KIDS TURN 21 YEARS OLD FOR 100 HOURS! (bad idea)

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is being an adult actually cooler than being a kid so to answer this question I'll be transforming my kids into adults for the next 100 hours and if they complete 10 grown-up tasks with the help of their best friends they will win a mystery prize at the end of the day so first to be an adult you need to earn money and MAA really really wants a new dollhous that cost $60 Daddy I really want the doll house but the problem is every time we buy her a toy she quickly gets bored of it and wants another one want a new so to solve the problem mil will have to earn the money through different challenges and by the end of the day we'll see if she can afford the toy and hopefully hard work will make her appreciate it more and understand the value of money honey do you honestly believe she'll make enough by the end of the day I guess we'll find out ma Mimi do you want a new dollhouse yeah do you have money Oh Daddy going to buy for me nope you're going to have to buy it your own Mone so we're here at the Santa Monica pier and we have 1 hour to turn this Penny into as much money as we can am are you ready yeah you're going to take this Penny and go up to people and say what can I have for this Penny the timer starts now let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go who are we going to ask Mila yeah go go ask someone how about we all ask them so this is literally the hardest part this is so embarrassing come on honey I don't want to do that let's ask excuse me hi we wanted to know would you trade anything for a penny literally anything are you doing like the trade up Yes Trade would you trade anything for a penny here we go here we go here we go look at this oh my w TR give him give him W oh my goodness shout out to this guy what's your name Dad got the money daddy now we can buy some toys with this baby this is only $3 I don't think we have enough yet but the tasks are only getting more and more challenging excuse me what would you give us for $3 do you have anything on you can you dance you know how to dance let me see you dance oh my thank you I think the best case scenario is for you to do a street performing look at everyone here street performing they're making so much money that's the best I don't know this be do you want to help your daughter or no I'm I'm too shy I don't want to sing I get too embarrassed I'm not going to continue we have to buy the toy can you sing can you sing please we have to buy the toy I couldn't let ma down after she worked so hard so we needed someone to let us rent their equipment yo yo I think he might say yes here's the $5 honey that's all we have hi how's it going good how are you I'm doing well I have a quick question for you I'll give you this $5 if you could let me use your little mic and everything for like 15 minutes right now yeah $5 look yeah you can look at the hat I don't think you're G to make your money my heart is pounding this mic's a little too high how much money do you think Mommy will make for US $10 let's hope $10 let's go Mommy hello it's me and I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to me to go over everything and as I sang people started to get [Music] interested oh my God thank you so much oh wow hey thank you thank you shout out to my number one supporter here let's count them okay say one one 2 5 6 seven that's a two now you can buy a lot of toys now we can buy 1% of your toy okay so right now it's currently 136 p.m. and the toy store closes at 600 and we still have a long way to go till we reach $60 okay guys so we're here at our second job the car wash this is our friend John and his car needs more than just a car wash you have to close your eyes so you don't see the car this is going to be the easiest job ever okay are you guys ready to see the car you're about to clean yes three two one open your eyes e that's not cleaning it oh my God it looks like you guys dug this car up under a lake Johnny gave us $10 if we can do it in 1 hour okay honey and look what I got you and this is a pressurized foam Cannon specifically made to clean the dirtiest of cars let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go this is actually the best job I could do this all day oh my [Music] God honey we're running out of time we have only 10 minutes you're enjoying this way too much oh my God that's so fun what's your favorite color do you want to see what's in here w oh my God W let's go let's go let's go let's go C the guy's going to be here in 1 minute we have to quick to finish it all right she got the water the water are you ready okay are you ready let's go you have to go closer closer higher pressure we're going to make our money daddy joh here so so um the car is almost ready I didn't pay for almost seems like a $9 job to me he should pay you $20 I need $20 for this $20 for this you need $20 for this how about 15 how about 60 60 do you see how much de I still on it you w have the key no key okay if I give you 20 bucks I get the key yes all right I'll give you 20 bucks here we go $20 bill yeah now we have $27.25 okay honey it's 4:00 now Place Clos at 600 we have less than 2 hours do you think we're going to make it and now it was time for the ultimate moneymaking method okay so now we're here at job number three eliminat dance but look who's here with us sailor we're going to bring mil now okay I'm so excited okay so Mila loves sailor so's reaction is going to be crazy close your eyes Mimi close your eyes okay are you ready for the surprise yeah one two three open your eyes [Music] who for buying money to get a toy so she's trying to buy a toy that's 60 bucks and she's trying to get there how much money do you have so far 27 oh that's good oh wow look at this it's good yeah how much are you going to sell it for two $2 who wants lemonade this is going to be so awesome lemonade $2 lemonade yo I think there's no one here who want lemonade lemonade lemonade lemonade l e m o n a d e what do we want okay this is not working we need to find something else to good idea what let's go over there oh my God what are they up to s look at that to we can sell for for $5 what toil oh my God and their idea was to sell the toilet you're not going in there and I'm not going in there Dad no no you want me to go no no you I'm go no no makes sense no no no no I'm saying Dad they need the toilet I'm saying no but I'm doing it I keep forgetting how old he is what if they took the dumpster right now you like all right I'm you want this toilet I'm just going to check inside real you don't want this toilet but we had to hurry for our next task come down this is embarrassing embarrassing for you you ask me to come up here how are you going to come down I don't know how to get down if you give me $5 daddy will help you no 10 are you actually going to make me stay in this dumpster she needs the toy sure I don't even know if I have 10 this is so I'm got a check for you show me how $0 there's more than $10 this is $20 I think we get could you get me out of this dump please an if you know how to do this I got you about this little good about like at this is not this is not fun yo for real give me I hate this and then we finally got our first [Music] customers H well well looks like we got a lemonade stand here today do you know why we pulled over today to get some lemonade $2 $2 okay get it okay thank you you're welcome oh only about a half a cup how long have you been selling lemonade um I don't know just a couple hours this is actually good here we go you guys did a great job here we go thank you so much for coming a thank you for having us and while Mila and Salish were waiting for more customers it was starting to get obvious that mil was falling short behind her goal because today you worked so hard to earn all this money I thought that you deserve a surprise okay are you ready what is this and with much crazier tasks to go our second one is as an adult Mila will have to make a decision on whether she's going to save her money with buying cheap stuff or wasting it all on expensive items starting with breakfast I decided to bring a professional chef to cook MAA a gourmet meal and I will be cooking her a $1 meal and I promise you she will like it better