KICC Morning Glow Live | The Days of Miracles | 22-09-2021

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praise the lord this is the day the lord has made we'll rejoice and be glad in it welcome to morning glory welcome to another time in the presence of the lord trust in the lord that this morning will be so refreshing so renewing so empowering and your life never to be the same any any any anymore welcome you to a brand new day it is my sincere desire in this season as we're crying to god the god of miracles that the day of miracles will truly be here for you the day of miracles will be truly here for you spirit of the living god we welcome your presence we welcome your power well welcome your anointing will welcome your glory we welcome your hand espino talipani tono take the glory take the honor this morning bless us in your word let the entrance of your word change lives transform set free give somebody victory beyond measure let your name be glorified in jesus name amen again this morning i'd like to welcome you from the various corners of the earth from different parts of the world from the east the west the north the south i trust the lord that you will be blessed today and that god will really minister to you in a very very special way that you will experience the miracle power of god and you will go forth testifying that god has smiled on you and given you a testimony i pray for you today that today you will be able to say this is the lord's doing it is marvelous in my sight in the name of jesus glory to god like to welcome all those who are joining us from asia like to welcome all those who are joining us across africa like to welcome all those who are joining us in the whole of europe like to welcome all those who are joining us from the caribbean like to welcome all those who are joining us from australasia all the islands of the sea australia all the various parts of the east part of the world new zealand australia canberra and australia all those who are joining us also from the middle east we trust the lord that today you will be blessed your life will never be the same you will have reasons to magnify god you will have reasons to glorify the lord you will have reasons to say god has been good for those of you who are just joining us we are putting a great emphasis on the miracle power of our god the miracle power of our god to work in our life these are the days of miracles miracles and the supernatural wonders of god are not supposed to be to cease in our midst it is supposed to continue we need to walk in the days of wonders our lives ought to be a wonder to the unsaved yeah these are the days same people are using their phone to mock us to laugh at us but we need to show them that our god is at work they need to see the miraculous in our lives they need to see the miraculous not the ridiculous they need to see the hand of god doing awesome powerful things and this morning what we're going to do after i've shared a few scriptures here for us is for us to pray the miracles as we see them in the life of moses god used moses for about 10 miracles and those miracles the bible says these things happen to them for examples they are written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the earth is come if we did it for them he would do it for you and listen we are even under a better covenant under the covenant of grace but how do miracles come they come by you hearing the word of god and believe in romans 10 verse 17 say so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god so you got to learn how to expect the supernatural after you hear the word if you hear that god heals be ready to receive healing if you hear that god provides supernatural be ready for supernatural provision for miracle money did you hear me miracle money if you hear that people get saved supernatural prayer for a friend a sister a brother a relation your parents your children that you have the miracle of an encounter with god to the point that people say wow if xyz can receive jesus anything can happen so you've got to learn that but by faith is what we receive miracles it is by faith that will receive supernatural wonders it is by faith that we receive supernatural signs i pray that you will be blessed today and the word will enrich your life first corinthians chapter 2 verse 4 and 5. paul said my message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words but with the demonstration of the power of the spirit of power i i must say a good chunk of the abscess of the supernatural and the church has a lot to do with people of the cloth like me people who are ministers preachers we like to say it in a very nice or rhetorical way but the bible is saying it is not in words that will demonstrate this kingdom it is in power it is in the anointing because it's the anointing that destroys the yoke so our faith does not rest in man's wisdom or capacity to talk a faith does not rely an skills but in the demonstration of the power of god that is what shocked the early the apostolic age in the days of the apostles it was also the days of the glory of places like rome or rome on one hand and greece on another hand chris in particular was i mean the land of of oratorical capacity people who can who can speak they will they'll have they have people they have places on mars here where you can come and speak and men will demonstrate their philosophy but there was no power it saved no one it messed up their life matter of fact but then this bunch of people when you look at the qualification of the apostles they wouldn't fit a good company today it's very interesting even regulators of charities they say for you to have trustees you have to have one in charge of hr one in charge of accounting even if they don't have the spirit of god they don't give them monkeys you have to have one in charge of uh your legals even if it's going to be the worst cog in your will it doesn't even have to connect with god they don't care they don't care in fact they don't care about the souls they just care about had the money there i didn't watching over it very well so that the pastor does not steal it jesus man it's an interesting world in