Draw-Off Marathon #2

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hey i'm kyra ham butch creator of Fairly OddParents dandy fan on the tuff puppy and Bunsen is a beast on nickelodeon and today we're driving Studio Ghibli characters from memory and be sure to stick around at the end of the video to find out how you can enter for a chance to win this Wacom Intuos tablet courtesy of our good friends at welcome there's two free creative software downloads and pistachios doesn't come with pistachios it's the colors pistachio I think everyone's gonna get mad at me I've always seen a limited number of Miyazaki films I appreciate what he's done but I've tremendously but the drawing things from memories gonna be a little tricky for me I love some more recent anime like one punch man and stuff like that I also love older anime like Speed Racer oh you know I really don't want to get though that witch from spirited away it was like a thousand wrinkles on her face yeah I want to get her the only one who's not like an innocent woman yeah oh my god I love Kiki's Delivery Service I haven't seen this film since it came out in the u.s. so like 90s yeah so Kevin's oh you start trying oh he's like a bunch of triangles he's trying she's the old lady she's the old lady yeah she's like a big giant old lady a huge head like kind of a like a bob like a samurai yeah I remember seeing this movie as well as movies where you hear that it's like a classic and it's amazing yeah and you watch it and it's like oh my god like it's a classic it's amazing you know yeah Jackie I'm nervous for this because as you know I do not draw in an anime style you really don't the question is do I actually to draw on an anime style or do I do my own thing I think you should do your own thing I feel like if you try to do it enemy it might not turn out the best heaven way there's one thing the comments have told me Jackie is that when I draw in my own way it ends up looking like me from what I remember of her she's kind of like she looks like an ogre almost she's like a troll so mean super wrinkly super detailed every time I watched it I was kind of like amazed that they had to redraw her said that man that many times it's so hard I have never seen this character I'm be very honest with you I'm just kind of making up an old lady what's like the animal he's closest to is it like a teddy bear like not even a raccoon he's got whiskers yeah oh thanks for telling me that [Music] does he have teeth at all yes yeah yeah like when he opens his mouth to do that he's got like a full set of like human teeth I don't know if you can see Kiki in your mind but her outfit is very simple it's just she's just wearing a dress yeah it's just a dress and she has like props that you know right she has a broom yeah and oh she has like a big bone yeah got it yes yep that's for all the people who say I never help Kevin I help Kevin all the time I help him cross the street I help him get some sugar from his neighbors I don't know what else old people do you do help me check what is you Baba wearing what does she wear like a kimono thing she's wearing like um it's kind of like one of those long old lady dresses where it's like long sleeves it's blue I have a ton of those at my house yeah oh my god what's your favorite Studio Ghibli film I honestly really love spirited away really yeah but also uh mm I really like Howl's Moving Castle too my favorite Ghibli movie is Princess Mononoke yes nossek on the valley of the wind which I think was very underrated yeah so what's your favorite studio ghibli film am I saying it right is it Ghibli or Ghibli um no I say studio ghibli I said Ghibli I think you're valid okay but my favorite Ghibli movies probably spirited away angry I love that old near and dear to my heart close second though Porco Rosso really does she have a stick or a weapon of any kind or a UH I don't think so she has a lot of rings on her fingers though she does yeah okay she holds like an umbrella am i right oh yeah that's a super iconic scene but one more they were waiting for the cat bus oh they're waiting oh yeah I don't have them waiting for anything it's like a big tail see I don't know ideas like a tail but like every tail I give them doesn't look right I gave them like a like a bunny tail here's what I love about Studio Ghibli movies not everything is explained mm-hmm like sometimes just like weird things happen and they never explain it mm-hmm and I'm like you know what I like that yeah who needs the explanation yeah I feel it leaning everything is a very Western form of storytelling that's very true Kevin I think about this a lot when it comes to storytelling are you patronizing me right no I'm not I'm this is being for reals because I think a lot of people's criticisms against anime movies is that there's no ending right but it doesn't have to have it right because life doesn't have an ending unless you die yeah I love the feel of this tablet though this is really cool yeah they're really nice I don't know what they did to like the glass on top but it feels a lot more premium than like other tablets I've drawn on its got like a texture to it it feels like you're kind of drawing on a more like natural surface like paper no the first time I discovered I could make a gradient on the background my life changed that thing he's great right no he's around right Turner of his nothing he's got to be seen like brownish gray oh my god what's happening I was like not even confident and now I don't know I wouldn't do that to you I'm gonna hope that she has blue eyes [Music] okay I think it got his color needs like a brown gray gray yeah I'm almost done just get me away 30 seconds or it's like 30 more seconds 302 ah did you just dab yeah who dabs anymore I did I'm as done as I'll ever be I think if I did not put those arrows on his chest you wouldn't know it really you know that was it yeah all Totoro is some arrows his arrows on his chest and the umbrella okay that's that's about all I can do I think again like I always say I think I got the gist of them down but I definitely miss them are like how do you think you did I think I did okay you know I think it's cute I think for a quick sketch it's pretty good I thought I did terribly oh and I want to apologize for all of you giveaway fans out there I don't know if you guys can see it but Kevin is tearing up right now he's really about to cry oh oh my god oh my god okay you were right he's great very good very good teeth yeah I mean talking about teeth your teeth in here are very good yeah I want to see what our tail situation is yeah I'm like a rabbit tail I did I even like our rack irritating yeah it's fine yours is great yours is fine what do you mean you were yeah I was expecting like the world's worst drawing from the way you said it like you drew like a scribble what the heck that's what she looks like this is incredible I wish she look like that oh you're very kind this is beautiful you did a nice job what are you looks like this gosh she I should it would help if I watch the movie oh okay so yeah that's ease great yeah he's good I think and we're I'm gonna say something you got I mean you put whiskers on him so I think your character exist in his world though oh thanks yeah okay but we both got like different parts of him right yeah so you got his tail cuz he's got like a stubby tail yeah oh yeah this is so wrong see accessories I couldn't I remember the Rings I couldn't remember this jewel you said bun on her head and she's got like a like a like a dumpling on her China dumpling that's what that is I think I got the eye shadow you got that right yeah yeah I just drew a person nice oh you know what we both forgot her big orange bag you sure did yeah she it's the delivery service so what does she keep the things in she's doing weird stuff and you know what ours aren't delivering Jack yep I think both of us drew her hair a little too long I think so I think it's much shorter than I remember I do I do remember her radio I just didn't have time to draw it in because he listens to that radio in her broom yeah yeah on the way back when Spotify didn't exist now that I've seen the character and every time I do this every time every time I attempt to draw an anime type character it always ends up more in my style than the anime style so I've just got to keep things in mind about anime for example the shadows on the face there's tons of highlights shadows varied anime characters are extremely detailed I was always got to remember that you made a Greek character design be proud of yourself very so to enter for a chance to win this Wacom Intuos tablet all you have to do is go to the BuzzFeed comics Instagram account which is at comics look for this post and follow the instructions in the description best of luck to you comes with pistachios you know she listens to on her Spotify Kiki do you love me [Applause] hey I'm Butch Hartman creator of The Fairly OddParents and Danny Phantom and a bunch of other Nickelodeon shows hey I'm Kira and today we are going to be drawing oh you don't know no no what are we doing so today we're gonna be drawing spongebob memes know what from memory spongebob does not cross my Facebook feed yeah well you're gonna have a touch but first be sure to stay tuned to the end of the video to find out how you can enter for a chance to win this Wacom Intuos tablet wacka-wacka welcome for all of your