Seer/Mentoring (Part 1/5) - Tony Kemp & Ana Werner - 10/18/19

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right there that there where it's taking that back do you see that where it's empty right there don't everybody we only have a five seats opened up yeah only have five seats opened up so okay that's good are you two together yeah go yeah we're not gonna separate you two come on we're not that mean hey man hey man thank you Jesus just come on in and take a seat and yeah thank you Jesus hallelujah thank you Jesus [Music] Oh thank you lord thank you Jesus can we just kind of pause okay let's let's call their eyes let's focus on the Lord for a little bit hallelujah okay I know we like to talk about Jesus and okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know I want to ask you just just I mean you watched Facebook lie the you to livestream of Kevin's and I when they were leading worship did you see that Wow wasn't it beautiful and some of you most of you guys did not see it but it's on YouTube actually you can go and watch it it's just beautiful Kevin actually you know have studio they melt you know the studio where record albums and music and so they went over there and what it's on Facebook so I guess yeah they did and you know it's on Facebook they did worship I'm just trying to be careful okay Facebook live and just going to YouTube and listen it was amazing I think Kevin place 14 different instruments before he went to heaven he didn't know how to play not even a single instrument and after he came back I'm glad God sent him back I don't know about you but we just been so richly blessed by him and his ministry you know so what do I want us to do is I'm gonna ask to just turn on oh before we do that I couldn't don't wanna Facebook like yeah or are you already on okay so this is what I'm asking you and for any of you especially people from my church if you are connected to our Wi-Fi please disconnected now I'm not trying to be mean because if we're doing a Facebook live we're living in a middle of a cornfield so even though we got the best of the speed they offer still it's not good enough so I need your help okay so if your heart to our church Wi-Fi so I'm going to give you two minutes to please disconnect so people who are watching from there are people from different countries are watching so that they be able to watch without buffering okay huh oh okay so also I don't mind you recording it and please you put your phone to mute and if you fall goes off I'm gonna bring you up in front and I want to tell me though what kind of a message you receive from heaven because God is calling you right because of winning the church and we're here to hear from God so obviously for your phone rings of them is a God Eater calling you okay so I will appreciate that so everybody get your phone out and turn you phone make sure you check it put your palm to mute okay Tanya you know what I used to do I turned by him all the way down then I realized it still wasn't making noise something I learned to put on me on okay so anyway so by the way if your phone goes off and it's a real silent everybody I'm gonna turn around and look at you right so anyway but you know me I always like to open up with the scripture and I'm thankful that you all made it and we have been praying for you and we want you to come and receive everything that the Lord intended for you though we see from the foundation of the world according to some 139:16 amens that we've been praying for that also we have amazing amazing things in store for you tomorrow and nobody knows about this except just a few of us so this is something the Lord has added so you're gonna be blessed you are gonna be blessed so anyway right Pam all right I mean just there's no way that I can even describe it so this weekend is more than a conference it's a really mentoring weekend so I encourage to just really prepare your heart and your spirit to receive or that you can't receive because you came here because you're hungry and God's gonna put into you all that he wants to but you have to cooperate with him by preparing your heart and you spare a man so I encourage you to spend more time praying in the spirit and the worshipping rather than do a lot of talking and then I realized it's a good to talk about Jesus but I think it's really better for you that you can pray in the spirit and you know prepare your heart okay so I want to open up with the scriptures but I'm gonna read from passion there I think they're three back there and there's some back up there too so you are you know just for tonight I want you to know Anna was our leader on the Blue Bus when we went to Israel so there are some of the people who were on the Blue Bus are coming here so we decided just for tonight we're gonna make a blooper section for EM okay so there's some that so they're there they're coming so let them come in and hopefully there's a Blue Bus leader okay better but you know what I'm gonna do here's a blue bus later there's a blue box [Applause] now Karen we don't have a blue shirt okay that's good for November conference November conference blue t-shirt for Blue Bus [Music] usually I'm the one who have to ask for it did you notice anything different about apostle Tony what is it whoo all right I know you're just been feeling God already amen isn't it good to be in the president's car with a bunch of lovers of God amen so we're gonna just open up our hearts and we want to just get going so I want to read to you from passing translation some 16 and I want you to just listen because you know most you don't have a passing translation unless you get you for now but we don't want you to get you for now so don't look at me please close your eyes and I realize that I don't have an angelic voice but I pray Lord you would know the words that I speak are not your words and they're so close your eyes and just think about every word that I'm gonna read from this Bible okay you are my maker my meditator and my master any good thing you find in me has come from you [Music] and he said to me my holy lovers I warned the floor my majestic ones my glorious ones fulfilling all my desires Laurel I have chosen you alone as my inheritance you are my prize my pleasure and my portion I live my destiny and it's timing in your hands your pleasant path leads me to pleasant places I am overwhelmed by the privileges that come with the following you for you have given me the best that we thank you truly you have given us the best Lord Jesus you have given us of yourself you redeemed us you saved us you here thus you set us free and we thank you but you are coming back for us we honor you we magnify your Lord so Lord Jesus we want to honor you in this place I pray that as we worship I pray that we worship you with all my strength so father I ask you tonight even as we worship we ask you to open our spiritual eyes Lord grant us the spirit wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of year Lord that the eyes of an understanding being alignment that we may know the hope of your calling that we may know what glorious inheritance you have for us in the Saints and the exceeding greatness of your power told us who believe which world in Christ to raise him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places far above all principality and power and might and Dominion and every name that is named not only in this age but also in that which is to come and you place all things under his feet for the benefit of your church which is your body and father your furnace so everything all in all so we offer ourselves up to you my mind my eyes ears our hands about this everything to love you worship you and adore you we thank you Father so we give your hundred percent yes to your Lord and do whatever your heart desires heavenly agenda will be accomplished this night so we thank you Father in the name of your precious son Yeshua amen go ahead [Music] and can we get to our feet to worship our Savior and our Lord amen [Music] [Music] [Music] and we need you [Music] we're so excited to be here for this conference Pasteur's young ray [Music] we thank you that John 17 says that we are one with Jesus we are one with and in Ephesians that tells us that were seated with him and heavenly places so we thank you God that were there where you you're with us we are in the heavenly realms with you right now thank you that we're there thank you that were there and we thank you Lord every person in this place has that revelation that revelation we thank you for it and we thank you for the miracle we thank you for the miracles that are gonna take place this week and thank you for the miracle you gave me best we curse [Music] laughter still be strong [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and I just thought the word about that dream there's so many things that we and so I just felt like the dream and this song kind of went together and so this first time we've ever [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now the Lord descended in the cloud and stood with him there and proclaim the name of the Lord and the Lord passed before him and proclaimed the Lord the Lord God merciful and gracious long-suffering and abounding in goodness and truth keeping mercy for thousands forgiving iniquity and trent transgression and sin though you goodness pass before us every day always long we are tasting of your goodness each and every day you said in your word haste and see that the Lord is good and you fill our mouth with the good things each and every day so Lord we are tasting of you can nest tonight we're experiencing your goodness it's passing before us and right before our eyes so we thank you Lord Father we thank you for your precious presence we honor your presence alone Lord we ask you as we continue the worship view the rest of the night through shearing and teaching and the missing of your word we ask that we will continue the beach well near to you and there closer and closer to the wisdom of your heart we may lean our head against your audience your heart and be able to hear your heartbeat so that we thank you we thank you for tonight what you've done already and we thank you in advance of what you have in store not only for tonight but the whole weekend so we honor