Auctions Anonymous with What the Hales, 2nd Cents, Storage Legends, & Conky

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messed up dude i just went live you just went live oh diddy yeah and you're late already already already late oh yes all right guys i gotta be fashionably late still there's only one way guapa rolls that's late late so there's two types of uh uh layouts uh for stream yard uh pick the third one where's um hang on where's rob yeah there you go that's perfect all right did you get that for jeremy yeah bro is that not sick or what so sick very nice any messages on my instagram about this shirt it's been a crazy uh it's been a crazy week conkey i ain't gonna guys i don't even know if this is reality you know what's funny is in jeremy and your last slide people were guessing that it was me and guapo that went down and i couldn't wait till the next day to find out whether or not it was me you were hoping weren't i was hoping i was hoping i wound up down there but it wasn't me it was it was conkey i want to formally ask you on live i feel like i'm just like freestyling this this might not be appropriate but we need to go half on on a rv dude and just like split it and leave it on jeremy's huge property he could probably fit like a thousand million billion rvs on this property um it's so big yeah but we only need one yeah no we need about a thousand for all these awesome subscribers as well i told you you know maybe not this year but next year i want to go down there i want to go to the salvage pool and buy an rv that's been scratched or i mean you can get those things for you know literally pennies on the dollar for what they sold for uh-oh where the hell is rob i don't see him yet i see a bunch of people in the chat we've got uh adventure carla rosie's carla sent a two dollar super sticker earlier thank you carl let's see what that does see rosie's random treasures guys i i you shall treasures yeah dude tell them this is dude awesome anonymous this is gonna be alligators this is gonna be crocodiles anonymous and melons anonymous i just want to formally say that right now you'll get the melon inside later but right now i just want to formally say that we turn from storage unit buyers to crocodile hunters like overnight here they haven't been held all day okay what is that no this one might be guava closer this one's guapa these are these are the chicks we went we went out hunting for chicks we went out and picked up chicks don't don't tell him figured why why he was down here we might as well go pick up some florida chicks and you wanted me to go down there talking there's no way i can come down there now norris will let you come pick up chips with us no yeah we were we we definitely went hunting for the nicest chicks that we've seen and we and we and we purchased those chicks i i see you've got yourself a couple of black chicks yeah we took we took these the best we put we took these black chicks home and we own them now and it honestly like oh that did not sound good i'm so sorry i want to put that back entirely that was so good way way way you should pointed out the color man that i just i dude i didn't even that was so stupid dude i i was trying to freestyle something we're not styling anything anymore but anyways guys we have beautiful awesome chicks that were donated to jeremy from the from the john deere um what was that a manager he was the driver i just uploaded the story on facebook and youtube 15 minutes ago okay so i guess the video's out we can talk about it so when i got here i didn't know what was going on the gator was just delivered they were outside you you showed up what a couple minutes before the gator did yeah yeah i was like i was like i told them i was like you guys are so stinking lucky you're showing up the same day that our gator shows up oh my god and not only did the same day but moments before yeah and and they were having a discussion about how it's better to get your chicks when they're young so that they listen and that they um and that they basically they're they what do they call they they imprint on you so when they imprint i guess when imprint imprint means that they're like adapt to you and they they become like like a comfortable with you um so yeah they talked about that and what happened after that so the driver went into town and we were talking about how we couldn't find any chicks everybody was sold out they couldn't do anything found some and brought them back to us believe it or not guys who could it be or not it's robbie that's me believe it or not it's just me believe it or not yeah what's up gentlemen hello robert you're late this [Laughter] yeah time got to do it you're hanging out with other chicks dude i just just anyways so okay so what happened was they had a discussion and jeremy expressed to the employee that he likes to get his chicks early because they imprint on you and then they can eat from your hand and it's just a lot more convenient and the other guy um basically like understood after jeremy explained to them why it's important to do that so he surprised jeremy and all of us frankly when he left the property and came back and gifted jeremy these chicks um from the local rural king so i thought that was very nice so shout out to him for uh yeah oh yeah big time big big time and what's the names of these chicks guapo and chapo i don't even know how you came about that honestly this is guapo it's always late to everything and this is choppo he's manhandling her he's done i'm done freestyling he's got his hands all over i mean you guys bought all the t-shirts in florida i mean what else you have to do down there now oh you have no idea robert dude i just got back to the farm literally just just we were out like 72 unit live auction caravan today we just got back home we left at 7am um literally so so what happened was uh jeremy lives down here so he understands that you can't really record at that auction he's already asked i'm glad of course i did not listen to that and i recorded the whole thing and what i could get and you guys can see that literally after auctions anonymous i'm gonna be done with the video so you guys check that out for sure um and go ahead you have no idea what the hails were doing tomorrow trust me there is more to do in florida yeah and there i don't even know how to hype it you're going to hype it the best you're going to have the best guys guys just watch the videos honestly just keep watching for sure that's just tomorrow i don't know everybody who thought i was joking about coming down to florida for gators you it's not me it's not just going to be me oh yeah i'm going to guapo whatever let's just say we're gonna go hang out with the twins and they're both dude dude we are gonna be in trouble george and chapel are gonna be like we are going to hang out with the twins they happen to be wild twins and uh they're eight foot long they're they're some tall twins the size definitely matters and it's our job tomorrow to tame them yeah that that should be enough that should be enough guys that that honestly should be enough tomorrow is going to get very dangerous at least we got to hang out this week conkey yeah i don't feel so bad then well we only when we were hanging out we were freezing our tails off and these guys were walking around in t-shirts at the flea market getting kicked out of booze for uh trying to buy too much i guess i wasn't there lucky i wasn't there i'd have been like that dude was crazy man i and you know what it's so crazy because i didn't know this so i got back to the car and i didn't go to his stand he did one of those aggressive sales pitches he said come in what do you say he said come in we're still open and i was like okay and i just kind of like did like a little and he had some cool stuff robbie had some stuff typically that i would look at but once i got that aggressive um like sales pitch i really don't guys at the flea market i really don't go to cooper did you buy any units today and then are you going to rent them for a couple months watch the videos you check you guys don't want to miss this video at all guys you will find out before i helped you out today though what'd you do did you finally clear his parma unit i did i told him i said i'm here for guapo i said he lost his key you guys know glop they're like yeah so i cut the lock off i load it all up it's in my truck no worries guapa i'll sell it i'll give you at least a third all right mine is falling asleep so i think i'm gonna put uh chapo back unless you want to hold it [Music] i think it's choco isn't it i don't know we're gonna have to figure something out to identify them what's different well which one has chicken breast right there it is that one is you the one that has melons is chapo that was the wrong time to watch guapo's running a truck to drive home lol bonnie shout out to bonnie barney jesse's in the house hey jesse hey jesse thank you so much he delivered a huge thing of wood today to my house for burning so jesse yeah huge load of firewood man how crazy how crazy has it been this is like so surreal guys i'm telling you man we this this guy jeremy has been so busy he bought a gator and he hasn't even been on it well we were for one moment one moment we drove around the south we drove around the south property border line the boundary line did you find your house yet guapo no you're looking for a house maybe you got to watch the videos [Laughter] i got i got chapo all asleep in my hand right now literally i got like a really nice nest for her i got a question for for guapo what's up when you came to florida what were your expectations for coming and visit i mean where man dude i don't know what to think but the fact that there's so much that jeremy owns so much property and he wants to get more it's just insane like i i mean hey guys this is it's not it's not really insane in the literal aspect it's insane in in like a surprise i'm surprised about it but the reality