Kevin Nealon Brings Conan To Tears | Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend

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This is all I need this show to be. Conan riffing with funny people

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 104 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Tuf_Line ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 29 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I laughed hard. It reminds me of two friends just busting each other for laughs. Irreverent and genuinely silly.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 46 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/goat40 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 29 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

"I'm not gonna say mediocrity because you think I'm gonna say it" ๐Ÿ˜‚

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 92 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/getyourcheftogether ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 29 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Imagine Norm on this show.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 31 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/iamjacksoffside ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 29 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

"Take a break, we'll be right back." Had me rolling

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 29 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/safely_beyond_redemp ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 29 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I was in tears by the end of it.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 22 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SXOSXO ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 29 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I cried laughing so many times throughout. Definitely my favorite ep yet

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 45 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/grossmicah ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 29 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Kevin on Normโ€™s show was one of the best as well.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 21 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MichiganRich ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 29 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This episode was great (I wish they had the full episodes on YouTube).

The one with Jack McBrayer a few weeks ago was also hilarious with the constant hillbilly jokes (the donkey one made me laugh so hard I cried).

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Empirion ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 29 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
I'm going to do something here that I've never done before um Eduardo I want you to step in because you're a neutral Observer here and I want you to do um I know there's more to come with this gentleman Kevin Neal and look at the page yeah Kevin Nealon um I want you to do give us like the forensics on what's happened here so far like an autopsy seriously give us Sonia okay no no I just I want because sona's gonna like she's like says you know I think it's all Conan's fault do me a favor and tell me what you think has happened here so far today A beautiful train wreck this is a mess Eduardo this is beautiful wait a minute this is not the Eduardo I know Eduardo right am I right about this I mean it's like when you're going down the freeway and the accident happened on the other side of the freeway and you just can't take your eyes off you know you shouldn't be looking but you just can't take your eyes off see well you know this is which one of us can't you take your eyes off of I mean between your straw bits yeah because strawberries are getting me every single time I'm gonna just blame you both of you are I have children don't be so defensive yeah wait a minute Connie you're defensive I have tried several times to bring us back to a a no you haven't no not at all I didn't say I tried hard okay you're the mom with twins I'm totally concerned about my cholesterol sauna it's his show he should be in control you're right this is a this is an absolute Jackson Pollock there's paint splattered everywhere but someone's going to offer to pay 35 million dollars for this let's go back and try it again and be serious okay how are you Kevin how you doing I'm fine thank you yeah you know what if you want me to ask you that question don't you which question the one how are you no because you asked me that I know you want to hear it why did you do that right away immediately you did that how are you you did that no I haven't I did not do it you're um nothing I've done to see if there's anything here that I can ask you but it's all a waste of time because there's no point with him the funniest part of my day today is when Maddie handed me notes for Kevin Nealon and I thought notes for Kevin Nealon that's like oh here's uh here's some sample questions that you could ask Charles Manson and he'd be like too many down I'll catch you man with the Sasquatch on the half shell yeah so anyway you were born in Minnesota keep it I'm coming action lifestyle so that's what I'm dealing with I'm dealing with a total you are a random ionized uh molecule zipping around I don't know what to do let me give you two days October 25 October 27th October 25 would be the release of the book yeah what's the book called It's called I exaggerate my brushes with Fame yeah hardcover available everywhere yes you could pre-order it now as a matter of fact well I wouldn't and there's also signed editions go ahead I've got a free one okay when is the hiking show premiere October 27 2022 you get to see um amateur drone shots uh Conan O'Brien and Kevin Nealon taken from I think 35 000 feet so if you can spot us God bless you and if you stick around the the drone crashes because it's operated by the star of the show which is absurd I don't know why you don't have someone helping you why don't you have someone helping you I I say the same thing about you why don't you have some help ask for help you need help I'm surrounded by help no no what do you mean like Eduardo said he considers you a a wreck a car wreck no no he was talking about you right Eduardo not quite what I meant what do you want from these conversations okay that's more like I want to hear from you I want to get down to it okay and finally you've cracked the shell a little bit okay what do you want from our friendship because we are friends I do care about you I want more time with you it's like every time I call you to go for a hike or a walk no you call me at the last minute well but you you have to admit you do contact me as you're walking past my house why not even give me a half hour's head notice or the night before I'm spontaneous that's