Draw-Off Marathon #3

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today we are drawing characters in our own style from the wheel from the wheel our iconic styles random characters spin a big wheel see who we get all right jackie give it a spin i will i will kevin this is very stressful that's okay yeah peach all right i can do princess peach all right oh boy [Music] [Applause] yes okay do you watch one punch man i do i've never seen frozen just trust your gut and let it go okay let's do it i have not seen a lot of simpsons i feel like i watched simpsons but like like peripherally are you a mario fan yes i love mario games i love it how about you uh mario kart all the way okay so i'm gonna actually try not looking at the reference because i want this to be a brent original drawing i definitely want her to have a giant head i wouldn't say that she didn't have a giant head but i'm going big but i think i'm going to keep all her coloring the same she's got cute big blue hair right she looks like she's having a really good time just being a mom okay what does she do does she have a job she's a stay-at-home mom that's her thing yeah i love that chaser bliss marge when i was a kid i was like addicted to the you know the 90s era of comic books where everyone had like unrealistic proportions as a cartoonist i would say my style is pretty cartoony but based on solid illustrative construction so like i'm not doing a whole lot of exaggeration in terms of the proportions he is so iconic and perfect like he's a good blend of simple but incredibly memorable he's got his red white and blue colors his overalls his adorable mustache big nose hat his shapes are so good so i guess i'll just kind of make him a little cartoonier like cuter cartoonier how did i develop my style i watched a lot of anime really just so much of it you say it's anime influenced yeah pretty much yeah i love anime still do you gonna redesign peach's dress in any way yes does princess peach like have a sword from my knee it's in your style jason do whatever you want draw her with a sword eleven minutes okay that's quite not a lot of time i feel like but you know what i believe in us i do believe this i'm moving on to inking inking already jackie i notice when you ink you use colored lines i do that's one of my favorite things to do with lines this color is that an animator thing i don't think so i think that's just something i like learned as like a teenager and then i continued to do because i like the the results of them did you grow up drawing digitally yes i sure did really yeah i'm not that great with traditional art really yeah but i mean i can do it but not as good as i can do things digitally i rarely color my lines because again i come from the world of print and so i'm always thinking about what is going to make the cleanest black line yes i respect that i respect your artistic upbringing i respect your need for speed man i don't i feel like i don't have much of a style like i feel like it's definitely like 90s cartoon inspired like they have a lot of construction like in terms of like shapes and like form but then like i also like to just like throw in weird perspective things that don't make sense i can describe kira's style very well it is very clean it's amazing she has amazing arcs of motion you always choose to um like keep things within not monochromatic but uh like within one limited color palette limited like a limited color palette yeah the animation way z style i'm just getting familiar with today even though i've known you for a while because you never draw but um your style is adorable it completely has like that mascot appeal like that adorable japanese mascot appeal who should he be punching maybe he's punching my bugs bunny i was just about to say that and i'm happy you uh brought it up from china that have like followed this series they will know what i'm drawing and it's my disgusting attempt at a bugs bunny i would say if you really want to get into animation just draw all the time just like you know bring a sketchbook with you anywhere watch youtube videos like there's so many available resources to learn you can look up anything and like super specific and just be like i want to learn how to draw this or this style or draw like this you know disney like animator you can just go find and they probably have like classes online or their own website or blog or whatever that you can go look at that's pretty amazing i should have done a lot simpler of a design but you know what because my style is complicated just like you right as a person you know thank you you've got a lot of different feelings a lot of different emotions your art style reflects who you are she's so cute like i like her because she's like she's a feminine woman but she's not like i'm just gonna sit around and like wait for mario to do everything for me it's like she will take things into her own hands if she has to like she gets true she's a good role model yeah so what is princess peach doing in your drawing she's holding a sword and her her hair is just being really epic right now okay yeah so i'm having a lot of fun with the just the lines on the hair i'm having fun beating up my own drawing that's probably my favorite part of this two more minutes okay well i just feel like that's quite rude i forgot her crown this is a trap oh she's a princess all right i'm i'm satisfied i didn't give her any skin color oh just gonna be snow white done i think i did pretty darn good working off of a reference picture sure makes it a lot easier to just sort of concentrate on the drawing itself i think i did okay i think she looks like shira meets princess peach is what i drew it's a little wonky okay but i think the energy of it is cute i think mine has elsa vibes i'm not totally happy with the pose i would say i can do better you got it come on this is great i love this i love this here's what i love about yours she's got like a nice line of action i love her smile dude this is wild i love your you got this like epic comic book perspective on all your drawings it's coming at me dude i'm feeling this dude you got her like hair which is sort of mimicking the motion of the flames i feel her like vengeance you know i like that he's punching out your bugs bunny's tooth the the blood and the blood on this is great i think you really did reimagine him like it's clearly him but then it's like this is cool i can see the cure in it with like