Killing EVERYONE in Baldur's Gate 3 like you've NEVER seen before...

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I've been wondering one specific thing ever since Boulders gang came out is it possible to kill every NPC in the entire game to answer that question I asked my innocent friend Maria and my equally messed up friend attakus to join a new game and do that exact thing this would include friends the enemies our followers and I guess ourselves eventually oh my God it happens a lot unintentionally anyway in this video we will only be covering act one as fitting all three acts into one video would probably make me want to oh my god so let's begin our story where all great stories begin birth what do I want to play what's what's what's evil you know um GI yank gross man y'all are just being straight racist right now our first step into the game was to make the most fear inducing evil characters imaginable I think I've picked the most evil looking haircut why you laughing because he just going to pull up looking the ugliest ever you take that bag okay sure he's not the best looking guy out there but with a name like evil there's no doubt he'll be striking fear into the hearts of everyone he meets I'm evil I'm I'm evil time lead the way um she's picking up none of the context clues and so with our Ultimate Team acquired we use LEL for now and took quick work of the tentacle Monster Ship not without leaving Shadow heart behind on purpose and stealing this fire sword and even though we were out of hell my team still wasn't warming up to my dashing good looks so first purchase is definitely getting that man a helmet now since this was a Slaughter your friends and family run Maria wasn't too keen on doing it so I made her a deal we would keep aarian and Gail alive since they were her favorite however there's one major problem with that Addie hates them no Mar stop the deal was we don't touch him for both of your sake for both of your sake pick one who lives G you have to pick one for who lives kale or aaran so as Maria ran to secure aaran dialogue Addie and I waited by Gail's portal for Maria to join us so he could traumatize her what are you going like ertic SE his arm or something it's funny you mention that Annie decided to go the dark urge route this game probably to ease his murderous conscience by saying he was just doing what my character would do after we took Gil's favorite hand We rescued Lazelle from tlinks only for Addie to surprise me with no hesitation when it came to murdering her then we proceeded to take her clothes because they're good for gameplay or whatever have you seen what happens if you put the underwear on Gil uh it's just tell me why you naked right now bro you're glowing I look good in this outfit Maria put those pants back on jeez what about your pants there's nothing wrong with my outfit our first Big Challenge was right around the corner trying to enter the Grove with as many casualties as possible we decid to Long rest first however but not without Addy trying to kill aaran first I didn't kill Gail per se you didn't I'll give you that but that doesn't mean we kill aaran he he's just some eye candy that sits in our camp are you not enough Griffin I am enough you're right let's get going in blind our big plan for this fight was to Target the good guys and help out the Goblins I struggled to hit this one person for four turns while Addie and Maria took out will who hopped in the fight heroically only to die two turns later however once all the the Goblins were dead out front we tried to finish out the guys to th out the herd for later on but they decided to finally fight back for some reason seeing as zor was still up top best plan was to retreat and come back stealthily we soon figured out though that they really didn't seem to care we were good to waltz around and plan to destroy him from the inside it's also here that we found shadowart who we all thought would have died on the ship don't worry we'll kill her too but right now she really didn't seem to care about our evil doings so we used her I'm evil time lead the way we plotted deviously outside the druid's Grove and headed inside to find kaga Addy was starting to get cold feet about his whole dark urge path however and he needed a little encouragement I don't it is po to see here's the problem man kill the girl when when I play the death of a child a Timeless tragedy that never grows old flick your eyes the exit so the child will try to run Eddie number one come on I'm a villain not a monster I'm a villain not a monster I did not hesitate to cut Gail's hand off Gil though no oh she tried it uh oh oh God also Eddie you can talk to her parents after this by bury the remains your eyes look sick though after that we gave the news to her parents and ruined their weekend killed an ow Bear's mother because we had no sympathy left in our bodies and interrupted this ogre's business meeting our big plan was to use the Goblins to murder everyone from the druid's Grove meaning we can't just kill all the Goblins as soon as we show up so we had to talk our way in wait who's who's got the best talking is that Maria Mar are you talking character oh it's definitely Maria no Maria no Addie practices Riz on the ogre outside the the gay to prepare for his number one true love Menara Maria and I both used our heads while he was thinking with something else entirely but but mother we're going back to her dog after I keep it in your pants man after skillfully taking down hen it was time for our plan to be set in motion and for Addy to show off his questionable idea of flirting Addie I can tell she's having a hard time keeping eye to eye contact hey I she was finally on her side thanks to Addie and we headed out to commit terrible crimes I picked myself up a surprise tool for later we broke the news to zor with a parting gift as well but what happened we've seen the massing in the woods ooh about that he didn't take it too well and I guess all that negative energy must have blown up our gift to him this act of kindness set off a war in the Grove which would become our first major challenge the tlinks were easy though they kindly bunched themselves in room so we didn't have to search for them it's like taking candy from a baby no wait it's like Taking Lives from babies with her battle against The Druids I would put my surprise tool to use I learned that having a throwing weapon with a Tavern brawler feet would Grant massive damage and with this returning Pike I would always have this weapon to throw and the best part is I always had a high chance to hit my target yeah turns out that the 80% chance you see on the screen actually means 80% chance to miss because I probably missed 80% of my attacks this entire fight and