Demon Bursters by Dr. KEVIN ZADAI

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we [Music] Thank You pastor Jonathan y'all excited I am praise God you all ready all right now now this morning the Lord asked me when I say this morning it was actually last night for me because I've been up since 3:00 praying for you all and I don't like to do anything if it's not gonna change people I'd rather stay home and light the grill you know then come and nothing happened I'm just tired of that I'm tired of Christianity that way because it's not what Jesus died for I'm tired of going to church and nothing happening I'm tired of giving nothing happened you know because it's not that's not God whatever you put into something God's gonna increase it thousands of times I guarantee you if you give you give your life over to him completely there will be evidence within 24 hours that you've done it the the problem is is that God's God's being mocked because a man's reaping what he sold so whatever is coming out is what people are putting in that's truth because you're never going to stand before Jesus and say it didn't work trust me I've been in that situation and I couldn't not say that because he was much more Jesus is much more and you're not going to blame him for anything including inactivity in your life now listen to me I'm coming to your friend but a friend tells you the truth I'm telling you the truth you will never confront Jesus about inactivity in your life you won't be able to do it I've been in that situation I could not blame him for an thing the only reason that I appeared before him was because he in his mercy allowed me to approach him he extended his scepter and let me come to him he called me he chose me and he had me stand before him and with that reverence I speak to you this morning is that I am I am not wanting to waste anybody's time or money every thing that comes into the ministry goes into the ministry including my own royalties which is over two hundred thousand dollars a year goes into warrior notes so I believe in what I'm doing I could take that did you hear me everything that we do every piece of media is in my name so I have rights to everything but the reason I give it is because I believe in what Jesus sent me back for and it's with that I tell you that everything that you do for God you invest in what he's doing your life what I'm asking you is give yourself wholly to him because within 24 hours it will begin to explode God is not mocked a man will reap what he sews so if you sow towards eternal life eternal life will begin to manifest in every part of your life is everybody hear me do you understand that I am NOT going to be a friend if I don't tell you the truth the truth of it is is that God is mocked because men are reaping what they sow but they're saying something else with their mouth so they're giving God's service with their mouth but their hearts are far from him because God cannot be mocked in other words I got to the place where I would rather not be known as a Christian by what I say but what happens in my life there has it now listen listen to me honestly now be honest with me wouldn't you want everywhere you go to be a divine explosion to where everyone knows that you're a Christian not because of what you've said but because everything shifts in your atmosphere because of the the fact that you have influence with God there are so many things that can be prevented if we take the time to be sober minded think about what you do think about what you say do you know how many times I almost got killed in an airplane because I trusted in someone else that said they had done what they had they were said they did but they did not and I inherited the problem that should have been solved before it was handed off to me do you know what it's like to get in the air and find out that people didn't keep their word when they worked on the airplane now it's your problem I don't want to be that kind of person that hands off problems to other people um I consider myself a problem solver I I consider myself putting myself in a situation where I can meet people's needs by the Spirit of God well in order to do that you got to be accountable which means that God is not going to be mocked you have to put into your life what you want it to come out as you don't want to hand over your problems and influence other people because we see that all the time ministers are falling all the time why because God's not mocked a man will reap what they sow these things just don't happen overnight so I am NOT gonna hand off the baton to the next generation in a bad manner I am going to do my job you're gonna do your job your job is to believe in the one who saved you to believe in the father who sent him and to accept the engrafted word in you which is able to save your souls that word soul is the word in Greek that means psyche psyche it's not spirit your spirits saved by the born-again experience but your soul is being transformed and changed by the Word of God it's a missing element that we we we need to get back to the basics of what Paul was talking about that we need to be transformed by the renewing of our minds now I almost died in plane crash in plane crashes because of negligence now even though I am the ultimate person responsible for the airplane I depend upon other people to do their job but I have to oversee everything it's the same way with your spiritual life the demonic your enemy they rely on the fact that you either don't know something or that you have misinformation do you understand what I just said what you don't know may hurt you what you do know that is wrong information may hurt you so do you understand that from this point on through the end of this year and in the next year your discernment as has to go through the roof spiritually because not everything that people are is saying is right you need to confirm the mouth of two or three witnesses let everything be established no I would speak the same I'm speaking now as I do when I was in a church of 31,000 people it doesn't matter to me whether it's a Bible study or a stadium what matters is is someone gonna get up and yield to the spirit and speak by the spirit so that people are changed this can happen this is not just for super superhuman people this is for people that are weak that are about to be made strong by the spirit the resurrection power is able to manifest through weakness Jesus didn't come to heal well people he came to seek those who are lost and to heal the sick he said that a a well person doesn't need a doctor so brings me to my point while I'm saying all this I want to be in the know I want to be in the briefing room I want to know the truth even if it hurts this will continue to keep you alive and keep you effective you see these promises that we have if you keep those and if you implement those into your life they will keep you from being ineffective the precious promises they're also caused you to be a partaker of the divine nature no I've had a work through some emergencies because of other people's negligence but see in my Christian walk I am ultimately responsible for everything so I have to be sober minded as Paul told Titus or it's in Titus Titus said it I guess he said in 2 6 be sober minded that is be aware be informed Christians are not weak people they are weak people in themselves but they are strong in the Lord and in his mighty power Christians are not naive or misinformed that they should be the most discerning and thus the smartest and the wisest on the earth because they walk with God great and mighty are the offspring on the earth it says that it's almost 