#ABoyAndHisBlob A Boy and His Blob: Trouble On Blobolonia NES - ULTIMATE GUIDE - ALL Treasures, 100%

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[Music] a boy in his blob trouble on blobolonia is one of the most unique games for the nes it's a puzzle platformer instead of relying solely on your ability to run and jump like in super mario brothers this game doesn't even have a button for jump instead you'll navigate the game's environments by taking advantage of the blobs ability to transform into many useful tools including an umbrella a ladder and a car jack the game was developed by absolute entertainment's in-house development studio imagineering this was the same studio that would go on to make the simpsons nes games and there are some noticeable similarities in the graphical style and sound effects much like those simpsons games a boy in his blob was primarily designed by david crane the famous creator of pitfall for the atari 2600 he worked alongside absolute president gary kitchen who had smartly shifted absolute away from making games for the atari and wanted to get the company's first nes game out in time for christmas of 1989. to get it into production on time the game was developed rapidly in only six weeks crane rented a room near the office and often worked 16 to 20 hour stretches without rest the blob's design was inspired by gloop and gleep from the hannah barbara cartoon the herculoids for the transformations the developers brainstormed ideas and ultimately decided on the final list of 14 different abilities based on how they looked on the nes with its limited graphical resolution with the list finalized they were able to develop environments and puzzles to take advantage of the blob skills unfortunately it was possible for the boy to get separated from the blob in an early version of the game so at the last minute a ketchup jelly bean was added that will warp the blob back to the boy it replaced the grape jelly bean which would have turned the blob into a wall befriending aliens was a popular theme in 80s pop culture with tv shows like elf or movies like e.t and batteries not included in a boy in his blob the main character is a nameless boy who has befriended blobert a refugee from the world of blobolonia a land suffering under the tyrannical oppression of its evil emperor the inhabitants of blobolonia are only permitted to eat candy or junk food and without proper nutrition they won't last much longer only with the boys help can blobert free blobolonia and write the food pyramid once more the game was a huge success for absolute when it released in december of 1989 in north america exceeding any expectations the company had japanese and european releases followed and absolute would even release a sequel the rescue of princess blabette on the game boy in more modern times wave forward created a reboot of the game for the nintendo wii it's still a 2d puzzle platformer but features an all new adventure with a beautiful hand-drawn art style the original game still has a special place in the hearts of nintendo fans when ign released their list of the top 100 nes games of all time they ranked a boy in his blob at number 74. modern players that attempt this game will still have to deal with all of the challenges the nes is notorious for the boy is extremely fragile and can be killed in a single hit by jumping worms bouncing marshmallows or even from falling too far but what if i told you how to find every hidden treasure so you can get the best weapons for the end game what if i showed you a secret trick to clear all of the enemies in the final area and what if i showed you an easy trick that will not only let you access areas that you could never reach before but will allow you to beat the game in less than 5 minutes well on today's episode of you can beat video games we'll learn all of that and more if you're new to the channel we're doing deep dives on retro video games and giving you the professional strategies that can be used by the casual gamer please make sure to subscribe and check out you can beat videogames.com for episode lists news and official you can beat video games merchandise let's get started [Music] all right a boy in his blob there are two worlds in this game earth of course and the blobs homeworld of lavalonia we don't actually have to do anything here on earth to be able to beat the game but to win in that way we would have to take advantage of a lot of glitches and while i will reveal how to do that at the end of the video to beat the game in the normal way we'll need to come down here into the subway you can press the select button to toggle through your jelly beans and we want to choose punch press the a button to throw a jelly bean to your blob and make sure that you're close enough to him so that it goes in his mouth he'll create a hole that you can drop through and then you can press b to turn him back into the blob over on this screen we can feed him a licorice jelly bean to turn him into a ladder and we'll be able to climb up and get our first treasure our mission here on earth is to collect as much treasure as possible and the tr number at the top of the screen shows how many are left i like how the developers put their names as graffiti in the background here and on this screen underneath gary kitchen's name you'll want to create a punch hole to drop down here carefully sneak under this worm to get the treasure and then you want to call