digital drawing needs Wacka Wacka Wacka I know how to draw sons drop characters but the memes I again you know how to make sure there's like a million of them a million memes I know I know I tried to do you know what meme actually means that means Butch Hartman can't draw this since the club means oh no I don't know which one that one is is that the one where he's just like it's just like open mouth uh-huh all right handsome Squidward okay okay this is the one I pretty sure I can do what is I talked about it in an older episode wait how can you explain this to me he's a huge mush I know Squidward - laughs beautiful he's like what he wishes he could be guy let me break it down for you so he's like a cave and spongebob he's got like a pace right okay a face a face yes okay he's got like a little loincloth loincloth link lie and he's like shocked so he's like wow like that he's got like his mouth kind of off to the side and he's like okay I got it maybe do I do you want me to stand here the whole time and he looks like a man more than a octa was squid for today a day as we would face sort of he's got like she's like a man wearing a way to word like body paint home okay got it got it okay okay very hands I think I got this he said not having it at all one thing very distinct about hansoms good word he has squinted closed eyes and very pursed lips hmm like I like the like the smolder yes have you actually seen this mean before I I think I know what it is right I've seen it before and I don't really pay attention to means so this is a universal mean I would say Dennis so it's a smaller nose yeah same nose but smaller same nose but smaller he's handsome Squidward how many fingers does spongebob have again or okay he's a four fingered kur kids I wonder why spongebob is the thing that gets me methide so much I mean they're very funny drawings but it's like so much so many episodes right yeah there's like so much to pull from is a lot to draw on I guess what is he what is he looking at when he's doing this he's kind of just like staring off into the void into the boy Jason I am here for you for whatever you need I will be your meme spirit guide I don't know how big his eyes are yeah when you're drawing people surprise they're either have really big eyes or really small eyes I'm like a Luke like it doesn't quite look like what I'm imagining you know what kids someone ever tells you memes are easy you tell him well Jackie said they're not things are hard memes are really hard actually no I think I do something I do like a surfing hi spongebob write something hi bundle you know what actually looking at mine I think that is kind of what he is which well you're at Nickelodeon did you get to meet or hang out with any of the Spongebob crew absolutely I met them of course and then worked around them every day oh the environment in those days was very interesting because we all knew each other we saw each other but everybody was so focused on making their shows all day we were kind of just in our little nest doing our work but occasionally they have you know they have office parties and get-togethers and events and things we'd see each other they were the nicest guys you know Vince Waller is a very good friend of mine very sweet guy and super talented artist Steve Hillenburg I knew him pretty good didn't know him as well as I wanted to he was a very quiet guy but the nicest guy in the world I knew him for like yeah about 20 years mine's going good so far I made the mouth a little bigger because you made me really I'm going huge with them mouth I just I feel like I feel like that's the whole mean it's just like it's just a mouth yeah he's very surprised I may have screwed up his feet how could you do that I think I may have given him more feet than he actually has what does that mean what how did you do that what does that mean no no no no no does he have like are good here yes no I don't know you know you should give it like I love these details you're adding though and I think you should go for it because you have like pimples well no because he's already got holes Oh true true I'm not deleting that some ships have sailed already it's wrong let me ask you this have you watched my youtube channel I have not I need to what is it it has a super creative name are you ready yes it's called Butch Hartman fantastic I do a lot of stuff about artwork and cartoons it's entertainment based like you know if a new Marvel movie comes out I'll draw like Marvel characters in The Fairly OddParents style I did a bunch of Danny Phantom ten years later videos with Danny Phantom is very popular character that's awesome people love seeing artists you know really explain their process and communicate with people I actually really liked when I'm drawing that's what's important this could be the birth of a new spongebob meme that would be dope how many choices we have I am like three did he have like hair on the top of his feet you know I like some yeah I'm here on the top of his feet I don't think he does but I think he look you whatever on his feet it's funny I now when I think of Patrick I see your drawing straw in my head this is like extra super challenging though because not only do you have to draw this character you have to draw him in a very specific pose yeah how you doing Kevin I'm almost done you're almost done how are you doing I'm doing pretty good I'm like just I'm nitpicking now sorry he's adding some shading in here now quite sure I know that this from wrong to but oh well he does look like he's like tripping balls yeah okay good you know what I think it'll capture the spirit of him yeah nothing else all right you good I am done all right let's stop that all set yeah I think I did all right I mean the expression isn't like exactly right Jason how do you think you did you know I think I followed directions I did not get a face yeah because I was trying to draw spongebob first so maybe this is actually a test on my teaching abilities explain well I do something that looks like a Squidward type of character could be related to him I want to see what she thinks she is the judge so I leave it up to you here be the judge of mine all right how do you think you did I have no idea I feel like I'm remembering something different but you know I think it's funny maybe this can be the new meme I think I did okay I think it's surprising that I remember this meme better than you do I think it's surprising as well yeah mm-hmm all right let's do it let's switcheroo ah I understand the excess of feet now right very nice okay this is really good okay I like that now I think I have seen this yes oh my god looks like spongebob meets Homer Simpson oh man description I think less than an excess of feet it feels like you gave him shoes I gave him the wrong feet you gave him in wrong feet you didn't give him too many his feet are just numbers they're just nubs he's a starfish you don't got his lips they're perfect I love it he kind of looks like an actor but I can't really place her so you gave him walleyes yeah I don't know I thought the walleyes felt right yeah my brain and you also gave him small eyes yeah you gave him small eyes and walleyes walleye small eyes am i right ladies yep no dad once again Butch Hartman reality hit switch Hartman in the face oh I did oh well okay was the neck up there you got it close yours is like really close much you know this looks like in the twilight zone years ago the show to serve man looks like the alien from the serve man no no no that's what that is oh boy Oh Wow Wow the only thing easy to do is the cheaper like Oh No oh yeah he's got like tusks teeth this is spot on friend what about Jason's paper I think you did better than I did really yeah I think I think I think if we combined our drawings they would be perfect right mouth is not not as big not as big I led you astray Jeff you led me astray after all the help I gave you with the other episodes I just the thing that I remember most about the meme is that his his mouth is a gaping huge it is it is huge you know what I did like I did add the thing that the parabola to the little dangly of dangly Wang in the back of the mouth Wow it's the best Patrick you've done thank you you've only drawn two and this one takes the cake thank you this is also an excellent Patrick once again not super accurate but very Jackie okay giveaway time if you want to enter for a chance to win this Wacom Intuos tablet all you have to do is go to the BuzzFeed comics Instagram that's at comics on Instagram and find this post and follow the instructions in the description best of luck to you digital painting photo editing comic and manga you don't have to be accurate with everything in life that's literally what we're doing on the show if you throw a potato at someone and you miss their head but you hit their chest it's still gonna really hurt them so where do you get these metaphors I am Kira damned Butch Hartman I've created some shows at Nickelodeon that are animated what are we doing today today we are drawing Nicktoons from this will be fun cuz I don't know what era Nicktoons yeah thousands era 90s era 900 era I have a chance but first be sure to stick around till the end of the video to find out how you can enter for a chance to win this walk them into a tablet experience experiment for a creativity damn money Rin Novant Jackie will not be their new spokesperson Bonjour are you