is guys the best investment is property because it's forever and it's not you know it's not gambling you know you got you got sent assets and something to show for your capital and your hard-earned money so yeah but he's taking the principal to another level man he's got 70 acres and there's like 20 20 or 30 of those acres he hasn't even explored yet because there's a creek and and you know yes he's a tractor to take down all these trees and it's just so crazy because i finally learned what a tractor is actually capable of it's it's ridiculous like you know what i mean like i i drive the uh you know i traveled the whole property and he's explaining he's explaining to me that oh i made this trail and then i made this trail and i'm thinking in my head i'm like man these are how trails are made like literally trails are made that way and i've been you know i've been going all these metro parks my whole life and i never realized that it's that simple you gotta get a big twenty thirty thousand dollar john deere and just dude just drive over it look it down and go forward yeah did anybody show the video yet with you in and what in in oh no no dude yeah no no i can't talk about that we talk about can't talk about that that you just got to film with a almost four million subscriber channel oh yeah half a billion views yeah we didn't even talk about that expect that there's so much to talk about there's literally so much to talk about that channel will be back out at my place on wednesday so i may or may not have to extend my ticket um because that's something that's crazy how many channels did did we get you hooked on with meeting we all freshly met about no i'm not nine so many big youtubers in in florida it's just it's crazy it's crazy awesome it really is it really is it's yeah it's incredible but i i i do i know it's auctions anonymous but have you touched a gator yes multiple times did you expect to do that i'm going to become a gator hunter guys tomorrow tomorrow just in your country oh man guys guys tomorrow just pray for me tonight we're going to pray tonight and yeah it's it's going to get a little crazy all right we got it some gator legends is going to be one of the most insane things ever for you and me yes because there's a lot of new experiences jeremy's having while i'm here as well so this is a lot dude it's you guys like i said watch the videos the videos my video is coming out after this um and like i said you in that video you'll be able to see the awesome hall um the awesome auction that we went to um and and one more spoiler one more spoiler no more spoilers i i challenged guapo that he didn't have the gahunas to actually get in a body of water a small body of water with 11 alligators one that is 12 foot over a thousand pounds and one crazy crocodile you'll have to find out in the future if you did it or not oh my gosh guys i was challenged a lot of challenges and i really and i really did a lot of crazy stuff definitely got my hands dirty in crocs and crocs the whole time dude never any boots dude crocs he was wearing crocs the entire time that just makes sense that just makes perfect sense so cronkite we gotta we gotta go half on a rv well when you use the rv um do you mean something with a motor in it or a camper trailer like jeremy has well george recommended a camper trailer because it's one less engine that you have to worry about there you go um basically that makes sense without the engine really it's cheaper without the engine yeah i told you if you know the first time i've got enter i'll probably be looking for one i'm just gonna buy one at a storage auction that's been sitting there for like 20 years and drag that thing down there in florida jeremy like get this junk off my property yeah she's asleep that's that's what i that's why i gave her to you i want her to just fall asleep in your hands she is she is asleep is she we don't i don't want them wild i want them i want them imprinted with human hands very much so yeah and then you could easily just like they'll eat out of your hands there's a lot more pros beauty and beast are cool guys huge pigs and then he has three other little piglets in the pen and they're trying to like kind of like come around to being cool so we're we're we haven't even this is another sneak peek this this is another exclusive on conkey's flippin adventures caught wild pigs within three days these are wild and when i say wild wild they will hurt themselves to get away from you yeah literally will hurt themselves to get away from they'll sacrifice themselves choppo after three days chapo has them eating out of her hands no joke wild no joke pure wild pigs she also became guavos i was gonna say she tamed guapo yeah so he was a wild wild pig himself not yet all right i'm gonna i'm gonna kind of like do a one hand thing you holding on to her i'm holding on to her let's see if she just kind of don't drop the chick man i'm not man these chicks are wild it's wild right no they're tame that's the point dude how many animals have you just seen and been with in the past dude i can't even count them my favorite were these owls though i seen these owls and they were wild like they they themselves were like literally head butting the the cages trying to scare me like they'll come charge at me and head butt the cages just just to show that they're cool so what you were at the zoo you got to check the videos man [Laughter] you got to look at the videos watch all the videos i saw the one where you guys went to the flea market well you cocky you're gonna have to make time man cause these this is gonna get crazy i'm telling you man yeah i guess jeremy gave an epic piggyback ride it's true multiple multiple epic piggyback rides that's true through a very very very dangerous situation extremely extremely dangerous so dangerous you would think why would they do that watching the video i don't know there's a lot of things you guys do that i think why would you do that yeah especially me when i buy these dollar units man i'm done with it like why drive why get why get up at 6 00 a.m to leave at 7 00 a.m don't spoil it don't to see 70 something epic eunuchs dude remember that one thing happened to me today that we can't talk about right now oh my god wow so what's been going on with you guys yeah what's what's up what's up in ohio well it's been uh freezing then nice then freezing then nice freezing again you want one there's that you want one or two i don't know so i got to hang out with rob a little bit monday we uh cleaned out but we got one storage unit and it sort of delved into another but didn't really clean up the works and things and booster you've been buying online or or live these were the live ones i bought in wooster it's my hometown what auctioneer team side storage who who's that guy's name oh okay you know who he is what's his name an auctioneer out there usually tom older guy he use he wears the vet hat yeah that's what i meant was it yeah i couldn't remember his name tom twiliger that's his name i saw the videos i don't think it was tom no no i'm not sure who he used them i don't remember who but yeah it ended up being a talking tell you we found some treasures huh oh yeah yeah and especially the one you paid 300 for i didn't really get to see much of the other one watch this what'd you guys find watch the videos watch the videos why do you watch the videos to see what you find yeah fine that's what i meant fine when do you see what you find when we watch the videos [Music] okay watch videos i guess i got more videos like he's funny man so it was unbelievable man i found this one video and then i saw this thing and conkey's like oh my gosh did you watch the video and i said yeah okay but coffee's like here you want to hear about some real problem tell me you want to hear about some real problems i wish i was in florida the last two days for one reason what free dump okay so i had this from the storage lockers i want to throw out and there's a lot of garbage so i i had two units i bought though one was a 10 by what 10 or 10 by 15 other ones a 10 by 20. yeah long story short i go to cleveland dump yesterday we're not taking any big loads today we're cleaning the one area oh my god they did the same thing to me they did the same exact thing dude okay well right now i had to rent a truck right so i'm like okay well i'll just rent the truck for another day i'll take a load of scrap by the way scrap 10 cents a pound guys what if you've been sitting on anything go scrap scrap is way up the highest it's ever been since i've been doing this business for 12 years now is the highest ever guy was 12. for steel it went from six months what what what no white house leadership change or that's what someone told me as soon as biden took over that the scrap prices started going up but it's ten cents gosh guys do you understand how big that is that's a huge that's a 40 cent inc it's a 40 increase you say something's in the trap so i was sitting there something's in the trap there's something might be in the trap anyways go ahead go ahead rob i'm like well you know what i'll do is uh i'll just load up some scrap i'll go back to the dump today i go there today the guy's like same for the same thing we're taking no big low stay i'm like what you got to be kidding me by noon and i'm like yeah i'm like where am i supposed to go he goes oh you can go down so i drive down to this place on harvard it's horrible there long story short the same amount of garbage i took last week it was a hundred and ten dollars more at this place than at the cleveland dump so when i got charged more money i had to rent the truck for two extra days but so what i've been doing is just loading up scrap and taking scrap because i've been i had this huge pile of scrap i just been sitting on for the last couple years because scrap has been worthless you know dude i i'm so glad because i know exactly what scrap pile you're talking about you showed me that scrap pile and i i