Guessing CHEAP vs EXPENSIVE Items

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hello friends it's me and today I am here with we're gonna be trying expensive things versus cheap things obviously we are the experts of expensive and cheap mostly to feel like we're gonna be really good at this so you're gonna give me something cheap and you're gonna give me something expensive okay I'm gonna tell you which one is which and do I win something if you get it wrong we'll give you candy yeah I'll give you a code oh this feels kind of unfair all right one of the cheap and one of the expensive is the Emma matcha expert oh that's nasty that one is so bitter and gross yeah this one's very mild it looks like it's separated while this one just looks like green gunk this one's definitely the expensive one wrong that's the cheap one yeah this one's not bitter this one's so gross you didn't even thought it for a second you're like I know my mom Chuck do you know your matcha I do though I know my well okay well we're gonna you know reverse this okay that's not the worst I've had so exposing that Starbucks matcha which is not real much I've had much ru fain Oh God what do we have next we got some beef jerky of the beef is this dog food it smells good doesn't this looks like dog food this jerky this looks like some good jerky is your job food good job this was dog food just tastes like anything she's like rubber definitely dog food I'll try this one sounds like raisins in it and never seen jerky with raisins y'all wanna gross I have no idea he could both possibly be dog food I'm gonna say this one's expensive that's like the one expensive jerky are dog food I don't know given the here you don't mind Oh she'll eat it it's dog food would you eat this one oh she's gonna have the farts the poopoo fights oh she can't even chew that you see how she weed this rubber is you don't try it no it's not good which one do you want first so when it's cheap and expensive I'm getting milk chocolate that's not the same oh okay so I try one on each plate mm-hmm I love dark chocolate why are you so happy you know the look orange cream inside this tastes like this this one is the orange cream on the inside I wasn't expecting that yeah it's probably cheap this one it's got some real nice edges it's very cubular got a nice design with 3d mm-hmm don't like a berry was that it's berries you know that expensive hmm those berries ain't cheap it's got berries on the inside huh honestly they both taste cheap this one I mean what do I know berries on this seem like whips more of like a mousse the quality of the chocolate tasted darker those cocoa beans were raised in a loving family this is the expensive chocolate the cheap one ain't no orange cream at Godiva I don't really know I'm just taking all them it was like right you are right you are right that's what I thought next your eyes uh you got some lotion okay I'm like did you just squirt ketchup on my hands that's illegal though you'd be doing me a favor with my crusty fingernails okay tell me what you press key cuticles okay wait can I open my eyes fine okay real moisturizing wow there's real nice feels good on my crusty cuticles and then this one there's some smooth like butter no good okay now we sit and wait which one soaks into my skin which doesn't that one smells really good this one smells kind of smells like like a hint of cocoa butter but not strong enough this one is very heavily scented this one's not like absorbing into my skin so it's probably made of like oils but this one feels really good like my hands feel very moisturized I want to say this is the expensive one like one of your hands is turning red allergic reaction call the police okay this is the cheap one because that's weird cheap dollar store yes dollar store I'm just taking both of these Bob dollars better actually look good but it's made of petroleum mineral oil alcohol just lots of things to clog your pores yeah ready clock girl okay clog what's already clogged mmm all right hit me with the next one no duty what's a PR yeah I would love some tea are you gonna have some - I'll have some to it okay so one of these is a piece by centi and the other one is a $40 t we got some tea Cheers which is the cheap which is the expensive I feel like this one's gonna be very hard even though I love tea but both things pretty bad I don't like a black tea straight up having no idea I want to say the one that's a little less bitter okay I think you're gonna get it wrong they're both bitter they both taste like very similar I honestly can't tell I'm actually stumped with this one I thought I was a tea connoisseur you know pinky drinker and all that was a really bitter that one's very very bitter alone I'm gonna say this one that I drink all of because I can actually drink this one the one I drank all of is the expensive one I wonder why no this is really bitter it's not supposed to be this better thank you for the tea but they taste so similar so this wasn't Lipton tea and this one was an expensive aged Black team Wow and that's the tea that I don't know my tea we only