Keyword Research Tutorial for 2023 (Dominate ANY Niche)

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if you want to make serious money online this is the ultimate keyword research course to rank for more keywords and make more money in 2023 so I'm covering how to dominate over 20 niches things like food blogs travel blogs AI blogs home outdoor software van life crypto Sports Insurance dogs cats hamsters everything we've got you covered you're gonna love it lots of surprises we're covering it all so in this video we're going to go through how to do keyword research the right way so that's how to find new affiliate keywords that you can make you a lot of money how to find high volume keywords to make you add revenue and if you stick around till the end how to see if you can actually rank for this stuff how to speed all of this up with AI tools and a lot more so let's get right into it alright so this full course is how to do keyword research in 2023 a money making tutorial not just a random SEO tutorial but a money making tutorial the full course of keyword research now good keyword research is really the foundation of any website that wants to get traffic and make money if you're a Blog if you're a local business if you're a service business an agency it doesn't matter you need to rank for stuff you need to go where the actual fish are what people people are searching for and this is really the foundation of getting traffic and making money now every piece of content that you publish should have the goal of ranking because we want to have people actually see it and every article can be its own mini business so what I mean by this is that you can have affiliate posts that make a lot of money individually and then you can have affiliate companies in there and that individual article can make a lot of money and I want you to think about the ceiling of this is actually a lot higher than you think I have individual articles on my blog that make me there's one that makes me over 13 000 a month one that makes me over 25 000 a month and that is just from recurring commissions on things but the power of this is you can treat each article like its own mini business some keywords are great for ad Revenue some are great for affiliate Revenue some are good for services some are good for traffic and email list subscribers so the list goes on and on we're going to break it all down for you this is what we're going to cover seven Parts how to do it all let's get into it so first is keyword research fundamentals so obviously keywords are phrases that people use when they're searching for things online so I think of like the psychology of search intent here and what this really means is you know search is an extension of the human mind so if I'm thinking of something or something's bothering me and I'm like I really need to know this piece of information or this fact or this thing maybe I'm at CVS and I'm like I need to know about this supplement or I'm at Best Buy and I'm looking at reviews in the store on my phone or I'm at home and I'm searching for how to do things for my business or I'm looking for the best products or travel gear or things like that all of that is done through Google so we have to understand how keywords work at a base level first so there's really four types of different search intent four types of keywords there's informational so the internet is full of information Google is really the place where people go for that so it's not like people want to get entertained by blogs or websites really anymore that's where they go for social media but people look for information online that can be things like how to do things you know YouTube also has that search intent how to do things you know fixing your car things like that you can find that on YouTube but with Google you can also find that it's just written text a different way to doing it but there's informational there's navigational which is kind of dumb it's like looking for you know the Google Apple and they go to kind of pointless for us uh in this instance commercial so this is when people are searching for Brands and services and then transactional so this is when people are searching for comparison products reviews so somebody might be wanting to buy something but they're not quite ready to purchase it yet so instead of searching for laptop or like Best Buy laptop and going right to Best Buy and purchasing it they might search for best laptops under a thousand dollars and they want to see the different options the features the pricing and a real human experience based on what's best and that's where websites fit in so the main team we're gonna be talking about our informational and transactional why did this matter so this is really this is how businesses run if we're publishing content we want to know how to do keyword research because we're media businesses a Blog is not a hobby if you treat it like a real media business like a real uh publisher of content right because we can monetize that in different ways so we have to do keyword research we have to understand search intent and what the user actually wants when they get there now let's talk about transactional versus informational first is really coming down to two things do I want to educate my readers do I want my readers to take an action the answer is usually yes for all posts because when you talk about how to do things in keywords when you talk about best laptops best credit cards whatever those product review affiliate posts are we want users to take action so transactional content is optimized in a similar way it's templatized it's assembled follows a similar format best plus your target keyword in a category or there's also versus posts so if you're like a photography blog it might be Sony this XYZ camera versus Panasonic this we can find those types of keywords there's also individual product views so Sony camera review or you know something like Capital One Venture Card review any product imaginable has these three main formats best plus the category verses and reviews now informational content is Broad it covers a lot of different bases and you can have lots of different types of keywords when it comes to information so this is like how to how to do things we can find these with seed keywords when we're using SEO tools or what is plus your keyword or even ideas posts so things like living room ideas patio furniture ideas business ideas in any specific Niche there's lots of different ideas posts and there's different types of informational intent keywords too it really depends on the niche and we'll go in depth and show you all these different niches and how to find the informational intent and find the good keywords but we have to really think about what we're going to write how we're going to do this and how to structure this content this all comes back to keyword research so I like to kind of cover this quickly before we get into the tools and start going after all these different niches and good keywords I want to cover the keyword monetization Matrix so this is a thing that I created and it's just kind of a way and a framework to think about keywords when you're starting out so on the left column there's search volume here on the left hand side so that's monthly search volume the more that it's searched the more people are searching for that keyword basically the more popular it is and then on the bottom that the Y not the x-axis I think I haven't done math in a while uh maybe 18 years but anyways the the Y the x-axis is competition so that's how competitive the keyword is how much authoritative sites are ranking for it pretty much how much money you can make with that keyword because that's how competitive it is if people can make money with it they're kind of writing about it so how do we think about all this well on the bottom left side we have low volume post so this is like low search volume low competition easy stuff to rank for I call these easy wins so something like long tail that's not for made for affiliate Revenue something broad that you're not going to make a ton of affiliate Revenue with not going to make a ton of AD Revenue with because of the search volume but it's things that if you're just starting out you can start writing and make money with uh to eventually like get out of that Google sandbox and actually start getting traffic so something like tiny house kitchen ideas pretty Niche pretty specific not going to make a ton of money not a ton of search volume throw a couple ads in there but you can actually get an early win and create content early on in your blog stays to rank for that stuff the next one is high volume info post so we see it's higher volume less