Kid FLATTENS MOM'S TIRE To SKIP TEST, He Instantly Regrets It | Dhar Mann

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and for this prank i'm going to use pliers to deflate lexi's tire she's going to be so late for working bro he's crazy why are you still studying uh because our exam is in an hour what's next today uh yeah oh my gosh i totally forgot shoot if i found another exam momma's gonna kill me how could you forget today is our best i don't need a lecture right now okay gosh i need to find a way out of this um i know what are you doing i'll put hold it on this towel and place it on my forehead so i'm almost like i have a fever don't you remember what happened when mikey tried that that's not gonna work okay then help me come up with something else boys let's get going oh no what are you doing does your mom's keys is everything okay yeah why i know that look and it usually means you're up to something uh no why would you assume that anyways we better keep going i don't want to be leaving school yeah you don't want to miss mr patterson's exam have you guys seen my keys i they were right here nope i haven't isaac have you seen them um maybe you should look upstairs i think about it i believe i saw them upstairs really yeah okay i'll be right back oh and there's work being done in the house do not touch any of this stuff okay nothing ever gets past mom you're gonna get caught not this time mom's never gonna find these in the trash jay don't do that oh and i just did and you better not say anything or else every time you try getting out of school it never works it just gets you in more trouble i'm not trying to get out of school smart guy i just need to stall mom long enough until class ends at 9 30. if she can't find her keys she'll just call an uber she's not gonna let you miss this test now without a phone she won't then she would just use the tablet give me that you really think she's not gonna wonder why the keys phone and tablet are missing at the same time you're right i need a better idea pliers what are you gonna do with those don't worry about it [Music] uh jay jay jay are you out here jay can you hear me jay where are you [Music] hey sally yes um can you push back my meetings yeah thank you it's been one of those mornings you know [Music] jay mom hey isaac and i have been looking all over for you where have you been i was looking for the keys by the car in case you dropped them when you came home from work yesterday then how would i have gotten inside the house oh yeah i should have thought of that so should we go inside to keep looking no i gotta spare let's go oh okay you're gonna be late again i hope you guys aren't late for your exam yup too bad i was studying and everything what is that uh i think your tire's low what is going on today [Music] we we should probably pull over mom hmm you know we're only a few blocks away i know a shortcut i think we can make it are you sure i mean it could be dangerous yeah of course these tires are run flats they can go another 25 miles before what was that i think your tire popped oh my gosh can't you see i just broke down oh my gosh people you boys stay in the car i'm gonna go see what's going on are you sure you don't need any help no sweetheart i'm sure now you stay here okay that's probably a good idea [Music] oh my gosh what's going on i got a flat tire oh man i'm gonna be late for work do you have a spare i have a donut thingy but i don't know how to change a tire do you no look i'm sure one of these cars will know why is there so much traffic coming through here you haven't heard there's an accident on the freeway so they're detouring everyone through here oh no well i guess i'll go ask someone for help class has already started don't tell me you have something to do with this is this what you went outside for what are you talking about i was just looking for the keys then what do you need the pliers for the study of business it doesn't even matter we're still going to get to school before class ends changing the tire is fast that's all right now all i need to do is tell mr patterson that there isn't enough time for me to finish the test and he'll have no choice but to postpone it and the best part of it all mom has no idea about any of this i'm a total genius i have a bad feeling about this what does mom always say what happens in the dark always comes to life well not this time well that should just about do it thank you so much that was so embarrassing yeah don't sweat it it's good thing there was a mechanic waiting in line huh no kidding so was it a nail no i didn't see a nail it's kind of weird these are run flat tires they shouldn't deflate like that i thought so too i noticed that the little cat was missing do you think that had something to do with it no the cap is there to protect the valve from dust debris that type of thing someone had to let there on purpose sort of like with a screwdriver or a plier hmm i see come on lady wayne got all day okay sir i better get going guys thank you so much don't sweat it bye here we are guys so sorry we're late i'll call the school and let them know it was all my fault that's all right even though it sucks these things happen the important thing is we're all safe mm-hmm you don't have any idea how my tire got a flat do you no no idea maybe there was an air leak or a nail in the tire no there wasn't a nail the mechanic said the only way this could have happened is that someone did it on purpose like with a screwdriver or pliers or something uh what that doesn't make any sense at all who could possibly do that anyways we better get going we don't want to be even more late for school you're right have a good day boys bye hey wait a minute why does your hand have grease all over it uh i was looking under the car for the keys remember i just find it strange that you were the only one by the car and a few minutes later my tire mysteriously went out are you positive you had nothing to do with that uh-huh why in the world why purposely flatten your tire that doesn't make any sense i don't know to get out of a test i don't want to get out of it i told you i studied this time i'm actually really sad i had to miss it anyways i gotta go okay bye oh jay mr patterson what are you doing out here shouldn't you be in class oh but you wouldn't believe it we had the worst traffic jam on the highway this morning i'm just getting here that would be my fault i'm sorry about that i was the car that was broken down oh well thank goodness you're okay yeah but i still feel bad for making everyone late even jay was saying how sad he was for missing your test yep too bad i was up studying all night too but i guess it's always next week oh don't worry the traffic jam made everyone a little late so we just moved our schedules around a bit what we're still going to take the exam why we are yep well it's a good thing you did all that studying kanji good luck thanks mom oh hey what's this you might want to leave these here [Music] pliers jay we have a new student today hi i'm liz it's nice what's up with your arm isn't that why your parents called you liz cause it's short for lizard it's a real life lizard why are you recording i just check our arms do not post that oops i just did
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 21,546,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: TNodjyxFjEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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