KICC 9am Life Class | 20 Reasons Why People Fail - 2 | 26-09-2021

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oh [Music] [Music] like a mighty warrior [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] so [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] cheers [Music] [Music] [Music] myself [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] cheers [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] uh [Music] to [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] hallelujah our god is awesome hallelujah lift up those hands this morning and bless the name of the lord wherever you are this morning just exalt his name glorify his name hallelujah we bless your name we lift you high we declare that we love you you are our everlasting [Music] [Music] for you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we lift you [Music] [Applause] [Music] as we raise our voices [Music] is [Applause] yahweh we [Music] the finisher way [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh my god [Music] [Music] my [Music] my god oh my god oh my [Music] god oh my god [Music] oh my oh god gosh [Music] we love oh [Music] um [Music] you [Music] [Music] we love [Music] hallelujah we bless your name lord we glorify you forever we exalt you forever lord hallelujah i love you forever i love you forever i [Music] i love you forever i love you forever i love you forever [Music] [Music] forever [Music] [Music] i love you forever [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] glory to god [Music] [Music] forever [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] glory to god forever glory to god [Music] glory to god glory to god hallelujah [Music] let's see let's just welcome those by our sides to the right and left let's just give them a hands fellowship this morning you may have your seats you may have seen on behalf of our senior pastor pastor matthiashimolo and our residence pastor pastor yemis hashimoto i would like to welcome everyone to this morning's service especially for those who are coming watching me not worshiping with us for the very first time if you're online and you're watching with us very first time we also we also welcome you as well as you join us this morning we would like to hear from you if you are worshipping with us for the very first time online can you please um either send us an email or go to dot stroke contact and complete the relevance forms from there for those that are in the actual service that are here for the very first time we'll ask for you to stand up on us with your presence if you're coming for the very very first time can we just we just thank god for every single person that is here this morning yes we just continue as we continue service just uh we just take the announcements news in brief well hello and a very warm welcome to our actual and global funnel this is kicc the home of champions and here is this week's museum brief if you are new to kicc or have just accepted jesus christ as your lord and savior or maybe this is the first time you are attending an actual or online service if this is the case we would love to give you a special kicc welcome would you please go to dot uk forward slash contact and complete the relevant form we look forward to hearing from you congratulations to pastor yemisi hashimoto as she celebrates her birthday tomorrow in line with the word of god in first timothy 5 17 past the embassy is worthy of double honor let us celebrate her by showing our love and appreciation happy birthday pastor embassy we love you morning glow 90 days covenant of testimonies continues every weekday at 6 00 am with pastor matthew so spread the word tell your family and friends to join us during this one hour of god's unmissable covenant power as there will be a harvesting of strange testimonies this will run until friday the 31st of december 2021 streaming live on all kicc platforms have you been journaling your daily testimonies let the world know what god is doing in your life share your testimonies via email at kicctv at uk or please send a text message via whatsapp on 07430-779-2884 yes be a part of the great commission and help win souls to christ reach out and touch someone's life by being a blessing and sowing a seed or attending missions outreach when sowing a seed please use the reference mission seed for more information on attending a missions outage please send an email to admin the thanksgiving and child dedication service holds every last sunday of the month at kicc prayer city and kicc the land of wanders whole street during the 11 am service if you are dedicating your child please contact the kicc church office on zero two zero eight five two five double zero a form will be sent to you for completion please return the form no later than one week prior to the date of the dedication kingsway bible institute virtual classes we have exciting opportunities for you to become a member or a steward here at kicc from the comfort of your home so join the one hour virtual lesson for baptism and membership and stewardship classes every wednesday at 6 00 pm if you are interested in this opportunity please send an email to kbi at dot and an introductory questionnaire will be sent to you please fill it in and return please note the minimum age for the baptism class is 10 years old also join the kicc global bible study and enrich your faith as pastor matthew teaches us and goes deeper into god's word every wednesday at 7 00 p.m caring heart fellowship members meet virtually to learn and go through studying specific life relevant teachings supported by god's word join a group every friday from 7 to 8 p.m for more information on clearing that fellowship or a center close to you please call the church office the details are on your screen now the world is constantly changing how can the christian remain relevant and grounded in the truth the king's college of excellence offers you a virtual bible school with a difference harnessing the experience and knowledge of its global faculty of teachers including kce founder pastor matthew chimolo students from every walk of life those called to ministry running businesses and employed in the marketplace are empowered with timeless teaching tools and strategies that equip them to make a lasting godly impact on their generation our cutting edge curriculum includes teachings on the principles of faith new creation realities christian ethics in life and ministry personal development and spiritual life coaching family life and ministry and much more enrich your christian life and join a global body of students at the king's college of excellence virtual bible school for details and to register for the virtual opening evening visit for more information about kicc or any of these announcements please call or email or visit our website details on your screen now please follow kicc on facebook twitter and instagram well that's all for today september has been declared our month of all-around victory anchored in 1st