competition and these really build your brand so these can get you a lot of traffic now they're a little bit broader because they're not super competitive again the more intent based keywords are the more focused they are like best insurance like best car insurance rates best uh specific lawyers in Texas right like things that are really competitive that get you to something that makes a lot of money are going to be more competitive but things that are broader in nature ideas how to do broad things like something that would be worth not a lot would be like how to tie your shoes how are you going to monetize that right so these are brand builders so something like dorm room ideas has a lot of search volume not a lot of competition and these ones can get you a lot of traffic they can make you add Revenue they can internally link to your affiliate posts they can get you know email subscribers there's a lot of points of these but these are good ones another one here is this is high volume High competition keywords so these are probably what I call the Antiques of your Niche so things that have been around for a really long time so this is something like best vacuum cleaner or best refrigerator best mattresses things that are like Pro these articles were probably written by you know uh major media sites 10 to 15 years ago and everyone the sites that are ranking are like Forbes CNET tech radar Tom's guide New York Times and those that are like it's slightly Out Of Reach today so another example would be like the best vpns best web hosting things that are just super competitive that get searched a lot and they're probably Out Of Reach for a lot of new bloggers like I don't really go after these because the set the ship has kind of sailed on these keywords and we'll talk about timing and all of this but these are they've been around for a long time then on the other hand the final one is lower competition transactional post so the competition might be a little bit higher but they're lower volume a little bit longer tail but they're emerging products so these are these best transactional posts to make affiliate Revenue that are newer that aren't as competitive yet they're not as they're not searched a ton but they're searched enough to make you good money and they're new in emerging word so something like best modular sectional not hugely competitive but is pretty expensive product is newer very popular and these are this is where you should live so really these two boxes here high volume informational post to make you add revenue and get you traffic those types of keywords and then lower competition transactional posts to make affiliate Revenue based on new and emerging products those are the only two types of posts that you need on a website to make the most money it's really that simple so really you have to learn to live in the middle so if you're a golf blog and you write about golfing stuff and you're really good at golf what are the two types of Articles you'd write well you'd write articles about how to swing how to chip how to putt all the information how to grip it best courses all that informational content that people search for a lot and then you'd review and recommend the product so you'd have best drivers best irons articles individually on the best Putters the best pitching wedges you could have reviews on Callaway whatever driver reviews this versus that that's really the only two types informational and transactional and living in the Middle where you're beating out those Niche sites by doing better keyword research better content a little bit better link building perhaps and then you're doing things that the big media sites haven't covered yet because they're just kind of get lazy they they rank for all these antique keywords they make a ton of money but you can find those new and emerging products before they do and timing is really the hidden factor in keyword research that no one sees so there's articles that I wrote based on keywords that if I wrote them today I wouldn't stand a chance of ranking this year I wrote them in 2019 back when the competition was a lot lower there wasn't as much uh people writing those articles yet and this the comp the competitive scores were a lot lower so something like best webinar software I remember in 2019 I wrote that article I was just starting to travel and I was at a random Airbnb and I'm like I need I saw the keyword difficulty was like 20 something or maybe 30. I'm like okay this is really good I wrote the article based on my domain authority of my website I started getting on page two relatively quickly and then I shot up to page one and I solidified that ranking for about four years where I've been on page one for that making a lot of recurring affiliate income but if I wrote that same article today I wouldn't stand a chance of ranking and that's how Google works that's how keyword research Works something comes on the scene maybe you see Google Trends something is popular think of like Peloton for example during covet there's a new keyword on the scene Peloton reviews no one's written it yet you start writing it the competition's less eventually Google Sees how people are interacting with those early articles and then the search engine results are kind of solidifying so there's like the data collection phase where Google's seeing how people are interacting with the pages what articles are ending the search journey and how that all works and then over time after years pass and they have so much data collected on these top 10 ranking sites it's harder to get in there if you're interested in learning the exact process how to find all of this stuff how to rank not just rank for these keywords but write the content how to do link building and make a ton of affiliate Revenue make sure to watch my free blogging masterclass linked Below in the YouTube description 80 minutes of free training all the stuff condensed in my brain into that training please give it a watch think about this in terms of what you can rank for what you know a lot about the brand of you I always cover the brand of you and personal branding because you can write about a lot of different things you want to stick to one broad Niche but you can write a lot of things underneath that and think about what you know a lot about think about that's really what gets you ahead as far as timing and understanding the market and understanding when new products come out better than anyone else is having a little bit of expertise in the area we don't want to be writing things we know nothing about that's going to be a lot harder I've seen you know people that are like lawyers that want to start maybe a fitness blog or a CrossFit blog but they're just starting across they don't really know what they're doing they don't know all the things it's a little bit harder so having a little bit of experience and you don't need to be an expert by any means but having a little bit of experience helps with keyword research so let's go over some examples of using keyword research doing it with hrefs so we're going to look for different volumes we're going to look for pages with lower Authority sites ranking for these terms and then we're going to go over exactly how to start thinking about this so let's look at some examples all right so first we're going to use hrefs which in my opinion is the best SEO tool for keyword research we will also cover after this free tools Google Trends other types of tools that you can use for free this is a paid tool but it is by far like 10x the best keyword research tool in my opinion to find keywords that you actually want to rank for so this is the keyword Explorer and this gives you search volume difficulty the metrics it shows you who's ranking for specific things and we can find really good keywords with ahrefs better than any other tool but we'll cover others too so first of all let's let's cover those um transactional affiliate posts posts that can actually make us money based on products and searches for products so if I put in like best I just put in best doesn't really make sense who would be searching for best kind of a weird search but if you go to matching terms you can see everything that includes the word best and then everything else so like Best Buy credit card best breakfast best pizza near me best SUVs CD rates um air fryers very very broad right but what if we put in best plus our Niche like something as specific as whatever is taking the America by storm and annoying a lot of people is pickleball so what if I put in best pickleball well I'll see that that search doesn't really make sense either right but if you go to the matching terms tool you can start to see different keywords