Kids Get MADE FUN OF In SCHOOL, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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morning class we have a new student starting today everyone say hello to gus his family just moved here fresh meat now everyone take out your homework i will be back in a few minutes to collect it what do you think you're doing this is my seat oh i didn't know sorry since you're new i'm gonna explain how it works you see i run things around here so you do what i say got it you could start by doing my math homework but wouldn't that be cheating did i sound like i was asking get it done or else you might not make it to the second day of school hey newbie like the jacket thank you but uh i think you'd look better on me yeah i've got to go to class i don't want to be late [Music] i'm going to need that jacket it's mine now please don't this is my favorite jacket i'll tell you what either you can give me the jacket or i'll take it myself you choose told you would look better on me oh the new kid doesn't have any friends dustin can you just leave me alone well sorry to break it to you but uh i'm a little hungry so this is my lunch now give it back you know what you're right i should share so here have some of my water stop it what are you gonna do about it newbie you know dustin you start being nice to the people because the way you treat others always has a way of coming back to you that is about the dumbest thing that i did come over here mom what are you doing here remember that new job offer that your dad got well he accepted and so we'll be moving you'll be starting at a new school next week really gonna miss you here dustin oh please i don't want to leave the school i'm sorry but you don't have a choice grab your stuff and let's go dustin now is about to find himself as the new kid starting in a new school on his first day dustin walks into the class nervously worried about not knowing anyone as soon as the teacher steps away he meets a new bully who starts to pick on him for being the new kid the new bully makes dustin do his homework and then he spots him in the hallway and takes dustin's jacket he even embarrasses dustin in the cafeteria and eats his school lunch he now realizes how much it hurts to get bullied for being the new kid [Music] just as dustin was having his worst day ever he gets a surprise from an unexpected person you can have some mine new kid what are you doing here my dad's job didn't work out so we moved back here this was my old school we can share the sandwich if you want but why i mean after the way i treated you because i know what it feels like to be the new kid and to be bullied wow i'm really sorry about the way i treated you i never knew how much it hurt to be bullied you were right the way you treat people always has a way of coming back to you oh and uh here this belongs to you thanks jeremy great job louis that's the second test you failed this month what's going on sorry miss wilson i um it's because he's dumb sean that's not very nice well if you want to graduate you can't fail any more exams you understand me class please open your books to lesson three who wants to read how about louis why don't you read for us um can someone else read instead i didn't call anyone else i called on you is there a problem yeah everyone knows that the pee brain can't read sean stop it lewis go ahead um okay lesson three set louis this is not a difficult word sound it out it's content smart guy sean what come on miss wilson he's in the eighth grade and he can't even read why can't you pick on someone who's not so duh duh dum shawn cut it out louis i'm worried about you you're not at the reading level you need to be i just mix up my words sometimes i'm afraid you don't belong in this class come with me have fun and special ed dummy here you are lewis your new class louis hi i'm mrs green your new teacher nice book you like tony robbins yeah my dream is to become a writer and speaker one day i want to be great just like him well well well if it isn't lewis and his special ed for friends all you'll ever grow up to be is a janitor hey you get out of here right now or i'm gonna send you to the principal's office whatever oh my goodness hey don't listen to him okay no he's right i'm just dumb i'll never be smart enough to be great like tony i probably won't graduate let me ask you something what do you think mr robbins would say to that um i don't know well i know exactly what he would say because he wrote it on a picture for me when i met him [Music] it says whatever you believe you can achieve signed tony he really signed that yeah he did you know what here keep it and if you ever lose belief in yourself you remember that thanks miss green i'll never forget this oh and do me one favor don't forget to bring me a signed copy of your book when you become best-selling author okay i will with the help of miss green lewis finally starts believing in himself for the first time in his life over time lewis learns how to read and starts doing much better in school with mrs green's help he eventually graduates on time and becomes one of the top ranking students in his school several years pass and lewis decides to start writing his very first book he goes around trying to sell his book to strangers he does this day after day so excited to get his book out there that is until he realizes no one wants to buy it the book was a total failure after months of trying and failing he starts losing belief in himself and decides to give up on his dreams but then one day he happens to run into