which we live an interesting world so jesus put together a bunch of people their qualification was very funny peter was official man matthew was the tax collector andrew was very good at being an emcee ton of them they just you know uh john the apostle was still behaving like a young teenager but it was this man in their foolishness that the power of god was demonstrated the power of god was demonstrated i just feel like this minute to take authority was some demonic presence around somebody foul spirit you foul demonic entity i take authority over you right now i curse your hand i crush your hand i curse your hand you arrow of darkness go back wherever you were sent from you will not touch that man that woman in the name of jesus we cover everyone connected to this altar right now with the blood of jesus the blood of jesus the blood of jesus the blood of jesus we raise the standard of the blood of jesus this morning victory in the name of jesus hallelujah so miracles supernatural signs wandas are supposed to be the bread of this kingdom bread the things we eat every day in first corinthians chapter two verse four and five it says my message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words but with a demonstration of the spirit's power so that your faith might not rest on man's wisdom but on god's power when it rests on men's wisdom then we begin to miss the mark miss the mark the greek word for missing the marker piece to me means that it's like you you shooting an arrow or you know those bulls are when people shoot what do they call this game now and they're throwing the the dart to hit the bull's eye but it goes in a different direction that is what it means to mr mark but god wants to see demonstration of power in our life we also desire it and my desire this morning is that even as we prophesy into your life you will experience the power of god you will experience the grace of god you will express the anointing of god you will experience the mighty presence of the holy spirit when god gave me the word to say this is the days of miracle i believe it is because he wants to demonstrate in your life it shall be your day of miracle it shall be your day of miracle is your day your be your day of miracle it shall be your day of miracle it shall be your day of miracle so if we want to see the demonstration of the spirit's power then we must determine that we walk by faith we rest on god we rely on god's power we do not rely on our wisdom i will say it i cannot forget one of the illustrations of my father-in-law is going to be with the lord now he will tell the story all the time but when he was a young man i think he was a bachelor the church was growing and the leaders around the founding pastor felt that he was carrying too much load they needed one young person who can be assisting and once in a while to preach so they had observed my father-in-law and one guy was very educated and the guy was very educated while he and my father-in-law were prepared because they were told to preach before the elders the young one was telling my father-in-law i'll prepare this way i'll put it this way i'll demonstrate it this way i'll do it this way i'll follow this principle of public speaking my father-in-law didn't have much uh education didn't go past i think primary three or four and then you went to be a skills person to learn a trade is that why this man was telling him how he present he just taught himself i'm finished man i'm dead i don't have this guy's rhetorical skills or capacity it drove him more to seek the power of god the face of god he cried before god cried before god cried before when it was time to present one presented from his head the one who had prepared the rhetoric now it's not that it is wrong for you to to have our rhetorical skills you see god uses anyone according to their level but if you not depend on that and not depend on god that's where the problem is a father-in-law got there and all he did after he had prayed and fasted intensely was to just preach his heart he said the power of god fell he hit those elders who were sitting to judge that they all about their head and pray and began to pray and they just conquered me we don't need another assurance this is the man we need the power of god in these days don't dwell on man's words but on the power of god don't dwell on your own doubt but on the power of god because too many people are busy analyzing they want the word of god to fit into their own small mind they don't realize that the bible we even have is god's attempt to use human language to present eternal truth anthropomorphic language describing divinity is a very hard thing have you tried to describe or to explain things like algebra to a two-year-old forget it even you an adult sometimes when letters and figures begin to mix and it's becoming squared your head is removable how do you describe astronomy to a 10 a 5 year old or even 10 well 10 year old grasp same thing we need to realize that it is when the power of god is manifest that the miracles of god are manifested we truly hold on to the word of god by faith so let your expectation be the word of god psalm 63 verse 2 says to see thy power and thy glory i want to see your power i want to see your glory if that is your desire hola i want to see your power i want to see your glory i want to see your power i want to see your glory then you become your reality if that is your passion god i want to see your power god i want to see your glory god i want to see your power god i want to see your glory aya paul wrote to the thessalonians to remind them first thessalonians chapter one verse five he said remember when we were in your midst our gospel did not come to you in word only by empower and in the holy ghost because paul is a lawyer he knows how to present arguments if you read his books you can see the chain of of of legal thought or an attempt to convince an attempt to persuade is always the way paul will write but he said now it's not what we rely on we rely on the power of god this morning will rely on the power of god there is somebody at this altar today you will give the kind of testimony you've never given i declare and