Exorcism Of Anna Ecklund - A Very Dark History | Mystery & Makeup GRWM - Bailey Sarian

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she became a cat, but not like a physical cat 💀

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/neonrainbows_ 📅︎︎ May 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

There was a similar case to this in Germany near the same time too, I'll try to get more research done about it but maybe there is a connection?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DakotaBlackRoseE 📅︎︎ May 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

I want to open this comment with some inspo. *starts slow clapping*. You can comment on these posts! I appreciate all the upvotes I get, but I hope you feel like you can comment, too. It's not like I'm commenting the finest literature week after week. C'mon. You can do better.

Anyway. Onto the video. To answer Bailey's question at the end, I don't believe in demons. Possession cases always seem too extreme to be believable. Then, the other day, a member sent me that "Natalie" clip from The House Bunny when I told her my name, so now I don’t even find demonic voices scary. Plus, Anna probably vomited up the communion bread because it tastes gross ... jks. ;)

Film recommendation: High School Possession. (It's 'Bad Movies and a Beat' worthy.)

Eyeshadow look: 11/10. (Yellow is my favourite colour because it's the best colour.)

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/-whatsername 📅︎︎ May 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
Hi, how are you today? I hope you're having a wonderful day so far. My name is Bailey Sarian, and today is Monday, which means... It's Murder, Mystery and Makeup Monday! (theme song) If you are new here, hi! We've been waiting for you. Every Monday I sit down, and I talk about a true crime story that’s been heavy on my (tongue click) noggin'. And I do my makeup at the same time. If you're interested in true crime, and you like makeup, I would highly suggest you hit that subscribe button, 'cause I'm here for you every Monday! Before we jump into today’s story, I have a sponsor! The next slide, I'm gonna have makeup on, Because I filmed it like, when I had makeup on my face and... Do I need to explain? So, I'm gonna have makeup on right now. Stay tuned. I'm just popping in here from the future, because I wanted to talk about today’s sponsor, which is Audible! What is Audible? Well let me tell you. Audible is the leading provider of spoken word entertainment and audio books, ranging from best sellers to celebrity memoirs, news, business and self-development, which is my personal favorite. Every month Audible members get one free audio book of your choosing, and access to all of the Audible originals. That’s right. Audible is offering unlimited Audible originals, which include access to daily new digest, and guided meditation programs, they even have work out programs. There's a lot to choose from, and every month it's changing, it's something new. Unlimited, unlimited baby! Listening is a great way to occupy your noggin', while giving your eyes a much needed break from screens, T.V, phone, computer. Some of us may be staring at screens a lot more than usual. Give your eyes a break, listen. (laughs) Am I telling people...? Turn off this damn YouTube video, and listen to something! Audible also launched a special website, where anyone, anywhere, can stream hundreds of titles completely free, no strings attached. stories.audible.com will offer everyone a free experience to look forward to each day, and you don’t have to be an Audible member to get access to these free stories. Each title is handpicked by Audible editors, to provide a balanced mix of education, entertainment, classics, and general interest content. All you have to do is simply go to stories.audible.com from your computer, tablets or smartphones, and it’s completely ad free, you don't have to download an app, you don’t have to sign up, or log in. All you have to do is click, stream and listen. I've personally been listening to a lot of the guided meditations, for reasons that-- Do I need to explain? (laughs) Why am I laughing? Well because it's like, do I need to explain? They also have this section, it tracks to help you sleep. I'm the type of person that has to have background noise in order to fall asleep. I hate it. I wish I could just fall asleep like Fernando, he just lays down, goes to bed in like two minutes. It's not fair. But what I'm getting at is the sleep section is; calming, comforting, there's stories. I mean it's great. I've been really, really liking it. If you're interested in trying Audible, visit Audible.com/baileysarian or text baileysarian to 500 500. Again that's Audible.com/baileysarian or text baileysarian to 500 500. A big thank you to Audible for partnering with me on today’s video. Most of all a big thank you to you guys, because without you here, without you watching, and subscribing and stuff, I wouldn't be here right now. I have no business being here right now. You know? So, thank you. Last week we talked about "Jolly Jane", remember? She wasn't very jolly. (snickers) Today I have a story that falls into the mystery section of my Murder, Mystery and Makeup. Y'know. Demons. We're gonna be talking about demons. So, buckle in kitty cats because, demons are here for this short amount of time. But other than