that you could possibly rank for now let's take a look at the list best pickleball paddle that has a difficulty of 10 which is really low this is a number from 0 to 100 based on the difficulty of the keyword so something in the 50s 60s 70s is going to be hard to rank for something under 20 or 30 is going to be a lot easier to rank for so this is good it has 15 000 searches a month let's take a look at this one and see what it looks like so we can see this is up trending search volume which is a really good sign it's getting higher and higher people are more and more interested in it and then we can take a look at the sites that are ranking for this now we have some Authority sites we have Forbes because they write everything very well fit Men's Health and a few others Good Housekeeping Mind Body green but a good sign for this keyword is that there are a couple three low Authority low domain rating sites without a bunch of links still on page one so this is the column Dr as domain rating which shows the strength of the website's Authority so that's one of two main ranking factors to Google it's really like the two main ones in the mirror like on-page SEO what's actually in the article that you write and then also Authority so how many links are pointing to your website links pointing to that article is you URL rating this is the number of backlinks the number of domains linking the estimated traffic levels uh the number of individual keywords that the post is ranking for so we can see all of these different things now we see that there's a couple sites like pickleball effect total pickleball and that are very small Niche sites that don't have a ton of links and they're ranking for that so that's a really good sign so we can see all kinds of different opportunities here with paddles shoes paddles for beginners intermediate players these could all be different articles that can rank for the stuff and make money via affiliate marketing and this just goes down the list and this is really easy because it's a newer thing now I bet you in you know a couple years from now this is this difficulty is going to be a lot higher because there's going to be bigger media sites that also write this stuff so timing is a crucial component so I put another one in here best crypto so that's another search and if we go to the matching terms tool we can see the difficulty of this Niche so it's like we're testing the Vault the the volatility the viability of actually searching and ranking for these things so you can see it's a lot more competitive keyword difficulties in the 70s and 80s so like best crypto exchange when we're talking about like binance and coinbase and other ones it got a lot of Spike of search volume and really the times when crypto was most uh popular back in 2017 and 2021 and it's kind of stable now but we see like this one would be really hard to rank for the lowest Dr site is college investor at 74. so that would be really tough but if we go back maybe we can find another one and you can filter all of this by keyword difficulty so we can say I only want a Max of 30 difficulty to show me all the easier opportunities so we still that there's some there's not a ton of search volume but you could rank for things like and I actually rank for this one best crypto tech software best crypto under one cent 2022 that's not a really valuable one to rank for but best crypto credit card that's pretty good crypto podcast signals crypto to buy right now crypto IRAs some of those are decent opportunities that aren't as competitive so it's really spotting these looking deep into it and understanding you know how it all fits together because if I look at something as simple as you know best crypto cards or let's do best crypto Ira so we'll do best crypto Ira the difficulty looks low right 21 but when we investigate a little bit further we can look down and see how difficult is it really well it's actually pretty freaking hard because the top 10 are big media sites Business Insider benzinga milk Road who has a huge crypto newsletter coin Ledger geek Flair software testing help to balance money so you know you'd have to have hundreds and hundreds of links to a new blog to make this work so crypto would be kind of a tough Niche to start just based on looking at all of the competitiveness and even for these lower competition ones these big media sites are starting to write them so we want to know keyword research enough to be like that's a good opportunity that's not and have that kind of instinct inside of us to know all these columns what we're looking at and what it means here's another one I did for best dog so let's talk about the pet some pet niches and see if we can rank for that stuff for transactional affiliate posts so best dog food brands breeds all of that let's look at the matching terms tool and we can see all right dog food kind of competitive 52 breeds dry shampoo dog food for allergies collars probiotics best wet dog food that's a really decent looking one with a difficulty of five let's take that one increase rankings people of the dogs they want to give them some some tasty different foods here but we can see again if we analyze this this is actually not that easy to rank for because even though this Score says five every single site is a high Dr site so you have to kind of go beyond these tools know that these tools aren't 100 accurate hrefs at one point thought my site had like a million visitors now it says I don't have a lot it just doesn't make sense it says I have like 50 000 visits it's like it's very it can be inaccurate however we have to use SEO tools as like a baseline And if we always use one we always stay consistent with our strategy so know that it's not always accurate 100 of the time but we have to dive a little bit further than just looking just at the difficulty score because if we just looked at that we say oh it's five let's write it but then we look down it's like well I can't outrank Chewie and pop science and and Rover for this thing it's going to be tough so let's look at some other examples all right if we go back to dog stuff and we make the max difficulty 30 we can start to kind of look and see these opportunities so dog shampoo best treats food for puppies and what you know what's interesting is that we see things that are more expensive and that are searched more that can make more money keywords that can actually make a lot of money with affiliate commissions you know something that's expensive and is searched a lot is going to be more competitive than something that's not so when we look at things that are least competitive it's like dog clippers sure I could rank for that and send people to my affiliate links but if you're making eight percent on a nine dollar pair of Clippers you're making like a dollar or something right so it's going to be a little bit easier to rank for but what's the point at that point so dog stuff um we can find like dog crate we keep looking and just analyzing these these opportunities and looking down the list and we see okay this one's also pretty competitive right so there's one site that's ranking so dogs are kind of tough in general there's a lot of dog uh content out there because it's a little bit you know dogs have been around for a very long time and the content's been around that long too let's let's move over to another one of our furry Felines and do cats so let's look at the matching terms for cats and see if we can find any good stuff here if it's any different than dogs so pretty similar actually in the 50s for the food term toys it looks like the the numbers are kind of similar I'm gonna go to and again make the max difficulty 30 to see if we can rank for some of these terms best cat for indoor cat uh best cat food for indoor cats cat harness I'm gonna try to find one of these lower competition ones best cat food for sensitive stomach search increasing search volume and let's take a look at the top 10 sites so this one's a little bit better so we see there's the domain rating of 11 that's on page one so that's a good sign other than that they're pretty high competition ones I'm gonna also go down the list and say best cat flea collar there's just an endless amount of things we can write in the pet Niche really um so let's see here still somewhat competitive with sites in the 50s Tech rate uh pets radar and things like that I'm going to do another one let's do one more best Cat backpack put your cat in the backpack and walk around town it's very nice very healthy way of living uh let's take a look at what ranks here this one also pretty competitive so ultimately if you want to create a pet blog you might want to look at some more obscure pets like hamsters