Coonan .357 Magnum 1911

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Haycock 45 been experimenting with some new loads for my 1911 think they'll take out a jug Wow try that on over there well that's some powerful stuff let's try it red plate knocked him crazy I'm a two-liter it's got some some junk to it let's try that target see if it'll blow it up Wow all the wonder 357 Magnum Oh 357 sig huh no I don't think it's a 357 sig let's see I've got another magazine full of ammo oh no it's not a Sig it's a 357 Magnum just like this a regular rimmed cartridge like we shoot and our revolvers I'll be darned you already knew that didn't you from the title so what's your simply this magazine is something so we're shooting a regular old 357 Magnum in a 1911 the amazing to me just going over there and wake up the gong ought to reach it it's a 357 got there pretty fast too didn't it let's try the red plate I can't believe I hit it I Church the trigger I don't deserve that hit I take it back it was a terrible let off never felt better probably miss hard to hear the hit it's so loud oh man I was trying to figure how much they rank because they will fall yeah this is the Coonan and 357 Magnum I've had quite a few requests for this over the years finally got one thanks to buds gun shop checked on the website and had one coming from [ __ ] and I thought but it you know there apparently have a hard time making enough of them and so noticed buds had a couple so we appreciate that getting that from bud so or make your sponsor I I've wanted to shoot one for quite a while and well particularly I'll be honest since people have started requesting them so much I it's read I guess renewed my interest in them I remember when they were around back in the late 70s I think early 80s then they changed hands they went out of business a time or two I think and and then they've kind of come back to life you know ownership changes and all those sorts of things in around 2006 or something like that so they've been around maybe it was even later than that 2009 I don't know but in in the last six or seven years they've come back again but they've been around off and on for a good while and I used to hear something negative and mixed reviews about them and you know whether warranted or not about the early models but recently I've heard better things I've heard of people actually carrying them and it being their their 1911 I have a guy in a gun shop not too long ago about a year ago was talking about when you're gonna do a [ __ ] n that's my carry gun unless it really really Coonan he showed something and it said yeah I love it man this is this is the gun new favorite guns ok I guess they're working for you and everything so it's been on our radar here for a little while so we're glad to be able to bring it to you I have to say I'm impressed it's a big old gun that's one reason we have the other one out here at Brown standard size 1911 and other if you can really tell but it it's a little bigger you know get your full length dust cover and they hold them up together maybe a better idea you're kind of you know the regular 1911 full-size is a little smaller and you get your full length dust cover on the Kuhn an and because of that long cartridge you know the grip is just bigger it has to be say it's just bigger than the 1942 so 45 and 45 grip it's just a little bit bigger it's a little bit like a 1911 full-size on steroids and the magazine's I had two mag pass out here too they just have one extra mag you have to but it wouldn't fit in the mag pouches you know so you know it's just a big old long pass you know because the 357 is pretty long pretty long cartridge and that's what we're shooting federal 357 Magnum here it will fire 38 special if you change out the springs that comes with a lighter spring and then this will be going back to bud so you watch for it but we switched it out and shot some 38 these are plus peas but I guess there's a range of power factors variances you know among plus piece that not like this of this plus P ammo we shoot a fair amount of that 38 special from federal and where the box went but it's uh it works pretty well we would have a malfunction occasionally the spring is still a little too tight for it but it's ok you wouldn't want to carry it for self-defense but just for out blinking it was fine but would have an occasional malfunction a hang-up because the it's just not quite hot enough if you've got some more really warm plus P 38 special they would work fine and with their current spring and it doesn't even cycle will slide at all of course on me 357 is a hot round so that's kind of where that goes and anyway it's got a great trigger I'm impressed with it I know I'm gonna be sorry to let go back I have to say it's not it wouldn't be my carry gun or anything but it would be a cool gun to have I have to say John and I have been having some fun with it we changed out the springs like I said I shot some hand loads in it which did ok the 38 special does ok occasional hang-up I think as it gets broken in the 38 special would be fine now with the the full power 357 Magnum we've not had a hang-up yet alright and I've been shooting it for almost a week now off and on and maybe fired around a hundred rounds you know something like that and it's it's not a a bobble mic today you know how that goes that's why we're live here in living color but it has function just fine it's uh you know it's just kind of a 1911 just a little bit bigger it has nice sights on it they're not these aren't night sights but they're nice you're kind of a novak style just full and everything the grips I don't think they're all that good-looking but they're okay says they're walnut that they need to need to cut some good black walnut don't they get some better looking walnut and that's partly because I think I think darker grips look good on a stainless gun well I like this well hey how's that for an example right here clocks by you know don't you think a darker grip or even a stag looks good on stainless gun better than kind of a bland