thought when you showed me that scrap i'm like why and why and why is rob saving the scrap pile and dude the fact that it jumped from six to ten cents guys that is a whole that's a game changer that's a game changer right there scrap is going to go up you're going to get people that are going to be like you know how many people are just just have scrap metal just laying around that they should honestly get out of their yard now did you see my crap metal pile on the bottom dude so wait is so is that a national thing or is that just like that's a good question is that i would say it's national you know different places might charge nine cents ten cents a lot the thing is you can always call around but it's great it's just like any other the prices are going to go up and down like gold and silver i've never when has it ever been 10 cents rob back and like after when the collapse happened and oil and gas everything went way up scrap was way up it got up to 12 cents back then that's uh that's actually the more people would go to storage units and they would mean it's just for scrap for the scrap facts then yeah dude 10 cents 10 pounds is a dollar so what do you think is driving the price up someone told me it was the the administration that came in the you know biden administration came in and that's what as soon as that he came in all the prices started going up copper's up to three cents right now claire's thrift sits wow dude what do you know that three cents three dollars a pound wow oh my god i mean there was probably two dollars a pound that long ago so that's really good track videos jeremy i got a whole pile of that dude i think we're gonna need to make some scrap videos i think that's very interesting for all the resellers and and all the storage unit buyers worldwide because they're gonna be interested at what we get for that load you know what the best place is about having having a big piece of property the best place the best thing the best thing you have a big big big fire pit oh my gosh we might have to make that tonight ah dude yeah it's it's it's it's ridiculous it really is there's like a full like field like a you know like those big fields that have like the cable like towers and it's just like a field he has one of those well who would know the difference between like a big bonfire in jeremy's place or somebody setting fire to something else like particularly in this town wonderful time we haven't been back on the gator yet actually we could because it has lights it has lights dude i mean like it could it has headlights there's nobody that will call for a nuisance noise complaint like you're in the middle of nowhere we've had that reception cell reception is not a problem we well it helps when you have a giant cell tower on the property we have been go go go since the moment you got here yeah seriously and then crash like crazy get up and do it again crash tomorrow's a big day guys big day big day big day for both of us we do something for the first time and and we're going to take you guys with us so uh i know you know we just watch the videos but i mean watch the videos i'm just gonna tell them what it's gonna be tell them we're gonna be catching well they probably already figured it out say that say the proper term though let them know we will be we will be rescuing two eight-foot wild nuisance alligators and re-homing them in other words it's called a the real term is called a nuisance call yes so get to go on a nuisance call get to capture two wild alligators now the alligators that you've seen george and i with at robbie's place those are domesticated those are tame wild alligators are quick they will turn on you they will attack you and and it's gonna be scared i mean yeah we're okay i he said rescuing guys it's a nuisance call guys let's not beat around the bush here these are nuisances that are being reported for removal so guys first time and we're gonna bring you guys along with us it's gonna be a crazy adventure and guys i can't even put it in words this is an experience that like like honestly like dude like honestly like there was a time in a split moment where i was literally like not afraid of a gator at all i was actually chasing it to go touch its tail dude like guys just take a moment to just kind of like let's switch shoes for a minute i was chasing it to touch its tail who in the world transitions to that mentality in 52 hours 48 hours dude it's just it's ridiculous guys it was it's the most craziest thing in the world i wouldn't suggest that ever and everything is is on safe and private property so yeah guys tomorrow is the wild tomorrow is going to be epic tense why are you doing it live you're going to record and show it later we're going to record it i'm not licensed i'm not um uh how would you say that i don't have i don't have my license yet i'm like he's licensed so i'm going to record he can record i can capture and i can remove and rehome you said yet guaco what do you mean yet you guys got to watch the videos you don't have your license yet yeah conkey you got to watch the videos okay now wait a minute i might get let me ask you a serious question guapo okay you said go ahead early on in this live you said that me and you need to go in together on an rv and buy an rv together okay does that mean that if you get eaten by an alligator i get your half of the rv and i'd own it outright absolutely conkey and i'm dead serious i'm ready to buy one today so i can sleep in it for the rest for the rest of the time of me being here we'll go back out are you sleeping on they're sleeping right here on the storage unit couch that we bought from a unit so there is a divider so no crazy things are going on i like that i like that but yeah yeah you keep them you got to keep us separated because if we sleep together guys it gets ugly so it's she stays on her side i stay on my side and i don't get bit i get i get little divider it's like the dick van dyke show with jeremy between you two so um so yeah dangerous alligators uh me and conky are going half on an rv with no motor um yeah so basically in within 24 hours the florida bug he caught it immediately i mean he was just sucked in and it it is it's that it's like auctions it's like storage unit options you just can't get enough of it and there's so much cool stuff it's easy to do when you fly out of 30 degree weather into 80 degree weather that's the best part of it all yeah i've never been to florida in the winter i've only gone to florida in the summer time i mean well you are we're you know you made a great point you you said that you are who i kind of kicked the sorry i kicked it all the time um yeah did they i'm sorry guys oh sorry guys um so guys oh my god guys i got bad news i lost my glasses guys they're on your face gator marsh gator marsh we got a dude robbie if you're watching there's a cash reward so guys i'm gonna wear these until further ado anyways um yeah honestly like it's it's the area is awesome the people's personalities are cool like i think people are consistently have like this happiness because the weather is consistent and everybody has sunny weather to wake up to and that's the most that's the best part about florida honestly so yeah you lost your glasses dude dude clunky i don't know what happened they just i i asked chapo and chapo said that they're in the dark so i'm kind of gonna blame chapo but yeah dude like ah man this is terrible my signature glasses that you guys leave her for you losing your glasses i don't know man and i can't bother brokers not me she's crazy he left her phone and it was my my fault yeah flip intervention says magnet fishing in the gator marsh video coming soon we actually might go magnet fishing though so or they might go well yeah you'll be gone by then unless you come back so one of the things we have coming up which nobody i don't think anybody knows this [ __ ] yet because none of the none of the videos have been released but we were filming with omar gosh tv and um omar omar's going to be out here at the ranch on wednesday and we're filming and then we're going out to omar's place and one of the things we're going to do is we're going to tie the magnets to the back of his jet skis and we're going to go up and down the river in his backyard it's going to it's going to be it's going to be awesome crazy we're gonna we're gonna magnet fish with jet skis it's gonna be crazy that's what we're doing or you'll rip the back of the jet ski off with a a good hook on something but it's it's what if they have a treasure chest on the back of their magnet that would be awesome who knows what the hell is down there yeah i'm going to take these off these are a little uncomfortable i need my glasses back guys i'll keep you updated the minute i get him i'll post in the community tab this is getting crazy you gotta find those glasses waffle it's just not gonna be the same without him i know i know you leave tuesday right i think you fly back tuesday right yeah i don't know my mom flies in wednesday so i might reschedule we gotta see what's going on here's the crazy thing he flies out tuesday we got wild kyle paleo chris paleo bree coming out to we're gonna do more mammoth bone digging and indian artifacts on the property tuesday wednesday oh my gosh and get swamped will be out here and so i i think a lot of you guys are aware of omar gosh she's got almost 4 million subs he's got half a billion views is really what matters half a billion views he's been on youtube for 10 plus years so get swamped and omar gosh will be out here on the property we'll be filming on wednesday he's he's going to miss two huge epic days i don't know we'll figure it out the only reason why i had to book that ticket was they wouldn't let me run a rental car for some reason guys i wouldn't go what was that was that rental car spot don't rent from avis that was just annoying they basically said that even though i have the money in my bank account and i have insurance and my license