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what's up guys so right now i'm about to do 24 pranks on my boyfriend in 24 hours and right now i'm going to be spray painting my boyfriend's car it's actually chalk spray so it's not actually spray paint but he's gonna think it's spray paint [Music] [Music] okay so that's prank number one so now let's go upstairs and prank and some more [Music] so [Music] tom never does his laundry he'll never know [Music] [Music] tom just got this ps4 [Music] okay guys i'm a really heavy sleeper so i don't think he's gonna wake up if we turn on the shot [Music] you didn't know that no you could have texted me or called me whatever oh i did check your phone you did it yeah i did check dom i wait what i can't i literally can't open my phone like that it's not working dumb you must be really tired right now if your password's not working i'm gonna get little oh my god that's so crazy you know why no because i changed it and this is a prank you changed my past i changed your basket why did you do that what was the point of that wow that was the prank you wanted to do on me that was so lame yeah what is on my ceiling is that my keys why are my keys and wallet tape that's stealing right now oh my god that happened don't play dumb right now you definitely did oh my god this is just so annoying oh my god oh my god very funny great job you woke me up yeah why is my shower running what shower's running what do you do why is that showering in my shower sophie i don't know what do you mean you don't know it's a prank what is going on oh my god what does that say i love sophie do you realize i have things to do today i can't have this on my face such a romantic oh my gosh zach get out of my shower what are you doing that was dirty i needed a shower you have a house bro why don't you do it at your house exactly i need to show oh my gosh i especially need to shower now that i have this on my face okay i cannot be having this can we get a towel sure man here's here's my towel thanks man anything in there i guess you can also use sophie this is really this better start coming off your sister you and i are hanging out today okay what are we doing i was thinking we go to like the mall or something together okay sophie why are there bananas where my shoes should be oh you wanted shoes i thought like you wear bananas for like oh my god if i look in my gucci box right now and there's bananas in it i'm not hanging out with you wow bananas great super cool sophie how am i supposed to get ready when all my shoes are bananas what am i supposed to wear bananas oh my god i'm going outside i can't do this of course i was looking around because i knew you were gonna do something out here i literally bought a ps5 yesterday and look at it you saran wrapped my ps5 and my controller yeah it's not okay it's afraid this is not how i wanted my day to go today i thought it'd be nicer saran wrap and like kind of like a present from me but like you bought it what are you talking about sophia i feel extremely bad so you know what dom i'm gonna make you some breakfast okay i don't like the sound of that at all no you know what i'm gonna say yes just because i want to see what you're gonna do there's no way you're actually gonna make me breakfast i'm just gonna make you breakfast okay i'm going back to sleep just breakfast [Music] dumb breakfast you actually made me breakfast yeah some breakfast i thought this was going to be a prank no oh my god that's like spicy kind of you know like my cooking oh my god that's so what is that that's so spicy ah what is that what is going on i actually gave you my salt water why do you have salt water this is all a prank both of these things are praying i don't want to hang out with you anymore are we done now did you get your pranks out of your system yeah now they're out of my system but we are going to hang out with your sister today like actually that sounds so sucks i'm down to hang out with my sister but i'm just like debating like do i want to hang out with sophie today because clearly there's something going on your sister asked me to hang out and then she was like why doesn't dom just come with us and i was like yeah you're right my mouth is on fire still by the way okay well let's go come on grab your shoes and let's go i don't know where they are [Music] what's on the back of my car you know i thought i could you know express my love by like spray painting your entire car what this just like shows that you can never leave me it's coming off you weren't supposed to see that so soon this was just like a slight inconvenience for me because now i have to wash my car i had things to do you know i had people to see i had videos you had people to are you trying to see not you that's right hey could i get a big mac and what do you want can i get a quarter pounder of cheese um and that's it okay can i get a quarter okay okay thank you wait sophie you didn't get my thing get your what i said can i get a quarter pounder with cheese and you forgot to tell