Bill Hader Full Interview - CONAN on TBS

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his tauntaun from star wars was incredible I didn't expect it lol

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/delitt 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
my guest tonight my guest tonight was of course a cast member on starting out live and he won an emmy for his role in his brilliant hbo series barry please welcome one of my all-time favorite funny people bill hader [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow i have to say i'm going to start out by thanking you from the bottom of my heart because uh when we started imagining these last couple of shows you you put it off we knew that we were going to wind it down and then they started to ask me who i'd like to be there and uh i i said just very few names and one that was really important to me was bill you because you're one of uh thanks uh thank you i've known you for a bunch of year uh so for so many years and you're just uh make me laugh there's people that make me laugh and then you just make me laugh to the point where i'm uh like visibly uh unsettled and uh that's insane well that's crazy for me to hear you know my very first time ever on a talk show was your show uh and i okay so in 1993 let's all go back there do we have to yeah let's go back to 1993 and i we had off-campus lunch at my high school and i would go to my friend my friend jake thomas's house and we would eat macaroni and cheese and he would tape this new show late night conan o'brien and i would watch it with him and just we would just laugh until we were sick and it was the first thing in comedy that was mine it was the first thing that like my parents didn't understand [Laughter] mine still don't understand yeah yeah yeah but my parents didn't get it but i was so then when i was like you know i got to start out live and they said hey you know they're they you know you're gonna go do conan i was freaking out and it was my first i didn't sleep the night before i was like oh my gosh this is crazy and i went out and we did it and um you were horrible to me yeah you were just a a that's what i do with the young guys you know i just try and set the bar you know i just let them know contacts they went to a commercial and you were like oh big man oh barrel chested ball apparently i was looking at you for help and they're like man yeah yeah and then i fought you in the parking lot you did yeah yeah you're right yeah i was walking out to my car and you went not so fast i'm gonna fight you and i was like you're my hero [Laughter] [Applause] i did this with everyone you got to understand this is my initiation i know uh you know what's interesting is you are so much fun i've been in situations where i hang around with you and we're supposed to be working uh and crafting something or making something happen and we just goof around and i'm imagining now you're working with larry david on curb your enthusiasm and i know larry must delight in having you around just because you're so much fun yes so i did an episode of curb for next season and and uh and larry he loves he loves old-time impressions so he's like my full-on audience like my small demographic when i did vincent price on snl lauren michaels came up to me he went i love this but why now [Laughter] but larry is just and if you can make larry laugh he's like but he loved um yeah like george mccready and all these people and but he loved bert lancaster and i i used i this is probably an impression that a lot of young people don't know but burt lancaster one of the great film stars one of the great film stars and people have been doing impersonations in forever but i worked i was a pa on this movie and the wardrobe guy goes you know i used to work for bert lancaster and i brought him chowder one day i'm gonna give that a second burt lancaster getting his chowder getting his chowder and they brought him his chowder and it was in a paper bag and he said burt lancaster looked in the paper bag and he stared in there for a long time and then he looked up and he went oyster crackers you forgot the oyster cracker and i did that and larry went so i just walked around going oyster crackers you're a movie buff what what films are you watching these days uh i like to watch uh british crime movies where you can't understand what anybody's saying those are my favorite kind i was watching sexy beasts the other day i love that movie yeah sexy beast is great and but you watch those and it's all like all right we're going to go down spain we're going to go down to spain and i'm like all right they're going to go down to spain so then we've got to get a gal to do a job and i'm like hey all right they're going to get gala do a job he's like and then we're what and then they're in a restaurant i'm like oh they're gonna rob the restaurant they're like oh well the calamari i'm like oh they're eating at the restaurant oh okay oh they're on a plane okay they're gonna hijack the plane now this is what the story is about and it's like i like this plane and you're like oh they're enjoying their flight oh this is crazy you know so but i just sit and watch those for hours right and then auto commentary is terrible because it's like this is the scene where we like but forward you know you did it just a second ago