KICC 11am Service - The Spirit of A Conqueror - 29-03-2020

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[Music] hallelujah how great is our God how awesome is our God Father and ever we'll give you praise this is the day you have made we would rejoice and be glad in it we celebrate your goodness your grace we thank you you've never kept us in the dark you told us that the things we see today will happen right before our eyes I pray for your people as they receive the word today that every one of us will be blessed by a word and reached in our lives transformed by your word let your word bring hope healing deliverance let somebody seated wherever they are right now their homes hotel us places where probably they could not travel back home let the word and reach their lives let power be released let grace be released let your name be glorified we thank you today in Jesus name hallelujah well from wherever you are watching me welcome to this morning service online KIC see right here in prayer city united kingdom ministering to you believe in god to speak to your life impart your life and you will never never never be the same i am trusting the lord that the word of the lord i will come to you today with you what you need at a time like this i like to take the scriptures I like to take from Romans chapter 8 from verse 28 to 37 to speak to you this morning on the spirit of a conqueror the spirit of a conqueror at a time when people are bowing their heads I'm wondering is this the end are we about to be consumed by this virus I came to speak to you as a believer to let you know the one whom you serve says he has called you to be a conqueror we're gonna read a long scripture le long passage romans 8:4 verse 28 to 37 Romans 8 from verse 28 to 37 I mean not totally exhibit the whole passage because all I want to do this one is to encourage you I make you roar like a lion you cannot be afraid and hide in a corner of the world wherever you are God is with you and he was strengthen you this morning and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God to those who are the called according to his purpose for whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren morover whom he predestined these he also called and whom he called these he also justified and whom he justified these he also glorified what then shall we say to these things if God is for us who can be against us he who did not spare his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things who shall bring a charge against God's elect it is God who justifies who is he who condemns it is Christ who died and furthermore he's also risen who is even at the right hand of God who also makes intercession for us who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine nakedness peril or sword as it is written for your sake we are killed all day long where a counter a sheep for the slaughter yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us believers have now been called to cowardice at a time like this when the whole world is held in fright because of the challenge of of coronavirus when other kinds you should turn our back and run in fear yes you should walk in wisdom and stay protected but one thing you must always remember is that we have respira have received the spirit of a conqueror from him who conquered death like I said in the previous service Christ is the only one who is more than Conqueror many of them called conquerors before what they conquered but death conquered them so many great men have risen but today they are not here but jesus is alive forever the power to be a conqueror comes from him when you have the Spirit of Christ in you I want you to know death or life has no power over you hide or depths have no power over you you know you are in Christ and even if this physical body were to be broken down the in Amaru is the real you is strong and you need to manifest the spirit of a conqueror the spirit of a champion the spiritual a winner however if I talk about the spirit of a conqueror I want to look at the fact that sometimes people can be so afraid and a spirit of cowardice comes upon them cowards follow the path of least resistance in other words whenever things happen cowards are carried away by the challenges they are carried away by the battles they are carried away by their fears they are carried away by the threats which they seem to face some people right now are so scared they are so worried I've had one or two people call me and talking about I have not written my will yes it's good for you to write your will but if you write it out of fear because of coronavirus suppose something bigger than coronavirus comes on the earth and by the because you didn't know the Scriptures already tell us about you trying to fall from verse 27 that there will be all these things in fact when I see Christians who are talking like oh my god what is this jesus said it he told us is gonna happen he said from from verse 7 of Matthew 24 he said there'll be Wars there'll be rumors of wars there'll be pestilences and there'll be challenges around us that will happen our eyes will see this thing for nations who rise against nations and kingdoms against Kingdom and they'll be famines and pestilences that is coronavirus pestilences and earthquakes in various places and guess what verse is even says it is the beginning of sorrow it is not the final of the things that will shake the earth for the first time mankind have just discovered a humanity back we've taught we are so Superman superhuman iron man but man this man that man in the end we are all man because we thought we have the power and the world turned against the one who created the planet and began to devise their own thing and