Kevin Zadai & Tony Kemp - Sunday AM Part 2 - 6/23/19

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let's raise your hands you're not oh we gotta fix this no we have to fix this let me just do this real quick Rick Renner Google him the guy's like a an amazing Greek teacher with signs wonders and miracles you will be glad you did in fact he wrote two books I want to recommend this is the father Andy coming out sparkling gems part one and sparkling gems part two it will increase your knowledge and the Word of God okay I'm done pastor pastor you need to pay for my ice because I don't want to have to wear glasses because I love reading and I love studying and this is driving me nuts dad I guarantee I promise fry rice yeah but see you have to understand when you come to last and when the middle of a cornfield would told you there is no restaurant there is no gas station so when you come make sure you have your car to drive a full of gas right and make sure that you get filled up and if you're not filled up with the physical food and make sure you fill that with the full of a holy girls right so you get a full one way or another but even if you come hungry you're gonna get filled out spiritually here email a man so I want to reach it from Psalm 139 from 104 but I feel like I need to read this so some 139 from passion translation how many you guys have passion translation I heard dr. Kevin said that like this you know you went to heaven and then you come back and you're trying to find a translation the talk the way she just started how she just communicated and you were looking for and when you found the passion translation and you said this is exactly very close to weight the way she just talked yeah so anyway but anyway I was we I was using person translation before and when he said they're like a hallelujah thank you Jesus I was doing something right thank goodness I need that once in a while don't I he came all the way from Alabama yeah I'm a Korean I don't mind sitting on the floor you know I do that a lot anyway so let me just read to you from someone 39 and we're gonna start Lord you know everything there is to know about me I want you to really think about it you know you perceive every moment of my heart and soul and you understand my every thought before it even enters my mind you are so intimately a will you read my heart like an open book and you know before you know every step I would take you've gone into my future to prepare the way and in kindness you follow behind me to prepare me from the harm this is just too wonderful deep and your understanding of name brings me wonder where could I go from your spirit way cry cry run and hide from if I go up to heaven you are there if I go down there too if I fly with the wings into the shining if I fly into the radiance whatever I call your hand or guide me your strength it's impossible to disappear from you or to ask the darkness to hide me for your presence is everywhere bringing light into my night there is no such thing as a darkness with you tonight to you is as bright as the day there is no difference between between the two you formed my shaping and I moved them all together in my mother's I thank you for making me so mysteriously complex everything you do is it marvelously it simply amazes me to think about it how thoroughly you're not you even formed every bone when you created me in the secret place before the number of days already every single moment you are thinking of me your desire desires tour me are more than the grains of sand on every shore when I will awake each morning you are still with me when I read something like this Lord I think about what you brought me from before I even knew you you knew me you had planned for me I was so lost in the world I didn't even know what I was doing I was doing things that that I just now I think about I shattered but Lord you saw me you never let me call you weren't here even times of my ignorance and my stupidity and my rebellion of my disobedience and and some of my wicked ways Lord you still love me you have planned for me and you worked in my life you knew that one day that I will come to you that I will give my life to you that I will pursue your Lord because you planned everything so father I thank you from the bottom of my heart what you did and I know this is true for every person in this place that's why every person is here because they're hungry for you they want to know you more and I listen to father different people they all say they love you they want to know you they want to save you they're hungry for you so I pray father you complete the work that you have done for them this day as it's written and you were and so Lord we bless what you've done we bless what you're doing we bless what you're going to do I believe the blood of Jesus Christ over each and every person and in this place Jesus we ask you lord so we say yes to you do whatever you wanna do do it Lord we're here we position ourselves we posture ourselves before you open up our hearts to you we were not how bad Jesus we will not hold back we give you we give you fill our minds with your thoughts there our hearts with your love and your peace and joy so Lord as we continue to love on you through worship and as we hear the word may we father realize who you are how much you really love us and their freedom you purchased for us Jesus so we thank you we thank you in Jesus name Amen and would you do me a favour as we stand up the worship would you just turn the person next to you and give them because the hug and say I love you in the Lord do that would you do that [Music] thank you we have a little room up in front and if you want to join us I've been from come and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we make a change [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we lived our hearts to you we love you with every passion of hearts we love you with the old energy of our being with every thought that's not night Lord we love you Jesus we love you not because what you can do for us or what you will do for us we love you because who you are we'll love you because father what you did for us for eternity even if you don't do anything for us anymore we will still love you because you deserve our love you deserve our worship and our adoration and father I pray this morning we will love you more than we'd ever did as we London love you more than we will learn of your love father you said that your love is longer so great with the length and depth and height I realized we can never never comprehend and never never can experience all that Lord but I know as we respond to your love we experience more love your love your love is unconditional your love is eternal your love is everlasting how could we ever comprehend over there how could we ever experience and feel all of that but right now we feel your laughs Jesus we feel your love Jesus we feel your heart Jesus this morning and we just by responding we say I love you Jesus love you Jesus and just saying that I love you one more as we go back to our scene yeah nothing that I love you as just don't stop telling him that you love him Jesus [Music] [Music] yeah yes I just keep on go ahead on Kevin comes out thank you Jesus I just wanna I just want to be sensitive to the Lord and I feel like it when you need to bring dr. Kevin up right now rather than waiting till gone through or the announcements in primary and all that stuff so we take care of that at the end so anyway but can you can we continue to just focus on the Lord and worship the Lord as we wait for dr. Kevin to come thank you Jesus we love you Laura thank you Jesus hallelujah yes you can't sit down we just turn it over to you yeah yes Laura I think one more time I love you what he's coming up yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] amen here thank you Lord Jesus father I thank you that you'll reveal your heart to us this morning I thank you Father that all we want to know is what you're desiring we just want to listen to you we just want to know what you desire for our lives father you are jealous over us you don't want to share us with anyone you just want us for yourself the Lord says you Lord just says to you he says you can you can go and find and search for someone else but you'll never find one like me the Lord says I am the high and lofty one and I dwell in eternity but I also do well with those who are humble and contrite in spirit blessed are the poor in spirit shall they they shall see God Lord just wants me to share with you a little bit about why you go through what you go through and you you understand right that your that your relationship with God is gonna cause confrontation if you are walking with God then you're walking with Jesus if you're walking with Jesus how long did he last in the ministry before they killed him three and a half years okay case dismissed so the bottom line is is that down here on this earth you're gonna have trouble jesus said you would but he said be of good cheer I've overcome the world what does that mean he says you're gonna have trouble but he says he overcame the world the only thing between those two things is time you see down here we are limited we don't always see and hear everything that God has behind what he says now I have found spending spending time in eternity and being sent back to the operating room and having to live this life down here I saw some things on the other side that disturbed me because there was a difference big difference between what was up there and what was here but I saw that when God created he showed me creation he showed me how he created everything and when he did it it was perfect and this was heaven down here there was no difference between this down here and up there but see now Jesus came and he said now this is how you pray thy kingdom thy will be done on the earth as it is in heaven so now it's not the same or you wouldn't have to pray that prayer okay so in this world there's a delay from the time you pray until it manifests so if something bad happens to you you need to do what it takes to stay alive so you get in the ambulance and you go to the hospital and you quote your scriptures and you pray in the spirit but you stay alive you don't worry about what just happened you stay alive now I'm telling you this because I was told by my spiritual father because when I told him this he said the world needs to know this I said I'm gonna get criticized for it he said I don't care you need to tell everyone and he wants me to go on his show and tell him tell the world see I saw that sometimes things don't work out the way they're supposed to because this is a fallen world sometimes things happen rather than blame it on the angels or blame it on your parents or on the President of the United States why don't you just do everything you can to stay alive go to work and keep going and put some distance between the discrepancy and what just happened the disappointment this happened put some distance keep going I learned this I learned this by being a pilot but I didn't really connect it with my Christianity because there are so many things that I saw that I knew existed but I couldn't file it as a Christian like UFOs I saw UFOs we have a buzzed our airplanes but there's a Christian you know we don't believe in that stuff just like I didn't believe in gold dust and gems and flowing oil but it didn't stop it from happening and you know and even I still had my doubts even after and I had that vial of oil and I'd almost finished it up and I went to Wisconsin with just a little bit when I got up to speak I reached in my pocket cuz I always put on my lips and on my my eyes and all my ears even though I don't believe in it but just in case it is true right you know pastor Wayne Alisa they were here for the last couple days he watched me I said I don't have that much left he goes well I need something I want some you know he's like a junkie I think he's drinking it but see I don't believe in that all that you know that stuff you know but when I reach in my pocket my pocket was full of oil and the vial was full again but I don't believe in that stuff and then when I put it on my forehead I had a stop because I would take a shower and it would be even more on there so I wipe it off take a shower it would it would more would get on there and it just kept running down my forehead all the time so I had to stop doing that but see there's things there's things that you don't understand yet you can't file but when I was in heaven I saw that you just got to keep going so in just even in aviation when we take off we're going actually up faster higher very quickly because we got to get to 3,000 feet above the ground as fast as possible because mathematically if I lose an engine I can make a turn back and set up for a downwind and land on the same runway I just took off on with a full tank of gas and full passengers so I