Guy Uses PLUS SIZE GIRL For Cash, He Lives To Regret It | Dhar Mann

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so you guys go down to rehearse in my place yes sir is it cool if i bring stacy yeah giselle wants to come too fine by me bring all the cute girls you want afterwards maybe we can all go out guess who oh brandy angela hey baby i was totally kidding i knows you you better be kidding jack um what's up i was kind of busy talking to the guys about rehearsal i have a surprise for you but it'll cost you a kiss you know i don't like pda oh right sorry anyway i just wanted to let you know you can get rid of that old guitar [Music] no way are you serious don't tell me [Music] it's the new guitar you saw at the store angela baby this is great i'm speechless it's perfect thank you you're welcome i can't wait to see you rehearse with that tonight oh about that the guys they were saying they wanted to be another band members only session fan members only we'll get more work done that way oh okay that's fine i mean you know that makes sense oh but we can hang out some other time later this week just two of us i'd love that thank you so much you are the best girlfriend ever what would you like me to tell you oh just gonna save that for later okay well i have to go to class but i'll see you soon okay bye bye bye guys yo that's sick dude that must have cost a lot benefits of dating a rich girl my friends you are so lucky to have a girl that buys you everything you want that's exactly why i date her i call her my little piggy bank to wonder why you chose her to be honest oh it's just temporary when our band blows up we start getting paid then i won't need our money anymore you know you're just gonna kick her to the side that's brutal bro rock stars only date the hottest babes am i right hey jack hey well it seems like you can get any girl now yeah but it's too small of a school angelo find out can't lose out on my sweet situation ship angela is more loaded than those nachos she eats i just gotta hold out just a little bit longer hey you think you could maybe get her to buy me some new drumsticks i can try well what else you guys want i'll make a list rickenbacker base would be nice since you're asking you can just add a keyboard to that well if everyone's getting whole instruments i want a new drum set [Music] all right i might be pushing a little bit but uh breaking bugger base keyboards sticks and instead okay all right this is so dope yeah and another stage manager so we should be able to get some pretty major connections so does this mean we can get in for free too i wish we still got to pay for the ticket and for the flights unless uh unless we drive up take jack's car my car needs new tires and after i pay for them i'm not even going to be able to buy my festival ticket [Music] unless i can get angela to pay for it you think she would that's great to get us all tickets too hey let me get you girls chairs so you can eat with us thanks babe hey guys how was rehearsal last night oh it's good yeah real good wish you could have been there me too if you guys ever have a night where it's not a guy awesome rehearsal last night yeah we had so much fun wait they were at your rehearsal yesterday you said it was band members only uh i did and it was gisele and stacy are in the band all right guys yeah there are backup singers we just brought them on they really add an extra level to the vocals oh okay cool well i can't wait to hear them [Music] you guys going to a festival yeah that's the goal at least there's supposed to be a lot of industry people there and we're hoping to maybe meet some music it sucks which can lead us to getting signed by a label that's a good idea and this looks awesome we should all go it would be so fun yeah yeah uh about that if you don't want to go to this you'd be so bored what do you mean look at those bands [Music] can you name any of their songs uh no but i don't care i just think it would be fun to go to a festival with my boyfriend oh yeah true but it's just that it's gonna be another band only thing not even the backups are allowed on this trip unfortunately so we can all stay really focused but when i get back we can go on our own trip somewhere i promise okay that sounds fun oh but i do have a huge favor to ask what's up would you be able to help me pay for my ticket our tickets they go on sale tonight and none of us have any money hold on you want angela to pay for all of your tickets no way do not do that we're gonna pay her back it's just like a short-term loan until we get our record deal you know ah i mean you do believe in our music right of course well then you know we're good for money please please people um oh please i guess angela that's a lot of money you should think about this i don't want to be unsupportive especially if it can help them get a deal exactly this is crucial to our career and when we blow up we will always remember that you were the one that believed in us i'm happy to help my baby oh well anything for my jacket poo okay well bad news it's not just your tires you're gonna need a whole new motor