is valid i had to get a return flight so and then who knows how many wild animals we're gonna have to capture and tame by then dude tomorrow man guys tomorrow is gonna be crazy guys like he said we've all we've been on the go like it's just on the go non-stop like you would you would think we'd spend a lot of time on the ranch no it's it's been everywhere else there's so many events so i mean you see it i mean we're both i mean i there was a night jeremy didn't even get any sleep because it freaking rained like crazy so you know and then we were editing and then all night and then we had to go with gators so real live gators and crocodiles non-stop man non-stop wow sounds like fun that's why we call it fun employment yep so pretty much what you're saying is conkey rob when are you guys coming yeah guys you guys got to get down here make it a point you know make it a point i know everybody wants you know you've got affiliations and stuff but you know make it a point make it's it's it's a timeless experience i keep on calling it timeless because it's gonna be something i'm gonna remember for the rest of my life you know guys like i said i was chasing an alligator to touch it who does that nobody here's the thing i mean i'm not at all afraid of alligators but there's none in ohio so i don't have to be let me if i can give a sneak peek here let me see i know when i lived in miami there was no alligators in miami we drive through uh we you know you drive through alligator alley in the middle of the middle of florida but yeah you could do about 90 to 100 miles per hour because there's nobody we're 30 minutes from gainesville gainesville has more gators than any other location in in in florida but we'll be in the villages tomorrow and two eight-foot wild gators you know boys and literally if any if you've seen any of that on tv that's what we have to do tomorrow so this one so this one right here really quick sneak preview so this one that got away i was chasing it big one yeah guys when does that happen there's no fence i know you guys threw me with the head and the fence there was no fence and there's 500 plus gators in one area dude it was dude dude when we went to that one swamp and there was like 500 plus gators like are literally surrounding us and we're on one little patch of land literally everywhere i look it was like an eye spy game everywhere i look a gator is doing his own thing there's just one swimming the other one's just tanning other one's chomping on a on a pig the couple are mating over there it's just like there's there's obviously everybody's just doing their own gator business and i'm gonna incredible surprise and jeremy jeremy's constantly grabbing my leg it's just like you're just like every five minutes is just i get a leg grab so it's the point where it's like if i do i'm gonna think it's jeremy and i'm gonna be fearless i'm gonna be fearless i'm gonna just turn around like that doesn't hurt tell the gear that yeah i did i did i had a lot of boxing matches with these gators actually boxed with a kangaroo as well did you yeah it was it was a while ago kangaroo would have messed me up can you dude kangaroos have so many different ways to knock you out dude they got their tail to balance with the kick they can jab you up and if they if they wrestle you they're starting to annoy you lord knows i know oh show them that's tomorrow's that's tomorrow's video you guys check that out i got i can't spoil everything we swallowed we spoiled a lot i got attacked by an animal yesterday which is covered right now is all in here dude there's blood everywhere dude but that's tomorrow's that is tomorrow's video well through it well i lived i lived through yesterday tomorrow i may not live through this a lot of gauze guys lot of gauze tomorrow's very serious this is a very serious i dude this is serious man and don't worry guys i will not help jeremy or rob i will record okay so if anything crazy happens you're gonna get a chance to see it because guava's gonna be right here so conkey when when uh when i said i was gonna move down to florida did you believe me not really i mean i i knew you were gonna i knew you were gonna go down there again i just i didn't i'll put it this way i didn't think you were gonna buy land in florida before you bought land on uh kelly's island cocky when when i said i was going down and i wanted to wrestle gators did you believe me i thought you were joking about that yeah not a joke yeah any of the viewers how many of the viewers just think you know they're like i mean we got so many comments you're you need to you need to fear for your life the mosquitoes and the chiggers and the gators dude the mosquitoes are no joke jeremy at robbie's they're fine you do no yeah they're fine at his place at robbie's dude but not serious well i mean other people live in florida they don't get eaten alive by mosquitoes and alligators i mean you should be okay if you hang out in the swamp conkey what do you think's to happen there's mosquitoes and alligators if you hang out on the beach you just gotta worry about sharks and jellyfish yeah funny all right concate this is for you buddy what do you got oh wait no no no you don't do that rob you sure don't first we got we gotta give a background story that's crazy you can't do that man hold on you gotta watch the video no let me do that again you gotta watch the video about this unit first off this ain't this it's a long talk about this story so look around on storage treasures and i see this unit and when i saw it it was at like 400 and some dollars it was a 10 by 15 i think it had four really nice sculpting units in it the kind of shelves you you put the boards on and everything the metal ones huh are they metal or yeah or well but you put the wooden insert in really nice okay okay okay those are nice shelves actually so it had that truck in it it had a fire truck and it had like a bunch of tools and like some lanterns that i think were worth some pretty good money had a box of uh nintendo stuff and you could see the sticking out the top of it i mean there was no garbage in this unit whatsoever it was all good stuff and i'm looking and i'm thinking you know maybe for a thousand bucks or something right and i talked to rob about it and rob block took a look at it and uh it wound up going for 1910 i think rob is that right yeah like 19 year 10 1900 okay so i it has to be an online unit yeah it was not it was in i was out um easter here almost the youngstown so i didn't buy the unit yeah he didn't buy the unit yeah neither one of us bought the unit then rob calls me up the other day i think this is before we met out there in uh [Music] wooster and he goes uh buddy of mine bought the unit he says i'm gonna get it to sell no it was after it was just it was the other day you called me it was uh thursday yeah my buddy say oh i bought this unit out in uh and he starts telling me about the unit and i'm like it's a unit conkey and i are looking at it's like it's like you paid 1900 or something for that he goes oh yeah and i'm like man i've been selling too much stuff for this guy i've been getting too many checks and uh long story short he paid 1900 there was 20 coleman lanterns in there right he's got one on ebay right now he put three up on ebay one of them are he's up to three hundred dollars or twenty four bids so for a thousand dollars no way and he's got it's at three hundred bucks right now it's who got it mike the one guy i was like mike mike mike mike it was mike okay the guy with like the blind hair really skinny dude really okay okay dang so mike got that dude mike scores all the time man all the time dude he is just like do you remember that harley unit with all those like weapons that's what i saw in the unit that really got my anger oh that's a smokey's like man i wanted to know what that truck was and then when i found out this is what the truck looks like honking here put full screen real quick home here is that tin it's pressed my steel oh yeah is that a smith miller i don't know it has a k on the back on this part there's a hubcap here so we have to look up the k but i think it was a ride i mean i don't know there's a switch here for the dump and then there's something up here that does the steering wheel so i'm not sure if like you would ride on it or you could just stare this i think it would have been a ride on if you steer from back there so but it's pretty cool old toy but that guy ended up getting a good good unit and the best part is he brought it to me to sell a bunch of this stuff nice so so he really is doing good on those laners huh wow yeah i couldn't believe when he when he showed me on his phone the one lantern's at 300 bucks already i was just like man because conky and i were like that's a lot for that unit but i think he's gonna do pretty good on it there's tons of tools in there too well he wound up did you get any of the tools because there's a couple tools in there i saw that i wanted yeah he i got some tools okay i wanted that uh looked like a remote dremel like like a little little grinding wheel with a little dremel cable that comes off of it and i don't know i have to look to see i didn't go to he just brought a bunch of stuff the other day i was about to leave and i was like here there was a the one schwinn bike he brought in there looks brand new it's 1979 like this kid schwinn bike but chrome fenders on and everything yeah i saw that up on top of the shelves doctors i guess is going for good money too oh yeah there's the six books they're not no longer going to print because they offend people dude because we offend people every single day we're paid actors we're we're paid to be here so guys i i gotta say man it's been i'm offended by their offense dude and why are you offended because they're regretting this crazy crazy okay okay we'll do it like that and why are they crazy because they have melon melons all right and why do they have melons because they have coconuts to