Bob Saget Hiccups Uncontrollably While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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Aren't all hiccups uncontrollable?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/CaptCurmudgeon 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2017 🗫︎ replies

Flat, the way (John Stamos) likes them

Risky joke to make these days lol

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2017 🗫︎ replies

TIL I would not recognize Bob Saget on the street today.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/aramis34143 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2017 🗫︎ replies

Rumor I've heard is he told/tells the raunchiest Aristocrats joke other comedians have heard.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SgtNovember 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2017 🗫︎ replies
i ain't gonna yak but i need to drink some water yeah yeah go for that water here's the hiccup you hiccup sometimes excuse me [Music] hey what's going on everybody for first week feast i'm shawn evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today i'm joined by legendary comedian and tv host bob saget you grew up with him on shows like full house and america's funniest home videos you can catch him on the stand-up stage and speaking of he's here to promote his latest special zero to 60 sets release on november 14th bob yeah i'm also going to show that pleasure to be here i've watched a lot of my friends a lot of comedian people a lot of people plug their stuff and they after they're done eating here they got to plug themselves yep does the tongue swell up does it like a puffer fish of some kind i guess we'll find out every person's different how are you with hot food i love this stuff i used to go to buffalo and i used to go to the anchor bar where wings were yes i know how to make them you know i used to make it with frank's hot sauce i mean this one's called mega death so that's nice we know where i'm heading [Music] where do i get the valentina i unscrew the bottle it's already on the wing oh the wings are pre-spiced and this is spicy a little bit a little bit a little bit so the hot sauce interview show there's really only one place to start with you because the internet recently went nuts with the revelation that you might be the lady on the front of the cholula bottle right what happened was uh someone sent me a tweet that said you look like her and i couldn't argue with it the cholula lady does to have a resemblance but cholula hasn't let go of me they keep holding onto the tiger's tail and saying we supply the spice bob supplies comedy and then somebody called up for my some one representative and said you want to do an ad because you're kind of talking about him like he's promoting your product but uh that's the end of the story kids it just sucks but i used to go eat these things and i know how to make them take butter and you take the hot sauce you put in there you shake it in the pan after you deep fried it yep but these aren't buffalo anymore once you put this stuff on it you just we've bastardized the art right are you ready to move on fart yeah what's this [Music] you don't care whether they're male or female but they're not they're not male or female though then flats are drums they're made of flats or drums that's what stamos says to girls because he plays the drums and he likes them flat that is awesome you're enjoying this one can i have more of this one yeah just i'm really good go go go go at it go at it bob very good so in addition to fuller house being one of the most popular shows on netflix full house has not even left the air since it debuted in 1987. no it'll never go away so what i want to do is hit you with some full house folklore and you can tell me if it's fact or fiction does that sound good sounds good to me i mean hot wings i'm ready to take a crap again it's true that dave coulier used to crash on your couch years before full house was even a thing i met dave when he was 18 i was 22. we had a mutual friend he's a great writer and director mike binder and mike said dave needs a place to crash and i said okay so he stayed at my house just like joey staying in the alcove is it true that you had to take a break from filming when you had the pony on set because it kept getting an erection in front of the light yeah that's in my book dirty daddy you don't want a donkey around kids and the kids were level with it and it looked like a you know teenager's arm and then staying on the topic of animals is it true that the golden retriever that played comet was also air bud yes what happened was uh he got air bud movie and stamos was pissed he was like [ __ ] dog got a movie i didn't get a movie i want a feature film yeah comet it was named after a cleanser cause i cleaned on the show because i was danny tanner could have been called windex but that would have been a stupid name for a dog is there windex or one of these wings am i gonna die no no no i don't think so then i'll go down too i'm eating the same one i don't want that neither of us go down on this thing poorly that's a great place i love portland i go there quite often no fat i'm in [Music] um there's tomatoes in it so you made your directorial debut with dirty work the first feature film i directed a movie when i was 21 about my nephew having his face reconstructed oh you wonder that makes me hungry do you want a student an academy award for this yeah how do you know all this uh i've been reading about you foreign i'm sorry so i won that and they took his face off and they reconstructed damn these are good so you made