The 7 MOST PROFITABLE Affiliate Marketing Niches to Make $10k a Month

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what affiliate marketing Niche do you choose to make the most money I mean we can write about all kinds of stuff there's AI software new stuff there's outdoor gadgets and gear smart home devices computers technology there's Ayahuasca retreats in the Peruvian Amazon there's Chopstick lightsabers there's leashes for chickens I mean there's 85-inch TVs that cost twenty three thousand dollars so if people can buy it online you can be an affiliate and make a cut of every sale so in this video I'm covering how to find the perfect affiliate marketing Niche to make the most money and if you stick to the end I'll give you your exact keyword and content plan how to find these keywords that make you a ton of money and how to find and join the best affiliate programs so put those money goggles on and let's get right into it all right so we're going to cover how to choose the perfect affiliate marketing niche in 2023 now we have to remember getting started is actually a lot more important than choosing this perfect Niche the right perfect Niche at the beginning we have to just start getting ourselves out there creating content joining affiliate programs and doing those things and you want to think a little bit broadly focus on your own personal expertise and intro interests not necessarily your passions or your hobbies or a perfect Niche we're covering this exactly for you today so here's what you know how to think about choosing the perfect Niche so most Niche advice is kind of backwards so you can choose a tiny Niche site or you can build it as a personal brand you can do it either way so let me show you some examples here here's something like swim University which is a niche site about swimming pool care and hot tubs so they have a site swim University they also sell stuff so it's e-commerce there's email tool tester so this is a site that recommends email and CRM software so another Niche site then there's something like the wandering RV which is an RV site so they have rentals RV Insurance loans guides so it's in the RV van life camping type Niche but then we can do also do it as a personal brand so someone like Bob Villa who's the do-it-yourself guy he had TV shows back in the day but he writes about all kinds of indoor and outdoor you know products Treehouse Plumbing software home builders all kinds of different stuff or there's Tom's guide one of the biggest electronic you know technology blogs out there that cover everything with reviews how to's laptops phones tablets all kinds of gadgets kitchen gadgets hundreds thousands of articles on this site or there's something like my site so I cover it's just my name and I write about software business software things to use if you're an online business owner and then I also talk about how to do things how to make money how to start a blog all of those so when we think about Niche site versus personal brand that's a big decision at the beginning and what I recommend is sometimes it's really hard to choose the perfect Niche at the very beginning because think about it we all start out as beginners so you're tasked with the impossible task of choosing the perfect Niche when you don't have all of the experience yet so we'll cover how to do that in a second ultimately you want to Target high income low competition keywords so things that you can rank for and make money with affiliate marketing which in your Niche but that aren't going to be too competitive that aren't 15 to 20 years old that are impossible to rank for us we'll show you how to find those and you don't know what's going to stick it first you have to work quickly and pivot so this is key so we don't have to find the perfect Niche at the beginning but I'll show you that over time we can hone in on what the perfect Niche is testing and Based on data so we teach that too when blogging like a startup and blog growth engine if you're interested in learning all the strategies you can watch my free 80 minute Master Class YouTube link below 80 minutes of free training if you're interested in the exact process of starting an affiliate marketing business but we don't know what's going to work you know maybe two out of 10 articles at the beginning you might start ranking for stuff so we don't want to put all of our eggs in one tiny basket we don't want to pigeonhole ourselves with a domain name that's too small you need to come up with something in a niche that you're like okay over time I can write at least 100 articles on this website not like 10 and then I'm done so we'll show you how to do that and you really want to let Google search drive your decisions so this isn't forcing a niche to work you can't just write about health related content that you're going up against WebMD and Healthline and just keep staying at it getting no traffic no traffic Google's not seeing you as an expert and then you just keep going you have to let data inform your decision so that's things like Google search console Google analytics making sure that you're checking which pages are starting to get impressions and getting traffic and then you kind of double down and you start building your knowledge graph within multiple sub niches so for example if you wanted to talk about Pools and Hot Tubs and saunas you could do all of them or if you wanted to be an outdoor expert you wouldn't just create like the necessarily that's a small Niche site that's easy to quit but you could put it at your name and then you could test some in high taking summon camping some in backpacking do it based on keyword research see what's working and hone in and start dominating multiple sub niches at a time so