Kids React To Adult Jokes In Kids' Shows (SpongeBob, Animaniacs, Steven Universe & More!)

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- (Chowder) I've never seen buns that big! - (Mung Daal) I have, but let's leave Truffles' mother out of this. - (gasps) Ahhh! - I still don't get it. ♪ (techno intro) ♪ - (Sandy) ...come you're all twitchy like that? - (SpongeBob) Twitchy? - Oh, I've seen this episode. - (SpongeBob) I'm not twitchy. Sorry, Sandy. I have to (stutters) go get my haircut! - (Sandy) SpongeBob doesn't have hair. Or does he? - So, I didn't really get what the SpongeBob part was, but she said, "Or does he?" You know, men grow hair in such weird places. - (FBE) Where would a sponge have hair? - I don't know, actually. - I mean, he's a sponge. Probably on the back side is that green fuzzy part. Snip some layers off of that. - He's a sponge. He don't have hair. - (FBE) And then she's like, "Or does he?" But where would the hair be? He's a sponge. - Maybe on the butt? - (Rocko) Specialty phone operator. - Oh, Rocko! - (Rocko) Could I? (robotic) Oh, baby. Oh, baby. Oh, baby. - (Bev) Rocko? - (Rocko) Mrs. Bighead? - Mrs. Bighead? - (Rocko) Mrs. Bighead? - I don't get-- (chuckles) That was funny. - (FBE) What do you think was going on there? - I don't know. I qualify that as not funny, 'cause I don't know what's going on! - I watched that episode. He was trying to find a job actually. I think he was probably doing a movie, but not a good actress. - He thought he was calling somebody who he knew, but instead he's like, "Wait, it's the wrong person." Maybe his girlfriend? - In the back, it said, like, "Be hot. Be naughty. Be..." something. I don't know if that had anything to do with it, but-- and then, I'm assuming that was his teacher or mom. He kept saying, "Oh, baby. Oh, baby. Oh, baby." I don't know what that means. - (teacher) Verbs. Yakko, can you conjugate? - (Yakko) Who me? I've never even kissed a girl. - (teacher) No, no, no! It's easy. I'll conjugate with you. - (Yakko) Goodnight, everybody. - I still don't get it. - I do not get it. - (FBE) Do you know what conjugate means? - No. - (FBE) What do you think it might mean? - Working. Doing homework. - He thought it meant kissing. It doesn't mean kissing, right? No, right? So, he was like, kissing, and then the teacher was like, "Oh, no. I'll help you." And then he was like, "Goodnight, everybody," because they were gonna kiss. - (FBE) And why do you think he said, "Goodnight, everybody"? What was the joke? - I don't know, actually. - Well, it's probably in the middle of the day. He's probably gonna kiss the teacher! That's what I was gonna say! - (Sadie) There was this one time when the new Army of War game... - (gasps) Oh my god. I love this. - (Sadie) ...but Lars was banned from the only place selling it. He wanted it so bad. When I got to his house, I saw he cleaned up his room a little. And he got a big box of oyster crackers. - Oyster crackers? What are those?! - (Sadie) He let me be his player two, and we spent the whole night together. - (Steven) That really is nice. Must've been one great video game. - (Sadie) Yeah, it was. - Player two? Girl, you gotta get better than that. You need to be player one. That's who gets the best loot. - (FBE) What do you think it means when she says that "He let me be his player two"? - Playing on the video games, you're player two, 'cause you can have two player or three player, a lot of players. - It was about her hanging out with a boy, and they probably... - They spent the whole night together. They were playing such a fun video game, you know? It was just amazing. It was such a great video game, you know? (laughs) My god! - (boy coughing) - Is that Arthur? That's Arthur, I think. - (Arthur) This is all my fault! - (David) How could it be your fault? - (Arthur) It's because I showed him those dirty books! That's what made him sick! I just know it. - Books made him sick? - You mean your dusty, crusty books, Arthur? Yeah. It's your fault, Author-- Arfa. - (FBE) What was that about? - He got sick, because all those dusty books. That's terrible. - If any child goes, "I showed him dirty books," you know, you don't think there's dust going in his throat, you know? You think he's watching