The Bizarre Jenny Jones Case - Secret Crush Revealed Goes Wrong | Mystery & Makeup | Bailey Sarian

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Hi my beautiful friends how are you today? I hope you are having a wonderful day, so far. My name is Bailey Sarian and today is Monday which means it's murder mystery and make up Monday. *sings* Shanna Shanna Shanna Shanna Shanna if you are new here, every Monday I sit down I talk about true crime story that's been heavy on my noggin and I get ready for my day at the same time. If you're interested in true crime and you like makeup I would highly suggest you hit that subscribe button cuz I'm here for you every Monday and I upload on Saturdays as well. that's right Baby. Before we jump into today's story today's episode is sponsored by Hunt A Killer. Thank you. Hunt a Killer is so bomb you don't even know. Unless you get a hunter killer, then you know. But listen, especially with the holiday season coming up do you suck at the choosing out gifts for people cuz I do. Do you constantly get asked for the gift receipts? Queue hunt a killer. whether it's game night or date night Hunter a Killer brings people together by challenging them to decode ciphers, examine clues and solve puzzles. it's like an escape room delivered right to your door. ding-dong witch, it's hunter a killer. that's right. You'll sift through piles of documents, evidence, audio recordings and Case Files eliminating suspects until you crack the case and catch a killer. plus part of the proceeds for every box goes to the Cold Case Foundation an organization that helps with real-life cold cases, which is amazing. You can play with friends you can play solo. I thought it was gonna be like so easy right because you know a lot of like the mystery games are kind of cheesy and easy to solve. it's always the husband. well with these ones they are really challenging I really look forward to my Hunter Killer box. Right now just for my viewers you can go to use discount code SARIAN and you will get 20% off your first box. Again make sure to use discount code SARIAN. big thank you Hunt a killer for partnering with me. shoutout to Hunter Killer. Today's story, well it was requested to me a handful of times and I remember reading about it here and there I never really dug that deep into it until the other day and I was like dude this story's nuts. ok let's get into it. Today's story is about Scott Amador he was born in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. His father Frank, he was a local tractor-trailer driver and his mother Patricia a stay at home- like a housewife. In 1968 the family moved to Michigan and two years later Scott parents, they decided to get a divorce, it just wasn't working out so they went their separate ways and when Scott's parents decided to get a divorce Scott ended up living with his father. With his father lived his two brothers and a sister as well. At the age of 17 Scott ended up dropping out of high school and he enlisted into the army and that's where he was able to get his GED which if you're not familiar with a GED it's like a it's like a high school diploma just outside of high school yeah. While he was in the army he trained in satellite communications and then after three years of serving in the Army he received an honorable discharge. With the rank of a specialist after that Scott was working several years as a technical communications and telephone type jobs. He became a bartender because he like really enjoyed working at night. I don't know he just liked the nightlife I guess from my understanding. so that it was just like a little bit that I could find about Scott and he's part of the story sometimes I just don't know how to set these things up but anyways so this story takes place in the in the the mid-90s daytime talk shows were everything there were so many daytime talk shows and it was so good oh it was so bad too because a lot of these daytime talk shows they fed into the more like shocking stories that would make the audience just be blown away would like shock value right before clickbait was a thing there was a clickbait with daytime talk shows it was just out of control it was great I loved it so the Jenny Jones Show was on throughout the 90s and the ratings were I mean they were pretty high you they were good they were good okay her episodes covered everything from teens being too hot my goth kid needs to make over teen by day vampire by night these were actual episode topics I personally just lived for the makeover ones like my teen is a goth and I want her to have a preppy makeover oh yeah or the other ones we're like really bad teenagers would come in and be like I like to fight and then they would send the teenagers off to boot camp golden now Jenny Jones was going to be filming an episode about secret crushes the plan was to surprise your crush on national TV so this is where Scott comes in I'm not quite sure how Scott found out about this show but he did and he wrote in wanting to be on this episode his story was accepted and he got the opportunity to be flown out and appear on the Jenny Jones Show so another man by the name of Jonathan Schmitz he was 24 years old at the time he agreed to appear on the show with his friend Donna who was actually in on the secret so on March 6 1995 the taping of the show had taken place so Scott is on stage and John is in the back he doesn't know that Scott's the one with a crush on him okay gods on the stage talking to Jenny Jones just going over how he has this crush on this guy named John he explains how he met John he says that he went over to see his friend Donna at her apartment and John was working like under her car on her car or something and Scott tells the audience that he immediately noticed John's hot body Scott then like goes on to say that he just kept thinking about John and having all these crazy fantasies about him like sharing a bottle of champagne hanging out together on a hammock just little things but Scott said that he wasn't actually sure if John was gay or not now at this time John had absolutely 100% no idea who the secret admirer was producers of the show said it could be a man or a woman and that it would be revealed if he came on the show so of course when John hears this he's feeling curious who could be my secret admirer like someone likes me and I get to be on TV okay so he said yes now the actual show itself