say I'm not even a man or woman I am this this I am that I don't need God his word is not true well now suddenly an unseen enemy has suddenly appeared and the Bible tells us that these things will happen in the last days that is when believers should wake up and say hey it's in my Bible the one I served 32 thousand years ago I should not have been taken by surprise I should allow the spirit of a conqueror that is in me to rise so I can begin to talk to my friends who do not know him by letting them know hey I know you're afraid I want you to know that the one I worship already told us that this things will manifest but I have the spirits of the one who spoke those things before they came cowards follow the voice of the majority how many people have put aside the Bible puts aside the Word of God because suddenly a new majority rose who said we don't need God who is God what is his word we are the gods we are the final we worship ourselves as suddenly man have been brought on his knees and the strongest of us have been shown that we're not strong our Sciences have been defied by a virus we cannot see we are shaken to the bones and we are even told that in spite of our greatest advancement the best of the vaccines may not be available until 18 months time so now it means we've got to learn to realize that we've got to turn to the one who called us and I pray for you today that the spirit of a conqueror will rise in you as I share this word not a spirit of pride but the spirit that makes you know that I know whom God says I am I know what he says I am and I know what I have because I am a conqueror in Christ my father is a conqueror his Spirit is upon me oh I told you cowards follow the way of the least resistance but also cows follow the voice of the majority 12 spies 12 men were sent to go spike inland 10 came back with a spirit of cowardice they saw Giants they saw big Giants in the land I got scared but they forgot yeah we've seen Giants these guys are bigger than us but they cannot be bigger than the one whose hands rode the sea away whose hands made the stone to produce water whose word made quails to come out of heaven amid the heavens to rain down food they cannot be bigger than the one who speaks and everything comes to a standstill they forgot the goodness of their God and the greatness of their God never forget this don't let the voice of majority on the various news channels make you forget that in the middle of all this our God still reigns supreme matter of fact I am of that belief as a prophet of God that God did not send coronavirus is just one of those pestilences that will come from the pits of hell but God is going to be right on this weapon of Satan to reach many people to bring them to Christ many will come to the Lord at this time because for the first time some people are beginning to see that they don't have it all together they don't have all the answers they need to seek the one who can help them so listen if the majority is going the wrong way it is better to be a radical a lonely Conqueror full of the Spirit of your Christ full of the spirit of the one we serve than to follow the voice of the wrong majority cowards are also fueled by fear conquerors are fueled by faith cowards are fueled by fear conquerors are fueled by faith twelve men ten majority they said we cannot enter there are giants in the land cowards cowards cowards they forgot their God they did not know that unless you step out you may not experience the miraculous two men dare to be different they had a Minority Report they said let us go up at once for our God is able our God is able our God is able there will be the seasons in your life that times in your when you will face challenges like you have never faced before like what the world is facing right now do you know that while you sit in your house and you're wondering what are our leaders doing they don't know totally what to do it is having to be day by day you've got to realize man I've been brought to his knees so that the best of men are still men at best this is the time to seek the Lord and to know him very well this is the time to walk by faith and rise above the challenges of life rise above the things that scare you I want you to know that that wherever Satan is throwing at you is like Christmas crackers they are intended to scare you but they're child's play you have the weapon of God you have the Word of God you have the life of God you have the spirit of a conqueror and you would win the God who use David's sling will bring down the Goliath in your life I promised our somebody listening to me this morning you are wondering this coronavirus issue is this going to kill me is this gonna take my luck please be very careful you are a child of God speak the word of life speak the word of faith speak like a conqueror don't speak like a coward the Word of God is the final word learn to take authority over situations learn to speak the Word of Life next thing is that cowards depend on their own works we rely on the Word of God cowards they depend on their own works we rely on the Word of God why because the flower fades the grass withers the word of the Lord abides forever God Himself said I'm watching over my word to perform it why also because the Scriptures tell us all Scripture is given by inspiration and they are profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction that the man of God may be strong and to be blessed then he says therefore study to show thyself approved unto God a watch a walk man that needed not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth listen don't depend on your work at a time like this depend on the Word of God depend on what the world says concerning you cowards also