The Woman Hannibal Lecter - Katherine Knight - GRWM - Murder, Mystery & Makeup | Bailey Sarian

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- Hi guys, how are you today? My name is Bailey Sarian and today it's Monday, which means murder, mystery, and makeup. (Bailey scoffing) I'm way too excited. But if you are new here, every Monday I've been doing a murder, mystery, and makeup video where I sit down, I get ready. So it's like a get ready with me, and we talk about a true crime. Somebody out there dyin'. Today's story is, it's that. And just a little disclaimer before we get started today is like, it's pretty bad, and it's pretty gory. Be aware, okay. In the comment section I kept seeing this name pop up over and over again. So naturally I was like, let me look into this. This lady is intense, let's get into it. This is what I'm using. Today we're going to be talking about Katherine Knight. Are you familiar? You probably are 'cause she was a big deal. I think she still is, but not really. Shut up, Bailey, get to the point. Okay, so Katherine Knight lived in Aberdeen, New South Wales which is North of Sydney, Australia. A little background, she worked in a slaughter house in 1971. She then worked on animal carcasses, and she would work in the boning room. So she would get all the meat off of the animals, and she would cut the marrow off as well. Her coworkers would say she was really good with a knife, and she was really good at her job. Based off of reports it seemed like she also really enjoyed it. Katherine though, she in her personal life had a string of bad relationships. First marriage, while working as a boner in the butcher shop, Katherine met a guy named David, we'll call him David K. David K, his last name's Kellett, I think, Kellett. David was reported to be a raging alcoholic and prone to fist fights, or just fighting. So he would drink and then he would fight. It was reported that David would try to beat Katherine, but she could hold her own. So David quickly learned that Katherine actually could throw down. She never backed down and she always would fight back. So if he tried to attack her she would come at him 10 times harder. In 1974, Katherine convinced David to get married. Even though they had problems in the relationship marriage seemed like a good idea. So they got married, and throughout the marriage David was obviously drunk because he was an alcoholic which would cause issues in the relationship, in anyone's relationship really. On their wedding night after lovemaking, David fell asleep and Katherine got really upset. So it triggered something in her. And some people reported that it had to do with hearing friends and family saying, Oh we did it three to four times a night on our wedding night. So she was like comparing her wedding night to what she's heard it's supposed to be like. So when they only did it one time and then David fell asleep, it made Katherine really upset. So she then decided to strangle him, because that, I guess that just made sense to her. But he ended up waking up and he fought Katherine off of him. So despite Katherine almost killing David on the first night of their marriage, they ended up staying together for 10 years. In those 10 years they had two daughters. Also in that 10 years, David ended up leaving one time. So apparently David had snuck out of the house in the middle of the night to try and leave Katherine. And when he left, it sent Katherine into a really deep depression. At one point, Katherine ended up staying in a psychiatric hospital for a couple of months. After she had gone to a mechanic who had worked on David's car, she tried to fight him, or she threatened to kill him. You see, she was upset with the mechanic because the mechanic had fixed David's car, which helped get David away from Katherine. So she was upset at the mechanic because how dare he help David get away from her. In her mind it made sense. To us we're like girl, no. And once she got out, her and David actually ended up back together again. It didn't last long though, and then they ended up separating. Once Katherine and David had been separated for a while, then Katherine met another David named David Saunders, and they ended up in a relationship. David number two. A few months after meeting, David and Katherine ended up moving in together. So everything was moving very quick, but he also kept his own apartment. So he's kinda living in two places at one time. David did not wanna move in with Katherine, he liked having his own place. And this pissed Katherine off. To her it meant that he was living this double life. He obviously had like a whole 'nother separate life that he didn't wanna combined his life with hers. It probably means that he's cheating on her. It made her mad because it meant that he just didn't wanna spend time with her. It really set her off and made her just very upset to a degree that you and I probably don't understand, because what she did to prove that she was upset is just like, what? In an argument, Katherine took their two month old puppy. She slit the puppy's throat in front of David just to show him what she was capable of. If that's not a red flag, I don't know what it is. After some time. (Bailey laughing) I'm sorry for laughing, this isn't funny, but this part's kinda funny. You see, her reasoning behind slitting the puppy's throat was that she was just cranky. Like that was her excuse, that she was just cranky. Despite that happening, they ended up having a daughter together. And shortly after the daughter was born there was an altercation. They got into a fight, and Katherine stabbed David with a pair of scissors. I'm not really sure what the fight was, and if he reported it or not. I guess I coulda dug a little bit deeper on that one, but I didn't. That relationship ended. So then Katherine gets into another relationship. His name is John Chillingworth. They actually had a relationship for about three years. There