Kim Kardashian on Living Next to Madonna, Push-Up Bra with Nipples & Which Online Rumors are True

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our first guest tonight has a very scary and very popular show that doesn't involve fighting with her sisters you can see the season finale of American Horror Story delicate Wednesday on FX and the next day on Hulu please welcome Kim [Applause] Kardashian how are you I'm good how are you life is good good everything's good thank you good yes I you know what I heard something about you because we're talking about Madonna today because Garo was I saw that yeah and uh and you apparently or lived on the same block as Madonna yeah she was my next door neighbor when I was like seven and eight years old so did you know I was her dog walker you were yeah Courtney and I would walk her dog after school oh wow yeah in exchange for her jewelry really yeah no seriously like what kind of jewelry are we talking about here it was like she was transitioning out of like the 8S neon phase okay so one day she just walked downstairs and handed us a shoe box of all these like neon bracelets and Courtney and I went to school and everyone was like oh my God I love your bracelets and we were like thanks Madonna gave them to us and everyone was like no that's crazy what do you still have those no oh wow I know that's crazy a collector's item really C so this was like pre just before the pointy bra phase of Madonna I think so she did she give you any pointy bras I wish would you go like trick-or treating at her house no so what's so crazy is I never so then years later I watched her shoot her cherish video shot by her britz me and my friend were on the beach and it was just the most magical moment you were there at that as a kid yeah she's in like a black dress right and rolling around in the ocean yeah and her hair is short andet can you tell I um watch that video a few times and then at 134 you see just a hint of her breast um and then never would I have ever dreamed in my wildest dreams that as an adult I would then be neighbors with her myself and our homes we lived in the same area again and again yeah and it was like it just crazy and she like I don't you know I have neighbors I never see I never see anyone occasionally just walk in a dog you see people but I never really you would you would we ran into each other actually trick-or-treating for real yeah you did we both had like masks on and we were like going to the same house and then we like looked at each other and I was like m Kim and we were like oh hey yeah and then what kind of masks did you and Madonna have on just like black ski masks oh ski mask not be seen wa weren in costume it was just it was just us hiding so that our kids can go trick-or-treating so the kids can go trick-or-treating yeah right wow with hers I was with mine and would you guys knock on other celebrities doors I would imagine this is like a celebrity neighborhood I mean I don't know who lived there you don't know they very well could be but you got good candy yeah Madonna allowed her children to eat candy she seems very healthy she's very healthy but I mean I take it and then throw it away you do or donate it or donate it hey you know if your kids um if you take away their candy next time videotape it and I'd like to have that kind of a hobby of mine yes I know I know um okay so now I mentioned Madonna and her pointy bra and I wanted to ask you about your uh bras um your shapeware actually your company skims yes which is I for people don't know you are not only a celebrity but you have are an inventor yes you've invented the um and this is kind of Genius really because you've invented the U bra with built-in nipples yes it is our nipple bra and honestly I wasn't expecting all of the amazing feedback that we got from a lot of breast cancer survivors that really have oh well that kind of ruins my line of [Applause] questions I'm going to [Applause] um I mean that's that's wonderful forget I said that forget I said that that's so wonderful I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that um no but what I'm wondering is first of all was this actually your idea to put the nipples in there yes and that is actually molded after my own boobs your own boobs yeah yeah the whole oh so there's more than just nipples there's like a pading it's a pad yeah it's a pad with a nipple on it so if you wanted to feel nippy if you saw a woman walking around with this on would you recognize oh those are my boobs like would you know I would actually you would I think so cuz Chloe was wearing it this is and Scott made a comment like this is a little inappropriate he was saying it's inappropriate and then she was like oh no they're not mine they're Kim's and he was like what and yeah now if you have any leftover like Skittles that you're going to throw out for Halloween you could use those too that would be nice what happens if it gets cold are there then four nipples on the padding is super thick super thick yeah but then I I would like wear this and I showed up to a meeting once and I was so insecure that I was like covering my hair just to not show them uhhuh yeah so I think we're going to make one with like a half nip oh like like not as hard you know like like a half CH like a warm weather nipple yeah yeah so it's just not as uncomfortable and you never thought about like just like a adding a third one somewhere just for the hell of it cuz I think that would make some people very happy and you also make men's um uh undergarments yes yes well we make uh underwear loungewear work we're going to come out with uh our shapewear for men shapewear for men okay because now I think somehow actually send them out because I think some of the women's shape Weare works for the you see what I'm saying I love it well you look amazing I'm not I'm not going to look there but are those your real nipples GMA or uh yes they my real nipp those are real okay and they're warm how does it feel how does it it feels good very tight very tight everything is very tight that's the point of it right is to be tight yeah all right and