are crybabies cowards are crybabies doesn't matter or their sizes these 10 pastors who brought evil report numbers chapter 14 verse 1 they made the whole of the Israel nation to weep all night to cry on us oh all the congregation lifted up their voices and cried and the people wept that night why because cowards make you think your life is over a spiritual coward has makes you to think you are not going to make it you will not overcome but I'm promising to you wherever you are this morning across the globe that you are going to make this one you are coming out in strength you are coming out in testimony my Rafah you need to join us for tonight's evening service because in tonight's evening service I have these seven scriptures that I called them no lost scriptures no loss in other words there'll be no loss of life no loss you get a switch of everything to join in the prophetic service tonight it's a prophetic and fearless service no loss and we are going to declare and decree there be no loss of life for everyone connected you need to get on the phone invite your friends to be part of the no loss service tonight we will see you at Thanksgiving when this is all over when this pass is over at Passover you will not pass over with it when this pass is over at Passover you will not pass over with each but rather you will be here to attest a fire of the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living cows also live in the past they live in the past this talk of the past the 12 men who went and said we should have stayed in Egypt we should have just been there in Egypt this is so terrible oh I can't come out of this but I want you to know today I promise I into your life that a spirit of a conqueror will come upon you and you will not be destroyed but rather you will come out with testimony you will come out with grace you'll come out with power you'll come out strengthened when this win evil wind blows over you will be here to testify with the body of Christ so you may ask me pastor Matthew in this season during this issue's coronavirus the battles going on what are you hearing from God how should I live for God what should I do number one you need to stay safe you need to keep yourself do everything you can in their natural because the Bible says when Jesus got to the grave of Lazarus John chapter 11 to raise the dead man the man's grave was covered with a mighty rock he spoke the universe into existence he could have looked at that rock and the rock and shame will melt like water but he chose to tell them to move the rock themselves so that they will play their own human part and then he can do what man cannot do he said roll away the stone so many of us who are watching right now back home you need to roll away the stone in your own life roll away the stone take actions wash your hands you subdue everything you need keep hygiene stay indoors don't go out if you must go has to be short exercise stay within the roof obey the law of the land in which you are stay safe stay alive so you can be part of those who will testify you simple pass symmetries that work in by faith oh the same God will give that kind of who gives the cut the law the principle of living by faith also told the children of Israel to perform social distancing and lock down he said for over the night the Angel of Death shallow pass over the land of Egypt I want you all to stay indoors and put the blood on top of the door of your house and by the way on Easter Sunday if this thing goes on we're gonna have a communion and that communion will also take some steps I'll be like a Passover step don't forget it he told them to to lock down to stay indoors because what is about to pass through the land is a spirit of death that will kill anything it's so so God Himself spoke to us be without lockdown so please stay safe don't let nobody get you into a rebellion one of the laws of the land and God will honor your faith so how do you live like a conqueror number one learn to live for Christ second Corinthians 5:17 If any man be in Christ he is a new creation a new creature all things all things have passed away all things have become new we are born of heaven overcoming children of an overcoming God we now have the nature of a loving God this is the time people will know that we are not just religious followers we are worshipers of Christ where men will love God we are living for Jesus and when I say living for Jesus I'm saying you can you now see some of you as you as this thing began to blow around the world we are wondering my god what happens if I pass away what will happen to my money in the bank account what will happen to my clothes what will happen to this I'm have never been witnesses you cannot point out once all you want to Christ you've got to learn to give your time get on the phone invite your friends to know Jesus Christ a young man graduated from one of the best universities in America it decided to go live in the among the unknown natives of a part of the of the jungles of the Amazon jungles his friends saw him his name was Jim Elliot they say you're gonna go live among some natives with all the university education you had and Jim Elliot said a man is not a fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he must not lose a man is not a fool to give up what he cannot keep to gain what he must not lose in the 1920s and 30s one of the best cricketers in the United Kingdom who played cricket I don't know to play time it was swinging like I'm playing golf one of the greatest cricketers of the entire kingdom the Graduate I think of all Cambridge University CT stud having finished as one of the best in the nation decided to go be a missionary in Africa some of his friends mocked him