chronicles 18 6. god bless as you continue to fellowship in the father's presence [Music] good morning church we're gonna sing about the goodness of god hallelujah amen feel free to join us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's nobody [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] there's nobody [Applause] oh there's your love is so incredible the love is so amazing your love is so amazing [Music] [Music] enough of your love jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'll never get enough of your love love jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] it's so good is [Applause] [Music] giving jesus never getting them clever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you are hallelujah and your mercy is forever [Music] you are good [Music] [Music] is [Music] you're so good [Music] yes you are you're so good we sing hallelujah to you hallelujah we say hallelujah [Music] [Music] and your mercy is foreign [Music] are good and your mercy is foreign [Music] bless the lord hold my soul and all that's within me bless his holy name hallelujah bless the name of the lord who forgets us not hallelujah hallelujah we worship and exalt you you the great and mighty good lord hallelujah amen [Music] praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord this is the day the lord has made will rejoice and be glad in a time wherever you are around the world joining me this morning welcome to life class welcome to another time in the presence of the lord wherever you are lucky for just 20 seconds to open your mouth and just pray in the language of the holy spirit [Music] heavenly father we give glory we give praise we give honor we give adoration to your name awesome god mighty god glorious god god of faithfulness without injustice bless us this morning let the entrance of your word bring light and understanding let your word enlighten our spirit let your word challenge us let your name be glorified we give you praise we thank you in jesus name amen amen amen amen amen well praise the lord welcome to life class trust in the lord to bless you to lift you up to encourage you to strengthen to stir you up or succeeding in every area of your life life class is about l for the lifestyle you've chosen to live the eye for investing in your future the f for your finance your future your family your faith and e is for equipment for encouragement for entrepreneurship god wants you to succeed in every area of your life and we have started last sunday to start sharing on 20 reasons why people fail you see god desires for you to succeed the bible says 7 chronicles 20 26 verse 5 concerning a king that as long as he kept pursuing god god caused everything he did to succeed the bible says in joshua chapter 1 verse 8 this book of the lord shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate during day and night that thou mayest observe to do according us is written therein but then thou shalt make that way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success so god is not averse to you being successful rather he desires success not even just success but good success our passage for this message is psalm 1 from verse 1 to 3 he says blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly no stands in the path of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scumful but his delight is in the law of the lord and in his law he meditates day and night then he shall be like a tree planted by rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in its season whose leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he does shall prosper whatsoever he does shall prosper whatever he does shall prosper so it is god's desire for you to prosper to succeed with your life to make a difference to get to where he has planned for your life to make impact listen this message may sound similar to something i may have shared at different times but i will never stop until you succeed until you break through until you reach the level god wants for you and that's why you need to ask yourself various questions questions that have to do with really challenging yourself because it's very easy once we get an education and get a job to settle down and think this is what they call success but success is bigger than that you've got to put yourself in the place where you ask yourself serious questions all the time who am i doing what i'm doing for how many will benefit from what i'm doing now what's going to keep me filled up to do more so that i don't run out of gas and queue like everyone is queuing in the united kingdom now what if anything were possible will i go for it when i accomplish what i have as a dream a vision what is the next thing would i settle down as if there's nothing more to pursue what am i doing that is not purpose driven because you see if you don't ask yourself questions like this you may not realize how you have put yourself in the place now to succeed what am i doing that is not purpose-driven what else am i capable of doing that i have not done because you see sometimes if you don't set the goal you wouldn't know you have the capability to make it happen to achieve it what have i always wanted to do that i have forgotten about or that i have laid aside or behaved like well i'm too tired i'm too old i'm too this i'm to that is it necessary will i reach where god wants you to reach with that are those around me on the same page because if you are surrounded by the wrong people they might even think you are doing well when you are actually firing below your capacity who is encouraging me on the same who is encouraging me to live a life of purpose well if nobody else at least pastor matthew is that is the reason i'm sharing with you on messages that have to do with 20 reasons why people fail in life because some people will align with you even in the state of failure i'll tell you you are doing well instead of them to tell you hey you could do better you carry more capacity you carry more capacity more ability than what you are doing who is a good role model for what i am attempting is there somebody who is doing what you want to do and they've shown you that if they can do it you can do it also who around me is not living a life of purpose because who you see determines who sees you who you hear determines who hears you who you hang around with is influencing your life and sometimes we choose a company of mediocrity because they don't stare us up they don't push us they don't stretch us we feel okay because in fact we are more light around them than anyone else what can i do to help others achieve their purpose in other words not only you asking yourself what am i doing to stay away from failure is there anyone else i'm pulling up along with me so that we succeed together because true success is not just you winning in life but making winners out of others he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of waters 20 reasons why people fail last week we said number one people