Kids Meet A Teen Mom (Talbott & Vanessa) | Kids Meet | HiHo Kids

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- I got an epidural. Have y'all ever heard of that? - Is that when they give you stuff and then it pshh? (laughs loudly) - I don't know. - And then it's how? Ahhh. Whaaa. (upbeat music) - Hi I'm Talbott. - Hi. - Hi I'm Vanessa. It's nice to meet you. - I'm Maddie. - Nice to meet you. Nice to meet y'all. - Okay yeah. - So do y'all know how old I am? - Fifteen? - Yeah. How old are y'all? - I'm twelve. - We're twelve. - Twelve? Y'all look so much older. - I have an older brother who is fifteen. - Where do y'all think I'm from? What state? - Maybe Mississippi? - Mm-mm. - [Vanessa] Alabama? - Texas? - Texas. Yeah. - Okay so my first question is what was your first reaction when you found out you were pregnant? - I was scared. I had just turned 14. - Oh. - So I was mostly just terrified of my Mom's reaction though. - What did your parent's think? - They were actually really supportive. Cause they know the past is in the past. They can't really go back and change that. And my Mom just hugged me. I was balling my eyes out. She was the first one who found out. My Doctor called her. And she just said, "It's going to be okay. "We're going to get through this you're a strong girl." - Did you tell your boyfriend immediately? - Well, he was my ex at time. - Ex yeah. - We had already broken up. And I told him the day of. I actually SnapChatted him to tell him. At first he thought I was lying. He thought I was just pranking him. And then I went and got a sonogram and I sent him a picture and he's like, "Oh crap. It's real. "She's really pregnant." - So how did, if you mind me asking, how did you get pregnant? - Well I'm sure y'all know about sex. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Did y'all learn about protection? - Yes. - And that stuff. - Yeah. Condoms and stuff. - Yeah. - Did you guys have that when? - Not really. All we had was health and all they taught was abstinence. So they just said, this is sex, don't have it. - Oh. - And... - So they never taught like protection? - Mm-mm. - Or STD's or anything? - I didn't really have any idea that it was so easy to get pregnant. - Yeah. - What do you think the right age is to start having sex? - When you're a junior in high school, you can explore each other's bodies. (laughs loudly) - I think high school. - Yeah. - Like late high school. is appropriate early. - Yeah. - Actually in 8th grade, that's when my friends started having sex and stuff. - In Texas are lots of people anti-abortion? - Yes. I'm pro-life for myself. I would never get an abortion but I still think other people should have that choice. So I think it's funny about in Texas everyone is so pro-life. And then when they see a teen mom keep her baby they are all judgemental about it. - Yeah. What are some of the worst things people have said to you? - Okay I actually got what I would like to call a death threat the day before I got induced. I looked at my phone, I got this I think it was a DM. And it said, "You're disgusting. You're a whore. "I hope you die during birth. - Oh God. - Better yet your baby." And I just balled my eyes out. I mean we called the police we were so mad. Everley is my whole life. That's her name by the way, Everley. - Aww. - Everley. - Aww. - Yeah. - Was giving birth to Everley really painful? - Yeah, probably the most pain I've ever felt in my life. I got an epidural. Have y'all ever heard of that? - Is that when they give you stuff and then it pshhh? (laughs loudly) I don't know. - It's ahhh. Waaa. - It numbs you from - Waist down? - here down because you have contractions right here. - After awhile I kinda felt like I needed to poop. Just a lot of pressure. - Yeah. - So I kinda like called the nurse and I think I said, "I don't know if I'm allowed to give birth or I need to poop." So they checked me and they're "She's crowning it's time to push." So what they did is they put you up in this really weird position. Both your legs out and you have to hug your legs and just push. - So you didn't need to poop? - No. I mean, I don't know if I did. Some people poop on the table but I didn't even ask. - Eww. (laughs softly) - Wait. Can the baby come out with the poop? I'm just asking. - Talbott, that's gross. - I mean. - Can you poop and have a baby at the same time? - Probably. It's probably happened. What are your thoughts on me having a kid so young? Because y'all are about... - Twelve. - Three years younger than me. - Yeah we're three. - Yeah. - So originally when I came in here I thought it would be something that was really bad. Or something that you'd didn't want, but then I realize that some people actually enjoy it. - Yeah I definitely didn't plan it. But she changed my life for the better. I just kind of go, everybody has this path they're supposed to take in life, and I think this one was the path for me. - Even though it is kind of frowned upon by some people - Yeah. - So yeah. But what would y'all think if let's say you got pregnant or you got a girl pregnant? - Uh. I'd probably do an abortion because I don't think I'm ready. If I was like your age or - Yeah. - Or even older, I don't think I'd be ready for it. - And I definitely understand that. - But if Vanessa if you chose to keep the baby after all I would be like, "Oh I'm her uncle." (laughs loudly) But then also I feel like, oh well okay if that's what she wants. - Yeah. Do you y'all want to meet Everley? - Yeah. - Yes. (baby crying) - Here. Thank you. Open your eyes. - Awww. - Awww. - This is Everley. - She's so cute. - Oh I love her little, are those pig tails? I can't. - Yeah. They are antennas. - Awww. (laughs softly) (baby coos) (giggles quietly) (baby laughs) (laughs softly) - No. (laughs loudly) - You don't want a baby? - Well when I'm older but not now. - When you're older. - Alright, bye, nice to meet you. - Bye, nice meeting you. - It was nice to meet you. - It was nice to meet y'all. Bye. Thank you for watching Kids Meet a Teen Mom. If you wanna subscribe to our YouTube channel, follow our journey, there's a link down below. Don't forget to also subscribe to HiHo Kids and watch more Kids Meet videos. (baby coos) (baby screams) Oh my gosh. - (Interviewer) Bye. (laughs loudly)
Channel: HiHo Kids
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Keywords: PL2etPlnTb9sXwY7EgbEdYcfpl4SOeek3_, PL2etPlnTb9sVy63iAeM82b7yl0m124am7, Kids Meet, Kid experiments, Interviews, Hiho Kids, HiHoKids, Hiho, kids describe, unboxing, Kids try, family, family friendly, Maddox, Maddox weddle, games, experiment, kids play, fun, friends, kids make friends, try new things, kids guess, what’s in the box, Cut, Watch Cut, Ernie, Crystal, Justin, GG, Austin, Jayque, Talbott, Vanessa, Teen Mom, Everly, Maddie
Id: htkmZi13Uyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2019
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