decree you will give the kind of testimony you've never given you will experience what you have never experienced you will see the hand of god in a way you've never seen this is clearly new testament pattern the gospel does not come in word alone in the new testament it comes in power so when you see all kinds of division and the body of christ is flesh but people fight over opposition is flesh and people are fighting over what's in the coffers is flesh but people are fighting over some doctrine i say hey and we believe in this and that and the root of it you found that is some doctrine of man no power when the holy ghost moves and people are being healed and miracles have been done it's very difficult to argue against the move of god it's difficult it is difficult to argue against the move of god because what you want to argue against it may not be clearly explainable to you but you know that this is the finger of god i declare decree this morning that somebody le caballo no trinidade may the hand of god be manifest in your life may the power of god be manifest in your life may the hand of god be manifest in your life this text says these signs will accompany those who believe mark chapter 16 verse 59 18 he said to them go into all the world and pray the good news good news to all creation and these signs will accompany those who believe in my name they will drive out demons they will speak in new tongues they will place their hands on sick people and they will get well jesus tells us if we go in faith in the word and in power he said these things will follow the sick will be healed demons will be driven out people will speak in tongues people will get well hallelujah i believe that's to somebody's portion this morning that's your portion that's your portion that's your portion that's your portion that's your portion that's your portion here about the kylie lady rosia that's your portion so this text says these science accompany i need rosique this week may it accompany you the rest of your christian life please you need to tell your brain sometimes brain shut up i want to hear god brain shut up i want to hear god do you believe that the sick will be healed if you believe from today you begin to see it jesus said believe and they will follow healing will follow you miracles will follow you testimony will follow you did jesus lie or the detail and absolute truth remember he is the author of truth he is himself the truth john chapter 8 is interesting verse 32 calls him truth 44 calls the devil the father of lies may the supernatural accompany you from this morning you see because the beauty of the christian life is not for you to juxtapose your your faith with some religion that is dead that is istan or wherever it came from that has no power it is rather that your christian life should show that it is in demonstration when you say heal sickness goes when you say deliver people delivered when you say receive people receive that is the evidence that you serve a living god hallelujah that's why elijah said let the god who answered by fire be god the bible says not just apostles not just evangelists not pastors teachers alone but anyone who believes and he didn't say once you believe and you receive salvation that's all he says you will do the supernatural also you will do the supernatural early hand on your hands right now i'll lay hands on your hands right now and i prophesied that your hands will do awesome things your hands will heal the sick your hands will deliver you your hands will set you free your hands will prosper your hands will handle great things in the name of jesus glory to god oh glory to god oh glory to god all glory to god all glory to god all glory to god this morning as we pray the miracles of moses i like to believe that god is going to minister to you in a very powerful way if it happened before it can happen for you let us begin with aaron's wrote in the hand of this man that became a servant le kayana tonight exodus chapter 7 verse 10 to 12 so moses and aaron went into pharaoh and they did so just as the lord commanded and aaron cast down his rod before pharaoh before his servant he became a serpent pharaoh also called the wise man and the sorcerer so the magicians they also did a like manner with the enchantments there are some demonic powers but then something else happened for every man threw down israel and they became sad but eros road swallowed up their road layabado this morning i declare and decree that every of those demonic roads that have been thrown against you against your family against your life against your destiny i declare and decree that the road of god exodus chapter 4 verse 20 swallows them swallows them swallows them swallows them the road of god swallows them the road of god swallows them the road of god swallows them from this morning the road of god swallows sickness satan has thrown this the road of sickness and it is coming like a serpent to bite you to destroy the thief comes number four to kill and to steal and to destroy i declare this morning that the road of god heals you the bible says and and moses took the road of god exodus chapter 4 verse 20 that road anything that opens the waters the seas now heals the sick is the word of god this day will release the word of miracles in your life every serpentine spirit every snake every snake that comes in forms or in form of sickness disease attack on your life the power of god swallows it up swallows it up swallows it up swallows it up swallows it up the power of god swallows it up from this day in the name of jesus every serpentine spirit that have come against you by way of failure the power of god swallows it up you will see a demonstration of the power of god in this season of your life you will see it you will see it you will see it you will see it you will see it you will see it you will see it you will see it you will see it you will see it in the name of jesus christ that i've been thrown against you every attack wherever it is coming from we raise the standard of the word of god today it swallows them up miraculously i declined to your life that george that that that attack that battle that have come against