let's take a look at a little furry pet called a hamster I promised you I was gonna do it now we're going to cover it the best hamster keywords of 2023. all right let's do this best hamster cage very good hamster food the difficulty is only eight because cats and dogs are so popular there's lots of sites writing about them what about hamster food what about the poor hamster well look at that there's a nice site called with a domain rating of one barely any links that is still on page one ranking for delicious hamster Foods let's take a look at what these actual foods are there's definitely nutritional value in these delicious durable fortified daily diet foods look at this one look at that cute little hamster uh hamster food Wild Harvest which is hamster and gerbils which you can feed to either one delicious low-fat good price per pound amazing article and they have their affiliate links to Amazon Chewie and Petco down the list we see a lot more so hamsters are actually a lot easier to rank for than cats and dogs and that makes sense because it's not searched quite as much but there's some nice swans like a best Siri and hamster cage I don't know what that is but you know look at how easy it might be to rank for there's a site the with a domain rating of 14 hamster Guru I would like to meet that person because I'd really look up to them as my hamster Guru but this stuff is a little bit easier and that's kind of what we need to think about when we're first starting our keyword strategy is like and our website strategy in general so what I would do is we we want to live in the middle we don't want to be pigeonhole ourselves into one tiny thing so although I love furry free hamsters very much um there's probably not enough articles and enough search volume of just hamster content to make a really profitable website we'd have to have other pets and other related things too other related animals so I wouldn't call myself the that'd be I don't want to be the hamster guy that'd be freaking weird but there's not enough search volume and articles to write for specifically just a hamster Block in my opinion you might be able to make a few thousand dollars a month maximum with that but we want to like not call ourselves the hamster person right we would say that's why all the pet sites are like the spruce pets pets radar it's a little bit broader in nature so that's just a quick note on your domain name and how it ties to keyword research we don't need the domain name to have the keyword in it and we don't want to pigeonhole ourselves into something as small as a furry little hamster all right now we're gonna do a quick lightning round with the remaining transactional post and look at a bunch of different niches and I'm going to say yes or no on if this is a good opportunity or not all right let's take a look best outdoor electric grill so you have a patio blog an outdoor blog for uh you know barbecue type stuff let's take a look medium difficulty of 16 traffic potential 11 000 per month for best outdoor electric grill and then we look at the competition and we see that it's actually not too bad there's ranking which has a low domain Authority there's the I would say yes if you want to create an outdoor barbecue you write a bunch of recipes about outdoor stuff and you look for these longer tail versions of grills next up best contact lenses difficulty 16 volume 4.9 that's pretty good mostly searched in the US lots of volatility in the top ten and what do we see in the top 10 results we see yes this is actually pretty good daily contact lenses plus low Authority site ranking on page one with really no backlinks to this article some of these you can discard because they're just Bots and stuff and there's some Authority sites very well health but contacts compare Eyes On My Lens Pier write about expensive glasses contacts you can find keywords there let's look at another little furry creature with a stinger and that is bees how about beekeeping starter kit easy difficulty of six traffic potential 1.8 K Tractor Supply ranking number one and we see this is actually pretty easy to rank for too with Beast lapis B Supply lapse B Supply ranking in here beekeeping for newbies and low Authority sites ranking there's also this one the nice Mountain Sweet Honey company they probably sell some B stuff now I wouldn't stick to just bees if you're a beekeeper maybe you'd want to write about bees and only bees but I'd also cover like Tractor Supply things that can make you a lot of affiliate money Outdoors farming in general so I would broaden my domain name to that but you can rank for a lot of stuff in the beekeeping niche as well next one up RV solar panel kits so if you're living the van life the RV live class ABC Travel Trailer fifth wheel whatever you want to you know write about you can write about these things traffic potential 15K on this keyword that's pretty good good search volume low diff low to medium difficulty and what do we see this is a pretty good opportunity go power is a low Authority site so we see one or two in here Mortons on the not a bad one look at some RV opportunities if we go to like best RV and I go to the matching terms tool I can also probably find some more opportunities here Best Brands best RV battery Insurance that's pretty good so this isn't as competitive as like Car and Auto stuff but we see another low Authority site uh domain rating 25 ranking for the best RV batteries so van Life RV is a really good blog for keyword research here's another one best e-bikes for women so eBay are really interesting I have one they make bike you know they make biking lazy I can just kind of pedal and not do anything it's pretty nice but e-bikes for women low search volume decent traffic potential here let's look at the search results they're pretty stable uh kind of tough I mean there's one that's related to that but it's a little bit more difficult what if I just put in best let's try e-bikes and I go here um e-bikes in general is kind of difficult actually it's 70 70. not enough search volume here I would say e-bikes uh you're probably dealing with media sites writing about them because they're very popular it's a tough Niche by itself you can have maybe a few articles as part of a bigger strategy with a website about mountain biking and being in Outdoors but e-bike's too tough here's another one vegan shoes men's so vegan shoes for men sounds delicious if you ask me I don't know what it tastes like but let's see if we can rank for it difficulties three looks pretty easy you know 27 men's sustainable shoes you know cruelty free shoes I guess these would be considered looks a little bit tough vegan shoes for men I'm gonna put in vegan shoes and I'm just gonna go to the matching terms tool and see what is going on with this crazy search so there's that I would say like let's just do best vegan and see what we can find for transactional affiliate posts vegan restaurants is easy cookbooks different things vegan cream cheese ice cream you know if sustainability blogs are a good thing it's just a little bit tougher to monetize sometimes because you're covering a lot of different things vegan butter snacks Foods it's not going to make you really affiliate Revenue it's more about like the recipes it's more about how-to and informational content than selling some type of thing so I would say Vegan stuff not ideal for affiliate Revenue pretty good if you're building a brand around sustainability not enough search volume for delicious men's vegan shoes next one up best travel headphones is going to round out our transactional post list all right difficulty 18 medium volume looks okay it's a little low but that's fine Rolling Stones here Tom's guide T3 looks a little bit tough yes there is one with a domain rating of 33 but we think about travel headphones they've been around for a little really long time we can't outrank these major sites so travel headphones is tough but what if we just put in best headphones and then we use the matching terms tool to find something and then we put the keyword difficulty under let's say 30 and then we show the results of that what kind of headphones are easier to rank for over ear headphones for working out let's take a look at that one maybe that one so that's uh so people get pissed off because maybe their earbuds fall out of their ear so they want to put it over their head to look really cool at the gym you know try to talk to people and annoy people and make videos and stuff but let's take a look at this one so this one's a little bit easier because it's got oh our homeboy here one of our BGE students ranking for this one uh in the third spot wow getting 1800 visits a month so this is one of