hello sir and this is a Gourmet Chef spent some time at cordon blue school of culinary art so you know okay so you both have 20 minutes to cook the best breakfast and the clock starts now I already know what I got going on we're prepared where are the eggs where do eggs go fridge oh we don't we don't have eggs he has you have to be prepared and actually bring bring your own do you need one you need one do you just don't be mean to my daddy like that can you tell me kind of what your thought process is so basically what I'm going to do I'm going to put together some Gourmet waffles here Dennis can you tell us what you have going on yeah I'm doing this egg wait what you I've never seen anyone cook an egg on a freaking sandwich presser yo give me what are you doing I never seen someone did that before and it's time flew by The Gourmet Chef used actual gold you ever eaten gold before Milo and on top of that he uses $500 caviar this is going to be so delicious yeah it is well Anna mommy what are you doing you said you know how to cook all right time's almost up three 1 second 1 now that we have a $1 and a $600 meal Ma has to try them and select a winner we have a very very fancy and very expensive uh meal for you here so some sturgeon all the way from Siberia it's actually caviar okay I'm going to show you mine okay you have here my eggs with a smiley face yeah I'm going to try it I hope it tastes good same so do [Music] I maybe do you like it I want to try now [Music] try SOA which one tastes better M this one you get a point congratulations but little did Den us know things are going to get more and more expensive okay so now it's time for round two but first we have to put blindfolds on mil you can't see anything okay are you ready where are you oh and for transportation we got two cars this is a $300,000 McLaren that goes 250 mph with very profound interior and this is an average car that cost $35 to rent open your eyes do you see these we will drive in one of these our next location so for mil to make an informed decision she has to experience both cars from the inside so which car do you want to choose this or this this one yeah this one matches my M I should have got her a purple mask this is the right car for us okay so now the score is 1 and meing we're going to be getting somewhere you're really going to like yeah let's go so round three is going to be accessories and we have three choices for Mula to make okay Mimi I have two necklaces here and you can only pick one so I'm going to show you the first one okay are you ready 1 2 3 wow this is a $50,000 diamond necklace W look at it look at it come beautiful right catch it I'm want to put it on me yeah wait but before you decide I'm going to show you the other necklace are you ready three two 2 1 w wow guess what daddy made this for you and it costs $1 look it says ma is that my name yes it has your name it has a heart can I put it on now okay but you have to pick to pick only one this diamond necklace or this me necklace that cost [Music] $1 she literally l a $50,000 Dian necklace and before the biggest event of the day MAA had to pick between a $1,000 sweater and a $19 sweater ooh that's nice which one do you want the Mickey Mouse one or this one so now it's 22 we're tied we're tied and for the third and last item we will be breaking these two piñatas but Mila could only keep what's inside one of them one two three okay I'm going to hit the second Piñata are you ready one two Look At Me Mama I know you're happy right now but we can only choose either the candy or the money which one do you choose the candy yeah I told you she doesn't care you literally you can buy candy with money and more than this now that we've had a $600 breakfast rented a $300,000 car and got a $50,000 diamond necklace we arrived to our next destination for ma to experience a $100,000 a day Hotel wait wait we're giving away a lot of cool stuff all you have to do is subscribe to the the channel and comment done and we will send you the gift wherever you are around the world oh my this hotel was 10,000 square ft it had some crazy features dude there's also a movie theater oh look at this and some things it had were not so common oh it has a sauna imagine playing hide and seek in this house but don't let me get started on the backyard do you see how far does it go down wao dude dude the backyard goes all the way down there down we were there there's like 20 levels to this house what's is that tree house oh my are you kidding me dad look at this oh I feel like I'm on the set of like Disney or something but mil didn't know what was waiting for her I'm going to show you now the $1 [Music] house look at this and and this is the $1 Hotel what is this Old McDonald's Old McDonald's and here Anis did something very sneaky he brought Mila's favorite toys from home to sway her decision this is your teddy bear from home now watch this okay let's eat wow you like it yay I think we should all do camping what do you think Mommy's going to lose the challenge okay I'm just going to go back to the other house with the big trampoline don't me me not like this house don't do the CH and now it's time to answer the big question question what Mimi did you like this house more or the other house with the trampoline this and with much crazier tasks waiting for mil our next one is adults have hobbies so we're going to transform Mila into a gymnast but the problem is lately she's been a bit scared to do it so today to inspire Milo we're bringing her best friend Salish who's an actual gymnast and the goal is to coach her and hopefully by the end of the day Salish will convince Mila to change her mind and go back to training so we're here at the gym and seay is going to be taking care of Mimi today okay there's going to be three rounds and they're going to get harder and harder and harder and all of you have to do it so mil gets inspired to do it right Mimi we going to be good right I don't know level one flexibility let's go okay here we go I'm ready you ready are you ready Mimi okay so first thing you're going to want to do um I can do that can I see me yeah W oh my God you already have your midle SPL I think I can do that maybe maybe not let's see honey oh that was not bad that was pretty good that was good right I think we know where her flexibility came from Daddy it's your turn let's see what you got okay guys you'll see okay cop check it out okay you guys have no idea how flexible I am all right let's see what you got M do you think I'm flexible no watch this wow wow already okay this was not good already that's stretching is supposed to like prevent injuries swear I'm not even kidding I could even go further what's going on okay wait here ew watch the you me okay but see you're really good at this why do you feel you can't do it now when she saw you she feels confident I don't even think we need say it okay say so who uh so what do you think of my um flexibility it was something maybe like A7 wow okay what about aala it was pretty good probably like a positive seven W no so basically I'm winning so far right it's 1 zero okay okay and the loser gets an a cracked on their head W get ready cuz that's not me but Mimi was really good Mimi you're so good at gymnastics good job so you're going to be closer into being a good gymnast right I'm not sure mommy she just said you were like a 10 yeah you're so good maybe we can do the second one but Mimi these rounds are only going to get harder and harder and harder but it's okay I believe in you you got this you're strong that doesn't stop you so strong so now for round two we're going to do a bounce pack oh oh wow oh okay wow that's it oh that's easy yeah that does not even look hard well you guys are going to do it holding a spoon with an egg on it I think I could do that it didn't look too bad honey but it's going to be a race whoever wins first so whoever loses gets an egg on their head yeah get ready Mimi do you want to do this now no I'm not good why baby well how about your mom and dad do it first then will you do it yeah just wants to see you get egged on the head okay honey this is yours I got this okay remember that egg is going to be on your head if you lose this is mine how can I get up while holding an egg what honey I see you're not oh my