wasn't much abuse going on in this new relationship. They ended up having a son together, and it's said that this relationship was really calm and good because most of the time Katherine was cheating on John with another man whose name was John Price. It's said that her relationship was good because she was having an affair. And so that's why there was no reports of her being crazy. So John was 45 at the time, and this would just be the relationship that really pushed her over the edge. When the relationship first started it was going really well. They would go out socially, have some drinks with friends at the local pub. John had two wait, are these all the same names? John had two children who lived with him. They were a little bit older though, so they weren't young. And the children reported to really like Katherine, they didn't have any issues with her. John worked in the local mines and he made pretty good money, and he did really well for himself. But Katherine did suggest to John that they get married, but John actually declined. He was like, no, this isn't a good idea, I don't really wanna get married. And when he declined that's when obviously things once again, just didn't go so well. That's when friends would notice that Katherine started to become very verbally abusive towards him. Mentally, she was always in his head. She would also become physically abusive with John as well, so she was just beating the poor guy up. The worst thing about, well this isn't the worst thing about her. But the thing with Katherine is when she was upset she would always fight with vengeance. She wouldn't just fight with you like a normal person. With Katherine she would like, she was just cutthroat. One thing she had done was John took home a first aid kit from his work. And Katherine took video of it showing that the first aid kit was in his possession, and then she sent that to John's boss which then got him fired, because to the company it was seen as him stealing property or whatever. So she did that because she was mad at him that he wouldn't get married to her. But then she she ended up getting him fired. So now John's like, dude, what the? I mean, it turns out the first aid kit was only worth like $20. So it was really upsetting to John, and John actually ended up kicking her out of the house that they lived in, which was John's house. So John was fired from his job, and then he kicked Katherine out. They actually were apart for about three months but somehow Katherine would always weasel her way back in with these guys. So Katherine would constantly pressure John to marry her. I don't know what it is with her and marriage, she just wanted to be married. John refused and it would just lead to more and more fights. Their friends and their family started to notice it even more. Anytime that there was an altercation though between Katherine and John, John would go tell a friend what was going on, that way he always had a witness or somebody who knew what happened. Just in case Katherine wanted to flip the script and act like she was the victim in the relationship. So at least he was kinda smart in that sense. He was trying to let people know, this is what happened, if you hear something else, then it's a lie. So eventually John ended up calling the police because he wanted Katherine out of the house, he wanted her gone and she wouldn't leave. So he called the police thinking that they could pretty much escort Katherine out of the household, he could get rid of her, just remove her from my house. But the police came back saying that he, John, needed a court order to get her removed from the house. In February of 2000, there was a fight between Katherine and John which ended with a chest wound. So Katherine tried to stab John, and she ended up going to police and reported that he was being violent towards her, and it was in self-defense. She then took a restraining order out against him. But these restraining orders, no matter who got one, they would always end up back together. I think John knew that something was going to happen because he ended up telling coworkers if he ever goes missing or something happens to him that it was Katherine, Katherine would kill him. So he was telling coworkers this and really just being open about it. He also sat down his boss and told his boss everything that was going on as well. And the same thing, if anything had happened to him that it was Katherine. The bitch is crazy. So John ends up going to the courts because he wants to get Katherine removed from the house, and also a restraining order against her. So he goes to the courts, he tells them everything that's going on. And he left there with a restraining order which would limit contact from Katherine. But of course they went ignored by Katherine, like she didn't give two shits. So a little while later John comes home from work and he has a whole routine where he goes to the neighbors, he says hello, checks in with everybody. And then he ends up falling asleep or going to bed at 11:00 PM. Katherine came home shortly after that. She made herself dinner, she watched some TV, she took a shower, and then she went up to bed and she woke John up. They had sexual relations and then they went back to bed. Well, John went back to bed. Katherine kept a butcher's knife in her bed stand next to the bed in one of the drawers, suspish. And then this is when everything just goes bad. And I don't know what exactly triggered this, something was triggered. So Katherine opens up her nightstand, she takes out her butcher knife, and then she proceeds to stab John 37 times. And according to blood evidence, it seemed that John definitely tried to fight back, and he tried to make a run for it. But eventually he passed away. After killing John, she then took a bunch of pills, laid down, and I think she tried to kill herself. Or she was just putting on a show for police, we don't really know. The next day John's coworkers