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hey forever leaves its body and Everly and today I am going to be showing that all aren't day in life as a 15 year old mom with a 1 year old toddler a lot of you wonder what my day consists of so I'm about to show y'all my morning usually begins by being woken up by blue mists every leap and then I check my phone just make sure I'm not like missing any urgent notifications and then I change a release diaper [Music] [Music] [Music] almost immediately after we wake up we head downstairs to breakfast also don't come at me for my unpainted walls after I put Everly in her high chair I always pull her up close to where I'm cooking so she can see what's going on and I kind of like explained to her what's going on while I cook she was playing with the Easter Egg full of sprinkles at the time so if you see something on her high chair that is what she's playing with I almost always make crepes for breakfast when I actually like cook something reckless sometimes we just do like frozen waffles but today I was feeling fancy so I made some crepes [Music] [Music] next few clips are kind of self-explanatory I end up mixing this stuff through my crepes and then I got the pan ready and I tried to use olive oil as my little like nonstick to me hi guys and it didn't work out very well and my crepe was kind of a crap so I ended up switching it out for butters that day and then they actually worked though yeah I'm still 15 so I do still live with my parents so that is Sam I set that right there putting garnishes limes and flowers on my blade [Music] once I am done making me another place I always sit down images with her [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] once made ever both done eating I always clean up and then head upstairs to get ready for the day [Music] welcome to my messy closet where babies get dressed I am going to be 100% real with y'all my closet has not been clean for a while my life is not going to be perfect and I have not had the time to sit down and go through all my clothes in clean up all our least toys after she plays every time so yeah it's a bit of a mess right now but I mean I wanted a realistic day in the life so [Music] [Music] finally it is time to your meeting for the day and make myself look mildly attractive so now it's time for me to take my face and get dressed and I think I'm going to switch up the music [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so I thought I was just gonna do like montages was bought voiceovers voiceovers I can't talk I thought I was just gonna do montages with voiceovers for this video but honestly I feel like I should do some talking um but it is about lunchtime now so I have just been like letting I really play well I got ready for the day right now she's hanging out with gumball it is that she calls my mom her Grammy but slate and Sam are leaving to go get their car inspected and Jake just texted me um I am going to get some food my mom is working on taxes today so I can't like drive anywhere because she has to like be in the car with me when I Drive I might drive to them to the store later when she's done right now I am getting oh my gosh so I am getting a smoothie from trouble to smoothie cafe which I have been obsessed with lately so just placed my smoothie order and now so I ordered one paradise point smoothie with banana note with mango I added mango alright so now I'm going what the heck hold up Jake shot a deer with a nerf gun what the heck okay now I am ordering Chipotle I'm getting AB readable with sofrito rice black beans guacamole tomato salsa chili corn salsa extra and sour cream cheese tortilla on the side and chips and guac okay so I have AB because she's trying to escape but I just ordered this and I'm gonna share it would ever leave or actually I'm gonna get her a quesadilla I really you can't break gum balls flowers so kids cheese quesadilla cheese only flour tortillas white rice pinto beans chips and apple juice all right add to bag okay so I just ordered a smoothie and Chipotle so I was gonna be here at about like 30 minutes that's why I ordered it like a little early so me and I really are gonna go outside and we're gonna play for a minute while we wait on our food [Music] dr. Phil the voiceover saying don't come for me in the comments because I can't correctly bum and tiny volleyball but I realized my comments are disabled so that's really great so nobody can come out you in the comments about me being horrible at playing with the tiny Polly ball but in my defense it's like the size of my hand so yeah [Music] [Music] hi Oh are these for me [Music] do you want to put them in water and put them in here with the flowers tap you got me sweet girl we want Everly's flower yeah it's pretty oh yay you want to hold it in to eat it yeah I foods on its way and what you order triple play and the smoothie [Music] [Music] [Music] just finished eating now I'm gonna get a little Missy down for her afternoon nap are you ready go sleepies so I had just gotten everybody asleep she slept for a good 30 minutes probably and maybe even an hour I don't know as soon as I got up and I was gonna make a list for the store she just got up looked at me and said she just smiled so she woke up a happy girl I really can you show me what you did you say go go to the store you ready it's Kiki she's such a happy girl I love my girls okay that's gonna have Series in see if gumball he's ready to hear the stories obviously I cannot drive without her in the car oh it's blurry Jon goes to his gumballs ready yeah so I just changed my outfit