ready Jackie I'm ready are you are you good with the Nicktoons I did watch my nicktoons you know okay I watched a lot more of it the older I got your character today is Doug Doug funnie now Doug I've seen I've actually seen done wait wait wait Wren was the Chihuahua Stimpy was the cat all right yeah yeah yeah wait friend no Ren's of the cat Stimpy's the Chihuahua I think Stimpy whole oh boy which one are we drawing a cat day we're drawing right all right Stan we're running sniffy what wait pressures on because as you know Butch Hartman is here to ridicule and mock us for our drawing so we better be good someone better be good yeah there we go yeah if it was a cat okay so he's just like a big round and he's red right yeah isn't he wearing gloves wrong I don't yes I think he is here's the thing about Ren & Stimpy - so they actually go off model a lot yes so there's not really like one very like canonical like form that they take so this is not a style that I usually draw in it's very angular it's very much in the UPA style with UPA u-v-a stands for Universal productions of America they were a popular production company in the 50s and 60s responsible for a lot of kind of angular styles that you see and like Dexter's Laboratory and stuff like that I see well you think your biggest inspiration was it changed a lot I think like as a kid really loved you know like pokemon digimon that sort of suit anime style mm-hmm and then got more into cartoons that I got more into like the UPA hanna-barbera think I was oh my god I feel like a child again drawing this yeah like just struggling to draw like your favorite characters don't forget them very related items okay yeah I remember I mean obviously she has wings mm-hmm well there's another thing you can't forget it what is it they always have it coming their wands there's another thing Kevin oh my God why figure it out why did nine eight seven six five four three little don't know their crowns Oh crowns creaked him out you did freak me I would have forgotten the crown thank you for telling you're welcome what is the origin story behind Fairly OddParents thank you for asking I was at Cartoon Network at the time around the Johnny Bravo show and that show was about to end and I was gonna lose my job and you know you have to pay the bills and that's like well I need a job but I was tired of working for other people and so finally I said I'm gonna make my own show so I literally sat down and I said what if I was gonna make a show of anything what would I make I thought well I'll make a show about a little boy we always write or draw what we know right I drew this little kid I decided to call him Timmy cuz I've got a brother named Timmy oh I also have a brother named Mike I was gonna have my brother Michael we had a fight that day you lost your chance man no Mike's a great guy but so anyway I came with the show with Timmy and I'm like what can I do with him no that's that way it'd be cool to give him like a way to get around quickly I felt like a teleport him like you know science stuff but I couldn't do science stuff because Dexter's Lab was already out and so I decided well I could use I could make magic so I thought well I can give the kid magic powers or give them that magic friend so I gave him Wanda I drew Wanda first I thought okay he's got a magic fairy godmother like Cinderella I call that boys versus Cinderella that'll be fun I've never seen a fairy godfather before so I drew Cosmo and all of this took about 15 minutes really that's kind of cool yeah it's kind of went from there oh this is a sad a sad day for Jason and Bryn straw furrier yeah yeah I don't think I really captured his personality much like this is like some mischievous gremlin you know what I don't know Wanda's colors you don't know Cosmo and Wanda's colors they're very I mean I mean I know that Wanda is a redhead right Oh redhead right oh this episode's going downhill oh no no no no come on you have to tell me am i right is she a redhead what inferior edit you know what I'm making her a redhead I'm committing to it right Kyra how you doing over there think pretty good trying to remember his outfit you know as much as I'm struggling I think this looks like him oh okay I think you could look at this and go oh yeah that's Stimpy I think exactly what that inflection is what someone would say if these new monitors are cuz it gives me so much space these monitors make me feel like a king it makes me feel like I'm drawing for the Queen oh no this doesn't look right oh I thought I was doing well and now just at the end up stumbling the color I screwing up the color Jackie helped me well what are you doing wrong is she a redhead no Kevin what a shot of redhead Cosmo is green what looks good with green red orange Jackie helped me go down the color line come on pink yeah she has pink hair yes big ones as done as I'll ever want it to be okay I'm done I think I can't I can't possibly put any more dug in here and I been putting my pen down alright Jackie how'd you do I don't think it looks on model mmm as much as I wanted it to I thought I could do better than this honestly but still I think it's not too far off did okay I think maybe this is a close representation of Doug it's like Doug's cousin if I had to grade my performance today I would say solid c-minus not employable at Nickelodeon at this time I've already grade my performance I'd give it a D oh man you're more harsh grater yeah I don't know why I thought I'd pass I think I'm a DJ I think I stumbled with the color but I think I got the general construction I think I got the face okay we'll see okay I'm ready switchy ties switchy hey hey hey nice oh yeah he's gonna go watch fairly often that's really about like his pose thank you I love you rious brown pants doesn't he oh wait okay you I got him this is basically him right this is so far off I love whoever this is I love yours thanks it's exactly what you said it's not on model but it is very cute I like yours I like that your wand isn't even complete like you thought it was like a magician's right it's always like sparkly at the end it's got a star though no boy oh boy it looks like Wanda it's just the little things that are wrong this dippy is a great addition to the draw off-brand character universe very good very nice drawing thank you Sam your art so Harry it's like Ed Edd n Eddy almost like you have it I love that show that shaky line that shaky light yet purposeful lines were really cool oh man Wow yeah yours is so far off I love it you know what I got the hairs on the top of his head you did okay yeah yeah you got the rest of it dang he has no toes though he doesn't man I got a way out you got the shoe color correct that's really good I know I got the pants color wrong my face shape is different my noses shape is the roll your nose is down like Doug's nose I think you know what that's for the one I got the most wrong well very cool nice working with you you too is very charming and I wish you nothing but the best in all you do thank you see well thank you more than the street out here in the BuzzFeed world is that Jackie and Kevin are drawing my characters now so if you'll excuse me I'm gonna get over there and see what's going on okay hey I get out of here okay kids giveaway time if you want to enter for a chance to win this welcome in to us tablet all you have to do is go to the BuzzFeed comics Instagram that's at comics on Instagram find this post and follow the instructions in the caption best of luck to you chair of justice huh I'm doing well you drawing pictures this is Kevin's picture this is Kevin this is bud this is Jack these are very cute here let me show you what the real Wanda looks like if you guys be the judge there's Wanda all right what do you think well what do you got that we get the hair swirl right she put highlights in the eyes though she gave us a little Walt Disney go it's a very Jackie now Kevin has got a real this was the style of seeing this is very Sanjay and Craig okay have you seen Sanjay it's cool to see another style so do you guys there did you ever draw Fairly OddParents before this is literally my first time drawing drawing anything no drawing for oh so butch while you're here can you tell us a little bit about the design style for The Fairly OddParents as you were saying before that's very kind of you PA inspired when I first did this at Nickelodeon I thought well I'll just do something I've ever done before so I'll be honest with you I sort of based it a little bit on John Kriss pallucci style a little bit but as the show went on I sort of created a language like all the characters have the same shape head I love that design style of like yeah UPA hanna-barbera back in the 60s if you look at Wanda's hair it's like Wilma Flintstone okay exactly and so yeah everything comes from somewhere well thank you for critiquing our drawings yes we greatly appreciate it you're welcome I will magically disappear out of here no no it's fine you didn't almost hit anything hey I'm Kyra lead animator on the good advice cup - oh yeah Mike character animator on The Simpsons and today we are gonna be drawing Simpsons characters from memory fare you work on the Simpson your character is sexy so glad because I actually know who that is feels like I'm wearing nothing at all oh okay he's like kind of one of the more normal looking dudes isn't he yeah I feel like he has like a