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today my daughter Salish adopts Ferran from  the royalty family and instantly regrets   it you're running this new trampoline my  baby brother is being annoying stop stop   stop stop stop I am so excited because I  do have an older brother but lately I've   been wanting a younger sibling that can just  boss around he's here hi hi look guys my baby   brother came baby brother we're literally  the same age I'm older than you I kind of   like this couch honestly from here on this  is my spot that's your spot oh yeah this   is definitely my spot that's always been my  spot too late now always like w didn't you   just get here 30 seconds ago you guys are  already bickering like siblings no this is always at the end of the day Salish will be  given an unlimited credit card and have to   decide does she spend it on herself or on her  new brother okay wait stop stop Ferran Welcome   to our home it's so nice to have you here is  this all you brought or do you have anything   else no I have a couple more stuff actually  can you come help me more things yes outside   come on there's already this huge backpack  what else could he bring I mean where is he   planning on putting it sish and her brother  Hudson have a great relationship and they   hardly ever argue but this experience with  Ferran I think is showing her what sibling   relationships are usually like and we'll see  how she handles it all right so I brought a   few things check it out wait you brought a  U-Haul why didn't you bring a U-Haul how much stuff why so much stuff I'm just moving in where  are you going to like put all of this stuff don't   worry I have a plan just just help me take this  out all right please don't drop it please don't   drop it my baby brother I should have to do this  I'm not your baby brother you can get all this   stuff I'm right in the chair what w this is really  fun and all but where is this stuff going to go we   don't have that many extra rooms in the house all  right everybody this way this way please please go   ahead and uh put it inside my room yeah be careful  with that one perfect thank you so much hey that's   a little bit heavy just watch out just please  don't crash okay thank you so much your room   yeah yeah in my room voice room it's upstairs  there are rooms just go just go it's fine thank   you guys yeah you're welcome this is going to be  awesome okay so where's our room my room is right   over there oh perfect all right let me go check  it out yeah just give me one second that's my room   that's not our room this is okay this is actually  my room I'll tell you was thinking about it okay   he's going to move into her room this is going to  be interesting usually I have a no boys allowed   in my room policy but you're my baby brother so  obviously you're my baby brother okay okay no   more of that baby brother stuff you're my baby  brother this is my room you cannot move into my   room of course I'm going to I'm going to settle in  here I'm going to make it part of having a brother   or sister is you compromise say exactly okay fine  I can compromise okay so compromise work together   okay I'm so sorry from so basically my compromise  this is my bed obviously and that's your bed try   it out why do I got to sleep on this little bed  my feet are sticking out the monsters are going   to get my feet you still believe in Monsters I  want to sleep on the bed you get sleep here if   you stop bickering oh my gosh they've been here  30 minutes and already they bickered every single   second look take a breath work together compromise  tell her to compromise tell him to compromise fine   you can make something a little bit more personal  as long as you don't change my room at all okay   you know I I won't change anything okay promise  yes yes I'm just going to surprise you okay just   walk out just let wait you surprise me with  what you'll see you're not changing anything I   w't I won't change anything don't worry about it  you are not psych she thought this baby brother   thing is not working out how I thought it would  I mean he's not listening to me like I thought   and he's kind of taking over but we'll see what  he does to this room I feel like it's a little   bit girl who needs all of these pillows like I  don't need this one we don't need this one we   don't need this one not this one not this one  either I think we'll just keep one 2 years ago   stes came into my house and she ruined my room  and ever since that day I've been wanting to get   her back let's go this picture's kind of nice  but I think I can find something better that's   so much better they are already bickering so much  that I just decided I'm going to give them a huge   test at the end of the day to see if they can  treat each other the way siblings should treat   each other with respect and generosity let see all  right now it's time to make this room look [Music] awesome okay FR are you ready yet come on okay  I think I'm ready are you ready 3 2 1 what did   you do to my room Welcome to our new room what  the heck you said you wouldn't change anything I   just changed a little bit of things but wait  you know what I did kind of give you like a   little surprise I'm a lot taller taller so this  is going to be my bed because I'm taller no this   is my bed don't worry about it cuz I got you your  own little bed and I will not even fit in this I   can't even that's yours what the heck you're  YouTube black yeah no no leave that on there   leave why is this skateboard in my bedroom you  don't even skateboard this is going down hey no   don't rip it this is my room you can't just redo  I am going to go to bed no because wo he changed   my entire I did not change your room she's just  being annoying actually this looks pretty good   yeah girl for real is this your gaming setup yes  my G set sweet I could totally get down with this   okay picking sides Dad I'm not picking sides  this was my room this is fire salish your little   brother put a lot of effort in time and you  should show him how much you appreciate gloves hey okay okay okay stop stop stop stop  okay stop stop stop you're driving me   crazy siblings