Kid Becomes A GROWN UP For 24 HOURS, He Lives To Regret It | Dhar Mann

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laughs [Music] Jay are you okay in there hello Mom I'm throwing up everywhere I don't think I'm going to school today hang on all over the door and it's like okay I'm just going everywhere good wait how'd you get that door open I've been your mom for 11 years Jay I think I know how to get around your little schemes now now what are you doing up in here pretending to throw up Mom do I have to go to school today I hate that place why do you do this every morning Jay the answer is the same as it's been every other day you're going to school I lost the car no water your plants nah I know I'll make your favorite dinner macaroni and cheese and collard greens you know the last time you tried to cook I almost had to call the fire department now come on you're gonna be late you're a hard person I'm bargained with you know that right come on wait I thought you were supposed to be out today that was the plan until my mom walked in on me fake throwing up I told you you should have gone with a rash bro no her and Mikey's mom talk all the time she knows about the allergic reaction scheme already and she wouldn't know about the effect throwing up all right class finish up be sure to look over these problems tonight one of them will be a bonus question on your test tomorrow we got a test tomorrow she's been talking about it for weeks let me guess you haven't studied no I didn't study gotta get out of this I need a master plan a plan of all planes wait where's Mikey he's the goal at getting out of exams you know cute really is the worst of all time and he's out I'm surprised you don't know that he broke his ankle playing basketball he's out for like a whole month don't my mom would never question me about having a broken ankle just a couple weeks ago she caught you trying to fake a broken arms uh but back then I was an amateur you know what I'm saying now I'm a pro she won't suspect the thing laughs I don't believe it I stole it from the nurse's office pretty cool right yeah because you know everybody loves it when people steal things um you know I really thought this is a good idea what happened to your ankle it's broken mom broken why didn't anybody call me they they tried to but they couldn't get a hold of it you know look I'm okay though I'll be fine oh no no no no you're not okay all right I'm gonna give them a piece of money please do not throwing at anyone okay it's not as bad as it seems see wow okay okay okay honey don't put any pressure on it all right I'll get you to the car I feel bad now you're gonna miss school oh hi Jay take your time [Music] okay come in how you doing honey I'm okay but the pain is too much to bear okay okay all right well I called Dr Gonzalez to make an appointment to get some x-rays later the next way uh I don't think I need that you know I've been drinking my almond milk you know I'll be fine no no don't worry just relax okay keep that ankle elevated okay and I'll call later and check in okay okay thanks Mom no I hate that I have to miss school it really breaks my heart hmm I'm sure it does all right well I gotta go or I'm gonna be late I'll see you later all right all right see ya my guy you did it again bro you're a genius [Music] hallelujah it's a miracle my ankle is healed good try Jay you knew now get dressed for school right now and you better hurry but Mom I don't want to go to school I hate that place well sometimes I don't want to go to work but I still have to man I'd much rather go to work than class yeah you say that now because you don't have to do it the grass isn't always greener on the other side you know now go get ready and I'm not playing around anymore you won't believe what your brother pulled this time fake throw up that was yesterday another broken arm getting warmer broken ankle bingo far he is willing to go to get out of school well you know he does hang out with that Mikey kid I mean when I was young I hated school too but now being an adult I'd do anything to go back to middle school for a day come on I wish he knew what it was like to really be an adult well laughs you might be onto something what do you mean come on Ma must we go through this every time oh oh you're right that's a nothing thank you happy I'm dressed yay I have a choice for you you don't have to go to school if you don't want to actually wait are you trying to pull a me on me no seriously if you want to drop out of school then you just have to be an adult and take on all the responsibilities that come with that including going to work with me today do I get paid I guess we can work something out how's fifty dollars for the day 200. if nurses make Bank 100 and that's my final offer deal this is the best day of my life and now that I'm an adult let me have some of that coffee are you sure uh never mind go right ahead I'll go grab you some scrubs welcome to being an adult all right to know homework no class and no tests oh look so what are we doing should we just hang out in