites I have to say it really is I think I mentioned in the first video which I will link to that I might have to have one of these that I say something like that something stupid like to that well it really wasn't too stupid because I liked it if you recall and I was ready not to like it because dare I say it's a Kimber and they came out with revolvers I just wasn't sure about that but I wanted to take a look at it and shoot it and let y'all know what we thought about it and really turned out I like the thing the way it's made the precision of it and and all that it's I was just impressed with I never did really get that off my mind and I think in the video too I might have mentioned that if they were offered one in three inch barrel I might have to have it that's I think what I said and I'm pretty sure I said that well I don't know I hadn't thought about for a while and it crossed my mind every now and then and I was in a gun shop and imagine that me being in a gun shop and weld guns and leather over in Greenbrier Tennessee and I was you know looking at other stuff for getting supplied or something and I noticed they had a bunch of these you know on the shelf they had the three-inch models they had I don't even know what all the models are and look them up it so they got them now with a different grip and and a different finish and everything different barrel links and a bingo now they've got a three I knew they had a three as I said and looked at it and now I might have to eat my words if I don't buy one and a three inch barrel so I looked at it pulled it out studied that thing I don't like this gun and a three inch barrel is much I thought I would and Here I am the ultimate revolver small revolver guy who loves a three inch barrel I have even 44 mags and 3 inch barrels I just like that length but for some reason in this particular gun up excuse me revolver it's not a gun right now see our FAQ videos we answer that I think John does or I do you one the other I don't like getting a two inch barrel I it turns it into something different with a long barrel for me it's just like if this one had a three inch barrel or a four inch barrel it's it's just not a piece of hardware that appeals to me it turns it into something different than the pocket gun it can be for one thing I could still be a pocket gun let's see where's my you know here's the holster fort yeah this is yeah pocket holster I carried this thing for about two months yeah I still do it sometimes it gets a little heavy on me but but most the time I I can carry it just fine in a pocket holster and the seat get that one out cuz I was just carrying this on the deck that's the same pocket holes are basically he's again these are Alabama pocket holsters they still appreciate their help occasionally I'll I'll write them and we'll send me one so you know again interest of transparency okay they're not a spots or anything like that but I'll get a whole straight if they they they will send us a free holster casual I'm trying to say okay and I love them I don't mind buying on the pain for them and you know my gosh they're not that expensive but I I and I'm not a Kydex person necessarily on holsters sometimes I am but they're they're thin and they got this little thumb latch and I like that where you can just put your hand your pocket and you just pull it out so it hangs on your pocket so it's not gonna come out with your gun excuse me revolver they are go again right okay but I just like and there's probably 20 people to make them just like so what was I saying so anyway this becomes I'm more of a pocket gun or at least a potential pocket gun see I'll stick it in there how's that okay and it's a pocket gun and I can pull it out like a reach in there and I've got a 357 magnum revolver that holds six rounds at my disposal so I like it now I don't always carry as I've said before 357 magnum rounds and these little short barreled revolvers off more likely carry a a hot you know 38 + P special you know I mean people can argue about that and what rounds best carry needs and all that sort of thing and I'll just go ahead carrying what I carry but that's a debatable you know subject of course but anyway let me load it up and shoot it let me go and shoot some hot stuff and that's one of the things about it it's built well it seems to be I made my glasses on boy it's hot and humid today but that's the way it is in Tennessee in the summer it's a big surprise let's use some fusion that federal you know actually I think they didn't send I bought that one somewhere but they they they would send me all that we want he's died I think I didn't realize they made a fusion and 357 Magnum I was somewhere all was in a cabal war somewhere and I saw Saul that was gonna buy that because I knew we'd be doing a video pretty soon on this or something else and I need to order something from but cuz I'll send that to us - all right let's shoot this thing now this gonna be kind of hot but that's one thing I like about it it's got enough haft it's 23 ounces it's heavier than that air weight but when you put in some hot rounds like 357 magnums and you go after a pot you know it's going to go through it and I know it'll knock that bowling pin off - they knock it off with authority oh let's see if we can finish off that 2-liter yeah you know hey take care of that - let's put one in that coffin oh right in the middle let's put a couple on this paper now you know you're shooting 357 Magnum all right there's no question about that but the the grips absorb the recoil pretty well stings is just a little bit those are pretty hot and but you can fire them so if you wanted to carry something like that you know you're not gonna melt if you ever had to use it you know for self-defense you care whatever you want into think you wouldn't enjoy shooting those it's a range all day of course wears like 38 special + P you can shoot a lot of those because it's got enough weight to absorb that that recoil so again this is mine I hate leaving this one up I said well just let me look at after I looked at the all the other models so well let me look at that one again that's the one we had you've done a video on earlier except I think the only difference is this one has nice sights on it and I picked it up and and was reminded that I just really like this configuration