that, I will just stop jib jabbing. (mumbles) And let's jump into today’s story. There have been many, many, many stories about demons. Demons trying, and sometimes succeeding, in invading our bodies, and taking over our minds for their own demon purposes. Which then often leads to exorcisms in many forms, to try and rid of these dark forces. Every so often there are some case of possessions that are just so hard to believe, because they're just so extreme, and you're like "Really?" "Okay". One of the most terrifying was the exorcism of a demon-plagued young girl, in a small town in Wisconsin. I feel like Wisconsin always has some stuff going on over there. What's going on? Wisconsin. Is it the cheese? So, there's this girl, her name was Anna Ecklund. Actually, that wasn't her name, it was something else, but they came out with a book, about this whole exorcism. They changed her name to protect her privacy but-- (laughs) A simple google search, you could find her name and everything, you know? So, it's like, that's unfortunate. And I was gonna use her real name, but I'll just respect what they originally intended. Anna Ecklund is what we're going to call her. So, Anna was born in 1882, in Marathon, Wisconsin, Her parents were German immigrants. Not much is known about her upbringing, or her early childhood I should say. Some reports say that there wasn’t much to be said about her upbringing, that it was very normal. Other sources say that Anna’s father, his name was Jacob, he had a reputation for being very against the Catholic church, and that he was a womanizer as well. It was also alleged that Jacob was an alcoholic, and that he may have sexually abused Anna. So, allegedly, maybe. So, two different stories here. Also, not much was to be said about Anna's mother. It's believed that she had died during the early 1890’s. So, Anna was raised in a pretty hardcore... I feel like hardcore's not the right word. Strict Catholic household. Her mom was super Catholic, and that's how she got introduced to it, again, the father wasn’t... He didn't like it. People would describe Anna as being charming, sweet, kind, and just a happy girl. But something happened, something changed. And at the age of 14, things just took a very dark turn. The family went to church every Sunday, Anna was said to have really enjoyed it. She was involved with many of the church activities, all of her friends were a part of the church, and that’s what the families life revolved around. But once Anna turned 14, she started to feel very ill and uncomfortable whenever she stepped foot into the church. Now this was strange you see, because Anna loved church, she looked forward to attending. But all of a sudden, she just was hesitant to step inside. She was just complaining that she felt really sick. She would say as soon as she entered the building, she would just feel even worse, even more ill, and more uncomfortable. Any time she laid her eyes on any type of religious imagery, she would just feel (tongue click) not so great, not so great. This would slowly grow in an intensity, until she had a hard time even stepping into the church at all, as if some barrier was preventing her from entering. If she did manage to enter, she would become horribly ill, super panicked, was overcome with unbearable dread. Which is not how you should be feeling when you go to church, so, this was concerning. Anna began describing how she wanted to smash holy water fonts, or she would go into gruesome detail about how she wanted to harm the priest. She would still attend church, because she had to. You know how they give you those like communion wafers? Body of Christ. After she had her communion wafers, instantly Anna would vomit it up. Infront of everyone in church. Now of course, like a lot of the church members, Anna's father, they just thought more of her being sick, like she had some kind of flu or something, they weren't thinking demons. So, this whole thing had gotten so bad, that the once happy-go-lucky girl, she just began to go into screaming fits when she was confronted with the Bible, with holy water, or with any holy imagery. And eventually this would lead to her not even attending church at all. I know it doesn’t sound that serious, but this was very unlike her. Anna began to suffer from depression, as well as intense sexual thoughts. Anna was said to get more and more depressed, because she didn’t understand why, or what was happening to her, or why she was feeling this way. She felt like she had no control over her own feelings, or over the rage. Anna thought she was becoming insane. Some believed that this was happening as a result, or a reaction to her mother’s death. At home Anna’s behavior had done a 180. She would blurt out incredibly obscene things, she would go into detail about violence, and the things she wanted to do to the people at the church. it was said that Anna had a unhealthy interest in sex. She would detail sexual relations in which, there’s like no way she could have known about these sexual things, relations. You know what I'm saying? She would have these intense mood swings, and she would have sudden and violent outbursts. Where she would shout at people, or break things in fits of rage, that came out of nowhere. Anna though, like when she was done, when she calmed down, she would have no recollection of doing any of these things. So, it's like "Hey." "Why'd you throw that plate at my head?", she'd be like "What are you talking about?". Like the family was growing very frustrated with her, because she’s obviously causing some stress. Correct? Yes. But it was making Anna feel worse and worse again about herself, because she just didn't understand what was going on. And she was becoming more distant. She was spending most of her time away from everybody else, alone in her room. She would turn away any type of company or friends, if they wanted to come over, she would just completely cut off everybody, and just stay alone in her room. She just felt like she couldn’t go anywhere, or talk to anybody, because she just didn't know what was gonna happen. Now things were just getting worse and worse. And y'know, at first Anna's dad was just kind of waiting it out, seeing if it was just gonna calm down, maybe it was just a reaction to her mother’s passing, but things were getting worse. So, the family decided to finally seek out medical advice, and psychiatric professionals. But no one could find anything physically wrong with her. One leading specialist at the time, said that she didn’t have “The least sign of nervousness.”, and that “She was normal in the fullest sense". "Walk it off, you're fine". And to be fair, this is 1908. Okay? Can't relate, to 1908. Medical science had a very basic understanding of mental illnesses. Whereas today, Anna’s case could have had a dramatically different ending. Every single professional that had looked at her, deemed her to be completely normal. And she never did seem to display her bizarre behavior during these visits, so, they really couldn’t help her, because to them they didn’t see anything, y'know? I hate that I say "y'know" all the time, it's just such a habit, I'm sorry. When I'm editing these videos, the amount of "y'know"s I edit out is incredible. Back to the story. Things at home were getting scarier. Annas violent temper seemed to intensify. And it was noted that she started to blurt out words and phrases in Latin, a language that she had no knowledge of. Now sadly for Anna, this would go on for years, years, with little to no answers on what to do, how to treat her, or even how to protect yourself, when Anna was being violent towards the family. It caused so much tension in the household, and just wasn't good. Finally, Anna’s Aunt, which side note. Listen here, look, allegedly. Anna's father, was having an affair with his Wife’s sister. Oh yes. This being Anna's aunt. Once his wife passed, Anna's mother, they carried on the relationship together but... Isn't that a little suspish? Come on. Anna’s Aunt, she started to think that maybe, maybe Anna was under the influence of a demonic force. She had been doing research about what could really be going on with her. She ended up going to the church for help. So, Anna was referred to a Capuchin monk, by the name of Father Theophilus Riesinger. But this man was considered an expert in exorcisms, and one of the few with an expertise in that area. Now Father (stutters) Riesinger. Oh, I'm gonna hate this. Father Riesinger would witness Annas total aversion to religious objects. She would react negatively to prayers and rites in Latin, but when conversational Latin was used, there would be no reaction. It was said that Anna knew and understood German and English, but she began speaking and understanding Latin, Hebrew, Italian, and Polish. If she was given articles, food, clothing, whatever, sprinkled with holy water, or presented her with things that were secretly blessed, she would react violently. She would start throwing things, she would get very vulgar and mean, and quite dangerous as well. Now they thought, well, Father Riesinger, he was like "Okay let me just try a little placebo here" "I'm gonna use some fake holy water.", a.k.a tap water, and sprinkle this on... Like this... I don't know. Spray it on her or whatever, and see if she reacts. And then they'll know like, if she's faking it or not. Well, they did that. *imitates spraying* And she didn’t react. No reaction. And she had no idea that they had used fake holy water. Now the actual cause of the possession could not be certain. Only during the process of the exorcism may they find what was really the cause of it. so, on June 18th, 1912, Father Riesinger performed an exorcism on the now 30-year-old Anna, and at this time, it was successful. So, they thought. She was freed of her possession. Anna returned to her “normal” self for many years, the end. No, I'm just kidding. But it seemed that whatever dark forces had gravitated towards her, we’re not quite done with her just yet. Nay, nay. Over the next few years, Annas turmoil and troubles would slowly creep back into her life. She claimed to constantly have sexual thoughts, and believed she was also tormented by the spirits of her father and her Aunt. At this time, they had since passed. Eventually Annas symptoms, once again, left her unable to act normally, or live a normal life. She was growing desperate. Anna started looking for help again. In 1928, Anna is now 46 years old. She not doing too great, okay? She's feeling like her life is pretty much been destroyed by this evil presence. So, she seeks out Father Riesinger once again. When Anna had reached out to him the second time, he had now performed 19 exorcisms, and was becoming the go to guy for this kind of thing. I mean he