have to be able to get along  together please find something that you can   Bond over okay you ruin my room I can't  bond over anything you look I have an   awesome idea okay okay fine okay that's a  good idea let's go let's go go downstairs   come on come on okay so I need to fill this up  with water and ice what's the blo for you'll   see just watch Dad we have magic track we  can make the water disappear you just have   to hold it hold it we have a magic truck  we're going to make the disappear in 3 2 1 what are you no yeah no what are you doing yeah  you have to get it down yourself how am I what no   come on actually Lo down I can't get it down so  sad Sandy actually Rowan go Rowan tell Rowan Rowan   Sandy ow my arms are burning my arms are seriously  ouch my arms are buring get me out of here 3 2 [Music] 1 yeah let's oh my God no way good job I liked it better when they were  bickering Sandy how's my hair is it bad oh okay   siblings these days I have an idea and it's  going to be much more fun okay what you have   to stay here though I'll be right back you're  going to love it oh s is going to love this   having a little brother is it's really fun when  we're not bickering oh let's go okay stay Lish   uh what are you getting I'm not sure about this I  don't want to basketball who just wait just slide   it over right there and I'll be right back what  you doing you're on the Clippers right and I'm on   the Lakers okay I to wear a hot heavy Jersey  right now yes just put it on the Jersey okay   you're Paul George and I'm LeBron James okay no  no I want to be LeBron no everybody knows LeBron   is better and that's why know who pole is I have  one more thing I'll be right back okay this might   be my back to school look you know my first B  back to school I me I got it this is going to   be awesome this is a 3 you're just drawing on my  trampoline doesn't matter it's a three point line   you're drawing on my trampoline give it to me  real quick really quick oh what the heck just   trust me it's going to look awesome but you're  running this new trampoline I love this trampoline   it's like the best thing ever we just got it  it doesn't matter I'm making it better let's   go LeBron James dribbling fourth Corner he's got  3 seconds 2 1 I'm the absolute go baby brothers   get DK on let's go now that I'm moving in I have  to ride my name on the trampoline what no no no   you know what I am done no stop stop it no my  house stop stop stop no me okay okay okay okay   much better he's driving me crazy I thought all  brothers were sweet I'm so lucky to have Hudson   as my big brother to stop the big bickering I've  decided to have them do something that brothers   and sisters love to do together make fresh Pizza  Hudson and sales do it all the time now it's up   to you guys all I'm saying is be nice and enjoy  okay I got you okay watch exactly how I do it   you're my little brother and I know how to make  pizza well actually I'm better at making pizza   than you are so I'm not going to listen to you  pizza is actually not a square so well I like   mine to be a square can you hurry up please  I need to use it oh my God use this that's it   stop stop stop I'm going to call Dad Dad Dad  Dad Dad what is going what are you doing no   stop stop stop stop is this the way it always is  with siblings stop okay stop stop stop stop stop   I'm going to take away your pizza privileges okay  I'm washing my hands um now our pizzas are pretty   much done no my pizza isn't done the only thing  I'm missing is pepperoni oh we don't have any in   this house it's a vegetarian household I'm still  going to go find some pepperoni no you're not no   don't you leave the house what type of house  does it have meat oh he's finding me so crazy   you know what I'm going to ruin his pizza what  should I do to his pizza I could put hot sauce   I could put sugar maybe some salt maybe I could  put a miso soup I'm going to ruin it in a bunch   of waste what absolutely does not belong in a  pizza oh vanilla let's go get some extra salt   I would never do this to Hudson but my baby  brother is driving me crazy I have to let's   grab some Sal Sal I have to hurry I got some  miso soup broth which would not be good on a   pizza then I'm going to add some salt this is  going to take a long time last but not least a   little bit of vanilla smells really good but not  on Pizza okay now some cheese to cover it perfect   now let's put it all back act like this never  happened all right guys I'm back from the store   I got my pepperoni and I got a little something  special for sist just watch I'm back what oh my   gosh how long does it take to get pepper I'm  back wait wait wait there's something in the   bathroom you got to go check it like I'm serious  like go check it run run run oh my [Music] God   pickles sish it's so scary [Music] right what is  it it's it's a I don't know it's a spider that was   way too much pickles you you are driving crazy I  got to hurry up spider that's the best that you   could do yeah that's the best I can do uh yeah um  also I kind of put your pizza in the oven just so   like just cuz like I'm such a big uh no no no no  don't no need to open it just because I'm such   a good little brother you know I'm just helping  you out let me just add some pepperoni real quick   okay cool I got it that's disgusting little  baby brother not a baby okay for time to eat   our pizzas I'm really excited okay why don't you  take a bite you too together two one one [Music] what is that why is it so salty why is mine so  pickly did you no you added salt to mine yeah but   did you add pickle juice to mine I'm not saying  yes or no but that's disgusting why did you R me noed this W wo wo stop stop actually stop wow  that's just one thing too many turn around you   guys have been bickering all day and I don't  think you really realize exactly how lucky you are so we're going to go to the mall oh mall and  I'm going to teach you how to behave father one   all right cool yeah I don't think they hurt  me well you guys have left me no choice but a   parenting trick when the sibling are bickering you  have to wear a getalong shirt what I'm not wearing   that bro you're my