took his word for it. He didn't show up for work that day, they were like, John said, if he doesn't come to work to call the police because Katherine killed them. So John doesn't show up for work, and his coworkers being great people call the police. Police go the house. They then go do a check, see what's going on. Now, police knock at the door, they're not getting an answer. They see that John's truck is there so obviously he's home. They knock, nobody's answering. So then they look through the little peep hole, not the peep hole, where they put the mail, the mail slot. Yesh. They look through the mail slot just to see if they can see anything. The police reported that all he could see was a big curtain hanging, and it was blocking his view. So after no response, the police go inside of the home, and they proceed inside. So they're walking towards this big curtain, the other police officer thought it was a big blanket that was kind of covering the way. They could automatically see when they walked in, there's just blood everywhere. So they know something went down in here. They're walking towards this curtain, the police pushes the curtain aside so they proceed into the room. So he uses his left arm to push it aside. The police looks down and realizes his whole arm is covered in blood. The fu-- So he looks at this curtain that he just pushed aside. He looks at the curtain, he realizes it's not a curtain. This is serious. He looks and he realizes it's not a curtain, nay nay. It's skin, skin hanging from the doorframe, just skin. Then he looks down on the ground, and sees a torso on the ground, no head. Side note, I know a police officer is supposed to be brave and strong, but any of us woulda ran out of there so quick, screaming. Hell no. That's like something you would just see in a movie, not real life, uh uh. So the officer keeps walking and sees that there's blood all over the walls, just splattered everywhere, floor was covered in blood. Then the officers walk into the kitchen and they see plates of food being prepared, there was vegetables, there was meat cooked. They searched the house, they went upstairs into the hallway and then they heard someone snoring. Bitch run, you know, but they didn't. Katherine was on the bed, sleeping. Police officers tried to wake her up, but she wasn't responding. They then picked her up, carried her outside, and put her on the back lawn. So police go back into the home and then that's when they start to just see more that they didn't wanna see. So they realized that the skin was hanging from butchers hooks on the doorframe, just skin. John's head, because his torso was on the ground and there was no head. They found his head and it was cooking in a stew in the kitchen, so it was on the stove. John's head was on the stove. Forensic investigators show up to the house and instantly they notice a sweet smell. But it's like that sweet smell as if it's a body, I guess. Anyway, so they walk into the house and instantly they notice the flesh, the skin hanging from the the meat hooks in the doorway. So forensic investigators determined that based off of the blood splatters again, blood splatters tell a lot, more than I thought. Based off the blood splatters they could tell that, okay John was on the bed, right. Katherine stabbed him a shit ton of times. John then tried to get up, make a run for it. So he gets up off of the bed and there's blood on the light switch. So they were like, okay, so he must've been reaching for the light switch. They then noticed down the hallway that there's blood swipes down the hallway. So they see, okay, so he's trying to run down the hallway. As it proceeded downwards, they noticed that the blood spatters were getting lower and lower. So John was like slowly falling downwards, probably because he's getting weaker and weaker. Then they noticed that the front door had blood on the screen. So he made it, John made it to the front door. But then they saw on the ground that there was like this dragging motion of blood. So Katherine must've grabbed him and then dragged him, drug him? No, dragged him back to wherever she was going with it. In the lounge room, that's where the torso was found, and that's where the biggest pool of blood was. So I guess Katherine just laid him on the ground, that's where she skinned him. And at first I was like, dang, how did she know how to skin him? Well, back when she was skinning the animals and stuff in the butcher place, that's where she learned her little tricks, I guess. So she skinned John and then she took his skin off and she placed it onto the carpet next to her. And then they know that the head was still on the body when he was on the ground because there was an outline on the carpet or the floor of where his head was. Forensic investigators assumed okay, well she then cut his head off and then she carried it to the kitchen because there were bloodstains now leading into the kitchen where they assumed she carried his head. It's like hard to believe honestly, it just sounds like something from a movie, right? Like what? I made the mistake of looking up the images. So then in the kitchen is where she cut a big piece of muscle from his back. So your big back muscle, she cut that into five separate pieces, like five little mini steaks. And then she cooked it in the oven 350 degrees for about 45 minutes. They saw that she had four plates made, and then the dog outside had the fifth piece of meat that she had cut up. So then they also noticed that there were what's it called? Table settings. Table was made because she was gonna have dinner guests over. So there was little name plates and it was all the name plates of their children. So Katherine was planning on, I guess, having people over and feeding them their own father. Did she think that people were gonna come over and not notice the blood everywhere? That's a crazy I don't wanna know. So police investigators obviously took all of the items