Addy and Maya Become Toy Doctors !!!

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[Music] oh i feel miserable me too misery we need to see the toy doctor fast i know wow everyone in town seems to have a horrible case of toy fluenza this is just the most horrible flu it's super contagious everybody's miserable my goodness i've seen 37 patients already with toys in one day [Music] all right next up addie and maya oh it looks like more toy flu all right come on into the exam room girls all right well i'm guessing you two probably have the toy flu like everybody else in this town but let me hear your symptoms first just to be sure what symptoms are you experiencing no energy super high fever we're burning up and then we're freezing cold calf runny nose loss of appetite nausea and just plain misery well those definitely sound like toy fluenza symptoms but i do need to do a quick examination just to be sure so here let's start with you maya oh sit down up okay i'm gonna listen to your heartbeat okay hang on all right oh hang on all right breathe in and out yep sounds like the toy flew in there for sure all right addie your turn breathe in okay just got sneezed on all right all right well let's let's continue on so okay breathe in and out yep looks like toy flew into two great does that mean you have to take that yucky medicine that the doctor gave us the last time we had the flu yeah that was terrible oh no no girls remember i am the toy doctor i only treat my patients with toys that means no shots no surgeries no yucky medicine here only toys what toy medicine do we get well i'm writing a prescription for fingerlings you know these are just flying off of dr shelks right now though because they are like the hot new toy medicine of the year so i'm hoping i have some you can't even find them in pharmacies right now the shelves are just empty everywhere so let me go see if i have to my office otherwise we're out of luck fingerlings no not here num noms are cool but that won't cure the flu okay fingerlings let's see over here no oh and here they are my last two well these are the last two i have in the entire doctor's office you're my last patients to get these i hope i don't see any more toy fluenza patients go ahead get them open you will feel better instantly [Music] wow i already feel better me too i knew these would work and celine aren't they super cute well you have this awesome blue one with a little orange tuft of hair and my what do you have oh the white one with the pink deck of hair this is the first one i've prescribed of this particular color today so cool and i'm glad you girls feel better you're super cute [Music] mine's hanging upside down well you know what i'm glad you guys feel great now but i certainly don't feel so well i think i may have caught the toy fluenza when you sneezed on me oh i'm sorry yeah well no i need to lay down oh i feel miserable oh this is horrible oh can we help you oh i wish you could but only a fingerling can cure my toy fluenza and i'm all out now don't worry you can play with ours oh i wish it was that simple but you know it's really the unboxing power of the toy that gives it its medicine and if i don't unbox the fingerling myself it's not going to cure my toy fluenza oh i'm sorry don't worry i have a good thing oh okay whatever oh this is the worst oh toy doctor abby's here to help oh toy doctor's maya's here to help oh wow um okay we're gonna take absolutely care of you we also have the medical journal oh well i'm a little bit nervous but what am i about to lose at this point all right since we don't have fingerlings we need to decorate a dot that's right we're going to do each of your sentiments individually oh well that just might work you know what you might want to start with nausea because i feel like i'm going to throw up and i really don't want to all right is that it addy no keep looking no hurry i don't want to throw up can you lock this is it no no no oh it looks like unicorns treat nausea a perfect quick [Music] oh no you know i have to unbox the cutie car for it to work so go get me one that's still in the package please oh okay thank you oh this one's kind of cute ice cream dream car all right oh wow this is pretty cute i do love this cutie car how are you feeling did the nausea go away you know i still feel horribly nauseous i don't think it worked what did we do wrong daddy wait what do you mean oh what is my face oh my whole body's like itchy all of a sudden oh what's happening i think you have the chicken pox the chicken pox well are you sure you gave me the right medicine did it call for a particular type of cutie card to get rid of my nausea something's horribly wrong oh only the traveling taco tart cheers nausea and apparently the ice cream cart could cause chicken pops sorry oh this is exactly why only a trained toy doctor with years of toy medical school should be doing this type of stuff oh go find the traveling taco car right away i'm going to throw up soon here go toy dot dot oh perfect yes this traveling taco cart is adorable and i'll make my nausea go away oh i gotta get it open right away well you know i already am fleeing a little bit better my knowledge has kind of gone away now great oh um well hang on let's not start playing with the cutie cars i have more symptoms we have to cure nausea's gone more symptoms though still not feeling great oh oh sorry doctor what the same time do you want to treat next well i'm absolutely freezing now bruh i think i need to be treated for the chills