them oh you said that oh i can go through it i can get this thing again no it's fine because i know for a fact i'm not gonna get it the second time i didn't know you said that sorry okay now that we got some food i mean i got some food yeah actually i didn't get anything oh by the way i don't know if you knew this but that was a prank i know sophie hey arie why don't you sit in the front and dom sits in the back oh okay yeah okay so before this me and dawn's sister aries scheme and plan a prank so brilliant so so he's not that brilliant okay okay we just decided we'd argue in front of each other and make dawn extremely uncomfortable and yeah all right let's do it okay so before we go to the mall i thought we'd play a quick game just because i need this clip for my youtube so i thought we'd play like never have i ever or something like that so maybe harry you should get is that my sweater yeah he left it here why would you take my sweater i don't know i didn't think it would be a big deal it is that's like my sweater dumb do you think that's a big deal it doesn't really matter like you can just give it back you can wear it after like dumb this isn't even about you like do you want it back right now do you want to just take it off and give it back i mean i just thought you know maybe you should have asked like before you took myself i just don't know why it's a big deal i mean i think it's a big deal because like this whole thing's a prank just to make dom really uncomfortable i'm so tired of today are you done yet like oh yeah yeah this was it this was the last yeah it's a prank i'm not done oh my god [Music] hey dom hey did you fart oh my god oh my god this is a prank on me oh my god oh my god this is a prank oh my god get me out of here my eyes are literally watering what was that spray oh my gosh can we just go home and be done with it are you done now yes we just gotta go oh my god i'm literally crying i'm done now so guys i'm about to do four pranks in a row i'm about to have a hickey on my neck i'm about to call him another guy's name i'm about to get another text from a guy that says something suspicious and on top of that i'm gonna break his phone in the end oh and i almost forgot my brother's gonna pop out of nowhere wearing an elmo costume to scare him who is that oh it's no one who are you texting who's tyler why is he texting you so much right this is another prank no it's just a friend really yeah what are you guys talking about why can't i know you're so sucks what is on your neck what's what this way you have like a big bruise on your neck nice and also i've never heard of tyler before i mean it's kind of weird right if i was texting like some girl you didn't know that i was being all suss about it like you always do this tyler you always make things that it's tyler you just call me tyler i mean you literally just called me tyler so you just got triple pranked dogs you're so stupid even paused this game there's a camera right there you see that i'm so sick of this that triple sophie you make me like nervous to hang out with you guys how many more pranks do you have up your sleeve like tell them no that's like you said that last time three times that's it like i'm done you're really done yeah i'm really done so we can just hang out now no cameras nothing yeah okay dumb it's a prank that camera's still on oh my god yo yo what yo elmo oh my god what the what the was that i don't know what that was i can't do this anymore i literally am so sick of this you know what i figured it out if i take this camera away from you you literally cannot prank me anymore so this is officially over recording you stopped in three look what i have your phone okay so what are you gonna do with it you're not going to drop my phone so yeah i am no you're not you're not going to drop my phone how is that a prank don't do it don't do it though you're not going to do it there's no way you actually just did that that was actually my phone no it wasn't yeah it was why would you do that because it's a prank how is that a prank though you actually just dropped it it's a fake phone no where's my real phone phone oh my god i'm so sick of today i want this to be over are we done now yeah we're done i just don't believe you why did you prank me so much today like what was the point it's because i was doing quitting for pranks in 24 hours on my boyfriend you're at 24 now like you're done yeah now i'm at 24. oh my sophie i'm genuinely done now are you serious no like i'm genuinely done like that's 24. i don't believe you dumb no okay now we're done guys thanks for watching this video love y'all [Music]
Channel: Sofie Dossi
Views: 6,913,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sofie dossi, america's got talent 2016, agt, contortionist, acrobat, prank, 24 hour, 24 hour challenge, 24 pranks 24 hours, challenge, car, spray paint, phone, broken phone, iphone 13, comedy, funny
Id: DbEnEom2lS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 01 2022
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