fail because they do things without clearly defining purpose or focus we shared this last week we wouldn't go back and i've just summarized that in the questions i asked number two people fail when they are busy about other people's affairs instead of them really focusing on their own life and realize the second corinthians 5 10 that you only appear before the judgment seat of christ to answer for yourself thirdly indifference in the face of opportunity there are people who are surrounded by opportunity they don't see it rather they are indifferent like they are like this the the parable of jesus when he said the kingdom of god is like children in the marketplace who are busy playing you take your child to the bank they are transferring billions of pounds or your child is only interested in the flyers that they put in the bank because that's its level and there are some people they carry age but they behave like children surrounded by opportunities but never reacting to it number four inability to control a destructive appetite how many people are so gifted yet have actually become their own destruction because they are the ones who serve themselves poison ivy samson was gifted but he destroyed himself number five uncontrolled childhood experiences there's no one on earth even if you are raised in a privileged home i may not have one or two stories to tell about childhood experiences those who were raised in a comfortable home and those who were raised in the atmosphere of abuse but you know you cannot grow that abuse and even turn the dirt that was thrown on you to become your reason to succeed in every area of your life number five or number six is the fear of man the fear of man the fear of man brings a snare a trap when you are afraid what people will say when you are afraid what people will think one of the biggest opie's that can ever hold you down is opo other people's opinion that are all peace that help you other people's money opk other people's knowledge opc other people's credibility but opo other people's opinion can stop you from reaching where god meant for you to reach this morning let's move to number seven and number seven has to do with the lack of education and i look at it from a broad perspective education includes sitting down in a structured place to learn in ii timothy chapter 2 verse 15 paul wrote to timothy the young pastor he said be diligent to present yourself approved to god a walker who does not need to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth in first timothy chapter 4 verse 13 he wrote again to timothy he said till i come give attention to reading to exhortation to doctrine you know they know the bible says true wisdom is when a house will be built proverbs 24 3 and 4 it says through wisdom a house is built and by understanding it is established and by knowledge the rooms are filled with precious unpleasant riches in other words wealth riches are not accidental there is a gradual process that comes by way of a person acquiring the wisdom the knowledge that helps you to achieve it knowledge is power its absence is costly its absence can make people to fill the gap with assumptions with cultural mores with traditions with lies that do not hold people have died of disease because they went to somebody next door who said try this i cannot forget as a young pastor in a church that was so great when i first had my pastoral experience but our head of the choir was a man who didn't have much education but he could sing fantastically even worked in the american embassy more as a person who helped them to do photocopies but he never applied himself to any education one day in the neighborhood where he lived he had a terrible toothache that would make him not to sleep all night and the neighbor told him to put the acid water in the battery jesus is lord acid water in battery that is precisely what killed him acid water in battery the lack of education simple chemistry would have made him to know how can you put that kind of honor onerous destructive liquid in your mouth society uses tests examination to measure where you are certificates determine many people's placement true achievers have been able in several ways to overcome limitation of the lack of education because it's not the only way you can also educate your mind you can stretch your thinking you can be hungry to know you can desire to know you got for example that paul said uh when you are coming bring my books bring my books you can you can distinguish yourself by applying the word and being hungry to know see when you are hungry to know and you read what others have written it brings out your quality your ability it clarifies you as a person who is a winner in life it makes you to rise above your weaknesses how many people have told themselves i've learnt enough i know all the things i need to know no way man every day you learn the bible teaches us to pursue knowledge and wisdom for wisdom is the principal thing and with all your getting get understanding proverbs chapter 4 verse 7 it puts it precisely this way wisdom is the principal thing there forget wisdom and in all your getting get understanding so if you are not current in your chosen field of endeavor you may make yourself a candidate of retirement of pension and these are the days of downsizing right-sizing outsourcing and and all kinds of language to cut down employees from any business because most times the shareholders are more interested in their profit or you can prepare yourself educate yourself be hungry be current being current like i always say is the currency of life so many people have failed and they've allowed someone else to determine their faith by telling them we don't want you anymore why you're not current someone younger someone fresher someone newer someone who can actually do three times what you do we have found them i will pay them the same amount we don't even want your burden jesus is lord i pray for you today that this message will stir you up to wake up and be the best that you could ever be so that before anybody is reading the riot act to you or presenting the red card to you you have already given yourself the exit card into greater things before anybody considers to put you aside many people have been considered and put aside because someone felt they have expired or they have passed their cell by date and then there are those whom the world still pursues in their 70s in their 80s in their 90s because they're still smart they're still alive they're still sharp they're still current you've got to wake up and stop telling yourself i know everything i need to know you will never meet a person who is successful in life who does not still desire to learn more to study more to be hungry more that's how many of you while listening to me today krcc members who've never taken one of pastor marty's books unread you have never read it you just have never read you say oh i know all he has preached you can never know something has been