Kim Kardashian & Hailey Bieber play Truth or Shot & make ice cream sundaes | WHO’S IN MY BATHROOM?

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hey everyone and welcome to another episode of who's in my bathroom delivered by gopuff today we have yet another situation as per usual in the bathroom [Music] and I'm very excited today because my next guest is none other than Kim Kardashian [Applause] oh my God your bathroom it's amazing right welcome thank you so much for being here of course welcome to who's in my bathroom so exciting for me so as you know we like to ask each guest what their favorite food is or what they want to eat in the bathroom and you requested ice cream ice cream I love ice cream I'm a vegan at home but when I leave home when you're at who's in my bathroom not vegan but we did have vegan options for you just in case so maybe oh you know you want to just do a little mixture yeah we also we have dibs for you those are my fans go for it dive in I'll eat with you this is like your thing huh I feel like we've gone to a few candy Shacks together Palm Springs this is how we live every episode we like to play a game so I need to really quickly order something for today's game okay I'm gonna use gopuff to get it here really quickly okay is it a drinking room maybe potentially so I know shows like this usually you know the game and the questions and everything ahead of time and they tell your publicist and they go back and forth I don't like that I'm always like let's wing it don't tell me great I love that about you yeah so it's ordered okay you'll see in about 30 minutes or less okay what it's gonna be so we got Ben and Jerry's although we love okay vegan show me how you're gonna do it and I'm just gonna try the Kim special okay I'm a very Oreo caramel vanilla kind of girl I think I'm gonna go chocolate chip cookie dough a little bit of caramel maybe some peanut M M's Oreos and dibs on top wow that is the vibe well this is fun because we know each other we do and I don't know if people really know how well we know each other I feel like I really watched you grow up like there was I was thinking about it the other day I moved in with my mom when I was like 32 years old as you do had as one normally does I got to live with Kendall and Kylie there were 17 and 18. it was so fun to be able to assess the situations we go way back obviously so I remember being like wait wow right not bad for 11 A.M Ben and Jerry's should call us this is a new flavor this is the kimchi special wow what I was going to say is that I just feel like a lot of monumental things would happen at Chris's house he would go over and he like never knew who was going to be there what was going to happen are we going to be up till four in the morning yeah what is going on I wonder if the parents thought that my friends their parents would always trust me because I was always like the goody two shoes Never Gonna sneak out Never Gonna sneaky drink or smoke or anything so they'd probably let them come over and then Courtney would take them and like be the Shady one but I was the one is like the pawn to be trusted I want to talk to you because I launched a company my first time ever and like I saw every stage of that and I was so proud of you because we've talked about it for so long I remember seeing you at church and I was testing out all my skin products and you said to me what are you using your skin has never looked better and I was like okay yes I'm on the right track because you love skin care you've always been so just knowledgeable you know I remember leaving there being like Haley thinks my skin looks amazing and I was wearing no makeup and I just left feeling so confident that makes me so happy because I also remember in the beginning of this the first person that I called for any advice was you and I was like hey yeah I really don't want to bother you but like this is my idea and this is what I want to do like what would you say how would I start because I really wanted to do it from the ground up and I remember you giving me so many good pieces of advice in terms of like here's how I did it this is a way that worked for me I think you have to find the way that is going to like be the best thing for you as Haley that was really valuable advice for me when you're first starting a company no one does it like you right so just always know that and feel confident in that too yeah you have a very busy life other than your multiple businesses how do you feel like you do that and you have four beautiful kids so what is like balance for you well I think my workouts in the morning give me peace of mind and without them I wouldn't be as mentally strong as I am I'm really micromanaged and I think I used to be like my schedule was like to the minute of exactly what I was doing even today on the way here one of my kids fell has to go you know to the dentist to check a tooth if it's chipped you know and you just have to be okay with chaos every parent that acts like they have their together is acting yeah so winging it is my way of coping it's just the reality I'm winging everything foreign something you and I have also talked about you deal with the most publicly and I'm always like this is how I'm feeling and like should I say something or should I not you always have like the most sound perspective was that always the case for you I think everything is a Learning lesson like I don't have time to flip-flop I've learned sometimes I've spoken out and I'm like why did I say that that I gave that so much more attention than it needed to have and then sometimes it's just you want to stick up for yourself and you want to say something so I'm pretty decisive I think also I hate like to be this person but like with age you know you just don't really care the way that you used to and when you do have kids and you do have your business and you have things that you you