then this bird shows up like he owns a place which he probably does but even when I did land a hit he just turned right back into one but when everyone was down at the end I had a plan in mind to run screaming for help which worked mind you and the bird was no match for the seventh spear I threw at him ending The Grove with that being out of the way we could finally relax and throw a party and Addie got his moment alone with all of us watching Are you seriously watching porn by yourself n I'm with my after that Addie immediately had a wet dream about snapping manara's neck and tucking her into bed and we all woke up refreshed and ready for more crimes one thing we didn't anticipate however was the Goblins not being there after the party we were told that they moved on to act two so if they're gone from act one that's good enough for me all that just made me realize though that we have a lot more left to complete it speedrun sound [Music] w uh and then this random pantsless lady walked into our camp and we had no clue what to make of it h what the f what that's not the sound I expected she seemed nice too nice Addie and I figured that if she found our music good then we knew she was lying time to put her to the test Eddy we are we are we are so hot and then we got distracted we're come check us out don't we just exude sex okay bye even after the full proof test we still couldn't trust her but we let her stay anyways fortunately for us Addy toses and turns into sleep and he must have accidentally sliced her abdomen open vertically top to bottom with with his claws on accident but that's okay she left a Beautiful Pain for us when we woke up and we were off to kill the ha no harm no foul so for now we played the good guy by killing two guys harassing an old lady and talk to a gnome that had a scarely good impression of a sheep Maria wasted no time killing the second biggest threat to aarian while attakus was being racist why are you killing him he doesn't do anything wrong just Eddie our literal mission is killing everyone shut up yeah a lot of people I done anything wrong we murdered them why is he the exception The Druids were evil I think you're racist it was now that we confronted the hag you're thick for saying so thank you and Addy needed her to scratch an itch the hag smelled something nasty though and I followed the stench up to a table outside excuse me can can I I haven't seen my waitress in a while as much as I love the food here it's covered in I see that and the toad teapot while amazing is full of uh excrement do you want more can I get it to go up now with a smelly little man at our side we ran down after the hack killing everything that moved and didn't move Addy found a mask that challenged my Dash and good looks looks now I look at this and we saved Marina from the cage then we bullied the hag into letting us eat her hair and made sure the dead stayed Dead next thing you know we're throwing all our belongings onto the GI yanki and moving on to the mountain pass this weirdo saw us as capable and wanted to steal an egg for her uh but that was morally wrong so we killed her these ghouls tried to take our lunch money then we enjoyed a romantic stroll down to the ganki temple the gith yanii did our job for us with some halflings and then we uh played pest control with some unethical means he's got a firewine belly I forgot I had a FL sword I think we're fine huh well we're going to do that again boom we killed some birds stole an artifact killed some cats flirted with some GI Yankee smash next question pass pass pass and then I drew a mustache on this painting that was even better than mine Edie chose to have a seizure and then blame the doctor on it which began our journey to kill the entire Crush give it no no and then close the dooring me up nobody home prob they ever figure out how to get through the door she's like oh no the door's open oh no no we both missed that's great oh AR attack no she'll probably run in cuz there's yeah where's she going okay get her Shadow heart she sh sh on the B next game chy War Gaz which we pierced claw slash and gave brain injury to make it to their God invited to kneel wave politely yeah now she kneels for us oh is she going to kiss you those dry lips no I'm good I didn't still think but Shadow art here what are you doing you wait what I wish you what wait please tell me we don't have to do that fight again man that's crazy that's why I stay dead silent because I knew that out cuz I like he's going to pick the funny option of course I'm going to pick the funny option it's funny back in we went to Smite claw Smite and sented the ER to now instead suck up to the queen she told us to kick someone out living rentree in her artifact not before we robbed her blind because we didn't learn our lesson the first time turns out the person in the artifact was our Guardian keeping us alive the whole time but you know the title of this video to got him guys before we moved on to kill the rest of the temple Eddie devoted his life to our brand oh nice I like it why is Maria naked again don't make me throw the child at you oh put the child down man don't make me do it I'm going to put in the fire no but don't put him in the fire he's just really into the fire it's really cold now we were ready with evil the handsome spear throwing leader subscribe the mighty fire breathing tank and uh the Unstoppable door closing bare nothing could stop us from ending the world [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] everyone come over to me I got a nice place where we can celebrate I don't like this stance because it's like Griffin's the figurehead and I'm going to have to be behind him we completed the challenge it took us like 40 hours please just stand over here with me look cool we do look really cool push anybody no there we go this is how it should be wait no I'm the leader no no no I'm the leader okay you're the lead the leader yeah we got to get the child out all right thank you for your valant effort show we don't need you anymore uh awkward thank you for your valant effort show we don't need you anymore well guys this is it we did it except not really we're not done yet wait what do you mean we still got the underd dark to do dude there's no way I forgot about I was actually excited to be done I was so excited to be done you ruined it Maria you ruined it that's crazy oh I guess it's just Maria and I and our child our child who that's a development [Music] fire
Channel: DisappointMint
Views: 57,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disappointmint, mint, disappointment, bg3, baldur's gate 3, no survivors, act 1
Id: giYJJSRG43s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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