you we magnify you for glorify you know you know actually if you want to bring some folding chairs along the walls over here you welcome to come sit up and from and alter so just come you know and we want you to come up front if you want to you don't mind so bring some folding chairs over there so let's go and do it and can you somebody give me a house like please so yeah that's good thank you so much and that we want to just go ahead and we want to just move on quickly and a couple announcements real quick and then that's good thank you and we want to just quickly move on and we're just excited what the Lord is gonna do this weekend and yeah there's some chairs over there and just couple cool people here yeah yeah you can oh it's okay you can come up a little more here just set up an altar so that's okay don't get distracted let's do this can I call my husband up that he's ignoring me most of you all of you most your problem I mean let me see how many of you and is it your first time can you raise your hand oh wow thank you Jesus Wow you are in for a treat hallelujah thank you Jesus so anyway so obviously you haven't met my husband this is my husband so I'm the one generally and it was up in front and except I have to beg in four come up to you know a couple say a couple announcements so you all get the medium right Apostle John II usually so anyway so do you want to do you want to stay there looking handsome so let's go through announcements real quickly okay so let's just make announcement for upcoming event okay so don't go okay so there you go all that this week and you are so that's like you know tomorrow morning don't miss it we got a huge thing in store for you tomorrow morning 10:00 feel it's a mentoring session it's a wide-open you never know I won't be surprised if you be taken to heaven or you see angels you know I am just not promising anything but our swords don't get shocked on you that okay and so tomorrow morning starts at 10 o'clock who knows what time we're gonna end until I pass upon you get so hungry they were get so then two more nights at 6 and then Sunday morning 9:30 and Sunday night sex so can we just say hi to apostle Tony and Ana wanted real quick I want everybody seated with the glasses on okay all right all right so okay next one this okay so we believe in this is the last time for our conference to be this is the last time we're gonna have it at this place we're believing from now on we're gonna get a larger facility that we'll be able to get and because we have been looking at huh yeah okay and so anyway because we've been looking at a building and we're praying that God would give us a favor but we also believe that if they say no that means we know God's got something better for us so okay so we're looking for facility at least 500 to 2,000 people okay so we're just dreaming big we you dream with us we're believing that that our church would own a hotel with a conference room so we can treat God's people right because you deserve better I'm at ma'am so anyway so this we're gonna change the venue because we're going to change it to our Lawson school gymnasium so we we don't have to limit anybody everybody in a one room so there's an overflow room anything like that so just bring everybody comes so registration is a require for Friday night and Saturday during the day but you know you can come Saturday night Sunday morning Sunday night without registration but the registration is a require for Friday night and Saturday all day breathing being either because you will be served a free lunch and you will receive free menu or handout from it's all from heaven that I were you're not ministry they are providing all of them okay so if you want to come please register just go on our website just follow the instructions real easy don't give me your names because I'm gonna forget you hey I'm just saying that on the safe side okay so that's what it is and then the next one please yeah yay so ever since pastor Todd came here in August Lawrence man just supernaturally moving powerfully so we have been seeing miracles signs and wonders one of the things that I don't know what the Lord is doing we seen so many people experiencing supernatural encounters like seeing Jesus going to heaven come on somebody and so you know yeah some people get healed but we are seeing is more people are just really seeing Jesus there is a one young man from Chicago and during water baptism God gave him supernatural strategy for his business where are you there young man right there so you know no not you not Cabiria said that I can't think of his name so anyway so yeah I have his testimony I'm gonna post it on our church website and their YouTube you can see the testimony how God gave him supernatural strategies to make money after he got baptized in the bathroom okay and so we have a long testimony but it's all gonna be pasta it's a written out this girl actually had a long list we went to Indiana the minister two months in a row water baptism because it was I mean people were get delivered in the water people receive joy I mean you know we just break up laughter and they stood up said we've had the sorrows and pain for you know a long time and then finally they received their joy so they had a breakthrough from all of that you know so we see in marriage get restored we see that actually relationship get restored and people actually physically getting healed and we see more testimonies of people experience a fire of God I mean one lady vibrated in the water for 20 minutes yes we have a video of it yeah so did another lady yes I mean it's just you know it was a file of God cuz there's no and now the lady she experienced a fire got in her legs for hour after the baptism she just dropped so their lives they're married you got here lives being transformed the one of the things is a thinner so we went to Chicago the baptized this man and then we went to I'm telling you don't ask me to schedule our schedule because I so we went to Chicago the minister Saturday night we didn't get home till 3:30 we came the church service right after search service we drop order with Indiana for three hours we minister we didn't get him the next day 2:30 in the morning but God is doing something in the water I am your God just you know supernaturally just giving us open doors to go to the places baptize people and people are saying Jesus uncaring Jesus I want to just read it to you just quickly one thing here and so I'm not gonna read when we went to I think this was in Chicago my name is Jennifer Palmer okay okay so she was the very first one that baptized Jesus and I had my first visual encounter with God during the baptism of a water and fire I hear that voice but I never had visions during the baptism I saw God in the sky and he descended down to earth and started unraveling me and things on the earth freeing me and others and then there's another man who was actually watching her being baptized he actually saw Jesus standing for and were coming down so same thing yeah right I'm selling I'm just you know so anyway so these are just a consistent testimonies of people are encountering Jesus and gone to heaven there's a lady who went to heaven each time she got baptized she so anyway and then one of the things I thought it was very very unique as wears a carry carry after the baptism she didn't even know what was happening but after the baptism she went back to work and she works at work to the SPECIAL at kids and there's a lot of children with autism or something like that she's the heard kids are begin to behave and then there is another one I think of here is that there was lady where is a Connie's anyway her knees got here baptized so yeah so anyway her son is three or so who I'm gonna just say in a past answer had autism and she didn't even she came here of course we pray for him but she's the only one who got in the water she had a bunch of this and we told her you know when you get in the water and you're gonna leave that list there you're not gonna get up and take it with you her son it started talking and making sense I don't know what's going on it I really don't care God is meeting people in the water so we are contained so we're going to share with you testimonies it's gonna just watch it on YouTube my church channel and then we're gonna post it on Facebook I got bunch testimonials of videos I don't have time to share it with your it is absolutely powerful people are just you know God is doing this so we're gonna do this October 27th it's actually next Sunday night so you know we're baptizing people once a month just come before you're hungry come God's gonna meet you in the water if you need a breakthrough come if you need a healing come we're just gonna make ourselves available and let God be God amen and that's where we're gonna do so then November you just said November is a 24th which is a last Sunday of the month also 6 p.m. okay we're gonna have a water really warm so don't worry about it okay you know water okay so this is something that all he's doing we want to honor what the Lord is doing amen so okay so that's it for announcement and/or so if you want to be on our email list and as you can sign them over there would you please nice and neat English I'm a Korean I can't read English that well so please help me out but you do well but sometimes it's kind of hard to see number one l or as the it is hard to read so if you want to be on email list in a sign up and we you know send you flyers on the future events and that we already got something planned for next year we're gonna need a large larger facility the things that we have already handed God did it so you know we're thankful what the Lord is doing in that so quickly you remember anything that I need to make an announcement you know I'm like that last time wherever we had a conference somebody left their water bottle so this is yours please pick up somebody left there you know sandals and some of the people left their sunglasses or so there's nothing else where we want it yes a free CD of this just give us your information so we can let you know but all right so let's quickly what we want to do is we want to receive offering a man we want to bless them and so let's receive offering and so then we can you know just