we'll cover all of this how to choose the perfect Niche how to find one for you and really it's just double down on what's working and expanding from there is key if you're a Creator and want the easiest way to monetize your videos with your own Netflix style membership site plus branded mobile and TV apps you must know about you screen so it doesn't matter if you have a Channel about Pokemon cards or classic cards you could be a beauty vlogger or Tech geek whatever you're making content about you screen can help you monetize your work easily with their u-screen platform you can sell memberships rent and host paid live streams to your most premium loyal subscribers and with their tools you can build your own website or even a white labeled mobile and TV app including Android iOS Apple TV Roku and Fire TV and thousands of creators have already gotten started and are earning recurring money from their videos so try you screen for yourself sign up for a free trial the link is in the description below now good affiliate marketing content it's all about intent or search intent so people search the internet with the intention to solve a problem so it's either how to do something how to start a blog how to start a business how to tie my shoes how to bake a cake you know how to do stuff information is half of it the other half is products so best products that they're interested in they're looking for comparison posts best laptops under a thousand dollars best gaming chairs under five hundred dollars best outdoor hiking gear things like that so there's they're on to solve a problem though they're either looking for information or for comparative content to buy something and that's actually where affiliate marketing lives so there's informational basically how to do stuff people looking to learn something how to what is things like that and then there's transactional this is when they're making these buying decisions and this is things like best review or product versus product so like NordicTrack versus Peloton or Sony some type of Sony camera versus Panasonic or best you know photography cameras anything like that when they're looking for products that's transactional in nature so yes there's other types of intent there's navigational intent and other things but these are the two that you only need to focus on when it comes to your affiliate marketing Niche is informational and transactional so let's look at a little graph here that I created we have search volume on the left competition on the bottom there's four quadrants and four ways to think of different keywords that we're going to Target for affiliate marketing because choosing the perfect affiliate marketing Niche ultimately comes down to what keywords you choose that you can rank for and kind of testing the viability of a niche based on how competitive it is overall and there's different ones so first you know when we're looking at the columns search volume human competition so this is low volume lower competition and this is more like informational posts that aren't going to make you a ton of money but I consider these early wins they might be longer tail info posts not really optimized for affiliate Revenue yet but you can actually start ranking for these so these are the least competitive so something in the biking or cycling Niche would be like stationary bike workout for beginners long tail not really related to a directly to a product but pretty low competition easy to rank for then we have high volume lower competition so these are more like info posts with a lot of volume because people aren't making a ton of affiliate Revenue yet with these These are what I call brand builders so these are things that can get you a lot of traffic you can make ad Revenue with them not directly so much affiliate Revenue but these can get you a lot of traffic you know build your email list and all that stuff so something like indoor cycling a lot of search volume not a huge amount of competition then we have highly searched highly competitive transactional posts these are what I call antiques because these things have been around for a long time every Niche has them they're really hard to rank for it keyword wise it's almost best to avoid most of these so like best stationary bikes this thing's been you know people have been riding those for 20 plus years writing reviews of them on Google so every Niche has these best vpns best web hosting best refrigerators best mattresses things that are dominated by media sites that are going to be really difficult to rank for so we kind of avoid those but then we also have lower competition transactional posts so this you know it's a little bit lower competition so it'll be more towards the middle of this chart but this is like emerging products these are things that aren't that competitive yet aren't super competitive but are made for affiliate Revenue so something like NordicTrack versus Peloton or something new Peloton Alternatives or things that are a little bit new like some type of AI software or you know all kinds of different things in different niches what products are new out there that you can write comparative posts on so ultimately these are the two that you write you write high volume informational posts to make ad Revenue they're not going to make you affiliate Revenue but then you rank for new and emerging products in a niche I say Niche people call me out on it it's either Niche or Niche you can say either one anyways affiliate revenue is this lower competition transactional one so these two work together let me show you some examples of this so first before we do that you have to know the broader Niche you want to Target so when we talk about a broader Niche you start you don't have