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this week on life class there's no shortage of time there's only a wastage of time i have never met i have never met a man who is successful who complains of no time inspiration finance entrepreneurship [Music] life class with matthew at a point in your life when you how many would really like to make a success of their life let me see i have news for you you have to offend some people how many are ready to offend people to be successful with their life let me see your hand you have to offend some people people who feel you are too two two two straight jacketed why can't i just show up at your house no because i have plans praise god oh i pray you'll be blessed the management of time is important because it predicts the future once you see a person who is diligent with this time you already know that this person cannot be a failure as long as they are diligent with what they are doing is someone hearing me diligent with what they are doing diligent with what they are doing everyone in any sphere of life they spend time in what they do i play golf even though it's no longer rated among the first 100 the man who changed god what is his name you know the name tiger woods but do you know what he'll go out early in the morning i hit a thousand balls when you hit 150 you can't stand straight this guy will hit a thousand he may hit one ball to drop in one spot in order to be so accurate that's why if it doesn't show the game doesn't sell even it still is not like number 100 if it shows the game will sell the crowd will come because he was delegate with one and you don't need to be master of many things you just need to be the master of your own destiny and the specific area that god has given you strength somebody say man that's what will make evander holyfield beat mike tyson get 15 million dollars and the following day is gone for road work again doing exercise i mean if you get 15 million dollars some of you will not even see you in church for six months for a long time we might not see you in judge you say where are you i'm on a permanent holiday this guy makes 15 million dollars in direct pay not to talk of endorsements and the next day he's gone on road work again to run some couple of kilometers even me i'll say run no i'm not running today i want to watch that fight again and just chill but he knew what brought the success he went back to what brought the success when you were in school for those of you who were adults the teachers you blamed oftentimes were the ones who put pressure on you to succeed in the chosen area you didn't like the maths teacher not because they weren't good but because you were no good you didn't have time for them you thought they were too hard and they knew this has to do with your future you never have you noticed the subject we sometimes either like the lord or hate it where the one that has to do with the whole of life it has to do with the whole of life even if you read history you needed mathematics to count your salary to count your money to make sense of life praise god i pray for you that today's teaching will really enrich your life and she will never be the same it is not the number of days you live it's the quality of life you give not the number that when people who live 20 years 25 years 30 and they moved on and we still talk about them we quote their lives we talk about them some of the biggest names you've ever read of in literature and science in fact they lived at a time when human mortality rate what's less than 60. i think shakespeare died something like 55. i think aristotle died something like 55. many of these pure leonardo da vinci the man who first designed helicopters 900 years ago before there was any thought of a helicopter these guys didn't live to see 60. so it's not the number of years it is the quality is the impact praise god i say praise the lord now jesus was a time manager i said i must be about my father's work while it is day that the time i said i will commit when no man will be able to work when no man will be able to work good time management means investing time not just spending it so spend time some invest time some spend time some invest time they invest in things they invest in places invest in your children sit with them do the maths with them do the assignments with them teach them the word of god don't leave it to school don't blame the teachers in your school don't blame the church sunday school if your child is not behaving right now say and my child comes to judge every sunday your child is in church on sunday two three hours your child is with you all these hours you can make greater impact invest in your children invest in time invest in capacity to talk to them to show them value anything happens turn into a teaching somebody passes on or dies in the family teach them something about eternity praise god there's no shortage of time there's only a wastage of time i have never met i have never met a man who is successful who complains of no time they just know the principles of either multiple tasking or something i call quadrant living creating boxes quadrants for things you want to do so you put this in that box this in this box this in that box so when it's time to take them out you know in which box to get them from praise god i have never met successful person who didn't have time because they don't have the time to waste they have something they want to achieve with the time they have praise god they have something they want to achieve it's great to sleep but be careful you don't go asleep so you don't sleep all your life i shall feel guilty for not sleeping long i no longer feel guilty i want to sleep long sometime but it doesn't come and i'm not unhealthy i'm healthy praise god productive nations and people who have the quality of life that is enviable only got there because of the management of time and life which god has given to them go and check poor nations are the poorest time managers you will see people by 10 in government offices in poorer nations who are still looking for their desk they haven't started work and they're going to close by three poor nations always close by three they hardly have nine to five rhythm poor nations don't have something i might call um something you can call a shift in government departments i was shocked to read it in the book by uh the the the the king of egypt of dubai i don't know what to call him uh as a prince or wherever he is [Music] i think he calls himself a prince calls himself a prince he is right now the prime minister because they have a ceremonial president he's the prime minister of dubai he's the one we all know is one who is the symbol of the country in his book he said how even in the civil service they have shift stay tuned for more i have never met anyone who decided to know how to manage the time of their life and they didn't make progress we are students whether it's a levels or uni oftentimes the difference between grades is not mental capacity but time that's the truth that is the truth leadership inspiration finance entrepreneurship life class with matthew ashima [Music] time procrastinators differ things i'll do it tomorrow i'll do it tomorrow i'll do it tomorrow i'll do it tomorrow until there's no tomorrow time is a condiment for the accomplishment of your purpose in life time is a condiment for the accomplishment of your purpose in life what do we mean by condiment they are the things you throw together to make a nice tune time is the onions the tomatoes the whatever all the ingredients you want to put to make a nice cue of life time brings it together if you say i cannot manage time others will manage your life for you if you can't manage time others will manage love for you but when you begin to manage your time in your life when you begin to have a rhythm when you begin to have an order when you begin to have a direction if you take your life from people's hands you have a focus if you begin to go somewhere you make a difference determine what value you place on things some things don't carry the value we place on them reduce no matter how your flesh wants it some things are not