have a come up and minister to a man so I'm not gonna just you know take too long I'm gonna just you know go through this quickly you all God's people you know what to do right and so why you getting ready are you shared with your two minute story is that okay tremendous story when you read I believe in and look 1913 as ideas do you remember Zacchaeus good a short man right okay so here you know he wanted to see Jesus you know the story so anyway long story short when Jesus saw him up in the tree and that God Jesus told exactly as I say hey come down I'm gonna come to your house on today's salvation had to come to your house remember that story so anyway and just soon it as a salvation came to his house what was the first response of Zacchaeus she wanted to give you know you've been created in the image of God God is giving your heart and even if you don't know even if you're not say that your nature always want to give that's why you want to live you want to love and you want to bless people with what they give then you always wanted bless people you want to give because that nature is are coming from God so especially when you get say they hey you get restored and you become a new creation and you begin to operate out of a God's hall and God's nature amen and so you know I'm just saying is you know just left just bless the Lord amen and let's bless them with our love offering because you know you know that then when they came they never put any kind of a demand you know what when somebody's like that I want to just bless them but everything that I have and even more and so you don't know what there's a few making check over there to make check out to a people of Destiny Church if you need to envelope go ahead raise your hand with your be able to if you want to give the credit card we have a credit card form so go ahead and raise your hand and we can do that okay so uh sure's um and let's go ahead and do that alright how many you all just appreciate our people you know I mean we are we are a small church but our people work diligently faithful they work all like that we got hundred people they do beautiful jobs I appreciate that amen so go ahead and if you're ready as they pass the basket around and just go ahead and let's bless them okay so okay wanna just coming up we will now give you as do you want everybody just say hi so where's the blue bus people raise your hand come on blue bus people yeah thirds of me there is where is oh okay wait a chap he's on his way so okay chat is on the way yeah so you gonna I think you didn't be more people coming okay who don't know what she's talking about what's the blue there's those of us who are in Israel together and I led one of the tour buses the blue bus and we became like family and so all of you guys came which is amazing to see familiar faces on this side of the world right but did it feel like we just knew each other we were together for 10 days but it felt like eternity which was a good thing so that's what she's saying blue bye yeah so I'm gonna just quickly how I got the invaders I'm gonna quickly share that I had been praying about about two years to invite Anna but largest never really released me this invited it was time so anyway so Lord send us to Israel Lord send us to Israel okay send this to Israel and then before we went and we knew we were gonna be on certain buses there are 10 different buses right so I prayed as his Lord put us in the bus that you want us to be on that you want us to be connected with so anyway guess what when I got on the bus there's Anna and I knew it was a time God was saying it's time for you to invite us off yeah that's how so anyway so can you just stretch your hand to where it's a little bless her and speak to me through her in Jesus name Amen it's okay if I used that I have notes I'm little if I can hold on thank you all right thank you for having me I'm so happy to be here this evening what a blessing and to be here with Tony and Reuben which people don't know you yet I realized that I recognized you you hang with Moses and Elijah huh yep so I'm so honored Tony's actually like my spiritual papa I don't know if you guys know that and he ordained me so what an honor to be here with family Thank You Holy Spirit I think God is gonna be up to some unusual things this evening who has a heart condition there's someone that's you huh there's a couple of you can you guys down up for a second we're just gonna start with some business of the Lord God told me there was heart issues like physical we'll deal with the other kind of heart issues later we'll deal with that too but what is it like heart palpitations or skipping beats that sort of thing anyone relate to that what is the heart issues in the hospital electrical problems pull-ups oh okay okay that was the ID there's the skipper I thought I saw her quit like that okay in the back valve blockage okay so we're gonna start usually people are used to ministering at the end but we want to just flow we are flowing with the Holy Spirit so reach out you're part of this so reach out your hands to those that are standing right now because I know I I saw Jesus gave me heart so I knew there would be hearts restored tonight so I have faith for this do you have faith for this glads gonna do it right now watch Thank You Holy Spirit we just thank you Father that you are in the ministry of healing it says in your word by your stripes that we have been healed so father we just thank you right now that hearts the creative miracle of brand-new hearts are happening in this very room and those watching online as well shew are getting touched by your presence God thank you lord father I pray for restored you know what I see is restored walls in the heart right now and all blockages be removed thank you Jesus thank you lord today's show thank you Father okay okay would you be serious these guys know me from Israel where I just was like pretty much drunk in the spirit most of the time and then they would ask me you know on I get up and preach and I'm like shocked by they may be a bit a baby you know we'll get there I saw this vision though um when I was praying about this tonight I saw I was taken up into vision and I was sitting there with Jesus and Holy Spirit and the father and we were at look like them like a kitchen barstool kind of thing and we're sitting there and you know talking about the sphere realm and why I heard Holy Spirit say with honor I want you just to bring them into this conversation and open it tonight so who likes practical things anybody if anybody's super practical you should meet my husband he's not here so I can really say that no I'm just kidding he's watching one but no it's true though I married someone who's very practical I mean I married a computer engineer and computer web site designer and he speaks a whole different language computer world you know but I love that about him because he says will on it when we first met and I would talk about these things I'd wake up in the night and you know not when you first met don't get images anyway when we were married I would wake up and I think oh I just saw this didn't happen I was in this room I walked him and he'd say okay what does that mean and I love that actually because back then I didn't really have language I would just be you know which is common actually with a lot of fear how many of them had experience but you can't really explain it so that you feel so misunderstood come on you all know what I'm talking about so Sears I love talking about Sears because here's the truth I think we've got to be able to unpack it so that we can bring people up into encounter with us so this is gonna be some practical things to open up tonight with some mystical to can help y'all ready okay the first thing I want to talk to you about with the sphere and the wainting and I'm going to need some water all right the first thing is this thing about faith I wanted to open this up a little bit what is the posture of faith because this is so much a part of the fear anointing really fears we call forth what isn't supernatural over the natural meaning although we see all this we're gonna call down what is in this what is God thing from the heavenly perspective and bring it down we see this with Jesus throughout the Bible right people thought like in Matthew 9 there's the little they say the little girl's dead and he says no she's just sleeping black sea but in everybody else was like she's dead now we look at that story and we said okay we get it we've heard that story but take it and and put it into modern day times like now because seers often you're seeing things but you're you're seeing things and it's not the reality so there's this element right though it takes faith to step into that into the seer realm and really believe so I want to start by saying what is this deal because who in here is like what are you talking about anybody confuse yet you know you like young me in the back me working the computer help me on ok what's this here listen a prophet that gets revelation from God primarily through the gift of sight that doesn't mean we don't use all our senses to spear smell they see they hear the voice of God you know we use all were really really sensitively little wired things you know we use all of them but primarily through the gift of sight is completely biblical I have to say that because Sears so gets winded burning not being biblically grounded so it's important that we start we are okay see Omni was a sphere you can see that King David had his own sphere come on see I still believe that every King needs a sphere in his court our Kings today the president many different people not even just our nations other nations too and the truth is when I've sat down and talked to some people that are seasoned prophets I know that there are governmental spheres operating there even in the White House right now God has ordained a sphere and a prophet that is speaking into our president so you can take the Bible and say this is still applicable now but here's why I speak on this about this to start off there are different cultures that don't understand this word I remember this when my book was translated it just got translated into Spanish I was so happy and but when it got translated they