so i have to ask you about it everybody who's worked at starting out live um pretty much everybody does lauren michael's impression we've all worked for him obviously a great man a huge influence on all of us but you do for my money one of the very best lauren michael's impressions and you do one specific just like looking at the oyster crackers as looking for oyster crackers you do one of lauren when you took a flight with lauren is that right yeah i flew with lauren to from new york uh to la after a show so we did that snl and we're like good night and then it was like we had a rush to get on up get on his his plane uh to uh uh la for the emmys and i was on the plane with seth meyers and fred armisen and i go i've never been on a on lauren's plane before this is really exciting they're like yeah yeah you know what you should sit in the back with him and i was like you really oh wow you know and uh so i sat down with lauren and and he talks like he tells you everything about silent live and it's the coolest thing but i was so exhausted and he talked the entire time and he'd be like and that man was chevy chase and then you wake up and you'd be like and dick ebersol said you know it's really your show [Laughter] you wake up and it's like and ray charles said they all owe me money you wake up and he's like that's how you grow blueberries in maid sun is coming up and i'm looking back and and there's fred and seth sleeping all peacefully and i'm like oh gosh this is going to be a quiz you know like now when did chevy leave bill [Laughter] how do you grow blueberries how do you grow the blueberries you mashed in with your feet that's why he can eject you from the planet uh seth rogan's coming on the show tomorrow i know you've worked with uh seth a lot they did it but they're masked you couldn't hear it uh yeah yeah do you uh do you have any impressions of seth you must have worked with him i mean i know you have in many films and um yeah seth i remember when we did super bad i i was like oh i like to wear glasses because i used to get uh we played cops in that movie and i was always uh um i was i we we get uh we call it not arrested but messed with by when i was growing up by this cop and you wore glasses and when a cop wears glasses you're just kind of like okay you just it's i don't know there's somebody copping glasses and i was like oh i'd like to wear glasses and then it becomes a thing where they bring out the glasses and they're showing me this whatever i tried on so many glasses and then i go what should i wear and seth they go well seth what do you think he's like i really don't give a he can literally wear like whatever he wants makes i mean zero difference i mean no one cares so yeah uh now a lot of uh movies with seth were with uh were judd apatow films yeah and so you know he's trying to coax a little judd apatow out of you i mean people know his movies and judd gets out there and he does stand up and stuff so people are getting to learn his rhythm yeah judd judd was always like uh yeah i was in a train wreck and and with him and he would just write judd's take is he always you you say something to me he goes oh that's funny now that's funny that's very funny he sounds like he's had a cold since he was two years old and he's always like oh that's funny that's funny i like that that's good yeah that's good and then he'll say like you know his answer to everything he's like you know what the interesting thing is you just want to see how up you are you know and amy schumer were like right yeah just like how just totally little air coming out of his mouth a little air coming out yeah his death rattle will be like lost the death was exactly a you do an impression that no one does uh and he's been with us for so long and he's such an icon but no one does him because he's very specific alan alda oh yeah i did alan alda i did more impressions here than my snl audition yeah what is happening so far you're doing pretty well by the way when we when we go to dinner this is what it's like you know i'm just like [Applause] [Music] [Applause] lauren talking about serial killers you know the thing about john wenger's scene the thing about john wayne gaze always said thank you [Applause] [Laughter] did uh auditioning colin jose wrote a sketch where i was allen alda auditioning for biff and back to the future and i was like uh hey uh hey why don't you make like a tree and get out of here well i got i gotta tell you this is a great this is just great i love this it's a great movie such a great impression no one does that by the way yeah peter sarah finnowitz does a pretty good one but yeah yeah that's i met him once and he was like hey you could do my adr and i was like no now you did something for us uh once and it was so great you don't have to do it i just loved it it was one of my favorite things you did which was a impression of a dying taunton and uh again it's not required yeah and i get it you had me do it you've had me do that more than once but you know once people know that you people know what ton tons were in star wars george lucas is at home like [Laughter] more from me ah they know it all of them there you see that they all knew it you know bert lancaster they didn't know honey take the cigar out of your mouth [Laughter] sorry but at taunton tomton kind of goes like this and