Your blog's first 90 days... exactly what to do

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so you want to start a blog and make money online in 2022 what do you actually do on a day-to-day basis so in this video i'm going to cover exactly what to do in your blog's first 90 days to get it to profitability basically we want to maximize the effective use of your time and shorten that runway to profitability so that you can take this thing full time if you choose to so make sure to bookmark this video as well because it's kind of a choose your own adventure type video i'm covering the exact process in this video in the first 90 days and if you want to dive deeper into each specific tactic you can check out the other videos on screen to go deeper into that but before we get started i want to invite you to watch my free master class on how to start a profitable blogging business goes over all the strategies in depth content marketing seo affiliate marketing you know what blogging is it's a 90-minute training make sure to click the link sign up for that and let's get into the topic for today so when we're first starting a blogging business we really have to have our end goal in mind because that's going to dictate our entire strategy so an end goal can be things like you know what do you want to do with this blogging business why are you building it typically we're building this on the side of a full-time job and we want to do either you know start making some money on the side maybe a few thousand dollars a month to pay down student loans or help pay your mortgage or all of these things or we could want to build like a twenty 10 fifty thousand dollar blog and take it full time and surpass your income and all of these things but we have to have that end goal in mind we also have to realize that we're starting these on the side of a full-time job so we have to be wary of this ultimately we have to focus on the right things at the right time to build passive income the fastest also known as you know we have time constraints most of us don't have the the ability to do this you know 40 hours a week because we have another job so how do we work then get home and spend like those 10 hours a week possibly up to 20 hours a week of on the side how do we spend those in the best way possible and with these time constraints we really have to maximize the effective use of our time because ultimately we want to build this profit runway get this blog successful and we want to do so in the shortest time frame possible so we have to focus on working on the right things so what do we do on a daily basis and really the key in the first 90 days is to learn as much as humanly possible and do everything yourself so yes one of my strategies was outsourcing like the writing and freelance help with link building and all those things early on and building this like a business but to really build it like a business you have to learn everything yourself and know how to do it you know master it before you start outsourcing it so that you can train effectively so the key in the first 90 days just learn as much as you can and then the goal here is to create a profitable runway and quit your full-time job within i'm saying 12 months i did it within seven but i did it like really aggressively working a lot on it so we want to basically build this passive income machine based on content ranking on google doing some link building building authority in your niche becoming you know see your face on that website you're an authority you're ranking for content you're making passive income through affiliate marketing maybe some ads some consulting whatever that looks like to you but we want to have the end goal in 12 months be to pass your full-time income or at least match it so that's a really good goal to have now first of all we talk about like okay so i want to do that that's great so first we need a website so you might already have a blog on wordpress so you may or may not have that but really you have to realize that your blog is a living breathing thing and perfection is the number one enemy perfection is what slows you down it's what keeps you focused on little details that don't matter like the fonts you know little details and the logo and the graphics and making sure every single word is perfect in each article perfection is the enemy because it just slows down growth blogs are living breathing things and what that means is every page can be updated every blog post can be updated so we have a kind of a mantra it's like good enough move on if you know you if perfection is is something that you struggle with and it's like you can't spend two weeks perfecting an article because you think you're going to be judged you have to actually just publish stuff and keep moving on and keep moving and pushing and focusing on the right things a lot of people like to focus on the design and building this website perfectly but every single minute you spend doing that you're not spending it on ranking content so really perfection is the enemy and then you know when we're setting up our site in my course blog growth engine we cover exactly how to set up your core four pages so that's your home page your about page your blog archive page basically your blog roll like how all the posts show up in your blog and your blog post template mainly you know wordpress themes have these built in so you don't have to really struggle with it and the home page the homepage is basically a sales page about you like who are you what you're going to be talking about on your blog you know a little brief preview of your story and what the site's about and the good thing is the homepage can evolve and adapt and change a million times if you wanted to when i first started mine i had a different theme i had a different message all of that and it's changed and evolved over the years so that thing changes a lot your about page is kind of like a personalized story of you you know what um not just like your professional experience to look good it's more or less your page to be vulnerable and share your unique message with the world so what is your life story why are you creating this blog you know what is it about who are