captured in a book you've never turned to you've never read it and you do not realize it is by stroking your mind with information that you bring yourself into a place to men of mental transformation what you don't know you don't know it's time for somebody to increase number eight the eighth reason many people fail in life is that they lack persistence they are not persistent persistence is learning to be dogged persistence is keeping on persistence is not to give up easily because things are difficult persistence is staying there until you win keeping the pressure on persistence is learning to not just allow everything comes you just you surrender you get eroded like a river with a soft bank isaiah 50 verse 7 says for the lord god will help me therefore i will not be disgraced therefore i have set my face like a flint and i know that i will not be ashamed luke 9 51 says now it came to pass when the time had come for him to be received up that he steadfastly set his face to go to jerusalem jesus set his face to go to jerusalem you need to know how to be persistent even when discouragement comes the bible says concerning paul he wrote to the ephesians in ephesians chapter 6 verse 13 he said after you have done all learn to stand the wind may be strong stand in the face of persecution stand when things look tough stand learn how to be so committed to your standing that nothing can shake you you know where you are going with your life you know what you want to achieve when people are discouraging you you keep your eye on your final goal la hey co-parentaka persistence is a necessity it's a necessity for you to reach where god wants to take you what god wants to achieve through you what god wants to make of your life so many people give up so easily they allow someone to talk them out of their blessing you can only be where god wants to take you if you are hungry if you are touched for it jesus said matthew 5 6 blessed are they who do hunger who do thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled look for people who are persistent in their chosen field who they've thrown everything in this world against them but they're still standing they're still smiling they're still happy they're still focused they've called them all kinds of name but if you look at them like is this not the man they said is stupid is this not the woman they said he said he's an idiot is this not the person that said he did this and he's still standing still happy still excited that is what it takes because you see when you are persistent those who do whatever the truth when they are gone you will still be here my sister makes you to be able to stand like the rock of gibraltar persistence makes you to be able to over to stand the worst wind the strongest tornado the biggest ill wind that can be thrown at you it helps you to be able not to bow to issues to challenges to to troubles of life and makes you to be able to say i started well and i i'm going to finish well i hope i'm ministering to someone this morning which takes us to something close to the lack of persistence the ninth reason why many people fail in life is that they have uncontrolled emotion uncontrolled emotion they cannot control their anger they cannot control their passion they cannot control what they do and they allow you to control that there are five natural phenomena which i have observed that have the same thing in common they are very powerful but they do not have a channeled power number one the volcano the power in a volcano if it is china can provide electricity for a whole city for probably a whole year but it's wasted energy many people are like that uncontrollable emotion number two the hurricane the hurricane is a powerful wind which when it passes through a place every building in its way is torn down the same wind if it was used for wind electricity wind propelled electricity or provide electricity for some cities for months but it has no channel number three is the typhoon the typhoon is a wind blown mostly in asia same thing coming out of the sea which saw tremendous power pulling down houses tearing down places but no direction number four is the tornado blowing like a round like a round funnel it goes through a place it only causes destruction if it had been channeled as a wind directed it would have provided some benefit the fifth is the earthquake when an earth the power that causes an earthquake it is so huge that it makes the earth to split the tectonic plates of places to shake the whole of california is sitting upon two tectonic plates in the sand san andreas fault and every time there is an earthquake and this and these plate tectonic plates move houses fall cars are destroyed energy without direction there's so many people there angry about life follow me to a place like america you find a person he's angry his girlfriend left him he goes and buys a gun i should say a couple of people then he shoots himself it forgets that's an uncontrolled emotion if a girl rejects you today it may be a blessing you'll go through the motion and find a person who loves you if a man rejects you today it may be actually the best thing that ever happened to you instead of them wasting your time on your life and you may find the one who will love you unconditionally any form of emotion if properly channeled whether anger do you know you can channel anger and it blesses you because you channeled it i've been angry at something that is not working and grow with yourself that you have failed and you began to channel your anger and you began to achieve i have found for me personally that when people provoke me when people call me names when people expect me to fail it increases my ability to succeed it makes me gingered so that when my ginger is ginger i go out and do more uncontrolled emotion can come back and eat you uncontrolled joy some people are so happy they drive themselves and kill themselves my mother used to say poverty never kills it is too much joy i don't know if she's totally right but that's true haven't you noticed that a good number of accidents is because of some joy rider joy rider not the sad rider that is so joyful sometimes you're driving when i rules in the united kingdom you just see some guys raising each other until you get there you can see their age because it is just joy riding they probably are 21 22 already have a degree and i've been paid some unusual salary as uh boys who work at the stock exchange and so they become joy riders many have not realized that they can use the same anger or the same emotion to propel themselves to success a person who manages their anger can use it to push the unpushable reach the unreachable a holy dissatisfaction with yourself a holy anger can be a motivation in the line of succeeding sometimes it takes an angry person with enough adrenaline and moments of anger to move objects that can normally not be moved i've told you the story several times about a woman in the united states of america who while driving her