back the blob by pressing b you can go underneath that worm but if you do touch him you will die you only get five lives in this game and no continues over here we're going to be dropping off a ledge and if we fall that far we'll die you want to feed the blob of vanilla jelly bean and then pick up the umbrella to soften your fall the cola bubbles can also help you safely fall but they're a little bit more useful than the umbrella so i recommend using the vanilla beans for that drop down here you'll see a spider web on the left side that can actually kill you so you should use the cinnamon jelly beans to turn the blob into a blow blowtorch and you'll be able to quickly remove it that's actually the only thing you'll need to use the cinnamon beans for if you use your vanilla beans and turn the blob into an umbrella you can carefully walk forward under these rocks the umbrella will protect your head but if you walk into a rock you'll still die there's actually a better way of doing it if you use the cola jelly beans instead you'll move a lot more slowly but you'll be protected from all sides so you'll slowly move across the screen but you definitely will not die and lose a life however you feel better about doing it make your way over to the left where we'll see another one of those bouncing worms that's guarding a treasure chest across a gap if we feed the blob a strawberry jelly bean he'll turn into a bridge and then we'll wait until the worm is on the left side to run underneath them if you stop in the middle the worm will harmlessly bounce over your head but if you're too far on the left or right side of the bridge you will get hit and you will die we can safely walk off these ledges without fear of death and down here we want to position the blob in this general spot so that we can use a tangerine jelly bean to create a trampoline whenever you're on the trampoline you want to hold up and we want to grab that blue diamond which is one of the treasures that we were looking for once you get it you can press down to slowly descend and safely get back to the bottom although you shouldn't die if you fall off in that area you don't want to go over to the right here what you actually want to do is come over to the left and use a punch jelly bean to drop through the floor once you get through you want to take a step to the left and then call the blob to follow you by pressing the b button over in this room there's another worm guarding a treasure you can simply run underneath the worm whenever it's bouncing high in the air but we're going to try to do a little trick here the developers had created a grape jelly bean that could turn the blob into a wall but they had to remove it at the last minute however it was coated into the game and it's possible to make the blob turn into the wall with just a simple sequence now i'm trying to get the blob to walk in front of this worm so you can see a little bit about how the wall actually works that's a good spot and you want to feed them a honey jelly bean and while he's transforming quickly switch to the ketchup jelly beans and throw one at him he'll turn into the wall now you can see that the wall doesn't actually do anything it does not stop enemies and i actually tried it in a number of places and it doesn't seem to have any practical applications but it is a fun trick to do if you do know a practical way to use the wall let me know in the comments over here on the left is a series of ledges that we can climb up using our licorice jelly beans so just climb up the blob take a step to the left and then press the b button to call him and he will accordion up to the tier that you're on feed him another licorice jelly bean and climb up to another platform up here we'll be able to see the treasure that we seek so just call the blob over to the left make another licorice ladder and climb up to the top whenever you have the treasure we can do a little trick with the punch jelly beans if you need to go down multiple levels you can drop through the hole and then stand right underneath it as you call the blob it'll actually create another hole underneath where you stand and you can do it multiple times whenever you get down to this level make your way to the left and make sure to call the blob so that he follows you it's about time we did a little swimming make sure to feed the blob a cola jelly bean and enter the bubble before dropping off the ledge to the left if you drop into the water without being in a bubble that is instant death once you get down here you want to go through the gap at the bottom and the bulk of the treasures are over on the right side this is where we're going to find most of the treasures that are hidden on earth although some of the most dangerous ones to retrieve are down here in this room you'll see some stalactites you definitely want to avoid those if they touch your bubble they'll pop it and that will be death you see a treasure down below us here but that one is very tricky to get so i recommend heading over to the right and collecting all the treasures over here first there's three diamonds we can collect on this screen and if we make our way to the next screen over onto the right there's three more diamonds that we can get so that's six treasures right there there's no more treasures here on the right side so we're going to make our way back to the left and we're going to try to collect that super dangerous one you always want to try to