Kids Make Fun Of BOY BALLERINA, They Instantly Regret It | Dhar Mann

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football yeah thanks regina it's about time i started teaching you how to throw around a football huh i don't want this zane that's a great gift and you should be more appreciative now thank regina for getting it for you thanks aunt regina you're welcome um how about we open this one next for these ballet shoes i know how badly you've been wanting to take dance class so i had to get them for you you got me the whole outfit thanks mom of course sweetie why would you get him then i mean ballet is practically all he ever talks about but i don't want my boy dancing around like a ballerina okay what he needs to be learning to play with is this let's talk about this later okay why don't we let zayn open the rest of his gifts i choose this one hey have you seen my keys uh no oh shoot we're gonna be late gosh i could have sworn i found them thank you really katrina this is what you got our son looking like hank why would you say that it's wrong dad don't you like it it's not that sweetie your father is just a little bit more traditional do you want to wish zane good luck hank it's his first day dad it's okay honey let's go [Applause] hmm i didn't know there'd be only girls here if you want me to stay i can no i'll be fine you sure okay have fun um what's so funny don't tell me you're here to dance with us um yeah why is there something wrong with that oh nothing if you're a little boy hello everyone i assume all you ladies are here to try out for the ballet team is there something funny young lady we actually have a boy here too but you may as well count him as a girl stop it are you here to try out uh yeah is that okay of course it is all right everybody stand up we are going to start with the five basic positions first position heels together toes out arms down second position point your right feet open your arms third position on the right bring the heel of the right foot into eight whew okay moving on we're going to do turns now we're going to end the day with pirouettes now pirouettes can go in different directions but today we're going to concentrate on ante or or outward turns like this all right your turn good point your foot [Music] perfect claire that was gorgeous thank you [Music] all right zayn let's see what you got i need more practice that's okay that's the reason we're here right just give it your best shot all right this should be good oh my gosh are you hurt i'll be fine you just need a little more practice that's all yeah maybe or maybe you should just realize that ballet is for girls not boys even if there are little boys like you you seem very concerned about zayn today claire why is that are you scared he's gonna take your spot [Music] yeah right you can't even do a basic pirouette without falling down that doesn't mean he won't get better speaking of which everybody should be practicing you only have a few weeks left before i make my final decision about who's on the team good work today everyone i'll see you tomorrow thank you i hope you're not planning on coming back tomorrow unless you want to embarrass yourself again i don't care what you say i'm not going back again tomorrow please don't let those meat girls get to you you know you've always wanted to do ballet not if i'm the only boy it's so embarrassing where are you going zayn wait happy now please the last thing i need right now is a lecture i'm just saying there's a reason why boys play football and girls do ballet just the way it's always been well times have changed hank or at least i thought they had you know honestly this is a great thing hopefully this could be the wake-up call he needed he's still obsessed with ballet but now he's just too afraid to be himself trust me once i get him play in a real manly sport ballet will be the last thing on his mind he's just a little confused right now what are you saying he's been confused since he was five what are you talking about i mean we both know that ever since he was a little kid he liked butterflies and unicorns you know not trucks and guns you can't force him to like something that he just doesn't care about yeah and how has that worked out for him he just gets made fun of and comes home crying yeah but that doesn't make it wrong for him to love what he loves it's not his fault that people are mean don't you want your son to know that he can be anything he wants to be in this life yes i just wish it wasn't a ballerina why can't he like stuff the other boys are into do you remember the first time he heard an ariana grande song on the radio i mean after that for a whole year that is all he wanted to listen to i mean every car ride it was put on ariana grande put on ariana grande he had an ariana grande themed birthday and even you dressed up i remember and none of the other boys did that they were all into superheroes and wrestling the truth is zayn has always been different but that is what makes him so so special and we just have to accept him as he is i just don't know how to do that what other option do we have crush your kid's dreams and have him resent you for the rest of your life only to have him grow up and do what he wants anyway we don't need to change him but we do have to support him okay so what's the plan i mean he already said he's not going back to ballet unless there's another boy