weird like shark fin for a hairdo that's the main guy yeah the guy that they based the Simpsons off of and we better watch ourselves because we have an animator from The Simpsons here drawing with Kara oh he's gonna look at her dying so he's gonna cruelly and unjustly judge us his Instagram handle is I draw Homer so Mike you've been working on The Simpsons since 2004 how did you get that job I was actually an intern after high school I just did you know a lot of interns I'll work but slowly and slowly I moved my way up to you know begging artists for tips and like maybe I could do with drawing and then one of their scenes here and there and I just like practicing and practicing until one day I took the character animation test and I passed it that's so cool I didn't grow up watching you didn't know I feel like everybody grew up watching this and I kind of I have vague memories of the Simpsons just being on TV everywhere okay so like I'm in the laundromat waiting for stuff to do but I never actually watched it myself really yeah let's see if I can just manage doing the Simpson Sal that's another thing I don't draw like that most of the time I feel like most of my stuff has like a lot of volume and construction to it or is there sort of exists very much in a 2d plane I think you're more volumetric than the center well is there specific kind of volume volumetric um oh this is this is close enough but it's not great you're scared of the I love drawing homework I am scared of the Mike's critique I'm not gonna lie you're afraid of the animators war army because which was he draws Homer for a living like that's what he does you know what we do for a living what we are wrong for a living Internet we draw incorrectly for living on the internet we draw other people's characters wrong so that people can laugh at us hmm so honestly so honestly we're doing our job right doing our job if yeah if it's wrong you know yeah yeah and a meme is hamburgers steamed hams oh they're just their hands not hammers it's hamburgers but he's like up selling it as steamed hams because he has like his boss over for dinner Oh instead of like his meal goes to and so he like runs across the street to get hamburgers and it's like oh enjoy these gourmet steamed hands so as an animator on The Simpsons what's here like your day-to-day routine look like so we have scenes that we get from the board artists and you know they set up the shot they set up the composition our job is to go in and add all the acting and we get the audio track from the voice actors and then we kind of go from there I think we're like the last one that actually does all that stuff everything else like boards here's a fun fact about Homer's design that I do know there is a Hidden Mickey signature in his in his head it is his hair is an M and his ear looks like a G from Matt Groening really that's really interesting cool I will make his ear G now G for gamer G M for mega and G for gamer mega gamer no not right at all he's just wearing like us he's wearing a suit right yes okay the principle suit principle a very principle hey wait am I dressed are you dressed like him Cody stand up give you some reference and my dress video yeah i Principal Skinner Percival Skinner so Mike have you ever met the voice actors from The Simpsons uh yeah actually I went to a couple of table reads which is you know they'd you're like a little rough run through the script you know all the actors are there they're do their lives or their voice is really awesome to see that's so cool and they're extremely talented I hear you're quite the voice actor yourself yes I am Kevin what's your favorite episode of The Simpsons so my favorite episode of The Simpsons is called Lisa's substitute it's an episode in the second season where Lisa has a very inspiring teacher who ends up going away because he's a substitute teacher yeah but he gives her the sweetest note in the world uh-huh and tells her look at it when you are starting to doubt yourself and as he goes away she opens it up and it says you are B system but then my other favorite episode is the one cute oh my god okay that was so cute and that was just the synopsis you know I didn't actually I watched the episode should watch it oh my god you guys like I'm a mess it's okay sorry look at me deep breath deep breath oh well didn't expect to cry in the Simpsons episode Cody how do you do dead accurate I mean this is basically on model yeah are you applying to Simpsons right now I'm probably gonna submit this yeah print how did you do you also think you're gonna get the job I think I'm gonna shoo-in at this point hmm yeah they're bringing me on tomorrow that's confident how do you think you did on this one I try drawing a little more on my style but I think I did pretty good got pretty close to sexy planners how about you yeah the feel of them down how do you think you did Kevin I think I did okay so I feel like it's everything's just a little bit off this Homer is part of the off-brand character universe shown right here I think I did pretty good just about you know I I didn't really grow up watching The Simpsons but I think I understand the general look of Homer I think I caught his essence I don't know if it's accurate all right cool let's take a look oh yes nice like I should add a color no yours is so beautiful it's like a perfect sketch this is appealing I like this I would eat those hamburgers thank you oh my this is so it's pretty impression istic you didn't go for the Simpsons style this is very much a Cody version of a Simpsons character I just wanted to feel more nervous like he was nervous about those steamed hands yeah because that's all I remember is his anxiety yes you did a pink donut which is the iconic Simpsons donut yeah it's because I went to the Universal Studios and they were selling giant pink donut you know that's like all I could think of I didn't I didn't put the pink frosting yeah I love his face so good I like the shiny but you're gonna feel a nice touch yeah I remember there was a helmet oh man okay see there's that perfect like rectangle body I just like I did this at some point you could probably see sketches over there somewhere where I just was like use the line tool just draw like a straight line down yeah oh yeah no but you did like you got so much right really hard but we got the feel we got that yeah look at this rear 3/4 on Chalmers here yeah and bizarre like I I got that he was bald Wilmers guy oh yeah I don't know you start drawing Chalmers I Drive I drew that like Homer second yeah well thanks a lot for having me of course it was so nice to meet you I had an awesome time drawing trying to draw it was awesome but I hear that Kevin jakir drawing home right all right so I'm gonna go check them out I'll see you later are you ready Kevin ready let's bring and Mike yeah first try Mike how are you good thanks for joining us so this is Jackie's drawing of Homer okay you are somebody who draws Homer for a living yes how on or off model is Jackie strong it's a beautiful drawing model but I mean it's really appealing so if you had to do one or two things to make this a little more on model oh well definitely so I would pick your dad he's getting in he's gift he's grading me like a he fixed your ear mine I like the G in there though it's mg mg for mega gamer yeah yeah yeah it's been confirmed been confirmed on screen do you want to take a look at my shirt okay Mike come on over on I'm nervous I'm very nervous don't be scared Kevin all he'll do is say it's awful and draw over to make it perfect Wow this is like Homer Simpson meets George Jetson okay so this is again appealing oh here's the thing about the muzzle how does connect to his nose because I feel like so it goes from the bottom line of those okay and I need a trick about the ear take the bottom line of eyeball it lands really funny structures yeah he's like a little too tall and uh no Anatomy the arm just a gomez tubes it like yeah they do have a rubber hose arms I did that person it felt weird you know what Kevin this is why you need to believe in yourself check into believe you need to trust your gut like Homer has a gut am i right Mike that's right well Mike thank you for critiquing our homers thank you my you are full of magic Mike this is why we can't have guests Jackie that horrible to say totally yeah we'll get out of here okay okay oh I'm sorry I apologize for all that I've done hey I'm raw strengths and needs channel roughs all you can follow me on my social at Ross Charles hello my name is Anthony Jones you can follow me at robot pencil and all that today we're drawing Dragon Ball Z characters from memory pretty much I watched General Z one of the kid a lot whenever I teach all I use is like Dragon Ball our alliances yeah can we switch sides now my decide once you just like over there this has always been my side I've no idea Oh someone else then gotta get that side honky blueberry Vegeta oh yeah okay I try to be subversive and not have empowering up you give Vegeta whatever attitude speaks to you I'm gonna have a huffy Vegeta oh wait isn't there like multiple go cous which one are we drawing I think we're just drawing the base grown up Goku three majin buu was like one of my favorite arcs in Dragon Ball Z I think I stepped out of Dragon Ball Z during this age he's got a very angular body angular face much like my own head oh I got a video reference right