110 great and mighty actually not 110 it be 112 3 right 112 3 Souls mighty are your offspring on the earth so you got to know your enemy but see there are people around you that are misinformed and they're Christians Psalms 112 - thank you misinformed Christians are very dangerous you know why because I know this because our government does it it's called disinformation campaign they slant your view based on what their agenda is okay so you understand that Satan uses these kind of things so I want to talk to you this morning about the origin and the operation of your enemy but I had to tell you everything I just told you to show what I need we have for this because I found this because Jesus and I discussed this before I came back I said how do you explain to a generation their need if they don't see it the hardest part of me working at a job for 30 years was getting people to see their need because all these people are very successful that I work with very smart very successful overqualified so I have to present Jesus to them in a way that provides for a need because if if I don't provide for a need then they they don't see the relevance of what I'm saying okay but if I am partaking of the divine nature if I am representing Jesus not by just word but there's a benefice station the other realm comes through you then they want to talk for example between flights I was talking to a flight attendant they wanted to know why I was so happy all the time I said well you know I died and came back every day is a gift to me and they're like what you died I said yeah I died on the operating table you didn't know about that and I told her that everything is written in heaven as though you're going to have it so no one needs to go to hell because Jesus according to Paul anyway in the second Corinthians chapter 5 that whole chapter talks about a Ministry of reconciliation that we have a Ministry of reconciliation so I had to change my worldview I had to change everything the way I looked at things because people need to have announced to them that the price has been paid did you hear what I just said this causes them to question the false peace they may have the false security they may have you might not understand what I'm saying here but when you're with professionals that have all the money they ever need have all the relationships they ever need are satisfied and are going to hell they need to be presented with something from the other realm that causes them to question why they have the perception they do and if it's the right perception so I allow the Lord to break down my false perceptions I allow him to tell me the truth so that I can have effectiveness so this is what happened she started to tear up and cry and she gave her life to the Lord she went and told the captain did you hear that Kevin died on the operating table and he he came to me and he says you never told me you died cuz I'd known him for for a while for 15 20 years I said well you know it you know I don't force it on anybody he goes you need to get up to the cockpit here during the next flight I want to hear all about it so this girl is telling people now so I go up to the cockpit during the flight and the captain turns around starts talking to me and the first officers flying the flight so one person flies that the other person monitors the radios so the captain is looking at me so I start to tell him that he goes my god it changed him immediately at 7 miles up almost 600 miles an hour and he got changed because something from the other realm touched him while I was talking he said now the first officer is visibly being touched and the captain looks at him he says you know what you need to hear this I got the airplane so he grabs the yoke the first officer turns around to me and he's crying he said while you were talking I had an open vision I'm I didn't I don't even believe in this stuff he said the Lord Jesus was in the woods when I was 16 years old he said someone accidentally shot an arrow towards the back of my head while we're hunting I heard my name being called and I turned around and I caught the arrow before it went into my eye my friends including the one who shot it by accident saw it saw it happen he said no one called my name out but I heard my name it should have hit me in the back of the head and went through my skull instead when I turned around I can't tell you why until this day until you talked to me why I was able to catch that arrow because even if you know it's coming you can't catch it this guy was shot at from behind he said Jesus while you were talking appeared me says the only reason you're alive is because today is your day of salvation and I sent this man to tell you the way receive me this all happened while we were flying so do you understand that we have a Ministry of reconciliation where Paul said we compel people we we talked to people and informed them that the price has been paid and to come in now you understand that Jesus isn't gonna come back and die again so he made sure that he scraped the bottom of hell because he's not doing it again there is no amendments there's no cleanup he did it all once and for all paid it for everyone so the people in Hell right now should not be there but they are and that's the honest-to-god truth about it there is a hell and people are in there being tormented and their books in heaven show that a great plan of salvation was wrought for them so do you understand that the conversation I had with Jesus was how do I get people to see their need when they don't see it and how do I turn a whole generation if I go back how do I turn a generation who doesn't see their name and he he showed me in the book of Revelation when he was talking to the seven churches how he addressed the churches and one of them he said this he said you say you're rich and well clothed and you can see he said but the truth is you're blind you're naked and you're poor okay do you understand that Jesus is telling them the truth and they're not very happy about that but that is the way it is so he said if you knew if you knew what was right you had asked me for I south and for a robe of righteousness and gold that was tried in the fire you see Jesus always has provision he has the answer for what you need but you're not asking for the right things and so we we stay in neutral which means you're going downstream very fast because this world the spirit of this world is going to continue to pool on you the spirit of this world is strong so you got to know your enemy so what you don't know can hurt you and what you do know may hurt you if it's wrong information because you're acting on wrong information or you're operating and no information which for instance I can name ministers who have died in jet crashes but if I was their pilot I would walk away and tell them get another pilot because I'm not taking this airplane anywhere because I've looked at the reports do you hear me I would never fly those jets they were broken they should have went to the hangar but they took off in him and the body of Christ has been robbed of gifts is everybody understand what I just said do you want me to say it backwards you all may say it in another language do you understand that God is not mocked do you understand that that that was Satan's device to cause questions in every Christians mind why is it that I have flown six flights a day for 30 years and never had a crash it's because God is not mocked a man reaps what he sews I know that there are inspections ago on every knife with each aircraft I know that there is an inspection that happens every month I know there is an expectant that