Fusion Keyframes 101 - DaVinci Resolve Fusion Animation Basics Tutorial

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[Music] hey everybody casey ferris here i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube make sure to subscribe for more of that also if you're interested in the basics of resolve i have a master class look right here check it out today we're talking about keyframes in the fusion page this is something that i feel like can be really confusing but we'll walk through it together and we'll you know we're gonna make it through we're gonna do this so here i have a really basic title it's just text plus on top of our background this is a background from our fusion titles for editors volume two and it has all kinds of controls built in to stylize this however you like so i don't know something like that looks good but now we want this to animate in some way let's talk about keyframes while we do that such thing real basic stuff for keyframes if you select something all of the controls for it open up in the inspector up here in the upper right hand corner and this is pretty much universal for all of resolve when you want to change the details of something you do it up here in the inspector and pretty much universal is in the inspector towards the right hand side there's these little diamonds if there's a diamond next to it that means that you can animate this over time which is pretty nifty so let's say we were going to animate the size of this we want this to start a little bigger and then kind of come back down to this size well a keyframe is really just telling resolve that you want something to be a certain number at a certain time so all we really need to do is pick our time and our number for each side of our animation for the beginning and the end so right now we're at about 43 frames let's say we want this to animate in for i don't know a couple seconds or so let's go to 48 frames so if we want this to be this big at this time all we have to do is be at the time and then go over to whatever we want to animate we're going to animate size and i'm just going to click on this keyframe diamond when it turns orange that means we're on a keyframe so at 48 frames i want this to be at point zero eight now let's change the beginning of this i'm going to move our playhead all the way to the beginning all the way to frame zero and now i could click on this diamond again to add a keyframe but i don't really need to all i need to do is just change this attribute and it will automatically add a keyframe for me so now we have two keyframes one of them is at zero frames the other one is at 48. there's a couple ways you can tell that the first is this keyframe diamond being orange and if i were to hit right on the keyboard and we see it's not orange anymore but we do have a couple of little arrows these let us move in between the keyframes so all the way to zero and then if i click on the right one moves all the way to 48. so that's how we can kind of navigate in between those another clue that we have is in our timeline ruler here you can't really see the first one because it's kind of behind this yellow line but the second keyframe is a little white tick right here so if you have whatever you're animating selected its keyframes should show up as little ticks here in the ruler so what happens when we play this back if i go up to zero and hit play then it animates in between those two things so i don't need to animate every frame it just automatically moves in between those two keyframes pretty slick right now when you have a couple of keyframes there are different ways to edit them the first and most basic way would be to just move in between the keyframes using the little arrows around the diamond and i can make this first keyframe for instance be a lot bigger and then that'll animate a little differently right but that's a little wonky you kind of have to imagine where that keyframe is and what its value is there's not really anything visual other than just you're on a keyframe or you're not and here's the number which if you're into visual media you probably want something a little more visual i would imagine that that always helps me one thing we can do is go up to these buttons right here and i'll click on keyframes when you do that it opens up a panel down here called keyframes makes sense and let's take a look at this we haven't dove into this very much in uh previous videos really this kind of looks like a layer stack and it sort of is but it's really just a collection of timelines for each node and so you can kind of see how things animate over time now by default it's kind of zoomed way out so you can click this button right here zoom to fit and that will kind of stretch everything out to where you can see it so this keyframes panel is focused on when things happen okay and this will make a little more sense in a second but if i grab my text one and i twirl it down here we can see that size is animated and if i want to i can grab the slider and zoom it in a little bit the navigation here is just a little wonky in my opinion but once you get used to it it'll make sense and so here we can see each of our keyframes and have a general sense of what they're doing size starts big and ends up small and there's a few different things that you can change here in the keyframes panel the first thing is if you grab any of these bars here and you drag it to the right or the left it's going to change where the in and the out point is for that node so if i have my endpoint at 20 then up here in my viewer we'll see the text just doesn't even show up until frame 20. so that can be an easy way to trim or kind of move things around in time it gets a little confusing it doesn't work like exactly the way that you would think it would but you can do some trimming there where the keyframe panel is really useful is actually just moving where the keyframes exist in time and it's a little bit tricky because if you have size selected and you grab one of these keyframes you think that it would move one keyframe but it actually moves the whole thing so that's really nice if you just want to move an animation down a few frames that will move everything that's animated if you want to move just one keyframe you have to click off of this so i can click on text one or i can just deselect and then when i have this backwards cursor we can see that moves just that keyframe and so it's really easy to adjust the timing like that so you can have this really long animate over 80 frames if you want and now we have a much slower animation you can also do things like select a specific keyframe and type in a specific time for it to go to so if i want this to be at five frames you can just type five and that'll move that down now if we have multiple things going on like let's say this for whatever reason gets bigger in the middle and then it kind of goes down like that