in front of me it looks like so you never watched racquetball I watched some dragon balls but definitely not enough to like to call myself a fan through social osmosis I know quite a lot about Dragon Ball Z I know that they need to collect the Dragon Balls to make their wish come true wait are we sure this isn't pokemon no I have no idea what he wears like we communicate all right cool so I was gonna give him my cape and I'm gonna give him some muscle and he has pants does he have a shirt on oh I don't know am I in shirtless then we're going for it yeah I haven't watched Dragon Ball Z since college so this is gonna be real interesting when do you think I went to college Jackie 1753 the same age that Lincoln was born what's your favorite Dragon Ball Z episode oh man maybe Dragon Ball Kai episode where they assembled five episodes into one and they removed all the panning shots of like lakes and some like grass wrestling in a few I have a lot of b-roll in that fictional universe I think an antenna there's a real stereotype of around aliens and yeah from different worlds that they all have antennas I feel like we need to break that stereotype I know he's wearing like an orange jumpsuit right with a belt form and function over fashion in this show remind me why were they fighting all the time cuz they're all fighting over the Dragon Ball you don't catch them all you got a catch mall unlike other shows that might use that MA no I don't want you to forget about Vegeta's intense widow's peak oh yes thank you that is the key to this character Vegeta is what introduced me to what a widow's peak was yeah he's really he's really got it going when I was growing up I watched a lot of Dragon Boat see how old are you and you were drunk watching that stuff I was like six seven eight it was it was the thing I think what I loved about Dragon Ball was that it was like it was kind of like a soap opera for children a soap opera for children does he work gloves I feel like he wears some butler gloves like white gloves yeah when you're punching so many things don't you have to protect your hands doesn't like boxing gloves you're giving boxy she's a given boxing glove okay even though I'm 99% sure he does not have boxing look oh he has a thing I don't know what it says doesn't you have a logo on his shirt I'm just gonna draw a circle with the heart in it oh let me ask are you putting him in like the pink shirt Bermuda shorts Vegeta or no think about thinking about I was like I want casual summer vacation but yeah that's one of my favorite things about Dragon bows the episodes is that they would do these random so I mean it's not my favorite it annoyed the hell out of me as a kid but it's really funny looking back that it would be like the planets at stake and didn't you wonder how like yeah sure Robi was getting his driver's license no nobody yeah sure Robi this is a joke looks like how many Dragon Ball Z characters does it take to screw in a light bulb I don't know only takes one but takes five episodes to do it oh there's this whole arc with Goku holding up a spear bomb yeah and for like five six seven episodes so I remember Dragon Ball Z mostly from the Super Nintendo game there's a Super Nintendo oh hell yeah there was it like a fighting game yeah it's like Street Fighter but it's mostly just you throwing giant fireballs and energy at each other that sounds great yeah that's all I want to do in real life you just want to throw giant fireballs at me yeah Jackie I remember he was weirdly small in the show he's small but he's also just like really thin and delicate looking yeah I remember wasn't super intimidated by him when I first saw him because he was standing next to like the big guys yeah that's the whole ball big yeah supposed to be like a weak looking prints but then he's the strongest one Toriyama was good at that kind of thing I like that if I was like in the you know design room and they're like Anthony what do you think we should do with this character first of all would be like he needs more muscles muscles what and then they'll probably would be rightfully angry and I'm alright the next step we need to spread that pink all over the place are you gonna make him glow as I make them glow I'm gonna make you a little boy cuz when they do the screaming thing when they scream at each other when they scream at each other they glow don't they I think so alright I will try to make him glow what's his color scheme is he blue and red moving hello well yeah he's like yellow and the version I'm drawing could use got you like saying I remember oh my god I can't I can't remember his colors I was so confident going in I'm like oh I know he looks like he's just like a big just know that my design is inspired by your work so if I am wrong everybody I'm not the blade whoa and then if you're I'm your n then you are do you think EE when they're like juice enough to become Super Saiyans when they're juice enough you know what I mean you know what I'm talking about Jackie don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about say Goku is juice enough don't like rocks and stuff like float oh yeah whenever they're juicing up stop saying juice it up juicing up Jackie baby I gave my guy black nipples back legs you have nipples I think so I think so dude Dragon Ball Z matured you they went myths nice oh I remember I think he has a siblings forehead like m4 majin buu hey Cody Hey what does the scanner say about his power level its over 9000 time to color dodge ready that lighting in there oh snap and now that are so good if it looks better look at all that good stuff is getting out of the thief the kite no check it out that's the secret to art that is the secret art just color dodge everything that's all you need you can add that color dodge you didn't get to draw the glow Kevin you didn't get to draw the glow I didn't get to draw the glow what happened I passed out in the middle of the video for some reason I didn't notice any of that yeah I you were really into I was really into my boy no it's okay I'm fine okay I might die in us up in a couple seconds okay how do you think you did mm Jack you know i'ma call mine okay cool how do you think you did I think it captures the essence pretty well I'm missing a lot of details I forgot to put sandals on them it's another impressionistic one I'm here for it how did you do pretty good pretty close Vegeta with some Brent flair in there I feel good about the blue spandex I feel good about the yellow armor pieces but there's just little naggy things that feel off that I just can't figure out right now how do you think you did I think I did pretty okay his hair is blond because he was yelling okay but I think it is black normally yes yes I didn't get rude all the glow so now it just you know looks like crap I'm sure it doesn't look like crap looks like crap Jackie throw it in the crap settle down can I say crap sure looks like crap whoa so cool this is way more cute this is the personality look cake I should have added cake yeah dude come on this stuff is great oh my god this is that looks just like him you gave him elf ears for sonic in Bell fears yeah it's not what did the kind of years he has I don't think so I know he is he wait oh I'm just now remembering they're like aliens right okay looks like a zombie version a moderator I think so too well you know in a really good way no this is amazing actually I was expecting you were gonna make your character really adorable you know what a good anime face really yeah and you know what else I'm gonna say it looks nothing like Kevin it does not look like Kevin at all I like the boxing gloves I think that he should have boxing gloves normally so his hip flat things also protect his junk he's just got a full like beetle wings protecting his whole area yeah okay so I kind of got there was a beetle that's it a beetle wing I kind of got that on his belly protecting his abdomen but you got to protect the crotch I blame Ross with him you didn't give me anything I was like he had he had this yet back yet an antenna yeah we're really off are we Dragon Ball Z fans nice all right all right looks good looks good the thing about his spiky hair I knew it wasn't spiky all the way I knew that yeah I knew it we got like a like a thick yeah it's like designed purposefully in a really cool way that's got to be hell to animate though because it's very specific yeah I'm glad we didn't do it me watching this as a kid I haven't seen this character for over two decades and so the things you do remember at the kid components of good design yeah the pink I remember the M and it means that the designer probably put that in there for us to remember it and so two decades later we're gonna Busby John majin buu so now that's a great point absolutely I personally didn't grow up with it but it impacted a whole generation of people they really did it's like pokemons it's so popular that even I know majin buu and I think majin buu is very cute I don't know who majin buu is character animator on The Simpsons hey young Kira lead animator on good advice cupcake today we are drawing Justice League characters from memory from memory Wow Justice League yeah I think I love them do you know who the Justice League are you sound very confident all right give us the characters the flash was my favorite sources yeah your answer today is underwater I feel like that's manageable I'm trying