was before but like, he was sealing the dealing. But it was concerning for him when Anna reached out again, saying that, y'know, it came back. So, this time, when Anna had contacted him, he decided that he would ask for extra help. So, Father Riesinger was on a missionary trip. he was visiting his old friend, who was also a priest, his name was Joseph Steiger, and he was at St. Josephs Parish. And he asked Steiger for permission to have Anna brought to his Parish in Earling, Iowa, and have an exorcism performed there. Now it was said that Father Riesinger had selected Earling, Iowa, for a number of reasons. I'm getting so tongue tied today. In the 1920s, only a few hundred people lived in this region, and the area had both a convent, as well as a Catholic church. The roads, they weren't very good, but they had this advantage of a rail line system to support the trip. So, the convent was more private, it was secluded from, y'know, anyone around them. and Father Riesinger believed that it would allow the exorcism to be done in secrecy, and would allow Anna to stay anonymous. They also hoped that coming away from her home to a new area, would hopefully disorient whatever demons possessed her. On August 18th, 1928, Anna had arrived to Earling, Iowa, by train. Again, the entire process was done in extreme secrecy, with only a couple people knowing what was really going on. there were the two priests a couple of nuns, that were helping them as well, and then a housekeeper who was just helping her out, and then the Demons too were there. Within a few hours of staying in the convent, Anna became enraged, because one of the sisters in the kitchen, had sprinkled holy water over her food on the tray. When Anna got her food, she was instantly upset by the presence of the blessed food, and became a cat. Yeah. She became a cat. And not like a physical cat, but it was said that Anna was purring, she meowed and she hissed, and it was impossible to make her eat the food. They pissed her off okay? This caused problems, because the first rule was not to upset Anna. When she got there, leave it up to the priest, play it safe, but instead they were just off to a bad start. So, the first session was held between August 18th to August 26th, 1928. Anna was placed firmly upon the mattress of an iron bed. Her arm sleeves and her dress were tied, like in a knot or whatever, just to make sure that she stayed dressed. The strongest, buffest nuns were selected to assist by holding Anna down on her bed, because they knew once the prayers had began, Anna was just gonna fuckin'... (clicks) Demons! They had to make sure she was secure. They begin, okay? Now they begin with some prayers, and instantly, it was said that Anna sank into unconsciousness, and she remains like that throughout the whole period of the exorcism. Her eyes were closed so tightly, that no force could open them. so, they just let her be, while the exorcism continued. The demons did not like this. Oh no. They continued with the exorcism, and Anna dislodged herself from her bed, and from the hands of the nuns holding her down. Now it's said that her body carried through the air, and landed high above the door of the room, like in the corner of the room. So, she's floating, goes to the corner of the room. If I saw that shit, I would nope outta there, really quick. Reason number 321 as to why I couldn't be a nun. Father Riesinger was said to have kept his peace, and composure, acting like nobody was floating to the ceiling. What a strong, brave man. Now he ordered the nuns to pull her down immediately, okay? "Bring her back to the bed, we need to secure her better". So first they give her a duster, and they're like, "Can you get the cobwebs up there?" (laughs) Grab her, and they pull her down, and then they bring her back to the bed to better secure her, so that she can't escape again. So, once they locked her back into the bed, that's when the prayers continued. Anna began howling, and it was said “Like a pack of wild beasts suddenly letting loose”. Now the howling had gotten so loud, that the neighbors actually could hear her. Now they were kinda, they're pretty far out there, but it was so intense that of course, nosy neighbors, as always, they became curious as to what was going on. A great number of people are said to bear witness to the screams coming from inside the convent. So, the details of the exorcism sessions have gotten a bit lost in the mix, but it was noted, that Father Riesinger experienced physical attacks that left him “Trembling like a fluttering leaf in a whirl wind”. So mhm. Anna reportedly, would vomit, defecate and urinate “In quantities that were humanly speaking," "impossible to lodge in a normal being”. Shittin', barfin', peeing. In order to prevent the exorcism from continuing. Because like, it smelt like shit in there. So, everyone's trying to exit the building, not the building, but exit the room, so, they could get out of there, 'cause it stinks. When Riesinger demanded to know who was possessing her, he was told "Many". So, Father Riesinger demanded to know who the lead demon was. So, he’s asking "Who am I talking to?" "Who is the lead demon?". So, he was told he was speaking to Beelzebub. The demon claimed “Ha! Did not her own father curse us into her?”