your feature film directorial debut dirty work in addition to being a fan of the movie it's also my favorite type of movie because it's blasted by critics but it's beloved by the people it got screwed dirty work was something that i loved and nor mcdonald's a friend artie lange i fought to get him the job and it was chris farley's last movie right god bless him donna john rickles cameo don rickles one of my dearest friends his loss is a big loss this past year has been very difficult the movie was kind of brash and had an odd viewpoint to it it's kind of guy humor not to say that movie critics aren't guys sometimes but um i don't know it was really made for 15 year old boys so when this is over you hit me with this paddle or my bare buttocks i did that to henry rollins and he liked it he seemed to enjoy it that's fascinating you get big names on this thing what are you doing with me we're very excited to have you here i'm excited to be here and everybody seemed excited when i walked in people were in the hallway going good luck like what am i going to prison am i going to go electrocuted all right what's this this is a queen majesty it's a scotch bonnet and ginger sauce so you know you've made it in pop culture when you become a staple in rap lyrics and bob saget against all odds has somehow some way become the most name-checked comedian in hip-hop so what i want to do is just bounce some of the most classic bob saget bars off of you and i'm just wondering how they hit your ear what you think of them does that sound good hit me all right so this first one's from lil wayne it's on all i have but [ __ ] in my cabin more [ __ ] than a pageant i keep a house full call me bob saget hell he's saying i'm i'm cool as [ __ ] cuz you got [ __ ] in your cabin but these [ __ ] are dj steph and michelle so they're not like hoes he also says he wants a bob sack of money in that song which is nice that's a nice thing to hear who knew that i'd wind up here all right this one's from nacho picasso on naked lunch dagnabbit bad habits i'm raj rabbit i just took a key bump from bob saget well that's okay you know if you like that kind of layer i am not the drug guy people think i am i have gone through that in the early 80s i was hanging i'm a comedian so it was impossible to avoid right coke is you know obviously a key bump so it was around in the early 80s and i i can't say i didn't see it but you certainly didn't give one to nacho picasso no that would have been cool as hell but uh i don't think he was born this one's from machine gun kelly on miss me y'all in family houses like bob saget both parents i was on family couches like you don't want it i'll wear it inheriting hand-me-downs is a grown man embarrassed that's actually poetry that uh that's nice to be part of that i mean it's kind of it's sad but it's honest uh so i like that i never heard that this is your sauce you sell this [Music] you have a big enough following there's millions of people following this um not to put it down but doesn't it shock you it started off as a goof and then the snowball just starts picking up momentum and then before you know it it's this big huge crazy thing you know that's great i say that about my penis but i would never eat it alright bob so we have a recurring segment on our show called explain that gram where you do a deep dive on our guests instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context but with you we've done a little bit of a twist we've pulled some great bobsaget throwbacks so i'll show you the picture and you can tell me what's going on the bigger story there okay okay all right all right laptop please let me just wipe all this bile off my mouth smart good time this is good this is actually amazing i recommend all of you doing this it's the last couple that are like insane right yeah don't uh don't put the horse in front of the carriage or however no you don't want to do that all right so this is a great pick you and johnny carson that was a dream i was on his show like 13 times i would tell him stories and i'd say this is true and he go i don't care just tell it and letterman did the same thing he really acquired some of johnny's best qualities that he would self-admittedly say my mother went up to him after a show once it was so embarrassing she goes mr carson we just want you to know you're doing a very good job there's some lady from philly and he goes uh thank you ma'am it's like 30 years he'd been doing this he's been doing it 30 years and then he goes want to see my new car and then i went out and looked at his new corvette and left my parents just left them they didn't deserve him after that we'll talk to johnny carson that way the king of everything do you remember this this is your roast the reason i was happy to do that roast is it was all my friends it's a 20-minute cut of norm people didn't know what the hell was going on he was really playing to the back of the room with that called me a week before and said i don't want to make funny i don't like doing roasts i'm just going to read jokes from a 1940s joke book i said norm you got a curse sometime you got to say [ __ ] or [ __ ] or something i don't like doing that meanwhile he did he finally by the end i was like because i had just directed him in dirty work i was like hey you know i'm saying you got a [ __ ] dog face you know and then it was like it was a lot of really wonderful people were on it and then gilbert there's my don rickles there's don rickles you and don i loved him so much we just lost him and uh i called him like four weeks before he passed away his mind was really good all the way to the end and uh