the clean lines but actually this is kind of different i think for you like love it thank you so much for the good job yours is so adorable i love like the flow of her shape and i love that she's like tiny she's so cute i think like the colors stand out super well you got her you got her smirk you got her ice magic very pretty you got her cute little cape you got her cute little dress yeah did a good job this exercise was really hard because it's like how do you improve upon characters that are like the embodiment of perfection like their designs are so iconic and so ingrained in our culture that it's like it's really hard to try to come up with like a different appealing interpretation of them and i think that's the most fun part of drawing fan art is that you can make your own interpretation on something you love as a little homage hey what's up i'm jackie and i'm kevin today we're going to be drawing random characters in our own style from the wheel the wheel that's how drying works every morning i come to work and i spin this wheel and that's what i do for the day whoa it's so not dramatic [Music] oh no oh [Music] yeah oh it's gonna be good old film okay velma from scooby-doo feed finn okay let's get to it okay so i like their car that they drive so i'm gonna just have her driving a car i'm gonna do an action shot mine's gonna be like fast and furious wilma so tell me about tracer so tracer is like the poster girl for overwatch her thing is that she's fast so she's like pretty thin she's petite she has a spiky short black hair she has like these cute little orange leggings so velma is a nerd oh who solves mysteries that's all you need to know about velma since suddenly i was like getting all self-conscious like what's my style how do i draw what am i what is it why am i here on earth what does it mean to be an artist i don't know i'm just gonna draw and that's gonna be my style i feel like i'm just gonna make him really cartoony and angry like this drawing is really gonna evoke get down to my swamp i loved watching bob's burgers when i watched it i haven't seen it in a while though yeah it's still going right yeah it's a great great show it's so like undercover funny like they set up jokes and you're like oh no i'm going to sound like such an old man but is is tracer your mane whoa i got it that's real i said it right right anyway no love that that was such a lovely little surprise from kevin right what's up fellow youths so linda linda has actually a great silhouette her hair has like this kind of mary tyler moore thing going on um i might be getting that wrong i guess you can correct people can correct me and she has no chin but i'm gonna draw her with a chin just because chins makes sense to me 3d characters versus 2d it's like interesting when you try to draw them exactly how they look in 3d sometimes it might not quite look right because uh it's just i don't know realistic character like shrek i'm gonna draw finn like he's had one too many adventures the green reboot all these ladies are so like voluptuous and all the dudes are fat i feel like these women could do better i'm just gonna say it weren't the flintstones just caveman version of the honeymooners though see i don't even know what the honeymooners is what what i didn't even exist when it came out and i know what the honeymooners is so because we don't have a lot of time are you doing anything to simplify or change the character no i hope the internet knows that we only have like 20 minutes to do this yeah they don't care yeah they want us to suffer they're like well why didn't you draw it like this well you know what why don't you come here and you try to do this there's a lot of stress involved i kind of go between like 2d and 3d space so i'm just adding i guess a little more volume to this character i think i'm going for like i love the comic book style i decided this time to go for even more movement even though the character is not designed that way we're using this type of device called the cintiq which is a screen that you can draw directly on photoshop is also just a fantastic program because you could do so much in it they keep optimizing it you know there's also like a free alternative you can use such as yeah which is very similar to photoshop and i think it might even work with sunsets still too no matter how little of tools you have you can be a great artist it's just practice what are some tips that you would have for people if they wanted to learn how to draw faster just draw faster okay that's not a tip the most important thing is to draw from life i mean everybody will tell you this and that is by far the most important thing to learn was that good is that good advice that was awful advice well here's some real advice learn some short hands for things you know people know what hands look like right you don't have to make it so detailed for people to know what a hand is right true in animation you see a lot of cartoons where they don't even have five fingers that doesn't look like a human hand really but you know it's a hand because you know what hands look like keep it up kid you can do whatever you put your mind to he's grown up his clothes don't really fit him as well as they used to so his belly's sticking out so where's jake i don't know it's kind of a messy thing it's either facebook just says it's complicated so here is how i shade my drawings i just make a new layer on top of the color i set the transfer mode to soft light and then i use 100 black to paint in the darker colors that's a little pro tip for you there jackie thanks you take that home you ingest it you use it in the future ingest it what i do is i i draw all of my drawing um as line art on one layer and then i do the painting as a separate layer underneath so kids layers are your friend i like mine i think like i said it looks very cartoony even more so than the actual cartoon i dig it you dig it i dig it nice all right confidence is key yeah all right you ready to swap let's swap swap oh oh dope dude what a dynamic pose yeah i mean same for you man i like the car looks like a a part of her outfit oh my god he's so defeated what you doing in my swamp oh my god this is great yours is fantastic oh thank you oh my god he's like hit puberty oh i love like the bags under his head he's definitely just like too much adventures too much adventures wow look at that wow this is really cool thanks jackie this is amazing i like this