to picture in my head Superman okay it's like the worst one that was who is your favorite Justice League character of holy Batman Batman is too angsty and Superman is too serious and he's a real boy what the flash is just right I like bumbling buffets you really do I like the dumb one that's your type I had no idea that you were a flash fan I really thought that you were gonna be like what what do you know about the flash I know that his superpower is SuperSpeed I know that his name is Barry Allen yeah Superman is a man that is super very powerful laser eyes x-ray vision there isn't a thing that you can't do I know vague generalities yeah DC characters but I don't you know I don't know much I remember I read one of the flash comics and I was surprised to learn he doesn't only go fast but he also can learn fast that's cool I guess isn't that wild and wacky stop saying bother Viking isn't that wild and wacky with Barry Allen as my Cintiq turned off your Cintiq how do I turn it back on superheroes are hard to draw so what do you usually start with Mitra I'll usually try to start with the line of action what kind of axes like the character spine for the pose it's like a guideline for how the pose will lay mines different every single time yeah I'll start with the body one day I'll start with a head one day I even started with the hand one time that's a good job I love dry hands people are such a weak they're always like I hate drying hands shut up they're fun to blends up here yeah it's up here it's over here on your side did I do I always draw like 16 fingers on one hand people are like did you notice did you know there's 16 fingers on the hand instead of 5 I'm like why would I draw 16 fingers on accident are you crazy I like how they ask you that question as if you like close your eyes and two hands like whoops fix it fix it fix it listen fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it oh I fixed it that was cool it's a good thing I was I thought quick on the fly like flash what you know what I don't like this I don't like what I'm going you're restarting I'm restarting I'm gonna draw a cute flesh I'm sorry this is just how it has to be I got the pose now I just got to do the details and I don't know the details of his suit I know that you know you can't really see his eyes right right he's got kind of a Batman mask yes he has the thing where his eye mask moves with his emotion right which is weird that doesn't happen that her style of dress is kind of I think it's like kind of yeah I know he's got tiny squinty thang tiny tiny eyes big angular jaw curly hair I just know that it's red yeah but there's nothing else in my head right now yeah I know that he has the you know headphone things I got that does he have a belt like a waist band maybe oh man whatever she's legit she's I'm a shield busy I hope Thanks she has like her her dog lives right right on a rope in the road oh I did watch the live-action 90s flash show oh how did that work out it was actually that bad for the first season and then it got terrible oh but that flash for some reason I know that he has a belt okay flash symbol on it was a rope called again as me lasso of truth does he have a flash like a lightning symbol on his I think so on his chest I think he does because they sell flash shirts all right how are you doing Johnny I am having a hard time however I like what's happening to mine yeah it's not that great but it's like there should be low expectations for me as all I'm saying everyone's a critic everyone's a critic do you have a favorite comic book hero movie really like Deadpool simple yeah I feel like that may be the reason why I hate Superman and like Batman and all those people's cuz like I would be one of the villains like I feel like I really like fit into that category and how I act generally the villains are anti-establishment sure yeah and I'm always like tweeting about how I hate Amazon yeah it's the same it is the Joker burning things down and me tweeting about how I hate Amazon are like the same thing that's disconcerting okay I gave them way too much crotch I don't know I think I'm struggling to remember this costume I honestly don't remember anything about the costume kind of winging it and I think there's a wrd huh yeah right it's like she has a sword - I have no idea that looks like yeah alright my flash is looking cute there's a lot of flashes so who can really say this is accurate my drawing kind of looks like if a super villain was trying to draw Superman like trying to make fun of him kinda I think I'm just straight-up a villain from DC but I love this idea of method drawing embody the character I decided not to commit to color so I'm just gonna add like tones sometimes color just like makes or breaks it yeah are the core switched maybe they're switched you know I don't really know what his symbols colors are but I'm gonna go with white and yellow yeah it seemed seems correct he's kind of looking more like a McDonald's character right now then uh then a Justice League character I apologize to Barry Allen and his son Wally West oh wait is this son no no I think I'm done here I think I'm done okay okay I drew a handsome man because apparently even if you're from space you just handsome okay now I need to do like a speed effect real quick here's what I'm gonna do I'm done I'm gonna take the whole thing I'm gonna pretend like I'm fine okay - I am going to do a directional blur hey remember the thing you can do to make it look like your pencil is wobbly yeah we get it Jackie you finish before I did I'm trying to entertain them done you done Kevin done with my flash finished it in a flash so I'm like how do you think you did I wasn't sure about her costume I don't know if it's a two-piece if it's a one-piece how about you I feel like I I remembered some of the stuff about like the central costume but colors it looks like a Halloween store like discount cost hey Jen how'd you do I did okay I just purr man in transition from the mild-mannered man becoming Superman mine is very plain mmm I am gonna warn you though there's a lot of crotch coming our way and at the cry there's a lot of crotch come on guys so he's just gonna have to deal with it he was gonna deal with Flash's groin and his crotch his costume is so simple that there's no way to mask is going I mean there is but you know Kevin I'm just gonna let it slide this time because I don't want to hear you say crotch again I'm just letting you know Lana crotch all right let's switch oh wow this looks so good oh gosh you made it look incredible you actually had a full color this looks like a finished awesome drawing here I love the style yours has such a great pose like it's like that Fibonacci spiral around like pleasing to look at yes oh this is yes I love this Superman your dreams are cute you too I love it I think that like you just like kind of drew him you know you really overplayed the crutch way you described it I was thinking you gave him like a basketball in there it's really not that bad very spiky lightning bolt mm-hmm yeah yeah I think I put too many spikes on I think it's going the wrong way I think you got it the right way I don't you never know oh oh yeah you got it oh she's just wearing like a bathing suit yeah I guess I was remembering the movie too much yeah I don't know why but for some reason we thought she had a WN or two I forgot the stars yes stars there he is yeah you literally just drew him like when I said that earlier like I meant it it was like he literally just did it Johnny captured the inner essence of Superman because there's a cost of being super at all at all times does it cost what Wow no no no this isn't the flash I know Wow he's got full-on yellow boots yeah ascott you know what it's not fair to judge our flash off of one flash drawing because there's certain creation there's many class so many costume changes he goes through maybe this is casual day flash it's hard to get those little details but the broad idea I think I think we think we got it close enough close enough flash is a cool guy flash is a cool guy he's a chill guy uh cool superpower I wish I was fast so do I yeah I'm real slow I'm real slow when it comes to drawing I'm real slow when it comes to thinking am i right ladies to brain cells hands up that's millennial talk for you what does that mean hi I'm hit Ewan I'm Joanie and today we're gonna be drawing my neck hurts it's not today we're going to draw the Marvel superheroes from memory didn't we already do that we did DC I don't know we did Justice League whatever universe is straight whatever they're all the same guy this is right up your wheelhouse I hope so I'm like man do not mess this one up because I've read so many marvel comics let me tell you and when you're making up a lot of stuff but first be sure to stick around to the end of the video to find out how you can enter for a chance to win this Wacom Intuos tablet courtesy of our good friends and welcome I'm not wearing shoes not relevant that's the best one he's the best I do love spider-man fighter verse is the best movie ever created it's really good Myles that Spiderman love Gwen Stefani loved Peter Parker Peter B Parker these are sea Parker's not going Stefani Judy Park when Stacy Peter can think of as a head thing oh yeah the head thing that goes up like that yeah all right let's see don't mess this up Jason don't mess this up what do you