i said how you doing he said what do i have to do to get you out of my life and he went too far i mean i didn't think he had to do this i don't need a dirty dick dude i'll leave a clean dick that's how i got this movie made i just shot oh you just suck it right off just yeah clean steeped out that way oh i shouldn't have done that this i feel you play a version of yourself an entourage and i'm always fascinated by these shows whether it's curb your enthusiasm or entourage where celebs are kind of toeing the line between reality right fiction it's interesting when i first did entourage and i did like four of them the writer producer doug ellen wanted me to be more down on my luck you know oh my ex-wife got my money and all this crap and i said no i i i don't want to do that and he's well let's make him the ballsiest richest [ __ ] ever then that's you know he doesn't care she can have as many houses as she wants and he's banging young girls and i'm like that sounds fun so uh i've been asked to do a lot of cameos and be the punchline in things like in half-baked doing a second dick for coke i did say that this is the closest i've come to that since then things get pretty serious here [Music] okay oh i shouldn't have done that oh man why did i do this this is what you wait this is a sound bite you wait for oh crap i hiccup when i hit real spicy food so get ready so it's coming i ain't gonna yak [Music] but i need to drink some water yeah yeah go for that water here's the hiccup you hiccup sometimes excuse me do you fart projectile vomit i hiccup good good i'm glad you checked that box instead of the others my ears started bleeding here it comes now my penis falls off and i throw it at your head and it looks like a unicorn whoa holy crap wait a second yeah i need a moment you took me from zero to ninety no you took me from zero to sixty hey i'm gonna hiccup a while don't make fun of it so america's funniest home videos used to be the only game in town when it came to embarrassing home videos but now of the internet and youtube yeah the camera phones and the lights live in this sort of thing but what the people are missing out on the internet in particular is the bob saget narration that's very interesting some people hated it i got thrashed by critics well i'm going to work hard on it i know and you were very good at it oh my god you want to get married we can eat hot wings and just [ __ ] in bed what i want to do is show you some of the biggest most talked about clips over the last couple years i want you to react to it i only did five voices it was like oh oh look out you know that bad rocky boy that was my favorite or look at me you know some guy and then the guy goes jerry lewis are you even you know that kind of thing so this one right a science teacher doing a demonstration one two three let me know two three can you go full screen for me can you hit that right little thing hold still my students i am going to simply smash the center block and hit you in the dick you just have to be there for it it's really no talent you know hit you in the dick would not make it on the air today that's a shame but that's the hot ones well that's what they wanted to do they wanted to uh make it dirty leave that on what the hell is that i'll narrate that oh it's so beautiful here out in the ocean oh [ __ ] i should just relax here all day i forgot to douche you know she forgot the douche and then you have the ocean is that offensive i don't want to offend anyone no no i think it's good i got one more for you okay all the knives [ __ ] you [ __ ] you i married you i gave you a baby why is she telling me to [ __ ] myself [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you and your sunglasses you piece of [ __ ] get the [ __ ] in here i want to have sex again ran me from behind hold my horns you shot him a [ __ ] and i apologize to anybody i might have offended with my faux accent uh of anyone from mexico because i i god there's so much uh stuff in the world we gotta fix we do we do it bob that's why this is a nice show because you're distracting people from it and then people like me come on and remind them yeah yeah yeah that's that's that's the good thing what is this [Music] this is beyond insanity mm-hmm [Music] oh my god this isn't funny no it tastes like there's medicine in it not in a good way no no are you killing me you got orange juice you don't taste that you just taste potassium sorbate oh it's a lot of sorbets sodium i'm gonna toss this yeah yeah yeah smart that's tough do they have flames coming out here my [ __ ] first okay go ahead what was your question i know when you do shows like this you get a million questions about being danny tanner right but sometimes i wonder you know what's the one thing that people don't ask you about that you wish they would when people just hit you with full house questions all the time what do they miss about bob they're it's kind of equaled out with my stand up i love entertaining people hold on a second my nose is blinking although my lung is hanging out of my ass um you want to see yeah yeah yeah show it to me it's almost like jackass having dinner we'll put it in the trailer ricky gervais called this a cross between jackass and charlie rose which was like that is exactly that is exactly what it is and that gives you talent no it does because people are watching it because it brings people to the program they get to learn stuff and they'll get to watch someone suffer yep but you're hard ass so you're you don't you don't suffer i have the responsibility of the interview on my shoulders no you work out harder than i do no no i'm gonna be on