you and you know those more interesting about pages work well then you know the blog archive is pretty self-explanatory it doesn't really matter so much on the layout and then the blog post template so this is like what your actual blog looks like so every theme has this as well every website that you build and really it's about readability so when you're writing for the web you know you want to have short paragraphs you want to make sure the line spacing looks good so it's not too cluttered it wants to be easy on the eye break up things with images text bullet points bold text all of those things you also want to make sure it's not too wide so like most themes have at 800 pixels but really you build these four pages you build your website you choose web hosting um and then you set up google search console and google analytics so you know with search console that's what indexes your website submits your site map and tells google that you exist in order to rank your content if you want to check out more if you want the exact specifics on every single tool to use the hosting the theme and all of that make sure to check out my wordpress tech stack video mentioned here that'll go deeper much deeper into the tactics specifically exactly the tools that you need to start your website so that's basically setting up your website after you do that you know we're talking about choosing your niche so this actually might come a little bit before all of that because you might need some stuff for your homepage but when you're choosing your niche there's a big myth about write about what you're passionate about you know go with your passions and then you'll make money well that's not always the case you know i'm passionate about a lot of things but it doesn't mean it's going to make me money i might like running but i'm not i like running do i like writing about running for years not necessarily so you know when we talk about choosing your niche this all this stuff builds on itself so the niche is the foundation and then we talk about keyword research in your niche and then search intent in your niche and how you have to match what people want to read and that dictates then your content and your link building efforts what to link to all these things which finally hits your monetization so the niche is the initial pillar that you need to know and in my course we also cover this authority flywheel so it's like you have your you which is your unique experience your identity your beliefs there's your expertise your professional and personal experience in the world basically and then the market position so that's based on keyword research search volume what if people are if there are enough people actually searching for what you want to talk about and that's where affiliate opportunities come in what products you can review and make commissions on and then your leverage so we all have different starting lines in life we all have different connections and different leverage points that we can use when choosing our niche so it could be a professional career or a lot of personal experience and a hobby sometimes you know someone has a really strong hobby and a professional career we have to choose between the two but ultimately if you see your face on the website what are you talking about and that's what choosing your niche is all about so once we have that we have a website then we have to talk about what are we actually going to write on this blog so we have 90 days what are we going to start doing well that's where keyword research comes in before we you know start deciding what to write we have to know are people actually searching for this thing because as we know now blogs are living you know google driven engines so basically it's not write everything and update an audience it's rank on google for specific content and rank over time getting new people to your audience into your blog every single month so when we talk about keyword research we use the tool hrefs because it is the best seo tool and what we want to do is uh you know create other uh create posts 70 transactional 30 informational so 70 of your articles should be these kind of comparison product roundup posts about the best products in your niche to make affiliate revenue and then 30 can be informational sprinkled in and if you want to like look at this specifically and exactly how to find these opportunities you can check out here the keyword research seo tutorial video find exactly how to find your first keywords but the goal here is to find emerging new products in your niche so certain things that don't have a ton of competition yet can make you money aren't so competitive with a million other sites writing about it and are seemingly new and on the upswing because timing is a crucial component here if you write about something early enough you can start ranking for it so really the key is finding keywords to add into your content plan with decent volume so a good search volume people are searching for it every month and one to two low authority sites ranking on page one so that's a sign that you can rank as a new blog if the first page is just covered by authority sites that are super high you know domain rating and are you know really competitive then it's going to be impossible for a brand new blog to rank google's just not going to do that but if you see that other sites are ranking on page one that are really low authority sites you know you can actually rank two that's a really good sign and then this is also where we look for some affiliate opportunities so when you're doing the keyword research and you want to write an article maybe something like you know i have on like the best video editing software well does adobe premiere have an affiliate program does final cut pro have an affiliate program if you're going to be recommending products can you make money on it so you can do a little bit of affiliate research here don't cut too in over your head in this your first initial post that we're going to write might not ever rank you know it really is about learning and adapting and evolving over time not every post will rank but if you do this enough many of them will so keyword research eventually