have to get to that and so you if you notice you go really high really fast as soon as you take off because we're already prepared for at least three mistakes every takeoff we already know exactly what we're gonna do ahead of time and so as a pilot you can't get around that you've got a you have plan a plan B Plan C because you have to stay alive plus you're getting paid to keep other people alive right okay so do you understand my mentality that when I went to heaven I saw that Jesus is the same way he doesn't plan on failing but in this world we're gonna have trouble do you see the discrepancy it's not God's fault but there is a fallen world and we've been inserted back into it as Troubleshooters were the answer to someone's problem and you might want to look in the Americas you're the answer to your own problem because sometimes you just need to stop doing something and then all of a sudden everything gets fixed like maybe not talk as much you know maybe that's just it because if if the airplane was voice-activated then you'd be careful how you talked because the airplane is only gonna do what you tell it and that's what it does so anyway I'm telling you all this because your your perception of reality is very small and if you're gonna be a world changer a history maker if you're gonna change your world or even change your husband you're going to have to have a shift in your own life too you're gonna have to make the change within you or you're gonna have to experience change so when heaven introduces itself to you when it comes to the earth I mean it's it's gonna be revolutionary but it's not gonna be political so you have Judas who was a was secretly a zealot and the zealots were like the undercover guys who had a knife and when they could isolate a Roman soldier they would just knife him and kill him there was a whole movement you're not gonna believe who that one of the number one zealots was Barabbas Judas and Barabbas no listen to me everything was fine especially when Jesus was riding down that road on that donkey because he was gonna set himself as king of over Jerusalem and push Rome out haha but if you notice just like with Peter like I told you how Peter was talking and said you are the son of God flip the page over and he's like you're not going to Jerusalem and die you see the reason why he said that because he had a wrong perception of what was really going on and he wasn't planning for it to go the way it did that's why they all ran away from him because they thought Jesus was a failure that he had lost control of the aircraft when Judas saw that Jesus didn't set himself up if you flip the page after that the triumphal entry the next day they are taking him Jesus to the brawl of the hill to throw them over it what just happened the spiritual atmosphere changed okay but why because Jesus didn't meet their expectations because their expectations were wrong now the last thing that you want me to do if I'm flying you around it's for me to take emergency personally you want me to do my job that I was trained for get you on the ground at zero miles an hour without a smoking hole right okay it's the same with Jesus I have learned something this world is broken and people were broken and broken people try to break other people but you can't break me because I've already been broken and I'm not doing this for myself okay if you're not doing this for yourself then it everything counts but see you have to let heaven introduce itself to you because heaven is your true reality it is is your true reality you cannot function in this realm and unless you understand the other room but people always told me before I was even saved and a threat my parents and everybody else would tell me you know don't be so heavenly minded that you're no earthly good and I'm thinking you're you're you're not heavenly minded that's why you're no earthly good you don't get you haven't even told me I'm thinking you know I got to sneak to my gran grandma's house to get food because we have five kids and there's not enough food and when I became born again and I got spirit-filled and I went to heaven when I came back my IQ went from 106 to 159 and I can teach in Stein's theory of relativity because I lived it on the other side and I found a mistake in his equation the C is wrong the C in the e equals mc-squared is wrong if light is not a constant C he thought that light was God but C the constant in the is the speed of light which is slowing down it's deteriorating to the light that God's light is wisdom it's it's understanding it's beyond words I can't even tell you what it is but it's it's it's understanding its knowledge on steroids but it hits you when it hits you the only thing that matters is is that you understand you can quote me today you can go out to your car quote me you can quote God you can do whatever you want you can quote all the things that were said here but if you don't understand it that does not become part of you it stays in this little jump drive this little drive up here and it's stored but what happens when you're in an emergency what comes out it's interesting I tell this everywhere when I when I went when I went to I had to go it's get qualified for several different things and I had to learn how to jump out of airplanes that we're perfectly well with a parachute you know and they're there I'm falling from them and they're perfectly fine why did I just leave them but I I had to learn how to do all this stuff and it's amazing how you go you could all go with me to a class and it's five hours and in five hours all they teach you is at 5,500 feet on your altimeter which is a giant watch that tells you what your altitudes of 5,500 feet all you have to do you just go like this and then you take this hand and you pull this big silver handle that a monkey could grab and pull the only thing is is that you're traveling at 100 miles an hour down from 14,000 feet and it is amazing how I thought what a waste of time five hours to do two things but but isn't it amazing how many have done this have jumped out of a perfectly good airplane okay how about one that was broken okay but it's interesting how it's hard to do those two steps because your mind says you know what you're an idiot I'm out of here and your body says you know what are you doing to me I'm gone you know and your left your left is screaming like a little girl and I'm not kidding you like because what happens is it's you thought that sitting in that classroom that you are being prepared for something but the reality of it do you understand what saying what's the same with God's love and his light and everything about him when it hits you you think you're prepared for it but you can't comprehend it and in a million years from now you won't either you'll just enjoy it but you won't be able to explain it okay so in in this broken world you might get spoken to by God about what is about to happen and have an open vision and you're about to receive a million dollars but you go out and you have flat tires well what happened in here has nothing to do with what is happening out there except the fact that you know the devil's mad but that didn't doesn't measure your your relationship with God okay if you're in a hospital and you don't know how you got there but you are sick you can't measure that by your relationship with God because God might have not had anything to do with that at all because you just weren't listening to your spirit you found yourself in a dead-end situation and you were caught off guard so in aviation safety they the motto is for the FAA safety is not an accident it's planned so isn't it interesting how I started to be disciplined and started walking with God and crucified life feeding my spirit renewing my mind and it's amazing how bad things don't happen to me anymore I mean nothing and I think about this I flew five flights a day for 30 years and nothing happened and I had people shaking and crying on every flight because we were gonna crash and you had to drug him up the husband had a drug them drugged them up to where they could we're out of their mind just to go from point A to point B because they were so afraid that they were gonna crash and I'm like looking do you think that I came to work today to crash the airplane do you think I would have come on this airplane but see the thing that is is what they don't know is that a month before this flight I got my notice it gives the tail number of the airplane it gives the crew members and all my flights for the whole month a month ahead of time which means that God already knows the tail number of that airplane and if it's broken he can go ahead and and make sure that the mechanics find it and fix it he's got 30 days now I saw this in heaven but it applies down here because that's the process those those planes go through inspections every night they go through an inspection every two weeks they go through one every year and they go through one every 20 20 years you know it's the site by cycles but at our airline we flew so much the airplanes were cycled so much when it expands because we pressurize it and then we depressurize with one wheel and that's a cycle we had so many flights a day way at sixteen flights a day with our airplanes where the average of the others is five five or six so you know the cycles deteriorate the airplane okay so you you go every day your there's things working against you all the time so the only thing that I can do to help you you know it I just I think it's interesting the only thing I can do to help you is I got to hear from God and then I got a relay the kingdom of God to you I got to present it to you so I got a Yank what's there into this realm and then I got to give it to you now when I give it to you it's not just what I'm saying it's the intent it's the heart of the Father for you for this situation so you've got to walk away knowing what God's intent was for showing you this but do you know if you're in an ambulance and you're you're you're praying and you're wondering like what just happened you know the idea here is that God just wants you to stay alive you'll find out that you were if you got cancer you'll find out that that started a long time ago and that there were things that you could do to delay or completely exonerate and get rid of that and those things are available to you but they have to come from the other realm because you're not that good you're not good enough to grab that bit your things will come in your spirit and you'll start to feel like okay I can't do this anymore your body's different from everybody else's so there's a certain levels and things that have to be to be balanced a certain way now if you'd stop worrying about yourself if you just stop worrying about 50% of it at least is that because your body your body wasn't made to handle stress God made our us to to live in a perfect world so you have to understand we're we're we're separated even even right now even though you're born again you're one with God in your spirit you're still feel separation anxiety because you want to go home and you don't feel like you fit in here well congratulations if you don't fit in here you've been promoted and and that's why I don't like you know I don't like I was asked as we're setting up our studios and things to do live worship on Friday night so we're gonna bring bands in from all over the world to do live worship I don't want smoke machines and I don't want lights flash nice because I just want the real thing I realized that you know I if the cloud comes in I don't need a smoke machine and if angel starts showing up there's always flashes when the angels show up so we have that on film so why would I want to have flashing lights but see if you don't have that then you gotta have the smoke machine and you got to have the lights okay you know but but that getting back to what I'm saying is the father's plan for you is perfect everybody's book is written before you're born however a lot of those things don't happen because it has to do with how much we yield to the spirit now that's just your will part see if you remember me telling you that the biggest risk that God he told me he said the biggest risk in heaven Jesus said the biggest risk was when we made man we decide to make him in our image because we wanted someone that we could commune with we could have communion with and fellowship with so the only way that week that any beam could handle face to face and it's literally you know it's too much for you all so I just forget it after I tell you but its nose to nose eye to eye mouth to mouth it's to be able to stare in the face of God and not die God made us that way to have fellowship to where he could walk with us and commune with us and also he could speak to us and we'd be like you know having to use our strongest concordance every every word he says it wasn't supposed to be like that you were supposed to