grip but that's minor complain right gun the most important thing is if it works and has a good trigger nice trigger really a target trigger I could live with that trigger on any pistol pretty nice pretty nice and it tames the 357 357 has got some blast if you fired these same rounds and you've seen me do it you know revolver that's some serious blast and a fair amount of muzzle rise but this tames it pretty well well I have to say you know you're you're shooting a real gun let's put a couple more on that paper and then we'll move out somewhere else you might ears in tight alright let's pop a couple quickly here pretty controllable let's pop a pot smoke a pot I see them on the ground there I think I can finish him off maybe we're getting have one more magazine it's pretty interesting standard ol 357 Magnum cartridges been around since uh when Oh 1935 right yeah I remember when they were invented 35 all right let's try a 2 liter sight seemed to be right on can't blame it on the sights when I'm is 49 pretty nice go back over there and do a little hog hunting might make good hauls gun anyway terrible footing here and there's a lot of feet right hi Ken I can shoot them out how I'm standing not sure let's load up again pretty neat I'll be able to tell there when I take a shot at their RAM so if you like 1911's and who this foreign will appeal to people who like 1911 style firearms and people who's like the 357 Magnum cartridge I guess and again you've got a rimmed cartridge I don't have one on me I guess but you know that's the difference I'll bet I could fall in one you're going with semi semi automatic cartridges you know you don't have a rim you know it's like like you do with a revolver cartridge generally and you know it's a challenge that's why you don't see many semi-automatic handguns that fire these kinds of rounds they just weren't designed for that you got your desert eagle the Coonan desert eagles come in 357 44 mag you know the cartridges that's probably some others I just came think over it right away but there aren't many of them manufactured to fire these revolver cartridges and so it's quite an accomplishment to be able to do that and make one that's reliable yeah you can do anything that'll work part of the time looks and looks like she fell but to make it reliable and so far like I said with the magnums and the Magnum spring in there we've had no issues so pretty cool and have been doing some good shooting with I'll have to say better than going right now well I well first couple shots I took were just right on the red plate when I the first very first shots I took with the firearm so the sights are right on so any missing that you might encounter here today is all on me it's a big ol semi heavy gun but you want that you know for this cost really let me try it read play it again let me try those Rams must be hitting it low we're not hitting at all I see I need to be holding up a little bit more and that's what it is yeah it's almost always a windage or an elevation problem or a mo I like hunting goats that's kind of fun especially with a magnum turkey bones digging pretty Nate pretty Nate and what's this guy doing still alive oh boy propane when y'all field a concussion that is a hot round okay I'll let you go here but I've got a few couple of more what am I not lied about regarding this firearm you can see get your kind of style there the external extractor good sights adjustable and you know everything in the 1911 basically it's just set up for a hotter cartridge than the more pressure you know than the 45 ACP and bigger bigger format and I guess I won't take it apart like I could I don't know you want to see it apart it's uh it seems to be well made we've been impressed with it I'm not trying to sell these things I don't care what you have one or not but but I just want to pass along you know what my impressions are it seems to be well made just the know the parts fit and seems a lot of precision and I don't know if you can tell that on camera as much as you know somebody actually fooling with it and taking it apart all the fittings seem tight tight enough and comes me you notice you got your out of your high-power style length there you don't have this typical 1911 link but if you can tell anything from that it just seems like a well-made gun and it's slide and internals and they're not cheap they're they run out what 1213 hundred dollars if you can get one I don't think they're producing that many of them so just a pretty neat gun again it's one of those like I need another gun but I really would not mind having one it's a gun I wouldn't mind owning John I feel pretty much the same way not that we're gonna start carrying something this big and heavy but it's pretty cool pretty cool as as we have lecture to you all before every firearm does not have to have some ultimate purpose like if it's not your carry gun or it's not a firearm you're gonna haunt with why do you have it how about because it's cool how about because it's fun and maybe you will use it someday maybe for hog hunting and who knows but it's a neat probably 95% of the farms out there are not needed right there for ok now [Music] let's see ere we go Boyd Fitzhugh get her lined up their length truck okay pushing back in here I guess we're just back home yeah is that if you know and are familiar with 1911 you know you can't hate it because it's you know it's just a little different some of the parts are interchangeable and some are not but you know it's that's neither here nor there really it's just pretty cool again my the thing that impresses me the most is that it has its pretty sleek and it seems well-made and unlike the desert eagle you know I mean let's face the desert eagle is a brick more or less you know you might think it's a cool gun I've got one and 44 Magnum and old one but I much prefer a firearm like if I were choosing for example between a desert II going 357 magnum in this firearm there'd be no competition yeah unless this one proved unreliable on me or something and it hasn't because it just feels so much