because it's different than your normal style like i feel like your style is usually very cheapy and very like very cute this is still got that like cute appeal to it but it's way more realistic i like yours yours is like more than cute i think it's more of like a comic version right like if there was like a comic strip a more comedy comedy-based scooby-doo comic strip this would be her okay dude yours and mine are both like they're coming they're clashing they're coming at each other they are coming at each other actually yeah i like the changes you made uh she looks more like mad hat like not like angry besides the obvious improvements we made to them i think we've taken these characters to the next level i think it was a lot of fun you know like getting to really take characters that you know and love and and draw it in your own style i mean i think that's why so many people do so much fan art of stuff because it is fun to take these characters and do your own take on them this you know this was fun i wish i had more time but i think i did what i could and you know i wish uh you know tracer was wearing one shirt but it'd be like that sometimes hey jackie hey kevin what are we doing today today we're spinning a wheel then we're gonna draw what's on the wheel i pray that i get someone that i really really like okay i got to spin first yes what yes sailor moon anime episode baby i don't know anything about sailor moon she transforms and fights crime okay cries a lot eats a lot just like me which minion are you choosing jason i'm choosing to draw the one with the one eye are you excited to draw sailor moon can i be honest with you i'm very nervous because the internet loves their anime and if you screw anything up when it comes to anime they will let you know so you got sonic which is a hot button issue right now very hot button issue i want to watch the movie because it feels like a embodiment of a card crash in slow motion should i draw a he-man with his like pink vest or him with his shirt off when he's like got all the power his shirt's got to be off man yeah i think it's the iconic he-man look so i don't draw on an anime style at all i can't do it nope so i'm not even gonna try okay i'm going to draw a americanized version of sailor moon that's a good plan okay i think people have done that before right so i'm not alone you're not alone but also people love their sailor moon oh people love their sailor moon if you mess up even once it's gonna really ruin everything everyone's gonna notice when you've watched the trailer for the first time what was your initial reaction okay so there's a lot of things about the design that i feel like could look more appealing if it looked less realistic yeah like the lips were a little off-putting feeling good about naruto i grew up reading naruto i love that guy i'm gonna be drawing og naruto a young guy because he grows up during the course of the series right yeah i'm gonna draw the minions the way i think a deformed creature made by a super villain should look i'm gonna draw a very buff the buffest he-man the world has ever seen i'm sticking relatively close to the original because i do naturally draw stuff pretty cartoony but uh yeah i think i'll add you know make his eyes a little bigger make him a little cuter so the real minion just looks like a pill a pill with an eye wearing like trousers so i'm gonna do a monstrosity version of that naruto is constructed like a real boy you know he's not cartoony well obviously like it's like cartoon it's anime i'm gonna go for a more exaggerated he-man look his original construction i don't know man if you go to like a life drawing class and just give the dude some like blonde fryer boy hair it's kind of what you get with with he-man here's what i know about sailor moon she changes into sailor moon kind of like how diana prince changes into wonder woman right they like spin around and there's like magic and then she becomes and i know that she's part of like a girl force yes of like five or six other fighters are they all also nautical based nautical based yeah because she's a sailor oh i i don't know she's not actually a sailor no internet i am so sorry goofy is very lanky really a real tall guy but he's he's got like a nice kind of elasticity to him because he's a he's a comical character you know i think i really want to keep that intact might just add a little bit of geometry to like his back and his body and stuff here's a little tip for you kids if you are drawing a face and you want to know if your proportions are correct i highly recommend taking your drawing and flipping it horizontally as i just did yes and now i can see that boy her eye is in the wrong place yeah so do you think you're gonna you're gonna want sonic the movie though we'll see honestly i'm interested to see how they alter it because they are gonna change his character design brent did you watch he-man growing up absolutely not i don't think they were even doing like reruns in the 90s slash 2000s my naruto is definitely a fan art naruto i'm just drawing him as i would draw anybody else in my style oh he has like conan the barbarian boots okay he's basically kona and the barbarian for kids oh yeah i guess so i guess that's they're being inspired by that stuff a lot yeah and inspired with quotes i think one of my favorite parts of sailor moon is that it's got lots of fun expressions oh yeah yeah i don't know if you've seen any of them ever but it's not that it goes off model but you know how an anime they often do like oh right like when they get really excited they suddenly turn into chibi yeah yeah stuff like that i think sailor moon does it best i don't know if if this even has the essence of sonic it's it's sonic adjacent okay so i just noticed that she has a forehead band that i did not put in my drawing and so the internet would be very upset if i didn't so i gotta put it in real quick you almost died so this is the best part about he-man the way i'm most familiar with him is that four non-blondes meme jason do you know what i'm talking about i don't remember that i don't know the meme do you know oh no i do when they're dancing in the bar yeah yeah yeah yeah and they like cut together just like a couple of frames of he-man like doing like a little twist and it looks like he's dancing that's about as good as the internet got all right home stretch jackie how you feeling feeling good feeling ready are you ready i'm