couldn't use the word the sphere because it was like the dude there and I can't even say it helped me out to anybody speak Spanish can translate that for me it was it was you know and they said well honor in in our culture that's often seen as like a sorcerer which it's put in the same category so we need to find a different way like a different kind of language to use for this and I've lived in some very different cultures and countries where sorcery and witchcraft is very strong okay so one I'm not saying I'm an expert but I'm saying I've had a few experiences I kind of know what I'm speaking about okay I've lived in India my husband we were missionaries in India where Hinduism was very strong a Saudi priest came after my husband's life he almost died actually we were in Africa with the Baker I still remember when you're ministering there what you guys know from Israel's like those of you don't we are ministering there and I'll remember when they were doing death chance around us though the witch doctors and we're just like Jesus okay and then I've been in New Orleans too during Mardi Gras where they had the Voodoo gardens and we set up a prophecy booth and we're there prophesied so I know what I'm talking about but see this is why seers we have to be biblically grounded and rooted in the revelation of God and we are not pulling down anything from the natural it has to be from the Lord okay and we have to be clear that we know God's way with clarity so this thing about faith there is this element now here's another aspect of faith I just this was just the intro that's okay this element of faith there is an element of childlike faith then I can't emphasize enough if there's anything that I have learned now God just made me that way I've always been you know that Tony I've always just had that ability childlike faith just you know okay God says okay I'm gonna do it but there is this element that when God says jump or run you do it you just do it like this no strings attached I can't emphasize that enough and we've got this method down okay this I've heard so many times and I agree with it when you receive a prophetic word of God you know you want to make sure that it's really of God test it by the Word of God before you release it that's true I fully agree with that we've got that down now here's the struggle release it release it come on okay cuz here's the thing God says go are you gonna go or is it gonna be like come on let's be real God confirm it like five times and then do it again and then knock me over the head and maybe run me over and then I'll go but there is this helmet like just go you just go you just go in it's hard for the logic like say you're very logically minded how many logically minded people do we have in the house right I get it cuz I'm married to one I'm a very linear mind you know but the posture of faith sometimes although I may not understand what he's showing me I'm gonna trust and I'm gonna move forward when let me give you an example my husband we were in North in beacon helped me get through this we're in Mozambique and we're they're doing the school Tyrone Baker and then I got this phone call and my dad got really really sick surprising it was out of nowhere he got all these blood clots all throughout his entire body the man was a man of perfect health doctor ran all the time like eight miles I mean really good health he was in shape and I got this cold and they said Vicki like all these worst-case scenarios I don't even want to say what they said but it was just bad we'll just go stop and I never felt so far away from my family it was first a miracle of God that my phone even worked out there you know and I get this call and so God said it's time for you to go back home honor this is I'm reassigning it we thought we're gonna go straight from Africa to India and go pioneer this ministry with birth iris mysteries and God says no I'm sending you back to the state well trouble was the plane only leaves one time a week on a Tuesday and there's one plane to get out of Pemba you know we have no plane tickets our tickets are for a different time cuz we thought we were just going straight to India we didn't have you know and I got this vision though here's here's the the element of faith right where you're like this doesn't make sense I got this vision from the Lord and I said okay and I saw this vision I saw this picture of my husband me going up to the airline the ticket counter and that there would be all these angels at the counter and that they would just stamp our ticket and so I looked to my husband they said honey we're gonna go with favor they're just gonna give us a ticket and I don't know why and he's just like and he said to me hobby knob which in Bengali that means it's a it's not happening like if you live in the country and you hear that all the time probably not have enough she speaks Bengali so he said hobby now it's not happening it's happening is that you're like that you've got faith you know she's like I'm gonna build a hotel she will I guarantee you good yeah I know she wrote cuz I've seen it you know I know God's gonna do but so I said it's gonna happen so he's you know so we have to say goodbye something goodbye to everyone like crying I'm crying he's just like yeah bye we'll be back in ten minutes we get to the airport we get there and it happens exactly like I saw I go up there and I'm just like hi Jesus says that we have to go back to America and you're gonna stamp our tickets would you be able to do that and they just looked at me and they said okay oh damn my husband is like and what was funny there's these Australian guys behind it that had tickets so they go the Australian guys come up behind and they say sorry the planes full to them and I'm just like keep going to take them like don't look back just go don't look back you know this is the thing we got a CV on and take this posture of faith it's such a big part of this your anointing because it doesn't make sense if you're trying to make sense of it in your mind oh you're just gonna just stop this bit I'm telling you it doesn't always make sense and the truth is God is so good he will so you might not understand it so you don't have to move up here just moving face that's only number one okay be a friend of God oh my sheep hear my voice well it comes to a point every Christian and we all go through this where you start to learn what's the worth of God what's my own voice and what's the enemy's way and it's the thing with fear anointing so this is the number one thing I think people get bent up on it well is what I'm saying really she's odd or am I crazy did I eat a weird topple last night you know yeah or is this the enemy and it comes through because here we know God and intimacy comes from spending time with him and when we spend time with him then we get people love him enough to do and then it comes to here's the thing I'm a mom okay two kids and my home school is I travel and I teach I'm not going to go over everything cuz you couldn't you're already tired listening to this but I was here I want to be always sensitive no matter when it doesn't mean in my prayer time in my prayer chair those times I think it doesn't mean during worship okay it sometimes happens like in the middle of doing dishes with my son breaking things and then I see them you know I see an angel or I see okay but it's that I've learned and trained to be sensitive all the time so let's not put Holy Spirit and God in a box in our time we can't limit he's everywhere and all the time moving right okay the third I'm going through these fast because I just I know I want to minister okay some people sit there and they go go come on you're free okay you're free listen we didn't school it with Heidi and rollin Baker we're all like go go go honey go I knew someone I knew a woman enough like ireally that's me it we just scored high in rollin you know and we just lay out on the floor for hours and that was class time and that was some of the best so I don't want to rush Holy Spirit okay we're so used to rushing sometimes I just don't want to rush it Esther five let's read that scripture because I love I could camp out and Esther oh boy I'll read it to you in case you don't have your Bible that's okay all right whoo I always get a little tipsy when I read that so I'm going to try okay now it came about on the third day that Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the king's palace in front of the king's rooms and the king was sitting on his royal throne in it in the throne room opposite the entrance to the palace when the King saw Esther the Queen standing in the court she obtained favor in his sight they obtained favor in his sight and the King extended to Esther the golden scepter which was in his hand so Esther came near and touched the top of the scepter the King said to her what is troubling you Queen Esther and what is your request when were intimate with God you know you have access the closer you are to him the more doubt gets removed it's true because you know how much he loves you and you're his child so why wouldn't he let you have access and sometimes that simple revelation alone opens it for people that have been blocked I've seen it time and time again but here's the thing friends with God love the things that he loves and hate the things that he hates it's true and so when you love the things that he loves you want to do the things that he's doing and look as much like him and shed the things that don't look like him it's true so it requires purity and there's the scripture that I love sums 24 we know it it says who can ascend the hills of the Lord who may stand in his holy place he who has clean hands and a pure heart so what I feed my soul matters if I want to see and I want to be a friend of God I have to be careful what I intake so we think of that right in terms of like the obvious like our eyes okay now the obvious things can be like don't watch certain movies you know don't expose your eyes to certain things I'm really careful with my eyes but there's then the subtle things that we can intake so like this it's not just eyes too like we think of seers but in take as far as like our ears as well here's the subtle thing gossip not just you gossiping but allowing yourself