no afraid so you know i'm actually surprised it hasn't broken down on you already i don't have that kind of money i understand i go grab your keys but be very very careful all right and avoid driving on the freeways could be dangerous i'm not trying to get stranded on the side of the road well we do to the credit cards yeah that isn't an option maybe maybe there's someone that you can call has to borrow some money or something as a matter of fact maybe there is just give me one second oh [Music] hey we were just talking about you you were of course i'm always talking about you you know that by the way did you check your inbox i got the tickets seriously [Music] yep i got em you are honestly the best thanks are you at a mechanic shop yeah and to be honest i'm kind of in a bind i may need another favor would you mind going into another room so we can chat for a sec uh it's okay lisa and i talk about everything just tell me okay well i'm trying to fix my car and it's gonna cost four grand what that's so expensive i know which is why i was thinking do not give him any more money she's not giving you money for your car i'm not asking her to give me anything angela can you go into another room so i can talk to you alone sure just give me one sec what sorry okay i'm alone now i'm beginning to really not like your friend sorry lisa's just trying to look out for me yeah but why does she need to look out for you with your boyfriend i don't know she thinks you're using me for my money and after you get what you want you're just gonna leave me what i would never do that you don't have to convince me i keep telling her that but she has trouble trusting people yeah well to be honest i think she's just jealous no that's not it it's pretty obvious to me i mean you're dating a rock star babe she wishes she was you that's why she's just trying to ruin our relationship you really think so i know so even now when i called she just assumed i was calling you about money she wasn't worried about me or anything well i'm worried about you so what do you need well i need to borrow four grand so lisa was right no she's saying i'm asking you to give me money i'm just asking you to let me borrow it i know it's a lot of money but if i can't fix my car then i can't drive the guys to the festival which means we can't get signed to a label i don't know jack you keep asking me for money and it's starting to hurt my feelings well you don't think it hurts my feelings being a man and having to ask my girlfriend for money the only reason i do it is because i know when my music blows up i'm gonna be the one taking care of everything for you since you believed in me and i love you you too i love you too you know what you're right i'll let you borrow the money besides what's 4k in the grand scheme of things you are incredible thanks babe i'm gonna tell the mechanic can you give me one sec sure [Music] good news got my girl to pay for it so go ahead and start the work it's great man how'd you manage to put that off easy just lied to my girl told her i love her i got her eating out of the palm of my hand i see um anyways uh give me a couple of days so i have your car ready for you you can pay for it and pick it up okay awesome thank you i'm all set i'll send you the shop info so you know where to make payment okay you know what since you're so amazing let me take you out for dinner my treat really you want to do that for me it's the least i can do pick me up at seven you can choose the restaurant okay i i can't wait i'll talk to you soon babe i love you please don't tell me you paid for his car don't worry about me okay he loves me no he doesn't you should know the difference between being loved and being used he's not using me he's a good guy he's even taking me on a date tonight i feel like you're being naive like there's so many red flags how so i mean it's pretty clear he never wants to hang out with you and yet has other girls around and most importantly he treats you like a personal atm machine please don't talk about my boyfriend like that no you need to hear this jack is using you angela he only wants you for your money when was the last time he did something nice for you hello he's taking me to dinner only because you just agreed to give him four thousand dollars for his car and do you think it's a good idea to be dating a musician i see where this is coming from now what are you talking about [Music] jack was right you're jealous come on you're really letting him put that idea in your head you know what if that's what you want to believe that's fine one day you'll see everything for yourself [Music] so they should have the car ready in time for the trip oops you dropped this oh yeah i'll be right back with your check thank you that was delicious i'm so full yeah you crushed that pasta babe do you want some of my leftovers no i'm stuffed but thanks oh don't be shy i know my baby loves to eat please i don't i don't want your leftovers stop all right fine you say so i appreciate you taking me out i feel like we haven't done this in a while [Music] yeah well you deserve it you're the