and said with all your study you want to go live in the Dark Continent and CT spread said I will rather live in a corner of the world in the will of God than being the greatest of policies and out of the will of God live for Christ this pestilence is just the beginning of Sorrows it will go you'll pass away but I want you to know the Bible says matthew 24:8 that is just the beginning of Sorrows something bigger than the snake is coming into his own that will shake the world these are shaking the world but the world did not see anything this is little compared to what the Bible says will come this you just make you realize that Jesus was not painting a picture that was not possible this is real man this is real and we pray that this ill wind will blow away and by the way it isn't the Lord who brought coronavirus if anyone is saying it is a judgment of God no barada God uses things like this to establish its purpose in the hearts of men live for Christ live for Christ be a winner for cry be a believer for Christ God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him living for Jesus realizing that the best of the clothes in your wardrobe right now are useless most of you are in your jumpers so we are still in pajamas on Sunday morning listening to me on Sunday morning and pajamas Eve there was no coronavirus oh mama mama you love them wondering what shall i wear to church it I don't even have enough clothes with forward robes this is calling us to the reality that without Christ we are nothing we are empty without Christ the world is brought to his knees can't you see great men world leaders the people whom you cannot see coronavirus saw them people you cannot reach because of protocol coronavirus didn't need protocol it entered their home live for Christ revelation 21 verse 5 says then he who sat on the throne said behold I will make all things new and he said to me write for these words are true and faithful he's making all things new Isaiah 43 verse 19 behold I will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall you not know it I will ever make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert so listen let's take this time to get closer to God - Toby better believers live for Christ collisions chapter 5 verse 16 verse 18 verse 25 Galatians chapter 5 verse 16 verse 18 verse 25 4:16 says - to walk in the spirit verse 18 says to live in the spirit verse 25 says to walk and live in the spirit walk and live in the spirit walk and live in the spirit and be led by him amazing so it's time for us it's time for us to live in Christ as praying people searching this word this is the time to to have fellowship on your phone with other believers the prayer place your neglect I pick it up back pick it up pick up your praying life move into the place we are now you are rejuvenating your spirit you are you are reviving your spirit man live for Christ then number two in the spirit of a conqueror lean on Christ Lena oh Christ true conquerors in Christ don't lean on their own power because in ourselves we are nothing but in him we ask something because the one who lives in us is greater than to always in the world and this is the time believers are coming to the point where we realize we didn't need a building within in a geographical location to connect with the Jesus Christ we serve and it is only in Christianity I love this that their God lives in there it is only in Christianity that our God lives in us he said we are the temple of Christ and by some prophetic coincidence I was teaching this just before the instruction to shut down and not have gatherings was teaching that we had a temple of Christ while we need the fellowship of the Brethren we add a real temple he lives in us we carry our God everywhere so lean on him proverbs 3:5 trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding while it is very painful yet it is bemusing to see the amount of confusion in the world right now from those into whose hand we have put our lives as leaders from one continent to the other many don't know what to do one person would say lift it up and Iran will say no let's put it down this one will say let's hold it in the middle but I came to you to tell you lean on Christ don't lean on your own understanding lean on Christ do all you can in the natural but only the one whom the Lord keeps that is protected read over about a man who say he said I did all the washing I kept washing more than necessary I still caught the virus I pray for you today by the mantle of Jesus Christ on my life that this thing will not touch you you will come out with the testimony every will seed in your mind that the enemy is sowing the word of the Lord cancels it and you will have victory lean on Christ lean on him completely he was John Calvin a preacher who rose about 600 years 500 years ago who said there is no other method of living piously or in holiness and justly than that of dependent upon God we must learn to depend on him and depending on him must be implicitly implicitly implicitly as trying to watch how the human body is made and how this coronavirus things how it attacks the minor body time I finished watching I said to myself man is better to live by a distance messy my head of man is it then it goes here it goes here there's this one there's this antibody that's that one what this thing attaches itself the reason it is called corona is because like a crown coronavirus a crowned virus it attaches its crown to your body and the moment it attaches if he has to do this I cast out thing in your life in the name of Jesus man if he came very obvious to me that just one microcosm of the virus can destroy everything because the moment it enters then it begins to multiply itself and