the cafeteria we're about to start morning meds up first Vivian she's a bit feisty so tread lightly good morning Vivian time for your minutes thank you Vivian I know you're awake we do this every morning sounds like we could be related hey are you sure she's not my grandma a day is the day of escaping this prison I'm sure it is you can escape after you take your potassium pill this is my son Jay he's going to be working with me today I'm just going to check your swallowing okay before I give you your meds perfect great okay oh Jay I need you to pour a little bit more water I forgot her peel okay okay [Music] all right there you go [Music] today we're gonna get out of here alive okay you don't want the enemy to hear us no I figured it all out playing an escape route through the ventilation system and that's how we're going to get out of here [Music] are you with me all right I just need to watch you swallow your pill okay hold this mm-hmm this last day I take these Souls of control um great here let me see good job all right I'm just going to update your chart okay now if you're feeling dizzy just let Jay know and he'll grab me I'll be right back okay look it seems like you feel the same whoa thank you I'm gonna start screaming okay okay all right Vivian you're all set we'll see you later okay all right come on Jay foreign are you having fun yet uh mom I got to tell you she didn't take oh I know she spits it out when I leave that's why we sneaking into her food so she doesn't know wait her food I'm just kidding you can't force her to take it but it's what I have to go through almost every morning it's not very fun is it oh well next patient is even more fun [Music] never sleep at night [Music] oh my God long day oh um no I was just resting my eyes today was great yeah I think it's way better than School you know what's nice is I get to come home and my work is done oh I don't have to do homework or anything I can just go play PS5 your Market is done what do you mean oh you think my work stops when the clock is out nope you gotta watch the dishes no mom you gotta be kidding me goodnight Jay why don't you get my brother what else wow I do all the work around here and you guys just lay here doing nothing do you sound just like Mom whatever can I just get my money and go to bed now sure all right there thank you um didn't we agree on 100 so why is my money missing 30 it's called taxes it's part of being an adult this is ridiculous you don't take taxes out of my allowance oh see allowances are for kids adults don't get that luxury this is unbelievable I just can't go to bed good night sweet dreams little bro he's gonna scream in five four three two one where's all my stuff my PS5 my games my sheets what are my sheets well Jay when you're an adult you have to pay for housing so in order to sleep in this room you're gonna have to rent it out what you're an adult you got to pay up like the rest of us so rent to sleep in this room tonight is forty dollars forty dollars but that only leaves me with 30. that's how it is sometime and don't forget to pay utilities that's if you want lights on and to take a shower forget that I'll just stay in the dark then that just means no Wi-fi no what no now you're taking this too far oh how much are utilities twenty dollars twenty are you kidding me so basically this means I'm just giving this chest right back to you free foreign what was that I hate being an adult I work for all these hours get throw up on me and then on top of that that psycho Vivian almost trampled me then I get home have to wash dishes get scammed by capitalism and on top of that I'm broke hmm try to tell you Jay the grass isn't always greener on the other side being an adult is just as hard as going to school if not harder I'm starting to see that [Music] oh they called me to come in early tomorrow all right well get some sleep we got to be at the hospital at six o'clock six [Music] uh mom yesterday I think I want to go to school tomorrow if that's all right really can you say that again I just want to record it you got all the jokes today so when can I get my stuff back get yourself back I know I already sold it you did what we can buy a bag let's just say 50 bucks 50 50. how am I supposed to pay for that you wanted to be an adult mom that is not funny please give me my stuff back mom that sounds pretty cool kind of makes me want to go to my parents work and see what they do all day no you don't trust me it was awful I'm just glad it's all over with you know the only one good thing that come out of it was I missed yesterday's exam hey yeah about that morning class I hope you took advantage of your extra day of studying what's she talking about everyone take a pencil out your exam starts in five minutes what the exam was yesterday oh she was like yesterday too so she postponed it today [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 9,988,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: 9Ms72p4c7Yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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