in the house that had blood on it, looked like it had been touched, looked like she had used, as evidence. So police investigators were saying 'cause this is the timeline that they put together. Once she killed John, she then took a shower, she changed, she then took John's wallet, and she ran to do some errands. And they know this because at 12 AM John's bank card was used to take money out. They're assuming it was Katherine, that she took his card and she took out a thousand dollars. What she planned to do with the money, nobody knows. They ended up never finding the money that she took out. So they assumed that she took out this money and then she buried it somewhere. So she was gonna go back and get the money. But they just, they never found it. So Katherine was immediately detained, and she was in a coma I believe for four days, five days. So they couldn't interview her until she woke up. And of course, when she woke up and she was being interviewed she had no memory of what happened before. They never do. The whole interview she just wasn't giving anything away. She does eventually accept the fact that she killed John. She claimed that she killed him due to the long string of abuse that she was receiving from John throughout their relationship. They never get a clear story from her like what happened, but she does admit that she killed him. Katherine's brother said that she told him she was going to kill John, and get away with it because she was going to act crazy, which is exactly what she proceeded to do. Katherine originally in court pled not guilty. And then midway through the court trial she ended up changing her plea to guilty, but she didn't give any reason as to why she did that. Nothing at all. She just was like, I wanna change it, and she changed it to guilty. The judge was nervous about that, because he knew exactly what she was gonna try and do. She was going to appeal the case saying that she pled guilty because she was insane at the time when she pled guilty. So she was just gonna say that she was not in the right mental state to plead guilty. So she just knew what she was doing. She's a pretty smart cookie, give her that. Psychiatrists actually ended up doing an evaluation on her and determined that she was definitely in her right mind, that she was not mentally unstable like she was saying she was. What kind of tests they gave her, I don't know. I think we can all agree that she was mentally ill because who in the right mind would do that? But mm mm, nay nay, you should not get off lightly for that 'cause that is disturbing. Throughout court, she did not show any type of emotion. She was just like-- (Bailey spitting) Then out of nowhere she randomly started acting crazy. She would start screaming at the top of her lungs, rocking back and forth, trying to portray this no I'm sick, you know? Which she's never done this throughout her entire life. So people knew that she was just acting. She just wanted to manipulate the situation. And the judge knew that. He was really smart and there was an interview on YouTube that I watched where he was breaking it all down. And he just knew exactly what she was doing. The judge determined that she would get life in prison without the possibility of parole. And she's the first woman in Australia to get a life sentence with no chance of parole. So good for you, Katherine. (clapping hands) No one fully knows what took place that night because Katherine still to this day has not talked about it. And no one knows what she did with the money. What did she do when she left the house? What the hell was she doing? Like what? In 2006, Katherine did apply to appeal. She claimed that her life sentence was too severe for her crime. She did. Obviously rejected this appeal and said, no, Katherine. No but judges said this is the worst thing we've ever seen in our lives pretty much. Psychologists have examined Katherine, determined that killing and dismembering John was premeditated, and an act of revenge. Plus it just got her off on her perverted pleasure. Katherine really enjoyed, she's just sick, sick lady. In prison, Katherine attends church on a regular basis, and she sings in a women's choir. I was reading different articles about Katherine in jail, and they're saying she's the boss bitch around there pretty much, that everybody listens to her. She calls the shots and she, I don't know if she'll ever come clean about what she did that night. And that concludes the story about Katherine Knight. So I think we can all agree that Katherine was not well. And poor John, his life was taken from him because of Katherine. I don't know why she was that way. I don't think any of us will really know why she was that way. So let me know what you think down below. There's really not much you can say other than what the F? I don't know what the takeaway is with this, because I felt like John did everything that he was supposed to do. He told his friends, he told his boss, he told his family what was going on with Katherine. He tried to get the police involved, and it's never a smooth process with going to the police and whatnot. And I think that's all I have to say. I hope that you have a great day today. Make good choices, don't go murdering anybody. And don't go eating them. I don't think you should do that. I will see you guys later. Bye.
Channel: Bailey Sarian
Views: 4,554,289
Rating: 4.9553432 out of 5
Keywords: true crime, true crime stories, bailey sarian, murder mystery and makeup, get ready with me, true crime talk, true crime garage, my favorite murder, crime stories daily, crime stories, crime, mystery, shane dawson, true crime mystery, unsolved mysteries, unsolved crime, unsolved, what happened, solved crime story, crime story, makeup talk, beauty talk, green eyeshadow, grwm, katherine knight, austraila crimes, dateline
Id: 5QOOrKY_aJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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