Toy Hotel Loses Kid's Luggage

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[Music] yes for something uh three nights in the fingers and sleep oh yeah I see it right here so what brings you to I'm a child prodigy Baker and I'm here to win a baking competition up the Hager she'll be fun gets out of the toy Hotel Maya totally maybe she'll make some yummy gooey brownies for us all right Sofia I hope you enjoy your complimentary please and Incredibles 2 elastic room and F fingerlings glitter monkey thanks so much and you can leave your luggage right there I'll have a bottom in just a few minutes unfortunately our bellhop Jason is out sick today excuse me girls can I get in front of I need to get to my room world real fast yeah welcome to the toilets help do you have a reservation sure I do it's under Stella oh yes I see a bright heart looks like you've reserved to mate in the Berkeley Street what brings you in town and here for the science fair I won state and I'm competing in the Nationals he must be pretty smart yeah I don't know what coolest size experiment you guys maybe should make mine and your complimentary gifts are swim channels and a pinky pop yeah thanks so much for the toys no problem and I'll bring up your back in just a moment hello there hi there my name is Charlotte and I know chicken hello sir for five nights and the baby life sweet oh that sounds perfect so what brings you in town today Charlotte I'm here for a family reunion I'm gonna babysit all my baby cousins there's 12 of them if you hear that my 12 kids to babysit he was a lot of patience totally his massage on him and your complimentary gift for today are the new googly eyes game put a new date baby these are the nude color beanies now the media my seat is just upstairs fifth door on the left baby shower lips hello there do you have a reservation at the toy hotel yes the reservation should be under Avery it should be ten nice in the lol suite oh yes I see it here so what brings you into town today Avery I'm here for cosmetology school Oh Cosmo what cosmetology school that means nothing to me basically learn how to be hair stuff listen oh that could be a good person to know now all guess in our lol sweet receive a new shopkins shopper pack clothes of course and tactical collectibles Wow of course you can head up to your room and I'll get your luggage up to in just a few minutes okay great thank you no problem [Music] oh I'm so glad you I have been tied down at the registration desk all morning yeah it seems like a lot of people are texting in this morning there sure are you know I do like to go check in on bellhop Jase now he has a terrible piece of the blue oh that sounds terrible it is you know would you two mind meeting the registration desk while I go check on him it should be pretty quiet now not a problem it'll be in good hands great thank you so much I'll be back my lucky ones are gonna bring my luggage up maybe I should call the front desk [Music] what are we supposed to do tell I'd be speaking hi this is Stella the Barbie suite would you please bring up my luggage it's the one with the shopkins on it okay we'll bring it right up so these are luggage one deliver a trooper sure why not um which one is it the shopkins one um which shopkins one they're all shocked too bad I have no idea just grab one should I deliver all the and there's two pieces too I suppose so Oh and if anyone else comes okay I'll be back all my luggage thanks so much I've been dying to get started on my science experiments no problem happy cow I do it sex tips okay how about this a rock star perfect today by my wonderful yes oh I'm sure is I have the shock in the suitcase yeah you're in the hotel and here's a tip for your service all right don't paint a sea turtle means nobody'll it up with me right sure but upon delivery there's two paces to the right people yeah everything all mixed up sure what I don't know which one is my favorite so hard to chose maybe this one cause it's literally but I like this color I wonder if I [Music] this is kind of awkward why haven't you left yet usually tips the bellhop well in that case thank you very much have a wonderful day [Music] well everybody wants hips nowadays I'm just here to do every suitcase Oh wonderful I was hoping I would get that soon well here it is I can get kicked to piece oh yes um I has this video is it okay yes I love Bing Bing thank you hmm I wonder what kind of science experiments I could do first let's see what I brought with me wait a minute this isn't my stuff this isn't my suitcase what happened Wow I'm unit coolest tips for being bellhop uh excuse me Maya I think you gave me the wrong bag uh uh well let me take that for you I'll clear this up in no time thanks so much I really appreciate it um huh people really do now why did you have to figure it out before this was he knows that when you delivered the wrong suit he said okay let's just open the suitcase and see what's inside maybe we got clues to figure out this blog great idea Adi Wow a smoothly making Barbie oh and the RV making cupcakes it what's this a chef's dresser I have no idea who this belongs to Maya wait a minute I think I know there's a lot of baking toys in here and one of those is a baking competition oh yeah I'm so glad that my suitcase