I like the looks of it I love the grips you can get these now with beautiful wooden grips but I'll tell you what they don't feel as good as this one they really don't not to me at all this one feels my hand a little bit better plus it's a rubber and it's a shock absorbing more so than wood and it gives me the license to shoot anything I wanted it you know not be quite as punishing for a small revolver so I like that so again a long story short I came home with it I got a very reasonable price on it I thought because they're expensive they're pricey that's one of the negatives on on this revolver they're they're pricey and you know it's interesting after I bought it I got to looking around on the web again about you know because it then what a year year-and-a-half since we did that first video when it was a relatively new firearm and just to see what people were saying about cuz I still liked it and I really couldn't find much negative I mean people like this firearm generally speaking I mean gun people people who know guns tend to like this revolver and you'll see over and over people being surprised people who maybe were not Kimber fans at all tested this or look at it and kind of liked it and can't find things about it they don't like you know I run across a lot of that and I'm the same way yeah I really am Oh surprised and pleasantly surprised because I like little revolvers like this and I didn't expect Kimber come out with one but it's pretty cool and I I'm glad I have it as far as the negative yeah it's just expensive and I don't know I guess that's not been out quite long enough got some speed loaders it's not been out long enough probably maybe too for all the negatives to be showing themselves I know it could be after 500 rounds cylinder latch tends to break on it or something I there may be some of that that you're aware of that I'm not but I am not aware of that it seems like they did a good job the construction of it the tolerance the tolerances are really close and it just seems to be well made I have to say you know what well what do I have in it I guess those are plus peas you know I really don't remember where to hold on the gone I'm gonna go over there and pop him need to get a good trigger release because you know when you're not sure where to hold you really want to get a good shot off in terms of your trigger break or else you still you still don't know where to hold you know if you miss if you didn't get a good shot you know what I mean cotton okay I think I missed on the first one and I brought it up a little bit but because I felt like that first one was a good a good shot sure where I'm going now let me try that pig on the left up there so I can see the miss if I miss it so you know what I'm talking about there when you're trying to figure out where to hold it you have not figured out anything if you flinched or you just didn't get a good let off yeah so you want to feel like you pulled the trigger at the right time I'm still about a hundred percent so I'm gonna go for that these turn clockwise counterclockwise can't decide whether I like those from not really you so much I ordered those online I didn't see who makes that five-star I forget but uh I guess that's the company found those online somewhere I didn't have anything for for this firearm and you know got the Alabama holster pocket holster and I got a leather holster for outside the way in fact I ordered it the same time I got this one I only know who makes this one it's a cod exit question on that one you know but uh gosh this one is a Sulha something like that made in South Africa I just saw it online so I have something all right I'm gonna hit that pig like the squirrels are just going crazy look at him you right there behind the pig get away from me I don't want to get arrested for squirrel hunting out of season we've already had a near miss with a deer right and they're everywhere swarming over there I'm slinging a miraculous food their horse it's a two inch barrel you know I'll make it excuse for myself but uh the trigger on this thing just feels great I know but let's do let's put some of those plus peas in and shoot here a little bit closer this firearm obviously is for up close and dirty you know I like to stand around try to plink at 80 yards or things like this but it's it's gonna be close like on this coffin down here let me just pretend that that ens threatened me okay so I mean it's really shootable really suitable you're not gonna miss something at reasonable distances so you know me my first thought is always try to hit a pig over there 75 yards messing around with that kind of thing but that's that's the beauty of a little revolver like this now if you're not a big fan of revolvers you're definitely not going to be a big fan of this you know because it's expensive and you might even think it's too heavy if you even ever consider a small revolver for carry you want something that's more like you know jframe air wait that's not gonna wait much and you know of course the big difference here is five shots versus six that's big you know I couldn't follow my other calibers but the that's what I probably talked about this in the first video but the thing they've achieved here when we put the calipers on well let's put them on on this one squeeze it in there tight okay this is the K six and you see that there's hardly any difference between the thickness of the jframe five shot but yet you've got a whole nother round now normally to get six shots it takes a little bit big gun this is six shots a a k-frame Smith & Wesson and that's what we typically think of if you want something with six shots you know you got to go to something with a cylinder it's gonna be about that size so get it just sit on that cylinder and then we put that on the k6 and look at the gap there see so it's you know it doesn't seem like much but i'll tell you when it's in a holster or it's in your pocket or whatever a little bit of thickness is a lot okay we sing with a slide on a semi-automatic pistol you get a slide that's that much thinner or thicker that's a lot of steel and makes it makes a difference so this is about smalls you're going to get and have six shots and that's the the claim to fame with it really and that's what I like about it it's kind of farm some people it's just not your cup of