Kid FAKES Being SICK To Skip Class, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
mikey oh it's you i thought you were mom you better get ready for school oh i gotta be late i'm not going to school i'm sick you don't seem sick i know genius are pretending so i don't have to do our english test but the test isn't until tomorrow you're not very smart are you if i said i was sick tomorrow mom would be on to me but to make it more believable i'm starting early mikey mom's coming quick hit me that tail in the sink what full don't ask me questions go get it okay hurry here you really shouldn't be doing this be quiet go hide in the bathroom you're gonna be late for school mikey i'm coming in mikey why are you still in bed are you not feeling well i don't know why is it so cold in here oh no don't tell me of the flu oh you're so hot and sweaty it's okay oh push number one no no no just stay down you're gonna need your rest i'll call the school and tell him you're not feeling well are you sure i'm really sorry i hate missing school i know sweetheart well hopefully you'll be better before the big exam tomorrow you know let me just call the doctor and make an appointment no um i'll be fine i'll just wait and then if i'm not better in a few days then we'll go you sure okay why is the tv on it was on last night and i didn't have enough energy to get the remote oh you poor thing oh don't stay up all day watching darman videos you need your rest i love you i love you too text me if you need anything okay i'm gonna go find your brother see i told you my phone's gonna work mom's gonna find out you know what she says what happens in a dog always comes alive you think i don't know what i'm doing now hurry up and get out of here before mom sees you have fun at school loser [Music] oh he thinks i don't know what i'm doing [Music] mikey you feeling okay one second can i enter i said one sec i'm coming in mikey i'm in here are you doing all right sweetheart no my nose is running all night i can't stop coughing and i feel like throwing up that doesn't sound good what about your exam today you think you might oh oh poor baby are you throwing up you sound really sick we should take you to the doctors um no if i'm not feeling better by tomorrow then we'll go up okay um i gotta go just let me know if you need anything all right i love you i love you too mom dude we're getting stabbed god don't move are you coming to school today oh bro can you please knock before you come in i tried but you didn't answer so are you coming to school today no brainiac if i magically got better the day after the test then wouldn't it be obvious that i was faking it anyway how'd it go oh you won't believe this it happened while you're mikey are you playing video games mom um i thought i'd feel better but i shouldn't have rushed it i think it's time you go to the doctor no i'm feeling just a little bit better just give me one more day so i can try and recover on my own okay if you say so jaden you ready to go i don't want you to be late yeah let's go i'm really sorry that you're gonna miss your favorite youtuber today huh oh that's right you weren't in school yesterday so you didn't hear the announcement your favorite youtuber darman is going to be at your school today for a meet and greet what he is yeah it's too bad that you're home sick you would have finally gotten a chance to meet him oh well i hope you get better soon wait um i think i'm feeling better how's my temperature uh you don't feel warm oh good you just magically disappear i told you i was gonna need a doctor are you sure i wouldn't want you to rush it i'll be fine just give me a few minutes you're not gonna get dressed quickly and i'll meet you in the car i'm gonna take this thank you okay jade and i'll meet you in the car wow i can't believe i'm gonna meet doorman you all when yeah he's gonna start a meet and greet are you serious here we are i don't get it where is everyone what do you mean it's 7 45 the meet and greet was supposed to start 15 minutes ago uh you didn't really think you were gonna meet tarman did you but the flyer says meet and greet 7 30. oh yeah i made that up just like you made up your sickness what i was sick and i still am sick please i have been on to you for a while you know when you told me you had a fever i was really worried but then when i went to pick up the remote i saw something you probably didn't want me to see the wet towel you used to fake your fever what i didn't use ass oh come on that is the oldest trick in the book and then when you were in the bathroom i saw all those crumpled tissues on your bed but because i was suspicious by then i opened them up and what did i see clean clean clean nothing in them no snot at all they dry probably i mean would you stop then i went to go put them in the garbage and what did i see in the garbage unused cough drops he left the wrappers on the bed like you had used the cough drops but no you should have done a better job at hiding them well i just throw them away because why are you still trying to lie to me what have i always told you what happens in the dark always comes to light look i'm sorry okay i just pretended i was sick because i don't want to have to do our english test oh i was trying to tell you earlier that the test never happened what mr wilson didn't tell me that hi guys good morning michael i heard you weren't feeling so well yesterday i actually wasn't feeling too good myself but i guess it all worked out because i just postponed that test to today you did what yeah you can take it i'll see you inside [Laughter] mom i have not studied at all can you please just take me home you should have been studying instead of watching youtube and playing video games you made your bed now you have to sleep in it see you mom bye sweetheart good luck with your test [Music] [Laughter] so how did it go good i got an a oh that's so great jaden and i got an f again yeah i really hope that you have learned your less oh my gosh there's star man mom you fool me once come on no i'm telling you that's him look mom i learned my lesson already i learned not to lie or cheat anymore okay i'm serious you better look before he leaves i'm not falling for it again come on let's go okay hey mom can you get us the new ps5 i both get a's on your math final then i'll buy it for you i have all the answers already michael your camera still isn't on that's cheating try and turn it on but it won't it's fine i guess everyone has one hour to complete the exam
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 21,780,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons, school life, school
Id: Bn97AqlXKsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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