to be an environment where they're doing it and you're hearing it and you're in that or I remember this I was watching some it was like some show with my husband and there was nothing I rightly bad with it it was just a nice show but it had this top twist of like cynicism it was kind of a cynical show and the next couple days I noticed my anointing was like shut down and I was like wow why is it that it's so hard for me to see with clarity and hear with clarity and I realized it was because what I was seeing now see innately it didn't seem wrong or bad but then God showed me and he said oh no you have to be pure like you have you can't even open yourself to that so be really careful like what you open yourself to right even what you say to yourself can be an open gate okay you guys okay all right fear not this is actually a huge one oh there's an element of fear that blocks the fear realm big time actually now obviously this this has to do with this thing of like maybe I don't understand right away and how many of you have had that experience but we don't always understand what you're seeing you too we all do yeah okay so but there's this element where you can shut it down say okay I don't understand and I want to so this must not be it in Daniel 7 chapter 7 Daniel goes and he has an encounter in a vision and when you read through that chapter it's so interesting because it says that he kept looking and God kept showing him and then there's even a part where it says and I pondered says a couple times that I pondered and then as he's pondering so he doesn't even understand it then God opens it more fears are so curious aren't we what's he doing what's that mean God what in the world we're just naturally like curious people um so like okay poppy have to tell her story okay so here's the thing but you can when you don't understand you didn't just top it off as oh I'm just crazy right and just and shut it down and just let it lie there and then the serum just stops right I had an inkpot pitoni in my story it's really unique he I don't even know how to say this well just say it does say it okay so he's one of the few men I've met in heaven before I met in earth we met I remember one day I heard this thing in the middle of the night I heard the Lord's voice clearly and he said prophetic summit get up so I woke up and I took my notebook and I went downstairs I don't wanna wake the fet the family you know and I went downstairs and then right then I was taken in to an encounter and I found myself and I was walking in a room and I walked into a room and I saw this table and then I saw all these people sitting around the room and then I saw Jesus and they were all talking and I was just like like a flight just taking it all in you know because I thought oh my goodness I'm here you know I'm taking all in now I came out of that vision I wrote it all down and I think I thought well that was crazy that was crazy I think it was like a whole year and a half went by that I did not understand that so those of you have had encounters and you don't get it now I just want to encourage you with that because it doesn't always come right away but just don't top it off as I'm crazy okay so a year and a half goes by and I find myself um there was a healing like a Healing Rooms regional conference and there's this big name speaker coming in I don't know who it is and they say ah no we want you to do like the luncheon thing for the leaders just the leaders and we want you to just speak and so I'm speaking and there's this guy sitting there and he's like you know and he's looking at me and I'm like oh no I know that I know him and I don't know where I know him from and I can't remember his name you know that oh I know it I'm gonna be like hey you okay so he smile at me and it's um what you pulled me aside and say you know that you know we know each other right and I said yeah I just not sure where yet and you said something like well you will it's like a tease right and then later finally you know after ministry time or something like that I was like late in an evening we finally got a moment alone and it all clicked it was like boom and I remembered and I looked at you and I said we met in heaven at the prophetic summit you were sitting behind the man with the white hair and he said that's right isn't that crazy so that's so out of the box but things in heaven are out of the box oh but we just can't hear it doesn't always make sense and sometimes it presses up our own you know what's happening shoe those of us who have control issues how many of us have control issues be honest something you don't know you do you do there's more of you in the room I know okay it presses up sometimes against our control issues cuz Holy Spirit gets to hold and we can we don't have control all the time what's this uncie I don't know okay okay let me go I don't know if I want that other conference okay so obviously though we don't obviously we don't want to open ourselves up to any spiritual thing just to just to calm the nerves in the room we're going well whoa I don't know obviously I'm not saying that listen I've been in places we lived in India where they opened themselves up to every God Under the Sun okay so I'm not saying oh just open yourself up to anything we want to be full of God and God alone and loving him but I am saying this just don't shut it down because of doubt and fear that is actually more of the side that people lean to okay we've had this I've seen this like the New Age movement kind of crept in and then now we've got then okay so we don't wanna do that so then there's like okay we don't want to open ourselves to anything and then religious then overpowers can I just say it and it's like okay we want to be you know very religious okay now I love the Word of God so don't take this like I'm saying not the word but but we want to be so religious that then if Holy Spirit wants to move and crash it if I can't move me I Got News for you he's gonna move you anyway so the sooner you get out of the way the better can we say all right all right thought I just want to say this to you though some of you um how many of you have ever seen a demonic thing but some of I feel like that's in the room - there's a lot of you okay God will not show you something to paralyze you in fear I felt like well I just wanted me to stop and highlight that because do you remember when we ministered nope you weren't there it was with Sam his doctor peers with me and Bermuda there was this I'll never forget there was a lady who was there and I didn't know her story but I I just looked at her you know when the prophetic comes over and you just say things you know I don't know why I am saying this but I just looked her and I said it will not be the same again break your agreement with fear because it is stopping you and she starts wailing on the floor okay you know okay let's go there so we pray through it turned out that that she had once been in a psych ward and was like clinically diagnosed schizophrenic and had seen like when they put her on the medication the demonic stuff opened up for her and so at one point she made like some kind of inner vow or she said to herself I never want to see things I don't and then what happens she got healed and set free and delivered of that mental turmoil but still as a Christian she had this fear over her and God started to open her the seer 19:4 and she said I don't want it gone I don't want it I don't want it because there was so much fear gripped in her that it's gonna be like that so I just want to say this to you because I remember the sight of fear anointing now not every seer does see demonic things I know my mom's a seer she doesn't okay so if you're like but I don't see that it's okay don't be like what about me it's okay God loves you you be who you are hey God what God does is he shows you things as a seer never to paralyze you in fear but so that you can move an authority and that you can he brings you keys that unlock freedom so if you see demonic those of you who raised your hand you said that's me okay he would not torment you with those things if you're being tormented then that's not God that's something else and we'll deal with that later okay but he always show you things so that you can bring freedom you probably walk in deliverance ministry God told me there's lots of you actually in here who walk in deliverance ministry you probably carry deliverance ministry he's gonna show you keys that bring freedom amen all right you guys okay okay risk here's the key for those who are prophetic or seers risk is such a huge part of it God calls you something and then you do it with a hundred percent obedience I said that earlier but here's what it looks like sometimes you might see like a picture but got nothing else after that like I remember one time I saw the word trauma written on this girl just trauma that's it and like God do you got anything else and he's like that's all good I'm like okay all right so I go up to her and I'm like okay moving face right the Lord says but a believable and it all comes tumbling out and it just everything you know when you're a child this and that and this and that and this happened God wants to set you free he wants to bring breakthrough like that now I know now I know some might be offended in the house you might say well onna you gotta you know make sure you hear the word of the Lord but there does come a place where there's risk involved and you step out in faith and as you step out in faith he fills your mouth and it port it is no longer your mouth speaking it's directly from God and how you know is later the person comes up to and said that word changed my life and you say I have no idea what I said I don't know I don't know let's done thank you dude cuz that's his glory it's been boring okay so this just happened recently actually to me I was at just two days ago I was at Jim Baker's how many do you guys know Jim Baker's man what a repentant man who I just asked to be there and like a prophetic summit kind of thing I got to meet Rick Joyner which was fun I said hi Rick and I said I know I know I'm from heaven I don't know them from Earth and he said I know so I'm there and I mean this is Jim Baker's place right place looks like a