it just takes a short time to do it and there is no cure ah I take authority right now anyone who's watching and somebody's in in incubations situation where it is still incubated we cast the egg of that thing we rebuke it if any one of your religion is in ICU in hospital because of coronavirus I prophesied to their body I declared they will not lie down upon the bed of languishing they will come out there will be a testimony they'll say I don't know how I survived it Oh younger men did not survive it but I survived it we prophesied to them right now we declare their victory in the name of Jesus for you to know that this thing is a demon a 103 year old woman in China survived it another one owed one or one or two year old woman in Italy survived it thirty five-year rule did not eighteen year old did not and they were healthy and had gone to the gym but today I promise out to you by the word that is above the words of man God will give you testimony trust him not only implicitly but for his direction proverbs 3 verse 6 in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths may your path be directed when this thing is over may you come out with testimony and in the season when un lockdown may God give you wisdom I D visions dreams in the name of Jesus lean on Christ when the man depends on God there'd be nothing impossible acknowledge that you are not capable of guiding yourself somebody called Octavius Brooks said dependence on God presupposes his existence and his character when you depend on God you are saying I believe you are and I believe you are a good god the Lord will be your help and hope if God is all you have you have all you need did you hear me if God is all you have you have all you need yes take all the precautions but if God is all you have you have all you need John 14 verse 8 Philip said to Jesus Lord show us the father and it is sufficient for us once you show us the father that will be enough show us the father and it will be sufficient for us in this season of your life may your eyes be open to see the one you've come to serve may your dependence of God on God become your source of joy listen look at me wherever you are watching online Caribbeans Africa Europe United States across the world even off to Australia because many of you have been joining me in the morning prayers join us from tomorrow to Friday again 6 a.m. to 7:00 and in case you didn't know timeis adjusted in the United Kingdom so make sure you adjust your time to connect with us let me tell you this dependence on God is not a weakness some people who do not know Jesus are making us look like we're stupid for depending on God now where are they we are smiling we know we're conquerors but they are afraid we know we are champions but they are scared we have the spirit of our Father Knows Lions beget Liars Tiger biggest tiger the spirit of a champion is in us don't put your trust in man even your own shadow disappears in moments of darkness you become afraid but in this coronavirus epidemic they say you could go out for short exercise after I've done my treadmill for like 15 minutes then I go for a long walk like seven kilometers long brisk walk 78 kilometers some of the walks you see people as they see you coming they are walking both forward and sideways because they are so scared they don't know what you're carrying and if they are not the one who are walking away from you say yeah Prime Minister said two metres so I'm also walking away from them as I'm walking straight and we look at each other we were like yeah we understand we understand this is not racism or racism now this is we understand that's where the world is but a lot helps delivers ourselves children you will be saved and safe you will be saved a safe number three labour for Christ lean on Christ live for Christ labour for Christ in 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 verse 1 it says we then ask workers together with him also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain it is not enough to be born again and you'll be rejoicing that your prosperous you have the best kind town and the best clothing can you see you've not driven your car in days in days now the car I drove is Sunday to Sunday I drove it last Sunday and today I drove it this Sunday to come and stand in front of the camera to speak to you Sunday to Sunday the car was no longer of value all the clothes were not of value apart from my gym clothes which I wore under and the tracksuit to do the long walk nothing except the shirt I wear when I was leading the prayer everything now mattered not become libera for cries he who wins Souls is wise proverbs 11:30 Daniel 12:3 the fruit of the you've got to learn to win souls proverbs 11:30 Daniel 12:3 and they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever get on the phone lead your friends to Christ don't scare them just tell that you need to give your life to Christ the fruit of righteousness is a tree of life and he who wins Souls is wise this is the time many are now open to Christ live offer cries answers to prayers don't come when on your knees for while busy serving the Lord don't say unless Jesus this oil for me does this for me I'm not going to witness to him our God is not some some casino machine you put five P are you expecting a pound you serve Him and in a season he will prosper you I'm about to bring this message to a close I know you've been blessed tremendously there's so much I appreciate today but I really want to keep very short remember to serve the Lord to lay before Christ many complain of lack of time and concern you have so much time now you have a lot of time on your hands so this is the time to get on your phone in fact the people you haven't