tea I guarantee is people watching this just because you're so loyal and you'd like to watch anything we do right even if it's stupid but some of you are thinking okay that's interesting but nothing I would ever want because I'm not crazy about revolvers and when I do shoot one I want a hammer I can [ __ ] so I can fire single action I can never anything firing double action and I don't want a two-inch barrel I need at least a four inch there's just a lot of reasons that some of you right now you know as a mind-reader did you you're thinking not for me not for me how can you like that little thing you know and I understand that but I I'm weird I love concealed hammer you know look what I did here I mean that's gonna see all this with my favorite guns total yeah in and of course I what I do I buy a model 65 and I shave the hammer so so you know I like a concealed hammer you still have a hammer it's just concealed and if you need a precision shot this baby pull it up bring that trigger back to right there and it becomes single action flick like yeah like on those two liters that's not actually an easy shot oh you know for uh let's use something different here she's no good old-fashioned LED bullets I know it let's do it let's try something wad-cutters they should they cut her a nice round hole see what they do they might do something different to the huh you ever seen though that's a wad cutter pretty interesting you don't have to worry about them feeding you know they tend to feed in a revolver just fine you can come into chambers right but as I was saying you can do a precision shot with it you just have to work with the trigger it's got a wonderful double action trigger all right let's try try watching me not be able to hit either one of them but I'm gonna bring the hammer back there we go and mr. cowboy needs a no but you can get a precision shot at least you know the same kind of shot generally that you can get with a hammer now I can trick this one I can talk it by hand so unloaded but you know same thing you're looking for just a little bit of a trigger pull and boom essentially you can bring that trigger back to where that hammer gets kind of staged and it's ready to fall it's just a little more tension if you've shot very much at all you know when that's going to happen so again so for the folks who who think this totally eliminates the possibility of a precision shot not that you buy a two inch revolver for precision shots right at 80 yards 50 yards or even 20 yards it's a defensive pistol and again this is a chapter to remain ly just shooting it but I guess I find myself talking about it again a lot and I'll link to the first video because you know it I purchased it and I feel like I need to justify that than you all why I would do that Oh Lane I love to bowl you know so I'm kind of trying to give you the reasons from an experienced shooters perspective why a person would like something like this or that specifically okay don't care if Kimber sells another one you know that's not what we're about but it is a farm that I like so you know I don't know what all I might have forgotten to to mention in first video I probably bored you to death with all sorts of things about it you know the 23 ounce weight and in price range and all that sort of thing well again now whatever a year later or more you have more variations of it if it's something you think you would be interested in also again it is well liked in general now you'll find haters I'm sure you can find people who hate hundred-dollar bills so you'll find people who hate it there's no doubt about that you'll probably find some people who have problems with it you know that that's going to happen - generally speaking people like this and as I said they're kind of surprised you know sorry Kimber but people are generally surprised at the quality and not that they don't make quality guns but you know Kimber is a funny company if people either seems like they love them or they hate them and you all can guess the reasons why you know more about than I do maybe but aside from all of that it just doesn't matter this seems like a really quality little handgun I'm going to shoot a couple more times what about not shot I'm not shot any of these plain old lead round those classic 38 specials and as I always preach to y'all I'm gonna get out of revolver you know the versatility is pretty cool in a revolver you get there's so many different types of ammo it'll it'll shoot we've been shooting hollow points I hope here off and on hope you noticed it feeds hollow points just fine it feeds round those lead bullets just fine it even fed those Wow you've got gonna feed those no probably not alright so just something to think about alright well we're gonna shoot how about just some stuff right here let's put it in the holster okay get my underwear showing there alright wow you get my I didn't get I didn't get dressed very well yeah I'll put this holster on and it's hot I've been perspiring so let's get myself dressed there we go that's better alright there's something to be concerned about you know you make sure your shirts are tucked properly and all that kind of thing with holsters especially if you got an inside the waistband holster you got a shirttail messin with it or in the holster and a trigger or you gotta be you know watch all that alright so it is just a small revolver and here's what it's for that's it and if you have a speed loader in your pocket you can pull it out and reload it one of the things that I carry here we go here we go the Bianchi speed strips you've probably seen those you can pop that in there and put two in at a time like that and you need to practice with them but they work well that mean they work pretty well they're not as good as some speed loaders but the beauty of them is that they they fit in your pod you don't even know you've got that in your pocket it's just like a little change or something yeah so if you're carrying a small revolver hopefully you know about those you may have some other good solutions but though I mean those are great those are great I've been using those for a lot of years in fact I had some old ones that were so old they just got brittle and broke apart when I tried to use them one time not in a defensive encounter or anything it is on the range a defensive