getting close i think this is the best i can do you know i'm done this is sonic i'm so excited to see you done done done i think my minion's done all right i do not know what i was thinking with the pose in this one it's a little weird i think my drawings are really reminiscent of what i grew up drawing drew a lot of spider-man and like when i think of characters they all have like gangly moving limbs i think i did good i think he looks cool i took a different approach and sort of emphasized the muscular aspect of the character i think i am very successful at making people upset i'm sorry everybody i think i did okay it is not anime at all nothing wrong with that nothing wrong it's fan art and for what it is i think i'm pretty proud of it you know what that's all that matters oh wow oh my god jason i think the minion brought out some of the best in you oh so it's so joyful who didn't know what i was expecting yeah yeah all right it really isn't anime but it really is kevin's drawing thank you i like it thank you if sailor moon was on ice in new york this is the girl that would play her what kira did is to make him much more fun and bouncy you can almost see what dance he's going to do next he-man is so ridiculous i love that his drawing embraces that like he looks impossibly muscular you made him a lot cuter there's a lot more appeal to him you know his his original character is very it's very realistic i feel like this naruto has a lot more fun the reference image you have right now that's an angry naruto is he angry most of the time no he's very goofy naruto is a goofy guy i think you really captured the essence of how radical he is the hair got it it's iconic we did some creepy science experiments to this minion and created a monster although he's still got some of that like minion appeal this would be like an anime like manga adaptation yeah of despicable me i think you can try to emulate a particular style and you can learn a lot from doing that yeah but at the end of the day when you draw something in your own style that translation of it is something that's totally valuable yeah that's totally you having your own style and you know as you draw and as you learn that style will come to you that's for all you young artists out there trying to find yourself i believe in you draw more naruto he's a cool guy what jackie said all right kevin hey jackie we're doing something a little different today guys today we are drawing character mashup from the wheel we're gonna spin the wheel twice and whatever two characters we get we gotta mash em up oh god i'm scared oh boy oh sonic sonic sonic that's a solid solid character and mario i just have to technically take one of these characters and make like a fan hedgehog who are you gonna get who's kevin gonna get no face from spirited away all right no face and right in the middle right on the edge i'm gonna make you do kermit kermit no face sounds horrifying oh no johnny bravo uncle johnny bro and johnny bravo oh my god oh oh woody oh dang i thought it was gonna be like sailor moon and this is great johnny bravo oh oh god now and yes oh shrekloff jerry jerry okay you got a mouse garfield garfield okay okay so let's get started let's do [Music] i'm gonna it the hell out of these characters that's weird don't do that i don't think i need to use reference because like kermit's like literally just like you know just like do you remember what kermit looks like i kind of do yeah the shrek snowman or ogre olaf i don't i think ogre olaf is this gonna be a grotesque one for you you know what it might be because i'm like afraid because this is just a cat and a mouse should i draw kermit drinking the tea oh yes yeah all right oh of course why did you even ask and it's obviously a yes you got to do the meme you gotta do the meme what did you decide to go with uh shrek snowman shrek snapchat i think it's kind of the vibe i want to go for did you like frozen jason how do you feel about it i did not like frozen but i also like have a one and a half year old and it's like maybe i will start to like froze you gotta be ready for that frozen two is coming so which do you prefer sonic or mario i think mario i've played more mario games this is going weird it's supposed to go weird it's like strange i don't really know if what we're doing is moral it is absolutely not my process as most people are probably noticing is a little bit different than i think a lot of what other people have done i use a lot of shapes i use a lot of forms i work from values a lot so i like to work from values because it gets me a little bit faster but it is very hard i'm not going to make it sound like oh yeah i just painted values you guys will all be all right like it takes a lot of work it takes a lot of effort to get good at it like i spend years getting good at it like what process do you prefer but i think for this one i mainly am starting from sketching i'm just like okay i'm trying to feel the gesture and i'm trying to feel um like how the pose gonna be okay this is going to be a very simple drawing is it yeah because no face's body is just black why do you love shrek so much brent you actually talk about them a lot i do talk about shrek a lot it's just something it's half ironic half genuine love for this character i just love the the artistic direction dreamworks decided to take with these characters like they weren't really sure how to do cgi back in the early 2000s all these creepily realistic faces i love kermit the frog do you love kermit the frog i do what do you love most about kermit the frog he's just so good-natured and you're gonna say he's so good-looking he's just a handsome young man he's just the most handsome frog i know he's just trying the best he can and everyone around him is an idiot or a weirdo once you watch the muppets he's the straight man he's the one who's holding it together wait did he have a short sleeve shirt johnny bravo what is your reference yes um he has like a black mask like masculine shirt that's super muscle type like a clubber shirt right like he's going to the club uh yeah he definitely skipped leg bay though that was a thing right like he definitely skipped leg day dang it i wish i did better you feel self-consciously get no don't let it don't let the rgb not get too i will try my best until zero seconds jason you gotta level with me here you're gonna be ruining some childhoods with this one oh yes it's not even a question i'm gonna