car some assaults and for some reason she found herself thrown out and her child thrown out but the car was resting on her child this woman being thrown out and the child outside and the car restaurant her child she doesn't know how the energy came she lifted the car and pulled a child the tv crew came back and asked her to reenact the same scenery but there's no anger nothing to motivate her there's no child under the car anymore but when that child was there she remembered her first second throat trimester the pain she went through the childbirth the sleepless nights and there was enough power to pull a child out channel what is making you angry to serve god to succeed to be the best or if it is uncontrollable if it is uncontrolled your emotions can become make you vulnerable and a potential failure it can come back and eat you anger is one letter short of danger proverbs 25 28 says whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down without walls they have no rule over their own spirit no rule he's 17 a girl rejects his his move of love so he goes to look for something to hurt her in east london we had three four years ago some guys or some girl who couldn't take it the fact that her boyfriend left off another girl she goes to buy some some chemicals some acid to pour in the face of the girl who they took who her boyfriend went after and rejected her instead of you to tell yourself well if i was rejected it must be that he's missing something he doesn't know what he's missing take care of yourself make yourself more beautiful make yourself better in fact raise your standard see yourself as a queen do not come so low that you try to destroy someone else in your quest to find your own happiness it takes a person of joy in the face of trouble to stand tall it takes a person of celebration in the face of challenges to be able to stand tall it takes a person of praise in the middle of persecution to be able to stand tall and not to fall you will be you will stand tall you will succeed with your life you will make a difference you will make impact and your life will have a testimony i pray for you today that the word you are receiving will truly truly touch your life and you will never be the same you will never never never never never be the same glory to god glory to god number 10 is demanding from life what you have not paid for demanding from life what you have not paid for matthew 25 verse 24 then he who had received the one talent came and said lord i knew you to be a hard man reaping where you have not shown gathering where you have no scattered seed you know this man made a quiet a powerful statement the statement is true a man should not reap where he has not sown a man should not gather where he has not put seed but there is an entitlement generation who think life must give to them this must give to them what is the government doing for me what is my disk doing for me what are my parents doing for me what have you done for me when you have that kind of attitude you can't succeed but if you have an attitude that anyone who blesses me is an addition they didn't have to do it then you're on your way to winning in life it's not possible for you to take what you have not given to life some have not given anything and yet they do not value what has been given to them for young people and maybe you are one and you are listening to me your parents provide the food you eat the bed upon which you like the clothes you wear and yet you disrespect them you turn your back at them you talk to them like you like because it's just one parent raising you are one dad one mom raising you you failed to realize you are so and see that one day you rape a harvest double what you've sown so if you want a blessing you've got to realize you cannot demand what you have not paid for there are also adults who think because they work in a place i work there five years you have not promoted me promotion has now gone past the number of years it is now the impact you make you've got to learn to realize noise is not what we want it is result noise will only reap an echo if you make noise you get an echo if you make impact you get your impact do you want to reap where you have no sun it's more like broad daylight robbery broad daylight robbery means a person shows up to collect the money he didn't work for he says i'm entitled to it i have a gun people who sit down doing nothing i only wish in life they have something for themselves uh just a failure in the beginning but you've got to learn to be diligent diligence is key diligence is the answer diligence sets you aside for total victory and favor diligence makes you to stand out and be a testimony to your generation diligence makes you to prosper to increase on every side to be blessed on every side to be lifted on every side the bible teaches us that only the hand of the diligent will rule the bible makes even clear that those who are who are lazy will get the consequence of their laziness and the back of the vehicle in africa somebody had written no food for a lazy man no food for a lazy man so whatever you have is a product of your commitment in life there's no food for lazy people there's no blessing for lazy people diligence protects your heart from contamination so if you don't want to fail and you want to succeed kick yourself out of bed learn to work when others are asleep the bible says proverbs 4 23 keep your heart with all diligence for out of either the issues of life the forces of life only the diligent is guaranteed prosperity proverbs 13 verse 4 the soul of a diligent man desires he has nothing but the soul of the diligent shall be made rich results only follow work not wish if wishes were horses beggars would write wealth only comes to the hand of the diligent wake up get yourself mental diligence brings you to a place of mental accuracy a mental equity a mental achievement financial diligence makes you to prosper to increase to multiply what god has given you physical diligence with your own health makes you and you know it's not enough to end up saying i will live long i will be strong do something if i pray to you this morning i've already done one and a half hours in my gym one and a half hours and i'm still thinking that maybe i'll do another hour before the next service so two and a half hours today listen you play your part god plays his part make your body such a body that no disease can stay there and stop lying to yourself and stop quoting to yourself how about someone so who eat whatever they like you don't know what else they do to keep them so listen failure health failure is not some witch in your village it is your own fork and knife sometimes that brought it it's time for you to succeed wealth failure it's not because society is against you the bible says the poor and the rich the lord god made them both but no he didn't say the lord god made them so choices increases or decreases chances choices increase or decrease chances you chose to hang around people