. Father Riesinger challenged this further, the demon responded, “You can ask him. Leave me in peace for once” This response prompted the priest to ask if Anna’s father was part of the possession. The demon allegedly responded with, “What a foolish question." "He has never been with us, ever since he was damned.” At other times, the demon claimed to be the Apostle Judas, and that Judas was there to "Bring her to despair," "so that she will commit suicide and hang herself." "She must get the rope, she must go to Hell!”. If you don’t know Judas, well it's not simple. Oh my gosh. I went down a rabbit hole last night, this is a side note. I never realized how controversial Judas is, or was? Is. Based on different religions, they see him in different light and... It's a lot. But to keep it simple. Judas betrayed Jesus. I'm getting off track, it doesn’t matter. But apparently Judas is inside of Anna. At another time it was said the demon claimed to be Jacob, who was Annas father. He claimed to have tried to force Anna into a sexual relationship, but she had resisted. He also claimed to have actively tried to encourage Anna in a sexual manner, a.k.a he was trying to sexually abuse Anna. In a conversation with Anna, before the demons came forward, like when she was just being herself, she seemed to have a memory of her father cursing her, but she would rarely say anything negative about her father, like they couldn’t get anything from her. Father Riesinger was able to do a little digging around, and he found out that Jacob had a reputation as a hater of the church, that he disliked religion, and wanted nothing to do with it. But there wasn’t any proof that there was abuse going on. Another demon they encountered through Anna, claimed to be Mina. Who the hell is Mina, Bailey? You can't just introduce people like this in the middle of the story. She was Anna’s aunt, remember? The mistress of Annas father. Yeah, she had a name. I forgot to mention it in the beginning. Mina. Anyways, so she came through. She claimed that she had murdered three children while she was alive, and that she practiced witchcraft. Mina said that she and Jacob had put a curse on Anna. All throughout the various exorcisms, Anna suffered from physical distortions that would alter her appearance. Her face would become twisted, her body would contort in impossible ways. Her eyes and lips would swell to huge proportions, and her stomach would become hard like a rock, or a stone. During the exorcisms, Anna seemed to react strongly towards different elements. Whenever approached with holy water, like in the beginning, she would scream, she would hiss, shout. If the holy water touched her skin it would burn off. They would watch her skin sizzle and burn. As the days passed, with little to no success in saving Anna, a tension started to grow between the two priests. Father Riesinger was like the main guy holding the exorcism, but they were using Father Steiger's convent, but he was there too. Father Steiger had started to regret his decision to allow the exorcism to be held in his church, in the first place. He was like "you guys have been here too long," "she's floatin'." So, he's really regretting this, and this is causing a tension between the two priests. And so, he brought up his concerns to Father Riesinger, but Father Riesinger, he wasn’t surprised, because it was going on for quite some time, and it was draining for everybody, and he blamed the devil for stirring ill feelings between the two priests. He told him to remain focused, and not let the devil get between the two of them. So, Father Steiger said that the demon possessing Anna, told him to withdraw permission for the exorcism by the end of the week, or he would be sorry. This didn’t sit well, because I don't know. Was the demon now threatening to kill him? The week goes by, and that following Friday, Father Steiger received a call from a local farmer, with a critically ill mother, who was needing her last sacraments. So, he does this job, gets in his car, he’s just going to drive to the home, and he was just about to cross a bridge over a ravine, it was middle of the day, he said it was a clear sky, and then all of a sudden it just got very, very dark. Dark heavy clouds, he couldn’t see anymore, like he couldn’t see in front his car. So, he's driving, can't see. What's gonna happen? Because of this he ended up crashing his car into the railing of the bridge. The car was totaled, but luckily for Father Steiger, he was not seriously injured. He had some cuts and bruises, but he was still able to walk away from it. He fully believed that the demon was behind this. Over the next couple weeks of exorcism, Anna always seemed to lose consciousness once the rite began, and would wake up with no knowledge of the events. She would claim to have visions of horrible battles between spirits, but that's really all she knew. She had no idea she was floating up to ceiling. I wonder if you tell someone that. "Yeah you were floating." "Yeah you were up there." "It was wild". During the entire time, she was unable to eat solid foods, and she experienced heavy vomiting, she would vomit 20 to 30 times a day. She was becoming more and more fragile, malnourished, and just very weak. 