favorite person too late no no  too late you're going to ruin my hair why do you   have to write get along on it so you'll remember  oh dir what is this thing what is it$ I will give   this to you and you can go spend it wherever you  want but you have to compromise on a store all   right let's go okay St come on come on where are  you going to go let's go L Lululemon no uhh we're   going to Nike let's go every pair should get one  of these these two need it yes my baby brother is   being annoying no I need Air Jordans yeah yeah  yeah you're going to break the shirt okay okay   now we're good well I want to go to Nike because  I need some new shoes well I want to go to little   11 because I just want to look around there  I need more tank top no no you don't no you   don't you have enough we're breaking the shirt  oh my gosh baby brothers okay how about we go to   Apple I need more outfits from gymnastics okay I  am turning the other way no let's go we're going   okay okay okay okay okay you know what I'll be a  good little brother and I'll go this way okay now   let's turn around no yeah you got to compromise  okay how about we like go eat food or I don't even   know no but if we go eat food we won't even have  enough money to spend on shoes We're going to Nike   oh I have an actual idea what's your idea I know  you need to sleep with a teddy bear every night so   we could go to builda bear and make you one all  right yay okay let's go you know what I have an   idea oh no no okay all right all right tell me  where to go house sweet is that this is classic   sibling Behavior one minute they're bickering  the next minute they're best friends I love my   baby brother if they pass the getal shirt test I  have one final challenge for them to see if they   can really get along imagine how many people  are laughing at us o Paw Patrol this is a big   decision ferran dude no it's not just get this one  it's pink e no you like pink wait actually yeah   it's kind of cute I'm not going to lie no we're  taking it come on no not bro why don't you oh   my god there take that one okay it's the literal  exact same thing hey fon I just want to make sure   that you always remember me cuz obviously I'm  your favorite person in the world perfect hey   say say this is your little brother I hope you  remember me because I know you love me see you   soon that's working great I mean they're laughing  they're having fun they compromise they're getting   teddy bears for each other if you're a parent  out there get a long shirt it works all right   so we're going to go finish our Bears onto the  next part oh w w wo wo uh on to the next part so   you guys are happy I love my I love meal you're  not bickering anymore no not really I have one   final brother sister challenge for you I'm about  to give you each a credit card all right and you   can go to one store each and buy whatever you want  you have 10 minutes and you go to one store and   you have to decide are you going to buy something  for yourself or something for your sibling okay   I get the gold one see you later 10 minutes okay  so what do you think is going to happen are they   going to buy something for themselves or for each  other big sibling test I really want to go to the   Apple Store but it's too far away so I think I'm  going just go get the most expensive brand new   cicks I can get let's go I have the card and  I know exactly what I'm going to get it has   something to do with the Apple store but it's  really far away so we got to run ooh these are   actually kind of fire I like the green on them ooh  all right I like the all white what do you think   oh more Le bron I like this color way one of my  favorites I love me some dunks it's tempting but I   have a better idea all black Air Forces I'm joking  I really don't like these they got so many options   for Crocs but Crocs aren't expensive if I'm using  Jordan's golden card I got to go all the way to   the top I kind of wanted to get myself something  and then I remembered that nidal has been wanting   something for so long and I really want to get it  for him so we're at the Apple Store can you guys   guess what I'm going to get him oh wait I said  nidal I meant for okay come on what is the most   expensive coolest trending shoes that you guys  got about 200 bucks these are so cool I like the   black and purple I'm going to wear these like  every single day you guys have these in a size   7 and half have well here you go thank you enjoy  yeah Jordan actually said that I can either buy   something for myself or something for my sister  but you know Salish is sweet but I can't miss   out on these sorry Salish so did you guys both get  something y ready close your eyes okay I'll close   your eyes momm I put in your lap and you have to  guess what it is okay um okay is it a Lego no okay open no you did not do you like them  of course I like them thank you so much   welome thank you oh my gosh I've heard you  talking about them so much I know I really   wanted these so you spent all of your money  for something for me yeah oh my gosh thank   you so much that was really awesome you  want to show us what you got uh-huh yes   I want to show you ready okay I got a little  something okay okay you ready mhm all [Music] right you got Lulu Lemon for you thank you for you to do gymnastics so you didn't get  anything for yourself I was tempted in the   end I thought it wouldd be more special  if I gave it to my big sister thank you   so much I'm your we to gymnastics tomorrow  guys what do you want to see I want to see   Barbie me huh me I've already seen Barbie  three times I don't care right now go see   the royalty Family Video where they actually  go to school together for their first time   this year don't watch this anymore go see  royaly family right now this is not ass
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 18,037,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salish matter, say say matter, say matter, jordan matter, BAck to school, target, shopping spree, taylor swift, swifty, last day of summer
Id: Lpb0F-QxyRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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