you and your family in recent time and is challenging your god and say where is your god i declare decree the power of god swallows it up the power of god swallows it up the power of god swallows it up the power of god the anointing of god swallows it up every arrow every arrow every power of darkness thrown at you to show what satan can do shall be shamed they will be shamed they will be put to shame they will be put to shame all the sorcerers of egypt brought out everything they had they rolled out their other their roads but the road of moses the knee capanosi the road of moses ayanna the road of moses swallowed all of them up i prophesied today every road that has been thrown against you and your household in the season of your life i declare and decree that they fail they fail they fail they fail they fail they fail they fail they fail they fail in the name of jesus they fail every arrow that have every road the road of sudden death when a serpent comes it comes with the intent to destroy every road of sudden death that have been thrown at you hoping that you will die particularly in this season it's getting to be too much to know somebody who died if it's not from coronavirus it's for one thing it's from this one it's from that one i prophesy on you today you will not die you would live you will not die you would live you will not die you would live you will not die you would live you will not die you would live you will not die you would live the life of god will swallow it up every every every road of death that have been thrown at you they told elijah there is death in the pot and he took some things some salt and torpor in it i said serve the people that death is died is dead that death is dead ddd the day of jesus's death and resurrection was ddd the day that died the dead that died the day that died jesus himself killed death glorify glory be to god this morning i declare and decree to your life every of those arrows every of those roads that have been thrown at you the road of death i declare this morning the power of god swallows it up the road of death the power of god swallows it up the road of attacks including the ones you don't know the power of god swallows them up the road of attack including the ones you don't understand you don't know where it is coming from the road of god swallows them the road of god swallows them the road of god swallows them the road of god swallows them the road of god swallows them the road of attack the road of evil family pattern evil family pattern that have been sent to humiliate or destroy you nakakaka initiates something has to happen that puts a difference between you and and the extent and the rest of the family exodus 11 7 he said i will put the difference between those who know me and those who don't this morning they added received a miracle received the miracle of the destruction of evil family pattern in the name of jesus received the miracle received the miracle le capac every serpent the sorceress also now brought out their rods they want to throw since moses has his own they brought their own road and they threw their road this morning every covent power every power from the realm of witchcraft every power that has its root in wickedness it bows to your god it bows it bows it bows it bows it bows it bows it bows it bows it bows it bows it bows it bows it bows it bows the one they are robbing the one they are staying in condition will go back and destroy them the same arrow will go back and destroy them the same arrow will go back and destroy them the same arrow will go back and destroy them moses knew what he was doing when he threw that rod down and it became a serpent on a pharaoh's crown will be two heads if he's the pharaoh who ruled the north alone it will have maybe the head of an eagle on his crown if he's the one who ruled the south it would probably have the head of a serpent if he ruled north and south his crown will have two heads every time you watch anything with the pharaoh you notice the head of a serpent or an ego on their crown so when he threw the rod down he became a serpent god is about to let them know there can only be one king around here tell ya there can only be one king there can only be one king any power that manifests itself will be swallowed up i prophesy on your life today no weapon was formed against you will prosper every mouth that rises against you and judgment shall be condemned the god of miracle will turn around's rod to a weapon that swallows serpents will swallow everything that have come against you will swallow the root of wickedness or swallow the lies of hell natashi maya tali no tukapi ritali not only for you but including people who are connected to you do you know that there are people who want to bless you who want to do right and sometimes we just pray that the arrow of darkness will not touch us but suppose he went and told the person who wanted to bless you so they forgot what they were supposed to do everyone who have reason to do a just cause for you arrows targeted and they will feel everyone who has a just cause to bless you arrows targeted at their will atikiya malikados every gang of the bible says all the sorcerers all the magicians they came out with roads i suppose there were several snakes on that day several alleles and so moses is wrought backed by jehovah because exodus chapter 4 verse 26 and moses took the road of god so him and aaron here but that is aaron's word i was throwing down a mother's rod he swallowed all the serpentines for every magical work every sorcery anything from hell targeted at you and your family they failed for your sake they are destroyed for your sake testimony follows you from today glory follows you from today in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus in the holy name of jesus i prophesied today i declare today i speak today that the hand of god the hand of god the hand of god the hand of god the hand of god the hand of god stretch for you from today the second miracle of moses we will not pray this one is those templates that god used to humble those people use it to humble them and to make little of their gods we're gonna pray that this morning