it becomes instinctual but requires practice so you know you want to be able to have this instinct where you look at a keyword report and be like that's a good opportunity that's a bad opportunity so again it requires uh some decent amount of you know going through this and understanding but make sure to check out that other video in mind if you're interested so then you know we have keyword research now we have to actually create the content plan for our blog so you want to add 12 blog post idea into your content calendar and then prioritize them so based on that keyword research create a spreadsheet and add you know 12 12 keywords in there you know see what the volume is and then prioritize them which ones are like based on you know the volume that people are searching for and the competitiveness which one do you think you can make money on do a little bit of prioritization and then you start creating your blog post titles and then you run a you know add that add those into the content calendar as well so titles you know we cover that as well in different you know on-page seo video that you can check out now so this is exactly how to write this content another thing you want to do is like think about uniqueness so instead of just being a random small affiliate niche site what makes you unique and what would be interesting to see when someone visits your blog so we cover one link bait post this could be a really long list like something like the top 100 outdoor patio ideas and something that's like really unique to the niche and then maybe you tell a personal story so one of your blog posts is not optimized for keywords or anything and you just write about who you are in a unique interesting experience that you had to make your blog unique that's going to help down the line when you're asking for links building partnerships and doing all of that so you want to have some uniqueness and not just be another random site now we get into the content assembly line so again when we're thinking about blogging in the 2020s it's not so much writing content from a blank page it's templatizing everything and creating systems for this stuff so for example in a transactional list post about the top seven best video editing software you have an introduction you have product one and then you have a templatized version of this with features pricing what you think about it what you like and dislike call to action then you have product two the exact same thing three four five so it's really templatizing this and making it easy on you to create this content where you're not writing like getting writer's block or worried about being a writer it's more about you know mono assembling content in order to monetize it so you templatize the post you begin writing about products in your niche and creating these transactional posts and informational posts in your niche without worrying about affiliate marketing yet because it takes traffic and you know volume in order to make money with affiliates so the key here is just focusing on creating this content and publishing these blog posts you know fearlessly without perfectionism then we gotta get to on-page seo so in order to rank in the 2020s you need to have really good on-page seo to tell google that you're the best source of information so here we can use a tool like surfer seo that will literally tell you the exact semantic keywords and number of keywords to add in your post related keywords all the things that you need to do from an on-page perspective and again if you want to like dive really deep into this make sure to check out my video on page seo covers the exact titles headings format semantic keywords how to use those tools and more so that's like the initial 90-day content plan i'm saying add 12 posts in because that's about a little bit less than one a week so we want to at least do one blog post a week you can always do more than that but this is like the minimum so the content goals for this you want to publish 12 2000 word articles in your first 90 days or so which is about 24 000 words in 90 days ultimately that comes down to well what does that look like on a daily basis it's 266 words a day that's less than one page double space it's about one page double spaced basically and really to be a blogger and build this blogging content driven business you need to be publishing one article a week minimum if you can't get that into your calendar you're so busy that you can't create one article a week then you're really stagnating your business and you shouldn't be doing this maybe it's just a hobby for you but if you want to make real money you gotta at least do that minimum and then at the end of nine days you want to begin seeing search impressions in google search console maybe a little bit of trickling of traffic to some specific post this again is going to be dictated by some of the link building we'll talk about because that's going to be what accelerates the initial traffic but you want to start seeing some impressions which means you showed up on google people are at least visiting seeing the title of your articles and you can get some trickle of traffic here as well but if you really want to see you know more of this content plan how i plan my content you can check out my video on my seven-figure content plan how i do it how i structure the content how i plan it and all of that now let's talk about link building so there's two paths when it comes to starting a blog there's your content path what you're actually writing on your blog and then there's link building all the off-site stuff that you're doing building partnerships relationships getting links those two paths are always going like at all times no matter how long your you know your blog how old it is you're basically always doing these two things publishing content getting links so the first step here is like understanding the authority landscape in your niche so for me in the software niche and make money online basically it's very competitive so i need my domain rating my site's authority to be high probably in the 70s out of 100 in order to start you know ranking for a lot of content if you're in a different niche maybe it's outdoor or home or something