God okay it looked easier no wait I make sure you don't fall can you hold my egg dude I'm falling up how do you s how doesn't look so easy and then you put other leg I need something to get up okay okay say do you mind if you hold this for me thank you oh my god saish ah get away from me you won't fall I promise okay hold on ready so take go off the be I tried to sit down it was worse H honey look at me hey MIM give me the egg no stop no stop that's oh my God God so you did it I did it okay we need the egg Daddy go don't Anna get away please say go Mommy yeah Mommy momy just you got it you got it mommy mommy mommy mommy be faster than here you go egg on a Sol head [Applause] woo honey I won oh my God okay now I'm not it's one1 you're a cheater one1 come here wow no that's not true horsemanship you kind of cheated coach can you teach her um just a bit about sportsmanship please okay that's all I want you to say to Anis good job okay fine we're tied but I'm going to win the next round but we still had tougher tasks to complete okay Mimi you see I did it mommy did it it's your turn to do it now okay you got it do you want me to help you I pinky promise you won't fall Ready okay 3 2 1 put your foot is your foot on come on come on I'm right here wow wow okay so let's do it without say for a second let's see let me show you you have to right here right here you can do it alot let's try try try try I'm right here we're both right here look okay yeah let's not touch her for this one second look Walk we're right here we're right here yeah you got it we're all here right here we're all here we're all here that right here yeah good job Mimi yes just finish it finish it go right here go go go go one two and three [Music] y did it was that fun yeah see Mimi have you ever walked across the beam no see you can do anything you put your mind to wow you did it and that was your first time now you can tell your coaches when you go back to training that you did it okay so I think maybe in level three you'll change your mind yeah Daddy remember what I told you what and the last one I might say yes really okay wow this is really cool okay for level three all you guys have to do is this um [Music] okay okay that that that that's um how about you go first Hey Mimi we're doing all this for you how about you just do it so we don't have to do it no you have to do it why if you do it I'll will do it great I think I can do it I promise you you won't do it you got this i got this got it and right away honey you do understand whoever doesn't do this gets egg right just a heads up okay just a heads up just remember that put your other leg put your oh my God she's doing it no you're going and then like oh my God I okay ready no no [Applause] W you did it he wasn't really that okay honey now if you don't do it you're getting egged Mimi do you promise me if I do it you're going to do it promise okay say you have to rate this whoever loses gets egged remember yeah I remember what the that's kind of okay okay oh you might make the bar snack it actually break good it you sure he has long leg yep that's not happening really oh my God he's going to snap look honey so who's getting eggs whoever saish decides was better who was better say a solo was better Mimi now you can do it right cuz your mom and dad did it do you want to go try yeah come on let's go try what bar do you want to do it on do you want to do it on those bars and mil had to face her fear so we can go on to the next Tas okay Mimi don't worry you're going to do it okay because then you can go to your coaches and tell them you did it okay okay you got it ready okay Mimi look what you're going to do is sit down and put one leg and the other you got it okay yeah you can do it you got it m you saw that you just did it no there's just one last thing we have to do babe are you and now it was time for our next task where as an adult Ma's going to try three different jobs and pick one at the end of the day so we're here at this amazing ice cream shop called cereal twister and this is going to be Mila's first job hey M you see our friend right there he will be doing the job interview you think you're going to be good I'm s why it's always a little nerve-wracking in the beginning but then you're going to get the hang of it and I'm shy come on let's go together me and you okay come on baby come on come on come on let's go make ice cream you're like hello sir hello sir hello welcome my God are you hiding yes we are hiding are you ready for a job interview yeah please have a sit there okay what's your name you know how to scoop an ice cream yeah but it's a little hard ah yes you can't say it's hard in an interview you have to say I can do it I can do it I can do it can get it okay then you are hired this is your Aon and we have to hurry so we can finish the rest of the task and after an hour worth of training MAA has to now face some customers hi guys what do you want to order I would like a Cookie Monster milkshake pleas of course I will do you want to cream on it yes please Okay click click click what's your name KY all right kylea okay that's $50 okay all right take it mil I think you said 50 it's 15 out 50 here you go thank you I can't wait and after ma got all of the customers orders so I'm going to get a red cream ice cream can you do that oh yay and I'm really thirsty can I get it quickly okay I'll get it right away for you okay thank you okayy we have 10 minutes before the customers get angry quickly quickly let's go let's go she want again what does she want I thought you took the order okay come on put maybe we need a little more oh my honey what are you do do you know what you're doing I don't know is this what you do get it get it get it get it oh my God you're not doing it nice hey I think they're going to be happy don't worry no it's too messy we can make it look pretty it's okay watch here here here I fixed it come on M come on and after some time and some help than were finally coming together oh here we go oh my God I hope you like [Music] it it's so good this is the best milk I've ever had the four people sleeping look yeah he slept Mila I think you were too too late and with crazier things heading Mila's way we headed to the second job okay so now we're here at a salon where M will be doing her second job by being a hair stylist Mimi are you ready y our victim will be roning right here what are you going to do with your hair buzzing it buzzing it hey Ma let's see what job you're going to pick oh wait but before you have to wet his hair remember I mean consider it a shower okay okay I think he's good wow are you having fun Ronan yeah I want to baby powder why do why do you need the baby powder well oh my God oh stop stop stop stop stop oh my God whenever we're going to get start cutting the hair can I use the shaver then yeah we can use the shaver yeah it's safe okay here turn around please she scared for you does nothing oh my [Music] God was it a lot I don't know how to feel about what just happened yeah you can yeah you can hey M you have to be focused to make it look good babe why are you not focused be more okay this is obviously not working I need to help here we go we have this big are out oh my God put your hand okay sir turn around like this oh that feels better hey can you help me with some water please okay what are you adding water to okay we're good we're good mil we do you like your hair it was a little shaky in the beginning but I do think you and now it was time for the final job to see which one mil picks before we had to even crazier tasks now we're here at a courtroom where mil will be the judge my name is MIL judge step down and I'm here to sue my husband for eating the cake that was supposed to be for the guest honey you know that you ate it that's up to Mila to judge Mila please be fair she is accusing me of something I did not do St quiet your honor let me present you with the cake so last night me and you bought the cake that we were going to put in the fridge and save for the guests the next dat however when we woke up there was a big bite missing from the cake and I'm accusing this person your honor I didn't eat the cake your honor she is the one who ate the cake quiet can I please speak I tell what about her she was just walking because she