happens every year and there's a DJ which happens every 15 years were they completely refurbished the airplane sometimes it's 20 years I can pray for that pilot I can pray for that mechanic I'm not going down in an airplane see y'all didn't get that did you there are things set that will monitor each person the one who inspects every night the one who inspects every month the one who inspects every year they all are committed to doing their job all of those people if they do their job that airplane will continue to fly there are very few percentage of airplanes that just fall out of the sky there there's something that goes on that has to do with human error why is it that after 30 years 37 million miles and not one crash not one smoking hole not a gravestone that says Kevin's a toys name on it yeah it's the mercy of God is the grace of God we know that however every person was prayed for the Angels made sure that each person did their job they monitored the situation I just didn't throw it up to chance so do you understand that if you would check it out I know that people are reaping what they're sewing but I can't tell you but you wonder like well why does this minister why did this happen what is but see I know personally what happened and it's not God's fault a man reaps what he sews if you sow to the flesh you get the flesh if you sow to the spirit you get the spirit you get eternal life this is God's word this is the truth about the matter no Jesus Jesus is in the room right now no I'm not kidding you he's in the room he didn't he didn't wait til a stadium god full he came here this morning right now bless you in the thing that he wants is he just wants one of you in this room to side with him and change a generation he just needs one person one crazy person that will recklessly abandon themselves I know what I'm talking about those kind of people are heroes in the next generation but they're hated in the generation they live in you want to know why because everybody migrates toward comfort so every generation needs a prophetic voice because the prophets weep while people were laughing and they laugh why people are weeping because they're way ahead y'all didn't get that you see when I was in the future I saw how the prophetic works God takes prophets to the future and then puts them back in the present and then the bar the standards for a generation are determined by their future as it can take a while do you understand the Word of God is transforming because it's not from this realm holy men of old were moved by the Holy Spirit and wrote that's how you got the Word of God it didn't originate from man it's a supernatural encounter that somebody had and they wrote moved by the Holy Spirit not by their flesh so the enemy knows we're talking about the origin and operation of your enemy the enemy knows that he's got to keep you in the flesh living in the flesh and reaping the flesh in order to keep you out of your everyday supernatural briefing from heaven I'm not kidding you every day is an experience but it already happened long ago I'm literally playing out what I already saw I just show up just like you just show up it's all scripted the devil does not want Christians to hear any of this so what's he do he chooses someone who's retired it decides to go into the ministry and doesn't have any agenda doesn't need anything and shows up even if people don't like him it doesn't matter I'll just show up that's the way you have to get you have to get to the place where like Paul said am I now your enemy because I've told you the truth you see a generation needs to hear the truth but it's forward-looking it's causing the perception to change so they this generation sets it up for the next generation we don't need to have another move of God we need to maintain the move of God that began when Jesus breathed on the disciples and then the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost we just need to maintain that move and it is diminished to the point where what I pointed out last night was is that how this all started was wind and fire and utterance and drunkenness in this Holy Spirit those four things and don't forget the fact that they were all in unity which is the biggest miracle of all you had 120 people in unity you can't get six people to agree on anything so you have five things that happen when the Holy Spirit came and look at us now we're so sophisticated we know how to maintain composure but see if I leave a service and people aren't laying on the floor laughing I feel disappointed because that is one of the manifestations was being drunk in the Holy Spirit if fire isn't burning on you as I'm talking I'm disappointed because that's how this all started was with fire do I need to go on the wind utterance you see this is how the Holy Spirit introduced himself to us as a person this is the Church of the Living God we are temples of the Holy Spirit Paul said our bodies are not our own we've been bought with a price our life is not our own it's as though Jesus is borrowing our body and living his ministry through us no this is absolutely truth so do you understand that yes I'll fast and pray for another move of God with you but the the move of God has begun if you talk to angels it has never ended I mean you know the real angels the angels that don't take no for an answer they're the ones that believe in you more than you believe in yourself they wouldn't even bother with you and unless the Lord God had sent them so they believe in you because they're told that you are the chosen ones you are the sons and daughters of God you are the elect and so Satan knows that a Christian that's misinformed or not informed is a non-event did you hear what I just said it's a non-event Satan has most Christians because they do not feed themselves on the Word of God they do not drink of the Spirit of God from the river of life they do not allow that to come up from within them and yield to it because it gives life life is in the blood and life is in the river life is in the breath these things are what you should dwell on so the enemy doesn't want you to hear anything I just said which is why I'm gonna go deeper because I was shown what you would only wish that you knew I was shown it you don't even know what to wish for and if you knew how vile your enemy is if you do how intent he was you would turn your whole life over to God you would not be compromised any longer because the power against Satan is being fully yielded to God your power is based on your unwavering faith which is your trust which is ignited by the fire from the altar it's a holy fire so you set yourself apart and you have become a different person because Christ is living through you so I talked to you last night about the fact that Satan doesn't like holy fire he can't function it it paralyzes him so your whole goal should be to a be immersed in fire be placed in a situation where you're completely engulfed in fire holy fire and then you have a message of reconciliation wherever you go see all you're doing is informing people that their sins have been paid if they acknowledge Jesus Christ as being the person who paid off their debt as long as they acknowledge him then he becomes the way he is the door so you have to tell people this you you take people out of the hands of Satan when you do that the Lord doesn't want us to wait any longer he is convinced of what he has already planned and now it's time for us to be fully convinced of his plan that we don't rest on our own abilities we rest on his ability through us which means you have to be yielded so demons it's interesting I wasn't allowed to talk talk about