Walking In Divine Favour Part 1

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the journey begins every great journey starts with a beginning make a decision to start yours today join pastor matthew ashimolowo for this dynamic series of teaching that gives you a passport to your divine destiny the journey begins it is difficult for you to really be successful in the journey of life if you do not depend on the favor of god but when you do god will enable you to achieve things that you simply could not do in your own power favor is divine assistance it is god arising and helping you it is heaven strengthening you and causing you to achieve favor is when god grants you good will not to remunerate you for what you have done but just to show you excess kindness you cannot serve or work enough for all that you will need in life the only thing that will bring more than what you can work or sell for his favor we need the favor of god in today's message i will be teaching or walking in the favor of god we'll be looking at how being in the right place and working with the right people is really crucial to your experience in the favor of god the journey a life-changing series of messages guaranteed to challenge you to your god-ordained destination pursue god's dream for your life why because anything you want to become in your lifetime has to do with your decision no man absolutely no man is strategize develop and fulfill your future get this series today discover that you can activate defining moments walk in faith make better choices if it's in your destiny it will come together if you keep pursuing what other people see you'll never arrive at where god wants you to be get this series today call now quoting the reference number on the screen life is a journey not a short walk the journey where you are where you are going and now for today's message all through today our message is on the divine favor of god amen walking in the divine favor of god genesis 39 verse 2 to 4 and verse 21 to 23 genesis 39 verse 2 to 4 verse 21 to 23 and the lord was with joseph and he was a prosperous man and he was in the house of his master the egyptian and his master saw that the lord was with him and that the lord made all that he did to prosper in his hand and joseph found grace in his sight and he served him and he made him overseer over his house and all that he had he put into his hand verse 21 to 23 but the lord was with joseph and showed him mercy and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison and the keeper of the prison committed to joseph's hand the prisoners that were in the prison and whatsoever they did there he was the doer of it the keeper of the prison looked not to anything that was under him was under his hand because the lord was with him and that what he did the lord made it to may god bless his word may god bless his word i want to share this morning on walking in the favor of god in your journey it's very important for you to realize that as a believer you cannot survive without the favor of god somebody say with me i cannot survive without the favor of god favor is so important what is favor favor is divine help heaven helping you heaven making your desires to come to pass heaven making your vision to become a reality heaven coming alongside you and bringing to pass more than you ask or think or hope or pray for divine favor is god standing by you throughout your journey and giving you what you could never work for what you could never serve for what you didn't qualify for the word favor comes from the hebrew uh khalen khanna and also is the word for mercy many of many words tend to have the same roots so favor is god's mercy god coming along to help you god strengthening you and the bible tells us that this year is the year of the lord's favor isaiah 61 verse 2 to 3 this is the year of the lord's favor one of the greatest harvests you could ever reap in life is for you to reap a harvest of favor you and i need favor particularly in today's world when people seem to just make up their mind that they don't want to help you they don't want to give you things but when god is ready to help you he can bring somebody from a far place to come and be a blessing to you favor is the anointing that can determine the level of your income when favor comes upon you it can change your playing field favor will show up in your life when you are with the right kind of people when people were with joseph they were blessed why because joseph carried the anointing of favor so everywhere he entered he carried that presence you've got to understand this and you need to be careful don't let everyone have access to your home and to your life because people carry presents some people because of what they dabble into and put their hand into they just seem to carry a curse they come and they leave you within a short time of visiting you and all manners of troubles break out but there are also people who when you are around them good things happen to you you find a flow of grace a flow of blessing a flow of joy so here was this man called joseph he steps into the house of a general they saw him as a slave initially because he was bought but then suddenly everything around began to change the man found that he prospered more everything he did increased blessing was upon the house and the man acknowledged can you imagine you are leaving your boss and you tell him to write a letter of recommendation and it says this is to certify that while mr joseph ben jacob because i know that's his name name joseph the son of jacob why mr joseph and jacob lived with me i went from poor to prosperous everything i had increased it quadrupled it increased by more than 100 percent it was my keep it was the keeper of my finances not a penny was lost rather it was multiplying when he left it began to go down before he came there was nothing while he was here there was so much abundance do you think they will employ joseph where he was going certainly they would say how much is your salary but you imagine the person who you want to employ and they say just give a letter of recommendation this is to certify that he worked here period you know some employees would not want to say anything bad because they know you might come and burn down their factory the same joseph now moved to the prison not in good circumstance of course because somebody accused him of what he didn't do when he got to the prison the house became a nice house to the extent that you give the keys to the to a to a jailed man the bible says and the head of the prison didn't know what went on he left it in the hand of joseph whatever happened there joseph did it and of course the thing flowed why because there was favor on islam it was like the glory cloud upon which