know how to spill the tea sorry close your eyes stop cheating I'm a sprayer sleep okay can you sing something there you go tell me what you think okay can I open my eyes yeah okay wait I'm sorry I smell like a car freshener like the little pine trees that you hang in your car to make your car smell good mmm maybe that's what I sprayed on you like evergreen ice hey that smells really good oh that smells like Apple but it's very strong oh it's kinda like a weird chemical smell to it mmm that smells really good but also reminds me of a car a nice car like a 96 Toyota Camry but smells really good this is the cheap one again you keep failing this really this is a mess I think you sprayed my let me see that oh is that really no the expensive ones what's up instead of a jar a bean and then you've got that where's dick body spray from the dollar store they're both sheep honestly they both smell like dang I thought those smell like what are the intensity body spray ooh you smell delicious today I smell like maybe it's my sleeves or something but I smell like a chemical smell with each one and I'm like honestly smells pretty good I smell like the clothes on wish what about you this one's really good but it's just more chemical meat that's why I thought it was a cheap one I think it's just my sleeves why do I smell like a chemical well we're gonna test your beauty guru Oh nah let's lipstick these are pretty colors okay we're gonna do a swatch oh man this one's a really pretty color just one sweating i'm swatching it right now feel like I have to do I don't know if it's because the lotion on my hands what I have to do like several layers for it to like no that one looks really nice that was smooth that one's smooth AF oh this one has a hair in it it's literally inside if there's a hair inside there's something really pretty color but like it feels lighter this one has a nicer this one has like a plastic tubing from what I can see I mean it's been duct tape so I can't really tell but this one looks more substantial I'm gonna be like this one the dark red one that's expensive yes I know my makeup yeah not really bad I like he's ready for the next one ooh water h2o you see I like to believe I'm a water expert I'm very picky when it comes to water but we'll we'll find out okay let's see what it's up against Donald Hayes pretty dang I think this tastes danker than this but I mean some expensive waters taste pretty dang is one of these tap water maybe maybe they both are they really could be I don't even know what my tap water tastes like I'm just scared to drink tap water I don't know more I really don't know it's all about the aftertaste this is tap water this has to be tough this one's tap water yeah just have fun it is not punim Wow no way let me this is tap water the tap water tastes better no you are not a water expert wow she isn't she's the water expert apparently with your hydro flasks what kind of water you got in there I drink this from the source I don't know I don't know what to believe I thought I would be like killing this challenge but if I was lying gummi bears oh excuse me I didn't order and hair with my gummy why wouldn't you I don't know it's Lumpy's hair so rude all right we have some bright red ones and then we have some like two colored maroon ones Oh some of these actually have their faces in them and other ones are just like the silhouette of a bear look this one has an actual bear imprint this one's a fake imposter bear mist you'll eat it hmm very chewy very rubbery could definitely be Harbo gnomes gone mmm delicious mmm ooh that one's softer squishier that's a real berry flavor the other one was a fake berry flavor these are expensive I have to verify these are really good hmm no no those are good yeah he's got a cheap one stuff no very expensive yes they are yes I don't know Oh got it I know my gummy bears you do these are horrible mmm they're just different why you're like on y'all like that real berry flavor - Barry - healthy is that real very she's like if a house real fruit in it I don't want I don't want help unless it's dragon fruit yeah they went to tea time and then they brought out a plate of cheese and fruit tomorrow and it was like strawberries in pair and whatever and then she was like what there's no dragon fruit dragon fruit like excuse me we're not in Bora Bora I'm definitely not those four season resort I'd have two of us on the Fuji one you are you really are mm-hmm all right anyways it's all for today if you guys enjoyed this video make sure to hit that like button and subscribe to my channel and check out Mars channel in the description below and make sure you turn on notifications so you know why not upload click click I love you guys so much thanks watching bye guys
Channel: Little Lia
Views: 6,987,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: little lia, sssniperwolf, expensive, cheap, challenge, expensive vs cheap challenge, cheap vs expensive, guessing, guessing cheap vs expensive
Id: AvwfSMAictA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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