spoken to in years hey be reconciled don't go to don't think you can enter heaven with you living and working in animosity against people cousins your parents that you should not greet know that your parents were out of order call people love them reach out to them make time to serve the Lord mark 6:33 seek ye first I'm in Matthew 6:33 seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and every other thing shall be added unto you lend a helping hand to someone right now Mikado she kept Ragosa they're our neighbors you've never spoken to call some of them if you need anything if there's any way we can serve you please let us know he may just be extra bottles of water you have in your house that they didn't have don't say but suppose this thing goes on for long and I also don't have God would take care of you you must learn to bless someone Richard one brand was a pastor in the old USSR when USSR was heavily communist and will not allow churches and Richard one Baron was born again I started a church he was arrested and thrown into jail a while in jail another person was arrested and thrown in jail and the person was dying and Richard one brand had a warm blanket along with other clothes that covered him survival first will have told him here don't give you a blanket away you need to survive man you have a congregation to preach to when you come out of this prison but he heard the voice of Christ clearly saying if it were Christ will you give him your blankets of course we'll have gladly given him because we know give it shall be given back to you if you are given your blanket Jesus will give you a mansion no but there are times that pressure you gave that bottle of water was the Christ in front of you praise God speak a kind word to people first Peter chapter 4 verse 11 give assistance to those who need it many act like there is nothing not enough time right now but please you have enough time witness to the lost it is important to make time to serve the Lord Jesus himself in John chapter 9 verse 4 when his disciples saw that he was ministering to people all the time they said Jesus you're not resting he said I must do the works of my father while it is day the time comes when no man can work nobody expected coronavirus on the scale we haven't seen the end of this thing yet and Jesus still calls it the beginning of Sorrows but let's recharge I prophesy and the servant of Jesus Christ that's certainly Lakota a revolution distinction blown away by the wind of God the one whose name is raha the wind of God the window got blue into the atom and made atom to be a living soul that mighty rushing wind that came into the into the upper room shall blow this thing away and there be victory lastly in the spirit of a conqueror love through Christ we are a different kind of soldiers we're soldiers whose weapon is love in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 uses work in love as Christ also has loved us and given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma Christians often fail to walk in love like the shoot you know this is the time we should now really show our concern and love for people and the fact that we carry the Spirit of Christ John chapter 15 verse 12 and 13 jesus said this is my commandment that you love one another that you love one another as I have loved you in verse 13 it says greater love hath no man than this that he gave his life for the sake of his friends and you believed that a good number of our friends people who are serving on the front line right now in the nursing and the medical field many of them are putting their life on the line to be sure we are all safe how much more you as a believer you are just excited that you're hiding you're still complaining I can't go to work I'm not even sure if I'm gonna have a job anymore you need to first have your life then there will be a job and I pray for you you shall be protected this dome will be over and out of this ashes would be a resurrection for your family so let me close by saying true love is giving ourselves for others more love more Jesus less drama less complaining less bitterness less gossip now use the time to gossip calling one another have you heard the latest the one they said about this man that one the one whom coronavirus is killing that one who got coronavirus oh did it please less pride it isn't your wisdom that spared you true love is what Christ did first crone first Corinthians 13 verse 7 love bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things the god-kind of love must be shown to believers so that it can increase and close today about letting you know that in the spirit of a conqueror get ready 12 men were sent to spy Kenan 10 brought evil report but 2 brought good report numbers 13 verse 26 2 brought good report now they departed and came back to Moses and Aaron and all the congregation of the children of Israel in the wilderness of Paran at Kadesh they brought back word to them and to all the congregation assured them the fruit of the land lay Kushi animal kaustubha retrovirus jnm Abruzzi i prophesied to you now even in the midst of all this battle God will bring you to your own good land he'll give you revelations even in your seasons of being back in your home sitting down sometimes I even know what to do you slept and slept may God give you ideas may the heavenly realm open up to you may God give you sirs may God network you with new people new relationships may God open doors that you have never known of before may God give you access to the things you've never received before I pray that this season will be a season of your own maturity a season of your own growth a season of your favor a season of your blessing a season of rising beyond