our students who started um you know last year and the first few months he wasn't making any money but now he's making over five six seven eight thousand a month I can't remember exactly but he's ranking here competing with the big Brands and that is what we teach like look at this he's outranking Men's Health and Android Central because he has a really good article this is totally random I didn't think we'd find this but um look at that table of contents how he lays out the content he's making ad revenue for this he's sending people to Amazon links he's got nice Cadence blocks here product pros and cons so that looks great so that was a lot of like best of transactional posts that their product roundups that can make affiliate Revenue when doing keyword research now let's cover what's going to make up the bulk of your traffic and that is informational conformational content well it can be a lot of different things but let's like Define it so we can narrow it down and make it simple with ahrefs so the first one that I like to look at is ideas posts so when I put in ideas someone might search for ideas probably not let's go to the matching terms tool and find of ever the most popular ideas that are on people's minds dinner ideas is most popular drawing pumpkin carving tattoo I've searched that one before looking for different tattoo ideas I'd search like more obscure stuff men's sleeve tattoo ideas or something like that but ideas is what is kind of like the starting point of search intent it is the starting point of the marketing funnel it's really um you know the top of the funnel where it's like we're searching just for General ideas we want to get some information we're not ready to buy something like we're not searching for products but we want General ideas on stuff living room ideas patio furniture ideas kitchen ideas so how do we do this let's take a look down and go to keyword difficulty of all ideas and make it 30. what I realized here is like the easiest ad Revenue website would probably be one around um parties like celebrations like birthday party ideas um Christmas Eve dinner ideas like gender reveal party ideas Saturday dinner ideas so a lot of it's around food or when we look at it that way um actually I put in dinner so let's go back here so I we look at it like gender reveal ideas 74 000 searches a month not that competitive first date ideas keto breakfast so a lot of ideas are around parties and food and that's pretty much it food and parties so it's like a lot of ideas post there we can also look at like a living room ideas and we can find that and we see it's pretty competitive right that's been around for a while people are searched for living room ideas for a while I probably searched that in the past when I was looking for like what kind of couch I want what kind of color scheme you want in your living room you know what color paint should the wall be versus the rug or something like that so that's where you get all of the general ideas before you're ready to purchase the actual products but there's a lot of different ones you can do like living room curtain ideas as less competitive Farmhouse living room ideas is less competitive one that I found that was pretty good was something like dorm room ideas so we could look at dorm room ideas dorm room ideas for guys college dorm room ideas but you can look at something like this and you can see the search volume which is interesting because it peaks in August when people are actually moving into their dorms which makes a lot of sense people seem to care a lot about their door you know it's actually interesting people cared a lot about their dorms leading up to covid and then they stopped caring as much the search volume went down because a lot of students are not either giving a or you know being more remote or where you know it's just a little bit different now there's not as many there might not be as many people actually going into dorms because the search volume was almost double back before covet hit so that's the depressing note of the day for this video but uh we see that can we rank for it well there's this good side by Sophia Lee she teaches blogging stuff I believe as well she has 56 domain Authority so dorm room ideas could be a potentially good one a little bit more competitive but let's look at other ideas so I went back to the just ideas by itself and I'm looking at you know difficulty under 10. so what is the easiest possible ideas posts a lot of these are birthdays so like 40th birthday 50th birthday graduation cakes so if you are into party planning you could just dominate because it's a pretty dang easy Niche like 80th birthday party gift ideas if we go down this how easy is it to rank for there's a lot of Amazon links here which is interesting Etsy personalized Mall Uncommon Goods so we have to dive a little bit deeper into this stuff my 40th birthday is a big one you get some gag gifts in there things that are shaped oddly that women like to get in cake version you know they're going through a midlife crisis we see that the search volume is increasing but there's you know a site with a domain rating of 20 here is ranking so party party stuff food ideas uh all of those are easy to rank for but start thinking about ideas because that's what a lot of people search when it comes to keyword research now another thing that you have to do is you have to discover the informational intent of your Niche because not every single Niche is going to have ideas posts informationally but there's going to be other you know seed key phrases that we want to look for and put into these SEO tools so for example if I'm a fitness blogger I would put in something like workouts because the informational intent the things that are actually going to get searched a lot are going to be like workouts and exercises if you're in Fitness yes I can talk about the best kettlebells the best you know TRX Band Whatever It Is the products but exercises and workouts are going to be it for informational intent when it comes to keyword research so if I go to the matching terms again it's medium competition on a lot of this stuff so you start a fitness blog today you're going to be going up against a lot of you know competition out there but there's opportunities everywhere so let's do difficulty under like 25 hit show results and see what we come up with so random stuff right deltoid workouts thigh workouts upper ab workouts let's even go lower and say like do 10 difficulty and just see what happens because there's still some like pull day workouts pre-workouts without caffeine so that's actually kind of a product review Bowflex metabolic workouts slam ball workouts let's go to that one so you pick up a ball you slam it on the ground really aggressively you get your anger out you know you get really aggressive you throw it there you yell you grant you scream you can't go to probably Planet Fitness if you do that or Anytime Fitness but you do it in your garage you know you do stuff like that but SlamBall workouts has a difficulty of five and then we see um some of these sites actually it's tough Men's Journal Women's Health birdie but you could get on page one for this one for sure because we have like and then home with those let's look at another one so like let's do uh what would be an interesting one middle back workouts peaked in 2019 people were just killing their middle backs in 2019 now we just have flabby backs and no one really cares about our backs anymore but let's take a look at this data here again you're going to be in Fitness if you're going into the fitness Niche for keyword research you're going to be going up against a lot of big sites but there are pockets of opportunity like we see the dash home with the domain rating of 25 on page one for this so really it's all about finding those unique opportunities let's try uh exercises so if you're in Fitness we're doing exercises we're going to find some matching terms pretty tough as well Kegel exercises number one people are really trying to you know improve their muscles in certain areas of their body but let's take a look and move the difficulty down to 20 and apply that and see what comes up so we can look at different stuff here hip flexor exercises again people with the hips and the joint it's just it's out of control sometimes double chin exercises I could probably use that at some point it's actually pretty competitive um it's interesting there's like that's almost a health one too because there's WebMD Health shots all of those let's go for another one jawline people really hate their jaws and their you know face in general let's look at the gluteus Minimus exercise with difficulty of two so we gotta look