because honestly is it really a day of the life if I don't change my outfit at least once so this is the new fit just like a black long-sleeve shirt and some shorts I'm just gonna throw on some shoes grab my handy-dandy backpack wow that was so horrible reading it upside down thing honestly so I just changed my shirt again because I realized it was 70 degrees out and I really don't like how that other shirt looks like so yeah I am just waiting for my mom to finish up with taxes and then we are gonna go to Target okay so we are in the car now my mom doesn't know if she trusts me to drive all the way to target so we are going to drive to sonic and she's gonna decide from there if I am going to drive anymore which she will probably say no because I was trying to get scared like when I'm driving she thinks I'm gonna drive I'm actually such a good driver it really doesn't know actually a German oh we gotta turn the radio off No look at mom test Oh sucks make sure um you don't let it be shaky cuz you're gonna give people epilepsy that's you this is how many pumps do do oh here's the ground huh here's the ceiling huh you know neighborhood driving is actually harder than driving outside of the neighborhood in my opinion so you're letting me to the hard part right now oh oh she did good didn't she I really say yeah what do you I have been demoted to shotgun but we are at target now and we are going to go inside I'm just gonna shop around a little bit I think I'm gonna look at the GoPros because summer is coming up and I'm gonna need GoPro for the pool so we're just gonna go shop around obviously we have so much food at home I don't think we're getting any groceries I might get like some vegetarian I need to get socks for Eberly mom don't let me forget to get socks for every lease they're like all gone the washer eats them we're gonna grab some socks and look at the GoPros for a minute then we are gonna head out of here um I am a splitting headache I mean as always but I think we're gonna wait on the GoPro okay we're gonna look on Amazon Amazon's like our best friend on oh yeah it's okay I'm talking to you - oh when I get a book to read so let's look at the books real fast so I found two books that look good this one's called the power I set that name this one's called in a dark wood everybody found a cup she likes so um you don't let her drop a few things she wants and then maybe no home because I don't really think just a quick little snack before dinner and I'm gonna let every leaf snack on this pineapple in watch her movie [Music] during the summer we all we've got tide and liquid icon if I might opt board I got this for Christmas when I was like 11 and we are gonna ride this little thing [Music] ok so I know I keep going back and forth from voiceover montages to actually like vlogging but I'm back on my montages I'll probably be vlogging again in like two minutes but I just wanted like explain this clip my little brother's late like wanted to try my keyboard so I let him try and ride it yeah [Music] all right so I'm back inside now and I am going to have me some dinner I'm gonna keep it completely real with y'all usually I just grab something out of the fridge I don't always cook a big extravagant dinner beneath em so me and her are just sharing my joy leftovers for dinner [Music] after me and I've finished eating I decided I needed a shower I usually take showers like part of my daily routine by the way um um but I paid my sister AV $10 to watch a really while I take a shower so um I think I got scammed but it's okay because she's going through it she's 13 can't get a job but she said she wants to buy that figured I just give her some money so I could actually take a shower usually I wouldn't leave any clips of me being stupid but this is basically just a new thing exposed I have no makeup on so I enjoy now that I'm out of the shower I'm going to put in some leave-in conditioner I have naturally curly ish I don't know it's so heat damaged that it's all over the place and I don't even know my texture anymore but yeah I'm just gonna throw in some of that and hope my hair doesn't break off and die now it is Everly's trying to get squeaky clean I usually let her play in the bathroom it with her bath ways and then I wash her off with a mild soap because she does have eczema and then I can get her out and dry rock you know Japanese [Music] it is now officially time for me and every lady to go to sleep I hope y'all enjoyed this 15 year old mom Dana night I will see you all next time bye hey guys I know the video is over but it's not really over I just wanted to pop in real fast since my comments are disabled still and I don't know when they're gonna be back up I will be posting a post on my Instagram I'm gonna like act as this video for y'all to comment on so y'all can give me feedback on my video still so my Instagram is at Mattie Lambert with two E's on in body and two T's in Lambert I'll put it right here um but yeah if you have any feedback from me if you just want to say something is there's like a timestamp in the video that you thought was funny you just go comment on that posted because my comments are still up and I'm really upset because I love to interact with y'all and I will be interacting with y'all on that post so make sure y'all go comment on that post comment comment on this video anyways bye I love y'all
Channel: Maddie Lambert
Views: 8,305,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teenmom, dayinthelife
Id: WyeLwQVNggs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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