to start at like this specific thing like indoor cycling that's a little bit narrow right or like the pool example like what if we just started with just um indoor pools or just hot tubs it's a little bit too narrow it's easy to quit you can maybe you can write 20 articles on it but it's not how you build a real affiliate marketing business so to know the broader Niche you want to Target you choose from a broad thing that you want to be known as so if you put your face on a website or created some type of Niche site what would it be would it be technology home outdoor software you can you can choose like a broader Niche and then over encompassing test sub niches within it so have an idea of that and that can be based on your professional experience any leverage that you have from a career maybe something that you know a lot about because finding these unique keywords and new products is easier if you actually understand and know the niche so start thinking about the broader Niche there then you want to build a topical map so what this means is how many informational post do we write how many transactional posts do we write how do they all fit together to rank so that's why it's like how to choose the perfect affiliate Niche also ties in with how to write the informational content because you can't rank all the affiliate content on its own you need that informational content to both have topical Authority on the subject build internal links build traffic build real trust with your audience but I would aim for like a 75-25 informational to transactional content so you're writing more informational content to then transactional content we don't want to be like a thin affiliate site with only best of Roundup posts about products we also want to have a lot of informational content around it so you start with some informational posts to get some traffic and some early wins and you want to just create content ASAP at least 10 pieces of content doing keyword research will show you exactly how but let's look at a quick example all right so I put in best stationary bikes into ahrefs to show some of this indoor cycling type of example now this was the antique one the one that's been around for a long time we see that it's pretty difficult to rank for it's 64 the volume isn't all that high the traffic potential is pretty good but when we look at the top 10 ranking results it's super competitive there's Live Science Men's Health CNET New York Times it's just going to be hard to rank for this or what about something like you know stationary bike workout for beginners the traffic volume is pretty high the pet tenses of ranking are actually not as bad because we see there's a lower ranking site in the top ten but even something like Nordic Track versus Peloton has a pretty good volume 800. lower difficulty traffic potential is 4.2 K that's per month and then we're looking down here and we can see there's a ton of lower there's a few lower ranking sites lower domain rating less authoritative sites in the top 10 like treadmill review Guru exercise so that's a good sign when there's lower Authority sites ranking on the first page and the keyword difficulty score is low by creating great content in this specific keyword you can actually rank for something like this another example there is let's say your Niche is basketball so I played basketball in high school I love playing basketball what would you write about if you were a Blog trying to make affiliate Revenue through that Niche well there's basketball shoes there's basketball drills that's informational there's improving your vertical leap that's another informational piece of content then we have like something like best vertical jump programs so that would be an affiliate post where you're recommending the actual programs themselves so your content lives in the middle of all of this having informational and transactional intent those are the only two things that you need to create any type of good affiliate marketing blogs so you have the the products in the niche and how to do things with the products in the niche so that's kind of becoming an expert in that individual category let's talk about finding and validating good affiliate products so there's different affiliate networks there's impact share sale Commission Junction partner stack partnerized Flex offers a win there's a lot of others and these are platforms that have individual affiliate programs inside them that you can join and really you want to identify which Partners pay the most you can do the math on what you know potentially based on the keyword research that you do and then the price of the product the commission rates that you get dictate how much money you make and then you can contact the brands directly so you can contact them through the network just click join to sign up for the affiliate program and grab your links or you can contact them directly they usually have an email there where you can just ask to join if they don't answer your uh individual application let's look at a few different affiliate platforms networks and opportunities that we can find all right so this is share a sales affiliate Network and I clicked on the marketplace and this is showing me all kinds of different programs that I can join and if information on them so we can see there's trending Merchants here like Northwest registered agent Deluxe good morning Grand Canyon west Pet Supplies Plus you can narrow it down by the different category here over on the left side let's say I was wanted to do like Northwest registered agent I could click on this one and say okay it's a hundred dollars per sale that's cool average sales 107 average commission 201 earnings per click 1560. now that's earnings per 