this until this year but this was shown to me back in 92 it's amazing how everywhere I go now I release new information that I've never been able to share before everywhere I go now it's time but do you understand that what you're dealing with is disembodied spirits people that live before the flood who had interbred the whole race of human beings had interbred no one except Noah was completely perfect in his generations according to the scripture except the eighth and Noah's family Noah's generations were perfect there were millions of people on the earth none of them got to go on the ark none of them were invited the dinosaurs didn't get invited they were also hybrid so all of those spirits they have no resurrection they have no redemption they didn't qualify welcome to your enemy you see those fallen ones that were under Hallel who became lucifer halal was over the garden man shows up one day and God comes down and visits him doesn't even look at hallo and halal looks at Adam and he looks like God the last time that this cherub looked at himself he didn't look like God is there anybody here he watched God give him authority over everything he was the anointed cherub that covers over Eden and now he is out of a job is there anybody here is this too much because we can talk about you don't listen listen to me things turned in my life when I accepted the truth and the truth of it is is these things hate you because they're out and you're in they lie like their father the devil and the religious system is hooked up to that because Jesus said you're a liar just like your father was a liar he's a liar from the beginning these spirits hate you they disqualified themselves there weren't that many fallen angels there was only a few that came and fell because they have the honor system they were under Hallel they fell they are so sorry but they have no redemption and they are chained right now until the end times does everybody hear me the Angels that left their abode are chained this is not the demons Peter says they're chained well they're chained so what are the demons I already told you they are rogue spirits they are against God they hate God they hate you and they are going to work to make sure that you're disqualified if it's possible and at the very end even the elect will be deceived if that's possible is anybody here this is your enemy welcome to your life the world was destroyed because of sexual sin those fallen beings were responsible for teaching the Nephilim are not the ones that inner bread it says the Nephilim were on the earth in those days and the sons of God went into the daughters of men and had mighty ones as babies it doesn't say the Nephilim and her bread check it out in the Hebrew or even the homebrew even the nearly inspired version gets it right listen to me what I saw I can't hold back any longer I did not want to come back to this earth because it is stacked so against you if you live a mediocre neutral Christian life which is impossible really it's an oxymoron if you know what that is it's impossible it's impossible to have Christ in you the hope of glory and not be able to be a demon buster you cannot live in this life and and and be ineffective if you have Christ in you it's impossible but yet it's happening because God is being mocked you reap what you sow so you have to sow toward your spiritual life if you don't want to do it for yourself will you please do it for the body of Christ will you please do it for me help me if you don't want to do it for yourself that's what I tell people if you don't want to prosper then don't but would you prosper for the body with you prosper so that we can get this done and let Jesus come back get the harvest to come in would you believe in healing just so that you can stay on this earth and wrap it up with us and instead of going home early you see what I'm saying is we we think we're being we're being really holy and religious but we're being selfish in our inability to accept the benefits of what God has given us you're gonna have to buy the tape to hear that over again but do you understand that this is why Christianity is not attractive to the world is because we don't display him but why is it I show up in the cockpit and all the sudden the pieces of the puzzle start falling into place over something that happened at the age of 16 on a hunting accident it was set up for me to be there at that company I left the ministry to go work for an airline and the whole time I'm there for 30 years I think I did something wrong that I'm in the world working instead of in a pulpit somewhere but the cockpit became my pulpit the plane became my pulpit everywhere I went became a pulpit and now I find myself in a pulpit and Eirene wanna be in the pulpit I want to be on my back porch in retirement that's why I got the pulpit it's the only reason I got the pulpit because I don't want it do you get it okay so you're handed life because you allowed yourself to experience death you experience resurrection because you die you don't wait to die physically you hand over yourself now so that you can have a Ministry of reconciliation where everywhere you go it shifts the atmosphere and Satan cannot handle you no matter what he sends at you they come back weeping we can't penetrate him we can't get to her what is it it's the fact that you are informed you have correct information you have information you have the vision of heaven you understand that these spirits oh yeah they're listening to me right now they've backed off about like a half a mile but they're out there weeping right now they're hoping that I don't publish this on the web to where hundreds of thousands of people look at it which is going to happen because people need to know what they're dealing with we only know listen we only see one sixth of light you know the colors of the rainbow you can look it up it's 1/6 the 5/6 is missing from our eyes because we fell but it doesn't cease to exist just because you can't see it is the same thing with your hearing your dog hears more than you do but we used to hear everything my friend was an astronaut he flew out of the atmosphere and it's all classified but he has friends that walked on the moon he said outside of this atmosphere there's no demons he said on the moon his friend Neil Armstrong would have devotions with God and before he would finish asking God a question Neil Armstrong said that God would answer him as clear as you and I talking my friend who flew out of the atmosphere said there's no demons out there there's nothing to stop you from hearing God's voice it's down here there's a war God's still speaking to you you just don't hear it because there's so much concentrated effort against you okay do you understand now why I'm talking to you this morning about this is that these demons are packed in here they are left over from the flood and they are against you they are trapped here when Jesus would show up they would plead with him not to send them out of the area because this is where they were before the flood and they've they've created a matrix a system of government they fight each other they don't even get along with each other they will fight each other over territories I've seen it happen don't get me started I'm serious if you want to feel freedom from what's buffeting you just go to a border those demons won't be allowed to go with you then you'll deal with the the junk over there but it'll be different than what you're dealing with here but see in your authority as a believer you can create a border in your own home and you don't have to go physically to get rid of oppression you can establish your