someone that he used to know that would change his life forever i don't know what i was thinking i can't be an author i'm too dumb whatever sean was right i should just go be a janitor watch where you're going sorry it's my fault wait louis it's miss wilson from middle school oh how have you been i've had better days what's wrong well i tried to come out with a book but um it was total flop nobody read it oh well i wouldn't beat yourself up too much i mean after all you were in special ed right it was good seeing you what am i doing like i could be a writer like i could be anything like tony robbins i wish i'd never read this stupid book whatever you believe you can achieve and if you ever lose belief in yourself you remember that that's it i have to keep believing in myself i'm not going to give up with newfound motivation and belief lewis gets to work on writing a new book a few years go by and this time his second book is a huge success lewis becomes one of the best selling authors in the world he develops a huge following creates a top-ranking podcast and even meets his idol tony robbins lewis's work inspires millions of people around the world [Music] and then one day he decides to go pay a visit to an old friend hey miss green lewis oh my goodness look at you it's so good to see you but what are you doing here well i wanted to bring you something it's my new book i signed it for you [Music] oh lois you remembered i am so proud of you ms green i'm starting to sweep the floors sean perfect timing that you remember those house from school he's a best-selling author now louis wow i can't believe it's you of course i know who you are last time i saw you was when you told me all it ever amount to was being a janitor look i'm sorry about the way that i treated you when we were kids i was wrong about you and actually i listened to your podcast all the time really i'm a huge fan oh thank you can i get one of those you want me to sign it too yeah can you give me some advice sure my dream has always been to have my own business one day but i'm just a janitor so probably won't happen well a wise person once told me whatever you believe you can achieve so always remember that [Music] excellent natalie go and spell that that's easy excellence e-x-e-e-l-l-e-n-t excellent excellent work okay so our last word will be resilient dana would you spell that for us okay resilient r uh you mixed up your iron e again i'm sorry you know what your new name should be dyslexic dana hey natalie cut that out okay it's not nice to make fun of people's learning disabilities dana you're okay you did great okay everybody don't forget the hawkins beehive spelling bee is in two weeks and the winner receives ooh the beehive spelling bee trophy so if you want to enter come on up and get a flyer thank you natalie dana are you gonna enter the spelling bee no mr ellis why not you don't want to competing in the spelling bee that sounds like a dream but i mix up my letters a lot and not very smart hey listen to me having a learning disability does not mean that you are not smart it just means that you learn differently you just need to be more resilient huh okay so take one of those [Applause] and take this spelling note cards and practice thanks okay get out of here conquer c-o-n-q you are conquered again this is so hard hey oh my gosh i'm so sorry watch where you're going wait don't tell me you're actually thinking about entering the spelling bee yeah i'm practicing for it why can you even spell practice are you going to get your eyes and your e's mixed up again get real you're not smart enough to win [Music] well mr willis is just because i learned differently doesn't mean i'm not smart he's just being nice dyslexic dana these cards can't save you nothing can bye hey my note cards i can't believe it dana what happened i should have never tried to enter the spelling bee i'll never be smart enough to hit hey don't say that you can still win oh yeah how would you know you don't know what it's like to have dyslexia actually i know pretty well what it's like to have dyslexia because i've been struggling with it my whole life what would you have yes but i don't let it stop me you know i actually won the spelling bee 20 years ago that's me on the night i won my english teacher believed in me i didn't think i was smart enough to win but she taught me the exact thing that i am trying to teach you having a learning disability does not mean that you are not smart it just means that you learn differently oh my gosh take conquer before you spell it just sound it out slowly conquer start tapping find a rhythm and say each letter slowly we'll see if this works c o [Music] yes dana that's called finger tap spelling you are so smart you just learn differently okay come on let's keep going with mr willis helping dana she now starts to discover new ways of learning that work for her she learns to tap while spelling out loud the beat helps her put the letters in the proper order she practices spelling while jumping rope she finds a rhythm helps her learn faster she discovers all these new learning tools to help her overcome her dyslexia dana was spelling words she never even thought would be possible and then came the day of the spelling bee danae gets asked a lot of challenging words and each time spells them correctly she keeps moving up the ranks and beating one opponent after the next she makes it all the way to the last round only to face off against natalie and now for the final round of the hawkins middle school annual beehive spelling bee natalie your word is intelligence