put them in so which books are supposed to be so offensive that what'd there's six books there why what which ones are they there so if you talk about green eggs and him or dude what a sick joker you have can i just say that i'm offended with cat in the hat yeah nobody puts cat in the hat nobody should take a kitten and put it in a hat it's very dangerous and that cat doesn't have a mask on and that that cat should put their mask on the map guys guys put your mouth put it over the cat's nose because what's getting in the corner [Music] dirty dancing or something like that man guys we've just been on the road i got to just keep on saying that like in both of our faces like we we active guys with a capital a guys with energy with a capital e guys chick-fil-a hey you guys got to get a shirt we're uh we're discontinuing the chick-fil-a shirts and making new merchandise here soon so get your chicken merchandise chick-fil-a energy with the capital e shirts no these are dope these ones aren't being discontinued these are alpha eat my cat yeah so but yeah it's been an interesting week i'll tell you what the dump you guys have any auctions coming up or what saturday man conkey you need to look just because there's tons of tons of die cast there's probably at least 200 hot wheels in the auction oh yeah now that's that that's that now for the people watching conkey's auction saturday my auction saturday but yes storage auctions no no no no what where do they go to bid on your auction how how do i bid on your auction if i don't know how to do it that's right ship everywhere in the world ladies and gentlemen everywhere in the world international not local not a problem no credit not a problem guys no shoes no shirt no no mask no problem no problem guys second you guys gonna listen with the mass state uh mandate down there in florida we don't have one you know something like texas said you know what this one no no more mass you know either was it texas yeah texas and um another state too two states said no more mass wow so the world's actually getting back to normal the world's actually getting back to florida to getting back to florida if mass really worked wouldn't numbers than everybody else yep rosie sent the five dollar super saiyan said killing me smalls you're killing me smalls yeah she likes the uh the nascars oh nice yeah nice we got some nascar stuff coming up guys we got some awesome stuff coming up you guys definitely got to check out our auctions every tuesday at 8pm um and jeremy has his auctions on sunday at nine probably about nine nine thirty ish they started here start at nine but auctions start like a little later 10. now the question is are you going to have an auction this tuesday storage license uh yes for sure for sure even if i'm in florida i mean there's probably a millions of flea markets everywhere so i'll definitely do my thrifting and get the best stuff possible and i'll have an auction you know i mean that's really what's gonna happen um any which way it won't happen so who won your guys's challenge huh yeah that's a rhetorical that's a rhetorical question he had to go head to head with a croc yo i changed the croc down that croc chased you [Applause] there's some stuff that did not make the video oh here's a question why did when i'm more interested in that guy at the flea market how did it come to pass that uh you didn't get that all recorded i thought you recorded everything so if you look through the video you know george and i go through this all the time when i always tell her this is the money maker this is this is where the camera has to be this is right here so when i edited all the videos she never put it in people's faces so right then and there we had less than quality video because it isn't on people's faces and so she had already turned it off on that guy and she was done and i i can't record an inter well i can i can't it's very difficult to record and interact at the same time when you're trying to wheel and deal and you gotta have somebody there and it's poor quality video if you're there going all right you're the main character on the channel then it also throws off the seller as well that guy's looking down like so she i didn't have control of what was going on and she didn't pick it up and so we didn't get it but he was he was he was going off on me really he was going to educate me and he was going to teach me how to buy and how to sell and da da da da you know and i yelled some choice things back and we went we went on our way that guy doesn't sound like he's unemployed well yeah he's definitely missing teeth i can i mean i can tell you that he's definitely missing i found a couple of my lockers and if you have missing teeth because he's a drug why is he a drug addict because he's made poor choices yeah crystal meth hey what's wrong with a little crystal about horrible voices because he got addicted [Music] who eats the melons we do okay all right you guys are spending too much time together no listen there's a lot going on okay you guys definitely gotta watch the videos you'll understand everything um but number one that guy was crazy and i love how i naturally just like ain't a chopper we were like this this is we walked up he's like come on man i said all right [Music] goodbye and then it turns out the whole video was based on this guy that i just didn't even shop with but um the flea market was awesome like i said guys i got jeremy this awesome shirt at the flea market this is actually a 2010. and we only literally went to a handful of booths in about 30 45 maybe an hour and we were way like i mean it's not like we were we were at when everybody was closing up yeah we said we didn't get there on time and we still were able to find some cool cool stuff cool cool stuff and you can tell there's so many areas it's like a bunch of jamie's these guys they're saying you know jamie's there's two big roles for outside vendors this had sections man there was just sections everywhere new stuff like before you cross the street on one side of the street it's all produce it's all beef jerky whatever you know whatever edible stuff um and oysters and new items and newer items and raw oysters and just gator food i didn't like the oysters no i did it for the camera sorry was it your first time trying it yes that dude that dude didn't teach me anything about reselling yet i mean i'm sure i'm sure he knows something about flea markets but you know it's funny you were you know how to lose money on things he knows how to buy this pen i would write a ton of his stuff he buys his pen for a dollar and he sits on the pen begging for two dollars three four seasons in a row and ends up selling this pen for 25 cents that is the type of reseller that guy is guys i'm telling you that aggressive that aggressive kind of like sales pitch it's just never going to work guys um you know like choppa always says kindness is free guys treat people how you want to be treated and approach your sellers in a good manner buyers are always buyers are always right you know what what that reminds me of is um this is going to sound like a weird uh a weird parallel but have you ever gone to a like the drive-through at a like a burger king or something and you you start to give me order yeah i want a couple of cheeseburgers and i want and before you can even finish they say okay uh 395 pull around it's like look i was handing you money i was i was i was telling you what i want all you had to do was listen and i was going to hand you more money you interrupt me to stop me from handing you money what kind of sense does that make and that's what that reminds me of jeremy wanted to hand this guy money and he didn't want anything to do it yeah that about sums it up yeah seriously i mean and it's so funny because that guy has no idea like what he did and who he was even talking to as far as a buyer pretty sure if he gave jeremy the right deal he would have bought his whole stand you know and then there was another guy there that george and i met that we we did uh like we bought every watch piece of jewelry the tin banks the the military box the there's a whole cigar box we said we don't even want to know what's in there just throw it in 100 bucks and he at the when the camera is off he he literally goes you come back here anytime you work with me i will work with you i want to be your guy and that was he was he was right in on that he goes i will i'm your guy i'm your guy he goes you come back he goes i'm gonna work with you i'll sell you in bulk i'm your guy yeah see that's that's how you do it you know that's how you do it and guys i'm a flea market vendor i'll always be a flea market vendor forever you know if i have you know the time and the effort i love the culture i love the process of not only making money and a significant amount but also you have the opportunity to thrift other items you're there early so you're able to thrift early you get all the good stuff and essentially it pays off if you know how to do it but i but point what i'm kind of like what there's been multiple times where i'm about to clean up i'm about to shut down and there'd be a guy that walks up and since i'm cool with them and and polite or chapo is cool with them and polite they would spend significant amount of money you know just just out of respect and if that guy would have did that to you i'm pretty sure he would have got a nice sale and you also get to meet some nice people without teeth yeah that's true yeah yeah but he had he had a lot of stuffed animals a lot of toys so i was picking up the box of pins it's just a start and then it was going to be more and there's going to okay let's bop this let's bomb this and let's block this and all right all right deuces yeah man yeah yeah you will you won't get anywhere in life being that way you know that's why that's why i love how like you know we take the time to kind of give a little bit of energy to letting the people know that are negative on