Can You Match the Baby to the Mom? | Lineup | Cut

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look at you you are so cute hello hello my name is Kesha I'm Michelle I'm a pediatrician a a retired OBGYN how many babies do you think you've delivered o at least a thousand Anita was my OB and I have uh three Cults now lovely children yes you have any kids I do I have one kid and a bonus Sun so technically two are you a mom uh I'm going to be I'm about 6 months now congratulations today you're going to match baby to parent how you going to do this I work with children for a living I'm an on call Nanny I've had the experience of taking care of children and being around children babies look different every day I kind of want to see how they feel with each other because babies chill out with certain people and they turn up with certain people you ready to meet the moms yeah let's do it oh my good all these lovely lovely [Music] ladies hi guys congratulations thank you I know I'm 6 months pregnant you're having I'm having a boy are you ready for the first baby I'm ready oh hi all right this is Kota you are so pretty let me go ahead and see uhoh eye contact I think think this is kota's Mom to be honest I'm kind of trying to peep Vibe first would you hold Kota of course see Kota start coing baby oh you feel so good Kota I'm choosing the lady in the jeans with the doggy on her sweater is that my mommy this is a pair what do you think I think they kind of resemble each other I'll go with Michelle's guess she looks like she knows how she likes to be held she's not f at all like she's just very content that's kota's Mom do you sing any l or anything like that s all kinds of stuff what's like the one song that you sing the [Music] most I think this might be a match the way that you sang to her she had a good reaction to it go get the next baby you can head on back chunky chunk cutie patootie hi babies how you doing oh all right this is zier what's up zier you so [Music] cute I think zier might be your little man let's see yeah I really think it's hers because when she picked him up she leaned back cuz she already knew he was a heavier kid I think so well they have some more outfits on SAR facial structures facial structur okay this is the mother because the baby is so calm in her arms next baby oh this is very difficult it's super difficult highly recommend these two games keep it 100 in truth or drink I played keep it 100 a bunch of times and it made me learn stuff about my myself that I didn't know I played truth or drink with my parents and after they left I collapsed to my knees and I cried it was a real thing that happened hi so cute what do we think well I think the baby feels very comfortable with her and I think there is facial resemblance from all the way down I think I think it's a jewelry matching outfit sort of thing she's wearing all this pink with the little pink bow and the little socks and we got the old blue going on hia yeah I think so I think that's right and you the binky and you the baby all right hi baby well they're all cute are they boys or girls tail here you go can I have mother number two come forward look at this this is the same thing can kind of see it definitely see it in the eyes for sure their facial structures look a lot alike and then the baby is seems to be very calm against the mother or she may just be a good mother this is a pair this is my match I know I got that one that's your mama oh you're so cute oh yeah those are my glasses I think I kind of already have a match in my head for you yeah come on over I can see a little bit in the in the face just a little bit definitely she's very excited to see her she does resemble her see if you want to take her back she'll come back to you hey come back to me this is our match she's not busing at anything and she does not want to come back to Michelle okay we got one more [Music] baby it's okay let's see do you think you this is my only option so I think I'm going to go with this for now I think it's her baby it he seems to fit very comfortably with her and they both have beautiful skin I don't know an you want to make any switches we're going to switch the the lady in the brown with the lady in the green the little man that came in here very upset I feel like the woman in the blue is now I could see the resemblance oh that's she's already starting to comfort him a bit there yeah it feels right I think we're going to switch him back I feel comfortable with this Arrangement okay I'll agree with Anita because you know we're friends but okay with a show of hands who guest correct oh that's not bad oh heck yeah thank you show hand who did kha guess correctly can you take a look just one oh my God all right let's have babies match up with their correct mom what how how old is she she is 10 months and her name's Yara is this your first one first yeah oh beautiful do you want any more uh eventually eventually yeah not anytime soon I'm just getting the hang of this one I feel like I have to get in the groove of the routine what's the hardest part for you so far um I feel like trying to find like myself again ooh yeah feel the same way yeah I was pretty confident about this one they look a lot alike a lot Alik how many kids do you have I have two how is is that horrible oh my gosh okay what's the most challenging part the sleep right now they're both going through sleep progressions we don't sleep in our house so what is like some good advice that you would give Mom goat is so real and it is will'll Eat You Alive if you let it but don't okay you're doing your best and that's what matters hi I'm glad we made the switch that was all but now now that you see everybody together she was our first baby this is Kota she's 3 months okay what do you think like is a good first time advice for me to get from you is there anything you're specifically nervous about my whole thing is is I'm going to have to go to work afterwards oh yeah I did I have to do that too it's going to be tough make sure you make time for yourself as well as the baby you know okay yeah it's a balance I was completely wrong on this one she is one of two so I have um boy girl twins what a blessing yeah so how do the two babies get along they love each other they hold other's hands and when one's crying they'll sooth each other and Pat like rub each other's backs and S never be afraid or feel bad for putting your baby down to just take care of yourself something as simple as you know taking a shower and just making sure that you get what you need in that day can make a huge difference okay yeah I should have knew by the swag hi baby how old is he he just turned 7 months oh my gosh how big was he when he came out 8.2 yeah you were a chunka mon huh yes yeah you're ready to give them a run for their money what's the I guess cutest part about being a new mom like he just started crawling last week and he said said Mama last week too was that first word mom mhm oh I know that's right oh yeah yeah pound it right I know it has your cheeks yeah and your your eyes and nose and cheeks yeah he's starting to look like me allegedly he is adorable his hair his hair is like already in a lineup I love that my son came out with a whole bunch of hair too so I'm like they have natural lineups enjoy the moment there's going to be a lot of people telling you don't let the baby sleep with you don't do this don't do that just enjoy the moment because they're they're not going to be the size again oh heck yeah yeah it was tougher than I thought it would be babies are hard man they are look like you my baby looks just like my face I really like the advice especially with like the mom guilt taking time to myself and going off my own intuition I like that a lot
Channel: Cut
Views: 1,166,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cut, Watch Cut, people, people videos, storytelling, relationships, Dating, Interviews, Firsts, couples, exes, love, Kids Try, games, challenges, Ethnic groups, People Interviews, Dares, Truth or Dare, 100 ways, blind dates, 100 people, experiments, #tbt, party games, Truth or Drink, HiHo Kids, Hiho, college, 100 YOB, 100 Years of Beauty
Id: iALz254CQF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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