Kids Meet a Teen Mom | Kids Meet | HiHo Kids

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- What would you think if you got pregnant as a teenager? - Oh, I feel like I'd get killed. (music) - Hi, I'm Maddie. - Hi Maddie, I'm Jules. - Hi, I'm Talbot. - Hi. - Hi, I'm Vanessa, it's nice to meet you. - I'm Maddie. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you all. What do you think you're here for? - I saw a baby outside so that's all I'm thinking of, a young parent? - Yeah! I'm a teen-mom. - When I came in, I thought the baby was the lady's outside. - Yeah, that's my mom, so she's a grandma. - Wow. - Yeah (laughs). How old do you think I am? - Uhhh, 19. - I'm 15. Yeah (laughs), I had my baby when I was 14 and I had just turned 14 when I got pregnant. - That's kinda weird, 14! - Yeah, I know. - How old is your daughter? - She's 10 months, almost 11 months. - What's her name? - Everly. - That's a good name. - Thank you! - What was your first reaction when you found out you were pregnant? - I was scared. I was mostly just terrified of my mom's reaction though. Because my mom's like my best friend, I didn't want her to look down on me. - What was your mom's reaction when you told her? - Okay, so surprisingly a lot of people think that my mom would've like freaked out, kicked me out but she actually, she just hugged me and said it's gonna be okay. - That's really nice. - Did you tell your boyfriend like immediately? - Well, he was my ex at the time and I told him the day of. I actually Snapchatted him to tell him. At first he thought I was lying. And then I went and got a sonogram and I sent him a picture, and he's like "Oh crap, it's real. She's really pregnant!" What do you think your mom would say, if you said you were pregnant when you're 14? - I'm not really sure, I think she would freak out. 'Cause like, I'm so at that point, I'm like "ew"-- - "Cooties" was it cooties? - No. I'm just like "Ew that sounds weird and disgusting". Um... Sex. (laughs) - What do you think the right age is to start having sex? - When you're a junior in high school, you can explore each others bodies. (laughs) - Actually like, in eighth grade that's when our friends started having sex and stuff. So there was a lot of people. The way eighth grade, like the end of it. You know how boys, they always like "won't you do sir". Does that happen to you, cause I remember when I was 12 boys would always like, send pictures and stuff. I'm like what is that weird looking worm. (laughs) They don't do that anymore here? - Oh, I got one snapchat about it, and was like "Just gonna delete you". - It's really bad. So I kinda got exposed to that early. Then when I got a boyfriend, he wanted to have sex. I didn't really want to. - Tell him to do it himself. (laughs) - I kinda thought, "I love him. This is what he wants, "so if I wanna keep him this is what I have to do" which is not the case. So never think that. But we ended up having sex and I got pregnant. - Did you guys use protection? - No. - Well! - Yeah, but in Texas they don't really teach about that in school. Did you all learn about protection? - Yes. - Yeah, condoms and stuff. - Yeah, all they taught was abstinence. So they just said "This is sex don't have it" - Oh, so they never taught protection or STD's or anything? - I didn't really have any idea that it was so easy to get pregnant. I thought it just happened like 1 out of 10 times, you know? - Well that's not the case. - Yeah, cause they don't really teach you that in Texas. So, if you were to be a teen mom too, is that like scary? - Yes. - Yeah, I don't promote it. So like, wait. What would y'all think if, let's say you got pregnant or you got a girl pregnant? - I would probably be a little ashamed of myself - Yeah, I definitely was too. - Because, I knew that I could've gotten protection or something like that. I'd probably do an abortion because I don't think I would be ready for it. - And I definitely understand that. - But I if you chose to keep the baby after all, I'd be like oh I'm her uncle. But then, also Vanessa, I'd feel like, oh well okay if that's what she wants. - Yeah. - Did Everly's dad have a say in abortion? - He tried to have a say. At first he said abortion and I said cannot do that. And he just kind of had to accept it because as unfair as it sounds she was in my body. I'm pro-life for myself, like I would never get an abortion but I still think that other people should have that choice. - When you found out that you were pregnant do you think that people at school would make fun of you? - Yes, a lot of people did. People can be horrible, especially online because you get to hide behind a screen. I actually got, I think it was a DM and it said "You're disgusting, you're a whore, "I hope you die during birth better yet your baby" And I just balled my eyes out. I mean we called the police, we were so mad. - Did people feel bad for you being pregnant, at 14? - Yes, well they also kind of feel like I'm a bad person because of it. - I don't think you're a bad person. - Thank you. - You just made a-- - Bad choice. I agree with that - Were you kind of scared for when the time was coming? - Yes, I definitely was. I got induced, so it was more control. There wasn't just this spontaneous labor. - What does child birth feel like? - Well if you got an epidural, it feel like you're pooping. I got an epidural. Have y'all ever heard of that? Is that when they like, give you stuff and it (laughs) - I don't know. - Vanessa's like (laughs) - It numbs you from like-- - Waist down? - Here down. After a while I kind of felt like I needed to poop. So they checked me, they're like "Oh she's crowning, "it's time to push." - So then you didn't need to poop. - No, I mean, I don't know if I did. Some people poop on the table but I didn't even ask. - Wait, can the baby come out with the poop? I'm just asking. - Talbot, that's gross. - I mean... - Like can you poop and have a baby at the same time? - Probably, it's probably happened. How old do you think you're gonna be when you have a baby? - 37. - 37, that's a really specific, I like that. Do you ever want to give birth? Like obviously when you're older. - No. - No? (laughs) - How much time do you have to take away of your normal day life to hang out with her? - Out of 24 hours in a day, he's with me for about 23, 22 of them. - So do you think you were ever missing out on anything that kids your age would be doing because of Everly? - I obviously don't get to go to the dances or stuff. But it's not really my scene. - You have a best friend or someone you hang out with a lot? Or does your baby take up all your time? - I still have my friends and I consider them my friends and I talk to them and stuff. But I really don't get that much time to hang out with them. And I obviously can't text and Snapchat all day. I kind of think of it as, I have to choose between a bad mom or a bad friend. And I'm a bad friend. (laughs) Do y'all wanna meet Everly? - [Both] Yes. - Hi princess. - She's so cute. - Aww I love her little, are those pigtails? - Yeah they're antennas. - Awww. - I love babies so much! - Wait. (laughs) (baby coos) - No. - Thank you for watching Kids Meet A Teen Mom. If you wanna subscribe to our Youtube channel, follow our journey. There's a link down below. Don't forget to also subscribe to HiHo Kids, and watch more Kids Meet videos. (baby squeals) - [Camera Lady] Bye!
Channel: HiHo Kids
Views: 22,005,681
Rating: 4.9023824 out of 5
Keywords: PL2etPlnTb9sXwY7EgbEdYcfpl4SOeek3_, PL2etPlnTb9sVy63iAeM82b7yl0m124am7, Kids Meet, Kid experiments, Interviews, Hiho Kids, HiHoKids, Hiho, kids describe, mailbag, mailbag videos, unboxing, Kids try, family, family friendly, Maddox, Maddox weddle, games, experiment, kids play, fun, friends, kids make friends, try new things, kids guess, Ernie, Desmond, Crystal, Justin, GG, Austin, Jayque, Steven and Carolina, Teen Mom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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