who gossip gossip anytime you load credit on your phone it is just to talk talk talk send text nobody sent you to send and keep writing scriptures and statements sent to 200 people you say you are sending their money devotion daily did they ask you to do that do you think they need it you need to wake up and find ways to build your spirit man i stopped doing things that really have no immediate value to your destiny but the diligent in christ rarely run out of supply proverbs 2 11 says of them he who tills his land will be satisfied with bread but he who follows frivolity is devoid of understanding when you follow frequency you'll be devoid of understanding you cannot harvest what you did not so wasted opportunity is the disease of the lazy go check it out in every society where we think things are so hard then you find that there's somebody there who's prospering who's doing well wasted opportunity proverbs 12 23 a prudent man conceals knowledge but the heart of fools proclaim foolishness hard work never fails and never kills hard work never kills it may be painful for your body two and a half hours by treadmill is painful man pain food full of pain but it's very good it is health full full of health get all those and all those things you don't want in your system out you sweat it out you become lesser you stop cutting what you shouldn't carry praise god i dropped the two-year-old weight out of my body equivalent of the whole two-year-old hiding inside my body diligence is the conversion of desire to action it is god's method for your increase wealth gained by dishonesty will be diminished but he will gather us by labor will increase proverbs 13 11. many are just not realizing that you are the one to stretch yourself to build to be the best to increase in every area of life to succeed with your destiny no one else will do it for you and we love in christianity we love to blame the family curses with broken curses from some people's life several times until there's no crush to break we've not broken habits it's time for you to wake up and succeed with your life you will not fail you will succeed you'll be a testimony the hand of the lord will be on your life the favor of god will never cease in your life the god who called you called you to success and so i declare you will not fail the god who called you according to blessing i declare you will be blessed god wants you to succeed you will succeed as you follow the word of the lord may the grace of god and the hand of jesus never leave your life second chronicles 26 verse 5 says he sought god in the days of zechariah who had understanding in the visions of god and as long as he sought the lord god made him prosper may the lord make you to prosper may the lord make you to increase may the lord make you to be favored verse 7 says god helped him against the philistines against the arabians who lived in gurbaal and against the millionaires may god help you may god strengthen you may god give you victory we're gonna give you testimony in the name of jesus the bible says verse nine and uzziah built towers in jerusalem at the corner gate at the valley gate at the corner and at the corner buttress of the wall then he fortified them i pray for you today you will build towers you will build your vision you will build your dreams you will extend your your testimony you will reach places they never thought you would reach in the name of jesus in verse 10 it says also he built towers in the desert he dug many wells for he had much livestock both in the lowlands and in the plains he also had farmers fine dressers in the mountains and in carmel for he loved the soil in order he was into famine i pray for you today god will cause you to be towers of success even in the place where people say it's a desert generational anointing will rest on you que piruna taliz what will bless your sons your daughters your grandchildren your great-grandchildren will flow from your life in the name of jesus he dog wells you will provide water for coming generations you will bless people you bless your generation in the name of jesus verse 11 says moreover usaid had an army fighting men who went out to war by companies according to the number on their role as prepared by jail described and messiah the officer on the hands of hanaya one of the king's captains may god raise for you men and women who will stand with you to win the battles of life to succeed in every area of your life you will not fail i prophesied today you will not feel but rather you will be a testimony while you hear of people who fail you will not be counted among them everything you lay hands on god will cause to succeed may your dreams become reality may your vision become possibility may the lord bless your life may you be a testimony in the company of the people you know and in the community of the people where you have been raised it be so shall he be so shall it be verse 6 says so now he went out and made war against the philistines and broke down the wall of god the wall of jabner the wall of ashton built cities around ashdod and among the philistines today i lay hands on you the god who teaches the hands to war will teach your hand to win victories he will teach your hand to win victories you teach your hand to win victories you teach your hand to win victories so shall it be lord we give you praise we thank you for your word today let it continue to bless us let it continue to strengthen we refuse to fail we choose to succeed jesus name amen if you have listened to this message and you're not born again you need to give your life to christ it's the most important decision you will ever make knowing jesus is the most important decision you need to tell him jesus son of god have mercy on me come into my heart to come and live in my heart help me to live my life for you i thank you for forgiving me in jesus name amen amen amen amen well we give god praise for today's live class still could have finished all the 20 so we just pick it up next sunday and finish it up possibly next sunday praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god powerful powerful you will succeed the devil likes it or not you will succeed with your life you've come too far to fail you've gone too far to be let down you've come too far to stay down in the mighty name of jesus well this morning we want to serve the lord with our tithe our pledges our increase our incomes wherever you are around the four corners of the earth thank you for tuning in to live class this morning we celebrate you we appreciate you we pray blessings on your life in the name of jesus i'm gonna give our offerings want to give our tithes i want to give our pledges i want to give all that god has provided for us so wherever you are i want you to know this god desires that you're serving with what he has blessed you with in deuteronomy 16 16 it says not to appear before god empty-handed to always come with something always come with something so this morning i want to encourage