it didn't air on TV for reasons that we will get into some clips were released by the the media and also used for court purposes when Scott revealed that he had a crush on John John was obviously surprised and shocked to hear that Scott had a crush on him everything seemed like it was fine but I guess according to John when he found out that Scott had a crush on him he played a cool professional I'm on TV huh no big deal but deep down he was livid now it said after the taping they fly back home and when Scott gets home Scott went out for a long night of drinking and then he didn't return home until like the early hours and when he returned home he found it a spicy note that was left for him by Scott now when John finds this letter from Scott it just set John over the edge John would say that Scott's a homosexuality frightened him frightened him and he felt humiliated and he felt really angry so with all of these feelings John's having just anger humiliation frightened John immediately goes to the bank pulls out cash and then goes and buys a gun so once John gets the weapon he drives over to Scott's house he goes to the door knocks on a door and he asked Scott did you write me this note you know it were not a hundred percent sure what this conversation looked like so this is when John allegedly went back to his car he sat there for a while contemplated like what his options were John then grabs his gun he gets out of the car he goes back up to Scott's house and then he shoots him twice in the chest shortly after John shoots Scott he calls 9-1-1 and he confesses to what he does he's crying on the phone and he says like I just shot somebody yeah so he calls and he he tells him what what he just did cut-and-dry right no of course not you fool John's lawyer claims that John went out to drink with friends from work after coming home in the morning he found a note that was left by Scott which said quote if you really want to get off I'm the only one who has the right tool end quote the next morning that's when apparently John confronted Scott and ended his life the Jenny Jones producer later testified that John called the studio the day after filming the show and told her that John and Scott had what producers referred to as a love connection it was a match they seemed to be really into one another from their perspective I guess for quite some time after Scott was killed his family tried to like make some kind of sense as to what happened they really blamed the Jenny Jones Show so John's mother actually came out and claimed that Jenny Jones push into doing things he didn't want to do to make it look good for the audience and if he didn't do that then Jenny Jones would be very mad in John's defense he claimed that the producers of the Jenny Jones Show quote ambushed him and John goes on to say that he knew someone had a crush on him but he assumed that it was probably like his ex-fiance who like he was engaged to for a couple of years so he was thinking oh it's probably her yeah I'll go to the show no big deal and producers of the show said that they told John that it was possible that this crush could have been a man or a woman and they said that they told him this and they stood by that oh I forgot to mention I am so sorry John did get arrested he got arrested and he was sitting in jail awaiting his trial they were having a really hard time determining if John was mentally stable when he went after Scott lawyers claimed that their client was manic-depressive and that he'd been up all night drinking and smoking pot before he killed Scott so he wasn't in the right mindset before he did it John's lawyers attempted to put the Jenny Jones Show on trial to deflect guilt from John and they discussed his issues with alcoholism depression and a chronic thyroid condition they're just trying to deflect that's their job that's what they're getting paid for it's a shitty job it's a shitty job could you imagine trying to stand up for the bad guys I feel bad for those people cuz I mean how do you represent the bad guys I would be like sorry man you're on your own but whatever okay anyways now here's the thing that I learned this is this is what blew my mind that this was a thing because I had no idea this was a thing the main defense they were claiming as to why John did this and this is what it's called don't come after me it's called the gay panic defense it's a thing let me tell you gay panic defense okay what now this sounds like an absolute joke but surprise it's a real thing so gay panic defenses are legal techniques commonly used in court battles regarding actions committed against members of the lgbtq+ community in a gay panic defense the defendant argues they lost control because of their victims sexual orientation you guys and there are a lot of cases that have used this defense now it helped John's defense attorneys sway the court and reduce his charges gay panic defense is permitted in every US state except California Illinois and Rhode Island as of 2018 so let me double check that they were having a really hard time deciding what to do with John to us I feel like it won't to me I can only speak for myself it seems very cut and dry he killed a guy he called 9-1-1 he confessed that's it right no they were having such a hard time before being sentenced the first time John stood in front of the court and he read a poem that he wrote it was meant to being an apology to Scott's family it didn't really seem like he was fully sorry for what he did the judge told John that he still had to be quote accountable to society and quote and sentence him to a maximum of 50 years in prison so this ended up leading to a bunch of Appeals and in 1996 John was found guilty again but this time of second-degree murder and he was sentenced to 25 to 50 years in prison and then three years after that he was retried on an appeal and he was found guilty again I don't know what kind of outcome this guy was - hoping for when John was sent to prison Scott's family went after Jenny Jones with vengeance they believe that Jenny Jones and her producers were to blame for their son's death at first a civil jury agreed with them and the Michigan Court awarded the family 25 million dollars not that that fixes the problem or brings their son back they just wanted the show to be held accountable for what they felt like was their responsibility and their son's death now the Warner Brothers attorney