something or something, you know? - He's talking about the dirty books. - (FBE) What does that mean? - The-- probably, um... (taps fingers) ...the no-no words. The no-no words. - (Mung Daal) strong enough to lift the buns of steel. - (Chowder) I've never seen buns that big! - (Mung Daal) I have, but let's leave Truffles' mother out of this. - (gasps) Ahhhh! Oh my god. I got it. - (Mung Daal) Time to grab my enormous bun. - That was very disturbing. - Why?! Every girl should know that the buns is your butt. - (FBE) What was that one about? - Don't know. - An enormous hamburger bun. - So, okay, okay, so it could be two things. It could be that that's the wife, and you know, when you love-- I'm not gonna go through the whole thing, but you get it, you know? Or it could be he's married to someone, and he... did SeaWorld with someone else. - Oh! This is The Magic School Bus. I love this show. - I didn't get that one. I don't even know where that was. I know they always go on adventures. Where was that? Was that in space? - (FBE) What was that stuff? - Maybe it turns into caramel, but it is pretty white. Maybe dough. - I think it's that stuff that bees use to make honey. I forgot what it's called. - The seed farted, and then she got it in her mouth. And she's like, "Oh, that burrito's farts is kind of good and kind of sweet!" No, it's not. ♪ (swanky jazz music) ♪ - (Ms. Bellum) Hello, Mayor. - (Mayor) Good day, Ms. Bellum. How is every little thi-- ♪ (dramatic chord) ♪ Thing? (laughs nervously) Pencil go snap. - (Ms. Bellum) Here, let me help you with that. (pencil sharpener buzzing) - (Mayor blubbering) - It's electrocuting him, isn't it? - (Mayor sighs contentedly) - I always hated her. Ever since they introduced her to the show, I'm like, "You a real sexual one, aren't ya?" - I didn't get that. I mean, it is probably just like the lady walked in, then his eye popped open. and you know, there was... But I didn't get the other part with the pencil. - Maybe he noticed his pencil was short, 'cause his pencil was really long. Like, the mayor's pencil was looong and just, it was fresh. And he noticed it was like, "How can my pencil be this short?" - It's about these. He looked at them, and they were big. He was like, "Oooh!" And she like... No. - (FBE) All right. So, Noelle, what did you think that all of these clips kind of had in common? - They all have terrible jokes? They weren't funny. There wasn't any laugh. It was just suspicious and strange. - They were all about your buns or your cupcakes. One had farts in it instead of buns and cupcakes. - (FBE) Finally, many of these shows were made for kids, but a lot of adults enjoy watching these too even if they don't have kids. When you are an adult, do you think that you'll still watch stuff like this? - Yeah, I think so. - Of course. SpongeBob's my life. - When I'm in college, probably not. I'll probably be watching more mature stuff. But when I have a family, and they wanna watch stuff like that, yeah, I'll watch it with them. I'm guessing it's kind of good that I don't know most of these, because I still wanna live my childhood life. I mean, I legit have five months until I become a teenager. So, I have five months to live out my childhood self, so... - Thanks for watching this episode of Kids React. - Subscribe and hit the bell, so you don't miss an episode. - Bye! - Hey, guys. It's Sierra, REACT producer. I hope you enjoyed this episode. If you have suggestions for other fun things we should show the kids, then let us know down in the comments. Bye, guys.
Channel: REACT
Views: 1,229,143
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Keywords: Kids React To Adult Jokes In Kids' Shows, adult jokes, adult jokes in cartoons, adult jokes in cartoons reaction, adult jokes in kids shows, animaniacs, animaniacs 2020, arthur, cartoon network, classic cartoons, compilation, dirty jokes, disney adult jokes, easter eggs, family movies, fbe, funny, hidden jokes in cartoons, kids react, kids shows, magic school bus, parents react, powerpuff girls, react, reaction, rocko's modern life, spongebob, steven universe, thefinebros, ultimate
Id: dYh6R4Jhxoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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