100 clicks is actually how that math works I don't know why they do it that way but the numbers are wrong they're one of the most popular ones they're they have a power ranking in share sale so they're a business and LLC formation service so if I were to go to the keyword Explorer I could search for something like how to start a landscaping business and then through that type of informational post even I could link to Northwest registered agent to you know one step of starting your business the first step is to file an LLC sign up here so you could do that or you could do how to start a business in and I could do the matching terms tool and I could see where what kind of content could I create so Florida Texas California you could have individual articles on each state and this is kind of like a database type of SEO where people create all these different pieces of content that might change words here and there but you can rank for stuff like that so if you look for something like how to start a business in Virginia you see who's ranking how to start an LLC is on business but you can see the difficulty somewhat low you just find these opportunities and this is an example of like even an informational post becoming an affiliate post by writing how to start a business well first file an LLC Northwest registered agent those are a hundred dollars a sale all right next we're going to look at impact formerly known as impact radius so this is what their Marketplace looks like when you sign up as an affiliate you can see all the different brands in here Uncommon Goods Vineyard Vines peacock ESPN plus if you're talking about different streaming services pure hemp so like CBD products lots of different stuff when I saw here just at the top when I was looking was something like watches so live switch watches Swiss watches uh 10 for every sale so I don't know much about this brand you can find like a watch brand with sand impact and then you would go to uhrefs and you could put in like best watches and see what comes up in the matching terms tool so there's best watches for men smart watches running watches women's watches what if we turn the difficulty down to like 25 hit apply and then we can find the easier opportunities best watches under a thousand best field watches military watches let's try something like best watches under 2000 looks like the competition is only low at seven and then we look down at the top ten we can see a site you know wrist low domain rating 26 we have another one Exquisite timepiece is 39 gnome watches so this one's an easier one to rank for so it's really like looking at the niche finding look at all these different keywords you could write about watches hiking Swiss so Swiss would fix it looked like a Swiss brand golf watches dress watches and then you join like you can find one maybe an impact like that brand you can Google them like the Rolex affiliate program if they have one other major brands you start adding your links in but really it's about finding the keyword first it's not just like I want to promote that company in that Niche it's like what's the broad Niche you want to go in what is the keyword opportunities what are the articles I want to write best of Roundup posts and then go from there our next let's check out partner stack which is a popular affiliate Network for software so you can see all kinds of different programs in here and categories like their social media HR marketing productivity but let's see we can see a lot of different featured Brands here AI email productivity tool that's an interesting one what if I put an AI email AI email generator AI email assistant AI email software and this could be interesting AI email marketing software this could be one that I would write because it looks so new even though the volume is 10 I guarantee you it's a lot a little bit higher than that you know it's going to be probably in the hundreds I've had articles where you see the volume in one of these tools is like non-existent but you have a feeling like people are probably searching for that next up is partner stack which has a lot of software affiliate programs inside of it so you can join this and then you see like there's all kinds of brands in here and you can just categorize it as well narrow it down you can see there's a ton and they're all you know in here differently but when I see here is like email AI email productivity tool so I'd go to ahrefs I'd put in like AI email matching terms AI email generator assistant AI email assistant maybe that could be a good one you look down you could probably rank for it low difficulty volumes low and what's interesting too is like sometimes for things that are really new like AI related stuff this could say 10 the volume could be 10 but it's probably in the hundreds it's just so new and early that if you have a hunch this is why knowing the niche is important but if you have a hunch you probably can write write it without just relying on these SEO tools we have to think about the business strategy behind this stuff so that's an interesting example looking at partner stack you can just look at different software so I put in something like best software and I go to the matching terms tool I can see all kinds of different stuff a lot of it's very competitive and old but if I were to do you know difficulty of only 10 which is really low I might be able to find a couple things like best clipping software CRM software for hotels so you find these individual opportunities we have to think of okay I want to be in the broad software Niche or I want to be broadly in you know AI or something like that so that's another way to find typical you know affiliate programs with partner stack all right let's look at a