try to bring in some of that dreamworks detail because the difference between dreamworks and disney is a pretty stark divide between their approaches to character design i think the key here is to just lean into what an abomination just the concept of these mashups is yeah you know like get a cronenberg monster out of this thing like oh my god that's like my dream this is weird i don't like this get weird with it jackie i don't know what to do with his other hand what are you doing i'm trying to remodeling do you want me to model it so you can see no i don't need your pity no oh it's me sonic uh i went to um ai we had a teacher who once like told a student just like looked at her in their faces like you'll never make it in this industry ever really quit now oh my god i'm not like even trigger coding like i'm telling you he just straight up told her like don't chase your dreams quit life and get out of my room and really like whoa the reality is like the industry's not like that you know people don't like talk to you that way they they will hire you if they feel like you're qualified and if you're not you just gotta you just gotta work towards that it's really that simple stay positive guys keep keep drawing yeah draw every day how how are you doing with yours i feel like it's coming together it's the creepier the better you know yeah i went too ambitious but i really like it so i'm gonna i'm gonna go with it well this is weird this is a very strange thing i'm drawing is it yep how so it just looks like kermit wearing a black robe sipping tea there is a meme like that isn't there like kermit like talking to himself with the black robot oh yeah that's what you're drawing i don't even think about that oh should i do a double a triple mash up a triple magic two kermit memes and a spirited away character why not it's not like we're running out of time at all okay you know you're right oh but can you do it i'm going to try okay come on hurry hurry all right just five minutes wow get on to some color moment of truth jason green snow or just gross gross brown snow i want green snow green snow all right we're doing it oh yeah he wants you out of his swamp because he is the swamp i am the swamp my shrek he's a tragic character you know he's not long for this world what does um what do you say like don't do the sky no that's buzz lightyear right wait like reach for the sky right reach for the sky wait is that woody yeah that is i love toy story like so much wasn't that great though in that movie where woody like turns his head you know like 360 like when that moment where like uh sid was gonna set them up fire i love that moment i remember watching that as a kid and being like oh dude dope 30 seconds jackie 30 seconds i believe in you all right home stretch and then you know fast like sonic excuse me i need to focus and you are not helping at all all right olaf olaf shrek there you go all right i'm as done as i'll ever be for now all right okay [Music] i think i'm i'm good with this yeah how'd you think you did brent well i think i really captured the spirit of what it means to mash up two characters into an ugly abomination it just looks like i neither know what sonic or mario looks like i feel good about mine but i i think i could have pushed it more mine looks like i took a kermit and repainted him and put him in a giant black sock huh wow oh god wow oh this is so good oh i hate you this is so good oh i'm gonna quit art oh my god this is incred i think you destroyed more childhoods than i did i don't know if that's true looks like kermit died he became the new grim reaper and this is him after a lovely day of taking people's souls he's like maybe going to heaven you may be going to hell that's not my concern that's what this is it's very spooky this is actually what i should have done no your narrative is spot on like it has so much good character in it uh i think yours is just you're just too nice dude it looks like he's eaten multiple multiple jerry's in there what the if it had more time there'd be vomit jason you're the childhood slayer i'm gonna say that yours is really imaginative is it you know what yours is a great mashup so here's the thing don't be so hard on yourself huh this matchup is incredible i think like i think yours was very successful okay yeah i appreciate it i think yours is very successful mashing up characters on the spot is very hard yeah you gotta think of a lot of things and you gotta design it very quickly mashups is a genuine strategy for design yeah like i think like people don't realize it a lot of like their favorite tv shows movies video games are a mashup of some some sort i agree i think like mashing up stuff is also a great way to get out of your bubble so i think it's like a great thing for people to try get out of here kevin i don't want to see you anymore see you tomorrow oh god be sure to stick around to the end of the video to find out how you can enter for a chance to win this wacom intuos tablet courtesy of our good friends at wacom there are two free creative programs that come with this wow right you don't even have to spend three million dollars on adobe photoshop let's face it software is expensive software is expensive and you know what else is expensive what hot dogs all right are hot dogs expensive yeah sure hey i'm kevin hey i'm jackie and today we're going to mash up characters from the wheel what's it going to be jackie oh who knows could it be daffy duck and [Music] skeletor that's so odd dora the explorer let's see who dora's going to be matched up with rocco it looks like you'll be drawing taco the explorer i'm scared porky pig pork pig and jaffy duck okay porky pig and daffy duck okay whoa that's gonna be so fun you should go there again it's okay i got carp garfield and [Music] woody wow garfield that's kind of cute yeah okay ready second sprint that's actually so cute oh here we go wonder woman wonder woman okay respectable choice and spongebob that's gonna look great okay all right do you believe in yourself i do believe myself do you believe in me why'd you have to pause okay i have a vision he has no pants i don't remember any of this porky has no pants they're both not wearing pants so here's my question do i do spongebob cosplaying as wonder woman or do i do wonder woman spongy [Music] don't do wonder i don't want to see that you don't want to see that so which character are you concentrating on more i think i'm going