collect this one heading from the right side if you try to get it heading from the left you'll definitely hit those stalagmites and pop your bubble even coming from the right it still can be difficult and you don't need to collect every treasure to be able to beat the game so you may want to consider skipping this one the more treasures that you find the more ammo that you'll be able to get for the vitamin blaster that we'll use at the end of the game but we won't actually need that much ammo to win before heading on there is one more treasure over here on the left side so head up to the top of the screen and grab it and then we can make our way back the way that we came well sort of we can't come from that ledge that we dropped into the water from so we'll go up through the gap here and make our way to the left before entering the water we had 15 treasures left to find and now we only have seven make your way across the water here and you'll find a ledge on the left side that you'll be able to climb out on so just press up against the left side and you'll pop up on top you can press b to turn the blob back into a standard form and use a licorice jelly bean to climb up to the next level you want to do it on the far left side because there is a bouncing worm up here that could kill you if you make your ladder too close to the gap call the blob over to the right and you'll notice that the worm just bounces across this gap use a strawberry jelly bean to turn the blob into a bridge and you can stop right on top of the blobs eyes but if you stop too far to the left to the right you'll get hit by the worm and will be killed over here we're going to use a cinnamon jelly bean just to position the blob in the perfect spot to use a tangerine jelly bean to make a trampoline we don't really need the blow torch for anything else so we're going to drop the blob right next to this crack in the ground and then immediately use the tangerine jelly bean to turn him into a trampoline now we're in the perfect position to jump up to the ledge above make sure to hold up to get extra height on your jump and once you hit the third screen that's when you want to press left and you'll be able to drop down and grab this treasure which is some more jelly beans you'll notice a fun animation here whenever the boy is suspended in midair and when we come down here we want to move the blob over so we're going to use a cinnamon jelly bean again there's a reddish spot on the ground that we want to place the torch on top of and if you drop him down in the wrong spot you can always pick him up again in reposition that's the right spot turn him back into the regular blob and feed him a tangerine beam to turn him into the trampoline we're going to bounce very high up this time so hold the up button we'll go up through several screens and it's very important that the trampoline was placed in the perfect position here because if you make a wrong move you could fall out of the air and die as soon as your head hits the top there you're going to go for it on the next jump when you get to the top you're going to press to the right and you should be able to easily walk over and grab the treasure you can call the blob but he can't follow you up here so this is what the honey jelly beans are for you can throw one all the way down to the blob and he'll turn into a hummingbird and he'll be able to fly up to you they did add the ketchup jelly beans late in production and they would solve the same problem but you don't get very many ketchup jelly beans and you get just a ton of honey jelly beans so you should use the honey ones whenever you have the opportunity once the blob is up here you can use your strawberry beans to turn them into a bridge and cross the gap to the left you can see the ledge right above us so as you may expect we're going to use a licorice ladder to climb up to the next room but whenever we get there you can't actually use the ladder to climb up through the platform above you have to come over here to the right where your ladder will easily penetrate the rocky platform i don't know why it works that way that's just how it is climb up here and then call the blob back to the left on this screen you may think we're going to use another ladder but if we call the blob over here we can actually use a trampoline and find another treasure so hold up to bounce up to the next screen and it's okay if you have to push right or left to get it you won't fall too far that you'll die now we'll call the blob over here to the right side and we can use another trampoline to climb up to the right so we'll bounce up and whenever we get up here yeah we can just use the ketchup to bring the blob over to our position so if you want to use a ketchup and he will warp over to you or you could throw a honey jelly bean down to him and he will turn into the hummingbird and fly up either way you'll be fine in this room there's a worm that you want to avoid and we can easily avoid it using the punch beans [Music] position the blob directly above the treasure and then make the hole wait for the worm to start moving to the right side drop through and then call the blob to immediately fall through the floor where we'll find another treasure and if we drop through this floor there will only be one treasure left [Music] there may only be one treasure remaining but it's the most important one of all feed the blob of vanilla jelly bean to turn him into an umbrella