youtube and say negative things that you're just you're just helping us grow you know and and you're just helping us grow about a month noreen said she would have sold me that toe to hot wheels for a i would hundred given it to you i would have given you a hundred i don't know how i'd have felt about that he wouldn't have been too happy you just got a hot wheel for like 30 bucks oh my gosh there's so many hot wheels in there i i had to uh buy them back on your sunday night auctions rosie said was there super chat too controversial what was their super chat what's that rosie said was their super chat too controversial no i i'm trying to get around to thanking everybody for the super chats she's talking about the uh the mask oh the tortoise and the hair by the way i just watched that youtube video they actually had the tortoise and the hair erase each other who won you gotta watch the video certain things man there's certain things that just won't get old and one thing my daughter goes in that video ladies and gentlemen the poorest in here it was like in japan and they had them each they had them race each other it was it was actually funny alan i wasn't i wasn't able to alan asked how is the florida flea market compared to the rogers ohio flea market first of all shout out to all my ohioans in the chat love you guys and um i do know that rogers flea market is one of the biggest flea markets i've ever been to one of the biggest flea markets i've ever made honestly the best flea market that in terms of making money and letting things go um before coronavirus uh rogers flea market if you guys are in ohio check it out they had an option to put all the unnecessary junk that you did have at the end of the day on a lawn and just auction it off and you don't have to stay there they'll send you a check amazing like literally resellers storage unit buyers dream um so to compare them i can't i didn't get an accurate um i couldn't experience we weren't there that long we weren't there that long and we weren't there that early yeah you could get to a flea market early you can only imagine if we were there early the entire trial wow the entire truck would have been filled and we we didn't have a trailer with us we just had the truck yeah it's like you got to get there early it's like going to grad sale you got to get there early yeah you guys get there 12 12 yeah 11 12. that's way too lit by 12. it's packing up the only people that were there were the people that had like storage units there and they left their stuff there that's the cool thing it's so big they have a storage unit facility on the property and and so what it is it's vendor storage unit they open the door and boom there's their shop they rent storage unit facility that's their shop they bring everything out they put it all away that's part of the whole lineup in florida at webster's yeah and that's awesome and that's dude and like i said that's only one placebo one that's only one that's only one for a pavilion like there's there's like 30 40 pavilions there you know multiple pretzel stands so many produce it's it was it was crazy you know huh any empanadas a lot a lot of taco trucks yeah empanadas man you know what i'm talking about tacos you know the empanada guy i'm talking about empanada yeah tomorrow is going to be absolutely insane guys yeah i mean jeremy said it's spoiler alert we have a gator nuisance call tomorrow first gator nuisance call that jeremy's uh doing i'm going with them and man i gotta say you know you guys if you guys tune into my live you guys heard about the story where robbie almost got bit by an alligator dude we seen a crocodile question okay robert um uh jeremy do you do you have like a ghostbuster suit but it has an alligator and then it has a thing through it and you're like i ain't afraid of no alligators anyway oh my god dude how did you know she knows how i operate dude what you gotta watch the videos oh my god rob i will share that in every gator video there will be a super gator suit so there is wow he knows you know how we're gonna have to make a quick clip exemplifying and specifying the gator suit you wore man that'll that'll that's gonna be all that's so funny you verbatim said what we said earlier that's insane what we were planning what we were what literally what we said literally verbatim though it wasn't like it wasn't off by a word i ain't scared to know gator or what did he say we said that scared no gator nuisance car guys nuisance call big big big big big experience tomorrow and um honestly if you don't know a guy like robbie you really can't do anything like this ever like it's it's not something we can go oh well hey you know let's go and let's go and do a gator nuisance call you guys get gator nuisance calls now honestly not often right once once the weather warms up you know florida warms up he can get three four five six a day oh wow dude and he captures them if he's able to and puts him in this like big marsh and that's what i'm talking about guys when we went to that huge like plot of land and we had like that eye spot i was like an eye spy game for me man i was just i took a minute to do a personal i spy game with myself and i was like i spy the gators mating the gator's tanning the gator's feasting and dude like at one point i've seen a gator just doing like a 360 roll like kicking it dude it was like a gator mall dude there was a pack pacsun for gators like i spy the gators high yeah and then there was a super brave pig that gave zero cares in the world dude i thought it was going to be one of those videos like the last auction's anonymous but [Music] and i was gonna hear a screaming dying pig dude and the gators he's gonna be doing a 360 in the water with a pig in his mouth dude we got three viewers going through counseling because of that last video yeah dude dude they were so mad i i had to show jeremy because he wanted to see it monkey's got flashbacks with that thing man yeah conkey can't get nightmares for days of that screen i got pstds you won't even eat bacon anymore okay so so guys listen this huge pig came up as we were feeding these gators and literally stepped fully in the water to eat the meat she just walked and she was like you know what i don't even care if i could eat you know what i mean i'm just snack on this on this piece of meat here it's that delicious that i'm just going to risk my life it came out of nowhere too we i didn't even know it was even in the pen like it freaked you out it did i was like what is what is under me like this huge pig dude i could talk you guys ear off about this man [Music] sounds awesome that'll be cool yeah like george said guys this turned from auctions anonymous to alligators anonymous we just gotta get conky and rob down here i'm afraid of no gators guys let's just let's just go three ways on an rv i'll buy it tomorrow and it'll be a universal rv for anybody that wants to come and if somebody's using it you're just paying a sock on the door and everybody knows yeah yeah that's good that's it yeah that's it i'm still gonna do you got your sock oh it's so funny because guys you'll see a croc on the door what was i singing last night when you were djing we've been remixing a lot of songs guys we it's i just want to buy a storage unit today that's so funny i don't want to lose my bed [Applause] [Music] so you guys are in what two or three hours of sleep we're on like four maybe four and a half hours i was up all night editing and yeah he didn't get any man he didn't get any there was a time where there was just like full focus mode on the phone man and that's how it is guys you guys like i said i can never talk enough about that man on the outside in it's all you know awesome to just sit there and view a channel and you know growing up guys there wasn't any youtube so our channels were tv channels with full crews and casts editors and illustrators that make these these forms of entertainment um and it's you know it takes a lot of time we're the sole creators of so no all joking aside touch on that 100 seriousness all joking aside which i know is not typical it's hard for us it's very hard work it's it is a level of commitment that most people aren't willing to put forth and so we see it all the time people will go jeremy i want to live your life i want to do what you do but so often they want what i have but they're not willing to work for it period period and it is hard work and if you're not willing to be committed and put forth the effort to get the job done regardless of sometimes sleep regardless of sometimes sweat regardless of sometimes tears blood i mean i mean whatever it is yeah uh that success probably isn't gonna just end up in your lap it just doesn't work that way and so we glamorize it with a 30 minute 45 minute video but uh even think about even think about the videos over at robbies that get swamped he didn't just end up with his entire ranch that's hard work non-stop 20-plus years guys non-stop around the clock caring for animals that rely on him and rely on others for their well-being absolutely so you get to see the amazing parts of you literally had a lemur on in your arms eating an apple for what 30 minutes for about 30 minutes the name baby the only reason that can happen is because somebody is so passionate and so dedicated and so willing to put forth the effort to make that happen through all that hard work so it is hard work so when we talk about hey we've got a little bit of sleep there's been very little sleep we've spent the past three to f i don't even know what day it is i have no idea what day so many days on the road multiple days on the road um and and then we package it all together and we show it to you in a video and the only way that happens is through that hard work getting done but i say all that to say i rather work hard for myself than work hard making somebody else rich boom right there that's a view of three things guys you're the only person that's holding yourself back