down and we can see okay that could be a pretty good one let's see who's ranking for that we have set for set anabolic that's good so these are lower Authority sites as well and yeah so this one's pretty easy to rank for domain rating 11 34 51 so seven so that's an easy one so it's really figuring out the informational intent of your Niche so we covered like workouts and exercises for Fitness kind of tough kind of competitive um there's still opportunity out there for sure let's look at a food blog if we were a food blog I'd put in something like recipes because we need to find recipes we need to blast ads all over these articles and tell everyone our full life story and when we talk about that chicken dish we have to say you know talk about that time you're nine years old and you went to the mall with your mom and you you know saw chicken for the first time and then you talk about your teenage years and then maybe you hint at one ingredient that you use and then you write 5 000 more words and then you scroll down and then you show them they are uh their actual recipe so you should do that but let's take a look so recipes chicken breast recipes dinner recipes all these different things let's actually you know see if we can rank for some of these let's do 10. there's probably a million recipes out there let's find some good ones 23 000 top celebrity recipe that's interesting Russet potato pheasant recipes so if we want to eat pheasant everyone eats pheasant in November it must be a holiday thing and everyone hates pheasants in July they're probably killing all the pheasants in July to prepare for the nice Harvest and the holiday season shooting all of them not caring and then making them in November so pheasant recipes pretty easy one to rank for we've got Sportsman's Pride glorious recipes with a domain rating of Nine the top meal that's a pretty easy one so if you're a food blogger there's actually people ask me like food seems like the toughest Niche out there it's really difficult well I actually think it's one of the easier ones because there's just so many damn recipes that are out there that you can write about shiny sandwiches I mean I always want my sandwiches to be shiny I I need them to be coated with a glaze of shininess before I eat them and I don't know what this is but uh it looks like it's actually a Pokemon game so this actually is not this is a Pokemon search shiny sandwich recipes and Pokemon so we learn a lot when we go through these tools Nespresso frozen broccoli but let's go a little bit higher and do like 20. so these are like diff uh you know if you're a food blog you would have recipes on one half informational content how to cook this so that could be another one how to cook I'm actually going to try that how to cook and then do the matching terms and you can find all these so like how to cook spaghetti squash lots of you know let's do difficulty under 30 for this and we'll show the results and we'll see what we're dealing with here how to cook broccoli how to cook this how to cook chorizo that's a 12. so basically large media sites in any Niche they're worse they're the biggest culprits for keywords and they dominate in like technology software business uh gadgets and things like that really popular stuff like you got Rolling Stone writing about blenders for God's sake so you know but with food you're going to be going up against them they're eventually going to try to write recipes for all this stuff so even this one although it looks easy is kind of difficult so let me make this a little bit lower then let's go to difficulty of 10 show this and this is really good to just again if you don't have a food blog just watch this because like we'll we're starting to learn about it's better to know about multiple niches and how this all ties together and like know what you're actually dealing with so how to cook salmon at 400 how long to cook spaghetti let's just look at one with the keyword difficulty of one you know this is more my cooking style this keyword how long to cook a Hot Pocket and you know it's really an art form to cook a Hot Pocket because it's really a cold shell of ice on the outside and then hot liquid goo magma lava on the inside so you for me I'd probably want to like write this article about how you need to turn your microwave down to like 50 and do it for like 10 hours or maybe like 10 percent do it so I'd cook it for like 10 hours so let's see who's ranking for this this one's easy Nan difficulty of two so this was easy so again it's like is it have good search volume can I rank for it look at the top page are there some random sites I've never heard of with low domain ratings on the first page then you know I'd add that one to the content calendar all right let's talk about the technology Niche and informational keywords to find there one interesting way to find informational content is to put how plus the product and then you go to the matching terms tool so this has all kinds of search volume for things like how plus the iPhone how to restart it how to unlock it how to reset it how to factory reset it charge it so what I would do again is make the max difficulty something like 20 I'd hit apply on that and I see what's actually easier to rank for and we can see how to change iPhone name there's like an endless amount of Technology articles you could write for ad Revenue here this is what like this is like tech radar these bigger media sites like wet dream here just like oh look at all these beautiful keywords we can immediately rank for and add ad Revenue that we're gonna sell the sponsors um so let's look at one that looks a little bit easier how to unlock oh this one's this is a little dicey here this is a little risque how to unlock an iPhone without passcode or face ID jealous boyfriends and girlfriends typically wives husbands you know people that don't really value other people's privacy maybe some slight misdemeanors and felonies here so take this example with a grain of saw I am not a financial advisor I'm not a legal advisor so this is just a keyword remember this this is a video about keywords it's not all that important this one's pretty easy to rank for again we see uh some low side startup that info so easy stuff uh there's a lot there's an endless amount of things just for an iPhone and you can do iPad to you know look at that and then it's just an endless stream of informational content that you can write about how to get rid of split screen on iPad these are like Tech you know Tech it guides and advice and how to do stuff so again we see a lot of random sites on here mobitrix Wii PC that's a really good one to do technology stuff is to probably how plus your Niche or plus a product to write these informational uh keyword articles that can make you add Revenue all right let's do one more example for informational content with the seat keyword that's really simple so let's say you're in the pool sauna hot tub spa type of Niche and we want to just do this so here's sauna and you can see the the search volume super increasing over time now let's look at the matching terms tool for this one and we'll look at what's here so some different levels of competition I'm just putting in the term by itself without best or without how to or anything and I'm going to do up to 20 difficulty I'm going to show the results and let's see what we find so infrared sauna near me Barrel sauna sauna suit portable sauna let's try Barrel sauna those are kind of the popular Barrel looking ones you can actually buy for your house search volumes going up so it didn't load completely but we have select sauna sonofin Northern saunas all these sites that don't have that high of domain rating which is pretty good to see so Barrel sauna is not too difficult sauna heater steam sauna sauna porn we can probably skip that one we don't want to create any content for that I've never searched that myself but we have a lot of different stuff here so when we think about you know the difference of informational content transactional it's just putting seed keywords in to do keyword research and then thinking can I rank for that can I actually rank for that keyword based on the competition who is on page one and then creating better content around it but we can find all the transactional stuff with best keywords and all the informational stuff with putting in the different informational intent of that Niche so it could be how to it could be ideas it could just be putting in the niche as a keyword in matching terms and all of that it could be a lot of different things but this is how you think about transactional versus informational keywords the main goal of this is to write informational keywords that