like my 1911 is just a little bit bigger all right so shut up she's a little bit more let you go home I know you've come a long way here to get the comp down Tennessee I'm gonna get to fly in somebody drove and it's just a long trip so we're gonna let you get started on your trip home all right like a big old 357 magnum cartridge such a versatile cartridge more versatile though of course in a revolver because it doesn't matter what load you're you're you're shooting it's going to function okay and that's the the thing about any semi-automatic of course is that you know it relies on Springs and spring tension and all that you know working properly but as long as you've got it all you know set up the right way like the spring that's in there and then you know warm 357 magnum ammo and and you'd have to experiment I haven't shot any 125 grain ammo or anything this is 158 but you just have to experiment and make sure your ammo is not to like you know if you're going into a life-or-death situation or hog hunting or something and I have tried some other hits um oh gosh someone gave me some Black Hills 357 Magnum I shot some of that it worked I shot some oh gosh okay that's oh yeah PNC oh yeah one thing I thought was kind of interesting with these magazines holds seven rounds and I was out of shooting mostly federal but I was kind of shooting up some other little junk Tamils in different inks I had and the pmc works too but the magazines would just hold six rounds I thought I was imagining that at first but it was just over and over six round both mags PMC and and I looked at the rims the rim seemed a little bit larger on on the PMC that's got to be hit I mean duh what else could it be yeah so it was interesting incredibly interesting to me whether it is to you or not okay all right let's let's clean up anything needs cleaning up here pretty neat old gun if you're a 357 fan oh I forgot I've got a couple of cinder blocks we should be able to take those pieces out with maybe two shots or lucky I really don't want to shoot too much of a steel that's close but I'll give you an idea let's shoot something on the tree there see if it knocks it around yeah let's do that again pops it around cowboy is pretty much hard to steal we'll put one on yeah it's Center oh no I missed a two-litre how did I do that how could that happen oh man let's make sure the gongs awake I believe he is God one turkey has to fall at least oh let's knock that one off the stand over there he falls a little further dude spun around a bit nice you can see from the way those are swinging they're not like that there's a little bit of power involved here and that's what you get with a 357 Magnum you don't have to go to 44 Magnum get some power and the gun tames it well so like I say I'm pretty fond of it I'll have to say probably not enough to buy one but but it's cool wouldn't be a bad choice to have around for for enjoyment you know I have if I counted how many 357 magnums I have I know it goes into double digits it may go into there maybe 15 or 20 I don't know but I have a lot in both rifle you know and handguns and it's just one of my favorite cartridges always has been it was my first double action revolver I ever owned model 19 you know and I just shoot the heck out of that gun back in 74 73 and I just have always liked that cartridge I know a lot of you do too so if you like 1911's and you like the 357 and you got a hand that's large enough to that this feels okay and you might really like this I'll have to say seems to work that is one fairly important factor is them I hope you enjoyed seeing that thing in action and for you folks that have been requesting it for years here it is the Coonan 357 Magnum I think that's the way you pronounce it Coonan I always want to say [ __ ] and a barbarian or something Conan but it's I think it is [ __ ] Anne but by any name it's pretty cool life is good hi I'm Zeke with the Sonoran Desert Institute and here at STI we're extremely proud to be sponsors of the Hickok 45 Channel you may be asking yourself what is STI STI is an affordable fully accredited distance learning education program we have an emphasis and gunsmithing and Firearms technology if you decide to become a gunsmith you'll need to learn proper gunsmithing techniques and while some people will use an apprenticeship program to gain these techniques a formal education will ensure and organize more comprehensive learning environment but when you choose a gunsmith in school it's still kind of difficult so it's very important that you choose a gunsmithing school that meet the following criteria first look for a nationally or regionally accredited program and whether distance learning online or through a brick-and-mortar ground program a gunsmithing program should always have a hands-on element and finally make sure you look for a school with high student satisfaction find reviews online check out its Facebook or other social media or get on the same social media sites find some alumni and ask to speak with them about their experience and while we're not an STI today I do have some of the firearms I've learned to work on and build myself through the SDI program so let's go take a look at them [Music] okay maybe not we'll just get seriously can I not get a chair that fits me I'm a big guy dude so I guess back to what we were originally talking about above all else find the school that's right for you it's not always going to be the distance education programs or the brick-and-mortar ground schools that are for everybody just make sure you do your research on multiple options before you make that decision but if you want more information on our gunsmithing school just go to WWSD edu or call us at one eight hundred thirty six eight nine three nine
Channel: hickok45
Views: 5,658,182
Rating: 4.8876157 out of 5
Keywords: Coonan, .357 Magnum, 1911, revolver cartridge, rimmed cartridge, 357 Magnum, 158 grain, Magnum, Coonan .357 Magnum
Id: IKM5B7ykQBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2015
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