goes up again we'll have this animation it kind of plays like that right well let's say that we like this animation but we want this whole thing to happen faster we could grab each of these frames and drag them to the left and try and recreate that or we can kind of box select all of these frames like this and click on this little button down here in the lower left hand side of the panel called time stretch and it'll make a little box around here and we can actually just kind of scale this back and forth so if we want everything to happen you know within 30 frames now we have our whole animation happening a lot faster so that's really where the power of the keyframes panel comes in is moving the keyframes around in time so it's when things happen another panel that controls how keyframes and animation works is the spline panel in the upper right hand corner right next to the keyframes panel i'll just close that if i click on the spline panel that shows up just where the keyframes panel was but this is more about how it animates rather than when although you can control when as well so i'll just check size here because that's what we're animating and now we have a little graph of what we're animating and it's kind of blown up so that we can control it a little more and we have the same nice little button zoom to fit and here we have a graph of our animation now if i grab one of these keyframes i can move it back and forth in time just like i would be able to in the keyframes panel if i hold down shift i can make sure not to move it up and down and just move it left and right so that's a great way to adjust some timing really quick if you need to and that's the way i find myself adjusting timing quite often especially if i'm getting really detailed with an animation and the reason you might do it in here is because you have so much more control over how this animation works not only can you move the timing but you can also move these up and down and again if you move it a little bit and then hold shift it will just go up and down without moving left and right and you can adjust the actual values really easily too but here's where the spline panel is really helpful if you select a keyframe you can move its little handles around and you can adjust how the animation is handled around that keyframe so instead of approaching a keyframe and then stopping immediately you can have it kind of slow down before it gets to the keyframe and then speed up gradually this kind of animation looks a lot more pleasing let's take a look at what i mean here is our kind of random animation here let's take a look at what this looks like kind of jerks back and forth right but if i were to grab all of these keyframes just select them like this and then hit f on the keyboard then it makes all of these handles flat which if you're animating to something and then back works really well and now let's see what that does and it's still pretty jerky but it slows down when it approaches a keyframe even though it's a really fast animation it looks a lot more pleasing let's make this a little longer we can actually scale these keyframes a lot like we can in the keyframes panel just by selecting all of them and going down to this button right here shape box and now we can kind of transform all of these together scale them all together it's just a really nice way to work so now we have our animation really nicely kind of bouncing in between those values the other cool thing about the spline panel is you can add keyframes pretty easily just by clicking on the line and you can move those around visually and do all kinds of really fancy animations let's say we want this to swing back and forth i'll just get rid of our animation for our size i'll just adjust my pivot for my text and for rotation now we can have this kind of move back and forth like this i do have a tutorial on this kind of animation you can check that out right here but let's say we want this to swing down and kind of go right we could start up like this and set a keyframe and then we'll have it swing down and at like frame 60 or so we'll have it stop just add a keyframe and then i'll call this zero so that'll be done animating now in our spline panel we can adjust how this works because really what we're doing is starting at negative 75 and we're just animating the rotation to go all the way up to zero this is what it looks like right now just goes zoo and that's obviously not at all what we want we want it to be faster we want it to swing back and forth all of that stuff we can adjust in the spline panel so i'll zoom this to fit the first thing is i want this to swing down a lot faster so i'll grab this and hold shift and i'll move it down to like 30. okay so let's do in half the time now i want this to swing past this point and then back so i'll grab a keyframe sort of in the middle here and i'll drag this up and i'm going to go to like about half or so so it started about 70 i'll do about 35 something like that and let's see how it looks now yeah that's pretty good could probably swing maybe a little bit farther there we go and now we want it to swing back towards us so again i'll just grab this and i'll do about half and we can kind of continue doing that until things calm down let's move this over what we're looking for is kind of a little waveform looking thing like that right the mountains just get shorter there it goes see it kind of rotates down and eventually calms down now this looks janky because this just instantly stops and comes back which doesn't look natural right so we can do our little trick of grabbing i'm just going to grab the later keyframes and i'll hit f on the keyboard and now this will come through a lot nicer yeah that's just a refined way to adjust the animation here you have a lot of control man i wish all apps had a nice big control like this spline panel so nice there we go there's our nice little flip down animation so yeah there you go there's some basics of keyframes if you want to learn more about animating text and such i have a video like that right here yeah man i hope you flipped for this one get it because it kind of flips sort of anyway
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 22,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keyframes in resolve fusion, davinci resolve, tutorial, fusion, davinci resolve 16, keyframe, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 15, resolve 16, resolve, video editing, how to, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, keyframes, blackmagic, davinci, video, resolve 15, davinci resolve 15 tutorial, title, vfx, vfx tutorial, fusion tutorial, filmmaking, effects, tips, tricks, keyframe davinci resolve 16, keyframing in davinci resolve 16, animation, resolve 15 tutorial, free video editor, bmpcc
Id: fR0rfqp359E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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