go to the third miracle by moses when the red sea parted when the red sea patted them moves in exodus 14 from verse 21 their moses striked out israel right his hand over the sea and the lord caused the sea to go back by a strongest wind all that night he made the sea into a dry land and the waters were divided so the children of israel went into the midst of the sea on dry ground and the waters were a wall to them on the right hand and on the left hand and the egyptians now pursued and went after them into the midst of the sea all pharaoh's horses his chariots his horsemen it came to pass in the morning watch the lord look down upon the army of egyptians through the pillar of fire and cloud it troubled the army of egypt here it took up there this god is an amazing god he took off their chariot wheels so that they drove them with difficulty since there's no will and egyptians say let us flee from the face of israel for the lord fights for them against the egyptians and the lord said to moses stretch your hand over the sea that the waters may come back upon the egyptians on their chariots and on their horses and moses straight out his hand over the sea and when the morning appeared the sea returned to his full depth while the egyptians were fleeing into it were fleeing into it so the lord overthrew the egyptians in the midst of the sea the waters returned covered the chariots the horsemen all the armies of pharaoh that came into the sea after they are not so much as one of them now one of them remained but the children of israel had walked on dry land in the midst of the sea and the waters were a wall to them on the right hand on the left so the lord saved israel that day out of the hand of the egyptians and israel saw the egyptians dead on the seashore thus israel saw the great work which the lord had done in egypt so the people feared the lord and believed the lord and his servant moses this morning if he did it before he would do it again same god right now same god back then moses stretched his hand and the sea they say never dries dried up who is the sea and they do not drive the bible says the sea saw him and fled kaito takapa the sea can be symbolic of a crowd the sea can be symbolic of a lot of trouble every sea of trouble every sea of battle every sea of challenges every sea of trouble that you have confronted with in this season of your life i command it to begin to shift to shift to shift to draw back for you where there is no way where there is no way where they said no nobody had everything where there is no way god will make a way god makes a way god makes a way for someone this morning god will make a way for you in the name of jesus if he can make a way in the sea he'll make a way for you he'll make a way for you out of this situation once you have found yourself you make a way for you i declare and decree for someone who is connected to this morning glow this morning in matters of marital settlement god make the way god makes a way god makes a way god makes a way god makes a way god makes a way god makes the way they've given up on you they say she can't marry she can't have a breakthrough as the lord lives who suffered us i declare this morning he will shock you a lady came from india to africa to serve as a teacher in one of the states in the country of nigeria she's a christian from india maybe goa a lot of christians have from goa because guava had an encounter with the portuguese she was born again now she's got a job as a teacher and that in the country of nigeria as a teacher then they also seminar for people who want to get married and she attended they said they should write their dreams and this lady in some remote state of nigeria no mention in the state so somebody doesn't say is mentioning my state as remote she writes that she wants to marry some caucasian some white gentleman from europe and look at where she was the lord had her prayer ladies and gentlemen germany or netherlands or something or denmark had a water project in the state where she was they sent a water engineer and he happened to be born again they met he saw her she saw him they saw one another stories completed he saw her she saw him they saw one another what can he not do near osha i prophesy on someone this morning the one who made a way in the waters have you ever traveled on the sea before or have you ever stood before the sea i have my own private beach one day i took a guy who was like a personal god with me so it's it's a member of the air force when we got to the beach and he saw the sea was his first encounter to see the sea he was hoping that we live on time the water scared him the sea scared him some people live on the sea all the time you can't see a way but he made a way where there is no way taliban they've already told you you can't have that thing you can't have that blessing you can't have that thing you apply for today as a servant of jesus christ upon this altar prophesy where they said there is no way god makes a way god makes it we god makes it we god makes it we god makes a way god makes the way where they have spoken a word of discouragement the people who spoke it will eat their word the lord will give you a testimony this season he'll give you a testimony he'll give you a testimony the people who rejected you will accept you the people who turned you down will look for you taya kosha they today this god who made a way in the wilderness now makes a way in the sea in impossible places there'll be a way out for you in the name of jesus the bible says pharaoh is horsemen they are chariots their horses everything they had perished in the red sea they themselves screamed let us flee from the face of israel for the lord fights for them against the egyptians god will fight for you listen we've been praying that kind of prayer before but this morning i prayed as a as a miracle experience you will see literally literally literally literally that this is the hand of god this is the hand of god this is the hand of god this is the hand of god the people who have come against you will turn against each other in the name of jesus they will speak they will not understand each other anymore confusion in their