understand the language of God you're supposed to understand and have communion with him okay so do you understand that this world is really messed up it's really fallen and people are in survival mode but they're not supposed to be they're supposed to be ruling and reigning everyone in here is supposed to be a millionaire oh boy that there you go though we just lost half of them right there well okay see do you want the devil to have all the money well somebody's got to have it there's only a certain amount on the earth and there's a lot of it there's plenty of money on the earth it's just in the wrong hands so when when do we like admit that God is so good that he wants to steal from the devil and give it to his children or do we have to wait till the millennial reign for you to find out that what I'm saying is true what I saw on the other side I've been holding back for a couple years because people aren't ready to hear it but I have to let it go there's why here's why is that because I accidently believe in this I we became a millionaire millionaires because we accidentally like stepped into it but it wasn't our money the devil gave it to us he had to give it to us so what he did was the person who was going to give us had eleven point two million dollars so the markets crashed and always left was 2.4 and we got 1 point 4 of it see through the devil even though he was such an idiot and lost ten million dollars somehow in the market crash when it was handed to us I mean so only a million do you hear what I'm saying maybe you don't you all staring at me like somebody left us 1.4 million dollars because we were going into the ministry eventually when we retired after 30 years me and my wife retired and they left this because they knew we were going in the ministry so do you understand that even if if I say something that offends you and you and you leave I'm still here and I'm gonna finish my sermon I'm gonna go eat lasagna and then tonight I'm gonna help pastor Tony apostle Tony with whatever he needs tonight and it won't even affect me cuz I'm just gonna go home see you don't understand do you I haven't half that do you feel if they don't understand okay so so getting back getting back to this so I go to spin I go to spin training okay so you have to wear a parachute I've done that I can follow an airplane and land on my feet go from 180 to about six miles an hour and and live and walk away from it okay so that's not my goal the goal is is when I'm in an airplane with a student that wants to kill me and it puts it into a spin and we have to bail out that I can do the five the you know the steps at 5500 feet pull the chute and land on my feet you see it all starts to add up to other things so what everything that happens in your life it starts to build to where your impenetrable where you don't lose money or you don't lose your health where you don't lose relationships you have wisdom this is so hard apostle Tony understands me because he understands what and Dean Braxton understands me it's hard when you've been in heaven and you want to come back and help people but they either don't want help or they don't need they they don't know they need help which is really a monster and then there's the hybrid race that's being in bred in the church now it's called unbelieving believers there they're ugly unbelieving believers I was one of those you know you know right at the forefront with the faith movement word of faith you know and in my heart I knew there was something wrong and then I met the word of faith he was a person and I found out that he was working me I wasn't working him Shawn they were tell me work the word work the word I'm like he's working me he's a person he's working through me okay so here's what here's what happened so in the spin training it's it's three steps to get out of a spin but the airplane doesn't want to go into a spin so you have to put it into a splittin which is really weird so this FAA guy in order to qualify had to have has been training to be a to be a teacher instructor so he would go up and he put it into a spin and then he would pull out of it he goes it's your turn and and I'm so I put it into a spin and it's amazing how all that instruction and to do three steps like it was hard to do why because your body ops out your mind ops out and you're you're left with with with trauma you're in a you're paralyzed with fear but you know what to do be if you don't do it then if you were by yourself or with a student who can't do it then you're gonna die so that's why I am the way I am is I've already died and come back but I also understand that there are there are disciplines and there are things that you need to know to do as a Christian in order to be a good soldier and stay in there and just laugh at the devil he you got to get accustom to what to do in an emergency so that it becomes part of you that's my point so when when the devil does anything to me I hit him back twice as hard twice and even though I even though like one round from me you don't like my ar-15 you know you got Browns that are about this big but I got a thirty clip but one will kill somebody but I'll just empty the whole clip into the devil and make him Swiss cheese because maybe he'll go and tell his friends don't mess with him you think I'm kidding I am not kidding you have to establish who you are on this earth in the realm of the Spirit because then he'll back off now what's amazing is is is nobody except my wife knows some of the things that I've been involved with you would never know that I was involved in those things with the government and with law enforcement but I'm able to handle myself in a situation like right now as I'm here I know where my exits are or someone comes in I know exactly where to go but why I yell it for everybody to duck and you're arguing with me why I've already emptied one clip into them and I'm reloading my second clip and you're still argument why are you yelling at me need to duck because you don't bc the reason is is you're not prepared because you're a christian those things don't happen they get when you're in the hospital you're wondering like why how did I get here and why did God do this to me you don't know nothing because you never say that God didn't put you in hospital am i okay okay here's what here's what happened I got in a situation with where I went through the spin training I got to where I could get out of one then I took a student up and we we were on an approach at night into Tucson and it was weird they had a a a 727 which has three engines they're they're they're older now but he was coming right at us and made a turn he was gonna be on the left runway we were gonna be on the right so it looks like we're gonna collide but the controller is saying okay make your right turn and four for final so I make my right turn for final and what did the student the student it was with me he put the airplane in a situation where the vortices from that other airplane were had come over into our path it so with the vortices from the wings the way they come off is like a sideways tornado it took our airplane and put it up over upside-down and it was a swirling so I grabbed it I grabbed the controls and and and was able to up to put it right as we touch down so we didn't land upside down and I thought about how I knew what to do in the situation rather than say God why did you do this to me you know like why do you know what why did this happen what have I done that I got myself in this sit no no I just did what I had to do to stay alive so you get my point right okay so see this is why this is how when I was sent back this is why I'm different than others because I feel like if I can get you where the rubber meets the road to walk and not get off to not get knocked out of what you're doing Special Forces they don't take no for an answer and if you'll see if you'll see my friends when they would have it they would they would they would have their targets they would destroy the target in another country and then they said they would report back at a certain point and then when they were all together they had already a designated extraction point where the the helicopter would come and then take them out of the country and they did this all the time and this and my friends would just disappear for a month but they would go to they would go about can even say words but they they would go and train and then they would go do it they would actually do all this and they would jump out from 30,000 feet and they lived on the banks right outside of Baghdad for three weeks before the Gulf War but the thing the thing the thing that is they saw their helicopter get shot down as it was hovering they all looked to the leader and he turned around go to point B they all turned around and went to the second extraction point nobody argued nobody said why does this always happen to me okay do you understand what I'm saying can I speed it up because I want to get through some stuff today okay so I I learned this that you do what you're told because there is someone in command and is absolute it's absolute truth in heaven and like I say there's no suggestion boxes in heaven and in the commander of the Lord's army is the same Jesus that's your friend who loves you puts his arm around your hug you kisses you but yet when it comes to military operations he is a he's ruthless and he's the kind of guy just like David he we can go and worship with David and he'll have his lyre and his flute and he'll be dancing around but as soon as he walks out that door and he finds out that the Philistines are messin with some of his stuff he just pulls out his sword he says lock and load here we go and he goes off with his thirty fighting men and it doesn't even bother him that there's blood on his sword and how can he transition to that that's the way Jesus was to me and a lot of my friends even the ministry don't accept that that God would never be that way so like six of my appearances of Jesus that I've had I can't tell on TV because one of them was he stood at the foot of my bed while my wife sleeping he said don't find yourself on the wrong side of me and he walks off mad well I can't share that because you know that because we're in the but we're in the age of grace and God loves me in my sin as I'm living with my boyfriend or a girlfriend or whoever you are you know that's they they like God loves me just the way I am II yeah and you can just go to hell just like Hitler did because it says that you cannot inherit the kingdom of God if you do these things is that still in the Bible but you know like if John the Baptist came and you invite him here he'd never be invited back by a lot of you and then Jesus picked up as soon as John backed off Jesus picked up with the same message repent okay see here's the thing if it is the bottom line is is I don't care about your feelings I care about you living through something and there's a lot of spiritual stuff that happens to you that you can't interpret but when it starts bleeding over into the physical realm I have to step in and say you know what we're not gonna do that anymore somebody has to stand up and say you know what there's a reason why you don't do these things it's not so that you can be restricted and not have fun okay if if all of these rock stars and everything all these sports stars if they're if they're if they're like your Idol and that's who you follow it you go to every concert and you get as high as a kite and you don't even have to smoke a joint because the whole place is a big joint okay if they're right then why do most soma live to be in their 30s and then why why it does my idol who I followed until I started breaking track-and-field records because his poster was on my wall and now he's a girl well please take off the American flag at least okay no no do you understand what I'm saying what happened he got hijacked okay so I passed pin training and then I have to use it and I live and I walk and then I understand why the redundancy do you know what we done so you just go over and over again okay so you you understand that that with certain tires they're rated for a certain speed you want to know why because when you go ten miles over that they just disappear off your wheels and and in an airplane you don't go past a certain speed because men were paid to do that and there's a smoking hole where they tested it to the max and had a parachute you don't have a parachute okay can I go on okay do you understand that there's reasons why God says don't do certain things it's not just because he's a mean god or he's in a bad mood so when he told you to tie the oh boy here we go he wasn't restricting you he was helping you because the enemy can't touch the 90 percent that's all that what it's the same with it with the Sabbath with the Sabbath he's not gonna whack you if you don't obey the Sabbath but we will work ourselves to death