that traveled with the children of israel when the sun was so strong and shining and was burning the skin of people in the desert of sinai anyone who was under the glory cloud who traveled with moses were covered they were under beautiful air-conditioned glory clouds at night because in the arabian lands in the middle east it is very hot in the afternoon very cold in the evening the the weather just changes suddenly at night when it became very cold the pillar of fire was there to warm them up that's how favor is favor is that which rests upon your life and when people make contact with you they know they have made contact with grace they know they have made contact with grace and i pray that god will make your life such a testimony that this period you will make a contact with grace favor will rest upon you testimony will rest upon you god will prove himself mighty and strong in your life in the name of jesus favor can permeate every area of your life favor is that thing which makes you to begin to experience preferential treatment it will come upon your family your job upon everything you do when favor is on your life people will just know because there will be a flow and overflow when you know when you haven't you notice when you have people who are troublemakers you get the overflow also there are people families that can't sleep well because their children is out there on the street causing trouble if the police is looking for them they know where to go they go to the parents house parents may be paying the cost of speaking in talks praying casting out devils but the police comes to tear their house apart looking for their child who has the anointing for troublemaking so somebody is getting the leftover in fact in psychology it's called co-dependency in other words the it is not the alcoholic that gets the problem it is this family he is getting the high from alcohol they are getting the low from the results but when a man carries grace of the favor of god you bless people around you and do you know you can't even bless a whole city a whole nation there are men of favor the entire place the economy changes you didn't get me that day abraham stepped into egypt prosperity broke out in egypt people began to prosper not long after that egypt became the ruling empire because one man joseph came into town i've seen people who will move for example their ministry to an area and the whole area changes praise god i say praise the lord the journey a life-changing series of messages guaranteed to challenge you to your god-ordained destination you're gonna pursue god's dream for your life why because anything you want to become in your lifetime has to do with your decision no man absolutely no man is hopeless strategize develop and fulfill your future get this series today discover that you can activate defining moments walk in faith make better choices if it's in your destiny it will come together if you keep pursuing what other people see you'll never arrive at where god wants you to be get this series today call now quoting the reference number on the screen life is a journey not a short walk the journey where you are where you are going continuing with today's message i've seen people who will move for example their ministry to an area and the whole area changes praise god i say praise the lord so may faith will rest upon your life the kind that can change people change communities change those who come around you may the favor of god come upon your life one man of favor in an extended family and generations are blessed one cursed man starts and triggers years of problem some of us the battles we are facing started with only one great-great-grandpa who would not sit down be a nice man but went out and be and became a troublemaker and then we got the result because he said i will visit the sin of the fathers on their children toe the third and the fourth generation what is a generation there is always a debate as to what a generation is 50 years 70 years 100 years let's take the lowest 50 years 50 times four 200 years of trouble in one family alone lord have mercy now how about 200 years of favor in one family alone may that be your testimony by your commitment to jesus christ may faith will never leave your house may it never cease from your family that your children will enjoy the benefits of your serving god your grandchildren will enjoy the benefits of you knowing the lord your great-grandchildren will know the benefit of you following after the lord somebody say i receive it favor will not cease from your house favor will not cease from your house favor will not cease from your house favor marks you out as god's favorite child and makes you makes you out as his esteemed person favor is not fair it's not uh equality there's no equality about it you know there's equal rights today it's a big big argument everybody is talking about racial inequality gender equality this equality no favor has nothing to do with that well favor comes to rest upon your house it has come and somebody who even prays more intensely than you will look and say wait a minute i know that guy he does not pray like i pray but favor ain't fair favor came to rest upon your house i pray that that kind of grace will rest on your house lord lead this message upon my heart because i believe it is somebody's season to be favored it is somebody's season to walk in the favor of the lord to walk in the grace of jesus christ the favor of the lord oh someone say i receive it in the name of jesus may favor never season your house by reason of divine favor you have undue preference also before god god was boasting about abraham because abraham i found favor on god's side you read the people in the old testament you say if i have found favor in your sight do this abraham was talking to god as his friend if i have found favor in your sight don't destroy sodom if you can find 15 people he said okay because of your word abraham you're my friend i will not destroy them okay 10 people yeah because of your word i would not destroy them but god couldn't find 10 people there god could not find 10 people in the city of sodom so he had to destroy but you see the favor of god made abraham such that when he came to fight battles which kings would lose abraham would win the bible says four kings ganged up to go and tear apart sodom where his his nephew lot was living and he went with 320 young man born in his house you know his servants his head shepherd head cook head butler had this head that their children make up the 320 people you know send me your children everybody send your children let's go fight for kids that were never trained in the art of war were under abraham to take on four kings and even though they were there were rubble rousers who had