palace you know and I'm like and I warned them I said listen bring trash tents because sometimes people throw up when I ministered I do deliverance and they look at me like what I make and I come and they say ah no we just want to let you know we have trashed and ready for you and we have pictures and I said that's great that's good so we're in the middle of I'm in the middle of ministering right I preach and then I'm just like somebody take the mic I just want to throw fire you know so I'm in the middle of the crowd and and the cameras are zoom you know camera zoom I don't care oh you know I don't care so cameras are going and I see this girl and I say I look at her and I see just witchcraft all over her and I just know nothing lookee cousin you think I'm like weren't you out she's like don't look at me so I look at her I look at her and I just said listen your witchcraft all over you that was the faith to step out right I know this person I say you've got witchcraft all over you and I said did you ever go to witch doctor when you were a child cuz in where their curses like set over you with their blood shed anything like that and she said yes I was born in this such-and-such a country now I'm keeping her identity you know cover but she said I was born in this country and they took me to witch doctor when I was a child I have a memory of them dancing around me and throwing blood and all this stuff some you know it just got weird in here okay but then I said okay I know what to do with that let's break this off in Jesus name okay but see it took it took risk I got nothing to lose because it is all Jesus why do I gotta lose okay my pride okay well that's that's clearly gone out the window okay but here's the thing you and then as you step he just flows out of you and surprises you and the more you do it the more you accumulate faith is faith grows faith grows and says store up your treasures in heaven while I believe faith is a treasure of heaven and so the more you do you step out and faith yes I your treasures and then when you need it you can pull on it I got faith for that I've seen what you can do but now you're gonna do it again bigger I got the face for that okay all right now this is a good one we're almost done and then I'm gonna move sir I promise hang in there with me mmm decluttering they think I don't know what does she mean that up okay how many of us have too much stuff be honest in Missouri right now we just I got back from a trip I was like in Florida this was warm and then I got back and it dropped like thirty degrees overnight so then I realized I need all my winter stuff out got all my winter stuff out and I'm like I got way too much summer clothes so I pull out of my summer clothes out and I'm sitting there you know trying to declutter my stuff and God says get rid of stuff on it you know and I'm like wow and then he says you know what you're doing right now and the natural is a representation in the spirit of what so many of the body of Christ need to do and so here's the thing some of us need to do this with our mind we're so busy we got a lot of clutter up there and oh with me to Revelation let's just go there revelation how you picked the chapter I'm just kidding here your prophetic revelation 4 it says after these things I looked and behold a door standing open in heaven and the first voice which I had heard like the sound of a trumpet speaking with me he said come up here and I'll show you what must take place after these things so so many times I hear that phrase come up here right I'm not good thing or someone who rock out but it starts with an invitation come up here and then we're like okay but I got things to do and you're like but God what about that revelation I need is it just me maybe it's cuz I'm a preacher but it's like but what about this is that I've got going on I gotta prepare for that sermon I gotta prepare for and he says stop God I mean I had this just I'm just speaking this is all I hope you guys are receiving and loving this cuz this is just really tips I've learned over the years to be here but even this past like three weeks I can't even tell you the amount of deadlines I had on me I can't even tell you book things tell these shows even more than you know that I'm producing whatever I've got all these things along with homeschooling my kids and Jesus from the midst of it all I'm going I got all this stuff to do any sense here it requires you know I was like okay I bet I'll be obedient set down my agenda and get still before the Lord so this thing when we declutter our mind I'm not speaking about light like there's are things of the New Age where they say like I'm deer mind there whatever and transcendence who knows where okay that's not what I'm saying but what I am saying is there's a part where we can get still and really do time with God but not with an agenda like like how many have you guys ever heard of shoulder time does anyone know what I'm talking about if you're married no you're like what is she talking about okay like you can know your spouse like I can know my husband Sam from my head know him know him know him and spend time you know or I can do things with him if they call it shoulder time like we work on something together and that's and then that brings intimacy I just want to speak to that there's a part of this thing with the Lord where we we connect at that level we get still with him and then guess what happens we do communion with them and then we take kids to do things with him so we're no longer just looking up and begging for a touch of God but we're saying God let's put our hands and something together and let's co-create let's go create because we're at that level right now holy okay you have been so patient hanging out with me the last thing I just have to get it out connecting to God as a seer with your heart not just like what I was inferring to not just your had I had this encounter this experience one day I was driving the car now my daughter she's like a seer in training she's a seer she is she really is um but she's having revelation she doesn't really quite understand she's fixed so just to give you an idea but she we're dry I'm driving the car and we're listening to this worship song and the presence just starts to fill the car and she says to me she says mama and she said is there any time here she said I just feel hate and warmth and I feel the presence and I said I don't know let me see then I look at I'm driving and I look in the mirror and sure enough there's an angel sitting between my son in her and she says and I think yes I mean there's an angel in the car he's sitting between you and Ellis my son and she says why can't I see him why can't I which is the question sometimes in all of our heart right god I know you're here I feel you here why can't I see you I can't see it she says why can't I see him and I said honey I want you to do me a favor don't try and just see him this is it okay it's for a child but just take it okay so I said don't don't focus on you know trying to him I want you close your eyes get really still with God worship Him let's just worship Him so she's got really still she closed her little eyes and then my son was there but he's three so precious when you look back there and you see it and soon she's got her arms race and she's singing now as she thinks she sings sounds like kind of a catfight but that's okay jesus loves her but she she's singing and she's worshiping and then I say okay now now why do you see I've got to give you a picture now why do you see I'll never forget then she goes and she goes on to describe the angel to me to a tee in detail an angel looks at me winks but sometimes we gotta get so out of our head and connect to the Father through our heart and we're so in our thoughts in our head that sometimes it gets in the way and it's like okay connect your heart to God so how do you connect your heart just practical things how do you connect it's not Jesus show me something it's Jesus and you keep going and then he shows you something and then he opens your eyes and he shows you something and you take it and you say Jesus I love you right back holy okay stand to your feet has this been helpful have you enjoyed this I would like to minister some stuff to you tonight let's go there so there are some things that god I think wants to do tonight just to start this off and but here's the thing I want you to try and encounter God ignore me ignore maybe what's happening in the room but you're here to meet with your Papa daddy shoe and I know that some of you here you might be already seeing and I know that God wants to open it more for you but what I felt like the Lord showed me as well is that there's some of you who have some major blockages with this and you're like God I've tried I'm doing I'm doing the stuff but I I'm still really blocked tell me if you can relate to that let's just be honest for a family okay okay so I felt like God said he wanted to remove some blockages can is there somebody can like anyone she's in the restaurant whenever she comes out awesome all right we're so professional here inside that that over the mic oh boy God's working with me I'm being you know I'm gonna pray right now and then I felt like there's a few things and there's also some healings that need to take place as well so we're just gonna flow with the Holy Spirit a little bit so father thank you Jesus that right now your word says that we are seated in heavenly places and God we know that we are your sons and your daughters and that you hold nothing back from your sons and your daughters that you love and you love us God and we love you Jesus and father this whole see renewing Lord we want it not for ourselves but God for you we want to get closer to you we want to be intimate with you god I pray right now in Jesus name that there are blockages in this room that must be removed and I thank you Holy Spirit that you're ministering right now even throughout this room right now lord I pray the first thing I get is this word when I spoke about trauma earlier I felt that that is somebody in here that trauma is probably you've got that going on now trauma on a sidenote can hit anybody you can walk down the street fall like trip and you don't have trauma or you