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honey are you home yeah soccer was canceled go to the basement now and lock the door why it's mom it'd be so weird go now why what is going on the spa's take what seriously you need to trust me get to the basement now no not until you tell me why mom okay but then you go to the basement alright okay no matter what got it yes not building the mystery just let me know I'm gonna tell you something and just remember that I love you I love you so much honey mom be so weird sweetie yes you're adopted what a dog this is nothing you tell someone over text your birth mother found us and it's coming to take you away life she's very dangerous and that's why we never told you sweetie are you there I don't understand her name is Rebecca Jones do you understand that definitely a fake name is that even her real name yes she's been in jail for 15 years like all Rebecca's sorry I should be taking this seriously she just got out sweetie what was she in jail for murder y-yeah Loida oh my god someone's pulling up mom someone's pulling up that's why I keep telling you to get to the basement okay I'm here I'm here sweetie did you lock the door at least yes I love them now there should be a red bag under the toolshed oh my god no she's in the house mom no no no yes focus please you got to focus did you find the red bag did you call the police no I've been texting you yes they're on their way where are you mom what is this why you adopted me from murderers hey I was trying to do the right thing I'm on my way home is that okay though I don't know I think Rebecca already got to him sweetie what does that mean what do you think it means why are you texting me go get the red bag did you yes yes I did find the bag ages ago open the bag Oh No oh no no take the pepper spray point it at the basement door it'll get her bad are you serious it would have been cool if in the bag there was like a precedent and this was just all a ploy to surprise me for my birthday if anyone tries to open it spray the door what honey I need you to trust me oh my god oh my god she's at the door she's at the door spray what if it's dad that's a risk I'm willing to take did you do it I think I sprayed someone good job honey oh my god it sounds like you mom mom is that you oh my god mom no you did the right thing who is this who am I talking to who am i texting it's your mother your real mother Rebecca hi sweetie you monster my mom is blind you injured my mom no you did I just told you where the spray was don't say that and now you have a choice to make either be charged with spraying or come on the run with me are you crazy I'm the only family you have left the cost will be here soon what's it gonna be make your choice whoa it ends like that that was so scary oh my goodness if it was me I don't even know what I'd do I mean she has text message proved true she's been in jail for 20 years that's why should it really think this one out is mom home it's your dad here no what should I do are the men still there you know who I'm talking about what man like we'd be more context here yes they're banging on the front door dad and there's like three of them I'm really scared do they know you're home I don't think so should I just hi go ahead in the Attic now okay attic it is those men are going to break it how do you know that dad but they aren't looking for you cuz you don't want to know what kind of stuff I've been into what do they want oh you're so nosy the family diamonds the ones you have in the safe they're the safe dime they are in the house I can hear them they've got muscles the size of basketballs but listen it's fine they're looking for the safe not you so you just hide in that attic and don't make a peep okay he just changed his opinion by the safe okay dad I'm scared are you in the Attic because you don't have to be scared if you're in the Attic yes I'm in the Attic okay listen to me very carefully dad hurry they're coming upstairs should I call the police no please don't talk to that her hey why not why you be so sketchy because if they find you and then the cops show up they will hold you hostage I guess that kind of makes sense yeah exactly and then you actually might get hurt I feel like there's some like twist coming up here yeah it's weirder for him to say don't call the police like you can mute your phone and make an emergency call feeling dad's in on the shady situation hi sweetie mom is almost home oh crap why it's nothing nothing it's fine haha she knows where you are she knows about the men okay either mom or dad his something's happening she knows honey you need to focus focus on what I don't want them to hurt you okay what is the code to the safe this is associated why seek it either code from her dad I'm really scared right now I think sweetie just listen everything is gonna be fine just tell daddy the cold oh no dad they're close to the Attic stay calm sweetie they just want the code they just want to get in the safe but what if they find me like I said they don't want to hurt you dad am I gonna die if you listen to me you're gonna be fine sweetie wait what if the criminal got the phone from dad like in the last story oh I think that's the case because he keeps asking for the code yeah do you know the code hmm - the safe - what else yes yeah I know it what is it then sweetie don't you know it - dad you're the one who made the code dad uh listen I just want to make sure you know it so you don't get hurt you know like if they come in then you'll know the code dad they're coming they're opening the attic oh oh jeez honey repeat the code to me dad I'm scared this is not the time for the code it is the time for the coat their clothes you need to be able to tell them the code so they don't hurt you tell me the code I need to make sure you know it zero - zero - it's a horrible code how could you forget I've got it good questions - but don't worry about it dad come help please dad dad come quick dad oh my god I think they see me dad where'd you go why not text mom instead yeah dad help Oh somebody erased her message we have good work team oh do you have the father what oh no yeah grab him an hour ago suck the diamonds are in a safe the girl texted us the code duh I don't know why we're doing this over text again we're gonna get caught for sure okay you need to hurry though quick the mom's gonna get home soon with dinner she's bring in Chinese the mother's almost home I'm officially traumatized if I ever get a text from my parents from now on I'm like who are you really are you really my mom and dad mom huh dad if they ever asked me any questions are gonna be like what what do you mean get out of here prove your identity send me a picture with a spoon on your head right now oh that's a good one yeah it's a really good one we're displaying a pen on your nose I just say FaceTime me but I like the demand for a spoon on the head in a photo right because then even if it is them they look like an idiot it's a way too manly at this point what did they just switch to their regular phones yeah wouldn't they just call now found the safe what's the code just scroll up it's Oh - OH - Oh imagine if the daughter jebaited them ooh and that was a code we're in oh they're okay all right no she wasn't smart enough do you see the Diamonds got a perfect crime we want delete the texts and get out all right whoo smart copy that boss a heist Ohio we did a heist with Julie conversation okay all of it thank you all of it gone can't they back it up though from the cloud they can Oh are they repeating the combo now honey it's daddy did the bad man hurt you honey honey I'm so worried about you just kidding Wow that was a trip that was really scary Wow the first one really got me the holy it got me too I didn't know but the second one because it happened the first one that's kind of like okay I see what's happening yeah I see what you're doing here I can't trust anybody on the phone like is it really you I can't trust anyone with my family diamonds anymore yeah anyways we did another video and cast a channel make sure to check it out we love you all so much stay awesome stay sweet and don't forget me know each other [Music]
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 11,453,212
Rating: 4.899303 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, reaction, reacting, funny, scary, text, message, messages, people, got, at, 3am, Creepy, creepiest, chat, scariest
Id: ZAfeZmffShM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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