to give it like rocco's wallaby body but like dora's [Music] like hair and stuff you know i'll credit garfield calvin and hopped into the far side for teaching me how to read english that's cute like i learned a lot of things reading comics my my parents bought me a lot of educational comics even when i was in korea like there was a whole like comic series that that's about like different cultures but also the the addition of garfield that i had came with like a little like flip book as part of the book so like when you flipped you can see garfield like moving and then another side was it was odie that was also like another way to like get me excited about animation so jackie what is your strategy here should i make daffy duck buff or you could do daffy duck with a skeleton face no wow no no no no no that's just a terrible idea what makes you think skeletor is a skeleton because he has a skeleton face no are you not familiar with who skeletor is he doesn't have a skeleton face he literally does that's why he's called skeletal no his name is called skeletor because he's doing it again you're drawing me in jackie of course in a game of random chance with a wheel you happen to get a simpson's character obviously i'm not going to draw marge the way she actually looks i wanted to go for the betty boop pose skeletor's pretty cool though i like the minimal amount of clothes he's wearing he knows what he's about he's super buff yeah i mean if i was this buff i would also avoid wearing as much clothes as possible because who wouldn't want to see sexy blue biceps right yeah i mean i'd be really self-conscious that i don't have a i don't have skin on my face well or i think he's compensating i'm literally going for monstrosity i'm actually having a lot of fun drawing this cowboy garfield cowboy garfield that's essentially what i'm drawing so when was daffy duck invented invented yeah when did thomas edison sit down and invent daffy dub uh i'm going to say in the 1930s 1930s yeah i was alive then no you weren't like i'm trying to imagine what the voice of fusion of daffy duck and porky pig is like okay it's like lisping also like really like crazy [Music] if anybody out there has the vocal talent to fuse the voices of daffy duck and porky pig please please do please respond what i will say though is rocco and dora have similar like they're both pretty small stout characters so similar proportions similar proportions well betty boop has a little more anatomy than marge yeah so just trying to find a happy medium i love skeletor's cute nails yeah he does have uh nice little nails he has cute nails on it which is a little cuddy type yeah it's very cute he like takes care of his nails it's and he paints them black he's really compensating for that no face thing he really is i'm taking like porky's nose i'm taking daffy's beak throwing in a little bit hey june in there me yeah sorry you had to find out like that is skeletor like really evil or is he like cartoon evil is he just misunderstood he's definitely bumbling i will i'll give you that he's a dum-dum he's not the greatest villain his schemes always backfire but it's mostly due to his incompetent henchmen at a certain point it's like why are you getting the worst henchmen to do that job you know times are tough times are tough good health is hard to find not a lot of uh henchmen around these days especially henchmen with henchmen degrees yep the henchman degree does not pay what it used to yeah have you actually ever met matt greening i've met him a couple of times how was he he's super friendly always willing to talk all around nice guy that must be so surreal to just be him all right boom done how'd you do i think i did a good job yeah i think it it looks like a grim reaper undead buff daffy duck this is the thing you see when you die is he cute he's cute yeah i would swipe right on him on tinder so how do you think he did i think he did pretty good it's just rocco indoors how about you how do you think you did i mean that's how i feel it's like betty boop trying to be marge but i mean they're the best that i could and i accept that i think this is this is pretty close to what i have in my head cute switcheroo you're gonna ask me how i did on mine no okay let's switch man yours is so cute oh dude i love this oh my gosh she's adorable oh i love her like garter or like whatever it's called this is totally rocco and a hollering costume i want this monster to be in real life and i'm coming from its womb oh wow oh why did you draw it at an up angle kevin power power stance it looks more like a bdsm thing fun fact wonder woman was actually created as a bdsm character the creator of wonder woman i want to say his name is william marston something he was actually like a bdsm cartoonist this is not a fun fact this is more of a disturbing fact i think you primarily use like betty boop's body and then flourishes of marge within the colors the accessories i think like the eyes yeah like a nice mix of betty roop and marge in the eyes i don't think there's a part that she didn't use all all parts of the creatures are represented in this drawing plus extra there's a dash of shrek so yours is a delight it's a delight yes i think it's a great combination of the two characters ah i like how you kept skeletor's buff body but gave him a duck face one one suggestion i would have given you is for his staff you should have put a fossilized duckhead well i i made a bird it's a bird but like you know what i mean like the head of his enemies oh like bugs bunny bugs bunny head on a steak that's what daffy duck would that's what daphne tour would want duck a tour scale of duck would want i really love what hayden has done here i know my garf i know my garf hey jun and like let me tell you you got him you got him good i think this is actually like a really good exercise for if you have like art block or something right just take two cartoon characters and mash them together and see what you get yeah and sometimes you can even get something completely different and a whole new character out of those things i i thoroughly enjoyed this this is what art is about you take old ideas you make them new you know what i will i will continue to mash up characters because i think it's a fun way to stretch your character design muscles like the muscles on your duckator daffatore skele duck skeledoc so if you want to enter for a chance to win this wacom intuos tablet all you have