own borders your own Authority then the demons know that you know I see white flags being raised all the time because the demons opt out rather than fight the sons of God are being revealed that's it now who are you you've been designated as a son and a daughter of God your children of God that's it so now you can't change what the grace of God has already done for you but what you can do is you can slow down the maturity process by not cooperating which is why me and my wife are doing what we're doing we're not doing this because we need to we don't have to either we're doing this because heaven has determined that if we do this it will change a whole generation it's already happening it's already happening it's only been two and a half years it's already happening because God designated before I was born but he also designated that the last generation on the earth will be history makers every single one of them every single person on the earth that walks with God will be known not just by known by God they will be known by the world the sons of God will be revealed in these last days and the bright and shiny ones the righteous will shine like the noonday Sun this is going to happen it's already happening you know it happened to Moses in the Old Testament under an Old Covenant because Moses went up to the mountain and met with God continually forty days at a time and his face started to be transformed back to Adam y'all didn't get that cuz you'd be dancing right now Moses by association in the Old Covenant by association his face reverted back to Adam just by looking at God being up there with the Holy Ones I'm gonna have to say it a couple more times you're not getting it you know do you understand that under an Old Covenant by association Moses's face transformed to where he was fearful to look upon and the people wanted him to cover his face what do you think is gonna happen in these last days has anybody done the math yet please don't let me be the only one because that's not God's will I'm doing it because I can't lose because I was told if I came back I cannot lose I was told by my Savior if you go back it's rigged you cannot fail it's all going to work in your favor you cannot fail and as soon as I came back he started to hook me up with the right people I have more fathers in the faith that her generals I just need one general and I've got several God's gonna hook you up he's gonna hook you up with people that have blazed the trail for you there's an eight-lane highway but someone had a machete in their hands and paved the way for us Jesus paved a way for us he sent people ahead of you to pave the way for you there are plenty of highways in the spirit that have been paid for us what we need to do is not try to reinvent the gospel we just need to live it but it's by manifestation because really now let's be honest we have more to help us build our faith than any other generation we do so it's not the building of our faith it's the manifestation there's a disconnect well I know what that disconnect is you've got to know your enemy he's the one that's holding it back once you get rid of him it's amazing how free you become when you eat eliminate his influence I've seen transformation every week for the 30 years that I flew with Southwest Airlines every week I had three days with the set of employees that I worked with three days on that third day there was such a transformation in those people's lives they either hated me when to kill me or they loved me there was no in-between if they decided not to flow with what God had designed for that week for them then they got worse but I saw almost 90% people turned to God because on that third day that demon left them oh I didn't cast it out I talked to them I loved on them and I used to tell myself they don't hate me they just don't know me and I wouldn't allow anyone to defeat me through rejection because I'm not rejected which brings me to the most important point of this morning is Satan's design is to keep information from you and if he gets you information he wants it to be the wrong information the third thing that he wants is he wants you to live in rejection but see you are accepted in the below the spirit in Romans 8:15 that has been given to you is a spirit of adoption that word is the spirit of acceptance you are loved and accepted and so now there is power in your relationship with God which brings me to the point about manifestation we are the manifest sons of God that means you cannot hide under a bowl your light there's nothing physically on this earth that can hide the light of God did you know that God supersedes all of that demons can't stand it when people see the light when they understand God's love for them so you have to provide answers even if people aren't asking because they do need God but what they want if you talk to him because I do they want manifestation they they tell me well what do you have that I don't have so we have the same job the same pay I had it made I had it made no one who does my job wants to quit but the Lord told me to quit no one all my friends are still working there no one wants to quit my job because it is the best job so what is it what I found is is that everyone wants to believe that there's a god everyone wants to believe that there is a supernatural realm that is beyond this realm you want to know why I'll tell you why God you're asking because when I died you know you think oh I saw this stuff you saw the throne room you saw Jesus you saw angels you saw all this stuff yeah I saw that but you know what my message is for this this realm is God himself took the limitations off through Jesus Christ I saw what I saw was my limitations down here I was so upset that I had allowed this world spirit to dictate what I can and can't do you see every person wants to believe that there is a place where they're not limited there were two men Orville and Wilbur that looked up and saw birds flying and they wanted to do it about killed themselves trying but they did it there were men that tried to break a four-minute mile and could not do it and then one week somebody accidentally did and the next week three or four people broke it do you understand what I just said this is the way it works someone has to supersede the limitations to give permission to other people or you get it so he sends by somebody back from the dead to tell people this whole thing is a setup for you before you were born every single human being on this earth Jesus told me I couldn't have made a mistake because he was three feet from me he said everyone is written in a book before they were born and everyone's book shows them coming to heaven there is no one that ever is designed to go to hell hell according to Jesus anyway I mean you know he's not gonna lie he said hell was made for the devil and his angels not for man okay so if Jesus said that I think I believe him when I was on the other side I saw that demonic influence in this realm is what causes us to stay in a small place so you can know the truth and the truth should set you free the wavering comes in the mental realm because we're not fully convinced but see faith is of the heart it's of your spirit it's not from your head it's jesus said this he said when you pray you should believe before you receive it he said when you see a mountain you should believe in your heart that what you say with your mouth not believe in your head believe in your heart that what you say with your mouth shall come to pass and you shall have it faith is of the heart the heart is the real you the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord I saw this our