can be in a big trauma car accident childhood view something like that or you can have someone say something mean to you in the grocery store and that can cause you to have trauma but traumas in the house and we got a deal with it so that's you and you could feel it stir you'll know cuz you'll feel it's turn on the inside you'll want you to come on up forward here don't and I break off shame off of you and Jesus name because there's no shame in the kingdom of God and we're seated in heavenly places right so God wants you know why he's bringing this up cuz he says he wants to break this off so that you can be free for whom the Sun sets free is free indeed Shabba today today today today thank you Jesus they spray with me for a second in tongues if you win family let's pray in tongues should've ever ba-ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba lake today shoot about us of a better day [Music] da-da-da-da-da-da-da originally they they they they show that in a day today holy holy holy holy now so I just get this word really quick there's somebody in here as well when I said heart earlier here's the thing I see the picture of a heart but this isn't a visit like it's not like you have a physical heart problem but it's like a wounding with your daughter so this is like somebody I feel like it's a mother-daughter kind of there's like a broken relationship and so what I see is the heart is being it's hurt if that's you I want to just wave your hand at me so I know that's you that's a book it was like twenty of you okay that's obviously highlighting some things he wants to bring healing tonight and as he brings healing guess what he's really thinks that you can step in and see in Jesus name oh there's a lie that we need to break agreement it with I just hear this seeing me is not for me and I can't so in Jesus name if that's you just forgiving in Jesus name I break my agreement with the lie that this seer thing is not really for me and then I can't cuz that's a lie from the enemy and father we just believe your truth today shorter today today now god I just asked you to move in this room father I thank you God that you're a breaking chains breaking chains breaking chains that the enemy has held people back holy holy holy father shoo I just pray for a trauma to go in Jesus oh I pray for freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom in the house thank you Jesus that you're breaking things open shop at a cut a potato base show come with your fire Lord come with your fire Jesus holy holy holy holy holy o-tama go holy holy now if you're not up here that just means that God has and some of your gonna get this too but true I just feel like there's those of you I don't want you to suspect 8 but I want you to step in to your own throne room encounter so as you're sitting there oh just worship Jesus holy holy holy just worship Jesus try and see if you can lay your head on his chest and enter into your own encounter with him in his heart he's gonna actually speak his heart over some of you here tonight you can ask him you say Jesus how do you see me and then wait and watch how you respond he's gonna speak his heart over some of you here tonight because he's that good he's that intimate dude he's that intimate Lord I pray for the importation of faith in this room a break of fear in Jesus name I command actual like I see this stronghold of fear so father I rebuke the stronghold of fear God and I pray the importation of faith to be released right now throughout this room right now just catch it like it's really here just touch it right now God is releasing faith throughout this room in Jesus name thank you lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh thank you Jesus oh he's so ministering in the room right now can we say hallelujah more okay who has the injured knee in the room there's some kneecaps come here to me please she's on the floor I'll get to you I'll come to you the others of you can you come up here for a second need people I just saw some kneecaps fall so I'm I just you know sometimes I see the specifics I'm not always that good but sometimes I get alright where's the knees you you you I knew you okay good okay think and I'll come I'm coming to you I see okay thank you lord hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] holy holy are we having fun yet it's hiku can we say hallelujah thank you Jesus shooter buh-buh-buh-buh-buh now listen he's releasing some supernatural joy I just saw it so we need some joy in the house I got news for you I got it the water just pray it be released right now in Jesus name father I thank you that you're releasing joy the joy of the Lord is your strength come on who believe that with me we need to do it like a worship this what Saul gave in worship for a second thank you Jesus hallelujah [Music] all right we're gonna worship I'm gonna straighten some backs in the room because I see some spines any a little bit alignments minefields it's all ooh okay thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] testing one two fantastic go ahead and sit down for just a moment hey man ya just couldn't sit down for just a moment how many of you enjoyed the word of the law tonight that's uh let's get on a big hand clap praise the Lord I was sitting up here and I could not see what pass there are Brierly mention how many of you this is your first time coming I'd like to see if it's okay how many of you is this you the first time come and raise your hands let's give all these folks a big hand [Applause] well you know we won't be able to get to everybody in a single evening but let me just say this the lord please us being willing even when you come tomorrow at 10 o'clock we'll be ministering to people even though we're doing a panel discussion and teaching and talking in and i want to own introduce somebody to you Ruben this is Reuben from Oklahoma and probably about four years ago he would have an angel come and say you've been summoned and then he would get caught up to heaven and would meet Jesus and Gabriel and other people in heaven and so I think worse words in the end there you are so I think I was preaching in Hannibal and I think she sent me some of your the stuff that was recorded and then so I talked to pastor and we wanted him to be part of the panel discussion and you're gonna why don't why don't you just take a minute you know and just share something that that that that you experienced in heaven yeah yeah he contacted me two weeks ago three weeks ago two and a half okay so twenty half weeks ago and I just can't remember the details but I knew that God is doing something and you know just I want to take time to explain but anyway he's been I've been reading his messages that he went to heaven and you know the summon messages and the people he met in heaven you know though some of those messages are literally bringing me to my knees and breaking me to pieces I'm beginning to meditate on something simple is like a Jesus said who do you say that I am rather than food did they say and I'm like I get all - all Jesus please help me you know so anyway so I've been reading his summon messages and all the saints and and the north of Saint Eva died and went to heaven you know he some of these people he didn't know like I kept in common Corrie ten Boom and lots of these people pop Jones and he didn't know any of these people and besides meeting Deborah and Danielle and let me just anyway I just want you to know that was the big surprise and he brought my surprise so sorry well you ruined it no I'm just kidding but that's a good but I met him before yes and I'm thankful matter of fact no no you you want to tell the story about how we met no it sure I want you to tell I just saw you in this and I saw you I was here yeah and you were walking yeah then you stopped right there yeah winters Robin stop you stop I didn't know him he stopped out there he looked at me it was a connection spirit to spirit no this was how many weeks ago we can have a bill we could have yeah I think was yes yeah that was before you yeah and then and then this is what's crazy so I says I said it's the past I said we need to have her on the panel she goes yeah because we shouldn't have him under bed she already had it right right so we gave you a teaser but if you want to hear about what happened some of the things that you know the his encounters look I said I said you have to come in the morning so but I want you to give them at least one well that's a hundred and seventy times in going to heaven I cannot be able to share that in just pick one one Wow I know see that's the thing see yes it's really a thing I know so I guess you could ask the Lord which one you share well okay come on sister she was speaking yes everyone she was speaking that's what came to my spirit Wow you should see what I see Oh less among women I'll share this because how I saw myself you my sister you here and I shared that with you a couple of days ago we say the name Jesus we need to try to say it the proper way a sure Ashu that's his name Wow because when you say a sure into the world it workers into the west east south north into the heavens a shoe Wow there's just so much even Bob don't remind me to say and to let you know and let the clock know have you learned how to oh okay oh I'm abused or not acquainted with the name Bob John Grisham's you're not acquainted with them okay um short version super short version Bob Johnson's a prophet and went to be with the Lord a number of years ago he was started out among our monthly what was called at that point in time way back in ages the Kansas City prophets and they went to East Coast and they're very gifted seer and had lots of heavenly encounters some sometimes you have to explain Sears so let me just give this quick explanation remember Jesus is on the Mount of Transfiguration and while he's there you have it Matthew Mark and Luke Elijah and Moses come and actually begin to talk to Jesus about his upcoming death in Jerusalem where they're not dead God's the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and they are alive to God okay so we're not talking about necromancy trying to communicate with the dead right we're talking about the glory cloud the father's there Jesus there Peter James and John are there