they don't deserve it they don't deserve it don't spend the whole of your life watching a particular series on television they are very they are like drinking salt water once you drink a glass your throat asks for two glasses when you drink two glasses your throat asks for three until it becomes too much and it kills the person that's why people on the sea never drink seawater because seawater is salinated determine what value should place on things what's the value you place on family before you have the children before you have the children what value are they to you before you marry before you talk to the man before i meet before you talk to the woman or whoever talked to who what value what value are they part of your furniture or part of your life because some places the spouse is just part of the furniture not part of the life time is so powerful there's always enough time when you know what the important things are that you want to do in life there's always enough time it is when you don't know where you are going there's never time oh no time oh no time i have never met i repeat people who know what they are doing who have done some what we're sharing today somebody will spend so much money to go on a time management course i have never met anyone who decided to know how to manage the time of their life and didn't make progress if you're a student in whether it's a levels or uni oftentimes the difference between grades is not mental capacity but time that's the truth that is the truth the difference whether i see grade or a grade or a star is not always mental acumen it's time it's time it is time in fact people who are very gifted and they don't read they don't read they're always busy about something else so i said to a degree it's mental laziness i used to suffer from that when i was a student because i knew that once i look at it i'll remember so i wouldn't read i've already know the things i'm chilling not now i don't chill because i knew that once i had to flick through the pages i'll see the pages in my head i see that's not the way to manage your life because the examiner can change the law can change the whole system can redo everything that's why i used to have a problem with one of my lecturers when you thought you've carried all the book in your head you only come with four questions so and so elucidates a man's uh expansion i said ask me one by one not expansion because i was not a good time manager at that time in my life the management of time helps you to know what your priorities are some of the people you are spending time with they are not the priorities of your life you leave your family you leave your children your children are crossing from childhood to teenage a major bridge where you have got to hang with the boys you got to hang with the boys with boys will they be there when your children turn to rebels will they not be the same one who will point to accusing fingers at you and say look at him the sons and daughters are rebels his daughters pregnant before marriage the medicine want to mock you because you did not know what is priority which takes me to number 30 and that thing says it is important that you give quality of time at home and quantity of time at work quality quantity what does that mean there have been people who have resigned work to stay home because they feel i have not been giving enough time to my family then after a while they feel they have too much time and they're not happy then they go back to work then they feel unhappy then they come back no quality of time at home say if it is only three hours it is so qualitative with such undivided attention and work quantity of time they paid for eight hours let them get eight hours not a time not you spending two hours on social media checking your facebook for two hours and leaving the work on done you are collecting the salary that you are not supposed to your employer may not be able to tell you but i have you here so i can tell you if the man pays you do the job he paid you for it's a time to shut down all the social media if i'm beginning to contemplate in my head one day in the week that i shall not answer any phone i'm beginning to think of it seriously now switch off switch off from man you want to talk to me talker tomorrow a major step in the management of your time and life will be the increment of your competence in the key areas of your life where you expect results what are the key areas of your life the key areas of your life are where you expect some good results so you need to give more time if you if you were a student you need to give more time to your mental life and to your spiritual life so that you spent quality time because you know this season of my life what i'll be used what they will use to judge me is not how much of instagram how much of facebook how much of all the other i mean there are so many now how much of that i know i will be judged by the quality of my results so you spent time you prepared well you knew your audience you were first class in your chosen area praise god i said praise god learn to plan tomorrow today learn to plan next week this week learn to plan next month this month and learn to plan next year year don't let tomorrow come before you begin to scratch it what shall we do today you gotta know what you want to do this week have it on your phone get that notebook page or planner page or put it you find an app that works with your calendar with dots on that today so when you see the daughter as you step as you picked on the dot sh it opens up it says this is what you're supposed to do today and commit yourself to it if you're going to bring variation let it be something that's more valuable than what you planned praise god stop moving your life all over the place for people who have no rhythm to their life let me close by saying if you must manage your time and life you must develop new habits new habits prayer habits have a prayer habit wake up every day have a power hour or shut down every day with power hour 15 minutes 30 minutes whatever amount of time you want to do so with that you prayed you worshiped and you wrote the things you want to do plan it don't have it in your head don't have the plan for the week in your head your brain is not for storage of information it's for creating ideas oh please i pray that you'll not forget that statement your brain is not for storage of information it's for creating ideas creating vision thinking deep thoughts i know you remember things but that's not the original purpose because the day is going to come when you can't remember some things anymore what would you do have you noticed when people enter 70 something 80 they remember 1945 but they can't remember yesterday because that region of your brain is the first to shut down so if you like it or not no matter how much tongues you spoke one day the region of your brain that remembers yesterday is going to shut down if that's where you have the number of your husband or your wife jesus have mercy something happen in the house you want to call your wife and say what's her number again or even her name if that's where you stored her name i remember going on visitation as you see as a bachelor pastor within like saturday visitation was all the elders of the church was a nice idea it was not here was abroad we got to this house well your wife is not i always say she's not russian what's your wife's name again said them [Music] i think i i i never forgot i was about to like meet up and i will never forget him he's his name he forgot his wife's name he said because i call her mama something this is the guy's banging his head in embarrassment i felt like asking for his marriage certificate [Music] rather it's better to try business and it failed than the one who had it at the back of their mind but never did anything i'd rather make an attempt and achieve halfway and not achieve at all don't miss it [Music]
Channel: KICCOnline
Views: 609
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 3sIDpcAjyTo
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Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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