never fought war before the favor of god was on them when they came against the four kings they beat the four kings conquered the four kings and took all the things they had taken from other nations when favor is on you you may not look skilled but you will achieve what others have not been able to achieve you will reach where others have not been able to reach you will enter dimensions where others have not been able to enter favor makes you the apple of god's eye favor makes you the crown of his glory favor makes you the person of his honor glory to god god puts favor on you so that you will wear the crown of his glory on earth and people will see you and they'll see his grace they'll see his beauty the most powerful thing you could walk under is the favor of god and you must cry to god that you want to see a manifestation of favor a manifestation of his grace a manifestation of favor a manifestation of grace it was favor that made him to pick on a young lady called mary and the lord favored her and gave her the opportunity to carry the messiah she wasn't the only teenage girl she just happened to be a teenage girl and the family god was looking into the family of judah praise god when your season of favor comes you will look and say what did i do to deserve this and you will notice that it is the hand of the lord praise god i said praise the lord favor makes you to walk under a special canopy a canopy of its covering so that because you are under this canopy of favor good things happen to you blessings happen to you breakthroughs happen to you in the name of jesus let me share a couple of uh principles of favor with you i wrote a book some years back called 31 pillars of divine favor let me share some of those pillars with you the pillars of favor the pillars upon which the grace of favor rest firstly favor is the currency of god's kingdom for the advancement of his work favor is the currency of god's kingdom for the advancement of his work when god wants to advance his work he gives favor glory to god i said glory to god i said glory to god so when god wants to make his kingdom to move forward he gives favor to one man and the man just bypasses systems operations bypasses order bypasses protocol because favor is on him fast forward and come to joseph in front of the palace in front of the pharaoh all the wise men of egypt as advanced as they were could not solve the problem before the pharaoh what is this thing cows swallowing fat cows what does it mean they couldn't find the answer favor resting upon joseph made him as he interpreted the dream and he said the 17 cows are seven years the the seven fat cows are seven years also one would swallow up the other the pharaoh knew this young man is giving an interpretation by the spirit of god suddenly he had bypassed everybody and he's in front and the king said who else should we honor this man from today you are second in command of the whole of the empire of egypt favor is the currency of god's kingdom for the advancement of god's work when god is ready to promote you when god is ready to change your play in fields when god is ready to give you the mother and father of testimonies the kind you have never given before it starts with favor may the favor of god rest on you this morning before the end of this year may you give the kind of testimony you've never given the grace of favor the grace of favor to rest upon you in a powerful way in the name of jesus the journey a life-changing series of messages guaranteed to challenge you to your god-ordained destination pursue god's dream for your life why because anything you want to become in your lifetime has to do with your decision develop and fulfill your future get this series today discover that you can activate defining moments walk in faith make better choices if it's in your destiny it will come together if you keep pursuing what other people see you'll never arrive at where god wants you to be get this series today call now quoting the reference number on the screen life is a journey not a short walk the journey where you are where you are going next time on the journey one day of favor it's greater than many years of labor in one habroska handily rose in one morning your story can change one day one phone call one contact one person one opportunity one connection glory to god i said glory to god one contact one person one person one person mentioning your name and your story can change and you've got to understand and when god wants to favor you somebody may look down on you but when your season comes when your time comes those who overlooked you who didn't see you they will see you they will hear from you welcome back i'm so confident that you've been blessed by today's message shall we pray father i pray for everyone who has watched this program that they would experience your favor may the heavens open upon them and may they walk in supernatural favor let somebody bless them today beyond their ability beyond their own strength father surround them with favor protect them with your favor crown their love with your favor we thank make this year a year of favor for them in jesus name amen today's message was brought to you knowing that god will continue to strengthen you why don't you join us on a sunday morning if you live in london and its environment and when you are visiting london look out for us we have five services you can participate in listen my dear friend today's message you can get it in its entirety make sure you order by taking all the details on the screen celebrate and join any kicc in your neighborhood and you can be part of air force those who are partnered with us to make this message come to you until we come your way again always remember it's not over until you win [Music] thank you for watching winning ways with pastors matthew and yamasiya shimolao we hope you've been blessed this program has been made possible by the continued giving of our members the kicc air force partners and you our faithful viewers for information on how you can become a member of the kicc air force call the number you see on the screen or email air force at kicc.org dot uk next time you're in town why don't you visit us [Music] experience the warmth the welcome the worship and the word for location directions or ministry information visit kicc.org until next time remember it's not over until you win
Channel: KICCOnline
Views: 84,825
Rating: 4.7362638 out of 5
Keywords: The Journey Messages, KICC, Pastor matthew, Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo, Milestone of Destiny, Christian messages, The Journey Series, KICC TV, The Journey, spirituality, educational
Id: RgbxzNntuKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2012
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