to do is go to buzzfeed comics instagram that's at comics on instagram find this post and follow the instructions in the description best of luck to you thank you blue apron for the pistachio wacom tablet no it is first of all it's not blue apron it's sponsoring us it is welcome thank you dollar shave club for the welcome tablets that is quite enough hi i'm stephanie hey i'm kira and today we are drawing characters that we have never seen before based on each other's descriptions do i trust you i don't trust me trusting me not trusting me i chose something incredibly obscure but also simple okay i feel like mine is simple in construction and it's what's gonna be interesting is how the details come in but first be sure to stick around to the end of the video to find out how you can enter for a chance to win this wacom intuos tablet for all of your digital drawing needs courtesy we are good friends at welcome did you know that your hair and nails continue to grow after you die how is that relevant [Music] [Applause] all right so what character am i drawing today all right so for you i chose junkrat from overwatch no idea who that is yeah he's a junkie boy what are you making me draw i'm making you draw a comic book character from my era the 1700s stop it by the name of spawn oh so stephanie what have you chosen for me to draw you are going to be drawing raz rasputin from psychonauts so what am i going to be drawing so i chose the most obscure thing ever i chose roo from pero pero sparkles that means nothing to me you are drawing shin chan shin chan shin classic shin chan my boy shin chance who the hell is jin chan so am i drawing today i have a very special pokemon for you today cody his name is garbador the garbage pokemon garbage in concept and design so give me an overall description of junkrat so he's like a human yeah he's an australian dude he's just like laffy and giggly he loves destruction okay so he's chaotic evil he's chaotic he's not evil he's like chaotic neutral give me like an overall description so he's shirtless he's got some pants on he's like the joker he well he but he's not clean like the joker oh okay junkrat is like he's wacky is he wild and wacky he's wild and wacky with overwatch junkrat uses grenades and stuff it's like a grenade launcher his ultimate move is that he has this tire it rolls around and it explodes okay oh two more things i feel like i have to tell you his hair is on fire seriously kind of and he is missing two limbs let me give you an overall description of spawn so you can start drawing okay so we're gonna be drawing at the same time yep it's gonna break your brain oh my brain is already not really fully completed okay so give me a general description of rasputin yeah so he's human his overall construction big head small body long limbs very angular in his design in the game he's what they call a psychonauts so he's going to summer camp to learn how to be a psychonaut and basically infiltrate people's minds all right give me somewhere to start with this okay well first of all just so you know he's like two heads tall so he's a very small person yeah he's squat it's a child and his head is like oh man it's kind of like a bee i'm sure somebody there's like hardcore shin chan fans out there screaming like his head's the classic b shape or something you know whatever they do oh you know it's that bit that that like being like cartoon network character head that like clarence and everybody has oh oh i know what you're talking about yes the cartoon network face what does roo look like okay so you're gonna think of it's like an alien teddy bear and the one thing that i will give you is the eyes look like they have the entire universe in them it's like a galaxy eye colorful care beary really cute kind of like pokemon anime-ish a spawn is if venom and superman went to like a goth party this is getting more confusing for me because i'm imagining a buff goth kid i mean if you want to go into a story he's undead and he gets his powers from a deal that he made with the devil oh my god why did he do that did he die at one point he did and he went to hell yep he used to be a mercenary killed people for money and so he went to hell and he made a deal with the devil because he wanted to see his wife one more time the devil being the devil gave him like demonic superpowers put him back on the earth but then wiped his memory so he didn't know who his wife was oh so that sucks yeah so here's garbador for you he's an amorphous blob pokemon great so really no not too much defining he's sort of just a mound so his pre-evolved form is a garbage bag and as he evolved it looks like the bag just kind of busts open from the bottom like he got too fat with stuff and so now like there's the top of his mound is like a bag that's been split open so he's like a pyramid shape blobby pyramid what is sparkle sparkle peripera woohoo whatever it is so pero power sparkles it's um made by this indie artist in japan and it's used for a lot of fashion and uh comics merchandise it's just kind of like a like a mascot character sort of thing i feel like it's probably one of those things that i've seen like a dozen times but have never actually like put a face or name to is it like in the kind of sanrio realm of character for sure very sanrio does he have any motives this guy what do you mean you know how the motive of spider-man is a spider and superman is an s he doesn't really on his chest he has a swath of a different color it's like a logo or is it you know what don't tell me make your choice i will draw what i think spawn's logo would be follow your heart and it's a skull cause gods love human anatomy i don't know what he wears but i'm gonna try my best i can give you some basic description so he has like a aviator helmet with uh some goggles i remember that okay i mean his basic outfit is like a sweater a jacket and pants um he has gloves too does this character wear anything or she just nope naked okay i still don't have much to work with with your guy he's a pretty simple character describe as much as you can as quickly as possible he's got a red sweater his arms taper to like really thin wrists same thing with the legs legs just taper to like tiny little kind of pointy feet and he's got yellow shorts white socks on does junkrat is he wearing shoes yes he's wearing shoes is he wearing like boots oh you know what one of his legs is like a peg leg okay like it is is that one