everything comes through hard work and life's about sacrifices guys we're sacrificing time we're sacrificing effort we're sacrificing all of all of this this you know we're it's just it's yeah it's a huge sacrifice it really is you know our sleep is sacrificed for editing and you know it's like one big unit but so many events and so much you know time and effort goes into filming things like that you know i've i've i've made videos that i've um you know i've collided four or five different filming sessions in four or five different days in one one episode i'm gonna do that today after after we get off we're gonna touch up on what we found from the flea market and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna rewind and skip all these other days and we're going to today our storage auction caravan so you guys get to see that so that's that's a prime example guys that's a prime example so jeremy described it to the t guys and rob and rob and cocky you know you guys they both really both know they both i mean look at all the hard work behind conkey what he's been doing just in preparation for his channel oh i could probably show you yeah let's ch and just and rob just being consistent and and keeping up with work here man i mean someone gave me this building they put all this stuff in there that was cool yeah hey i was like hey here's this 18 000 square foot building filled with stuff just sell it and here's your auction license no problem have a good day one of the most awesome auctioneer uh companies in cleveland thank you here's the ownership to it here haynesville april first week of april so i don't know if you guys are going to be able to see this or not full screen open oh there we go yeah full screen yourself zombie so this is uh this is the the toaster i got from from rob i can't hear you guys to take apart and boost the uh the heat inside my powder coating oven this is my uh little trim i got almost finished with the camera that's cool yeah it's going to be motorized dude i've got the i don't you'll be able to see the motor or not but i've got the motor mounted right there just slide it across the screen that's cool so you're gonna be able to kind of control that what up noah did you guys you guys get a bunch of uh feedback a little bit not too boring echoing but it wasn't that bad it was more of a dramatic effect i thought yeah i forgot yeah i got to mute the second microphone it was like more like the wizard of oz pulling back the curtain watch this is what i'm going to do now it's just you know yesterday i got up went and did uh when did some work on some guy's treadmill went uh went to my my uh storage place and worked there for a couple hours came home cleaned the garage for a couple hours and came down here and worked on this for two hours so it was uh yeah just yeah i was beat i mean we're only talking from like eight o'clock in the morning at eight o'clock at night but it was still for for my for my old self that was enough you know what i mean i don't think i can pull the all-nighters anymore but that looks nice conkey i gotta say pamela thank you for dropping my link but yeah i really like that so okay really quick with that motor are you gonna be able to have a remote to control the motor or is that just gonna be something that you're just gonna have like a button operated thing no i'm going to have the camera on the on the tram that goes back and forth and i'll be able to look up at a screen and see what's on the camera so i'm not trying to work out and then the motor is going to start off being um i'll program it with a laptop and i'll tell it what to do okay and it'll eventually be to the point where i can control it with like like a like a keypad so there'll be a a tape measure on the front of this you're not going to see on camera and it's going to be inches this this bench is almost seven foot long and i'll be able to tell it start at this measurement and go at this speed to this measurement and then stop and it'll i'll be able to get those slow pan buys like like you'll see uh like these restoration channels will show like pan buys on on the toy before and after i'll be able to do that only with and i'm going to have a laser thing on the ceiling too so i'll be able to put what i'm restoring on one place in the in the middle of the bench and then i'll be able to stand by it and then i'll i'll i'll have the camera you know go you know back to a home position i can completely restore the toy come back a month later and use the laser to put the toy right where it was before and use the programmed uh motor to pan by just like it did before and i'll be able to do a fade in from a before and after as the camera's moving that's cool and make it look like it just restored itself like like right there as the camera's going so it's all those you know i can restore toys without all this crap and make it look cool it's just i want the visual effects for the you know high quality of the video absolutely yeah i've been banging my head against the wall for three months trying to get this together it looks like you know maybe this month i might actually finish it hey man everything takes time man don't get hard on yourself man just be happy that you made it that far you know what i mean it takes forever did you ever think that you made it this far conkey i was just thinking while you were talking i'm like man dude i remember when you were just in the chat you know what i mean i i remember when you know before you even you didn't even consider making a channel you know and look you know don't be too hard on yourself man you came a long way same thing with jeremy you know same thing with you rob well yeah jeremy he's the one that got us all to start a channel to begin with so yeah you have to watch the video yeah jeremy you look like a bird to fall asleep we just drove two and a half hours we just came from jacksonville and seen 74 units we auctioned off in 78 degree weather tallahassee run tomorrow but we're not doing the tallahassee run for two reasons the gator call and they canceled the tallahassee run and that and the tally and they canceled the challenge you run even though no hassle run was still going even if there wasn't a gator call they canceled the cows we'd be on the gator we'd be on the gators anyway oh the gators are saying boy i wish that tallahassee run had a bunch of good units so that we could keep being we're gonna have nuisances we are it'll it'll be a ton of fun there's just like this is so funny so many people have asked in our comments on our channel you know have you found coin pushers yet have you have you you know we have not we have not actively sought out that in all your free time there's so many more fun things to do and so much you know things to enjoy and we i mean you have to you have to remember in in the midst of we're building a business and trying to create content daily and trying to have a life which that is our life building a business and creating content and somewhere in the middle trying to get sleep so i bet you we can get omar in here oh what do you mean either or i bet you if i send him the link or or if i send him the the link to the video it'll happen do whatever you want man yeah guys yeah there's gonna be a video here soon i have to say man um omar's awesome man i didn't know about his channel at all um and uh jeremy came through and instant plans it's so funny because before we were like uh even meeting him on the way out i was like dude the church like you gotta like get omar over here like this place looks haunted literally i mean dude like literally like if we like if there wasn't such great energy and so much cool stuff going around typically dude like dude there's somebody somebody died here ain't it there's a hundred thousand dollars missing dude like what if it's in the light i didn't think about that before the plastic lady hiding money she's gonna hide it where she can get to it dude i think it's buried he thinks it's in the walls i think it's very you think it's better on the property i think it's in the walls somewhere she's gonna hide it where she knows she can get to it later i would think that's what i'm saying so that's why the berry theory might be going to to rust bottom line is typically a place like this would look and seem haunted so the church across the street definitely is and all these robbie said you better get some sleep or you're gonna get your handed to you by a gator robin robbie limit your cussing tomorrow sir because i had to bleep you out like seven times in my video today man all you guys are going to hear is bleep mother bleep that's how that's it yeah just don't say don't say dave dave dave look look look and you'll be fine yeah you should be okay you should be okay and that gator oh my gosh what was her name um the cubans what uh lucy lucy ricky's tooth was literally in you guys didn't see this on the video so i can say literally like jeremy kicks the fence i think when i put my head by there and dude dude lucy k or ricky one of them came up and literally bit the fence itself so like if my head was close enough i would have got a little tooth so it was it was crazy man these guys are wow they're awesome yeah bonnie i love you too dude grapple love you bro yeah for sure bonnie i love you too and theresa if theresa is watching love you the twins not the twins the sisters uncle beau tony love you too bro you guys gotta go check out the live that live did great that live got so many views too because we were goofing around we were goofing around man that was a serious story though robbie really did that that back up leg out just freaking just weave just like oh my god just like that most epic he turned into neo from the matrix bro and and weaved like a and then all you see is the croc just it was it was amazing it was amazing and then and then and then out of nowhere i don't know where the crack just goes okay i missed and just went inside [Music] it's it's so funny it's so