then it goes and it dies uh bring your a is on hbo you know i have to before you go uh i i'm just curious about one thing which is we both have in common working at sign out live i worked there long before you uh but i am i just love and people always push me for this but people always ask me what was the sketch that went terribly wrong when you were there oh was there ever a sketch at snl that went so terrible yes there is people don't get they don't get to see these so i was uh one of the first movies i worked on was when we called purple violets and was directed by ed burns and he was a very nice guy but i was listening to him talk all day and i would go back to the office and i would try to do i would do ed burns you know and i would watch his movies so it'd be like you know his movies are all kind of like yeah you know the girl i like you know instead of a cop she wants to be a firefighter and uh and so we had written this sketch it's when paul rudd had hosted right and it was a sketch where i was uh it was called ed burns grill boys and it was this grilling now they didn't okay so and and we were like [Music] and when i and then i we went out there to do a dress and i did the voice but paul for some reason would not do the voice and i don't understand why paul decided not to do it how dare you how dare you why didn't you do that i could do the voice i did the voice well what happened what you know you you disagree that this girl's memory is very hazy yeah now i might not be a trained monkey boy like your man over here with the voices but if i remember correctly i did do the voice the reason the sketch didn't work is that it was terrible we were standing around both of us as ed burns just talking about our pop and grilling meat [Laughter] and it was hilarious we thought it was funny but it was it was a it was a construct it was an idea that just did not fly didn't work in fact this is true lorne said in the in his history with the show it was the worst received sketch that's fantastic of all time yeah we did an address and it didn't get one not one lap not one thankfully thankfully they actually do film the dress rehearsals they do if you would like to no no no no no no no no are you serious yes ah and you will see what i'm talking about play the sketch [Applause] wow oh yes god oh my gosh [Laughter] so you can see why it bombed i didn't think whoever dies first you have to do that in the other ones yeah you know what i can't believe how many years has it been it's been like 25 years of you coming on the show and you would never show you you'd always say i've got a clip and you would every time for years i would be convinced that i would see the real clip because you're such a genuinely nice person and you would say you know this movie's really important to me and i i put my i put my money my own money into this and i really care about this and then you pull that every time i never really imagined 20 years ago yeah that here we would be yeah well someone obviously on the internet put together they didn't even do all of them no but you can see i mean you don't age but you see me you see me go from like a hairspray to like you know just rotting pumpkinhead and you see it happen over a period of years and it's absolutely stunning it's this crazy performance art that lasts forever i just remember the very first time thinking it's so artificial to come on and sell your wares and show a clip from your movie and what if i just show a clip from another movie right right we've never talked about this really but um but uh i thought what if i show a clip from this movie that i saw a long time ago that is just really strange and there's one scene in particular but i was i was kind of uh waffling because there was another movie that i was obsessed with at the time that was equally like who was this made for yeah uh called baby geniuses baby geniuses does anyone know baby oh okay bob clark yeah yeah right that's right you were so there was actually a contender there was a content there was and there was this idea there was this basically there was this scene i remember a baby they're breeding these super babies or something and one of them escapes and these i don't know like seven or eight grown men chase after him and then the baby jumps out and just beats the out of all of these grown-ups and there are uh there's this kind of demonic laugh that just keeps recycling over and over again and it's clearly a little person and just beating up these uh but it was uh it was so bizarre and i'd always the whole time i would almost go with that though i almost did i never did i never show obviously i just stuck with this but i always was thinking about this clip and i thought seeing it is your last week congratulations by the way thank you thank you thank you thank you there was there was no way that i would not come and i was wondering if it was all right we could show i could show you the other clip that i was talking about yeah [Applause] bill look for barry season three bill hader paul rudd i love these guys you
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 1,568,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Conan O'Brien, Conan, Conan (TV Series), TBS (TV Channel), Team Coco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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