could someone give me a blanket first please for her it's so cold in here get that journal look up medicine for chills quick quick oh my help me find the tear for chills burn freezing hurry up is that oh wait a second oh it's hot in here i'm hot now oh hot all right look up the cure for a high fever now oh okay it's hot in here quick fever is that one no oh it looks like gift dumbs should do the trick gift oh good i know i have gifted um over here somewhere look on this shelf quick i'm burning up i see it hot oh good yes wow this gift thumb is from milan it isn't it has a scooter oh i know this one's gonna cure my fever in no time oh i already feel the fever going away quick all right let's see what's inside oh i have a little gift em in here from italy oh look it's viola vistario from milan italy so fun and i think this is this little gifton's home too let's see what it says oh wow it's another cute little scene from milan italy i'm gonna put her here and they can ride the scooter now wow you know what i think my fever's gone too check my temperature please oh okay 98.6 oh perfect that works fever's gone thank you giftems all right on to the next symptom because i still don't feel that great what sometimes do you want to treat now well you know what my my fever is gone and i'm not playing so nauseous but oh my nose is running like well that was crazy disgusting yeah all right here's this tissue let me get one more oh yeah runny nose runny nose look it up oh that was a messy one it's fine to quit this is a nasty yeah i'm trying to [Music] excuse me oh this is it right here puppy in my pocket oh quick get a puppy in my pocket now oh puppy in my pocket here here here oh thank you let's get this open immediately for i have to roll my nose again oh one puppy's gonna be in here i can't wait okay i'm getting super excited oh my nose is already getting a little better oh it's a big guy oh it's so cute i don't know which one i like better and you know what my nose is all better no more sniffles i don't need the tissue anymore oh look up cough i need to treat this cough right away oh cough what treats cough hurry daddy she talks all over me here is mashems yes oh perfect oh a ninja turtle perfect let me get it open quick see what ninja turtle i have oh oh this one's kind of cool swoosh oops we were supposed to give you a my little pony fashems not a ninja turtle yeah okay yes little pony fashion hope this will cure my cough let's see oh cute little fashems oh i love this little guy oh she's a cutie pie oh my cough is gone now good work girls and one of them oh but my my sneeze is still here now look up sneezes quick girls a mask and blast them with your sneezes and mashems blasters great hurry go get one here's one oh it's a justice league mashems blastums i wonder which one i'm gonna get okay i'm gonna get open quickly all right let's see what i got [Music] wow oh super cool do you know who this is it's superman so cool and you know what i'm not sneezing or coughing i'm getting better and better little by little look how big it's getting it is getting way bigger now well let's move on to my other symptoms okay okay because i'm almost better we've cured nausea cough runny nose in my fever yeah but you know what now i'm just feeling exhausted i think we need to find a cure for exhaustion i just need to lay down oh no you're laying down you're laying on okay yeah pull that out find the cure for exhaustion please [Music] exhausting exhaustion oh can i make here's the exhaustion found it here it is wake up wake up we have the kinetic sand i'm so exhausted though wake up and that is spam oh this one looks kind of cool it's an ice cream truck yeah i'm too tired wake up wake up okay okay all right next hand let's get this open wow i'm already feeling like super energized from this like my exhaustion's almost gone okay let me scoot some of this yummy delicious pink kinetic sand and i put it right up here i'm gonna smash it in there okay now i create oh i put my ice cream cone in first right yeah ice cream cone slides inside the ice cream truck okay i'm gonna crank now and it's gonna make my ice cream pop down there here we go oh oh look it did let's pull it out oh there's a delicious looking ice cream cone do you think i can eat it no oh no oh but it's so cute let's make another one wow girls you know what you guys like did awesome today i am almost 100 cure no runny nose no fever no cough no exhaustion look you girls are amazing ice cream well i'm glad we hear your toy influenza but you still have the chicken pox oh yeah you know what i forgot all about it this fun toy took my mind off of it so we'll deal with that later let's just play against some more girls let's make some more ice cream all right let's put it in here are you gonna dish them up maya yeah all right [Music] have you subscribed to tic tac toy yet if not what's holding you back it's absolutely free go ahead and click on that button in the corner of your screen and then you won't miss any of our future videos thanks for watching you
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 18,012,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toy doctor, doctor lucy, addy and maya, silly kids, toy, doctor, dr. lucy, kids toys, pretend doctor, silly doctor, the doc is in, pretend toy doctor, fun kids video, toy medicine, toy doc, pretend, toys, the doctor is in, lucy, kids, addy, maya, silly
Id: WSLzexf4aMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2017
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