prop up the transactional money making post so you probably want around 75 informational content to 25 transactional content and then you just mix and match and make really good uh do really good keyword research and make lots of good content all right so we covered ahrefs with the best SEO tool but it's a paid tool now if you don't want to pay for it the full amount you can get the basic plan for like 99 bucks a month or you can share it with somebody or you just do one month you pay for one month and then you cancel you do all your keyword research for six months and then you cancel but that's what I recommend if we want to make real money with keywords you want to start a real business you have to do that you have to actually spend a little bit of money and try so let's talk about other methods that are different and can be free so there's Google Trends let's start with Google Trends so we go to and I'm going to put in something new like what's better like chat GPT I'm gonna search for that and you can add Search terms in here and then you can look and see you go down and you see what's related and what's related topics related queries so we can see that you know a lot of this stuff is being searched a lot so like chat GPT Plus login is being searched 150 more chat gbt Alternatives that could be an interesting article if you're an AI type blog that's increasing search volume so these are all Rising keywords you can see the top keywords like chat you know these are going to be the ones that what is it Google this you can probably versus you know chat GPT open AI but you want to look at the rising ones to see what's what's happening so you can then you can click in and just mess around like AI is a topic what's going in here so zero work AI is probably the most popular currently rising company that you could write about a review on that so that's an interesting one you find the companies you could write reviews on and then you can find the different keywords in here that are rising so another thing I can put in is something like best software into Google Trends and it'll show us different ideas and search volumes so it's like best project management software for small business that's a breakout keyword or Zoho book so you can review that company or best animation software for beginners lots of different software ideas like you could look up and then you can just click around like maybe it's project management software you want to click into that topic specifically and you can see like best schedule you know scheduling project management software or pricing project management software PMP certification requirements Asana versus Monday lots of good ideas uh for rise and keywords there let's do another one like best sneakers and we can see what are there maybe some Brands will show up things we can write about like a breakout keyword the New Balance 327 best way to clean them Toyota Prime that's kind of weird J crew um but again it'll give you some just random ideas like best sneakers for heel pain another increase in keyword so we're really looking for like what's new what's hasn't been written about a lot the timing is everything in this again it's like how do I find Opportunities before other people do so that's just a little bit of a nutshell about how to use Google Trends by putting in seed keywords with best and other variations and topics and then just clicking around to find what's the new products what's emerging in that Niche another popular way to do keyword research is through competitive analysis so ahrefs has these tools you can look at competitor websites see all their top pages all their new content another way is to just reverse engineer Google search so I put in something like Bob site colon Bob best now Bob vilo we know him as the handyman the do-it-yourself guy he actually has a popular blog and he writes about all kinds of different gadgets and and reviews and power tools and writes everything he writes a ton of different content has a ton of articles but if we put in any website in this format site colon website space best and then we go to tools and we go past week so what was written in the last week or updated in the last week then we can see okay best cordless screwdrivers real mowers tested refrigerators table saws Pest Control subscription Services that's an interesting see these are new and emerging things that I wouldn't have thought of pest control subscription you know those are interesting so you can look at any website so I could do like uh another one like quick Sprout which is a a you know content software make money online type site but we can look at that and that's filtered for the past week best business brokers branding agencies how to sell your eCommerce business tell your brand story not a ton there we could go out to like the past month see online reputation companies payroll website Builders so these are ones that they've updated recently because they definitely wrote These a while ago but we can do that with any website put in site colon plus the website and then add a bus like if you're looking for informational stuff like maybe they have some ideas post I don't know it looks like they probably don't actually but other websites might so you can look at the competition what's currently ranking that way doing competitive analysis so here's another question can you use free tools yes you can however it's going to be a little bit more limited so Google has a free Keyword Planner if you put in a keyword it can give you like search volume forecasts the cost per click this is mainly used for pay-per-click advertising and you can't really come up with a lot of good keyword ideas through it it's free though answer the public is also free for a few queries you can add in and it gives you kind of topical Authority ideas and different ideas again but it's somewhat limited and they ask you to upgrade jet GPT is a actually pretty good for coming up with some ideas like give me 10 keyword ideas in the Drone Niche that I can rank for on Google and it'll give you those but then you kind of need to validate that information with another SEO tool ahrefs does have a free keyword generator if you search for that so it's a lot more limited than the paid version but Google that the the search ahrefs free keyword generator and you can put some keywords in there and it'll give you a basic level of ideas for free but free tools are very limited and if we're running a business we want to do keyword research the right way we have to invest in ourselves learn this stuff and know how to do it but you don't have to pay forever you don't have to have this month after month after month but you should invest in a paid tool for keyword research overall I'll talk really quickly about search intent so I mentioned before you should aim for 25 75-25 informational to transactional amount of keywords so more informational content cover your topical Authority write a lot of different stuff and you want to write for humans first search engine second so we optimize our on-page SEO I teach you know a Content assembly line method where we can take these keywords we create the content as quickly as possible in a high quality way though and create the content that way and we know that it's kind of a life cycle you have to write the article and then over time maybe you update it every three to six months a little bit to keep it fresh but it's a whole process and system that you can find for yourself internal linking also can be natural and then ask yourself what do they want to learn what action do they want to take so when it comes down to search intent and what you're going to write based on these keywords it comes down to understanding what the keyword means so for example if I'm searching for the best protein powder I would want all the different kinds of protein powder the different variations of it if I'm searching for something like how to lose weight I'd want the article to give me how to lose weight quickly fast discreetly backed by science those types of little details not something about the history of weight loss and how you need to you know burn more calories than you eat and you know things like that or you know if I'm if I'm thinking about another topic like the dorm room ideas one so if I look at dorm room ideas and I Google that well who's searching for this who is actually the person the search intent is about the audience and the psychology behind it so when we think about it it looks kind of like all right there's Pinterest there's trendy and space saving so we're looking for like those extra search intent trigger words in the title outside of just dorm room ideas so we have ideas for college space cute and