how life is you live in the moment if you're living in the moment you can't plan ahead how do you make restaurant reservations I have somebody else do it for me they don't live in the moment so you can only live in the moment what if you had your lovely wife uh make the plan and then you could I could be standing out front ready to go on the walk but there's the problem we both live in the moment that's why we're right for each other if you lived in the moment you would be available and sometimes you tell me you're not home and I walk by I see your truck out there that hayseed truck that you drive I drive it well you know that I clean pools on the side I've got a lot of things going on I've got a lot of businesses going what was the first job you ever had I remember as a male model when I was 16. is that true yeah it was very good looking when I was young very good looking what happened seriously what happened uh I think my first job was uh I was a camp counselor and I was like oh that's something I think that's a good job I didn't love it I didn't love it a lot of standing in the sun which isn't good for me it smelled like someone was cooking bacon uh and uh looking after these kids uh who seemed ungrateful what was the last surgery you've ever had [Music] seriously uh I think I'm on my appendicitis my appendix was removed probably 1975. something like that I was seven when I had mine removed I lived in Germany at the time you said Germany yeah JFK removed it stay still and oh yeah I will uh remove this appendix when I uh returned to the car uh Caroline was gone okay I don't know what you're talking about I don't remember that album the first uh family yep yeah that's what they said on there I'll go down to the end of the dock we'll meet you for water skis so I was in a German Hospital you're thinking of Von meter is that correct the famous one yeah okay so I was seven and uh unusable side pain if anyone's interested and they took me to a German hospital and back then they didn't have anesthesia they gave you ether they put a mask on yeah and they breathe in The Ether and I could still remember the smell of that how horrible it was yeah and I woke up a couple hours later and I was in bed and they had newspapers under me because I was still kind of like oozing fluid and blood do you guys have ordering lunch or anything no I don't no we're not getting you lunch for that story so you had your uh appendix removed and they gave you ether powerful ether you know a side effect of ether is a long-term inability to complete a thought did you know that I had no idea yeah but I will tell you this um I went for a physical about a month ago who cares about the time schedule you know every comic goes you know the other day or yesterday I did on Tuesday last year nobody cares about the date so getting back to what I was going to say before you interrupted me um I went to get a physical and you know when you go to physical you sit in the doctor's office and he goes to the computer about all the uh ailments you've had over the years and surgeries I'm telling you I sat there for like a half hour he's going okay you had uh torn bicep muscles hernia appendicitis you had your hip replaced you had a benign tumor in your neck and after a while I'm going okay that's enough all right can we just stop right there you've had a lot to be honest to be honest you've had a lot of stuff a lot of Health scares happened to you not not I got one or two Health scares uh because I was a mountain climber rock climber solo free solo and um and then he goes okay well let's just check the medications you're taking okay same thing like a long list and I'm thinking how am I still alive yeah take a break we'll be right back no no we're not taking a break you've had a lot of Health scares you have mostly from you that's not true that's not true I'm gonna keep you on track you've you've brushed up with mortality many times I have and there is thicker no that you just get sick a lot you didn't take any risks and you're not a mountain climber you just your body's falling apart all the time and then they Stitch you back together I thought he was serious no he's not a mountain climber nothing he says Eduardo did you know that he was lying I thought he was about no you're not a mountain climber why do you expose me like this why are you exposing the embarrassment people are listening to this and I think of myself as a journalist uh someone who's here to get the truth does anybody else think of you as a journalist not yet but in time uh when I go to journalism School you um again you don't need to refer to them I'm gonna tear up these notes because it's ridiculous save those for John lovers you know jealous okay acting to keep up with lovetts not really he did call me a couple months ago because we haven't talked to him Yang they're calling you to say hi that's good oh that's that was Schneider that was Rob Schneider yeah I don't do Impressions really so Lovett's called you as Schneider no yeah okay sorry to be say something it wasn't quite true um who do you hope calls you uh who are you like disappointed that doesn't call you not to ask for a hike as I walk around your house but just to say hi how you doing I do a lot lately I'll call people out of the blue and say hey man I'm just thinking about you that's nice yeah I do that sometimes when uh I do I do when I'm driving actually when I'm driving in La is a really nice time to just say you know what I haven't talked to this person for a while and uh and say stop sipping a drink every time I'm real it's got a male straw it's a sabotage don't you guys have any real straws every time I try to be real he does a big exaggerated slurpose coffee yeah we see you've been doing nothing much it's a mental straw why don't you have something like that's not metal here because we're trying to save the environment well what about the metal the metal can always be melted down later on it needs to make a bullet so don't worry about it what happens when they melt the metal it goes into the air the toxicity I don't know what you're talking about and you know what frankly you don't know what you're doing when was the last time you wore a tux I won't do it anymore at some point one time think of yourself as the referee you can step in at some point and you can say enough okay we're almost there I mean because this is you're you're not just damaging is that is it watching me is Eduardo also your driver no what are you talking about what I mean how could you have people on the show there's nothing to do what do you what do you mean Eduardo set up this studio this beautiful Studio he is a sound technician engineer he did a beautiful job constructing this place that works beautifully so that we could it's not a big deal so that we could conduct uh we could conduct cohesive coherent interviews let's try one right now let's try we've tried I've tried you haven't tried I've been trying since I got here we should put you