midst like a baroque is here what they rely on the weapons they rely on will begin to not function it will be destroyed by the hand of god the chariots of the king some australians went to search around the same place and found wheels of chariots made out of gold dating back to the days of moses so we must have been made with the best of the best of the best of the best of the best and yet what is the best of the best all things consist by our god he just needs to look at the thing and the thing will say what do you want me to do if he says chariot fall apart ah who want the chariot to stand so every weapon that have been put together against you will not work here the enemy will flee the enemy will fall the enemy will flee the enemy will fall the enemy will flee the enemy will fall the enemy will flee the enemy will fall the enemy will flee the enemy will fall the enemy will flee the enemy will fall the enemy will flee the enemy will fall the enemy will flee in the name of jesus the bible says not one of the egyptians made it out of the place i declare and decree this day your victory shall be absolute your victory shall be total the higher they come the higher they will fall the mightier they come the mightier they will fall the harder they come the harder they will fall i think it was one reggae musician who said the harder they come the harder they fall the day i declare and decree in your life the harder they come against you the harder they fall the harder they come against you the harder they fall they had that they come against you they had that they fall they had that they come against you they had a default they had to come against you they had a default god takes on your fight he gives you victory in the name of jesus and when god finished with the children or where were there with the egyptians the bible says so the lord saved israel that day out of the hand of the egyptian and israel saw the egyptians dead on the seashore every arrow that have come against you that are boasted against you and jehovah shall bow in the name of the lord they've boasted they have boasted where will she go how will she make it in the name that is above all names in the name that is above all names our god will rise for you our god will fight for you our god will rise for you our god will fight for you our god will rise for you and god will fight for you mighty weapons will fail for your sake mighty arrows will fail for your sake people bigger than you will bow to your jehovah goliath could not take it that someone as small as david is what came against him i declared the criticism everyone who abilities you shall be little everyone who i believe told you shall be little everyone who have belittled you shall be little the lord will lift you up and the lord said to joshua this day will i begin to magnify you before israel i will blow you up you will not stay small you will not stay small but the children of israel had walked on dry land in the midst of the sea the waters were a wall to them on the right and the left what they said would destroy you will help you what they say will destroy you will bless you all things will work for your good in this day the miracle of work for your good the miracle of work for your good the miracle of warfare with all things even the mud they threw at you will work for your good the lie they spoke against you will work for your good the spit this part on you will work for your good the arrow they shot at you will work for your good they will push you into your blessing they will push into your favor they will push you into your testimony you know i kind of have a feeling if pharaoh didn't show at the back the children of israel wouldn't be in this desperate prayer to want to cross they probably would have just come around that sea and say hey boy why do we want to cross there's no way we don't have to go to the other side whenever there is no battle you don't do anything pharaoh showing up was a necessity for crossing this day i declare and decree into your life the enemy will push you into the next level everyone who have hated you in this season of your life everyone who have attacked you in this season of your life they will push you into testimony they'll push you into breakthrough your fasting will not be in vain you're waiting will not be in vain you're crying will not be in vain the words who neglected you treated you like rubbish who put you aside they treated them like slaves i'm sure they didn't you know during the slave days in places like the united states of america like nakadi they will say boy they are addressing a 40 year old man 50 year old 70 year old boy trying to make them look like nothing they will tell you man hey i need your wife today don't lock the door i'm coming to call her because they didn't consider them as anything but when god rises to fight everyone who have humiliated you shall themselves be humiliated shall themselves be humiliated shall themselves be humiliated shall themselves be humiliated god will fight your case and you'll win the battle on your behalf then israel saw the great work which the lord had done in egypt and the people read the lord feared the lord there is a good fear it's not phobos like when you see an animal you you are afraid of some people afraid of snakes some of you are afraid of uh cats felling animals like tigers or you know cougars or jaguars who won't be afraid israel saw the great work which the lord had done in egypt so the people yaharat the lord when you meet somebody you respect so f you have a good fear for them even shorter wordsworth oh so israel were in awe of the lord the yahare is to be in oh this is god this is his work well i prophesy you will see the great work of god you will see the great work of jehovah you will see the hay the great hand of jehovah you will see the great hand of jehovah you will see the great work of jehovah you will see the great hand of jehovah you will see the great work of jehovah you will see the great hand of jehovah you will see the great work of jehovah nayaba lakatai something that no one can do shall be done in your life those that no one can open will open for you this season revelation 