intelligence that's so easy you might as well just give me the trophy intelligence i n t e l i g e n c e intelligence that is incorrect intelligence has two l's no no no no that was an accident i want to try again no i'm sorry rules are rules dana if you can spell this next word correctly you win the trophy and that word is resilience okay brazilians r e s i l [Music] i e n c e that is [Music] correct and the winner of the 2021 beehive trophy is that's not fair how can someone with dyslexia beat me you're obviously not smart enough well i didn't think i was smart enough either but then someone reminded me that just because you have a learning disability doesn't mean you're not smart it just means you learn differently whatever [Applause] you get the invite to my graduation party no i didn't wow thanks bill just kidding i would never invite you to my party okay class that's it for today i finished grading your test from last week you can just grab them on the way out oh and don't forget tomorrow is your final report on the dharman book it is worth 50 of your grade so please do your very best great work young man there you go not bad i am proud of you keep it up billy um could you just hang out for a sec i'd like to talk to you uh yeah sure arthur i am very impressed by you young man you got an a plus excellent work thank you miss henry billy you got an f on the exam did you even study yeah i did i just i didn't think it'd be this hard i'm worried about you i'm not sure if you're going to pass this class and if you don't pass this class you're not going to graduate do you understand yes miss henry you need to get an a on your report tomorrow so please do a really good job on it okay well well well what do we have here oh wow you got an a-plus man you really are a nerd come on billy give it back you want it back all right you got it there you go so about to report this due tomorrow i'm gonna need you to do it for me no i i i can't do that that would be cheating what did you say please i i have to do my own book report i i won't have time you don't have a choice because if i don't get an a then i'm not gonna graduate and we don't want that to happen do we so what's it gonna be fine i'll do your book report for you but i i want you to know that if you cheat you'll never get ahead okay yeah whatever sounds like something a loser would say see you later nerd arthur goes home and immediately starts working on billy's book report after working really hard for a lot of hours he finally finishes it by the time arthur is about to start working on his own book report his eyes start to get really heavy so heavy that before he knows it arthur falls asleep when he finally wakes up it's a ready 7 45 am arthur didn't get to finish his own book report he rushes off to school now worried about whether he's even going to graduate where have you been class is about to start you got my book report yeah it's right here i stayed up all my working on it and i didn't even get to do my own oh that really sucks for you see you later loser hey miss henry i finished my book report i uh spent all night finishing it and i think you're gonna be really impressed oh i'm really happy to hear that billy why don't you just hold on to that for now hey arthur good morning good morning miss henry uh look about the book report we'll talk about that in a moment you can go ahead and have a seat hey hey listen i feel really bad so uh since you won't be graduating you'll come to my graduation party instead okay class settle down now i know that in the past everyone just turned in their book reports but this time i decided to switch it up a little bit so instead of turning them in i'm gonna have each one of you present them to the class who wants to go first uh billy why don't you present yours first you seemed very excited about it earlier uh oh uh yeah yeah okay darman is an inspirational content creator who believes actually i don't want you to read the reports i want you to describe it in your own words um dar man is an inspirational inspirational content creator who who believes in what's wrong billy you did read the book right no i of course you know i read it i just i i don't i don't hold it off the top of my head oh really or you don't know it at all but no no no i i know what the book is about i i i know really be honest i know you didn't write that book report you see i came across your graduation invites so i rushed out to give them to you just in time to overhear your conversation with arthur where you forced him to do your book report for you even though he told you it was cheating so you see i know you didn't read the book or do your own reports you won't be needing these anymore so here's the invitation to the principal's office instead no no please please please please i i can't go to the principal's office you can go now oh and billy if you actually read the book you would have learned in chapter one that if you cheat you never get ahead [Music] arthur would you like to present your book report now i would love to you better get ready for school i'm not going to school i'm don't tell me of the flu let me just call the doctor and make an appointment no plea you'll be better before the big exam to my mom's gonna find out are you doing all right sweetheart
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 2,705,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: UVa8l4UkyeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 14sec (1934 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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