was thirsty so she wanted to get a water she actually went down the stairs and ate the cake she was not drinking water she was not drinking water there was no water Mr daddy how do I know not I didn't do it and now I'm hearing handcuffs although I didn't do anything okay let me remove your handcuffs what wait your honor he is guilty he ate the cake wait your honor I have more evidence please take my hand I didn't do it your I didn't do it you know nothing I have surveillance footage of that night let me show you do you see you're H look he took a bite get back in your hand CL give me your hand I didn't do it see your honor I was telling you the truth you have to go in jail why because you eat the cake the point is if people eat the cake from our house they go to jail I take me to jail I'm good I love you Mr Daddy but don't do this again okay okay judge I'm sorry but there's so much insane things coming Mila's way with our next one being adults need to plan birthday parties for their family family and today is my son Noah's second birthday yay and mil will be planning Noah's birthday today and by the end of the day we're going to see if mil's actually going to do a good job or not do you think we can plan a birthday party of course me and Daddy we're not going to help you you have to pick the cake you have to pick the decorations you have to get the I know Mommy I'm going to give him anything he wants what do you want for your [Music] birthday and Alan here basically Alan's going to be home with my mom to watch Noah while we go out and see if MAA can make this party happen the only thing I'm scared of is when if he poops I have to change I wonder what his favorite cake is okay do you want chocolate or vanilla vanilla vanilla okay B so now we're at Target what are you going to get for Noah's party first first thing first I'm going to get some decorations and a toy and a cake and everything but what's first decorations okay go come on go show us here we go bab first I made this for the balloon oh you're right okay here we go okay let's oh wow and now we have to get the balloons okay where are the balloons here are you silly he likes blue and green so I think this one she's so so good imagine the whole house filled with balloons you me napkin in case you make a m a you're right eats the cake now we have to get the gift for Noah something tells me that once we get to the toy section she's going to want to get a gift for herself only Mimi she's going to forget about him I swear what are we getting a toy for no of course I'm not getting a toy for myself only I can do that in my my birthday later my heart okay let's go let's go see I still think she's going to change her mind something just tells me okay so we just got to the toy section and look MAA we're supposed to be getting Noah a gift he was supposed to like this I think he like that you want to get him this yeah he used that in the old house M you only can get him one gift daddy we have to give him two gifts because he's T old that's she has a point okay so you want to get this yeah you're sure okay now you only have one more gift left to get it I think we have to go to other way look at that cute car you want the car it's pink it's supposed to be blue wow I'm going to find some think she really likes and I'm going to see if she'd switch it out for her brother's okay let's see look that's for girls yeah it's so cute right we need that I think this will work I I think you don't want this you don't want this that's for girls you don't want it for you only my birthday get you have that so you don't want a toy for yourself I don't want one I have to get know with some because today's his birthday good okay just for that you can also get a to go pick one for you uh okay no I don't think so I have to get one for Noah oh my god do you see do you see how her mother raised her okay me look we just got the gift how about we go now get something else what do you want to get the cake or the outfits the outfits of course that's more important what he's going to wear okay what what do you think he should wear baby boss of course he loves that he loves to watch that sh the whole plan and we had to hurry because there's much crazier things heading Mila's way there like jackets here does that work Mila no he's B baby he wears black oh she's really acting responsible this is crazy I can't see it that's not baby boss are serious I found it what this is the one oh my go oh that's perfect can me look all the cakes are here Daddy needs chocolate no he didn't want chocolate he wanted I told him do you want chocolate and he said yeah Mimi he wanted vanilla I heard no he said chocolate he said vanilla baby okay what are you going to get chocolate okay I'm going to let you choose what you think Noah wants okay okay you can choose I want vanilla for him what how do you change your mind that quick okay do you want vanilla or chocolate for him vanilla for him okay good girl okay where is the vanilla this one is vanilla no one's going to like it yeah you almost got him chocolate I was just kidding daddy were you yeah okay Mimi now we got the cake it's time to go get the candle no we need the candles s okay the fact that she remembered to get candles you're so smart I really wonder how the house is going to look with all this decoration now let's go look we just got is no one still sleeping he's still sleeping let's go let's go check on Noah come here oh my the decoration is going to look so good here W okay okay sorry on I'm [Music] sorry okay Mimi you have to do the whole decoration Daddy okay quick before you and we had to hurry up so we can complete our next task that's the GI okay mommy help me okay so mommy this is your rooll okay what what should I do Mimi help me with the drink that I got for for Noah these drinks okay the drinks okay here you take the drinks okay I'll take them first we have to do the balloon okay quickly quickly quickly guys keep trying what did I say why be careful don't sleep you're going to wake up him oh my goodness it's loud you guys are kind of Loud by the way I know they don't pop yeah yes go do other things I'll do the balloons okay Alan help me with the stuff mommy help me R the gift okay get the gift get the horsey let's wrap it mom what how many balloons do you want we got too many the whole thing there's like 100 that's okay I'll help you later do right now before Noah wakes up okay here you go oh Noah's going to wake up so we're going to finish quickly and show you guys the transformation right after okay so everything is finished now Mimi went ahead and planned everything told us what to do she you are fully in charge this is a birthday party by you now let's go wake up their birthday boy he's never going to forget this birthday because you did I'm so excited to S know's reaction do you think he's going to he might cry because every single time when we wake up him from is not be cry nice that's babies but now he's two so maybe he might not cry okay let's go try come on look at this that's what he's going to be wearing [Music] so happy birthday to you happy birthday to you are you excited yeah Dr Cake and Candy yeah oh oh yeah look what you're going to wear yay y say thank you Mimi thank you Mimi a okay let's go let's go let's go I'm going to go ahead and prep the birthday boys so everything looks amazing oh he's going to look so cute I think he's going to look so good oh they're getting ready are you going to get Noah ready yes bye by wow the [ __ ] that MAA planned it for him I'm looking at it right now it looks so so good and we had to hurry so we can compl complete an even tougher task okay are you guys ready the suit might be a little big actually yeah is that okay though uh it works okay I'm ready okay [Music] [Applause] one oh my god oh my god wow oh my goodness show me show me show me show me oh wow hey Noah Noah what do you look like B baby b baby baby chicken nugget babyget oh Mimi did a whole surprise for you right MAA daddy don't tell him the surprise you're right I'm sorry yo why don't we change for Mimi too do you want to change oh yeah oh yeah for the pictures okay let's go let's go let's go okay bye 3 2 1 one y oh my goodness Mimi your dress looks so good oh my god look how you guys look together all right close your eyes