KillerKid 16 year old Girl acting out of rage or mentally ill ? MurderMystery&Makeup | Bailey Sarian

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hi guys how are you today my name is Bailey Syrian and today is Monday which means murder mystery and makeup Monday shine shine shine shine shine shine shine so if you're new here every Monday I've been sitting down getting ready and then telling you a true-crime while getting ready you should definitely subscribe if you like true-crime makeup and stories true stories have I convinced you all right let's go so today's story is a little short I mean kind of not really hear me out I went down this rabbit hole of child killers I know I'm disturbing but I stay up late into the night and I just like find these articles and I started reading them I went down this rabbit hole just like children who are horrendous awful great birth control so I thought I would tell a story about Brenda Spencer I didn't know who she was I had no idea that this was even like this happened so maybe it's new to you as well also all of the products I use will be in the description box below but other than that let's get into what Brenda Spencer has going on so Brenda Spencer okay she was born in 1962 she lived in San Diego or San Carlos which is like a neighborhood of San Diego so San Diego when a story takes place she was 16 years old so at 16 years old she was 5 2 she had bright red hair her parents had separated when she was pretty young and she ended up I mean she's already young in this story so she's young in general so her parents separated and she ended up staying living with her father so his name is Wallace and they lived in San Diego still and right across the street from Grover Cleveland elementary school and they lived in poverty I mean they Brenda would say that they didn't have any furniture in the house they had one mattress in the home and that's where they slept they shared the bed there was beer cans all throughout the home as well because Wallace was a drinker and then there wasn't much else like in the home it was just a mattress Wallace the father he wasn't around much he was an alcoholic he was verbally Yussef and her mother was just completely disconnected she wanted nothing to do with Brenda or her ex at all she remarried and like started a new family so in school Brenda was like the bad girl she didn't want to be there she was either ditching or like going to smoke cigarettes would brag about smoking weed or doing drugs or drinking acquaintances said Brenda expressed hostility towards policemen and had spoken about shooting one and had talked about doing something big so she can get on television so Brenda hated school right and she just like had no interest in it but she actually fell in love with photography and she won a prize in a Humane Society competition she did really well like she got recognized for her photography work or like her hobby in school and a lot of people would say like she could have done something with that she attended Patrick Henry high school and then one teacher was interviewed would say that she was always falling asleep in class and she was just always like giving problems I think there was always someone in our classes like in high school or whatnot middle school that was always just kind of like the quote unquote like problem child which was sad because you know like it was probably something that was really going on at home and later it was found out when she was in custody we'll get to it I'm kind of fast-forwarding but later and what it was found out when she was in custody they did testing on her to see like just see like how her brain was working they found out that she had damage to her temporal lobe in her brain she said she fell off of a bicycle when she was like six or seven and hit her head really bad and when you have damage to your temporal lobe it mainly revolves around hearing and selective hearing or listening selective listening it receives sensory information such as sounds and speech from the ears it is also key to being able to comprehend or understand meaningful speech helping us compute with someone saying like if it doesn't work our front temporal lobe it means that we can't comprehend words so they think that that was important because maybe that's why she didn't do on school but also maybe that's why I like it her to do certain things I don't know our brain is like our brain is nuts man so Brenda ended up going to a continuation school because of how many true and true and C's she had so she went to the continuation school and when she was there in 1978 one of the faculty members at the school would talk to Brenda and Brenda would express how she was very depressed and she wanted to kill herself the faculty member had to tell Brenda's father about this but instead Brenda's father just denied it she's not to press were you talking about like she's fine do your job pretty much so he just didn't take it seriously I don't I mean I'm sure in like 1978 it was just like it was a different time so when they found out someone was depressed it was probably like just go outside you're fine walk it off so what Brenda's father just kind of ignored it and whatever but you know there was like a little warning Brenda would say later on like all throughout her childhood and her teenage years she was really depressed and she tried to kill herself on numerous occasions she would try overdosing on pills or drinking her dad's alcohol that we just leave around and it would make her more depressed because whenever she tried to kill herself she would fail like she would wake up and it would make her upset because like she wasn't good at anything this is how she felt she wasn't good at anything she wasn't even good at killing herself so it just made her more depressed and her father was just completely absent like he had no clue that any of this was going on because he just wasn't around so she pretty much lived at this house by herself could you imagine