Master SEO Content with ChatGPT: Learn Best Hacks in 10 minutes

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hi guys in this video we'll see how you can create SEO optimized content with charging Beauty so whether you're a blogger content writer or copywriter chat GPT will help you create high quality content that will drive traffic to your website and boost your online visibility so instead of spending hours on Research outlining and writing content you can generate the content with chat GPT in notepad so without any delay let's get into the video I'm Brian from website Learners and let's create SEO optimized content with chat GPT so just go to chat GPT now if you don't have an account on chatgpt you just create one and start using it so let's say you want to generate a blog post so all you have to do is ask charge GPT to write a blog post and mention the topic name as you can see our content has been generated now if you wanted content to sound more friendly you can ask chat GPD to rewrite it and you can see that our content has been Rewritten but if you still think that a Content could be improved more you can ask chargpt to rewrite it again as I want this content to be more informative I'm going to ask for it and then we'll get the updated content okay but instead of asking chat GP to generate content multiple times with different instructions we can do it in an easier way by using an extension called aiprm this extension helps you add a list of ready-made prompts to chatgpt for SEO content writing and more prompts help AI to understand what the user is saying and provides relevant content to them so to use this aipm extension we need to add this extension to Chrome so first let's go to the Chrome web store here search for aiprm and you will get this extension so just click on it then click add to Chrome now click ADD extension and it'll be added to your Chrome now here you can see that we have got different prompts and options which we can use and generate our content so to generate SEO Optimus blog post with chat GPT we are going to do three simple steps the first step is to find the title for our blog post so to do that let's click here and select the topic you want I am going to choose copywriting then scroll down and select this prompt as blog post title generator which lets you generate different titles for your blog post now here enter your blog topic then choose these options like the language you want for your title it's don't and its writing style now if we click here you can see that we have got different blog post titles once you get that now we need to choose one title from these so before we choose we need to find out which blog title has the keywords that will rank on Google so to find that open a new tab and search for Google Keyword Planner then click on this first link and it will take you to the site this is the site which lets us find which keywords from the title will rank well on Google so let's click here then select this option and you will get this page here we need to enter the blog post titles which we have generated from chargpt so let's go to chat GPT then copy these titles come back paste them here and if we click here as you can see we have got the results that show which keywords will rank well on Google to choose the best blog post title we need to see if the keyword in that title has a high monthly search and low competition now if you see here this blog title has high monthly search and is loan competition okay once you have found the title for your blog post next we will generate the content for this title so we need to go to step two which is to generate the content so to generate the content first let's copy this title click here to copy then go to chat GPT open a new chat click here and choose the topic as SEO then select this prompt this is the prompt that lets you generate 100 human written content then go here and paste the title which we have copied before if we click here you can see that we have generated our content amazing right once the content is generated you can read it out and check if it is satisfied with your needs so if you're happy with the content next we need to check whether this content is completely unique as you know whenever you create a blog post it should not have any duplicate content so to check that just click the link below this video and it will take you to duplicate this is the site which is going to help us check if our content is completely unique so let's go to chatgpt then copy this content go back to the stat and then paste it here once it's done click check plagiarism and as you can see we have got the results and here you can see that we have 72 percent of unique content which is pretty cool now if we scroll down here you can see that there are a few lines highlighted which means these are duplicate content now to change these into unique content we will rewrite the sentence with the help of charge gbd so first let's copy this text then go to charge GPT and ask it to write the sentence with hundred percent uniqueness then paste the sentence which we have copied now if we click here you can see that it has Rewritten our sentence once you do that just copy this text then go back to this tab scroll up and paste the new sentence here instead of the old one okay in the same way you can remove all the duplicate content by replacing it with a new content once you're done now if you click check plagiarism here you can see that our content is 100 unique which means we have successfully removed all the duplicate content okay once you have replaced all the duplicate content we can now go to step three which is to publish this content as a blog post on our WordPress