Spoiled Girl DISOBEYS The LAW, She Instantly Regrets It | Dhar Mann

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now i'm regretting not buying the other bag too you totally should have if my dad gave me his credit card i would have yeah and the gold one is so cute well maybe i'll come back and get it before our new york oh you got a parking ticket again how much is it oh 54 that bad not bad my parents would kill me if i came home with that yeah mine too and you know this is a reserved spot right there's a five dollar parking lot right across the street i know but that's way too far to walk and my feet are already hurting from shopping in heels all day it's fine i'll just use my dad's credit card to pay for it you probably won't even notice [Music] you got another parking ticket tasha not right now mom i'm in the middle of something important you call online shopping important uh yeah winter collections just dropped you know how fast things sell out what are all these don't tell me you spent more money on mom i don't want another lecture can you please just leave me alone see this is the problem we spoiled you too much and now dad mom's acting crazy again can you please get her crazy asking you to not throw money out the window is crazy dad what's with all the yelling can you get mom out of my room please she's bothering me she thinks me telling her to not waste so much money on shopping and parking tickets is bothering her oh i got a 54 ticket it's not a big deal okay it's not like i meant to get it another ticket isn't this your third one this month thank you she has no regard for money at all why would i we're rich you guys own the hottest restaurant in town why are you acting like we're poor now you see you spoiled her too much make her pay for her own ticket and cut up her credit cards that's the only way she's gonna learn what no way i'm not getting a job and you can't get rid of my credit card dad please say something i'll pay for this last one but if you get one more ticket you're on your own thank you dad you're the best of course he's the best he gives you everything you want what about the shopping are you gonna say anything to tasha about that try to cut down on the spending okay sweetheart of course not a problem i love you love you too [Music] [Music] i called the store and they said that there's only one gold purse left in stock they better not sell it i'm sure it'd still be there you don't have to drive so fast yeah i think you should try slowing down and there's someone else buying it not a chance i need it for her trip oh have you guys picked your tickets yet by the way i'm just waiting for my direct deposit from work to hit then i'll book mine yeah same i get paid tomorrow so i should be good to go what about you i'm dropping by my parents restaurant later someone asked them then i know my dad will be cool with it it's just my mom that i'm worried about a cop i can't wait this is happening i tried to warn you to slow down dude the cop is coming to the car right now why do you need to call the store to see if they can hold the bag for me if someone else buys it i'm gonna be so mad [Music] how's everything going amazing oh you know can't complain hey jen mind if i leave this here yeah no worries thanks [Music] hey dad hey sweetheart one sec you may want to try another pinch of salt want to try some i'm okay thanks keep up the good work so how's it going good um you got a sec i wanted to ask you about something sure what's up so you know how i've always talked about wanting to go to new york yeah well my friends are planning a trip and i was wondering if you wouldn't mind paying for me to go did you ask your mom about it come on dad you already know what she's gonna say can you please just make this happen for me you got another ticket mom calm down there's people around we just spoke about this yesterday and look she got a speeding ticket today for a hundred dollars why are you going through my stuff tasha that's not all she also bought another bag right after she said she'd stop spending so much yeah but it's not even that expensive you call 900 not that expensive this is all you're doing she's never going to appreciate anything unless she has to work for it your mom's right and i'm sorry but i'm not paying for your trip to new york new york but dad my friends are going please all these years we've worked so hard we haven't even seen new york do not give in it's time to take away the credit card [Music] it's gone too far give me my credit card back no please don't do this to me dad how am i gonna pay for anything the same way we all do by working for it you want me to work you won't even have to look for a job most people's parents don't own their own business hey remind me how much i pay you guys uh 20 bucks an hour right i'll pay you 18. and here you can even start right now there's absolutely no way i'm wearing that fine then i guess you won't be buying anything anymore or going to new york sucks and don't think we forgot about the credit card are you serious without her dad's credit card tasha finally has to work for everything she wants she starts by cooking food in the kitchen she then has to clean dirty tables she even has to take out the trash she finally starts to understand just how hard making money really is and then a couple weeks later tasha gets a little surprise hey dad hey mom hi honey how was work it was all right we're so proud of you for working so hard thanks i'm gonna go shower wait wait i got something for you your first paycheck really what should i make 897 yeah almost enough to buy another purse wow i can't believe i did all that work just to be able to buy one purse it means more when you have to earn it yourself right yeah it does actually where are you going is it okay if i use your credit card why i'm gonna return all of it i realize now that i don't need this especially knowing how hard it was to make back all that money i spent really yeah and i was thinking after i'm done returning everything maybe i could use the money to i knew there was a catch let me guess pay for your trip to new york no i was gonna pay for that myself what i was going to say is you buy you guys tickets you know so that you both could come with me you want us to come with you yeah if you want to that is are you kidding we'd love to where's your mom i was adopted that school can be so mean that you weren't good enough for your real mom so she gave you away do you think it's because she didn't love me not at all like somebody's close go away i know she loved you or what are you gonna tell your dads
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 17,999,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: mojT7ZKUh7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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