close your eyes close your eyes close your eyes I will take you okay ready to see the surprise don't peek don't peek Noah I'm so excited how no going to re I know I'm so excited too don't look Noah look baby don't look are you ready yeah are you sure yeah okay three 2 1 go oh wow look at this look what mil did for no oh oh we lost the kid Mimi who did all this me yes oh hi oh my God look at this look what Ma [Music] good and after successfully throw in a party our next task as an adult you need to be confident enough to face others so this is the biggest gymnasium in LA and today we're going to be having a competition between the Dead come on on and the daughter and the first team to win five challenges wins a mystery prize but the losing team will get a punishment punishment punishment punishment you will lose no you will definitely lose yeah you don't even do gymnastics you're going to lose for sure okay guys I'm going to take you to the first challenge let's go all right so first round is going to be a piggyback race and both teams have to run all the way across first one to make it back to this Orange Line wins 3 2 1 go okay wow this is faster than I thought we go this is is tight oh this is tight are you kidding me all right first point girls y yay we won today we have to actually win or else you're going to get punished it's going to be bad this is going to be a long day he's already this out of breath why are you sweating from one round he's just too heavy you're ran for 20 seconds he's sweating and the girls had to win four more challenges to beat the guys so for this next round we want to test string and we want to see which team member can climb the highest on this rope in 1 minute I do not trust you to do this I got you what do you mean you were pathetic last time I'm going to take this I can climb that up in 10 seconds Mimi do you want to climb the Rope or do you want me to climb the Rope well I don't know how to climb that high okay so you want me to okay you think you can beat me at this oh you sure about that have you seen how fast I can climb a rope all right let's see what you got little girl okay you're going down you're going down you're not even a gymnast Jordan I don't need to be a gymnast to climb a little rope well you are weak all right so we're going to have the girls go first all right boys this is how a gymnast climbs the Rope here in 3 2 1 go oh my God wait wait a minute what no no actually no no stop oh my God only 15 seconds oh my God yeah you get oh my God she touched it she touched it this is easy you did it in 15 second oh my god did J say give her high five you're going to have to do it in 15 seconds for us to win this round we lost the first one already so please that was faster than I thought I should do it but I can I can do it you got this i got this i got this this is going to be easy actually I've never done this before okay I got it we're good ready what he say nothing I said nothing I said nothing I'm confident here we go okay 1 minute on the clock and we're going to start in 3 2 one go go no Jordan oh my God Jordan come on Jordan come on come on come on Jordan please okay I'll try I'll [Music] Bo wow how did she do that you fell in the the first two seconds dude I swear I swear I tried how' you do that in 15 seconds practice oh God but now the girls are three challenges away from winning over the guys and now it's time for the gymnastics competition and both teams are going to Freestyle perform in front of judges for a score to see who will win this round the judges will be me Patrick and Ronin hello guys listen I need you to cheat for me today okay saor is way too good at this so I need I need need some extra grades I'll give you 1,000 there's a bribe Bri okay honey I need your help really please honey I'm not a cheater all right first up girls okay now this is how it's done so oh she's coming oh she started with the big one oh my God yeah yeah no say oh she's doing multiple oh no this is not even fair what's the name of this mov ready set okay oh oh she has one more oh W oh my God good [Applause] job all right judges time for the point cards 1 2 3 oh my oh dude we're going to get like three I have to follow that it's all about confidence okay yeah okay I've got an idea okay here we go boys can't do anything only girls we can't do anything watch this little girl watch what I'm about to do it's going to blow your mind girls you did an amazing job up next is the [Music] guys [Music] spell he going to poke my [Music] eye what is your dad doing what is your dad doing [Music] oh stay faced do not don't don't yeah yeah we turn it into a [Music] sword you guys got a double show in one thank remind them I know I know keep it coming Keep It Coming keep it coming thank thank you I think we got this good job thank you job partner not problem I thought that was a warmup I was confused are are yall starting soon okay what do you think our chances we have really high chances I think we're winning this one man okay score card but also judges I want to thank you for your effort and your time love you guys love you guys I love you babe I love you babe okay score cards will be out in 3 2 1 fake news oh Ronan you're I 10 Ronan you got it Ronan yes oh wow Ron wow Ronin I only give you a five cuz I like the music fake news fake [Music] news how do you guys get a 10 oh a zero I understand that now the girls were two challenges away from winning so the guys have to step it up a notch all right so for this next round we're playing hole in the wall and whoever breaks it will be eliminated okay so the first team is going to be the girls team and saish is going first are you ready say ready okay here we go 3 2 [Laughter] 1 all right get through there get through there you got this you got this okay guys you got this i got this i got this go get him go get him come on we need this round we need this round one how was that you nicked it but you're good it didn't break yeah yes he got through and then it was Mila's turn two one jump through it jump through it she did it okay all right all comes down to this guy I did it all right three two one we need to win this that was the most awkward jump but at least we won good job Jordan okay moving on to the next phone and it was time for a more difficult shape saish next wall ready okay three two one okay say oh we got to lose this keep thinking She's So Close she's going to Nick the bottom but she doesn't all right here is your turn 3 2 1 oh nice that was you see that jump that was legitimately impressive I'm proud of of my teammate I really don't want to be punished today all right due to height I'm going to have to flip this one for Mila okay wait a minute here what is up I make the rules ready 3 2 1A go W I did it I'm glad she did it but honestly favoritism I don't know how to feel about this one she is my daughter but I really don't want to be punished by the end of the day all right here we go just to be fair we're flipping it back I got to I think I got to go far back cuz I got to get a lot of speed to get high I can't really jump that high bro you should be able to jump that high I can't I okay here we go ready I got it ready 3 2 1 come on Jordan please Jordan please Jordan please no oh no no that was so embarrassing oh my God Jordan what's going on bro I panicked that was weird no I was slipping a little I put my hand up I panicked ah my God yo listen one more round and we lose everything no we have to K five in a row now we're going to get punished it's been done it's been done we can do it we got to have five in a row and it was time for the final challenge that would either save the guys or make them lose so this is the final Challenge and if the girls win this one they will be taking it all and we will be playing with the world's largest ballet oh my God so listen whoever pops more takes this one and each balloon is going to be a point so we still got a chance it's 40 for them if I pop five balloons we can win we can win but you guys will also have to pop balloons if you guys want to win cuz we can actually take it all do we got this yeah okay do you want me to pop them or you both okay teamw workk Makes the Dream Work Jordan we really need this one okay I feel good I feel good it all depends on which one we pick so we're going