like in the e-commerce space that's related to products kitchen living room patio outdoor those types of product related niches gardening power tools then you might only need a domain rating like in the 30s to rank content or even in the 10s or 20s you don't need a ton of links but you should start getting some because you need to be in the ballpark of other sites that are ranking in your niche and this is what is really going to be the solid foundation for your blog content can always be updated you can always update publish something you know the top five certain types of products and update it to seven and ten and make it better and better over time that's what i've done with a lot of posts but really links are kind of like the solid structure of your blog like blog posts are like the rooms in the house links are like the foundation and the cement and the concrete that hold it up and build the authority and allow you to rank so they're really important so when you're not writing you want to focus 100 of your time on link building in your first 90 days so that comes down to what message am i going to send out to ask for links via guest posts and other partnerships and that comes to an outreach template based on you know either email or linkedin or even facebook or things like that the key is to find your value spot and get the ball rolling so in my other video here on link building that you can watch i cover this in about 30 minutes exactly how to do this finding leverage points finding unique opportunities this is probably the hardest part especially when you're starting out and don't have any leverage or traffic or anything asking for links and doing guest posts and stuff is more difficult so this is the hardest part of blogging no doubt is the initial link building but once you get the ball rolling and you develop systems for this it gets easier and easier so the key is just to not quit so you begin linking to your articles here and doing guest posts you know in your niche linking to pretty much everything there's no perfect formula you want to just build up your initial uh domain rating here it's not like you need to perfectly link to these specific types of articles now at this point we're just building kind of the initial domain rating and then definitely make sure to watch this link building video because it goes over these strategies in depth you'll notice here in these first 90 days so i didn't mention monetization once and that's because everybody wants to monetize early however blog monetization is a byproduct of your content and link building efforts people want to just post a website up in the world and then all of a sudden join adsense and make a few pennies on adsense and then join all the affiliate programs before they're getting any traffic you know they might be on page five for of google getting nothing but then they join the affiliate programs and all that so that would be focusing on the outputs not the inputs in the first 90 days of your blog or any content driven business you need to just focus on publishing quality content building links building authority instead of focusing on monetization i always say this but you don't want to scrape pennies off the ground when there's 100 bills just in sight so why would you focus on monetization you should not focus on any monetization really in the first 90 days you should just focus on creating systems learning creating content building some links getting this stuff going because once you do that if you keep doing it you know if you do 12 blog posts in 90 days by the end of the year even if you're just doing one a week you have 50 blog posts you're working on maybe even just getting one link a week with link building doing a little bit of outreach you're gonna get traffic you're going to see success and then you're going to be ranking on page one for stuff if you do the keyword research right like i teach finding emerging products and at that point then it's just like boom swap out the links monetize right away so this is just kind of again back to that maximizing the effective use of our time we could join affiliate programs here with no traffic we could join adsense and struggle to edit into our blog or we could just focus on all the content link building to you know look at the future and build something that's a real business for ourselves before doing that so by the end of your blog's first 90 days you should have a functioning website with your core four pages your home about your blog roll your blog archive page 12 blog post live on your site minimum i'm saying 10 backlinks here because you're going to be learning this process maybe the first month you're just learning about your outreach and what to say and how to message it in the marketplace on linkedin and doing this type of stuff to get backlinks so you know this one is you know probably the hardest part but you can eventually learn this and just kind of you know do this a little bit a day you should start seeing your first traffic in google analytics within 90 days the goal here though is not to make money in 90 days blogging is not a get rich quick scheme you know everyone wants to go viral on tick tock and instagram and build some crazy make money online crypto world but it's like blogging is the best way to build sustainable income that you're in control of you can control the content you write you can control your authority and link building with the right strategies and you build this long-term growth level your own personal brand in the internet in the digital world but the goal here is not to make a ton of money in 90 days is to learn as much as you possibly can because the outsourcing the monetization the fun stuff comes later but you really have to get this part down first so what this actually looks like on a daily basis is basically if you're spending 10 hours a week on the side of your full-time job blogging that could be five hours a week writing blog content so that would be your you know seven days a week times 266 words a day that you can complete that maybe faster than this especially if you're using you know surfer seo it's templatized you could even use it to like jasper or something to speed it up