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I've have seen this all over youtube kids that you wont believe exist Ok i've seen that so many times, but I have never clicked on one or watched one of these videos until now today We're watching freaky kids so if you don't feel special and unique already as it is yeah I don't know this little boy right here was born with a birthmark It looks like his damn hairline comes out all the way through here. I mean, that's pretty cool Like how was I six out this birthmark became more than he imagined That's the ultimate hairy mole you think it's a problem You got like a hair sticking out of your mole, and I know sausage has that problem He got hella moles, and they all got hair sticking out of them But this this was basically a big mole covering a half of his face, and then it started growing hair... It's like Wolverine or something so kids actually bully him for that. I'll go like this and pretend I have superpowers or something so he actually got somebody to remove it so this is a thing like it starts out as a birthmark and Then it gets bigger and bigger and bigger and then it gets hairier and hairier and doctors know like the fuck's she like half cow Cowhide and has spread all over her back so basically. It's a disease that makes like normal moles Go crazy, and destroy everything so they actually removed the whole thing. This is him now guys I'm so happy for him like he went from this to this so like the best glow-up of 2011 Like you don't have post meats you can't just get up and walk to him McDonald's Brazil doesnt have Mcdonalds. he lives in Brazil as he eaten his parents food is he's just going into the fridge at night eating the food i feel like you as a parent should you are responsible for what your kid is eating? They go on slap some disorder on it saying He can't control himself, but they are hoping that with regular food intake maintenance. They can manage his behavior some See that's the whole point yeah with regular food intake. You can manage his behavior Y'all just keep giving him food giving him food giving him food of course. He's gonna eat it You give them a little bit food. That's it. That's all you get tonight. We're gonna do about it Boy named Mohammad Kaleem has developed oversized Hands that have a weight and size that makes them difficult to manage No way!! times out of reach in many cases this poor kid His hands are huge ! Can't do anything. You can't even hold the swing I feel so bad for this kid everything from staying fed to getting closed take far more effort than they should look at his dad's hand and Look at his hand Whoa? He finds that these hands are a constant obstacle. I hope they fix that this poor boy. Oh hand surgery a success That's what I like to hear let me see his new hands, oh my god. He has new hands. They're still really big maybe they're just swollen or something, but they they did good I hope it's better for him. No one should have to suffer like that. She was born without a nose She has an empty space where the nose should be How she was she born with no nose Both her parents have a nose. That's that's so weird There is a smooth and shows no growth of where the nose should be Due to the lacking of a nose doctors have started her on the process of developing a new one with that new nose she will become the first person to have a fully synthetic nose, What! I didn't know people could be born with no nose. What is this? we at 2017 I really hope she grew that nose, I have to know does she grow that nose cuz I really hope she grew a nose Okay, it's getting here. This is the only pic alright so in a few years. She's gonna get a new nose I always have to like look this up and follow up and see where are they now I want to know Like she breezed fine like through her mouth like it just blows my mind Both our parents have noses crazy How the world works so this one actually blows my mind mermaids are not real But some kids that are born with their legs together with legs attached to one another Rizzo tale of a mermaid one girl named Milagros Sarang in Peru faced this problem Doctors were able to separate the two legs and give her the chance to grow up healthy and normal. Oh that poor girl She was born of mermaid you took her tale from her by me. That's that's pretty dope Like imagine being poor would you like stuff together like this? I have never heard of this this actually dad ass like a mermaid though back in the water See what happens has anybody tried back the first pick is kind of ruining chicken wings for me like I love chicken wings factor sing Then I gotta shot by FBI In China a small boy named pan, zhang heng is born with a rare medical condition This skin condition caused him to have itchy scaly skin it is a constant discomfort for him on top of the Continuous itch and dryness it also limits his ability to move the boy finds himself Constantly dealing with his skin disorder okay, my man or something Everybody's thinking it I said it okay me I want to see what his dad looks like seeable future because sadly there is no cure for it you Guys always say there's no cure. There's a cure for everything y'all. Just don't know about it. Not even Kerry I say that was a cure for everything because there is pan Jen huh, if nothing works all you need is a really good moisturizer Charlotte was born premature with some health complications her body was tiny and doctors assumed that she would only live to one year old at most she Proved them wrong though and beat the odds. She is still alive today going to school and living as normal of a life as possible I'm so happy for you, Charlotte She may look tiny similar to the size of a newborn or a large doll and be equal in size to her favorite teddy bear But she stays strong Parents and everyone around her constantly looked to her having a bright and positive future She's so small like like she goes to school and everything She's just tiny she a fragile little snowflake when you think of someone ripped you rarely think of a ten-year-old Giuliano stroe though is Giuliano of course is Juliana Juliana gotta hit the gym after lunch boy is a gymnast and weightlifter who was able to gain an immense amount of strength regular intense exercises This left him with a body covered in muscle It is something that you rarely never in most cases see and that's so weird What do you like to do in your free time Giuliano, sorry? Juliana, what do you want to drink let me get uh? protein shakes to scoop of protein Thanks with his strength and his skills. He has even beaten numerous World Records. He astonished People with his physical capabilities, I are his parents scared walking up into the house. Leg, Juliana you gotta do your homework? But mama play an Xbox Juliana you better get off the Xbox your homework I mean technically for kid works out and stuff they can gain muscle, right It's just kids rather be doing other stuff like spinning their fidget spinners watching Jake Paul on YouTube. It's everyday, bro It's everyday, bro. I said it So she was born with a bright red tumor on her nose She looked cute, but it's serious, so she had to get her move tumor any parent would feel an immense amount of fear Luckily after several attempts They did find a surgeon willing and capable to do the surgery the tumor is now gone and the girl as a normal nose Tumor is gone So they found a doctor that would do the surgery and he removed the tumor and now she has a normal nose and this is her now when you're older you won't remember a thing I wonder if when she's older she won't remember any of it just because she's So young so there's this little kid right here people that saw her that she was pregnant or bloated But just had a really big round stomach as ridiculous as the second part may seem it is sort of close to the reality She was not pregnant, but she did have her unborn and underdeveloped twin inside of her So Mom had a baby this baby had two other baby inside. Oh my life Call dr. Phil Marie Who do we call who do we call for this baby drama my daughter is having my baby? I? Am done with this video wait hold on. I got I gotta find out your hand inside the baby He did not grow to full term nor did it survive of course But she was born with it and had to have it removed Oh my god, so the baby didn't develop, but they had to move it That's so weird okay I've had enough of this you guys want another episode of this make sure you leave a like and subscribe to the wolfpack Table below and let me know which one was your favorite or the weirdest one or the or the craziest one well I love you guys so much. Thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 14,845,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniperwolf, sniper wolf, funny, reacting, actually exist, you won't believe, kids, exist, children, believe, won't believe actually exist, incredibly, unbelievable, actually, can't believe, amazing, won't believe
Id: ehsEnYfzREA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2017
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