best for helping me and the guys out they are so excited for the festival i'm glad no rush take your time whenever you're ready thank you by the way you are so pretty i love that dress oh my god thanks well someone wants a big tip or she meant it i noticed she complimented my outfit and you didn't what yes i did when i saw you he said wow that dress comes in your size that's awesome is that what i said [Music] i'm sorry you look very beautiful tonight well now you're just saying that no i mean it you're hot hey i got it from here babe how about you grab your car from the valet while i take care of this are you sure you don't want to just wait and go together uh-huh i'm sure it'll be faster this way all right thanks again for dinner actually babe you won't believe this i forgot my credit card would you mind uh sure no problem here you go thanks love you love you too all set yep hey did i tell you i'm gonna band really you were pretty good you should come watch us perform sometime that sounds fun but i don't know how much your girlfriend would like that girlfriend oh she's just a friend are you sure you look like a lot more than a friend to me no she's not my type i'm much more interested in girls like you is that so definitely if you want i may be able to get you an extra ticket to the san francisco music festival next weekend i'm actually off that weekend oh but doesn't that work out nicely thought of some more stuff down to the list maybe i should slow down she seemed pretty annoyed on the car ride home last night probably shouldn't ask her to pay for dinner oh you got greedy think she's catching on nah i don't think it's anything i can't fix i just need to tell her i love her a few more times that seems to be working oh great because if you could get her to buy some new amp that'd be amazing i'll put it on the list i also need to ask her for another festival ticket you caught it to convince angela to buy his stuff please that's hilarious convince angela to buy you stuff huh i knew you were using her you again angela told me you were trying to ruin our relationship you ruined it yourself just wait till you show her this nice try she'll never believe you especially now that the note is gone that's fine i'll just tell her what i saw you're one against four and i'll just spin it like your jealousies once again getting the best of you that lie worked last time it'll definitely work again [Music] babe hey how are you oh spare me i feel so naive for not listening to lisa when she tried to warn me i'm really sorry it's okay and i just found out you don't want to listen to her i actually regret not listening to her you see [Music] after i left the table last night i realized that i had forgotten the valet ticket when i came back to get it guess what i saw [Music] you getting the number of our waitress i couldn't believe it that's when i started looking into things more after i got home i decided to message stacy when i asked how band practice was going she said she had no idea what i was talking about turns out you lied about that too and then this morning i stopped by the mechanic shop to let them know that i was no longer paying for your car to get fixed as i was leaving guess what the mechanic told me that you said you had me eating out the palm of your hand [Music] so you see i now realize you never loved me you just loved what you could get from me i should have known the difference between being loved and being used angela it's not what it seems like enough with the lies jack nothing you say will change my mind shall we what about my car they already started to work on it i need to pay them i guess that's your problem [Music] what about the festival we already got the tickets i don't know man you gotta ask her what about the festival i'm guessing that's canceled too nope i actually upgraded those tickets to vip you did yeah and i transferred them to all of our names we're all going to the festival it's going to be so much fun this is unbelievable oh look at the bright side at least you got a new guitar out of it i guess that's true where is it anyway oh it's in my car hey man i actually changed my mind i'm not ready to get the work done it's a bit uh too late for that i already swapped out the motor [Music] well can you take it out put my old one back in sure yeah um right after you pay me for the labor i actually don't have any money is there any way i can get my car back and pay you later sorry about that buddy that's that's not how it works here all right fine can you at least pop the trunk so i can get my guitar out um i actually think uh i'ma hold on to it that's collateral [Music] what's up gordo gordon is it okay if i can skip coach i don't know if i can do it it doesn't look like you skipped lunch i'm not gonna let you skip push-ups and i found out gordo means fat in spanish can't even do one so that's your new nickname
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 19,239,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: vO_SoIapQXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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