you in the ties the tide is one-tenth of our income looks big to us sometimes i imagine the god who told you to keep 90 percent and say he should just give him the 10. remember that he gave you everything freely to enjoy even oxygen you breathe you cannot pay totally for the value so the tithe belongs to our god the tide belongs to our god the tide belongs to our god the tide belongs to our god and we also bring our offerings we serve the lord with our offerings we worship god with our friends we magnify god with our offerings bless the lord with our offerings some of us are still desirous to be committed to the missions in ghana make sure you write missions on your envelope if that is the seed you are giving i'm going to give you the excitement if you are giving from around the world the details are on the screen make sure you take those details i used to give we're going to give it excitement we're going to keep rejoicing i'm gonna give praise in the lord if i give him from the united kingdom the account details are there you can use paypal you can text you can use your phone using your phone you can text care ccd ccdo any text the amount and then send it to seven zero zero eight five you can do that with the offering because you cannot do more than thirty pounds texting [Music] we're gonna give it joy or gladness this morning those of you who need to call the church number people are waiting to take your call let's give to the lord we'll come back for the announcement let's give let's give [Music] um [Music] you are [Music] [Music] my oh crazy [Music] [Music] your name is [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] is kingdom kingdom [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord stretch your hand towards the screen wherever you are around the world [Music] and agree with me and stay with me lord as we bring our friends we believe you for blessings favors increase finding money money finding us receiving increase royalties dividends estates inheritances checks in the mail gifts surprises in the name of jesus god bless your people this morning open the heavens and the flood gates upon them prosper their hand let your name be glorified wipe their tears fill their mouth with love let today be the beginning of a new beginning during this 90 days of the covenant of testimonies let your people give unusual uncommon unusual uncle or usual uncommon testaments in jesus name amen amen but praise the lord i'm sure you were blessed by this morning's message i certainly was blessed i was blessed no matter how many times i share that kind of a message it stirs me over and like we say it changes my ginger to really want to go for it and not think that you've done enough there's still a horizon you have not yet reached there is a level you have not yet captured there's a dimension you've not yet entered praise god and well next service will be a blessing next service will be a blessing the place of divine going back to beth hell beth hell means the house of god beth is house bethlehem is house of bread bath is the house of figs but a knee is the house of mercy that l is the house of el the house of jehovah the house of god going back to that place where divine change happens jacob had everything cartoons children blessings but something was missing and he was still carrying his father's identity it was they called jakub which means a supplanter a cheat until you went to bed air and change happened something will be different from this morning ah the 11am service can't wait to share with you the place of divine change here so you're already in prayer city hosting why do you want to go stay and be blessed with the tax service vikram foreigners although praise god it's going to be great it's going to be a great service tonight's immense service also it's going to be a powerful one the blessing of tonight's service the national service will be such strong one it will hit you powerfully we call the evening service the night of the prophetic and the fearless was the theme the lord gave us at the break out of the pandemic we are fearless there are people who are fearless praise god you will be blessed this evening well talking about that let me encourage you because uh from monday the 30th of august to the 31st of december the first five days of the morning glory the lord have called it a season of the covenant of testimony and i have found with me that overflows into the days that are not even those five days every day i have a testimony every day i have a testament every day i have a testament every day i have a testament you know i had a guest a preacher from houston texas in my home yesterday just came and took him around my home he's leaving asks me questions about whatever the lord is saying concerning their ministry as i close my eyes they love began to show me things and where confirmations of his dream i didn't know that as he has left he has sent an alert of a gift to us prophet altering to me wow look at my phone i see a cheerios currency one million naira every day i mean every day i'm blessed the day before there were blessing flowers at the airport trying to get my flight to get home and in the airport in a strange country in lume togo up but flew from ivory coast to togo took out the flight to nigeria two people come to me with a gift one guy who sells in the shops in rome has been watching me from the french world second one called says i'm coming i'm going to new york new jersey and i told my wife i'm in the lounge with you he comes with the seed i think i'm just saying to myself wow everywhere i go see that pursuing me blessings are pursuing me increases persuade me testimonies pursuing me i arrived pastor of family fashion calls me and said do you remember the lady who one of the days you came to preach for us had a breakthrough in kscc maryland lagos whom her friends reported her to microsoft u.s while she was working here in nigeria and they expected microsoft u.s to throw out rather they promoted her and sent her to dubai to work in united arab emirates i made the original head of a particular section so well she's now even been transferred to the global headquarters in seattle and she sends a seed of two thousand dollars remembering the impact of your of the grace of god on your life in allah praise god i won't mind i know man this god is just too much i believe i heard clearly the covenant of testimonies and as i share my testimonies i provoke yours even bigger ones greater ones testimonies in areas you can't imagine jesus name amen amen remember that october the 3rd to october all the sundays rather in the month of october five sundays we'll be sharing why i believe why i believe that there is a god that happy again is there a god at all why i believe in god we're going to share with you reasons why you should believe and we want you to encourage your friends to come with an open heart to receive why i believe in jesus why i believe in the holy spirit well i believe the bible is the word of