website so to do that let's go to our WordPress website where you can add your blog post so first let's add a title here and then to add the content here just go to this tab copy this content then go back to this tab and paste it here now let's edit this blog post and make it more readable and attractive once you're done publish your blog post now if we click view post you can see that we are successfully published a blog post on our WordPress website so how do you know if your blog post is completely optimized for SEO so to check it first we need to install a plugin called rank math this plugin is going to help us check if our blog post is completely optimized for SEO so to install the plugin just go to your WordPress dashboard then go to plugins and click add you here search for rank math and then you will get this plugin so let's install this plugin and once you've installed it let's check if our blog post is optimized for SEO so to do that go to our blog post now here you can see that we have got the SEO score for our content which is 51 out of 100. so if we get a low SEO score it might struggle to rank on the Google search results now to make our blog post rank higher on the search results we need to optimize the content to do that just click here and you can see that rank math is given a few suggestions to optimize the content so you need to read out all these suggestions and then change them in your blog post once you do that your seos score will automatically increase so if we check out the first one you can see that ranked by the suggested to add Focus keywords to the SEO title so first let's see what is a focus keyword a focus keyword is like a secret code that helps search engines understand what the content is about and then make your content to reach out targeted audience more effectively for example if someone is writing about making pancakes their focus keyword might be pancake recipe or how to make pancakes now if you see here we didn't add any Focus keyword so to add it we will ask chat GPT to give a focus keyword for our title so let's copy a title then go to chat GPT then ask it to give a focus keyword for the blog title and then paste the title which we copied here you can see that we have got the focus keyword as habits copy this keyword then go back to the site and paste the focus keyword here once that is done here you can see that our SEO score is increased to 69 out of 100. in the same way we can read suggestions and change them so the next one is to add Focus keyword in The Meta description to do that click edit snippet then you will get this pop-up so here we need to add the title and the description for our blog post so let's go to chat GPT then open new chat scroll down and then select the prompt as meta title and description now enter your blog title and you can see that we have got the title and the description for our blog post so we will copy both of these and then paste them here you can see that our SEO score has been increased okay so we will check the next suggestion and change it here you can see that it says to add an image to our content with the focus keyword to do that go here click this symbol now click select image now select an image and upload your image now in this all text field we need to enter a focus keyword which is habits once you have done that click select and as you can see our image has been added and our SEO score has been increased in the same way you can add more images to your content now if we click here you can see that it asks us to add a table of content so to do that let's click here and you will get different options if you search for table of contents then select it and it will be applied to our content now as you can see the SEO score has been increased from 51 to 98 out of 100 which means we are successfully optimized that content for SEO and also our content will rank higher on the search results once you're done with the changes just click update now to preview our blog post just click here then click preview in new tab and you can see that all the changes have been applied to the blog post okay now you know how to create SC optimized content with charging PD but what if you want to optimize your blog post which you have already published so let's see how we can do that now to optimize this blog content and make it rank higher on the search results first we need to rewrite it with chargpt so let's go there here search for rewrite article then select this prompt then choose these options once you're done here you can enter the link of your blog post now if you click here you can see that our content has been Rewritten once you have done that now you can optimize your content by following the same steps which we have done earlier so this is how you can optimize your blog content which you have already published okay so that's it guys this is how you can create SEO optimized content with ADD GPT also make sure you subscribe to website Learners to see more videos from us so thanks for watching I'll see you guys in the next video take care bye bye
Channel: Website Learners
Views: 549,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, chatgpt open ai, chatgpt for seo, chatgpt blog post, chatgpt for content creation, content creation using chatgpt, create content with chatgpt, how to generate content with chatgpt, how to write seo optimized blog with chatgpt, how to write 100% seo blog post with chatgpt, chatgpt article writing prompts, chatgpt article writer, seo hacks, chatgpt hacks, google seo, increase seo traffic with chatgpt, wordpress seo, wordpress
Id: CuKRC5R7gnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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