so well i did have a feeling that something like that might happen when i dropped him off so i posted on facebook to see if there were any other parents who had boys who wanted to take a ballet class why would you post sex trainer people are just going to judge us can you please just delete it are you kidding me look look at all these comments i mean there are so many moms who have boys who are interested in ballet and they want to join look oh i mean there is nothing embarrassing about this hank [Music] i guess times really have changed huh dad finally begins to accept his son as he really is a few days later the mom brings zayn to practice at first he doesn't want to go but once he finds out that other boys are there he finally feels comfortable [Music] he practices ballet at the studio [Music] he practices at home by himself he even practices with his mom and his dad zane keeps practicing and over time starts to get really good and then came the day of tryouts you sure you don't want me to come in with you i'll be all right okay good luck you're so going to make the team i know whoa i'm surprised to see you here we thought you never come back well i decided i may as well try out for what to embarrass yourself again yeah you're just gonna make a fool out of yourself in front of everyone actually i've been practicing a lot and i've gotten pretty good can i ask you something did you choose ballet because you're too afraid to play a manly sport no oh it's a little boy scared to get hurt no just leave me alone oh look how sensitive he's getting he probably cries a lot too oh careful looks like he might start crying right now oh forget this zayn honey what's wrong those girls weren't making fun of me again i'm sorry sweetie but you know you can't let them get to you they're just bullied i just want to go home zayn [Music] hey how'd it go not good he's getting bullied again and he doesn't even want to go inside i feel so bad for him you know i don't know what to do i guess probably just come back home hold on just actually i've got an idea whatever you do just keep them there i don't know if i can hello i know honey but your dad says i don't care what he said i just want to leave okay can you put your seatbelt on please what in the world what do you think [Applause] why are you dressed up as men can't be ballerinas no they can nice pants oh thanks to be honest i thought that you would be happy that i wasn't auditioning i know that you don't want me to be a ballerina naomi would have loved that but the new me realizes it can be anything you want including a ballerina yes including a ballerina i don't want to change you i just want to support you thanks dad that means a lot [Music] but if you change your mind with any sports just stop oh yeah yeah okay where are you going to prove to those girls that boys can do ballet come on let's go that was great thank you okay i believe claire was the last one which means that it's time for me to make my decision wait wait zayn wants to try out well welcome back zayn come on in well zane i didn't realize that your dad was a little boy too hey you know claire i could have you completely disqualified for your remarks is that what you want that's what i thought go ahead zane good luck you got this look there's another boy trying now [Music] oh no you all right can i please try again i'm sorry everyone only gets one chance so i guess i didn't make the team did you really think that you ever had a chance you just completely embarrassed yourself again hey at least he tried yeah whether he makes the team or not i'm so proud of him says the man wearing tights cut it out that's enough claire okay this has been a very tough decision but unfortunately only four of you can be on the team so this year's dancers will be casey [Music] kimberly alex and the last dancer is clay congratulations clay what you're seriously gonna pick a boy over me but i'm the best dancer here that might be true it's not going to get you very far if you also have the worst attitude [Music] thank you very much for coming everyone i hope we will see you next year for [Music] rehearsals on auditions day sorry to make the team bud we are so so proud of you [Music] that's okay at least i got to try yeah i'm sorry things didn't work out today but here there's another team close by they're looking for more dancers you should try that thanks but i don't think i want to do ballet anymore go okay no worries take care of you guys thank you again thank you well i am very surprised i thought you loved ballet yeah i thought this was um your dream i think it was just a phase maybe i'll try again in the future but i'm ready for a new sport okay what were you thinking i don't know maybe cheerleading what do you think dad he said i could be anything i really want in life right yeah that's true i'm just kidding i was actually thinking soccer really okay whatever you want should we go to the park and practice yeah yeah that sounds good to me but can i change first because these are a little uh a little tight hey guys satan and i'm your guest host for the behind the scenes channel let's do this we're not just telling stories we're changing lives
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 20,745,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: 0282sY5VUoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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