we'll work seven days a week if there wasn't a limit placed on us we would work work work do you understand what I'm trying to say okay so so you don't go past the limits because someone already has and is either dead or is a hero but you're not one of them because the the test pilots that I met and I've worked with they were paid to put the aircraft through that so that we would know and not ever have to visit that and they had parachutes on there airplanes as well as on themselves and they were three mistakes hi you know what that is you know you go up altitude so you can make three mistakes and still live so you go three mistakes hi in a test environment and the aircraft limitations are published and then you don't exceed those speeds and those that there's a reason why okay so here Here I am I'm ready to go on I get you know and you know my story so I won't even get into it but I've given up f-16 sloths three different times fighter jets and I gave up the Air Force Academy why because Jesus appeared to me and called me and it was better offer but I lost everything in the world and people couldn't believe it and then when when when opportunities would come to make 221 dollars an hour instead of 60 the Lord said no you're gonna stay and do this I go but I can do that I can fly that airplane and I kept like it felt like I was losing all the time and I'm telling you this for a reason because what happened was I I still got my dream I still got to train in the f-16 I still got to fly in a simulated environment with and learn how to dogfight and all that as a gift from the Air Force but they found out that what I had done and then given it up and they gave me this ground school and all this training for free just so I can experience it but it was amazing to me now think about this you're sitting here and you've got your experience with God you've got you've got the Word of God which everybody has so if the playing field as a level as far as information everybody in a class when I teach my college classes everybody has the same opportunity to get out of it what I got out of it and I'm transferring to you but not everybody does okay but that's not my fault as long as I'm delivering it in a way where people can eat it and take it in but you understand that everybody's gonna be different okay here's the thing though for you to live through something you got to get it you've got to get it if you need healing it's beside you and the angel is looking to give it to you but you have to receive it so I have to actually concentrate wherever I go on receiving people receiving that's the biggest deal and yielding okay here's what happened I went from an airplane that in a dive I couldn't get past 170 miles an hour in a dive to to an airplane that I when I got on the act of runway and I put I put my foot on the brakes and I pushed up the throttle and it stops that's just the beginning you pull it out and you click it down five more times and fire comes out the back of your tailpipe and the brakes won't even hold it and you start down the runway and you're watching you're watching to where your nose is coming off at 170 and then you level off and you have to have your gear up because it's about to reach 300 miles an hour 300 knots B and you're 5 feet off the ground and your gear will be stressed the metal gear will be stressed at 300 knots if it's down so you have to have it up at 3 or knots which is just another second after you pull your nose off okay at the end of the runway 450 knots that's a little different than a Cessna but see the thing that was is what the Lord is saying to you this morning is you've asked for it you want to walk in the spirit but are you ready for the responsibility that it takes to walk in the spirit because you're gonna see things you're gonna hear things and you're gonna be responsible to obey and and it's so fast because it's not like this realm so many of you next week will be contacting young and pastor Tony about your healing manifested but it it lagged but it's you're being healed right now as I'm talking but it happened it happen two thousand years ago but it happened last night - okay but then you walk away and you're being healed it's the same thing with with we get reports that after the services people start to have encounters they start to receive their information their understanding their answers to prayer so you have to realize that this broken world now that f/16 it it it was the boss it did what it wanted to do and it did what you wanted it to do but the this cessna couldn't even obtain a decent speed in a dive because it's like a kite with a propeller okay so you asked for you want to walk with God you want to walk in a spirit but do you know what that that means because you're gonna have to receive your healing you're gonna have to receive the word of the Lord for yourself to where you don't even leave your house and the word of the Lord comes to in your house and in angels they're waiting for you to implement that word of the Lord with your mouth you know the one that you talk too much sometimes now you're gonna talk what what the what the where the Lord was the angels are activated to do that so a lot of times we don't see the word of the Lord that comes to you activated because we don't participate in it like we're supposed to were actively involved with it I know what I'm talking about you can't expect to be better this week at your instrument if you didn't practice last week you can't expect for your faith to have increased if you haven't heard the absolute truth from heaven and allowed it to to lean on you to be implemented and change your will so getting back to this beginning of this when God created man and they met they actually met without you and they designed the plan and your book and didn't even invite you to the board meeting and they determined that if they wanted that face-to-face relationship that the liability that the risk was that they would have to make man in their image in order to get what they wanted okay but the only thing about that is is the big deal is is that they had to give man a free will the that was the biggest liability the greatest asset if everyone it hooks up and stays in the boundaries because here's what happens I'm going there but I'm going there possible I did okay what I saw in heaven was is that I saw Adam and Eve before they fell and my first reaction was oh we really fell cuz you look at the standard of what they were versus what we're trying to be now by putting posters on our walls and try to be like that and eat Wheaties thinking that that's gonna help us that's what it's so lame it's so lame that we worship money we seek and run after it when it was designed to come to us it's like it's like you asked somebody to do something they don't do it but then you show up in a uniform with a sidearm and then all of a sudden they're you know hey whatever you want you don't even have to pull it out it might even be a squirt gun it's the same thing about Christianity it's not what you think it's all about the minion it's all about ruling and reigning restoration of a demeanor the second Adam that's talked about Jesus was the second Adam he came back to purchase Adam back but now we're sons and daughters which means that we're settling for a bunch less just like when I was in that f-16 that had been in existence since like 1972 but I had not encountered it so what is it around you right now that is grinning as I'm talking to you you know like the angel of the Lord's been assigned you he's grinning because he's hoping that this morning that you get it because it's gonna make his job a lot easier because I didn't come back to put a bandaid on your boo-boo I came back to give you surgery so you can be completely healed and never have that thing again what is it that's bothering you so much that it's disqualifying you from your race who's stepped in and broke your momentum as Paul said to the Galatians who put a curse on you from a witch bewitched you to where you are now going to finish in the flesh what you started in the spirit I mean the Apostle said that he's my Apostle Paul so as a Christian we start something in the spirit and we finish it in the spirit I mean if we're going to adhere to the Bible and it says that if you in any way yield to the flesh that the flesh is an enemy of god and that the spirit and the flesh are warring against each other so it's interesting once I got under a pastor and I've been under pastor and my pastor is a woman put that in your pipe and smoke it and once it's amazing how half the war just disappears because I'm under authority it's amazing to me and and people that people they expect you to counsel them and be like you know this and that but the thing that is is I can never be a pastor if I'm not called to be one but you all need one but I have a pastor I had I got thirty almost thirty four hundred students in five months just because God told me to start a school but now that I have a church essentially of thirty four hundred people I had to hire somebody to be a pastor for them a dean okay it's the same thing with Facebook 17,000 people follow me just this is just in two years I got to have three people watching that and helping answering people's questions because I can do that but I'm supposed to be in all these things because I am effective I can't lose there's no stopping someone who was sent that's the bottom line and I don't care listen you have to understand even if I'm in an ambulance going to the hospital that does nothing to do with what God told me I am gonna slap the angel who wasn't watching no this kid not gonna do that just kidding just kidding do you understand that I can't judge things because it's too great what's happening around us is too great to understand but the things that have been given to us through the spirit we should be well rehearsed in them now if someone pulls a gun and they're gonna kill me especially if they broke it into my house I'm not gonna even request that they leave they've already made a decision I'm gonna say repeat after me do you understand if I'm gonna be killed or if someone's gonna kill my wife they're gonna get killed do you understand they've made see what I mean here we'll click click click click click no you have to understand some people make calculated decisions they already have sealed their fate it just so happens to be at the end of my barrel but do you understand no listen to me I you've got to understand something I died and came back I know how it is in heaven and the fact of it is is God is so jealous over you and so protective over you that he would never let anyone hurt you but yet it still happens well then you gotta find out where the rubber meets the road what is it that I have done then if has allowed myself to get off to where I'm not in the secret place because it's only those who dwell in the shadow of the Most High God it's it's in the shadow if you make the most high your dwelling place Jesus told me only 20% cuz I asked him why are my friends dying and their intercessors their pastors they're leaving children they're dying of cancer I said it's clear in verse 9 through 16 of Psalms 91 that these things can't touch us because what they don't qualify and I go oh this isn't gonna go over good so I told my spiritual one of my spiritual fathers that he goes well you don't say that on TV because then you'll have to have a partner drive I'm gonna lose partners if you say that I go they don't qualify if they don't make the most high their dwelling places this is a contract that that these goodies are because the devil can't touch you in the shadow of the shadow he wouldn't dare go near that I mean there's there's fari sapphire stones the whole way there is anybody still here okay okay okay so do you understand that you'll find out that it is your job to be ready an instant and be prepared for what this broken world might present to you but it doesn't please promise me that you will not judge yourself by what happens to you God wasn't in that I'll prove it to you don't be scared cuz I'm not with my Bible coz it's in here but in job chapter 1 it talks about this God is like saying you know you have you considered my servant job but you know you know the whole story and nobody understands all that and don't ask me because I don't even understand it but this is what I do understand this is all you need to get out of it right now for this this lesson is that as soon as Satan was allowed to touch him you should look at the way he came at job if you disease hurricane tornado sabaeans and his wife can I say that the look for the weakest link why are we like we are could why can't we just list and that goes for husbands too but why can't we just list that Satan chose those four things to get a job and we're like oh I don't know what's happening like so that's all you need to know and all you need to know is you get double back