stunning uh transform your room cute again super cute again very cute dorm rooms and yeah I think that when you think about this one it's probably mainly a female search because just looking at this uh set of images here there's a lot of Pinks and Grays which women love they love that like uh what's the word it's not rustic or Farmhouse it's like Bohemian Bohemian design dorm room whereas my dorm room was more of the Miller Lite uh Busch Light trash crashed can everywhere type of dorm room I never searched for this so it might be a more female oriented search where if I was going to write this article on dorm room ideas I would write the 27 best uh the cutest affordable space-saving dorm room ideas or 27 dorm room ideas that are stunning affordable and space-saving so really you're kind of blanketing that with search intent so that's kind of how you want to think about it what do they want to learn what's the psychology behind the search you can do that by analyzing each of the top 10 to 20 results then we have to actually write the content so we do that with Surfer SEO and with Surfer you can you know identify the good keywords that you need so it gives you every single keyword to put into the article you optimize this content with its AI so it uses AI it uses machine learning to tell you in this article about dorm room ideas we expect to see this all of these different keyword variations this many times this is how long the article should be this is how many headings it needs to have and all of those different things and really you can start to understand too how competitive this is with Surfer so you might see me like do a little bit of analysis and say hey that dorm room idea is one it needs to be like 5 000 words long that's a lot of work or it might only need to be 2 000 or 1 000 words so you can do a lot of research with server SEO that way and you can edit content based on the AI and suggesting you know those tools you can also track progress over time to help you make decisions you can use a tool like grammarly too which helps you speed up your content creation process again we're assembling content not just writing it so let's take a quick look at Surfer SEO so real quickly this is just what Surfer SEO looks like so you can check it out uh they have a Content score at the top you want to get this High probably like 70 or higher and then it tells you how many words it needs to be so this one specifically is between 1900 and 2200 words on average uh with this you know a certain number of headings images 21 to 38 and then all the different semantic keywords that they want to see so semantic keywords are really important in keyword research because we want to rank for one keyword for one article dorm room ideas but in that article on dorm room ideas they want to see all kinds of different stuff like freshman dorm storage space whole room school year super cute magazine clippings random stuff like that so you see like this is kind of like again like maybe a female oriented article a little bit twinkle lights like if I had twinkle lights I'd probably get my Ashby in college but I do love twinkle lights don't get me wrong but you can see adding all these keywords and the number of times you should add it and then it gives you a Content score you can also look at an outline the outline Builder they're brief so you can see different examples of what's ranking and it really just helps you optimize this is pretty much the first like website tool that I recommend that you get every month because if you can't write an article without something like this if people are using this and they're creating really in-depth content you need to be doing the same thing so speaking of creating content another way to do it faster and more rapidly is with using a new tool called content at scale which is an AI to built AI tool built on top of like chat gbt and other Ai and machine learning that writes almost everything for you so with this you can create projects built around your website and it really writes these articles based on the context you give it so you can do it on the single keyword a blog post a video or anything like that and then it adds specific content so it adds the headings for you a table of contents perhaps and other things that make it a lot easier and then you just have to optimize the content by updating it maybe throwing it into Surfer making sure the SEO is good and then publishing and let me just show you real quickly how to use content at scale so this is what it looks like I clicked on dashboard projects my name here I tested this with some articles AI chat Bots drones I want to add you just click add content and I'm going to say I'd like to create my long form blog post from a keyword I'm going to enter the keyword here and I'm going to do best hamster food I'm gonna make this long two thousand to three thousand words talk about the best hamster food why hamster food is hamster food nutrition is essential and the top seven hamster food brands finish the article with some cute hamster facts perfect if I click customize that'll change it and add more content and I can change the headings if I wanted to so it says what is the best nutritions fun facts about hamsters so it's already pretty good there so I can cancel that and I can go back to this and I'll just make it create the content now yes create my post and then it goes and it takes a minute and we can refresh it as you can see this is still loading it's almost done it's like 40 done I'm not gonna wait for it I'm just going to show you another one so this is like the best drones for Real Estate that I wrote but it'll show you the exact format so we wrote this 100 on its own which is just what I did introduction table of contents and then it goes over all of the specific products and features there so you'd always want to verify this data of course because we don't want to just promote products that we don't know about but content at scale is the most robust fastest way to create content because it's using AI it's passing a lot of these AI content detection tools and all you have to do is like optimize this a little bit for SEO use your keyword you know use Surfer if you want to and then create high quality content really fast so ultimately keyword research seems hard until you understand the why behind it now we're talking about making money with keyword research so we covered the two types of Articles you write informational transactional keep it that simple use content at scale or use Surfer SEO to write these articles in a templatized formatted way like we cover fully in other videos and you understand it's actually pretty simple and easy there's ad Revenue there's no affiliate Revenue two types of posts two ways to look at keyword research now most seos know how to use SEO tools but they lack the business principles behind it so they get caught up in the metrics like just traffic or just raw like oh I got you know a million visits to my website but I ranked for how to put on a sock and I rank for UPS delivery and things that like won't ever make you money so it's really about finding you know having a direct strategy a business strategy behind the keyword research and we go way more in depth in my blogging masterclass so make sure to click the link in the YouTube description below it's 80 minutes of free training not just keyword research but content affiliate marketing link building how to create a profitable content business in the 2020s make sure to give that a watch I hope you enjoyed this video somewhat entertaining my hamster jokes a few other things I hope it was as helpful as possible and you enjoyed the course please check out other videos on my channel go to the main page view the start here like how to start a blog affiliate marketing courses all of those different things that'll help you make money online in the 2020s please like the video subscribe if you haven't and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Adam Enfroy
Views: 80,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keyword research, keyword research tutorial, keyword research tutorial 2023, how to do keyword research, how to do keyword research for seo, how to do keyword research for google, seo keyword research, keyword research example, ahrefs keyword research, keyword research with ahrefs, how to make money with keywords, google keyword research, keyword research master blogging, keyword research for blog posts free, keyword research website, how to do keyword research for blog
Id: QagqtYwtqdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 46sec (3586 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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