and then slowly walk off the edge to the right doing so will put you in the perfect position to use a trampoline at the bottom so drop the blob immediately turn him back into his normal form and then turn him into the trampoline we're going to bounce way up here so just keep holding up until you get to the top so we'll go past all the ledges that we fell past and then we're going to go even higher than that so that one right there is the one that we started at so just keep holding up and we'll go past three and this is where you want to press left to drop off we can use a honey jelly bean after summoning the blob to turn him into a hummingbird and he'll fly up to our position up here we are very close to the exit but we do need to grab that last treasure first once the blob flies up to your position we're going to head over to the left and you remember this room where we collected the treasure using the punch jelly bean this time we're going to use a strawberry bean to create a bridge and cross over to the left over here we can use a ladder to climb up and that will take us back up to the subway area so we want to use one right here and climb up and then drop off to the left bring the blob back up to you using a honey jelly bean if necessary and then we'll make another ladder and climb up farther so just bring them over here switch back to licorice and we'll climb on up and this time we won't have to use a honey jelly bean so the blob will just fold up to our position and we can use the ladder again and once we get up to the next screen we're back to the subway nice we can use another ladder to climb up to the top here and although the exit is over there to the right we can't miss that last treasure so we want to head over to the left and there it is do not forget to pick up those jelly beans if you don't everything we did down here was for nothing back here on this side we can use a strawberry jelly bean to create a bridge over the gap and on this side we're going to use the apple jelly bean to create a jack and that will open the manhole cover and get us out of here there's only one other place where you'll need to use the apple jelly bean but that's at the very end of the game so they are very important and you don't want to waste them you'll need to use a ladder to climb out and once you get back up topside we're going to head over to the health food store and grab vitamin ammo for our vitablaster the health food store is over here on the right and if you found all of the treasures you'll get vitamin assortment 7 which will give you the most ammo if you didn't find all the treasures you'll get a lesser assortment that will give you less ammo but you won't actually need that much to be able to beat the game so as long as you've got those jelly beans near the exit and a modest amount of treasure you should be fine you can only visit the health food store once even if you find more treasures so once you've exited use a root beer jelly bean on the blob and jump on the rocket it's time to head to his home world of blobolonia the boy dies instantaneously whenever he touches water but in the empty vacuum of space he's totally fine it doesn't make a lot of sense but whenever you arrive at blobolonia if you realize you forgot something on earth the rocket does work both ways and can take you back there when we get here though we can do a trick if you stand right in this spot and face right start throwing a jelly bean then turn left and run to the left side of the screen you'll throw it off screen and you'll see the evil emperor just briefly if you see the evil emperor you did it correctly and all the enemies will have mysteriously vanished there will be a clean path that takes you all the way to the last room the reason that this works is because of a strange quirk in the way that the game is programmed whenever you go past a screen filled with enemies if you go backwards and enter that screen again those enemies will have mysteriously vanished i'm thinking that they programmed it this way to make it safe for the boy to backtrack in case the blob gets left behind and he wants to go back and try to meet up with him but if you throw a jelly bean there on that first screen and break through the wall the game thinks that you actually made it to the final screen of the game and will eliminate all the enemies between the beginning and the end you can find some enemies if you climb up to a higher area or down to a lower one but as long as you stay on this plane you'll eventually come to a gap that you'll need to use the blob to cross and then you'll come to an area where you'll need to use a key to go through a door we can use a ketchup jelly bean because the blob is so far behind and then we'll use the strawberry and that will take us across and there's still no more enemies over here for us to worry about no teeth attacking none of that stuff this is an easy way to get to the end but there is another easy way that you can do that doesn't involve taking advantage of a glitch no you could use the coconut bean the coconut beans seems to have been designed so you could scout ahead a bit but it allows the blob to get way ahead of the boy if you run for two screens and then let it go towards the end of the second one the blob will roll across many screens of enemies and as we know from the previous trick the game will think that you've passed those screens and those enemies will be eliminated even those