you don't have to determine you know when he lived and what covenant he was under and what was his sin just forget about it some things you'll never understand you know God I've walked away I've walked away from people conversations with people and I've heard the Lord said you may never understand what they just said I think what in the world were they saying you might not ever know I think it's interesting that I can speak for two hours and then after where people are lining up tell me well this is what I believe I'm like I didn't come here and people write books about me and write books and they say well you know Matthew 12:36 is in the Old Testament it's Old Testament like not my Bible it's in red but they look like big pages and I'm like I don't have time for this I didn't come back to defend myself Jesus told me to come back and tell everyone what I saw there what I heard there what I know about the Lord Jesus Christ his personality and this is his personality is that he is ready in any situation to do anything and it's always a lower than what he wants to do because of people's faith because they don't expect and because the boundaries are so low God is restricted can you imagine that and if you don't believe me Jesus in his own hometown couldn't even do miracles there and he was you know even if you went there he wasn't just a son of God he was a son of man and he did everything under the anointing of the Holy Spirit that we could do yeah that's that's a big step right there I can feel it in the spirit but just not only that but think about this okay so he is the son of God he couldn't do miracles in his own hometown well you I would want to know why because I wouldn't want to do that because of their unbelief okay their unbelief so he told me cuz I asked him he said he said did you notice that when I was out and about that people would yell out have mercy on me thou son of David okay what that was saying was you are the deliverer heal me because they discerned that when the deliverer came the Messiah that he would do that okay so when they said that they always got it but he said my people might my my my friends and my family and Nazareth he said they knew me as a carpenter's son so all they got was a table and chairs that's what he told me he said so he said tell the people you you don't want to see any furniture being loaded in your car after the meeting because you didn't get it you walk out with your healing you walk out with your word from God right you you get your package what time is it I don't have a watch on what time is it huh you gotta be kidding me no lasagna okay so here's the scenario in any scenario and all the professional the people that I know and every scenario they are trained to do a certain thing and there's a reason why they do a certain thing it's because they've already gone through this eight times and they're sealing it up so in the calculation on takeoff based on your fuel and on the passengers onboard your your takeoff weight it you calculate the humidity and the temperature and the length of the runway and it tells you a speed when you see that speed the first officer yells out where at where at where we're at v1 which means we gotta go because mathematically if we hit the brakes and hit the reversers we cannot stop at the end of the runway mathematically it's impossible we have to take the problem into the air and fix it in the air we cannot stop so when they call that out it's it's a point of no return so then you have plans for that you don't try to do something that someone already did and there's a smoking hole to prove that it doesn't work you just that's the speed are you hearing me when God says be you holy as I am holy that's your V speed if he says when you speak you should speak as though the vehicle Oracles of God then that doesn't mean you talk about your ministry for an hour I didn't come to listen to who you know I can't believe I'm saying this that's what that's why I'm all alone you know I have to have my own school my own meeting because see I'm not gonna be compromised I'm not going to negotiate with the devil God has already set parameters he did it without you he already wrote your book that book you will succeed at anything else is gonna be a smoking hole and if you do live through it you're not gonna get any rewards for what is not written about you only get rewards for what God told you to do and what he gave you with what and the return you get on it so I don't care what anybody tells you there are people that are in the professional world that are supposed to be also in the church and they're prostituting their gift and there's no reward for that I don't care what you say the church is in the condition it is is because the world will pay people and teach they steal the people away from the church just talk to Mariah Carey Luther Vandross you want me to keep going because the church didn't treat they didn't discern who was amongst them the world grabbed them and paid them to entrap them I know this I know this if you knew what I knew there'd be stadiums full of people but there's not because God hasn't given it to everybody do you understand I'm saying I had I had on my airplane that I had to take care of one of the members of the youtubes in and he had to fly on our plane because he was going down because bono had fallen off the stage because they hadn't set the stage up in Rhode Island right Providence so they were going to him to Miami to Fort Lauderdale and he was gonna fly ahead not on the jet with the rest of the man his name was the edge and I'm never released this before only one who knows is me and my wife and Sid and maybe maybe another two people but I feel like I have to release this now because you think you know everything but you know nothing you know nothing think about this why would the person who had the five talents that did nothing do with it be given to someone else why would that be given to him in heaven when you don't need it anymore you only need it down here I can't believe my to tell him this so he's up there in the front row everybody is trying to get to him so I keep him and he is on his fifth crown and coke and he can hardly talk and I'm up there vixen I feel the anointing on me and I'm talking to about the Lord and he's talking about Jesus too you know it's a hybrid race you know there's a hybrid race in the church but I am so bad but you see I'm not afraid because I actually pay to speak in some places because they can't afford it I actually give the most in the offerings because they don't even meet their budget look I have no one crack I have no stress cracks okay do you understand what I'm trying to say all right so you wouldn't believe who shows up behind me in the galley Jesus Christ and this is what he says to me he says do you want his talents I go no like oh no you can't do that oh yes you can he said he said he has been miserably unfaithful to me with what I've given him oh man he's really good and play a keyboard and you play all these instruments he says you want him I go how do I do that he goes just ask me I go what you're right here you've already yes you have to ask me I said can I have his talents he said yes I start playing the keyboard start playing the guitar I started picking up instruments it was the tipping point of what I'd already been deposited me from heaven when I was there now I can play all these instruments no he still goes to concerts and he's still playing do you get it or do you not those talents aren't any good in heaven they were given to the ones that would use them am i right or is that okay so do you understand there's something about that that I didn't understand but Jesus showed up he shifted my world and my understanding about a scripture and that all of a sudden I'm being a partaker of the divine nature about something that I didn't understand in the Bible all the sudden it's happening to me and I had my heels locked in the inn as Jesus is dragging me into the fact that I can play instruments now and I've never shared this up until now because you know people just don't care anymore but do you know how people are they're freaked out and don't waste your your time and your in your ink on writing books about me because I didn't come back to defend myself anyway you know there's a lot of things that are that are true even though you don't believe them and it doesn't even faze God a bit that you don't believe but here's the thing what if you came into agreement with the Most High God and you dwelt with him who dwells in eternity but he also is throwing with the meek and I'm what if you just humbled yourself and said you know what I can do better in my relationship with God than pushing a position that's really a bad position I found myself in the right place at the right time because I didn't get involved with what God's part was my part is to know what's written and to understand his ways so what is it that was my introduction so what what it what is it about the ways of God no we'll get out of here you just tell me when if you want to know the ways of God then you really want to go back to the pure stock of Adam now if you do that do you realize that you cannot do what you want to do anymore because what you want to do is really not what you want to do you just don't know how good it is because he will change your environment by changing your perception now I go to the future I pray when I pray I go to the future I take it and I come back with it and then it happens in a service it's happening right now but this morning when I woke up I went to the Future grabbed a whole bunch of stuff put it into u-haul and brought it back for you I'm just handing it out and you haven't even discern what I'm doing I'm just handing it out and it's Christmas every day it's Christmas every day because you are in need but God is not all he wants is his family back okay if he gets his family back guess what you get everything but if you pursue all those things you will always find them evading you you will never get what you're pursuing and unless you pursue God you pursue him if you seek Him and his righteousness all the other things are gonna be out to you I guarantee it it's just like Amazon I had a friend he was delivered of over a thousand demons he didn't even know himself because those demons had made his personality theirs and then when they left he didn't even know himself so he's like a little kid for a while so he would like he just moved in with us and we went back we lived in his own hometown he went back and just started getting a helicopter ride he started went back to his original house where he grew up he started eating he even did the upside-down pyramid where he started with desert and then went to the main course he just still lies like a little kid but this is what happened he said man I forgot my shampoo and I'm like we got plenty goes no it's got to be a special you know he's a DD a little bit you know buddy he's like it's got to be this certain you know shampoo from this you know I'm like no problem we'll get it on Amazon he goes I don't know if they have it on Amazon it's only at this store and I go no Amazon's got it I bet you any money so he goes well even if they have it it's two-day delivery I go not here it's an hour he goes what I go you can walk to the store you can walk to the warehouse it'll be here in an hour I click on it an hour later ding dong and it's it's it's boxed up at our door and he just looks at me and see that's how a profit operates you got that a prophet understands the ways of God so he can work with God in any situation whereas you're like you can't even you can't even figure out where you're gonna get your broken hairdryer fixed and you're like in a tailspin over your hairdryer but see if you understand that these things are available you see in the spirit realm you have eyes of an eagle you can see and then you know the provision so the provision is there before the need presents itself did I just say that because I'm gonna buy this CD the pervert God has already provided for you through Jesus Christ Paul said this he said I was called as an apostle since birth I go really because you were killing people up until just a couple days ago then he says this I've offended no man I've wronged no man like Paul let's Stephen please come to the stand here with it right okay do you understand that you if you don't understand the ways of God you can't operate in God but there are established rules they're established boundaries the Word of God gives those but see what that that my friend he didn't understand was that I knew something about his provision and I just went and did it I didn't and he was arguing with me the whole time okay here's the thing though when he walked into our house we had opened up a portal by the fireplace because we had missed meals can you believe us we missed meals for our pastor and his mom and the board