Warner Brothers owned Jenny Jones the show now their attorney heavily disagreed with this they were gonna fight it okay they called the initial ruling a profoundly disturbing verdict that was a quote safe R and they were able to get the verdict overturned after an appeal they did not want to pay they just didn't want to pay the 25 million dollars also just didn't want to take responsibility so John was sentenced 25 to 50 years in prison and he was sent to the Parnell Correctional Institution in Mississippi according to John's lawyers he did his time quietly and he served 22 years in prison and guess what baby in 2017 at the age of 47 John was granted parole and he was released so many people were upset about this case for a good reason I mean John got a gun then he went to Scott's house he shot him because he's John was homophobic I'm sorry I said it but why else did he kill him this is an opinion I think he killed him because it made him extremely uncomfortable he was embarrassed and I'm sure he didn't want people thinking he was gay I'm curious enough if on the Jenny Jones Show John goes and like the surprise crash person is a girl and maybe like Scott wasn't attracted to this girl when the show ended would would John still have gone and killed killed the ugly girl probably not I have a feeling I'd I vaguely remember this this happening but I do remember I do remember that it affected Jenny Jones like actual Jenny Jones and not just a show but the real Jenny Jones I remember her doing like an interview I think it was with Barbara Walters I could be wrong on that one but she did an interview and she expressed how she felt like really guilty about the whole thing and she seemed really depressed and how she just felt really awful about the whole situation she really stood by the fact that she never pressured anybody to do anything that they didn't want to do and that her producers for the show made sure to tell him like it could be a man or a woman who comes out and expresses that they have a crush on you but she really stood by her team because Scott's family was coming after them heavy you know what maybe it is their fault when a show is called the Jenny Jones Show it's easy to blame Jenny Jones for her show but realistically like all these talk shows a lot of the times the hosts and whatnot don't even have much say as far as who the guests are maybe the topics it's mainly like the producers and stuff so Jenny stood by the fact I never made anyone do anything it was just the host but I guess she has to take some responsibility right so a lot of the times you guys this is side note a lot of times you guys asked me how I do these videos now by the time you're watching this video I edited it I added the video down to where you see the clean polished version for the most part last week's episode was a good example of you know I'm not always perfect but behind the scenes I type up like a script and whatnot the whole story pretty much and then I reference it what I'm telling the story if I ever forget what I'm getting at is yesterday I was like writing up the script and I was like yeah Jenny Jones is not responsible whatsoever for this this is what I was thinking and now that I'm sitting here I'm having a change of heart I think actually she might be they should be held a little responsible because I'm curious to know well for starters I think Scott would still be alive I mean I hope I'm curious to know if this John guy would have killed or harmed anyone regardless of the show or did the Jenny Jones Show just it's what led to everything I don't know so now I'm thinking actually she might be more responsible than I think they probably should have just told him look it's a man are you okay with that and I just gotten that out of the way I guess they weren't thinking that this would be the outcome obviously or they wouldn't have done it but they should be held responsible so yeah the producers did like call it's their job to technically call interview and make sure that the guests are like mentally stable enough to be put on stage on TV they need to make sure that this is even the right fit for the show so their job is to make sure that this John guy is okay to bring on the show but the Jenny Jones Show continued on air until 2003 and I honestly think that this played a big role with how talk shows handled themselves in the topics of the show itself because the like shocking topics really calmed down a little bit besides Jerry Springer Jerry Springer is just over there on that random Channel just doing doing there and his own thing John is out now I don't know where his whereabouts are and I honestly didn't want to even look it up because I'm you know he did a really awful thing and I believe that he should be in prison for the rest of his life because he murdered somebody so I don't know and I would consider it and would you consider it a hate crime I guess that is tricky I don't know but I will say this the gay panic defense means I don't even know how that's still a thing and I was so shocked to learn about that there have been many cases who have used the gay panic defense where maybe they feel like they have been tricked by somebody when they found out they snapped and they killed them they'll use the gay panic defense just doesn't make sense I just like I can't believe that's that's seriously a thing I it's kept me up last night that's just homophobia yeah so rest in peace to poor Scott and I really hope that his family is doing doing okay I would love to know your thoughts down below I mean I hope we can all agree that the gay panic defense should should not be a thing thank you guys so much for hanging out with me today I hope you have a wonderful day you make good choices leave me down below in the comment section what story you would like me to talk about next week I just want to say a big thank you to hunch a killer for sponsoring today's video sorry if I'm whispering its kind of late at night no not that it batters please be safe out there please please please be safe out there and I'll be seeing you guys later bye teen by day vampire by night
Channel: Bailey Sarian
Views: 2,561,022
Rating: 4.9532142 out of 5
Keywords: bailey sarian, mystery and makeup, get ready with me, GRWM, true crime story, unsolved, jenny jones
Id: Kyyp5UmPeJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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