god not the idea of man not some ordinary literature no ordinary literature would be like the bible men wouldn't have written it because it tells them to love their wives women wouldn't have written it because it tells them to submit to their husband teenagers wouldn't have written it because it tells them to honor their father and their mother politicians wouldn't have written it because he said they should rule in the right way we citizens wouldn't have written because he says we should submit to people in authority why i believe in the immortality of man that we don't just end here there is an afterlife why i believe in the trinity god the father the son and the holy spirit why i believe in the absolutes of christianity the fact that jesus died the fact that he rose again the fact that mary was the virgin the reality of hell the reality of heaven why i believe there is an afterlife the absolutes of christianity is gonna be such huge blessings man invite your friends tell them to come in and join us it is going to be powerful it's going to be great praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord this is going to impact your life your life will never be the same well we started to certain witness days ago in our wednesday bible study on life in the spirit and we're looking at the holy spirit in every book of the bible life in the spirit i want you to join me this wednesday you will be blessed tremendously and your life will never be the same life in the spirit the holy spirit in every book of the bible will be such a blessing to your life in the name of jesus remember the kerala fellowship you need to find the one where you connect with them right now they are studying uh lives of some people in the bible because the bible says things happen to them for example they are written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the earth is come why don't you join the whole fellowship in your area connect with the brethren in your area praise god praise the lord and uh like to celebrate everyone who's with us this morning remember the mission support i like to encourage you to be part of it if you want to attend the missions we're going to get the missions from from uh christ to the rural world they have their special form which they have prepared we're going to make it available to you we don't want to give you a krcc form because it's a missions organized by christ to the real world we'll get that available to you very soon it's a mission to bogatanga i'll be there to myself i'm getting excited i'm i'm thinking that um i just stay from the setting up of the tent to the pulling down of the tent because i'm also i mean i mean i'm a good student and i'm studying what they are doing i want to launch it in my home country a big way praise the lord well lastly this morning we're going to take uh a video of noah's ark the hard work they have done to see how we have impacted community despite the all the fuel shortage people stay mentored best watch [Music] we are still sending out now double the amount of food that we did before the pandemic we serve a lot of charities including school breakfast clubs care homes homeless refuges church projects and they all are reaching out to people who are in food insecurity i would like to say a huge massive thank you to noah's ark from kicc we collected bags last night and we were able to distribute them to many many families there were some that we were able to divide up and last night we were able to reach out to about 40 people which is absolutely fantastic people were so thankful and i just want to say a huge huge heartfelt massive thank you to you and all that you guys do i know sometimes it might seem that it goes unnoticed but let me tell you this here on earth i want to say mata thank you [Music] praise the lord praise the lord i'm sure all right we're excited for the hard work they've done we thank god for them we pray that the people we're impacting also will not just have this food these drinks they will also desire the greatest food of life with jesus christ please stay with me this morning i'm blessed i'm prosperous i'm valuable i'm free i'm equipped i'm empowered i'm confident i'm motivated i'm determined i'm anointed i'm creative i'm talented i'm accepted by god redeemed by his blood i'm focused i am not average i'm forgiven i'm free i'm disciplined i am secure in christ i'm a child of the most high god hallelujah i leave you this morning with the scripture second kings chapter 3 verse 17 for this is what the lord says you will see neither wind nor rain yet this valley will be filled with water and you your cattle and your other animals will drink so this promise of the lord will come to pass in your life you will be fulfilled this week the destiny maker will make your destiny beautiful you will not struggle for results but rather the righteous god will make provisions for your life the works of your hand will be blessed dry places will become blessed places god will connect you to places of progress people of progress places of progress people of progress there's a place for your portion you will come into it and you'll be blessed by it god bless you keep you make his face shine give you peace bless your going out and you're coming in this week you're full of the blessings of the lord remember live morning blue please don't just connect every morning like it subscribe to it challenge your friends to be part of it why should you connect to morning blue the bible makes class to start the day with god and to finish it with god david said in the morning at noon and in the evening oh god you will hear my voice so how can we be running morning glory in the church you belong to some of you in kscc london and you are not connected when the world is connected get online push yourself that's part of succeeding never allow your flesh to tell you how long you should sleep you tell your flesh how long it must stay away wake up to morning blue wake up to be refreshed no matter what i'm asleep the lord has helped me it's now almost two years of running morning the worst of one and a half years since march last year there's not been one day and i always slept one but one oh no no you've got all the glory all the praise even the days that i know morning blue my body will naturally wake that time of morning blue it is i know that i will want to go sleep and even if i want to there's someone this angelic presence it's like you whisper my ear on top may you also experience angelic visitation blessings of the lord jesus name amen i may not be a blessing [Music] you are [Music] we're glad you watched today's service for prayer call 02085250 or text to share your testimony prayer works at prayer city see you next time you
Channel: KICCOnline
Views: 3,879
Rating: 4.8778625 out of 5
Id: e9LnGUiX41g
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Length: 98min 52sec (5932 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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