would meet in our house to pray for him and he's even mad at me right now but we opened up heaven there we missed meals for him he lost his building because he decided that God was tell him to do a certain thing in the board didn't like it so they took all the people left and then he was stuck with $33,000 payment on its building so we went to bat me and my wife but we opened up heaven there so that when when our friends came when they walked through that place we're not like in prayer we're not praying in tongues were not fasting but they just walk through that BAM they fall ok so this guy who had a thousand invisible friends that are gone now he comes into our house walks right through that spot he weighs over 300 pounds BAM and he doesn't even believe like that but it didn't matter right because someone else did the right thing and it are starting to affect that environment of everyone else that encountered that are you getting this this is how you should walk you should set the trend based on the standards that are given to you from heaven then they're implemented in your life you know the ways of God and wherever you go you shift at an environment but not only that you change history you actually start demian with history I'd do it every day and I'm not kidding you I was shown how I can change reference points in history and I'd do it every day I literally do it every day I've done it at least a hundred times in this 200 people in this room they their future is not gonna turn out the way it was because it was altered based on understanding it was given from the other realm I haven't talked about myself I'm talking about Jesus and he's the commander of your faith he started this he can finish it and you're gonna look really pretty but you got to understand that there's people in hell that will not partake of what you partake of because they chose on their own free will to be in rebellion against God's ways he's they found out as soon as they died and left their body they found out they were wrong but up until that point they were right and they they had children had universities that had been babies and students and they purr they promoted propaganda and they try to Satan try to use them to abort a whole generation based on what they thought was right and it was wrong changes a whole country well I'll come back to shift that because I have to show you listen it's as easy as calling on the name of the Lord and knowing that his name is not only on you but in you that you're owned and he's jealous over you and if you will grasp a hold of this that he is pursuing you and he has things written about you that must be implemented if you get a hold of this money will be no problem it won't be because your vision grows and then the provision has to come to provide for your vision so the vision provision this is economics 101 in heaven God milah tell some more I made two minutes okay two minutes okay Jesus is is so beyond your imagination he's so good that he actually makes your provision and then he gives you the vision he doesn't like give you a vision and then like oh boy how you know and the lights in the heavens start dimming because like what did I just say you know like oh yeah we overstepped our bounds here you know we got to like we have to bring in all the employees all the angels are gonna have to work extra because man you know no no it's just like you you don't think okay if I had six more kids we can all send them to work and then we get seventy-two thousand a year yeah good you know you're like you don't think of it that no you don't have kids to increase your income or or or your write-off but my dad was happy to have another child because he could just take that twelve thousand off you know but that's not that's not the only reason that he had me okay so I saw this and I have to release this I saw in heaven that we were provided for before we were born and then we God didn't create the Sabbath and then say I need a man to obey it and to make the Sabbath that's what he said in the scripture he also said with the time you know I didn't like you got a tie though I need somebody to obey that so then he makes human beings to have to tithe no it's not that way everything is to help you everything on this earth is for you everything that was created was created through Jesus Christ but it was created for you before you were even born that is the absolute truth so you can see now that your perception is wrong and you're on the wrong end of the stick you should be whacking the devil with that stick and instead of getting hit with it do you understand he's the only one that's done something wrong we were born into sin sin was a problem before you were born when we were born into this broken world we're like we're like having to swim by somebody throwing us into the pole you know we're having to learn how to walk in two realms and then the world teaches you not to rob a spiritual okay so they teach you just to be a physical flesh puppy and just do everything in the flesh and just do it Nike you know just do it I don't care what it is and I don't care who it is just do it and then you end up in hell okay or you could you could hear the word of the Lord be born again be activating the spirit and all of a sudden you like you know what I'm down here just surviving I'm not here ruling and reigning and you start to make the devil work for you when you start to push him away now I know this because I encounter people all the time but when I do because I worked for a corporation for thirty years I dealt with about 800 people a day that I never saw again but every time I would encounter on one of those 800 every day I felt like Jesus did because I'd been to heaven and I came back and now I'm driving out Devils just because I'm back on the earth it'll take you a lot of you got to think this through it was who I was I found out who I was because I saw myself in the future now I'm just visiting here but I found out what a real Christian is and that is a person wherever they show up it ruins the devil's party and I saw it like that The Devil's wanted to reject anyone that was going to have the message to set them free because they didn't want to lose that body that that home so what happens is is if Devils know that you know when they see you come in toward a person the devil will have that person act up because they don't want you to tell them anything that'll cause that demon to lose grip on that person and have to leave are you getting this your relationship with God is gonna cause confrontation automatically because you are not from this world okay so in conclusion you stand on Mount Zion right now and there is righteous men that have been made perfect were the redeemed and we're ons in Zion and everything is done that is where you're going but really I saw that that's where we are and so the concept of star trek and all those shows is how would you like it if you can see the future being played out before your eyes before it happens it happens all the time with me but not as a prophet not as an apostle pastor teacher vanish but as a Christian who prays in the spirit that's how I operate in this not as I prophet I saw that if I am in Christ and that the works Paul said the works that that I was predestined to do were written before the foundation of the world all the good works in Christ were already determined before if that is true then everything that's gonna come forth from you has already been predetermined I know this is kind of hard to grasp but I had to go there and I got permission from my apostle so you have to understand something you gotta get off the bottle and get into some steak and how in what see what happens is as you have have come up to this you're getting your brains beat out by the devil because he knows that your next step is into the supernatural and you ain't coming back you ain't coming back okay so you live and you operate in your authority by the fact that Jesus Christ has made you a co ere you share in the same love the same spirit the same unity as the Trinity does according to John 17 that is something that we have pushed off to the future when actually it's true right now the boundaries have been taken off the Samoyed so everybody stand I'm gonna pray for you father I thank you that the eyes of our heart have been enlightened that you have flooded our inner man with incomprehensible light that we may know the inheritance that we have and the hope to which we've been called and that we may know the resurrection power that rose Jesus from the dead its dwelling in us and that we understand the power and authority of being seated with him in the heavenly realms at the right hand of God far above all far above far above far above all rule and authority and power minute any name that can be named that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow every tongue will confess that he is Lord this is what we are we are part of God's intention from the beginning because we are his family if there's anybody in here who doesn't know Jesus please come forward and let me pray for you if you want to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior please come forward and I will pray for you it's just time you know it's time because you have a whole life ahead of you and God wants to help you now for the rest of us who have come to this place we've come to Mount Zion and we've seen the righteous made perfect and we realize that we are part of that but you want to live your life down here with that reality right now then just lift your hands and let me impart this to you father Lord they just want to know the reality so spirit of the Lord just fall fresh on them right now thank you for taking the limitations off them right now touch right now touch oh just Oh without spirit of reality in this place patia law he should not there Thank You pastor young thank you just continue to stay in there more and I'm gonna ask something this is what we gonna do after we received the offering humans around after we received the offering I asked Kevin if he would minister just not everybody because the otherwise he'd be here all afternoon and but we're gonna ready to receive offering so what we're gonna do the first basket that's coming around rushers come around and get envelope ready and first basket that's gone that just for our church that's and yeah so raise your hand if this is for just for church tithe and offerings so then after in a second basket is for you know offering for our speakers and then expenses so I just want you to know that so you know we're just being obedient to the Lord and we feel like the world needed to be released first so we did that so first basket go around and like I said just people from our church and tithe and our tithes and offerings so if you need to envelope just go ahead and raise your hand first one is for our church but also raise your hand for offering for the conference okay so raise your hand for envelope if you need you know like a credit card giving just go ahead and raise your hand so everybody get one all at once so we be ready so we can get this done very quickly so get ready you know for when so first basket going round this is for our church and then second one go around this is for offering for our for this conference okay so there's a person so either you need envelope if you're making the cheque you know to do by now you know the game right because you've been here whole weekend so while you're doing that I want to share something with you from Scripture just for a couple minutes do I have your attention okay so I want to read it to you from Matthew chapter 22 this story we are very familiar with that do you remember when Pharisees tried to you know trap Jesus and they he wanted they wanted to know you know about paying taxes do you remember that story I'm just saying that so I don't have to just go him past the basket around for our tithe and offering for first one just just past one yeah and so here and I'm not gonna read the whole thing but anyway so let me just read a little bit and I want you to see what the passion translation says verse 18 it says the jesus knew the malice that was a hidden behind their cunning ploy and said why are you testing me you imposters who think you have old answers show me one of the Roman coins so they brought him a silver coin used to pay the tax now tell me whose head is on this coin and whose inscription is a stamped on it Caesars they replied jesus said the precisely for the coin bears now I want you I want you to get this okay Jesus said precisely for the coin bears the image of the Emperor Caesar well then you should pay the emperor what is it due to the emperor but because you bear the image of God give back to God all that belongs to him you've been created in His image you bear His image and you belong to God and you money belongs to God and there are certain things a God specifically in a