ai writing and then you're you know spending the five hours of that week doing link building so you can always change these numbers but it's not anything crazy it's not like you have to sell your soul to this or you know crush yourself to do this what does that look like well it's basically a few hours a day 266 words a day maybe it's just like five outreach messages messages a day for uh to get links so like guest blogging emails you send five targeted ones you look at people on linkedin you build connections again you can check out my other videos on this stuff but it's not like sending a million emails a day and writing blog posts every day it's not that grind you don't have to do it that way so it's just a little bit of work every day but it's consistently having no zero-sum days and making sure that you're always making progress on this so how much does it cost to start well in my wordpress tech stack video you know we cover it's basically 132 to launch your website with the exact setup that i use i would use um it can be cheaper if you go with cheaper options but i recommend that you do this and then you can do ahrefs is 199. so you can do one month of that if you need to to do all of your keyword research for like six months you know get your content plan in order but that is the best seo tool to use and then ongoing costs would be web hosting 25 a month is for wpx which is what we recommend it's a little bit more pricey than like three dollars a month for some cheaper options but it is in my opinion the best and then server seo is 49 a month that does your on-page seo so that does specifically tells you what keywords to add to your articles when you're writing it so basically you're running your blog for like 74 a month when you first start and we have to think about this as a business owner like i make you know over three hundred thousand dollars a month blogging today and i made two you know i made 299 000 of profit blogging uh in march of 2022 april's on pace for four um and really we have to think about that from a business perspective i'd have to own like 30 starbucks to make that amount of profit 30 starbucks and that would probably cost me 5 to 10 million 10 probably 10 to 12 million dollars to start in startup costs so we're entering this digital age blogging you know might seem outdated or you know older than like people trying to go viral with like nfts and crypto and twitch and these things but it's still the best way to build a sustainable business for yourself that grows over time because google is not going anywhere but to build this business we need to spend a little bit of money you know to do it so 74 a month to run an effective online business is not much when you think about it that way when you want to keep track of everything what i do i have a simple i make it really simple so i have spreadsheet i have like one master spreadsheet and i have it in my course where you have your profit and loss you have like your content plan in one tab you have your link building outreach stuff in one tab you can basically run your entire blog post with one google sheet your entire blog with one google sheet and then you know you can have a google doc just keep track of what you're doing for that week you know you can write the dates down be like week of may 1st and then you write down just the things that you have to do get back to this person for this link trade you know right finish writing this article just keep track of stuff but it's don't overthink it it's really simple and the timeline of your success is really up to you you can do one article a week you could do three articles a week you could do no link building and you know not really get much traffic or traction or you could blow it out of the water and get you know five to ten guest posts a month the timeline of success is totally up to you but if you're real you know if you want to treat this like a real business you have to put some time in so i say minimum 10 hours a week focusing on content and links content links content and links in order to build the passive income machine so the first 90 days is all about just building that initial machine so if you want to dive deeper into the strategy this kind of covered a broad overview and gave you the tactics uh the tactics or in other videos there's check out other videos on my channel these ones go over the stuff specifically in detail like keyword research how to do on-page seo how to do link building and find your leverage point all that stuff these videos right here um is almost two hours of content so just check out my channel for that kind of stuff there's a lot more dive really deep into the specifics but this video i wanted to give you a framework for the first 90 days and kind of an action plan so that you can you know know what to do on a daily basis so you know when we're working full time and we want to build something on the side we have to maximize the effective use of our time in order to build this profit runway and in 90 days though you're not going to necessarily be making enough money to quit your job however you can build the foundation to accelerate that that by month 6 to 12 you will so we'll cover that very soon now if you're interested in learning more exactly how i make over 300 000 a month blogging what blogging is in the 2020s how it's more of a science than an art make sure to watch my free blogging masterclass it's a 90 minute training lots of students that have uh have had aha moments going through it and please check out other videos on my channel you know i write about all kinds of things related to business to blogging to making money online i hope you found this video useful you know let me know what you think where are you and your blogging journey please like the video and i will see you in the next one
Channel: Adam Enfroy
Views: 191,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start a blog for beginners, how to start a blog and make money, how to start a blog step by step for beginners, start a blog, how to start a blog, blogging, blogging business, adam enfroy
Id: LGYEE4Jjpkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2022
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