your own imagination sociality father we give you praise we thank you for the word we have shared today I lay hand of faith on every man and woman across the world their children also I build a wall of fire around your families individuals and their own friends who are together in this season families children people who are already tired and wondering when Lord when Lord I build a blanket of peace a blanket of protection and a blanket off of health around those who hear me I declare that this pestilence shall not see them but rather only the grace of Jesus Christ will be sufficient for them you the Lord will use this as a channel to reach our friends for Christ to touch our friends for you and to make him plug beyond our own imagination we thank you we give you the praise we say it is already done in Jesus name Amen I know you've been blessed by the word today many of you around the world yes yeah now we're gonna go back to the church building most important things for you to stay safe keep yourself safe stop jumping all over the place worried this thing is real don't let anyone fool you there are all kinds of conspiracy theories put them aside put them aside can't you see hospitals jammed all over the world pray even for people you consider your enemies that they will come out of this thing but there's no blow away pray at the hand of the Lord would bring healing upon the lines pray that joy will be released I believe you've been blessed by the world today on the time God for a life and for wherever you are become agitated please don't join the agitation always remember that we were trying their best so news yesterday just people who wanted their I refuse to be collected spitting at the refuse collectors that is such an insult people needn't come at this time because I mean the process of picking the refuse they could pick things that will bring about some germs or some virus on them but they laid their life and yeseong will not understand please let us cooperate let believers be the first example of then low abiding no abiding no abiding tonight is gonna be awesome it's gonna be a short service we start at 6 I have a sensing that by 7:00 and be over it's gonna be very short after all we're not waiting for late comers the late comers are in their home so awesome we start shortly the night of the prophetic and the fearless God has given me these seven no loss scriptures no loss of life no loss of life because this is what we can do in this season to just speak the Word of God the Bible says the word is nigh thee even the Word of Faith which we preach and then Romans chapter 10 verse into 10 says if you confess with your mouth confess with your mouth confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and believe with your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved for with the heart one believes with the mouth one confesses so tonight I'm going to speak that word on lives call your friends across the world send them the various use your phone to capture all the all the lives or the various plots and tell them to follow me during this period and then 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. every day from Monday to Friday it has been absolutely powerful absolutely awesome we have had at least 2,000 every morning and it's just amazing the civil Granada and the Caribbeans Trinidad Jamaica people from various corners of the United States as far as Washington State in the west coast to as far as New York in the East Coast the whole of Africa people are joining and coming together in what we have called a money and glow we will glow it's not the morning of being afraid but the morning of glow join us Monday to Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 join us on and an Instagram that's powerful awesome join us on YouTube on Facebook if you want able make it easier go to the App Store and download key RCC apps I use it at this time you can also join us by going to our website and we'll be on all those platforms if there's any platform with not either you text us we'll find it and put it on we just want to be able to reach so many people and touch so many lives so tonight 6 p.m. worship at any time of the prophetic several scriptures now turn your life around and anything the Lord shows me then from tomorrow morning hey I'm by the way Easter Easter service it's just about three Sundays time so kic see cause it's the service the conquerer the day of the conqueror the one who conquered so it's gonna be a powerful service it says Jesus conqueror of the last enemy death Jesus conqueror of the last enemy death you know our message this morning is spirit of a conqueror Jesus is the only one who is more than a conqueror and we are with him we're more than conquerors with him every great man who rose could not conquer death but our Jesus did so it's just gonna be awesome and we will be having global communion service on that day global communion service on Easter join me tonight and it's gonna be powerful oh oh oh one more instruction tonight when you are joining me make sure you have you are 19 already or you say pastor Matthew I didn't have the time to anoint you know we sanctify any oil that is in your house get it ready the Lord bless you and keep you make his face to shine upon you give you peace in Jesus name god bless
Channel: KICCOnline
Views: 7,663
Rating: 4.9124088 out of 5
Keywords: kicc service, Matthew Ashimolowo, Kent Church, Prayer City, KICC live stream, Live feed, live news, live prayers, live stream, stream, watchfree, livestreaming
Id: PXmNmsYKc4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 35sec (3275 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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