3 8 blessings that no one can give shall be given to you this season russia get ready and israel saw the great work of god and israel saw the great work with the lord had done in egypt so the people feared the lord and believed the lord and his servant moses you will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living you will see the faithfulness of jehovah in the land of the living you will see the blessing of jehovah in the land of the living you will see the outstretching of jehovah's hand in the land of the living you will see the magnifying power of god in the land of the living so the people yah read the lord i pray for you today what will make you celebrate what will make you fear the lord what will make you stand in all what will make you bring thanksgiving what will make you worship shall begin to break out in your life what will make you to say this my god is too much shall begin to break out in your life what will make you to begin to celebrate the god who come walks almighty shall begin to break out in your life break out in your life break out in your life break out in your life in the name of jesus in the name of jesus get ready for testimonies like you have never seen before let me close with one last miracle of moses today then we'll continue tomorrow morning in exodus 15 23 to 25 to a shot of water and then they came to a place where the water was so bitter they even called the water bitter mara mara i'm at the place of the world of mara and the water of bitterness exodus 15 23-25 now when they came to mara they could not drink the waters of mara for they were bitter therefore the name of it was called mara and the people complained against moses what shall we drink so he cried out to the lord and the lord showed him a tree and when he cast it into the waters the waters were made sweet there he made a statute and an ordinance for them and there he tested them lord help us not to complain teach us to believe help us not to to put you in a place of test teach us to believe teach us to walk by faith and be led by faith and be guided by your spirit in the name of jesus but this morning you have come to this place and there's a lot of bitter water in your life bitter experiences people who have disappointed you people who have stolen from you people who have lied against you people who have hurt you as a servant of jesus christ this morning i raise my hand before jehovah and pray for you that your bitter water shall turn onto sweetness your bitter water shut onto sweetness some of you was a bitter experience loved one leaving you too early may god turn your bitter experience to sweetness some of you is a business that somebody stole from you may god turn your bitter water into sweetness some of you say bitter betrayal by people you have trusted people you have relied on make the lord turn your bitter water into sweetness some of you it is the bitter water of you've worked so hard and you don't seem to have much to show for it may the lord turn your bitter water into sweetness some of you you have gone through life you've gone through experiences you've done all you know to do and it's just like from one bitterness to another bitterness and you are so deeply hurt but you're still holding on to jesus today i pray for you for the miracle but a miracle bit of water tiny sweet meat of water turning sweet bitter water turning sweet bit of water turning sweet bit of water tiny sweet bitter water tiny sweet pea of water turn sweet in the name of jesus your chest will be wiped lifetime is coming back to your house glory is coming back to your house the hand of the lord will be so stressed in your life that people who hurt you who brought the bitterness they won't die yet they'll be around to see what god will do in your life now when they came to mara they could not drink the waters of mara for they were bitter therefore the name of it was and the people complained against moses saying what shall we drink so he cried out to the lord and the lord showed him a tree when he cast it into the waters the waters were made sweet there he made a statute and an ordinance for them and there they tested the lord may god turn every bitter water around you to the source of your biggest testimony i close this one by declaring the sweet of water of a new rising is coming into your life the sweet water the new rising is coming into your life the sweet water of knowing the secrets of god that's what moses knew that baffled them may god reveal his secrets to you reveal his ways to the bible says he showed his way to moses for his acts to the children of israel may god reveal his ways to you in the name of jesus the sweet water of lifting shall be your portion in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus i declare this morning that the sweet water of lifting shall be your portion the sweet water of helpful for for for you help and help us to rise for you help and help us to rise for you i can see a slave owner looking at their slaves in you you will die here you're not coming you're not leaving this place be very careful i can kill you nothing will come out of it they didn't know they are messing with jehovah's children ah my dosha the sweet water of being announced one day god announced israel in egypt because they go and collect all their gold i saw house helps came as a madam hand me all your gold and they have no power to resist you will be announced for favor you will be announced for goodness for blessing go into today and prosper go into today and excel go into today and be lifted go into today and do and achieve more than you can imagine go into today and see the finger of god at work going into today with your head lifted up and your mouth filled with praise go into today with god doing awesome things in jesus name amen amen amen well i'm sure you were blessed this morning praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord these are the days of miracles never disconnect from morning glory just keep it there okay i have been charged by the hand of the lord and the anointing now let me begin to experience the miracles talk miracles walk miracles live miracles it shall be your story remember