to have to pick between these but it's going to be by luck through this no cheating okay so the boys are going to start with this one so okay come on close your eyes all right CL your eyes and pick there we go we need a good what are we getting here what are we getting football football foot are you good at football I I do play football I suck at football I only play soccer I can play football I'm going to do this round we are losing 4 nothing which means I have to pop 1 2 3 4 five dude dude all right this is your chance to redeem yourself on three I'm going to blow and you come on baby Jordan we need you for this here we go all right ready three 2 1 [Music] W no what's wrong with you yes we won if you can't pop a balloon then we go to another round so saish first team to Five Points win you guys are four you need to get at least one balloon or we get another chance all right here we go close your eyes me come on M come on got oh show me show me oh my oh and dude this is a Nerf blaster they're going to bounce right off they might not even get one we still have a chance s remember you need to get one at least okay okay a lot could go wrong right now she might miss it on the ceiling you don't know her we got to say this oh yeah and this will prove if boys are better than girls uh-uh definitely not older boys are better than girls boys is a stretch boys is all right moment of truth three 2 [Music] 1 that's [Music] SC they were bouncing and with much more insane tasks to come our next one is as an adult mil will have to shop and get groceries on her own we're here in front of this supermarket and I'm going to make a list of three items and I want to see if MAA is going to be able to complete them all and buy them Mimi do you think you're going to be able to get them alone okay so item number one is egg item number two are three tomatoes and last item is going to be one can of soup but when I'm done shopping I have to go get my drink from Pete Pete by the way is a coffee place here okay so here's $20 okay so our friend Liam here is going to be with her the whole time and we're going to be on FaceTime with her also to see her MIM you have 15 minutes bye baby 3 2 1 go go go go go go go I have to get all the grocery you have to go right now wait what's the first eggs I have to get eggs okay so basically this grocery store is not even open they let us have this place for 15 minutes and everyone there is either an employee or people who are our friends I don't see any eggs why is there no eggs and let me check over here he believes that mil might not be able to complete the full Tas but I think that she will I'm very confident in that I don't see anything just healthy snacks are you sure this is some the phone fell I'll get oops where is the eggs I need to find it there it is now you can get the eggs that's good so she came to the eggs by wait how did I close [Music] that that was weird where can I put the H oh here's the basket I can put my list here anyways I know where H what else wait how do I hold this oh she F she found the basket that's my smart daughter oh wow it's actually impressive so it's been 5 minutes and 32 seconds but Mila has no clue of what's coming after oh this is what else doing free tomato huh where can I find that you know what I'm excited for when she goes to check out I didn't know why D had to change that was diaper but that was stinky and oh here's Tomatoes you found the tomato wait did you get open in the bag oh there's a [Music] bag let's go oh my God wait wait how do I cut there we go it took her took her two minutes to open the bag honestly I salute her because even me like grownup I can't even there's the big Tomatoes I don't know why we had to get tomatoes but first tomato check a I'm so excited to get my peach St all by myself last one and then I can finally get the last one hey got it this is heavy [Music] okay there we go oh my heart she's so cute okay I'm not going to lie the can of soup is going to be a little challenging now I need soup then I can win wow look at these marshmallows wait can I get one of these let me see the what is she's getting candy are they drunk look so yummy she's thinking about ditching our list I'm not sure about that let's put it in another she getting the back did she did she put it back did she if I get them my mom will be mad at me so I'm not oh look at these cookies I never seen them what is this a candy aisle I don't know these are are my favorite cookies I like chocolate she going for cookies no Mimi no no baby no trying to get the cookies no M that's not soup I'll just get the one over here wait Mimi she's going to get the cookie she's returning it these are my favorite butts can my mom allow me where's my phone but I hope she doesn't mind she let me have it anyway she said I hope she doesn't mind if she can love I'm gonna cry but we only had a few minutes left before our next task I think I'm going to call Daddy hey Mommy hi Mimi hi hi what's happening are you having fun yes I got two things to stop threee tomatoes and eggs good job mommy can I get these cookies a you can get you can get one don't forget the last item okay cuz they're going to close the store okay mommy I'll be fast I love you love you see guys if you give a chance for your children I swear they'll surprise you they'll surprise you this is crazy the fact that she called to ask us this is so cute M I want to get marshmallows I love marow you get marshmallows just marshmallows hm I have to get the soup quick did you get marshmallow instead of the cookie we have to get the soup really fast we don't know what is oh nice what is this why do these are weird what I think we have to go that way I think it's that way let's go check oh this is a little bit big what does that smell E I don't like that smell wait are these soups that's same oh I said sou I was just trying to get it I don't want to ruin my new shoes because they're pretty I need help with soup H hi can you help me find soup for my mommy she's talking to someone she's talking to someone of course there you go thank you you're welcome yes my kids you could buy my drink now let's go pay now she got this she has the three items just again remember guys everybody there is are close close friends with her the place is CL and the place is closed we have it all to ourselves woohoo and I got all the stuff I needed oh this is heavy wait you're winning dude she still didn't buy it she didn't go to the cashier okay she still didn't get it I need to go P this for her now and I'm so excited to my piz I'm so excited to get pachs now wait I God this was Heavy hi how's it going good did you find everything you're looking for yeah sweet how are we going to be paying today cash or Card Cash Cash okay cool these are good these are little bit let's go wait for her yeah come on let's do it who are you buying this for my parents parents wow that's really kind of you total today is going to be here's the money right this is $20 your change is 176 76 thank you1 thank you wait this is [Music] heavy and now that mil completed this task she had to prepare for what's about to come with our next one being as an adult you have no btime the problem is putting my family to sleep is a nightmare not going to sleep we're not going to sleep so I came across this sleep doctor who helped me come up with a plan to knock them all out if you guys don't start maintaining a consistent sleep routine it's going to affect you physically it's going to start to affect you mentally and it's going to really start to affect your appearance I'm not going to let my family make me ugly but don't worry I have a plan the plan that I'm about to give you is going to get more and more and more Extreme as we go along and by the end of the night if if they don't sleep they win guess what tonight you don't have to sleep at all I playing the challenge we're playing the last to fall asleep challenge y step number one extreme activity I'm going to send over a drill sergeant and he's going to start working on it Master drill sergeant irons hi hello good evening may I come in yeah yeah sure it is a beautiful evening for jumping jacks let's do some jumping jacks one two 2 3 9 10 what is so funny Patch Adams what is so funny okay new drill I want you to go down to the ground and I