need to show up for people all this other stuff is noise when you have a lot of responsibility and people that depend on you you got to stay focused and you gotta get through it you don't have time to really be taken off your course people want to believe what they want to believe and you can't change that so it's about finding your inner peace and like you being okay with that you know Chloe gets a lot of and I just get so protective of her because I feel like she gets it the worst yeah and it's so frustrating and people don't ever like want to take a second to be like she's human every once in a while I clap back if I'm just in the mood and I can't handle it I'm like dude you know it didn't go down like that this is it and I always have the facts Kim always has the facts period the end Kim the facts and the receipts that's who you want to go to I have so many receipts about recent things that I just trust me I'm in family shots and I'm like should I press the red button should I do this and everyone's like no no no the Kim red button oh when it happens I can't control myself right so I just try to stay Zen life is good so speaking of truth yes you guessed it we are playing a drinking game we are so we're playing truth or shot I feel like I'm already drunk from the sugar I'm not gonna do good at this you're gonna have a question you'll read it if you choose not to answer it you have to take a shot a shot if you choose to answer then you're good okay I have to drink anything okay the person who answers the most truths will be the winner okay the loser has to post the other person in their Instagram story with a caption of their choosing cool I'm gonna win okay truth or shot [Music] we're ready for truth or shot as per usual in under 30 minutes the go puff has arrived which has the goods for the game thank you so much we have the tequila so we have eight one eight and we have the new 818 Reserve you guys this bottle is so Chic and so beautiful it's so cool I think that's the one we should drink all right should I pour our shots yes ma'am nothing like 818 as she pours please pick up a shot I'll take a full one what we're trying to get spicy in the bathroom Kim that's what we do here okay then I'll have to give myself a little more nice good to go good to go I'm gonna ask you first okay okay you know you better be spicy questions okay it's gonna I'm ready okay what's better angry sex or makeup sex makeup sex isn't that like the best because it's like each other and you're passionate and you you know are making up and yeah yeah what turns you on the most I've been kissing I like them yeah I love a makeout yeah yeah this is so tame you're like how nice is that it's so cute oh okay we got it we gotta go a little deeper here what gives you the ick so many things but like off the top of your head it's like this is like get away from me I mean hygiene for sure if there's any issues like don't talk to me ever who would you call to bury a body probably you yep I got you yeah I really think I know when this I got you that's how I was able to answer so fast what was your worst date ever should I drink on that one that's up to you I'm just gonna drink on this one yay yay yay we're just gonna have a drunk Kim today great have you ever joined the mile high club yes same piece I was gonna say I should I don't even need to ask you that why why do you not need to ask me that you own a plane I thought you were just saying like of course what's something you're glad your mom doesn't know about you hmm that's a good question I feel like you guys tell your mom everything yeah no she literally knows everything yeah I actually love that you guys are like that with your mom because I'm like yeah Kris Jenner is like the Chamber of Secrets she really is she's a vault she is a vault to that woman [Music] who is the most surprising person to ever slide in your DMs honestly I've like looked like even in the general ones I'm like does anybody like hit me up and like try to say anything like strange but like people really don't and that is like the God's honest truth is that I've never gotten like a sneaky even before I was married no like I never had like oh this person like you'll never guess this person like slid into my DMs like I don't have a story on that I'm sure you do a lot of people slide into my DMs I'm not gonna lie a lot of inappropriate people I mean I'm not surprised but I just won't respond like you live your life but I'll tell you a few wow that's bold Beyond okay this is my last question okay if you had to choose who is your current celebrity crush I almost want to take a drink because I kind of want it to come true well then like maybe this is you shooting your shot no I'm going to privacy these days okay so she has a crush she just doesn't want to say that's cute for you I think you won yeah the rules are rules okay so I have to take a photo of you me on the insta story this has been another very amazing episode of who's in my bathroom delivered by gopuff thank you Kim Kardashian for being here thank you this has been so much fun make sure to like subscribe and don't forget to ring the notification Bell and I will see you next time delivery lady hello and she came with the girls hi oh those are the people here don't judge me on my face okay I have seen you take shots in my lifetime I've taken a shot with you and like your soul leaves your body it's a rare occasion and but when it does I can never prepare myself right no matter what it is and once I got there I was like oh moral of the story never gets set up by Kris Jenner tell us about an incident you regret today I mean how long is this show hahaha seriously that's there's too many [Music]
Channel: Hailey Rhode Bieber
Views: 2,818,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Egs8T_Xu9EE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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