Kids Meet a Dating Coach | Kids Meet | HiHo Kids

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- So, let's say I'm your partner, and it's just not really working for you anymore. And you need to let me know that. - I see this coming to an end, so how about we go our separate ways? (Cora cries) - What? (Ethan laughs) (storytime music) - Hi. - I'm Cora. - I'm Phoebe. - Great to meet you. - You too. - Hi, I'm Vanessa, it's nice to meet you. - Cora, nice to meet you. - Hi Cora, I'm Talbot. Nice to meet you - Nice to meet you. - Why am I meeting you? - I am a dating coach for men. - Oh. - Why not women? - There are a lot of men who need resources to help them date better. Most of the resources that I saw that were available were men telling other men what women want. So I thought, "Okay, "wouldn't it make sense if they were talking to a woman "about what it was actually like from her perspective?" - Yeah. - So what do you know about dating? - It's gross. (Cora laughs) - What's gross about it? - Kissing. Your mouth is for eating. - Are you dating anyone? (Ethan laughs) - No. - Is that a silly idea? - Yes (laughing). Only, I think, teenagers and higher date. - Do people at school date? - Oh yeah. - You know, they've french kissed and stuff. (Talbot smacks lips) - Smooch affairs. - Do you feel like you're ready to date? - I don't know how to answer that with my grandma sitting over there but probably. My parents are gonna say no. - They don't want you to date? - [Producer] Would you guys be allowed to date? - No. - Yeah, our dad's chill about it. - No, no, no, not 'til high school. No, he said no middle school dating, that is a rule. - No. - Do you want it to be a rule so that you don't have to date? - Yeah 'cause middle school dating's gross. - Vanessa, do you have a crush on anyone? - No. (boy chuckles) I used to but not anymore. I don't, Talbot. - And how did you realize that you didn't? - They were kind of out of my league. - Oh. - I don't have a crush on anybody. - Do you ever wanna have a crush on someone? - No. I never wanna date. - What if you were like, "I love you", but you didn't have to kiss, would that be gross? - That would be the best relationship ever. (Cora laughs) - Do you have a crush on anyone? Who? - Not saying. - A girl at school? What if you asked her to eat lunch together one day? - I wouldn't. - Why not? - I would be kinda scared. - You're scared 'cause you don't know if she would say yes? - Yeah. (Cora laughs) What if she doesn't like you? - Is it okay if she doesn't like you? - No not really. - Let's say you meet someone that you're like, "Ooh. "He's pretty cute." Would you ever ask him out? - No. - Why not? - 'Cause I'd be too scared to. - What's scary about it? - Rejection. - If they say no, then- - So there's a lot if you don't know - Who would you have left? - It's always a risk. So what if he asked you out? - [Producer] Act it out. Pretend like you're the guy. - No, why (laughing)? (Cora laughs) My grandma's sitting there. - Let's say that I was someone you had a crush on and you wanted to talk to me, how would you do that? - You got this, Talbot. - Hello, could I borrow a pencil? - Yes. You can give it to me after this period, - Great, yeah. - Give it back to me. - [Producer] Ask her out, Talbot. - So I was thinking maybe this weekend like, are you available? - Available for what? - Oh, I don't know we could just like, hang out in the Av or something. - Okay, yeah. - Great. - That sounds fun. (Vanessa laughs) - Hey, you seem pretty cool. You wanna, like, go out sometime? - This hurts me physically. (Cora laughs) - Say I'm someone that you have a crush on. Hey. (Vanessa laughs) (Cora laughs) - I'm just imagining this happening with the guy. - So let's say it's recess. I'm sitting by myself reading a book. - Hey do you wanna play soccer with me? - Soccer? - Yeah, I usually see her play soccer. - Okay. Yeah, I love soccer. Will you help me practice my shot? - Yeah sure. - I was wondering this Saturday if you'd like to see a movie (laughing). - Oh, you mean, like, a date? - Yes. - Cool, I mean, yeah. - She would literally faint if he said yes to that. If she even got that far and he said yes she'd be like- - Talbot, you cannot talk. - [Producer] Now show me how you would break up with someone. - Okay. So let's say I'm your partner, and it's just not really working for you anymore. You need to let me know that you see this coming to an end. - I see this coming to an end. So how about we go our separate ways. (Cora cries) - What? I thought we were gonna be together forever. (boy laughs) Would you laugh in her face? - No (laughing). - No, okay. I don't understand, I didn't see this coming. This really hurts my feelings. - Uh, let's see. You play with your friends more than me. - Let's try to be really nice to this person, right? - (whispering) I don't know what to say. - If I had anybody to date, and I will never, but I would be like, "Hey, I'm so sorry but I just don't feel comfortable "being in a relationship "because there's kissing. "I just don't feel like this relationship is really good for us." - Yeah, that's a beautiful way to say it. - When should you kiss someone? - When you both want to. - How would they know, like I seen lots of movies where one person tries to kiss and the other one, "What?" - This is scary for a lot of people. The thing is, though, if you're really not sure, you can always ask, right? - Just asking them, "Can you kiss me?" That would be kinda weird. - There's physical communication. You can ask someone without verbally asking them. So like, hello. - Hello, my name's Ethan. - See, you know this means "Hey, let's shake hands." So there are a lot of different ways to ask. You can kinda lean in and see what they do. (boy laughs) You don't wanna completely just kiss someone with no indicator that they wanna kiss you. They're not telling you that that's okay to do. - Yeah. - [Producer] Talbot can you say, "Do you have any dating advice for me?" - Do you have any dating advice for me? - Talbot, you should look at her. You should look at someone when you're talking to them. - (laughs) My dating advice is make eye contact. - Do you have any dating advice for me? - Yes, I think that you should give yourself more credit. - Yeah Vanessa. (Talbot claps) - I do. A lot of young girls get pressured into things, and middle school can be pretty brutal. - That's for sure. - So it's okay to say no to things. Your job is not to have people like you. Dating is kind of awkward. (girl laughs gently) - Yeah. - But it's okay to do things that are kind of awkward. It's actually kind of good for us, I think, 'cause we're going out of our comfort zone. - I really like my comfort zone, though. - Okay, so let's act it out again, and I'm gonna try something else, okay? - Okay. - So we're on the blacktop, it's recess. - Hey do you wanna play soccer with me? - Uh, thank you, I think I'm gonna keep reading. - That's okay. - See, it's fine. - But it would be kind of embarrassing. - Will you be okay? - Yes. - Are there other people who care about you? - Yes. - Do you like yourself? - Yes, I really do. - Yeah. Would it be worth the risk? - Yes and no. - What's the best thing that could happen? - We could play more together, have snacks together at recess. - It might be pretty fun. - Yeah. - Is that worth maybe being a little embarrassed for a little bit? - So I should ask her? - Yeah. - If they say yes, good. If they so no, meh. I got way more. (Cora laughs) - [Producer] How many people do you have a crush on? Wow. - Three. - [Producer] What are the names of your crushes, Ethan? - Never saying. - [Producer] What are their names? - (laughing) Not saying.
Channel: HiHo Kids
Views: 1,825,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kids Meet, Kid experiments, Interviews, Hiho Kids, HiHoKids, Hiho, kids describe, mailbag, mailbag videos, unboxing, unboxing videos, Kids try, family, family friendly, Maddox, Maddox weddle, games, experiment, kids play, fun, friends, kids make friends, try new things, kids guess, what’s in the box, Cut, Watch Cut, Cut Videos, Ernie, Desmond, Crystal, Justin, GG, Austin, Jayque, Steven and Carolina, Dating Coach
Id: e8dpFsQeAJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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