no furniture nothing there's some mattress in your place and that's it like what are you supposed to do yeah she had like no guidance or anyone to look up to so sad so Brenda who was known to hunt birds in the neighborhood she was arrested for shooting out the windows of Cleveland elementary with a BB gun she said she was trying to hunt these birds and then she also got arrested for burglary she broke into someone's house we don't know why but after that she was on probation and she had to go check in with a probation officer and in December she a psychiatric evaluation it was arranged by her probation officer and he recommended that Brenda be admitted to a mental hospital for her depression because she had expressed how depressed she was but her father had to give permission for her to go and he refused to give her permission so I feel like the people around her are seeing the signs that she's not doing well and they're trying to get her help but her father is just refusing any kind of help for her so then Christmas 1978 rolls around and Brenda just wanted a radio so she tells her father that's what she wants and then on Christmas Day she gets her gift from her father sorry I'm not laughing I'm just like laughing in disbelief but he ends up getting her point 22 caliber rifle with a telescopic sight and 500 rounds of ammunition perfect for a 16 year old love that in an interview later on they asked Brenda like why would your dad get you this and she just said quote I asked for a radio and he bought me a gun I felt like he wanted me to kill myself which is really sad so I'm sure it's safe to say that Brenda was not having the best upbringing her father's a piece of [ __ ] her mother is a piece of [ __ ] and she's just having a really rough time so then Monday January 29th 1979 rolls around Brenda doesn't feel well so she decides to stay home from school that day her father wasn't home he was out doing whatever he does it was still early that morning like there was a elementary school across the street she grabs her rifle she's sitting by the window she sees all the kids outside and all these kids would wait outside the gate and then the principal would come open up the gate and then all the kids would go into the school Brenda decided to take her rifle and point it outside the window and sadly she started shooting at the kids and the principal and anyone she could that were just standing around she ended up injuring about eight students she ended up killing a faculty member that was just trying to protect and help the children then she killed a custodian that was trying to help the faculty member that she shot and the principal got shot and he ended up passing away somebody had a call to police a police officer finally shows up and when he shows up he was shot in the neck Brenda ended up firing 30 rounds or over 30 rounds and then after she fired the 30 rounds she ended up barricading herself inside her home for nearly seven hours while she was in her home she had a telephone conversation with a journalist who reported why she had done it and when Brenda was asked why she did it I kid you not her response he's gonna piss you off her response was I don't like Mondays this live-ins it up when I read that I was like what excuse me she later also spoke with police negotiators telling that those she had shot made easy targets and that she was going to come out shooting after being in her home for seven hours she eventually came out and she was arrested obviously police officers found beer and whiskey bottles all throughout the home when they went inside but Brenda did not appear to be intoxicated at the time of her arrest Brenda was tried as an adult and she pled guilty to two counts of murder and assault with a deadly weapon she was sentenced to prison for 25 years to life and while in prison Brenda was diagnosed with epilepsy and she received medication to treat her epilepsy and depression and she stays at the institution for women in Chino California so she's been in prison right and then in 1993 she was eligible for parole I know what she killed people how she legible for parole the legal system makes absolutely no sense to me but she was illegible for parole and this is where like Brenda starts to tell more of what happened like why she did it whatever in parole and the parole hearing that's where she said like her father was molesting her since day one like he had been molesting her all of her life and that's why he never wanted her to go anywhere pretty much and that's why they slept in the same bed and it was an ongoing thing that the day of the shooting she was on a bunch of pills she was on uppers and downers she smoked some weed that's kind of what made her do it which I thought was a stupid excuse but whatever and her father had not he didn't deny these things the parole board chairman said that she had never made these allegations before she had never said that she had taken drugs or that her father had sexually molested her so they didn't even know like if it's true or not they don't know what to believe and they kind of like highly doubted it and then in 2009 the parole board ruled Brenda would be denying parole and she would not be considered for the next ten years and so what that means is in ten years she would be eligible for parole again guess what [ __ ] 2019 is here so Brenda is legible for parole this year 2019 I'm not sure when though I'm very curious I found the transcript from her 2005 parole hearing and I was just kind of reading what she had to say cause curious I mean she's like she was 16 when she was arrested and she's like hella old now [ __ ] and Brenda had said that like you know she was severely depressed she was trying to she wanted to get help for her depression she had a father who was abusing her and that she just wanted to die that was her reasoning she said she took a bunch of pills that day she was trying to kill herself and then she decided that she was she saw like officers police officers outside