okay number two so John is in the book of Revelation that he's in heaven and he sees all these people praising God and one of the 24 elders not an angel while the 24 elder says who are these he said sir you know and the end and the outer says these are they that came out of Great Tribulation wash their robes white in the blood of the Lamb another time John's up there and he sees a book and nobody can open it and he's crying and one of the elder says stop crying for the Lion of the tribe of Judah as prevailed to open the book and the Bible talks about how the family have had in an urn okay Bob talks about men in white linen so if a person's in heaven you can communicate with family members that God brings you and them together I mean these were people you didn't even know and I mean I think one of us funny I think you met Isaiah right and and Isaiah said you don't know who I am cuz you you're not real fond to the Old Testament and so there God gives something to Isaiah to share with you right and then a number like Corrie ten Boom I mean fruit fuchsia pick at Bob Jones John Paul Jackson and Kim Clemente and all these people right now some people will be surprised to find out that before Einstein died he gave his heart to Yeshua and you met Einstein there yes did you ever wonder what ever happened to him look at somebody say he gave his heart to Yeshua before he died and he ended up in heaven and so he was meeting at this was funny and they were giving you Bible reading assignments yes no they would yes I mean several assignments read this chapter this book because I don't read Old Testament it's too hard I didn't know Daniel was and they were there comment with I'm an Old Testament and the name is 10 so it so ok because everybody said God just knows how to help you okay and so uh I wanted him to come and and thank you faster for opening up the door yes and she had the same heart that I had you know what I mean and so we wanted to introduce his ministry and the word of the Lord that God gives him when he gets summoned he actually literally gets summoned it's not something he does on his own he gets someone and so so you'll be hearing from him so we wanted to introduce okay yes let me come up here I won't take the low as I was sitting there I saw the presence on this wonderful woman because there's a great profit in heaven that he always remind me and reminds me to tell the people he got one request will you pray for my daughter Hannah and the way sister I don't know you are but the way moving the presence and the spirit and I just felt like dads are like King David just like down didn't matter is the anointing these wonderful people are blessed more than you could ever imagine but what I wanted to share with you is that you had the same anointing that had the sea Hannah left the ministry and that's why Khimki met with pray and ask that she would come back but the same anointing flows in this your hands the Holy Spirit just takes over hope I just moved on you my brother [Music] there's more there's more there's no but we'll leave for another time another time give the Lord a hand flower so I was like a first thing to share but I wanted to make sure apostle Tanya to enter the sim I didn't want to do that you know so anyway but I want to just share this much I have never talked to him prior to first time he called he says I saw you sister remember that prophetic message you give it to me I saw your sister I saw you stepping into the atmosphere or the realm how did you say it I have a paper Hemisphere in the revival I saw you walking stepping in to the hemisphere ever be bye-bye so your sister yeah so anyway says there's a whole page he has a written out if that was the first time when he called me he just began to show me what the Lord showed him and I saw anyway but I was like when I found I'm like he's gonna be coming and then I've been reading he's you know summon messages and I'm like yeah but I thought wow you know we're just gonna because if we talked about it today where are we gonna do tomorrow so I said we got you so but I I didn't want to say anything and I wanted you the inter this um but yeah yeah we did it so anyway not you know what's in store I mean it is gonna be so awesome Empire but that's why I said we may all go to heaven or if we made just oh and by the way a lean couple of you for real quick come on come on come on come on okay so we're not gonna take too much but you know when you just got there when you were just ministering to her do you know she just went to heaven she just you knew that she just went to heaven she can't really stay okay you take off your shoes anyway so I just maybe she might just share with me later but anyway so heaven continue to just minister to our amen so what I'm gonna do is I just I know you all like it look like you don't want to go home what we're gonna do are we gonna park here tonight I mean it's no problem there's no restaurants that there's no gas stations [Music] [Laughter] this place will be drawn before and then when I see you I know when I came to this way I could feel an angel behind me and I could barely stand but I couldn't yes behind me but I could barely stand so I went on my knees and God says stand up be strong and courageous stand up and I decided to bring my friend so that she can be prayed over and before I couldn't bring her forth and I just saw me and she saw the angel behind me and she said he's an angel behind and I said yes she said do you know what angel it is and I just could not because I thought oh man that ain't you just blew behind me and I just cannot express and she said that's the angel of hope for your family I have been worried about my family I wrote a book about the goodness of God in my life and I got death threats upon it from my family and God said to me it was hard but he took me through it because my heart is for their salvation and as I was on the flow and as I heard I said this the breakthrough is now the worry stops now I could feel leaving my family those who treated me for death the way with him and he said I got them I could I'm not afraid anymore I know that the story would not only heal them but it will heal many other people and I'm ready because after that I couldn't feel my legs Terry came I told her I can't feel my legs and she laid hands I don't know where a heads on and I literally can't came out of my body and I saw my legs being change it was as if God could heal Maxine me and I can barely walk because I have no legs [Applause] by the way I want to tell you we have I don't know how many groups the groups from Chicago we've been there ministry a couple times they have a 33 Nations in their group okay so when they come and one I don't it's not just from their group June remember we have 17 different nations presented here so anyway literally nah I hope I'm not if I'm making if I'm exaggerating please let me know okay literally almost everyone from Chicago group had a supernatural encounter when they come here when they come here supernatural encounters when they come here so I want you to get you I mean you know hope the hopes up expectation get ready to encounter press in it because you know what if you're hungry enough you're gonna get his attention let's all go to heaven together a man and Ruben is there a man so I'm just so excited throughout yeah you want to go home no what do you want Ruben you got one more story the tale you don't want to do it okay you do it you are okay thank you we got lots of more stories for people's encounters just so many more stories but well sure adds this whole weekend um for words you know one at a time amen so amen so you know what I'm gonna do is that honor please would you release us and just speak blessing and we would have a dreams and visions nobody gets to sleep but they'd be refreshed thank you Jesus father I just pray your blessing over myself and over everyone here god I just thank you guys that we're gonna walk and ease into the supernatural with your father God I pray for ya just the release of a dream and are all of our eyes to be open to see lord I just pray that you would make a sensitive to your Holy Spirit holy so wonderful and I just hear this from the Lord so I just want to bless you with this you're free like you're really really free and you're really safe you can trust him okay so father I thank you that you're a good daddy we can trust you Jesus we love you God sure bless our time tomorrow it's just gonna ingry thank you lord oh you guys are beautiful sorry the mom and me just want to remind you that there's books and tapes back there if you want to get some good material one thing about a positive twenties we'll talk about my lifetime and first book I read face to face with a guy when you read it it's a very simple unsure elastance if we think if we want something soup you know we want to experience supernatural we think it's gotta be something like supernatural right he talks about the basic the practical things it takes for you to encounter supernatural if you don't do the basically foundation but that is so powerful another because I read it like oh my godness and it really his book impacted me because like we take for granted the simple things we think oh it's no big deal but those things what prepares you for the supernatural so he brought a book from his journey the experience yeah face to face part one what face to face with God part one face to face with God part two and it isn't just encounters teaching and it's the two things together so you know I guess they brought it I don't know okay they're back there some other stuff what I am saying is if you are pressing him for Supernatural I'm telling you he knows so he brought his journey you know from his journey but it really takes a man so I just wanted to say Amen bless you bless you have a good night and sleep well I want you to come in tomorrow morning with looking gorgeous like an angel okay and then you may like a Michael or Gabriel some good night bless you we see in the running bye-bye
Channel: River of Destiny Church
Views: 4,749
Rating: 4.8723402 out of 5
Id: nbbuB7BC4kU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 37sec (13717 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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