want you to give me 20 push-ups 1 2 3 9 10 13 14 all right good get up when your heads hit the pillow oh there is going to be sweet sweet dreams so after all that physical activity you have to feed them eat up and I mean Pizza I'm pizza on pizza chicken tenders and then after they're full throw them in the shower and you're sure this is going to work okay so I just made everyone take a hot shower and now it's time for them to sleep are you going to sleep no we're not going to sleep we'll see about that everybody get to bed I washed these fresh sheets so you guys can feel cozy night sleep tight we're not going to sleep Noah didn't even sleep do you think we're going to sleep I thought the shower would do its magic not going to sleep we're not going to sleep if that doesn't happen we go into phase two relaxation I'm just not sure you really know how crazy my family is you heard of a sound bath you're going to walk into a room sugar she's going to be twirling on the bowl Sugar's a person Sugar's a real person Hi how are you I'm sugar oh my God I'm excited you're here because my family they've been driving me crazy they don't let me sleep they don't sleep should have had me last cuz I knocked people out they're upstairs and yeah they don't know you're here yet [Applause] [Music] so you guys can uh come downstairs since obviously this didn't work this is literally what I go through every night there's nothing you will do today that will get us to sleep I promise you we're not sleeping today this will do the trick get ready for your mind and their minds to be blown oh my God W I hear you have a hard time sleeping both of you all the crystals on this crystal grid I made for you is going to make you sleep tonight do you want to sleep no so the kids are going to walk in they're going to hear the wonderful ambient noise and then when that happens you test it so how do I test that you give them 5 minutes with sugar in the cus and see if they go down this is going to put you to sleep in 5 minutes you can do nothing to make a sleep now let me see can you breathe through your nose and out through your mouth and they were quickly relaxed keep breathing she's going to get her sleepy I swear what's happening mil are you getting sleepy then sugar really got into their heads now the kids when they sit there in peace and silence their little eyes they're going to be [Music] closed they're going to be thinking about slime and toys and kid stuff you're a cheater you can't keep doing that we H you guys literally cheated no I didn't cheat yeah you did cheat you kept your eyes open and you keep talking but there were still much more methods to try if that test doesn't work I got another idea count sheep oh like real sheep oh yeah what did you think that was theoretical sheep fake sheep real sheep here's what's going to happen I'm going to call my boy Jarry Jackson he's going to send you real sheep and you guys are going to sit in your bed with your kids okay I need you guys to come with me for phase three I have another surprise get on the bed please just follow instructions stay on the bed okay I'm going to open the door I thought I was the over the toop dad what are you doing right now to be honest these aren't my ideas I'm just following instructions mom you're so weird ear close your eyes close your eyes close your eyes oh my God hey did anybody order [Music] sheet oh my God what's happening they so cute what are we supposed to do you're supposed to close your eyes and count sheep 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 oh my God they break our whole house oh my God oh my go oh my go that's going to cause them to be more excited or maybe even scared you're getting us more energy are you kidding me Mommy if you if you count the Sheep you'll fall asleep Noah's confused Noah what's going on what's going on what's Happening you know what I'm shocked by no one's sleeping right now I'm literally digging a hole for myself no now if those don't work I'm going to give you something that does I got something called Last Resort the nuclear plan we are going to start off with a hypnotist have you ever had a hypnotist do you think I can make Dad fall asleep I think so it's time for hypnosis full disclosure I don't believe that you can put me to sleep there's a lot of hypnosis that's shown in the movies and on TV isn't actually real hypnosis read then breathe out and sleep I clothes all the way there way to fall asleep is to allow your mind to Simply Be every we let him fall asleep he out and we wono daddy speak up [Music] daddy do you think I SL oh man I didn't fully fully pass out I swear to God if she was not touching me I would have been sleep if that doesn't work I have another solution for you violinist violinist are you getting sleepy no good job okay I shouldn't be why am I saying good [Music] job you going to sleep yeah and with that she finally managed to put Noah to sleep but Mila and her dad were still wide awake now if that doesn't work warm milk you can throw it in the microwave you can throw it on a saucer put it over the stove if you ever seen a kitten drink milk you're ready Mimi sleep watching this are you tired yeah now if that doesn't work steam room smoke room filled with essential oils all over just emanating into your lungs do you want to win while fire speaking of okay okay to okay it's okay it's okay smoke all I wanted to do was go to sleep my wife is officially crazy I just want to sleep okay you know what I'm I'm just done I tried literally everything you need to help me come on this is literally what I go through every day and I just wanted to prove a point and all this was for 12:17 right now I think we should put me to sleep Mimi it's time to go to sleep no more challenge okay it's time to go to sleep okay it's time to go to sleep you want Mommy to read a book for us book says how to be a big sister okay I'm going to try to be responsible at all don't put her to bed okay we're going to read a book are you ready to sleep that's daddy it says new baby is here hip hip hooray you're a big sister star [Music] and after peacefully going to sleep we had a few more crazy tasks to go with the next task as an adult you can run for president but this is where M's going to face her biggest obstacle because she recently got cast in her school play to be the president she was so excited to do it until a kid in her class told her that girls can't be president apparently only boys can Mimi can you tell me again why you said you don't want to be president anymore yeah because my friends said only boys are allowed to do president and now she wants to quit the play So today we're going to be transforming Mila into a president to show her that girls can do anything boys can and hopefully by the end of the day she'll change her mind and do the pl SOA today I'm going to show you that you would be a great president but mommy what my friend said only boys are to do that what he said that to you but you know what I'm going to go to his we're going to change her mind today right Mimi but I don't know Daddy no Mimi today you will know and then we headed to our first level campaigning so to boost me's confidence we're here at the Santa Monica to prove to mil that people will support her as a girl president M do you think you can do it everybody has to write their name down let's go get some vot for and we thought everything was going to plan but we noticed something daddy there's no people people are going to come I promise no I don't see anybody Mimi people are going to come vote for you it just takes a little time because people need time to see us I'm going to go get some votes vote for ma oh my God I can't believe I'm doing this oh my God there's storms of people look nobody B they will vote I promise Mimi okay go she's getting you the vote mommy really wants to show you that you can be anything you want to be baby vote for mil I'm going to prove that boy wrong because girls can be president too for president and my plan was slowly starting to work vote for mil do you guys want to sign for my daughter to be president mom we got people if we can get 10 votes today that'll prove that everyone would like to see you as a president would you vote for Mila yes yes a boy in her school said girls can't be president