few affiliate example sites different blogs just to get an idea of kind of how this works when choosing your Niche so first I want to show is something like the snow outdoor snow type of Niche so this is like be outdoors snowshoeing for beginners how to get started so this is an informational post right all about snowshoes and how they work or there's something like which is what is snowshoeing so this is another piece of informational content the history of snowshoeing all about it another one is New England Indian Resorts five beginner friendly New England snowshoeing Trails so Trails could be another informational piece of content related to the niche then let's see like if we wanted to make money let's look at ahrefs we can see like best snowshoes so pretty low difficulty uh decent search volume then we go down the list and we can see that there's a few lower Authority sites like ranking in the top 10 which is a good sign we could look at something like best women's snowshoes which is another one or we could look at something like best budget snowshoes so again it's about finding those unique opportunities in each Niche alright so let's say you're in the home Niche and you want to write about furniture and recommend Furniture join affiliate programs make commissions on expensive furniture well here's a few examples of posts so here's the 12 best modular sectional sofas this is by Beth R Martin who's actually in our community one of our blog engine students who's ranking on page one like number four for best modular sectional which is really cool so that's good to see and there's affiliate links here for burrow and different brands there's also RTA which you know something like modular outdoor kitchens pros and cons plus the best options so you know talking about them and then promoting and recommending different outdoor kitchens so shop now links all that kind of stuff and then you know there's another one here the family handyman nine outdoor kitchen kits for cooking up a storm interesting so kitchen kits never heard of it but it's one of these like outdoor kitchen sink thingies with you can cook on it I guess uh so that's interesting then we look at some keywords in ahrefs we can see like modular Furniture systems an interesting one 22 lower difficulty or best modular Furniture a lot of good traffic potential low difficulty what is modular Furniture very low you know competition good volume there so there's a lot of interesting things you could put like best tables into ahrefs find all the variations of tables chairs armoires whatever Furniture you need beds patio stuff you just put the words in best patio you go to the matching terms tool and you see what happens you know patio heater patio heaters doors umbrellas for wind yet you put the difficulty down to like 20 you find the easy stuff this is what you write best patio furniture covers patio misting system it's an endless slew of things in different niches that you can find let's talk about the fitness Niche so there's tons of Fitness opportunities the informational intent in Fitness is keywords around workouts and exercises right a lot of search volume for those not a ton of affiliate revenue for those but I'll show you some examples so here's one from greatest leg up your homework out 15 leg exercises so showing pictures and doing leg exercises we have 10 workout plans for women at home beginner friendly which is nice and then we have a few uh transactional ones like Tom's guide so best home gym equipment 2023 so like exercise bikes with affiliate links to Amazon Walmart and Lowe's Peloton tread with you know Amazon and Peloton affiliate links as well or something like P90X review do the workouts still work as Tony Horton's still jacked I think so I believe in it P90x and you kind of cover the review there so looking at ahrefs there's things like leg workouts at home medium difficulty kind of hard but a lot of search volume right that's the article we found beginner home workout pretty hard as well best homework out here pretty hard a lot of search volume P90X review not as hard difficulty is low search volume is decent so Fitness is like moderately competitive uh sites have been talking about Fitness for a while there's big media sites to do it but it's like gauging the tolerance of your Niche I think when we think about what are the easiest niches to write about versus the hardest well the hardest are going to be things that big media sites write about like Forbes like business software Finance gadgets and Tech those are probably the most competitive when we look at the least competitive think about affiliate niches like on Amazon things like outdoor goods and gear that's not as competitive you don't see Forbes writing about that as much indoor products Furniture is not too bad sometimes it just depends like power tools are easy gardening there's all kinds of physical products when you think about what Niche you want what do you love what do you buy on Amazon and then what can you look at a tool like ahrefs or SEO tools and find these opportunities that way so we can also look at like the finance Niche for example as a competitive one so here's one like what is Robo investing kind of difficult or best Robo advisors so you've got something like nerdwall here writing about Robo advisors or money under 30 writing about them but there's different content there or if you're in the you know SAS business you could say how to start a SAS business software as a service difficulty is not as bad volume's 40 traffic potential is all right and then you can find like some software SAS stuff like best no code app builder that search volume is increasing low difficulty so really about finding these opportunities like if I think of