the 90 days of the covenant of testimonies expect everything every day today add all kinds of financial miracles health miracles favor miracles connection miracles every day since we began no day went down without a testimony look forward even if you can't remember one write down at least you are alive journal it create a journal that's what i have done praise god let me encourage you on saturday we're gonna have one of our greatest webinars the intern the the internet the digital system the social media platform is the greatest best thing that ever happened if you want to buy space on the times of london to advertise it will cost you almost half a million pounds to buy a page or probably two three hundred thousand pounds one page to advertise on itv all the big channels will cost you fifty thousand hundred thousand pounds and yet you will only reach the people who saw it but we are going to show you how the webinar can turn your life around make you prosper become an instant millionaire become the person whose business whose programs whose vision whose dreams are seen globally want to show you how to use seos how to use instagram how to use facebook so you don't just have everything blank the bland and blank there i'm gonna show you how to really position yourself digitally so that globally everyone knows about your business oh it is going to be the next great thing i want you to know on the way on the wealth master class i began to teach them at the heart of the lockdown that the property market in the uk will explode immediately after the lockdown it sounded like how can it be that's where we are right now some people don't know they don't have the information and i began to teach those who are on the wealth master class how to buy how to own how to occupy how to buy how to own many of them have since gone on their lives have changed some of them have pulled equity from what they have and now brought a lot of buy to let's we will go on this one this saturday is one unusual one it is going to be a great blessing so if you've never connected with us you need to connect if you're a young person you're a young person and uh your age of 20 to 35 you want to do a wealth academy just go to math you'll find the detail on the wealth academy we teach them for 90 minutes once a month but what we teach is so intense so there's one guy last the first webinar we had for them for those who are paid he rudy said we will not disappoint you he touched me because he said look with what we have received we will not disappoint you so don't disappoint yourself change your platform if you are just still on the salary level you are selling your hours that's all you're doing you need to shift your mindset you need to change your mindset to a growing mindset come to the world master class every sunday in the month of october shall be preaching the messages i believe i believe i believe there is a god and i'll share with you the things that make us see that there is a god i believe that there is the trinity the things that make us understand and see the trinity i believe that the bible is the inspired word of god is not a book of literature like the writings of william shakespeare or aristotle suffocals all the philosophers who have lived or general now or confucius i'm gonna show you how truly truly the bible is the inspired god-blessed word from heaven i believe in i believe in the absolutes of christianity unlike other religions they are found that died or lived doesn't matter but christianity cannot be christianity without a resurrected christ without a virgin birth to christ and i'm going to show you why these are so major and why the enemy keeps fighting those absolutes and why if you have a friend who truly believes in those absolutes but he goes to the catholic church or the anglican church or the methodist church he's your brother there are three circles in which our faith exists i'll show you those circles when we teach the absolutes of christianity it is going to be so interesting i just do hope that you will screen grab what we have there and i hope even our technicals will send it to everyone so they can send it to their friends so their friends can connect with us i haven't won the advert read on so that the titles are sure not all the not just some i want the titles shown so people can know what we are about to deal with that's what passwords i don't want people to be informed i want them to be passworded we will see you you will be blessed let me close with psalm 65 verse 9 he waters the earth to make it fertile the rivers of god will not run dry he prepares the earth for his people and sends them riches of grain may the lord water your life today may you be highly productive may your field be fertile may supernatural increase follow the works of your hands may you not be short of revelations not short of ideas may the anointing rest on you powerfully beyond measure in the name of jesus amen the lord bless you richly the hope for penis justin bendigo god bless you [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh is my god without you i am lost you're my hiding place [Music] my hiding place [Music] shelter in the storm when i am weary when i'm lost you'll beat me [Music] my hiding [Music] place when i'm discouraged when i'm down you are my joy my hiding place [Music] discouraged [Music] [Music] me [Music] i'm [Music] my [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] right now [Music] keep me safe [Music] me you
Channel: KICCOnline
Views: 6,713
Rating: 4.9050446 out of 5
Keywords: kicc service, Matthew Ashimolowo, Kent Church, Prayer City, KICC live stream, Live feed, live news, live prayers, live stream, stream, watchfree, livestreaming, coronavirus, lockdown, prayer, Covid19, UK, KICCOnline, kicc stream, kicconline,, T.D. Jakes, Elevation Church, Transformation Church, Lakewood Church, Domi Stream, RCCG, The Covenant Nation, Daystar Christian Centre, ICC TV, Creflo Dollar Ministries, Bill Winston Ministries, Jerry Eze, COZA
Id: R2-llJPSmuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 15sec (4395 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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