a plane i hope i look like you at 61. i really do really i really do you won't if you eat this every week i'll look way worse look like the [ __ ] keeper from tales from the [ __ ] all right there's two left 500 times hotter than a jalapeno chili what i mean every disclaimer is happening right now this is this is unbearable just put your toes in the bowl don't don't do a camera this is unbearable do i have to eat more you don't have to eat more the people would probably want you to eat more i know you just got over saying what an entertainer you are but you don't have to eat more all right i'm gonna have another bite there's not much i care about you i like it i appreciate you bob if you saw me on the street out in front afterwards just lying there having a heart attack you'd help me okay i feel like it was my responsibility to help you all right watch this whoa bob saget splitting wings i love it oh please why don't i do that so you've been around comedy club since you're a teenager from emceeing at the comedy store to rubbing elbows with the young david letterman so as somebody who's been in the game now for over four decades i want to hit you with some yearbook superlatives and you can tell me which comedian best fits the description does that sound good yeah sure biggest drama king you know who i respect and love the death out of his marc maron it's not a drama king but it's depression my eyes are tearing up my mouth is on fire literally just feel like i i sucked a dead person's butthole the future of comedy is there a young comic that excites you i think they haven't been born yet and people are telling me now hey there's new community on netflix you got to see his new special uh but then i'll hold on this is uh incredibly painful um well that's the hardest one right no the last dab yeah most likely to fist fight a fan let me think who has actually done it someone like joe rogan is a great comedian and he is a ufc kind of guy but i never seen him do anything violent with a fan you know so that's like it's a dignified guy that's got the ability to do it it's comedians that are good feel things very very deeply i'm not that good but this has caused me to feel things very very deeply you're going to put more on it this is the last dab we call it the last dab because it's tradition around here to put a little extra on the last one you don't have to if you don't want to bob sag it and i would i gotta do it you said my name in a sentence so let me just uh little something don't go crazy no just a little dab a little dab will do you there you go that would be like a if i got some kind of a disease on my wiener that's about how much i put on of the medicine well i think maybe there's a multi-use here so you can have that bottle you can take it home with oh i'm not taking it on the airplane they'll arrest me okay well cheers cheers bob i wish you well i wish you well i'll see you on the dark side [Music] it creeps up mm-hmm you know what this tastes good different that's how it throws you i'm going to show you what a [ __ ] i am whoa you've never seen him but well okay i don't know that's not happening literally died okay this is for you it's for the people that's for the people bob saget oh my god i'm gonna be on a plane in an hour so one of the things that stands out about your comic mind is not only how quick it is but how quickly it can go to a dark and sordid place not with the mega death and the last dab and the bomb swimming through that soup in your body i want to hit you with a little word association game so i'll just give you the word and then you can tell me the first thing that comes to your mind sound good i'd say great cantaloupe mother ferret richard gere halloween richard gere hot sauce mouth on fire the letter a uh and it's on fire amazing bob saget you made it through you conquered the wings you took on ten questions he drinks in my [ __ ] milk i don't mean [ __ ] muck i meant uh i'm a [ __ ] i'm gonna sell this milk yep i'm a hiccuping mm-hmm i don't think you can get milk out of it but you gotta go to commercial [Music] it is plug time baby this camera this camera or this camera let the people know what you have going on you know i can't remember november 14th is the premiere date for my special 0-60 which is kind of just where i'm at in my life it deals with a lot of different things from my penis to viagra to the death of my mother i also have a movie that i'm very proud of called benjamin and it's got a great cast and except me but i am in it that's it just thank you guys you guys are all really really nice thank you bob that was really quite fun and it's a funny way to do it it's such a funny way because it does it is almost like a game show it has a dude you played dramatic music during it yeah yeah hello hot ones fans it's shawn evans new outro same message if you like what you saw throw us a bone maybe please it is dog eat dog here on the youtube streets hit that subscribe button knowing that you subscribed it is seriously the only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning thank you very much hot ones fans i love you
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 4,295,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bob saget, hot ones, sean evans, spicy wings, First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, full house, comedian, interview, hot wing challenge, danny tanner, food challenge, 10 questions, 10 wings, hot sauce, pepper x, the last dab, hot ones hot sauce, hiccups, roast, standup
Id: duRDizP0gHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2017
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