yes they can yes they can oh my God they want to vote for you girl power can I be the first to actually shake your hand yeah oh I'm tearing up oh I'm actually crying I don't know why it's so emotional seeing my daughter potentially be president feels real oh my God look at that God you're actually crying I know so thank you so much thank you oh my god wow you see all those people ma they love you and all we needed was to get our final 10th vote vote for ma vote for MAA oh my God vote for me the place is coming hello sir hi what are we doing here so basically a boy in her school said that she can't be president because she's a girl you can be president you can be anything you want right look sign wow hey say thank you for your service thank you for your service oh my God thank you so much sir good luck Madam president yeah I thought he was about to kick us out okay so now that you saw all these people think you should be a girl president do you think now you can do the play I not sure why Mei it's okay MiMi because I know by the end of the day me and Mommy will change your mind I promise and then we headed to our second location okay M so we have another idea that we think will change your mind but you have to keep your eyes closed okay promise Pinky Promise Pinky Promise it's pink okay MIM are you ready yes I'm sure guys look what we have here A whole Secret Service just for Mimi and the president has a group called The Secret Service who are around for protection at all times 1 2 three what is this D Mimi these are all the people who will protect you cuz you're so important dad what this your presidential K what I'm shy no no no baby they're going to protect you I don't think this is working honey we need to make this work remember okay come you're going to walk with me okay you're strong girl you're confident look at this this way Madam president wow she called you madam president oh oh wait wait wait forgot the car seat guys sorry about that excuse me oh me you're going to have to have your car seat first we're ready for you madam president wow after you pleasure to you look how crazy this look that's insane okay so now we're going to show Mila how strong she is by having the Secret Service be mean to me and NS and see how she's going to act I think knowing her she would say something wait wait wait I'm going to need to see some identification oh uh I'm just I'm her mom though I don't need get back service is real tired around here excuse me you're going to have to step back soon I'm heard Dad she has my ID can show him the ID okay I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry mam president am I allowed to come in am I allowed to go clear he's clear okay I'm cleared thank you sir thank you so much maybe they didn't let me be with you can you tell them to be nicer to me yeah have to be nicer to my [Music] Daddy thank you so much for protecting Daddy see that's what presidents do we stand up for family right just stood up in front of the lady and you told her be nice to my daddy in front of all of them yeah that means you're strong do you think you can do it now come on yes yeah oh come on Mila but I promise you whatever is coming next will change your mind and then we headed to our final location in hopes of changing Mila's mind okay are you ready we're here your final challenge will be here Mimi this is the White House I love this I wish you're going to have this house you want to have this house forever look at this VA okay are you [Music] ready oh my God okay Mimi are you ready oh my God this okay Mimi so this is the White House and this is where the president lives and I have a plan that I think will change your mind and inspire you also to be a president and after entering the White House we showed Mila her very own Oval Office as the president you see you can be president this is where the president SS and after a quick outfit change it was time for one of the most important things a president has to do can we me so now that we're at the White House you know what the presidents do why they do speeches and it's time for your speech I don't want why me me I'm shy you know what I knew you would say that so I got you someone you really really love to do this speech for you see me me I'm a girl and I'm going to do it first do you think that's going to make you change your mind I don't know okay well here goes nothing okay are you ready oh my God I'm nervous there's a lot of people look what's happening here that's the press conference area babe are you going to be good I don't know oh my God I'm was so nervous Hey listen if this doesn't work I don't know what will honestly okay Mimi I'm going to go do a presidential speech for you okay come Mimi come come we're going to watch Mommy from here Mimi this is for you at the start of today my daughter thought that a girl can't be president but that's not true you see what she's doing you see what she's doing for you so I have a personal message to her and to all the little girls that are watching at home although she's scared too and she's shy too she wants to show you that you can be anything you want it doesn't matter whether you're a girl or a boy you can be be anything you want if you put your mind to it so don't let anyone tell you otherwise because the only time we truly fail is when we don't [Music] try all so to all of you girls to my anaza family members at home and especially to my daughter Mila just know you can shatter the glass ceiling and you can be anything you want including the president of these United States of [Music] [Music] America [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you everyone the president can now take questions president me yes okay and it was time to see if MAA will do the pl Madam president after all you've been through today do you think any girl can be president yes of [Applause] course everyone can be president and now it was time for the final adult task surprising someone you love so for Father's Day we had a Tamila surprise where she made a movie for her dad called my daddy is a liar here we go honey oh my God look at the oh my god dude what is This Isn't that cool you see it this is crazy I'm so excited for you my daddy is a liar me why did you name it like that you see [Music] Daddy you for sure going to cry if you see my eyes teary look away okay don't look at me it's okay to carry daddy wait stop crying right now you have to cry in the movie like it didn't even start and you're crying okay well let's see he you ready it's about to start Daddy is the best daddy in the [Music] world Daddy some much [Music] handsome he's the smartest He Is My Superhero stand up hey my daddy is better in every single possible way but he [Music] lies he lies about how much he worked somebody ought to come along and let you down so you could see my side and how it feels to hit the ground he lies that he's never tired he Li that he never cries if you still wanted to be even when it's hard you should never let me go hope some blood deep will break your heart and leave you crying home dear daddy I know you cry sometimes all daddy do but if you wanted to be L you should never let me go hope somebody deep will break your heart so you could feel my pain and but we want you to know even if you cry you'll always be my [Music] superer I love you Daddy happy Father's Day and you Mommy I made daddy cry my gift was more better than yours he didn't cry that much on yours here you C that much on mine I love you so much I love you too thank you for this Happy Father's Day I love you so much
Channel: The Anazala Family
Views: 4,878,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kids turn 21, kids turn into adults, kids turn 21 for 24 hours, 24 hours, kids vs adults, turning 21, kids turn into adults and adults turn into kids, anazala, jordan matter, rebecca zamolo, rebecca, secret room in house, challange, Salish Matter, salish, jordan, anazala family, my daughter, surprising, family, Brent Rivera, lexi rivera, ben azelart, Stokes twins, Challenge, Anazala vlogs, the anazala family, royalty family, mila, asala, anazala family vlogs
Id: 0_s2_-o27zU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 12sec (5352 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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