think I'm telling myself Captain Marvel hip cool I don't know who this is like actually so I'm just gonna try man okay like a person I'm falling alright I'm gonna try my best to do a dynamic spider PO me too oh my god can you give us three hours in the comics he was made to be like short and muscular oh he's short in the yeah so which was weird why they chose Hugh Jackman to play him because he's supposed to be like five feet tall or something like that oh okay Hugh Jackman's like what six four is he oh is he really yeah you Jackie's like really tall if you're showing any skin he's very hairy yes I remember that he's got the hairiest like arms the shape of stars or intricate integrated into the costumes I think there's a star on the belt buckle it feels like you're trying to like help me remember but the thing is I don't know who this here I'm sending you an image of a little lady a lady with blond hair okay oh yeah see it won't have it back in the 90s spider-man was having a renaissance with a comic book artist by the name of Todd McFarlane because he came along and drew spider-man in a way that no one else had before what different ways can you draw a spider he did what was called spaghetti webs where spider-man's webs didn't look like webs they look like strands of spaghetti like kind of like wrapped around each other oh yeah so he was kind of a pioneer in terms of that he also made the eyes on the mask bigger than they've ever been and he also was the character designer for venom if your favorite superhero is venom you're either a really edgy 13 year old boy or a 25 year old woman that just got out of a long relationship another thing in the 90s everyone had his shoulder pads oh okay thank you were they pointy they weren't like pointy they kind of went up like this like they just kind of went out and went in like that okay good I did not draw that I think for the suit on drawing his arms were sleeveless and then we had the gloves I appreciate the less clothing I have to draw the better can Masumi she has boots yes I think I think those are correct assumptions but also I don't know the character very well so I'm just gonna probably say yes to most of the things she said yeah I think she I don't know show some cape I don't know I'm sorry Marvel fans who was your favorite spider-man from spider-verse miles he was well written you know he went from like not really being sure of himself but then he met Quinn Stefani and then he Mick when Stefani and she said I'm gonna add a bunch of unnecessary details to destroy I want to add a helmet but I'm afraid it's gonna make her like Cyclops oh my god what scent it doesn't make sense to me but I don't have context for it like I know I keep saying it just that it's true you know my favorite spider-man from spider-verse was Peter be Parker do you want why is it cuz your old nose because he was a nod to the spider-man that I grew up with a lot of the jokes in the beginning when he's like retelling his story and everything like that those were all jokes about the continuity of the spider-man that I grew up with pretty cool you have no idea what I just said yeah I was looking at my dry ok so what is this basic costume it's really simple sometimes people draw claw marks on his torso okay like he's cut himself or like he will cut you yeah yeah it's his design that's kind of stayed very similar over the years give him like the superhero Underpants I know he probably doesn't have it he doesn't well you know what that's how I imagine him what I'm slowly realizing is that it appears that I've drunk I've drawn one of the Hanson brothers really slowly realize I mean I'm sure there is a crossover I'm sure of the finger of the fan fandoms he's as yellow and black right yellow and black or yellow and blue or yellow and brown yellow has always been a mainstay in his costume I know like maybe vaguely visually what some of them look like like the Avengers maybe like just from seeing posters or something I just like don't watch any of them it's actually kind of impressive how was it impressive I went a dark yard but it's like you have to spend money to go see them like that means I'm just like sick not you know that means you're being financially responsible yeah I can't think of anything he's got he's got skin there I'm taking this hairy body thing and I'm running with it I'm excited to see what you're gonna do I think you'll be surprised oh my god I just realized I did not draw his other hand yeah I'm just gonna beef this hand huh you're gonna be fish just gonna beef this hand I knew it I knew that would catch on you know what he's gonna be like flicking you off with his claws perfect he's got to you know we've got 302 he's got attitude Oh - that's it - I don't know if anyone's ever flicked to someone off with his claws before well he does he does the thing where he puts up just the middle one okay yeah I did it the other two are bending down at first they didn't wanna makes my because they were like oh nobody likes spiders I think this is gonna be gross that was a Stan Lee's story behind it and he was like I'll show them I'll make him the most popular superhero in the world yeah for some reason he's been old his whole life in this scenario he's already like oh yeah Jason how you doing I'm like struggling with us stretch man I'm like struggling the finish and to like save my reputation as someone who likes like the comic oh my god it's no pressure but like if I screwed up a spongebob meme that would be my devastation hey I actually really liked my drawing I did like I'm pretty proud of it it's just that like it's probably not what it the character is at all but like I like it I like the drawing and that's what's most important its most important is loving yourself it's true how do you think you did Brett oh man you're gonna be real impressed no I didn't Jason how do you think you did buddy this is 100% Wolverine how do you feel about the drawing you did I love it I'm really proud of it not anything like what you want it to be though it's a it's an art piece that I'm gonna sell for a million dollars look for it on Etsy yeah how do you think you did it looks okay you know it doesn't look polished doesn't even really look right but it does look like spider-man how do you think you did I think I did okay Wow I did my best low-budget todd mcfarlane style todd mcfarlane style spider-man Rider man yeah yeah he would be very upset if he saw this and if he saw this yeah yeah but it's definitely spider-man it's definitely stop doing that yeah all right switcheroo switcheroo buckaroo I was gonna say curse words [Music] yes yes here that is amazing I like yours how that gives - thank you also to me yeah Wow I didn't I wasn't that thoughtful I'm so sorry well can't draw me in here yeah you sure yeah Wow Wow okay okay you always surprise me feel like it's when you're the most hard on yourself that you come at me with these like really accurate dry looks yeah you got the costume way more correct than me I'm think you know what I think I did but your pose is super dynamic and super fun Thanks and I love the speed lines thank you and you kind of did the spaghetti style webs yeah I guess I like those yeah they go like this flip flip flip flip I did pretty good oh well yours looks like similar like it's a full body suit actually see I knew she had a mask on but and in her hair comes out of it I like this character design of this of this woman it's very appealing appealing designs I forget that she has two belts like a cool person cool okay actually the head thing not so off your I mean you got the shape yeah heard of the shape and is that these like specific claw marks on his on his torso that's like a some like little black claws so this is from the cartoon and I shouldn't remember that oh and he's got the underwear yeah god I I led you astray with that no man I'm sorry I let you in feeling better yeah okay so I also screwed up the blue yeah but you got close I got closer but I forgot that he has blue on his side's his abdomen well like there's a bunch of spider-man's again which one are we remembering the classic I mean but even the classics have classics spider-man's been around for a long time this is true but this is the original costume is it really yeah no yeah no yeah no spiders existed before spider-man and spiders aren't red or blue traditionally as far as I know anyway alright giveaway time if you want to enter for a chance to win this Wacom Intuos tablet all you have to do is go to BuzzFeed comics on Instagram that's at comics on Instagram find this post and follow the instructions in the description that's the look if your post Malone do not enter this giveaway what why what do you have against post Malone I don't know I love all I can buy his own hey I'm Ross Tran from the YouTube channel rough gel you can see my art at Ross Ross hi my name is Anthony Jones and you can follow me at robot pencil and today we're gonna be drawing characters from memory I mean I grew up with Nintendo's like my first like video game series you know I think my first game that I played probably ocarina of time like that's my dad playing at first and then I started to play it yeah Nintendo was like my first exposure to video games yeah I feel like not everybody just jumps online I'm excited are you excited I love Nintendo I'm a Nintendo fan girl like I grew up on Nintendo games I still played Nintendo games