limitations are based on the fact that we fell and this realm limits us 6 is the number of man we see one sixth of light even when snowflakes form they have six sides it didn't used to be that way we're in a fallen world okay now listen how did Christ Jesus caused us to triumph he took a hold of us before we needed him he adopted us before we needed him he provided for us before we existed the time realm limits us from understanding what I just said but he according to Paul even established all the good works that we would do in Christ before the foundations of the world Paul was designated as an apostle at birth according to Paul he was designed it was already designated but he killed Christians he had them killed probably until his in his 30s but he said I've wronged no man well maybe Stephen would have a say-so in that because he had him killed but he said I've wronged no men well how could he say that because he had a revelation that all the limitations have been taken off because in Christ he had never sinned he accepted Jesus Christ and his file was completely disintegrated and gone it doesn't exist in heaven no one up there is gonna remind you of what you did wrong there is no account of it so sue do you understand I encountered all this now I'm sent back to this broken world and you know I got to be careful about people's feelings you know you don't say certain things cuz you won't get big offerings like like like that has anything to do with it so do you understand Jesus preempted this when I was 19 I got saved and he came to me and explained to me my fivefold calling the five one of the five the big five he told me this is what you're called to do I was 19 years old he told me he said you're gonna go to college and then you're going to work for an airline and when you retire from the airline you're gonna go into the ministry now how that all happened he said because I don't want you being manipulated by money he said cuz your message will be manipulated because people will stop giving to you that's what he told me at 19 I can show you the spot on the hill in Pennsylvania in the United States where he came to me and he said you're calling he said people are not gonna like you he said so I'm gonna give you a career so that you're never gonna have to worry about money again ever so everybody's trying to figure it reverse-engineer me but they don't understand I didn't start this thing and I'm not finishing it but it was already wrapped up before I was even in in in the know about Christianity I didn't even know about the born-again experience someone had to tell me that that was even in the Bible cuz my pastor didn't because of that information or lack of it I wasn't operating at my full potential as soon as I was told that you need to be born again I immediately went home got on my knees and got born again it didn't need to take that long when Jesus said this is what you're gonna do this is who you are this is what's gonna happen I didn't wait I adopted that and my path was set so I stand before you today and I tell you that you must know your enemy you must know his devices you must know his origin I plead with you you cannot be ignited enough with the passion of the fire that from the altar of God there's not enough to fix me I need more no matter what I get I need more I need more fire I need more because it helps me to overcome my enemy that's why Paul said in my weakness I glory because now the power of God is revealed in my weakness he glories in his weakness so the whole boy is to get you self-sufficient so the enemy tries to get you to always have a plan B Plan C and if God isn't big enough you can always help him out well how do you explain how do you explain me that because I'm not doing this for myself but I am an example I'm a testimony to you all that God wants you to encounter him all the time but how he does that is by you working with him just him no middleman I don't need someone to pray for me I need to pray would I need money I go to work I pray the whole way there I pray the whole way home and one day you'll work yourself out of a job what I'm sick I take medicine but I'm praying the whole time believing for my healing that's not compromise I just want to stay alive I want to be happy while I'm doing it do you understand that you're on your way to a healing you're on your way to financial stability you work I'm gonna pray in tongues in the ambulance if I end up in an ambulance but I'm not planning on it I don't get knocked out because God is not mocked there is a bright shining door in every dark situation there is an answer for every question you have I was at the throne you cannot you can try you can try as hard as you can you cannot think of one question to ask I've done my best I could not think of a thing that I wanted to know you want to know why because Jesus told me there are no questions at the throne only answers he said that's why you should come here all the time in fact just go ahead and be seated here with me in the heavenly realms Ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 and also Colossians chapter 3 and also in Revelation chapter 2 where it says that those who overcome will be seated with me on a throne there are no questions at the throne so come up and be seated I mean I'll tell you there are some silly things down here you know we have focused on the cross but how many have a pennant on your your necklace that is an empty - okay how many have a little thrown where you're supposed to be seated she don't display that well see do you understand me you need to go on and be seated with him this is your future this is your now this is how you live every day don't spend the next 20 years finding out what I'm telling you please it's all in the scripture well I was with Jesus for 45 minutes the Holy Spirit who is a person not a bird he was behind me and he was telling me the 7 different levels of every word that Jesus was speaking to me Jesus is in front of me the father has seated on a throne being worshiped and the Holy Spirit's behind me and he's telling me Old Testament scripture after scripture about the types and shadows of everything that Jesus is saying and Jesus is quoting himself as though hits his first time saying it he's quoting the scriptures can you imagine 45 minutes Jesus quoting himself and it should have been enough for me to open my Bible every day and eat that but I had to die meet him have him quote himself for 45 minutes and then send me back are you getting it all I believe you her I had to be extra sternness today because their time is running out we're no longer in the kiddy pool in training when I came back it was the hardest thing for me because you feel like there's such a distance between what you know and what you've got to relay in experience where people experience it there's such a gap but see Jesus closed the gap by opening up the Holy of Holies we are to go in to the Holy of Holies it's the secret place it's the shadow of the cherubims wings the Most High God God doesn't have wings his charity of him do we are to be under the wings of the Most High that's the cherubim that cover him the throne room looks just like the model that Moses built for the tabernacle he seated on a mercy seat with cherubim on both sides of him if you can get really close at an angle to one of those terrible you will fall in the shadow of the Most High God if you stay there and make that your dwelling place according to a Psalms 91 none of these things are gonna touch you any list of all God is not mocked if you make the most high your dwelling place this is not a drive-through window this is a dwelling place I'm