then you think that this needs any adjustments as Kim moves into the world of men's shapewear or is this good how it is would you wear shapewear men's shapewear this is not men's shapewear but I mean it could be you look amazing in it well sure I will wear it if you make me look good I'll wear anything yeah well we see that yeah yes would you consider um you using gmo's stomach as the mold for the men shape well and maybe we if you know if the guy had an Audi that could be a nice little bump in there also you you want to be our fit model oh wouldn't that be great oh that would be fantastic I know we're joking about this well will you please make him I'm actually not oh great yeah yeah yeah all right all right go put on some clothes Kim cardashian is here her show is American Horror Story delicate we'll be right back go put on a robe uh I hate to tell you m Corbin but uh that's not how this works I hate to tell you Dr Hill that's exactly how this will work I'm going to give you the life of your dreams I'm going to send you every high-profile wealthy patient who will do anything for a baby spend anything for a baby you will become a number one fertility specialist in New York City while always looking amazing and all you have to do is do exactly what I say how does that sound that is K Kardashian an American Horror Story delicate the finale is on Wednesday on fex and the next day on Hulu so now uh you must love do you love doing that I I can't it's so funny I can't watch it back I get so nervous that's the first time I've seen it I just I can can watch my show but I can't watch anything like it just I don't know I get so nervous I think that's very common in fact often times yeah when we come back from the commercial and the clip is playing uh the guests will like turn their head away or start talking to me whatever because they don't want to watch themselves acting yeah it's so it's such a weird fil but you must like it because it takes so much time and also you get paid so much more to be you than to be somebody else right basically yeah I I will say when I I filmed for four months but I would go for a really intense week and I was doing promo and filming and everything and back to back to back so really long days and I called my sisters and I go guys you are not to say you'd ever want to get into acting but you are so lucky you can wake up and just we can sit in bed and film and you don't have to get up hair and makeup film your own hours like there's no schedule you called them and said you guys are so lucky nobody's calling you to be in their [Music] shows they're like did it I just I read into things that's all yes you um how are you and Donald Trump right now I think on the outs right no good um listen I don't think he likes me very much but I I'm okay you know I think he did amazing stuff with prison reform and let a lot of people out and signed an amazing Bill the first step act and so that's what I'll focus on did he ever let gas in your presence no no so he saves that for court situation you uh obviously people are interested in your life and the things that you do and they write things sometimes they're true sometimes they're not and I have some things that are kind of interesting I want to run by you and you tell me if they're true or false you mind all right uh is it true you blow dry your jewelry before you put it on very true why do you do that because I hate being freezing and when you put on cold jewelry or like anything with a zipper I just I need it warm really and then to put it on how much jewelry are you wearing that it changes the temperature of your body or just like a a mesh metal Dr anything that's like a chain mail yeah when I wear chain mail I understand yeah that makes you wash your feet every night before getting into bed I do good you sleep with your eyes slightly open I do how is that possible and how do you know there's footage cuz my sisters have taken videos oh they have I see yes and you don't wake up with dry eyes from that no no all right um you uh celebrated your 14th birthday at Neverland Ranch I did that's crazy oh wow um you have someone take the Starbucks sleeve off your coffee because you hate the sound of cardboard and I yes that's true and I hate the feeling is that a a like is that somebody's only job is that the like a it's like there one guy who does that or a woman I don't want to you know uh whoever I'm with I just can't see it being done or I can't hear it and I can't feel it like the cardboard getting moved off of the cup is like nails on a chalkboard to me wow yeah so when the Amazon delivery driver comes do you like run upstairs this fear of cardboard that you have only on a coffee W all this stuff is true so far um you had your own workout DVD called Kim kardashi and fit in your jeans by Friday [Music] true a long time ago a long long time ago you can change attire I can who taught you um probably my stepdad really yeah and I had I've had to do it um you founded your own church my mom did your mom did yeah yeah your mom founded a church huh some of these not supposed to be true but they really are and you guys didn't know is it true that you have six toes no but that was a thing like everyone thought I did on one foot or total on one foot on one foot cuz you would have 11 toes then or possibly 12 and it you could put one of those little toes in the the bra if you needed to right well it's very good to see you uh thank you for coming and for answering all these very important questions the uh finale of American hor story delicate is Wednesday night 10 o'clock on FX the next day on Hulu Kim Kardashian everybody thank you Chim be back with Ron Rodriguez [Applause]
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 578,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Hollywood, Los Angeles, West Coast, Guest, Celebrity, Actress, Superstar, A-list, Model, Kim Kardashian, American Horror Story, FX, Kardashian, Hulu, Skims, True or False, Donald Trump, Madonna, Trump, Guillermo
Id: QlBI5Q1Vn14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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