written out according to his instruction what belongs to him so if you belong to your money belongs to him and he asked to give it to him what belongs to him so nothing you own is yours you're not even human on yourself if you surrender especially if you surrender your life to Christ you belong to him you have no right you might want to believe it you might say that you have your right you say that I want to have a my way and then at the end of the life you say well I did it my way and then when you stand before God you did it your way well didn't work out so well so so that's all I wanna say I better stop I don't want to say any more but as we give our tithes and offerings and then go him past the second basket around for these offerings just give God what belongs to him you know I'm not gonna stand up here you know make you give something you don't want to get give to God with a cheerful heart gift to God because you want to honor God and you want to bless God amen I mean you have been just really blessed been blessed by this conference I know you receive it and also and just get ready for tonight you know what I'm saying this tonight is the last meeting and please don't miss it because Jaime do you remember whatever you go or whatever you know events they hold etc you know this is a finale you know what I'm saying all right so tonight is the last night and it just gonna be God's gonna sell it and he's gonna do powerful things and I encourage you to come back and just you know receive all that you came for but this is something I wanna I heard why I'm just sharing to you something with you we're just you know they're finishing the passing the basket around I had a phone call another day and I want you to listen just listen I had a phone call another day and and I have to call this person back and I just started my says you know I want to take time to listen to that person take time to minister to that person during the conference especially I just I can't take time to Minister the people with the way that I got wants me to so I'm not gonna just brush that person off and saying that well that's how it is I don't want to do that because your life matters to God that for your life matters to God you matter to me you understand and so I just can I call you back and I explained because you know when I talk to you I want to explain to you I mean I want to take time to minister to you so anyway that what the story is that you know this person went to conference and got so touched and healed and thought that was delivered and then when this person went home and if this person feel like just like lost everything or you know it's all over again how many you guys know what I'm talking when you sit under anointing in the midst of all the fire and a passion and humble and the presence of God and you feel exhilarated and you're excited and and a youth when you walked out here you think you're gonna I mean you're gonna take the world come on you know what I'm talking about and you don't realize when you walk out that door the devil is waiting to see devil cannot come in here but their worries waiting out there to take you out because he's man now because you received another level of a revelation you receive the more impartation and they're gonna never gonna fight you harder the thing is God has already given you the weapon the win against the enemy you because you receive the impartation you receive the revelation then you need to do something with it you can't allow that to stay in your head it's just a knowledge and information and you need to activate that so go to work begin the brain times Shermer area McGee just begin the kick that devil in the face do what you gotta do and I never took a karate lesson but I can do karate thing the spirit talked about I just Korean girl is a feisty do you understand I mean don't come on enjoy it you don't underestimate what I say something I believe something I'll go all the way when I believe in you I go all the way you can't get rid of me I'm stuck with you you're stuck with me I should say so don't you ever end and I want to allow you to say no to me either that's my husband anyway are we done with that so tonight we'd be back at 6 o'clock thank you all thank you for coming with hunger because if you think um this wouldn't be possible my husband please take your stop and don't say okay I know how you feel so would you please agree with me Lord we thank you for library for somebody a man thank you Jesus so anyway I'm kind of and I'm I'm kind of blame okay so I'm gonna turn it over to dr. Kevin he is meditating he's praying he's listening so anyway but I don't know you know how he wanted minister so we wouldn't we will just spend a little bit of time the minister to you after this we want you to go and have lunch and come back and you know let's have a blowout tonight is that okay yeah so okay here we go thank you Father for Simonelli bearish omaha's in olivine dry in Econ de mare in russia turkey shiva la barra keep keep playin keepo Farah Barbara Trevino and Jindo kini champion androgynous kanita indrasena para para hero some animal international Sahaba Veyron duration of Kaveri pass on or even Lemmy atrani national Emir on sente ecolodge intro Amasa yoga very Volvo nation hace en SE mandrel Anisha for HECO a center event a CMOS circuit Ivar the Lord says that if you will believe one more time if you will go down and strike the water one more time it will split if you will place yourself in vulnerability one more time he said I will meet you there I am going to walk with you you are going to encounter my realm says the Lord you have my name you will walk and Devils will flee you will hear and you will speak and things will be established not only in your town but in your state in your nation other nations shall follow as the overthrow continues for I've drawn a line it's time that I work with you confirming your word with signs and wonders falling as you speak my word it becomes your word and I'm gonna confirm it the word of the Lord is coming to you you must speak it I'm gonna confirm the word with signs and wonders your word at Elijah's word it did not rain but Elijah received from the Lord and the Lord is just saying that I want to work with you but you need to start speaking everyone said I am a child of God I hear my father's voice I speak what he says and things will be established his heart will be accomplished not only in my life but in my neighbourhood and in my state and my nation Oh VIN opieop OT I'm here to support you I'm here to pick you up I'm here to make it better but I'm here to cause you to walk in triumph over your enemies the Spirit of the Lord is causing you to triumph over your enemies lift up your hands and praise the Lord for just a moment clone lift them up left him up okay stop just one second this woman right here I want to share with you the goodness of God you can come and stand right here just for a moment your prayers for those that are family have come up before the Lord and there is a male that God is going to undertake for that you have been concerned about but God is gonna move now I cannot tell if these are actual children or their children of the heart but I see both males and females that Jesus is going to intervene in their lives because of your faith and their intercessions in their behalf do not be afraid do not worry about them any longer God has already moved and you're going to see visibly what he has done as for you anxiety is being lifted up off of you hey brother you better brother stand behind her lift up your your left hand toward heaven say Jesus you set me free right now you ready says three two one there it is I wish somebody would lift up their hands and give praise to the Lord right right over here somewhere the name Diane Diana something like that has a meaning you don't wanna come here I gots to talk to you lift up your hands before the Lord come on pray for is that your name yeah yeah pray for her let me hear you there's a healing happening in your body right now and the tiredness and the weakness and the fatigue that evil life that has been draining your strength away is now leaving you there's a healing strength coming into your body and let me just say this there is coming a new clarity of mine coming as well you're going to come into a brand new peace the Lord is your peace and let me just say this to you you say lord I take it now it's mine now close your eyes good here here comes the anointing for it ready three two one there it is be well who's got the kidney problem you're being healed by Jesus right now stand up and take it come come come here come here but I feel one over here too who's got the kidney problem there you are you come here I need a man stand behind look them up you get that one where he's already got it covered when Jesus said in mark 11 whatsoever you desire when you pray believe you receive it and you shall have it the Greek word for received is Lam bono it means to take it there have been people on dialysis that have been healed no longer needed it people who were in kidney failure jesus healed them they no longer needed it close your eyes and say Lord Jesus I take my healing right now you ready when I count to 1 3 2 1 I curse this condition die leave his body right now I see the letter M I don't think you ma are so I don't know whose name that is so I don't know if you know like a Mary or Maria or Marge huh yeah Mary who's that yeah you're the right one them up sometimes God helps me to find out what I'm doing make sure I get it right this is a sign for you that you're gonna be healed okay now I'm a prayer really strange prayer you don't have to understand it just receive it right when I prayer that I'll get ready to pray has nothing to do with you so don't go why did he pray that prayer just take your healing close your eyes say Lord you're my healer right now you hear my kidneys right now the evil spirit say it the evil spirit that's been working to my kidneys leaves now okay you ready you spirit of witchcraft that has attacked this woman's kidneys out I command these oak and it's disappear I call from the third heaven to brand new kidneys enter this woman's body you ready three two one there it is you're getting it well with somebody praising the Lord right now so um you're gonna do evangelism I what it was that including vag ilysm have you been doing it yeah I'm gonna I'm going to pray for you does anybody know this guy you know him does he evangelize does he witness does he evangelize the witness come here man come here I wants I wants to pray for you you and your cool hat come here so tell me something put out your hands you want to heal the sick yes sir you've been praying about healing yes sir you've been studying about healing yes sir you're going to have a healing ministry thank you you hold him up don't let him fall you Amen you ever heard of Todd white yes you've been watching Todd white videos yes sir you know what Todd white been doing you're gonna be doing that without realizing that you've been getting an impartation you ready okay try to stay with me before you get caught up into the heavens you have three kinds of Dreams watch this you have God's dream you have your day dreams that are inspired by the spirit you have night dreams of those three and how many ways have you seen yourself ministering the word and laying hands on the sick and then getting well of those three ways yeah that's gonna happen you ready you ever heard of a guy by name of a a Alan yes sir have you been watching any a a Alan videos but have you ever watched them yes yeah I know cuz I'm telling you what's happened cuz I'm get ready to tell you what's gonna happen okay hold out your hands the Lord Jesus watch hey Alan but don't just watch him watch how he hears God and ministers to the sick because God gave him a wisdom to do the works of Jesus Christ and that same spirit of wisdom through your sensitivity and your obedience is gonna come upon you so you can do the works of Jesus oh by the way you're getting more than the gifts of healings right now cuz you've been asking the Lord for miracles and you're gonna have the gift of faith and when I take my hand away the power God's gonna hit you you let him go out on this one now let the lightning of God go through him and come out of him in terms of healings miracles and faith hey Dave David Daisy what is that yes but what who is Dave Davey or David oh you should think hey who is Dave Davey or David yeah don't get out what are you doing down there well stay down it's related to him it's related to us why I dressed you him cuz I'm supposed to pray for you next I don't tell me now who's gonna be I'm tell you something right there brother don't confirm nothing okay look as I said this is prophecy african-american stop sometimes this humour overtakes me and I can't help myself mighty warrior the Lord is with you just like God called Gideon and said have