'Cause she's not eating. So, in total there were three periods of exorcism performed on Anna. The first were held August 18th through the 26th. The second was held from September 13th to the 20th. And the final group of exorcisms began December 15th, and lasted until December 23rd. Annas room was said to have filled with swarm of flies and mosquitoes, that would appear out of nowhere, only just to vanish just as fast. Sickening stenches would fill the room, forcing everyone out, preventing anyone from continuing the exorcisms. prolonging the process. Over time, this would all become so unbearable, that the now terrified priests, and nuns involved, refused to stay too long in Annas presence, instead they would work in shifts. Father Riesinger was the one who spent the most time with Anna, and was determined to rid her of these demons, but it seemed that he might be losing this battle. He was committed to helping her, and gradually the demon began to weaken, lose their grip on Anna. And then it was said, one day Anna bolted up in the bed, and claimed “Demons, Judas, Jacob, Mina!" "Hell! Hell! Hell!" "Praised be Jesus Christ”. And it was said just like that, Anna was back. It had appeared that the demons had left. I know, it’s kinda like a, it’s not like a great ending, it’s just kinda, it doesn’t... like I have a lot of questions about this ending, right but... I don’t know, there’s no answers really. In the aftermath of the exorcism, most of the nuns who had been present asked to be transferred away, to anywhere but there, and the convent that they were all staying at, would eventually be demolished in the 1990s. Anna would go on to lead a somewhat normal life, although the experience is said to haunt her for the rest of her life. Father Riesinger, he would gain some bit of fame from it all. he would go on to become Americas expert on exorcisms, like the number one spot. he even earned a page in Time Magazine in 1936, with an interview and everything. Father Steiger would go on to lead a quiet life, now he was shaken and very disturbed by what had played out, and he didn’t want any attention about what went down. There was a priest named Father Carl Vogel, and he went about interviewing anyone he could find, who had been at the exorcism. So, he found some of the nuns who were there, and then he ended up talking to Father Steiger himself, he got an interview with him. he wanted this because he wanted to like, compile a record of the events, and then create a little booklet. it would end up turning into a book called “Begone Satan!!: A Soul Stirring Account of Diabolical Possession in Iowa”. but it was mainly going to be used for other priests, as just information on like, what happened, how they treated it, stuff like that. at some point it turned into like a book that you can buy. Now a lot of people did not believe this story, they’re like "this is just too over the top." the guy who’s doing the interviewing, he ended up interviewing a girl, a woman I should say, sorry. she worked as a housekeeper for Father Steiger, and she claimed “I was a witness to almost the whole period of the exorcism," "of the possession case and I can truthfully say," "that the facts mentioned in Begone Satan!! are correct." "Some of the scenes were even more frightful than described in the booklet." "There is not the slightest doubt in my mind that the devils were present." "and I will never forget the horrible scenes, vile, filthy and dirty as long as I live” And that my friends is the story about the exorcism of Anna Ecklund. Its... (tongue click) A lot, I know. And it can be hard to believe. So, I guess my first question for you is, do you believe that people can be possessed by demons? Or a demon? Or just be possessed by something? What are your thoughts on possession? I always have mixed feelings about it. I think it’s hard to believe when you’ve never seen it in real life. like I’ve seen movies and stuff, and it’s always freaky, it freaks me out. and I don’t want to see it in real life, so, I’m not saying prove it, I’m not challenging you or anything demons. (laughs) No. I’m just like minding my own business. if the demons are there, that’s cool, but I don’t wanna know about them, I just mind my own business, and I hope the demons minds his own business too. I don’t mess with demons no. you wanna be a demon? that’s fine, but I’m not grabbing your ass down from the ceiling. Whatever you believe, the exorcism of Anna has managed to become one of the most terrifying alleged exorcisms of history. so lemme know your thoughts down below. I would love to hear what you think. I just want to say a big thank you to Audible for partnering with me on today’s video. I love and appreciate you guys so much. let me know who you want me to talk about next week. as always, have a good day, make good choices, don’t mess with demons, and I hope to be seeing you guys later. Bye. Demons. (suspicious music)
Channel: Bailey Sarian
Views: 4,196,761
Rating: 4.9463353 out of 5
Keywords: bailey sarian, mystery and makeup, makeup and mystery, true crime and makeup, true crime daily, true crime asmr, true crime story, story time get ready with me, story time grwm, story time, true crime story time, bailey, makeup and true crime story, makeup get ready with me, makeup tutorial 2020, makeup tutorial, 60s makeup look, 60s makeup tutorial, 60s makeup, cute makeup look, summer makeup tutorial, grwm for a date, true crime unsolved, unsolved
Id: U6OhuqD4w1k
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Length: 33min 18sec (1998 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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