of the school so she decided that she was going to take the gun and try to shoot at the police officers not not like hitting them but like at them to get their attention so then that the police officers grabbed out their guns and then shoot back and kill her like that was her plan because she wanted to die but she was unsuccessful at killing herself so she thought maybe I could get these police officers to shoot me instead and she sang this back in 2005 so it's like obviously you and I know that makes logically no sense you have a gun if you want to kill yourself for Brenda I'm speaking hypothetically I'm speaking hypothetically I'm not saying anybody should do this but like you would just take the gun and you would shoot yourself like you couldn't really you can mess that up but like for the most part come on you know she really was trying if her goal was really to get shot that day she could just done herself she wouldn't have used a police officer to try and chew her it just doesn't make any sense but that was her reasoning and she like stands by that and it was just really stupid and frustrating the wife of the principle the one that passed away I think this was an interview from like 2009 area so I'm not sure like where she's at to this day I mean II just lined this really quick but back then she had why do I try and talk when I'm thrown ballistic okay so the wife for the parole hearing she mean like a video tape expressing that she did not want Brenda to get out and the videotape also showed that this wife's house like it's still exactly the same as when her husband left that morning like this was many years later and she hasn't touched any of his stuff like everything is exactly the same and how she's struggling and how Brenda took her husband away from him and like ruined her life which I completely understand does not want her to get out and that definitely like helped persuade them well it didn't really help run this case at all I'm curious to know like if this year she's gonna do that same thing I kind of I really hope that she's doing okay this wife because she seemed like she was really struggling as any of us would when somebody's house turns into just like a memorial it's just more sad because you know that they're having a very hard time moving forward with her life and they're kind of just stuck in this time yeah she's just really sad I'm curious to see where she's at now um so later on Brenda was also diagnosed with schizophrenia and depression and she still is in the prison she's up for parole this year so I'm curious to know what's gonna happen I hope she doesn't get out because when I was reading the interview with Brenda it seemed like she just really didn't understand like what she did she's had a lot of time sitting there and think to step up and have ownership of what she did but instead she just kind of deflected but she never once expressed that she was like genuinely sorry which is like it's just some people don't get it right it's so confusing but like I had no idea this story existed and she was only 16 years old and coincidentally she's up for parole like this year this was even a story I don't know I had no idea this happened to this J I believe the school actually got torn down and housing complex I had gotten put up but they did put up a in memoriam sign in the area in San Diego her father ended up dying and her mother nobody knows where the hell she's at she wasn't claiming that that was her daughter my question to you is when a child gets arrested because she was a child do you think they should stay at prison all their lives or should they be able to get out like should there be a max sentencing because when you're a child you do a loss stupid [ __ ] I mean you don't you don't kill people but like I don't know I know this one was kind of like short and to the point there really isn't much about Brenda I could find and I will give updates once I find out like when her parole hearing is can I can I wonder if parole hearings you can go to because she knows I know exactly like where that's at I don't think you can though anyways let me know what you guys think down below and also I want to hear if you guys would be interested in me doing like a weekly recap where maybe on Wednesday or Thursday I upload a video where we maybe talk about something I left out on my Monday videos or like respond to comments I cut out a lot of the story but just for time purposes and it may be like in that recap video or something I could insert all the stuff I didn't get to say or even respond to like questions or comments in the comment section down below so I was thinking about doing that but let me know also I feel like I need to do a little PSA if you are struggling with depression or you know somebody who's struggling with depression reach out there's a suicide prevention hotline you can also reach out to different services who offer help don't let the stigma which is still kind of out there of getting help seeking therapy or speaking about your struggles prevent you from bettering yourself in your life for me personally I see a therapist and there's nothing to be embarrassed about I hope you have a great day today you make good choices and you know what story you want me to talk about next week you safe out there okay we see you guys later bye [Music]
Channel: Bailey Sarian
Views: 3,207,441
Rating: 4.9604049 out of 5
Keywords: murderMysteryandMakeup, bailey sarian, True Crime, Crime talk, crime chat, crime watch daily full episodes, crime watch daily 2019, crime watch daily chris hansen, brenda spencer, killerkids, true crime documentaries, true crime stories, true crime loser, true crime streets of la, true crime podcast, kendall rae, crime patrol, crime patrol 2019, crime documentary, gypsy rose blancharde, gypsy rose, dr phil, documentary 2019, makeup, grwm, crime stories, storytime, missing
Id: gNNDFVnL10s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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