Maya I didn't know what I'm gonna do with help me baking toys well I'm happy to help and I think I know the perfect way to thank me anything what is it perhaps you could add some rest I make a great taste tester well take me to the hotels kitchen and you got yourself a deal yeah all right my kitchen is your kitchen but in terms of being a proper chef's you must wear the proper attire see chef hats for you Sofia first you put the brownie mix in a little bit of water and now we stir ah perfecto a stirring technique and now we roll it into a ball you all must roll the balls perfectly it's at heart malee put on the pan and now we flatten them in the cookie now let's put it in the oven yeah yeah to wait 12 minutes I must prepare a room service order but I will be back in 20 minutes [Music] welcome to taking my so long the action would make these cookies delicious I can't wait to taste these now we add sprinkles oh yeah now my favorite part the Cape [Music] by rockler girl thanks for making me meet Sophia but I better check the rest ago I dropped a fix girl suitcase mix-up no problem Maya fine okay Ali are you ready to figure out whose suitcases I'm ready to do some detective I just hope this estas I know she wants to go working on her science experience it's called the front desk book three times well here goes nothing [Applause] I don't think these are stars experiments to you I'm afraid there's water baby summertime baby's gonna answer that first who what what is this pretty bumps baby is gonna peel and here's a diaper bag I would want a bunch of baby ducks I know who loves babies and whose attempt to do a vlog of babies Charlotte well I better deliver this to Charlotte why opposed to do with all this stuff yes I can see that is that my suitcase I believe so where are you open it to be sure though I need all these babies also start practicing I'm a big baby saying gig tomorrow Oh NBA to help you passes isn't super fun yeah course you can this is how you hold a baby you have to bounce it like this thank you baby can I try can I try of course they're doing just great Maya sweet I see how you're doing it tonight you're doing a great job feeding Maya thanks um learning from the probe you eyes when I have lots of diapers in your bag Fred Meyer and don't forget a bottle great idea this is how your birth Maya mine's not burping it's gotta be patient well this has been so much fun Charlotte and I better get back to work I need it that suitcase it's proper okay thanks for finding my dad you're welcome [Music] I'm really really hoping this Stella suitcase my me - only one way to know [Music] are you thinking what I'm thinking but this isn't still a suitcase yep you're thinking what I'm thinking oh boy owners will offer different awesome nail polish when his powerful hair accessories freshen style sunny it's time to style the hair oh yeah one hunting us that loves to do here 99 100 perfect beautiful hair I think I gave you the wrong suitcase oh well I haven't even opened my other suitcase yeah oh well I think this next year's 50 well let's see it sure is thanks for giving it to me Maya it would have been disastrous as I started cosmetologists full without my supplies or am only happy to help hey as a token of my appreciation perhaps it can have a little fun of hair styling on our own yeah and the beautiful girl in my hair in this very brief yep Wow keep kneeling on one hand and orange nail on the other I'll be starting a new trip for sure Wow I'm gonna be the most stylish housekeeper at the whole tween hotel thanks girls for the makeover no problem want me to style you next time yes so badly but you probably need to go with it for my big storm it out Maya things begin every I really appreciate the new look some of my cool science toys absolutely I have mad matters and a bath fizz experiment and this is the ultimate brickmaker what is this it's a biometric hand scanner a high-tech security system yeah basically it's a cool security system so nobody can get in your room whoa an alarm goes off if anyone tries to enter want me to set one up for you why is she taking so long she's been gone forever Maya are you perfect I mean try time to arm it without the blinking light tells you it's armed let's pretend I'm an intruder and we'll test it out thanks for helping me set this up Stella no problem one see some other fun experiments I love to but I have gotta get back to Princess fine well we did addy we sure that all the suitcases happen for this out [Music] really I just out here all day long boring oh I ate so much from all of your home today bill Hotchkiss is doing so much better and you should be back again tomorrow bummer thank goodness I imagine every we will ask the way absolutely Oh wonderful Miguel meet you two in charge Rothman [Music]
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 63,300,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toy hotel, Lucy, pretend toy hotel, pretend hotel, toy, hotel, silly toy hotel, pretend, silly, silly kids, kids, Addy, Maya, Stela, Sophia, Charlotte, Avery, lucy's toy hotel, addy and maya, bellhop jason, hotel owner lucy, silly hotel, luggage mix up, mix up, kids hotel
Id: GrWlZYri0cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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