dangerous cherry bombs the coconut rolls and rolls and rolls clearing all of the enemies between the boy and it whenever it settles down you'll need to run over and catch up to it and then you could throw it again clearing even more enemies the coconuts certainly isn't as powerful as the jelly bean trick but it is a very effective way of clearing the enemies on blablonia and it's hard to say that this trick wasn't intentionally planned by the programmers if you finished earth with just the bare minimum amount of treasures then using the coconut could be a very good way to conserve ammo on your vitablasters by avoiding the cherry bomb enemies here at the beginning of blavolonia now if you don't just want to rush to the end of the game there's actually a lot of interesting stuff to see here on blobolonia you may have noticed a cluster of three flashing objects whenever you flew in on the rocket those are a new collectible called peppermint treats [Music] position the blob so that he's right between the words tangerine and jelly bean at the bottom of the screen and turn him into the trampoline hold up and bounce up into the sky where you'll find three of those peppermint treats and if you find five of them you'll gain an extra life pretty nice there's actually a good bit of peppermint treats to find here on blobolonia so we may be able to gain several extra lives if we look hard enough if we use our orange jelly bean we can turn the blob into a vitamin blaster but you won't actually need to use it against these marshmallows on this pattern you just want to wait for the one in front of you to move up and here you should be able to easily walk under most of them if you just get past the first marshmallow if you do use your vitamin blaster it doesn't actually clear the marshmallows it just makes them bounce more erratically now on this screen we encounter the cherry bombs and you must destroy all of them they will actually kill you if they touch the bottom of the screen and they'll still kill you on the next screen if you run away you will notice that the vitamin blaster has three different options and they have a little bit of a different pattern vitamin b seems to be the best for clearing the cherry bombs and don't forget that you can move the vitamin blaster around by pressing different directions like up left and right if you put a trampoline right in front of the yellow patch in the background you'll be able to get another peppermint treat and you'll see the fifth one over on the right side which is going to give us our first one up there is a large dark green blob in the background position the blob in front of the right side of it and use another tangerine jelly bean to get that last peppermint treat and you'll see our life total increase to six if you lost lives in the earth zone you're certainly going to be happy to find some here in this room you can find three more peppermint treats and we're going to use a cinnamon jelly bean to position the blob in the perfect spot right here in front of the end of this ear of corn so place the blob there feed him a tangerine jelly bean and then hold up on the trampoline to vault into the sky once you have all three peppermint treats you can hold down to decelerate and when you get low to the ground you can just press the b button to transform the blob and end your jumps there's some deadly popcorn kernels in the next room so we're going to use the orange jelly bean to activate our vitablaster we have a lot of ammo for vitamin c so we can use it to clear the popcorn but it's actually not that hard to run underneath it it has a very similar pattern to the bouncing worms that we encountered on earth you can try shooting here but you actually just want to wait for a gap to open up and run to the right run through this screen and on this one drop your vita blaster right here and turn the blob back into his normal form and then into a trampoline so that we can get even more peppermint treats bounce on up into the sky and up here we'll find three more which will increase our life total to seven as we enter the next area we're going to be inside the factory and this is one of the most dangerous areas in the game depending on how we approach it the most obvious way is to use an orange jelly bean and equip the vita blaster in here you'll see marshmallows that are just pouring off the conveyor belt try to shoot as many of them as you can with your vitablaster if you clear enough marshmallows peppermint treats will appear don't shoot those with your vitablaster you can actually destroy them and you won't be able to collect them you need to catch them as they fall off the conveyor belt but don't get hit by the marshmallows try to clear as many marshmallows as you can and eventually you'll hear the sound effect that you hear when you equip a cola bubble and the conveyor belt will stop but there is another way to do it if you place the blob in this position and turn him into a trampoline you can actually jump up above the machine you'll notice that you're actually able to pass through the left side of the candy cane shaped platform which makes it very easy to get up here use a honey jelly bean to bring the blob up to the top with you and if the machine was on when you came up here as you walk by that switch you'll automatically turn it off you need to use either a cola jelly bean or an umbrella to drop off the side here and since there's no more water in the game that