I now sent you to destroy the works of the Midianites and to set the people front free from the oppression of the enemy God has called you just like David the worship warrior and the spirit of wisdom and revelation is going to come upon you to give you strategies and tactics after you identify the methods and operations of the enemy the son of God Jesus Christ is going to show you how to undo what the devil has done and destroy the works of the enemy the Lord is going to bring increase and I know you say you pastor which is true but the vision that you were given was beyond where you are did you ever see yourself traveling to different cities yes did you ever see yourself traveling to different states yes sir did you see yourself traveling throughout the United States yes sir and you saw yourself traveling to different nations yes sir all of that is true and it's gonna happen all you have to do is follow Jesus so you know how you meet somebody and all of a sudden you got a feeling down here and you know stuff about him yes sir that word of knowledge is going to increase and it's gonna get stronger praise God and then this word of wisdom yes sir and so talk to me about the whole prophetic ministry thing I really love tie weight on something weeks ago I've really been going after my faith spreading the gospel and praying for the sick yeah prophecy is the ability to hear what God is saying and say what he's saying prophecy is the ability to see the future and know what to say I do so that the future becomes now so did you ever dream about yourself behind a pulpit yes sir and you finish preaching and you walked out yes and you began to lay hands on people yes and the power God hid them yes sir did some of them fall out yes sir and then they were shouting and the glory of God fell people got saved yes sir and they got here to sickness and disease yes sir they got delivered from demons correct all this is prophecy you are seeing your future but all the people weren't brown absolutely there was the white folks correct there was some they look like kind of like Spanish looking folks absolutely and they look like some other folks yes sir but now I see the word Africa yeah here's the point if what I told you about the past is true and the present is true then you're gonna put your feet on Africa for later evangelistic Crusades and teaching pastors did it ever come to your mind watch and see lift up your hands Oh was something else you wanted to tell me what she was gonna confirm I was but it was my job don't be doing my job y'all gonna pray for it here's what I'm trying to tell you the Ministry of Joseph was to interpret the person's dream after they said it the ministry of daniel was that tell them their dream as confirmation it's going to happen to quote Kevin it's rich you cannot fail just obey Jesus and don't worry about the finances God said if you hear me and obey me I will supply get ready cuz here comes the anointing for and the glory ready 3 2 1 [Music] somebody say hallelujah how about braising so anyway Kathy Katie Kathleen I just wonder who is back here that all those names have a particular meaning it's all the same name actually anybody okay Kathleen Katie yeah anybody else yeah yeah yeah [Music] like over in this corner somewhere are you gonna talk to me don't leave me alone do you know a Kathy do you know a Kathleen do you know a Katie do you know a cat which also includes a country No yeah I just start with you first yeah stand right here lift up your hand store have it okay let's look listen to me you are no longer stuck you just got unstuck I know you have felt like you were in a rut and you were like circling the wagons but this weekend has been a weekend an epiphany you got revelation from another round and you just stepped into it you just got a breakthrough from this day forward nothing shall be the same so you've got an impartation by revelation and you're getting ready to move forward for what has held you back is being cut off and now you're getting ready to move forward say lord i'll take it now get ready says three two one there it is the anointing for breakthrough is going in i don't know if you have a daughter or slike I swear it's your daughter but they gonna get a breakthrough too and I don't know if you have the son or somebody's like a sudden they get into breakthrough it's done in the name of Jesus come on man Kathy Kathleen oh that's who you were referring to well both of you stand there let's pray for their cascade about shaquita as you have been a blessing to others the Lord is going to be a blessing to you in the very same way that you have served others the Lord has not gone serve up his goodness and His grace to you and in the very same way that you have shown kindness and acts of kindness to others you're going to be amazed at the surprising kindness it's almost as if God is going to act like Gomer Pyle you remember Gomer right he goes surprise surprise surprise the Lord has unanticipated unexpected things you have not looked for than on his calendar of events that he is literally going to dump answered prayers things that have been delayed will be delayed no longer because by faith and patience you have prevailed and the Lord says what I said I'm going do it and you don't see it it's gonna be marvelous in your eyes it's already marvelous at 9:00 and you're gonna rejoice because it's going to be like a series of miracles ready not just for you but for yours ready say Lord I take my healing right now lord I thank you for blessing this son and this servant of yours in the mighty name of Jesus let's give the Lord of praise for that not were you the one that said you knew a Catholic or you are pointing to her yeah you did you say you know a Kathy or something or were you pointing to her come come here okay you are growing in the Lord okay don't let the enemy convince you that you're not moving you're moving you're doing better than okay and a new anointing of insight and the ability of the sea is coming into you will you receive it now lift up your hands toward heaven Jesus let her be able to see by the spirit there it is there it is there it is there it is get ready where I'll take my hand away now hey so how do you let a woman Moscow Moscow mama how do you tomorrow you're 21 how much come here a woman you're 31 she don't look at does she so what are we gonna do about the next step of your education so I want to ask you a question you heard of this guy you heard of him yeah are you in his school the school loves the spirit what do you call it where does it come I couldn't hear you warrior knows because you want to advance in the spirit and you in thinking about I'm gonna use my words like how can I do it yeah and so I can know God more intimately and do you dream does the Lord talk to you in your dreams yeah I know he does why would I be even asking the question right right so sometimes you have these symbolic dreams and you go like what was that about and then sometimes you know it was the Lord and he shows you right so you ever had any dreams that came to pass yeah so do you have a dream interpretation book so this is what I'm fixing to talk to you about you should get in her school second you need a dream interpretation the book can I tell you one to get say yes it's called understanding the dreams you dream by Ira Milligan IRA mi ll I GaN somebody is writing it down for you it's one of destiny images bestsellers because God talks to you a lot at night cuz your mind be a little bit busy during the day yes so how come on singing musical notes dancing over your head do you know why I tell you I go ahead and okay what she does is where she's I now see you gave me permission I can do it where she's at home she turns this music out and she be dancing before the Lord what she doesn't know is that sometimes Jesus dances with her what I want to inform you of is the Angels all the time dance and praise and worship Jesus and the father with you and you make the father a Jesus smile and laugh and you bring great dallart delight to the heart of God did you notice that's why I'm telling you you are so enjoyed by the Lord so girl get your holy groove on ok so tell me about you and children so have you been teaching them yes you been praying with him yeah you should continue to do that as many days a week as possible so so you know where you husband and so how long how you been doing and from time to time there's this sort of low-grade depression mood swings great you're gonna you want to raise it I like her comes and goes yeah you're gonna be healed with that you're gonna flip out true yes I know girl I don't lose our say many of business but what when I told you that you did was it true yeah but we're not gonna tell them no no we ain't yeah well we just want to maintain privacy look at somebody say wasn't nothing bad so you know folk lift up your hands girl say Jesus you fixing it for me now you're taking the grief away and you're taking the depression away right now it leaves and what you promised on the see I'm gonna see it yes you will see it get ready here comes the anointing ready 3 2 1 be free somebody lift up your hands and give Jesus praise praise the Lord for Justin a weekend rain stop yeah cuz lasagna something good calling me right now come on lift up your hands to praise the Lord [Music] was there somebody else over there not the sister in the front but knew a Kathy or Kathleen which one is it no no it's over there in the corner it's you I knew was in the corner come here woman Oh Jen Jenny Jennifer Janine Janine what in the world am I talking about did you know a Jenny do you know a Jenny or a Jennifer yeah well that's all the same name yeah who is that where is she are you Jimmy well that's why the Lord gave it to me the way he gave it to me her real name is what but she calls you yeah I got the right one lift up your hands yeah bro you should get behind her Rick Renner check out the church I think he's still there in Moscow come on stretch forth your hands let's pray for her come on pressure I'm gonna hear you we're getting ready to be done keep going I need to ask you a really strange question because I see Jim James Jimmy yeah who sues out my brother yeah where is he Jesus yeah how close were you and him before he passed or how far away little brother how close yeah how long ago was that like 30-something years ago yeah and he knew the Lord yes sir okay how often do you think about him yeah y'all pray in the spirit I got something I need to tell her out loud louder all that true yes sir you ready say Jesus you set me free and you heal me right now by a miracle when I walk away the power of God is going to hit you and you're gonna be free leave her lift up your hands and give God a praise you know before you call pastor Derek out and the Lord gave me a word so remember I want to picked up a microphone and I wasn't gonna speak and you begin the minister to him I said awesome go for it and anyway but I do have just a couple more words that I just want to share with you what the Lord spoke to me is that you two supposed to work together one was strengthen others so areas where you're weak and he was poor areas where you are lacking and he was poor so I'm just giving you some instructional words that where you will not allow something to come between all the busyness again in the way for you to do what you're supposed to do and you're gonna see supernatural things are coming together and working together but also what I'm about to tell you is that this phrase that you've heard it and you say to others but this is specifically for you is there don't let yourself take a limits off because some of the things that you have not seen are coming to fruition because you have a limited yourself even though you said that all things are possible with God and nothing is impossible with the God but you still with your natural mind you have a limited God when you limit a car you have a limited yourself and basically closed the door for God to come in and do some of the miracles and you've been looking for a new bird the only reason I know that because I talked to you because you said that you want in your building and you want to see when you begin to take your limits off offer yourself that means that you want to take your limits are for God and you're gonna see those things that you're not gonna have to pray you're not gonna have the bag you're not gonna have to do things and don't look to people for offerings because God is the one who gives and he's gonna release it hallelujah we're gonna release you and we'll see you tonight are you are you excited are you are you ready for tonight a man who knows what God's gonna
Channel: River of Destiny Church
Views: 7,133
Rating: 4.909502 out of 5
Id: LzkfgbU3mlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 47sec (13127 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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