encounter against two leaders so this this is the camber k6s you know what can I say i I've got a pocket holster for it one thing I was going to show you is the other pocket Austria again you notice it's just a smidgen wider than the jframe it's it's essentially the same size as the jframe I'll show you this is the k-6 holster on us cause we've got a scratch on this jframe see clicks in there the same holster there's just a little more play okay and now this is the jframe holster right here okay now if I put the try to put the k-6 in it I mean it's a little tighter I could carry it in that if I had to and it fits in there it opens up just a little bit more so that gives you an idea the difference in the size right there okay there's just there little difference between these two holsters because there's very little difference between these two firearms okay in terms of width now this one saver all right so what did you want to know tell me like I say I've got the mile sixty-five ounce to kind of demonstrate what it often takes to have six rounds of 357 nine and this would be in a way more suitable if you told me we're gonna be shooting for money here and who can hit the bigger number of animals over there out of 20 shots or something these firearms on the table that's going to be my choice no doubt about it but for a firearm if I'm dedicated to revolver committed to a revolver that I'm gonna have on me at all times easily accessible and something that's going to work up close and dirty you know I'll take this one you know so it's this kind of depends on your your purpose and all that sort of thing what you need it for so chapter 2 by Kimber k-6 - thought I'd update you that you know shoot things that's again it's a different firearm that was in the first video because this one's mine the other one went back to Budds for he gunner auctioned one of you owns it one of you has it right now tell us how it's done for you yeah is it malfunction yeah or whatever so in the update I just want to let you know that I still like this revolver in a kind of revolver person and again I'm a little bit surprised I like it so much but I just can't I couldn't get it totally off my mind you know and that sort of happens you know with a lot of you I'm sure you encountered a firearm that you just liked it and you're maybe surprised you liked it and it's one of those you have on your list maybe it's just a mental list that's where this one was on my mental list and I just decided I needed this really did short barrel stainless steel revolver you know I like them and I like the versatility of it and I like the fact it could be a pocket carry gun that's pretty cool that's pretty cool it's a little heavy maybe for you even for me sometimes but by-and-large it'll work and boil in a belt it's it's definitely not a problem at all you know it's you don't really know you've got that so Kember case success chapter two little update and don't believe a word I said try one out for yourself so again it's expensive that's the negative if you're shooting barn burner ammo it's it's gonna kick you a little bit maybe more than you couldn't stand no I mean more than you really want to stand okay even though it's got a little heft you're shooting really hot 357 magnums and that's all you want to shoot you probably are not gonna like it it does set you back a little bit okay but with lighter magnums or 38 special + P it's a very comfortable shoe and it's it's it's very easy to hit with I think generally speaking of all the shooting I've done with it now I didn't set the roll on fire today over there on the Kong and some thing but I mean generally shoots just fine okay I think it's you humidity it causes my bullets to go kind of off course or something yeah that makes sense glad y'all stopped by we appreciate your support supporting the people that support us you guys you folks over there gone club members we appreciate you all over on patreon channel just everything you all do we appreciate you coming to watch mainly because I don't know why you do it but we're glad you're here life is good oh hey video was still going well since you guys are still here I guess I'll tell you about our friends over STI the Sonoran Desert Institute can check them out of SDI dot edu definitely check them out if you're interested in getting a certification and gunsmithing or an associate's degree in firearms technology they are a fully accredited online distance learning program so check them out at SDI dot edu and also don't forget to check out our friends over at vaulteq safecom you've seen their safes on our shooting table they make some really cool pistol safes and lots of other things so go check them out at their website and then while you're on your computer if you've got the internet which I assume we do if you're looking at these other websites maybe go and check out some of our other stuff like Hickok 45 calm and also you can go to I guess this will be on your phone you can go to you've got any of this on your phone you can go to Instagram be real Hickok 45 at Instagram on Instagram and then there's also he got 45 on Twitter there's Hickok 45 on Facebook there's also the Hickok 45 and son of Facebook and YouTube channel and then John another story [ __ ] 45 on Instagram and there's full30 calm where everywhere we are all over the place on the internet you've got no excuse for not looking at some of our stuff on the internet and just getting those actually lots and lots of really good excuse for that no we also have a patreon now some you guys are interested in supporting us on patreon so we finally finally set that up so you can find this over there just take out 45 over on patreon and man I guess that's all I had to say and I really got a got to take off here and I brought this car cuz I need to get somewhere really fast so let me go ahead and do that and I'll let you guys get back to whatever you were doing and I'll see you later appreciate it all right get the right keys there hopefully it starts am I not
Channel: hickok45
Views: 561,834
Rating: 4.9023485 out of 5
Keywords: revolver, six-shooter, double action, Kimber, K6s, CCW, pocket revolver
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 32sec (2012 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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