guys on the clock see if you could do like three minutes straight yeah and seriously Kevin will you try I'm not I'll have to try I will do okay let's try it you're gonna set a clock you never you've known a lot of funny people Kevin uh tell me who were some of you who do you think was the all-time funniest I mean I know that uh you have a very close to Gary shanling when you got to meet Carson uh and uh Steve Martin who's your all-time one person at the very top first of all thank you for your question foreign it's funny you should ask that because I was just thinking about a joke that Stanley Myron Handelman did I used to follow this comic Stanley Myron Handelman and uh I you know so many Comics growing up I mean comedians growing up I would like they would become my favorites for like a week but you know everyone from uh today man I love this guy Todd King is that his name Don King I'll fight promoter please uh there's somebody are you okay yeah I'm thinking about these funny comics because they really influenced me Albert Brooks Steve Burton sure is it bartner Martin it's Martin Steve Martin you're friends with him Steve Barton Alan King who's the king this guy Alan King makes me laugh a lot laughing right now about him no you're not you're having a nervous breakdown and you're saying you're laughing about no no no go don't go there okay you just went there you went there you attacked me you you attacked me I asked you a very soon I'm not kidding ladies and gentlemen because you're crying I couldn't do it for three little minutes you attacked me you actually had me at that was a great question that's when I lost it you you you you can't do it I did it I tried what you did it you're a mess you attacked me you came at me you came at me hard this is unusable energy let's pick up where we left off how much time how much time all right let's finish the 90 seconds crying he has tears around himself that's not tears I'm allergic to you now listen let's get back to it how many people how many comments do you need me to name I don't know I just was curious if I told her that she stood out yeah I'm gonna say for you it was Steve Martin any uh Kaufman and Steve Martin yeah these are your favorites and you don't even know who they are he's attacking me again he's attacking me what's your favorite we try to I like Bill stepman what is that his name I don't know Eduardo who couldn't do it one to one me you just can't contain himself he's trying to say this you're one of my favorites of all time well thank you very much I don't mean that I absolutely mean that because you have such an agile mind I'm being serious I I I you have such an agile mind your soul your rhythm is so unpredictable and hilarious uh that I I think you're one of the all-time greats I really do appreciate that um you do well too you do all right for yourself I love I love your style I mean you know I I I'm I'll be honest with you I'm surprised and I'm not attacking you you're surprised at what I'm not attacking back you're surprised at what I'm not gonna pounce it to you okay uh I'm just surprised and happy for you yeah go ahead you surprised about one that's far go ahead ask you maybe you you followed up me saying that I think you're one of the all-time Brothers we keep saying that you're surprised can I finish sure you have become something that is unbelievable seriously I don't know how you do it you become this legend of I won't say mediocrity because I knew you think I would say that exactly it's more than that not a lot more but it's and you know I love you right so much I don't I don't know now I'm starting to almost cry come on look at this I just I love you almost surprised you're surprised that I've made it this place don't attack me don't attack me please but you're making it you're cynical you're cynical in here you're full of hate thank you look let's let me just continue how much time in the world oh my God this will be the tiebreaker if you guys can end I can't believe that you are making I'm gonna end first I cannot believe it you have such a style you are so smart and you're so excited I have no surgeries you have little problems at all in life and you've really made a lot of yourself I think so and I love you I can't say that enough and I'm really you influenced Me growing up you asked me about a comic you it might influence you growing up when you are older than I why are you laughing me off like that what is he constantly so when you were a young boy in Germany I didn't say when I was a kid oh okay you influenced me when I walked in here today do you no the way you have everything together I thought cones really got us stuck together because why you took life seriously and you planned for the future and I'm sure you had big plans some of them maybe didn't work out I'm serious I'm trying to be serious okay okay and [Music] um why don't you tell me about yourself well I'd love to but we're out of time no I really yeah we're out of time because um you uh and I I'll take some responsibility but you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take 25 yeah I'm gonna take 25 25 out of 30 is not bad no not out of 30. I'm out of how many 100 100 I'll take a word of responsibility that you are a little bit of catnip to me I do react to Kevin that way I get a little giddy but uh you are a not just a Wild Mustang that can't be tamed you're a Mustang that's been drugged caffeinated and had a rocket shoved up its ass and then two out of those three are correct caffeinated I don't know about caffeinated but um I'm going to ask everyone who listened to this entire first of all I think there's got to be a prize for anyone that listened to the whole thing I don't know why would you say that because even on the outro you cannot be serious and I want to be quite serious I think there should be some kind of uh maybe even a cash prize for anyone who can prove why do you do that in the middle of a sentence and then uh and and if anyone sees a continuity here that I don't see or a thread that I don't see I'd love to hear about it that is your fault you are the captain of the ship why do you let things get out of control said the torpedo [Laughter] a torpedo yelling at the captain yeah but a torpedo makes changes you're a captain who doesn't make changes and that's the problem you're you're going off course okay you you apply please take some blame for this yeah I did I took 25 well out of 30 that's not bad
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 1,559,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: team coco podcasts, team coco podcast, podcast, conan obrien needs a friend, conan needs a friend, conan oโ€™brien needs a friend, needs a friend, conan oโ€™brien podcast, conan oโ€™brien needs a friend podcast, celebrity interview, comedy podcast, conan podcast, matt gourley, sona movsesian, kevin nealon
Id: 9myNYPA3Z5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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