we have to deal with the cola jelly bean is just fine no you don't have deja vu this area is exactly the same as the screens that preceded it so we have the same decision to make should we use the orange jelly bean and go fight the conveyor belt filled with marshmallows where we may be able to gain a life but it is dangerous and we might lose one or should we jump up on top of the conveyor belt and simply turn it off and move on i certainly recommend going above the conveyor belt that is the safer way to go but if you want to try your hand at shooting the marshmallows this is probably the way that's more fun [Music] i will show you how to do it the easier way just for demonstration purposes but it is exactly the same you want to place the blob right in this position use your tangerine jelly beans to turn them into the trampoline and then bounce up to the candy cane above so bounce bounce bounce you're gonna hold up we are slightly to the left this time so we'll need to press right to move over and then we can use a honey or a ketchup jelly bean to bring the blob up here and then we'll need to use vanilla or cola to safely drift down to the bottom that's all there is to it we are very close to the end now but there are a few more dangerous traps ahead using the umbrella we can carry it over to this position and drop it off and if you were using something else you do want to position the blob in this exact position so that whenever you use your tangerine trampoline you'll be able to find the hidden peppermint treats up above once again there's a cluster of three of them so grab them all and then head to the right make sure to call the blob so that he follows you because in this room we can use the tangerine jelly bean again to find another hidden peppermint treat up above so we'll position him right in this general area it's not an exact science this time it's pretty easy to get this one bounce up and catch it and then whenever you come back down there are two more hidden peppermint treats below us that we can find using the punch jelly bean so turn the blob into a hole warping space and time and drop through the ground to get back up of course we'll use the licorice ladder when you get to the top we're going to encounter the dreaded teeth i suppose since the emperor's only allowed people to eat candy teeth have gotten bad you can easily get past these by carefully making your way past each tooth one at a time or you can get past the first tooth and then wait until the one right in front of you drops and just run to the end that should work for this set of teeth it's now time to take on the dreaded chocolate cauldron use your vitablaster and head over to the right i like to use vitamin c here although vitamin a is also good you want to shoot all of the chocolates but avoid shooting the peppermint treats if you can clear all of the chocolates you will be rewarded with a major bonus so just kind of wait until one comes by and that's it you will receive a whopping 10 peppermint treats giving you two extra lives if you don't have enough vitamin blaster ammo you could punch a hole through the floor in the previous room which will bring you down here and there's a switch that you can walk by which will turn off the chocolate cauldron then all you need to do is use a tangerine jelly bean to bounce up out of here hold up to bounce up and make sure that your trampoline isn't too far to the right or you'll hit your head off the ceiling and you won't be able to get up to this ledge you want to make sure that you're bouncing up to the right ledge because if you head up to the left one you'll still need to use a bridge to get across use a honey bean to bring the blob up to your position and in this room there are a number of hidden secrets you can use your trampoline to go up to the top or you'll be able to find one peppermint treat and if you use your punch jelly beans here you'll be able to find two below the floor the one up above is actually very well guarded make sure you jump over to the right if you go over to the left side it actually is very difficult to make a bridge across that gap so it'll be much better to just go to the right up here the teeth are very menacing coming down very quickly carefully make your way past them and grab the one peppermint treat by using a licorice jelly bean the thing is if you collect all of the peppermint treats that are hidden in the game you'll have one left over at the end so if you haven't missed any up until this point you may just want to skip this one as you head back all the enemies will be gone and you won't have to deal with them a second time you can simply drop down here and we'll use that punch jelly bean to go through the floor where we'll get two very easy to get peppermint treats once you have both of them summon the blob and use a licorice ladder to climb on out of here we're almost to the end there's a few more teeth that we need to avoid in the next room on the right so carefully make your way past them and once you get past the teeth there is one more bonus room but there is something you should be aware of nine is the most lives you can hold and if you gain an extra life when you're already holding nine and then die you'll go down to eight lives because the extra ones do not register after nine once you have the last two peppermints use a licorice ladder to climb out and it's time to face the evil emperor head over to the right and make sure the