talking about when you go into the Holy of Holies and you pronounce the name of God that sacred name that nobody knows just like the high priest did when you go in there and announce the name of God you can stay there Oh Kevin can you just tell us how to pronounce that name sure yahushua Jesus is there any name that's above his name then why would a high priest say something else oh boy here we go yeah you have to take four years of college to learn something Jesus is the name above all names the high priest announced his name once a year with blood in Hebrew it's Joshua Yehoshua yeah but that's not no I could not ask any questions about the Trinity when I was in heaven you want to know why because I understood the whole thing and when I came back it takes me hours to explain it I understood Einstein in all his theories when I came back from heaven I understood UFOs and dinosaurs I understood it all I understood how to play instruments without having lessons I understood look at something and reverse-engineer it I could touch a door handle that someone else had just touched and know that in a year they're gonna be dead and then I have to ask the Lord shall I tell them or should I leave it go and sometimes he says don't say a word because they're gonna be held accountable for it they're gonna be judged they're not gonna listen to you I have been told not to tell people things because they're gonna be judged by it and they're not gonna listen they says don't tell them because they're not gonna listen to you and they're gonna be judged for that word did you hear what I just did you know that God could tell you to do something and it could go wrong you want to know why because you got to address your enemy he's come to steal kill and destroy he doesn't stop just because God told you to do something God speaking to you right now but your relationship isn't based on when you go out to your car and it won't start like what did I do wrong God you know I spent the whole morning listening to Kevin and now my car is broken I got a flat tire you go home your refrigerators broken you don't base your relationship on God by these things that happen it has nothing to do with that you have an enemy you need to address your enemy that's why I taught this this morning I hope you enjoyed it because the enemy's gonna work against what God has told you and if you don't stop it he will continue to drive you into defeat into a corner you have to address him these things and I'm going to talk about this tonight you need to be rough with them do you know how many meals I've missed so that I can give him a headache I have missed meals I've walked away from what I wanted so that I can drive Devils out I've refused to take jobs that paid four times what I was making because God didn't have that path for me but I got to drive Devils out by doing what I was called to do because Satan doesn't know how to deal with somebody who is completely submitted who is obedient has no rebellion in them he doesn't understand that he's a fallen being now unfortunately unfortunately this is one thing I have to tell you but I don't want to have to tell you this because I don't have scripture for it and I'm not this is against my roles but I'm telling you this Lucifer Hallel ate from the tree and he fell he's the one that deceived man he was deceived there was no one to tempt him he had no reason to fall his eyes were open that's why he hates you he fell first and he couldn't get to Adam so he isolated Eve hello this whole thing happened because of one being who left his abode who wasn't satisfied was given and because of that we all are suffering right now it's time to make him suffer do you understand there was no one in creation anywhere to tempt hello Lucifer there was no one there was no reason for him to fall he stole God's creation he stole from God do you hear me it's time to make him pay everybody Stan it's time to make him pay here's here's what I want to do he doesn't want you to know what I just told you but I don't care he his eyes were open he saw the difference between good and evil and he could not handle it he knew that we couldn't either we would always make the wrong choice because we're not God do you understand that God is the only one that can know the difference between good and evil and still choose good we are made in His image we are not God we are not the original we are made in His image if we know the difference between good and evil we can't choose good only God could do that that's why he put that tree there to remind man that he's God and were not that bean trespassed he fell iniquity was found in him he was perfect it says he was the seal of perfection it's time to make him pay this is how you make him pay you turn everything on him he becomes the victim you give him everything he's given you you give it back to him no listen to me listen to me are you ready he does not want people to know this you got to make it hard for him I was up at 3:00 this morning first thing I did was remind him of the lake of fire I was I was told every morning to remind him that I'm driving him and his cohorts out today everywhere I go giving them heads up if they just wanted to vacate on their own without a fight is anybody here when are other people gonna start talking like this you got to be kidding me that Jesus I met started crying when he told me what he suffered for me what he went through when I came back you know what he made me do he made me watch The Passion of the Christ movie just the part where he started to get beat till he died on the cross I had to watch that 33 times you know after watching it for a while I think twice about sinning willfully did you hear what I just said hey I don't know is it listening he started crying because we did not discern what he had went through for us we didn't discern that he had bought us and that he had paved a way for us to be victorious warriors constantly going from victory to victory never losing a inch of ground because he bought it all once you see this don't wait until you get to heaven to grasp these realities this life is broken this world is broken but his life that he gives to you you glorify God in the flesh you do everything for him you have your heart set fully on what he has for you I saw the futures of so many people they're so bright in this room your your futures put together so bright you can't even look at it this room is bright right now because the glorious gospel has been preached in that time that we've talked this morning you have been ushered in to a greater revelation of who he is to you he wept when he he told me that people didn't discern he choked up he could hardly talk to me he just wanted people to know that he had gone to the depths of hell and bought every person back he took me to the blue sapphire it's all over the throne room floor it was thick sapphire blue with white flames going through it it was living and he said Enoch was allowed to walk on this Hallel used to walk on this and so I went to walk on it and he said this is by invitation only I said Lord you've made me righteous you've made me holy he said this isn't positional Kevin this is relational this is for those who walk in the fear of the Lord on the earth did you what I just said I said Lord I have been taught this he said there's relational and there's positional this sapphire is relational and then he took me to the outside I don't know explain it he took me way out and there is his fence and all the Christians were all they were all around all the fence the whole way around and he said this separates the kingdom of God and the Spirit of the world and the he