finance and I'm like all right I want to create a finance site I'm a financial planner I'm good to go I'm going to put in best credit card and I'm gonna go to the matching term so I'm gonna see how competitive it is well you can see like best okay best travel credit card 78. best I'm gonna put in s best credit cards and look at this best credit cards 85 nerd wall at the site sitting at the top they get affiliate commissions percentages on people signing up for credit cards they're basically printing money at this point and it looks kind of competitive best credit cards to build credit all kinds of different stuff but if you look at the difficulty and I want to bring it down to 20 what would even appear here let's see so there's still opportunities there's not as many best business travel credit cards at 16 best credit cards for young adults no annual fee so you'd have to go long tail on something like that right so we're finding that versus crazy difficulty or something like phishing like you like fishing there's all kinds of products lines rods reels hooks lures jig heads live bait bait casters Nets there's all kinds of products when it relates to fishing you can see like something like that's less competitive best fishing kayaks rods lines like the things that are actually a little bit more uh product based not super you know super competitive things that are actually physical products are a lot easier to rank for so think about that when choosing your Niche what is your pain tolerance basically if you want to go into finance and choose that as your Niche sure you could make some money and you could find like you know maybe some Niche Insurance examples if I go to insurance and I put the difficulty down to 20 and I apply that I can see all right what kind of insurance articles could I write I could write like RV Insurance 19 difficulty that's not bad landlord Insurance pet insurance dental insurance so like yeah there's potentially opportunities out there definitely there's opportunities in every Niche and that's the thing when we think about the best Niche the best Niche whatever you want to call it the best category of things they're not static they come and go search volume changes there's all kinds of new products in every single Niche so the key is finding ones that are low competition you can find you know a lot of articles that you can write and monetize so the key ultimately is to pick a broader Niche to start with and publish content and then figure that perfect Niche out over time so think about new and emerging things in your Niche that aren't competitive that is the key timing is a crucial component of affiliate marketing getting in early writing the content you know before most people do is key so if you're going to go into something like software you would do like AI software or newer stuff if you're going into fitness go into like you know if you started a Blog about pelotons and at home fitness during the pandemic that would have been the perfect timing for that so what's new in every single Niche so really think about what's the perfect Niche there's there's like different categories that we can bucket it in there's software which gives recurring affiliate emissions pretty competitive because of that recurring nature of the affiliate links there's Finance which is also really competitive because you can make percentages of giant things like retirement plans loans all that stuff so that's really competitive and then over here I think there's physical products so those are the physical products it's the least competitive because you get one-time commissions on the sale of these products but the key is finding high priced products things that people buy on Amazon for a thousand dollars two thousand dollars or so and figuring out what physical product Niche you want to get into is it outdoor is it indoor is it Furniture is it thing you know there's there's opportunities endless opportunities everywhere it's really tying it to your identity choosing something that you will not quit that you will continue building that's why I created my site just at my name at first it was just a digital resume I was going to use it for my career but once I started making money with it I just couldn't stop so that's the key of the difference between like choosing the perfect Niche versus building it around you you are the niche you are the brand you can build something for yourself start that blog create affiliate marketing content and base it on informational and transactional content that can make you a lot of money so if you want to learn how to master this entire process make sure to watch my free blogging masterclass click the YouTube description link below it's 80 minutes of free training exactly how to create the content not just do the keyword research but write it join the affiliate programs do SEO backlinks all of that stuff how to build a true online business in the 2020s hope you found this video helpful please check out other videos on my channel subscribe like the video and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Adam Enfroy
Views: 55,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing for beginners, affiliate marketing niches, affiliate marketing masterclass, affiliate marketing mastery, how to succeed in affiliate marketing, how to get success in affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing 2023, affiliate marketing course for beginners, affiliate marketing niche, affiliate marketing niche ideas, best affiliate marketing, best affiliate marketing niches 2023, niche affiliate marketing, best affiliate marketing video
Id: L0PDCeR_gtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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