you don't have a Nintendo switch that's totally fine I respect your opinion well because everyone can afford I was about to go real south and real soon but I 1000 games are great and if you have the excess funds to purchase one I highly recommend it I don't have a switch you're different I hate you already be sure to stick around to the end of the video to find out how you can enter for a chance to win this Wacom Intuos s tablet courtesy of our friends at welcome Kevin made me sign it everyone's gonna sign it but Kevin made music I didn't make you do anything are you just gonna do voices this entire episode yeah it's a B Mario is that he's are my friend Yoshi oh that's Pikachu that's a really good withdraw Jackie oh yes that's awesome dude it's right up your alley and it's a girl hydro robots we both have something in that I know the general colors we got like red and gold to bring helmet is it a green element really I'm pretty sure because I'm drawn salmon hold on hold on listen I'm John Salmons two times in the past year so I'm back but would her if I were a green Honda we're talking about Oh G oh my god okay so evil mario evil I have a friend named Jackie who loves Yoshi it's not me I promise it's not like a joke Jackie files if you're out there this one's for you did you ever play any of the like WarioWare games and I love Wario air yeah it's so much fun no Aria is a really good character him in waluigi mm-hmm I love them yeah I don't think I've ever drawn them before so Yoshi is a dinosaur he comes from like a dinosaur egg he comes from Yoshi's Island dinosaur island Jurassic Park welcome to Yoshi's Island Samus is one of my favorite characters no really I think it's because she was like one of the very first like female characters like that twist at the end and just one character that's going through this crazy dungeon fighting all these aliens and it comes to find out it's a female protagonist which is cool my Yoshi is starting to look like a horse like my horse yeah how did you do that because like he's he has to have like a dip in his back for Mario to sit on right he doesn't have to look like a horse yeah so this is a technique that I do to look at the drawing from another fresh perspective I do this a lot in my professional work it's just to kind of see all mistakes that I know I'm we don't see it's like looking into a mirror or reflecting yourself and seeing like a different kind of perception so I'm changing my perception a lot when I flipped my canvas to get a fresh take on what I'm doing Steph what's your favorite Nintendo game that's a big question I love the Zelda series overall and I think I always kind of go back and forth between what my favorites are but it almost always lands on Wind Waker I think it's like aesthetically a really gorgeous game it's beautiful yeah what is your favorite I love animal cross you know I'm really good at doing toad okay give me some of your toad right give me your best Mario how do you think you're doing so far definitely not on model I feel like it's essence of Wario more than it is Wario which Spurs of what yeah this isn't too far from what I actually do like I worked on a cinematic called Rose for StarCraft yeah legacy of the void cinematic a lot of the characters there were designed by me it was essentially like this like like here's a character design of our game but we just want to like level it up a little bit yeah you know or just like modernize it and that's kind of like what I'm trying to do with this Samus character I'm trying to make it feel like oh yeah that's what I do ro wouldn't make this Yoshi cute but he looks dumb and I don't know how to fix it oh I have no idea how to fix mine I'm gonna be fit I'm gonna be fit on purpose you're gonna what I'm gonna be fit on purpose let us be fit me and Jackie cuz I have a definition of what be fit means you don't know what be fit means I mean means you made a mistake right also when I was growing up though be fit meant to fart let's be fit with Kevin's WG like I like Ross a lot because his channel is very popular in is his whole energy is just like art is fun artists come in we can do we're living and I think that's really powerful and that's why I like this too is like an I know there's gonna be some kid out there watching this draw watching all the other people draw and you're like wait what I can do this we can live in AI feel the bromance thank you he doesn't have ears he's a dinosaur oh wait he doesn't have ears I don't think so I gave him ears I don't think he has yours bro I want to give him mirrors no come on I'm sticking with the ears what kind of ears did you even give you look man I guess they're kind of cat-like Oh Jackie Kevin I'm beefing it stop saying beefing it smell so bad smell so bad guys I'm beefing I'm starting to question this green helmet stuff now hold on I figure it out it's it's this part oh yeah I can see ya know that see yeah I know just a little bit of tough to hit I don't know I think his hat covers most of it well he has bangs now he has a saddle right I think he is a shell oh no really what is Mario sit on the shell part I don't think he why are you drawing a horse I think I'm drawing a horse Jackie I think you're thinking of a great work I think I'm a great force have you read the fan theories that like all the Mario games are an elaborate stage play no yeah there's just kind of this theory that all the games that you play are are just performances by all the characters and so that's why sometimes they're all playing and being friends and sometimes they're all archenemy well that's cute and wholesome yeah what time is it color done it's color dodge time let's do it okay here we go man I'm like coloring everywhere he already got so sweet it tastes so good the color dad you're having the time your life with her I'm jealous a flare now this is way better than the other one I think Steph how do you think you did I feel like he's a little too Mario like I wasn't able to pull him into the Wario Realm how did you're worried I turn out he turned out better than I thought he was going to um yeah I think he could be grosser how well did you think you did I think I did great yeah yeah I I don't think that I got the details right I'm almost certain I'm a hugger so if someone were to pass by this oh is it the version of samus yes for sure yeah how do you think you did not correct me me there's not I don't it's not correct we beefed it we beefed it it is so smelly in here there is so much ranked air yeah I'm basically breathing another person's bowels I think we should just switch we got a Nintendo switch yeah you made your kit your Samus is super around oh is it you got him though you like got his his being thank you I forgot as the ears are pointed dude you got like that the nose and the mustache oh so we like remembered the outfit pretty somewhere we did yeah pocket which I hope he has watch she's not gonna have it you're definitely a lot closer than me it felt right when I was working on the sketch and you're right now that it's done we're all geniuses in hindsight Jackie I don't understand also you gave him cowboy boots so well does it look as wrong as giving Yoshi completely new rims maybe Yoshi has lots of different shoes well he doesn't have cowboy boots I know that just give us yeah oh my god with gold shoulders it's it's the green Canon the Kenny yeah the Canon is a different color this I helped you with that green helmet no this is copy for copy you cheated there's so much more I think I could have done I still had a lot of fun I didn't I think I'm inspired by looking at this I'm like oh man I'm inspired by my friend that's amazing here's why I gave him ears because his eyes going up like that made me think ears wrong yeah it got switched in my brain I will say Kevin body's pretty good really I think my body is like the thing that makes him look like a horse what's those shoes why do we remember like brown shoes we got pretty close to it we got something yeah we're Wario Jason bring out the Smash Brothers version I'm sure there's pockets you know what Nintendo I love your games and I love you and I'll keep playing your games until I die even after the horrible experience that we just went through I will still preorder all your games send me a switch Thank You eNOS will you switch all right giveaway time so if you want to enter for a chance to win this Wacom Intuos tablet all you have to do is go to BuzzFeed comics on Instagram that's at comics on Instagram look for this post and follow the instructions in the description best of luck to you best look to you that's creepy no it's lovely and I get lovelier every day [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 281,362
Rating: 4.9336157 out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed video, buzzfeed draw off, draw off, animator vs cartoonist, challenge, artist challenge, art challenge, cartoonist draws from memory, animator draws from memory, animator vs. cartoonist, drawing, cartoons, Studio Ghibli, Spongebob, Simpsons, Dragon Ball Z, Marvel, Nintendo, drawing from memory, drawing cartoon characters from memory, animator draws, cartoonist draws, artists draw from memory, draw from memory, buzzfeed kevin and jackie, PL-DrawOff
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 25sec (5005 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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