said my people instead of asking where the hottest spot in heaven is which is that sapphire he said they're wanting to know where the fence is where they can live in the world and still get to heaven and he was weeping he said I didn't die for that fence I died for this sapphire so that my people could walk on the south now in indexes 2410 God came down on the mountain stood before the seventy elders as they ate he stood there and he didn't judge them on us afar platform so remember how important you are that you've been bought but it's much more than what you're being told I don't understand why I had to die and come back to tell you this this morning it's it's too much for me but I'm telling you it so that you can see that right now your future is bright [Music] it's beyond even hope I saw that things are sealed they are but remember that if you don't take care of the enemy by driving him out he will have influence on the outcome and it's not God's will think about Paul he said Corinthians I had long to come to you but Satan hindered me okay he's an apostle he's an apostle of all apostles as far as I'm concerned he was hindered by Satan did you hear what I just said he said bad I'm gonna come dude maybe next year okay so do you understand that even Jesus in his own hometown like I mentioned last night was was hindered from the will of the Father because of their unbelief amen father in the name of Jesus thank you for the impartation of your spirit thank you for rising up in us causing us to take hold of that which Christ has taken hold up for us and that we go toward the mark the high calling of God in Christ Jesus and we grasp the realities of being in you we live and we move and we have our bean in youth fire in this road freedom in this room right now [Music] heart conditions are being healed both physically and spiritually offense offense is dropping off you you are healed the blood of Jesus is cleansed you've all of your sin [Music] just repent turn [Music] oh the spirit he's just wanting to say through me this I know the God you know is gonna show you watch what happens in your life [Music] the Spirit of God is saying I'm rising up big inside of you and he's calling you mighty ones he's saying I'm rising up begging you o mighty ones of God as what he's saying there's no resistance in this room the Lord has succeeded in winning you over may the face of God himself shine upon you may he smile upon you in favor this day may the god of your salvation reveal himself to you in a great and mighty way as your spirit opens up and sees the inheritance that you have the hope to which you've been called and the glorious power that rose Jesus from the dead that's dwelling in you and has seated you above all wickedness all ruling authority seated at the right hand of God with Christ Jesus heirs of God Cole heirs of Jesus thank you Father spirits just keep saying to me keep drinking of me keep drinking of me from the wells of salvation fire fire in this place the Lord finds you irresistible [Music] he loves you he just wants you to know that he loves you [Music] thank you for you [Music] [Music] your presence is fullness of thank you for thank you for pulling back thank you [Music] thank you for the making each and every one of us Devon Buster's taking place and Jesus [Music] just together for a lot if you have been blessed the next section is mentioned 3 p.m. tomorrow we're also having two sections they haven't entity let us work of my vision to cut this they may wouldn't be very short here take some time to eat some lunch and everything ok dude around the 818 we're gonna take it the offering right now it said the Lord has given us power can hear me the Lord has given this power to get wealth that he may establish his covenant amen he'll listen so we're gonna take up the offering so that we can have more finances to establish the kingdom of God hey man so the more money we have the more we can do for God the more finances we have the more we can be a blessing amen and there's brother Kevin dr. Kevin says he doesn't use any of the money for himself personally all this money's goes back into the ministry as a matter of fact I have this book is not even out yet but he gives all these books away well you couldn't some of these even he sells but he's always publishing making books information to us I just got done listening to a conference with Kenneth Copeland he was in Africa and he was so concerned about God gave him a vision of what to do in his vent in his city and and what to do in the nation as he preached the gospel and he said God the vision you gave me how can I get that much money there's no way I can afford the vision you just put in my heart there's no way I mean God and he was thinking about this how can I get that much money to be on TV and it cost millions and millions of dollars being in America I'll be on TV so the Lord spoke to me and he said to the this thing he said you just get the word out and the money will come in so he decided all I'm gonna do was preach and I'm I find every avenue I can books tapes website I'm gonna find any avenue I can to get the word out and he says it was amazing all of those finances he needed came in super naturally amen so the finances that that we need to establish the kingdom of God they're in your pocket right now did you hear me they're in your pocket or in your bank account right now is the devil's not going to just give us money to defeat himself amen it's gonna be us sitting here in these rooms us sitting here in in the Christians and the body of Christ we are the ones who must give and it's not so God can use the money you cannot use Swiss francs or euro in heaven hey man you only use it here on the earth so we're going to give you a chance right now to sew into dr. Kevin's ministry again so he can share spread the gospel all over the world amen all over the world because it takes finance let's do that so get your offerings ready in your hand we're gonna pray and we're gonna give you a chance to walk up here and put it in the offering and then we'll go for a lunch a man don't forget today as a service at 3:00 p.m. and then 7:00 tonight amen father we thank you right now so much that we haven't privilege because it's a privilege to give it's a privilege to sow into your ministry it's a privilege father to be able to help promote the gospel of Jesus Christ is our privilege that our finances can help someone not go to hell be born again so father as everyone prepares to give floor region session the blessed step increase them that favor come upon them let it overtake them father increase them bless them prosper them father open doors that were shut father in the name of Jesus father give him ideals and inventions father - it's a prosper father and we thank you that that anointing for a wealth father is in their life working as they are obedient to your word in Jesus name Amen publisher [Music] every please to everywhere of what shape mister everywhere every praise is to our God every praise is to our God every word of what shape everybody everywhere [Music] God my Savior God [Music] God why'd you leave yes yes is God my Savior got my here God my deliverer yes he is yes he is every breath every word of every place every praise is to our God [Music] you
Channel: Winning Word
Views: 27,878
Rating: 4.8701625 out of 5
Keywords: jonathan fajembola, kevin zadai, winning faith ministries, this is the move, new level, glory, swizzerland, winning word
Id: Hlvp6beXj1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 25sec (6565 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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