blob is following you we're going to need to use our lime jelly beans to turn them into a key you only get two of them so make sure you're close enough that you won't miss once you have the key you just need to walk through the door on the right and the blob will be in a cage now you can whistle at the blob and this is where we need to use our apple jelly beans start walking to the left and then turn and throw the bean when you have some momentum that will get it into the blob's mouth i usually like to start throwing the bean when i'm walking to the left and then turn to the right and the evil king is defeated with his own hidden supply of vitamins and all of blobolonia salutes their savior we've done it we've beaten a boy in his blob but i mentioned at the top of the video that there was a way to beat the game in less than five minutes let's take a look at the secret glitch route right here at the beginning of the game all we're going to do is use a root beer jelly bean and fly straight to blobolonia we're not going to collect anything here on earth i'm not sure if the developers are trying to make a statement in this game about healthy eating or childhood obesity but if they were i'm not sure they should have made the hero get super powers from eating jelly beans in any case whenever you make it to blobolonia we are going to start the glitches what we need to do is position the blob on the right side of the screen he doesn't have to be all the way to the right just pretty close you can use a ketchup jelly bean to position him precisely that should be good enough then we're going to use a punch jelly bean to create a hole stand in the hole and face right and throw a bean off the screen to the right then you're just going to hold left and you'll fall through the floor you'll be inside the game credits you need to call the blob down here and you can feel free to explore a little bit if you want to this area is very strange especially the screen to to the right where there's this weird message a boy hero heard a kid sob her tree cat got stuck on the job yeah that is some weird stuff but we don't need to go to the right we actually need to go to the left so head left past the credits and you'll see the room with the blobs cage in it make sure that you call the blob over to you or use a ketchup jelly bean to summon him to this spot we need to use a tangerine jelly bean to jump over the cage we won't be able to walk through it so bounce way up here and then press left to jump over and you'll see that you'll need to use a ketchup jelly bean to get the blob through over here on the left there's an invisible wall that we can't go through so we need to jump over it using the trampoline just like we did to get over the cage wait until you bounce off the ceiling and then hold left and when you get into this room you're just going to come right back through the door and the room is a bit different this time the emperor is actually here and you need to call the blob but you'll see he's in a different plane of existence so use another ketchup to bring him over to this spot and then we're going to jump over the wall again once we get over the wall this time we're going to head to the left make sure to whistle for the blob so he doesn't stay in the trampoline form and then we can use the ketchup jelly bean to bring him over to where we are so whistle and then use a ketchup and we need to use a ketchup near the right side of the screen because we're going to punch a hole throw a bean off the right side of the screen and hold left again to fall through the floor so just like we did at the beginning and that takes you here to where the game's ending is very weird we need to go left two screens from here but make sure you have the apple jelly beans equipped because when you get to this screen you won't be able to see what jelly beans you have on once you're in here this is actually the final room simply feed the blob a jelly bean and he will activate the apple jack and end the game that's it we've definitely beaten the game in under five minutes this time and it's really not that hard to do all we can do now is sit back relax and enjoy the cheesy ending [Applause] and from the look of this final graphic this whole game has been the origin story for the michelin man well i hope this video was able to help you rescue the world of wabalonia from a future of type 2 diabetes if it did make sure to give it a like and make sure to subscribe for more videos because there will always be more deadly diets to defeat and that's why we'll be back again next week with another video game you can beat thanks for watching you
Channel: U Can Beat Video Games
Views: 23,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NES, Beginner, Nintendo, retro, videogame, videogames, Walkthrough, gaming history, 1980s, guide, playthrough, letsplay, retrogame, gamehelp, difficult, walk through, ucanbeatvideogames, beatgames, completion, strategy, nerd, facts, speedrun, neshard, classicgaming, retrospective, review, top100, 8bit, golden retriever, golden, dog, simpsons, TheSimpsons, Bartvsthespacemutants, TheSimpsonsBartVstheSpaceMutants, Spacemutants, BartSimpson, HomerSimpson, LisaSimpson, SimpsonsbartVstheSpaceMutants, BartvstheWorld, Bartman, SimpsonsNES
Id: SwSivlSxYfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 43sec (2623 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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