funny because at one point they were talking him he was talking to omar and it was just like a long combo and i drifted off and this is what i was talking about earlier guys it was a point where i was literally chasing waiters trying to touch the tail and dude you're gonna see us in the video dude i just see the one croc that jumped at robbie and i'm so like i'm such on like my high horse right now i don't know what i'm thinking dude it goes from this like just serious looking like this and then it goes the croc literally just holds that position just and i'm like okay it looks like a good time to go up and i start walking up to him dude it's crazy dude it's good and they just held the position just don't even look blink move or anything dude and i'm just thinking it's like an inviting position z comes up behind me like no no that's it's two things dude they're getting their son or they're ready to attack you yeah or both or bleep while getting a tan oh bleep my bleeping bleep oh you you'd heard some cussing if you got attacked by an alligator oh man dude how crazy would it be would all the fans get upset if the ohio gang ended up all being the florida gang if everybody from ohio came down to florida i don't know man i i think you know we could probably get away for a few days but rob i don't think you could you could do whatever he wants to set up a southern location he's rob needs to hire employees and and and do something because when i come out to florida guys i own my house guys i'm not gonna just not be in ohio guys i'm gonna just leave to florida and be epic for a little bit and when i go to ohio i'm not gonna be epic no i'm just playing i'm gonna still be epic but like i said like i said guys it's just yeah my epicness comes with me two rules number one i am number one number two the alligators are number two what's number three that's not important number three is important just know number three is remember rule number one and number two see the the thing that i notice about like if you ever have to outrun an alligator you don't have to be faster than the alligator you just have to be faster than the people yeah a lot of people down there you've got to throw z-dog at it that's all dude you just gotta throw z dog at it dude z dog is a great shield z dog if you're watching i need my glasses guys everybody comment below it's up to robbie and z dog to retrieve the magical glasses i don't know what's going on or where are they i can tell you where they're at they're in there they're in a crocodile tebow's stomach oh my gosh yeah t-bone said puerto rican oh my god tebow dude i want to ride them that's so crazy man if i get the opportunity robbie if you're watching i think i want to ride tebow dude i'll sign a disclaimer dude it's all good i think i want to ride him that's what she said you gotta read that why didn't you say that because melons and where do melons come from the coconuts hey guapo what remember when you jumped out of the airplane oh my god okay remember remember though before you jumped out of the airplane you had to sign all that paperwork yeah and remember it took like an hour to sign all the paperwork yeah that would be the same paperwork you're gonna be signed in tomorrow before you ride that alligator yeah i'm gonna need i'm gonna i'm down to ride that alligator dude i'm down i'll save lines like this i'm not messing with rocky lucy i'm not messing with no crocodiles but i found out that alligators if they're fed right they probably won't eat you maybe you yes you this he is rocky he ain't no puppy yeah yeah yeah rocky rock hey it's it's really it's so funny because if you guys haven't seen floating joe dirt dude and lubumba have you seen the have you seen the puerto rican movie the hispanic movie la bumbo when ricky dies dude the cuban's name is ricky so like if ricky wouldn't eat me i would just be like ricky and we could just reenact that part funny that's what she said this is rocky and he's no puppy that's from joe dirk oh yeah rule number one i am number one yeah yeah rule number two the gate is number two i don't even know what rule number three was once rule number three remember rule number one and two now let's go thank you rosie for the super champ yeah thank you rosie super chad rosie no it's probably at home with a pen and paper number one what's more epic rule number two skydiving or dudes dude i don't know bro like i'm like such an adrenaline junkie i gotta say i thought i was gonna die skydiving so skydiving i we can't compare skydiving to to gator hunting i can't do it you didn't think you were gonna die i thought i was gonna die for sure but guys with skydiving i gotta dude can you skydive with me or what if she'll let me dude dude we gotta skype dude i'm my own man i don't and why are you own man i don't need her permission i'm my own man i do whatever hey baby george i'm my own man right right here guys her vision is based on movements jeremy oh we're good i do whatever i want a close one that was a close-up [Music] all this time jeremy's talking talking big like he's the boss ain't the way it works down there just remember jeremy guapo's not going to be there forever i believe man so yeah man whoo i could talk your guys's ear off about all of this stuff but bottom line is you guys got to watch all four of our channels i mean honestly there's amazing stuff happening in ohio there's amazing stuff happening everywhere guys um you just gotta keep keep watching man and we really appreciate all you guys being here i'm still glad that i rece you know that that we all you know we all agree to do the auctions anonymous again man and we can talk and discuss all this stuff um i have fun with auctions anonymous anyway i mean i don't know if anybody in the chat is talking i'm glad that it transferred to your channel where you know like i said you know you don't get out and and you're not able to buy as many units as us so it's like awesome that you know we have that like this ritual every week and we could kind of catch up with all of each other you know give us a certain amount of time to kind of it's our therapy yeah it really is because you know they're with us but really we're really just we would talk like you know this is a basic conversation for all of us you know yeah this is like going to lunch with us or something you know what i mean remember how many lunches we've gone to talking about youtube for hours and yeah really youtubers youtube youtube youtube storage units youtube youtube youtube storage units youtube youtube youtube storage units youtube youtube youtube gator storage units youtube youtube youtube reselling flea market gators melon storage units and and and gators melons youtube melons tractors storage units so a lot of different orders guys don't get caught up in the patterns just watch the videos is it prayer time or what what are we doing you gotta pray for most like i said guys i would say about 11 30 max hopefully if the uploading process doesn't completely mess me up but expect the video guys tonight tonight for sure it's one hour guapo that's actually 56 minutes 12 guys 12. and if i go to sleep guys expect it really early but let's not do that i'm not i'm not about that i'm gonna go out you're not gonna go to sleep and hopefully we catch something in the trap if we catch something in the trap i'll go live how about that and you guys can see what was caught okay jeremy fixed it there was there wasn't enough corn around the around the thing that the thing i don't know i'll talk your ear off about all kind of stuff guys um but who wants to close out with the prayer i know whoever does close out with the prayer i did catch bonnie's comment about mo isaac really awesome person in the community awesome buyer awesome seller made their own channel love them so much can talk positive about them forever um so whoever whoever prayers that whoever prays definitely include mo isaac could you do a prayer together like the jewel prayer like you guys been talking tonight i'm pretty sure it's his turn i did i've done it three weeks in a row what are you talking about oh my gosh dude you haven't been here for three weeks in a row you've been you're not gonna rob's always trying to call you and you don't answer dude i don't know i pick up for rob i do i just say i'm on my way and show up five minutes 10 minutes late [Music] i don't know what that is oh greatest american hero thing you know no bro [Music] connie has cancer okay okay so who are we praying for so i don't forget anybody we got everybody we have everybody sir okay and that's all we got so far okay we're good okay and life and county tomorrow okay surgery monday okay that we don't die okay uh dear god i want to start off by saying a special prayer for mo isaac um i heard she's ill and she's awesome so god please heal her and um a timely manner also i want to pray for connie she has a uh a terrible a terrible illness that is called cancer affects a lot of us around the world terrible disease um god please he'll hear heal her for from that disease as well as keep me and jeremy and robbie and probably z dog safe tomorrow as we are going to go toe to toe with some very aggressive uh crocs um and i also want to bless the rest of the reselling community and my awesome brothers that come with us every thursday for this awesome auctions anonymous and bless the whole youtube world is red as well as the rest of the world god heal us and make look better amen amen then we are going to go to sleep or actually we're not going to sleep i got to edit too um so bonnie i'll i'll kind of keep you updated with the auction i'm pretty sure it's going down um and hopefully by tuesday i got an rv paid off okay all right see you guys
Channel: Conky's Flippin Adventures
Views: 2,961
Rating: 4.9506173 out of 5
Id: MsIX33Ah7lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 10sec (5890 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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