of his one of his missing limbs is one of his legs is a peg leg but they're not gone gone he's replaced them this is the future right so you're a storyboard revisionist on muppet babies which is adorable um so do you feel like the character that i've given you to draw is kind of in that wheelhouse definitely like you know we've got fozzie bear on that show baby fuzzy and you know he's super those kind of anime should be proportions same with all the other characters they're all very like two to three heads tall and and big limbs and everything like that so like i've probably been drawing a character like this in some regard for the last nine months that i've been there so once you've got his body down i'll go into describing his horrendous looking hands oh he has hands so one of them is kind of coming out of like the bottom of his body his right hand and then his other one it's just like the same thing but it's like near where his shoulder you would imagine it would be in terms of bogs they're kind of loopy bowie boggs is an account the land of bogs that i work on at buzzfeed one of them has these great arms for squeezing things so we're trying to reference things that we're more familiar with so since we both work in animation do you use a wacom tablet i do yeah actually um we use uh cintiqs at work and then i have a cintiq at home that i brilliance animation on so i've been using yeah like wacom since i was maybe like 11 or 12. like my dad wanted to like get me in the digital art game pretty early yeah i also have um a cintiq here at work and at home and yeah i started really young with a like an intros or something and as soon as i went onto cintiq i was like i can't ever go back it feels so good to just draw like on the screen can i give you just one word and you interpret it however you want i mean i've already committed to this goth kid look maybe are you ready i'm ready spikes spikes does he have spiky knuckles you interpret that however you want okay i think spikes jackie i'm gonna give him spikes on his head oh you said there's nothing on his head there's nothing on his head i've already drawn them hopefully they're just going to be there and the thing about drawing digitally is there's no way to erase no there's no way i've never if there is a way can someone please let me know let us know in the comments oh no i'm going to tell you something about garbador no about the character i'm drawing about as you gave me the head details i think i might know this character i think it's coming to me so if you ever get amnesia and we need to revive your memory we just make you draw it you'll remember things that you've seen before yeah is there anything that this little character is supposed to i will say they have a tail that's like got a big poof ball of these i didn't plan for a tail no oh you know what he has very very stubby feet at the bottom that are just made of the garbage they're like that purple she's like grimace yeah he's basically a garbage grimace so i think i just drew venom and goth clothes you're not far off i don't like spawn listen if you were a dude like me in the 90s you were all about spawn it's a good thing i'm a woman like me in the 2010s and i love instead dirty pyromaniacs oh i didn't make him dirty come on i didn't have time to make him dirty oh he's so filthy he probably looks like a gentleman yeah how do you think you did cody this is one of the most uh disgusting things i've drawn in a long time yeah probably the grosser the better this character is very cute i think from what i'm remembering vaguely in my head of this character if i do know it i think this is accurate but it was only because you gave me such good description how do you think you did i think i did okay he looks like like a little animal crossing character but i don't know he's cute how do you think you did i mean i heard teddy bear and i just like this is what i snapped to so i think it's uh as close as i could get it without seeing [Applause] oh no you kind of did it you did oh my gosh this is passable champagne the disgusting blob pokemon it turns out he can be described effectively huh okay this is not spawn but i can see how you got here from my description this looks like aquaman cosplaying junkrat why'd you give him like an earring cause he's like he's like a crazy guy are crazy dudes yeah he's going to be a little wacky watch this oh i love him yours is such a no like you definitely channeled it really yeah this is here ridiculously cute like yours is very cute you definitely made him a uh a much more optimistic character than anything he said he does like he's just a kind of angsty boy you know he's a bit he's a bit aggressive okay let's switch back okay [Applause] oh oh you didn't mention like the like blob of of stuff on her head that's so cute oh okay i get it he's more shaped he's like a picasso painting it's funny that you even knew to describe this as garbage because without knowing his name like i didn't even i don't even read that as like a trash bag really this is just confusing looking you know i did well jackie no okay no i did i you did okay kevin you got much closer than i did it looks you know again if you squid it's junkrat and you were kind enough to give him a bag for all his stuff you know the original designers didn't do that oh man okay yeah i got like some stuff right like the hair i just made that up i'm amazed that i like kind of got the color he has a striped shirt which i sort of predicted mine is definitely like baby version i feel like my my version is like if you took the design and made it western yeah this guy looks way more angry this guy just kind of looks like his mom told him he couldn't go to the concert alone oh come on mom mom everybody else is going i'm the only one who can't grow but i'm spawning mom mom i'm spawn i have demonic powers i can and will send you to hell if i had to pick a person to describe things to me we work together so much that i think you're probably the right person to describe our cartoon i've never heard of to me so it was pretty easy i guess we have more of a shorthand that we can sort of draw on like i think referencing other characters is very important it was kind of cool to interpret what i was told and not just like just try to fill in the blanks yourself there's a nice like creative flow that came from that this was really fun i really like doing it so the fact that i got closer than i thought that i did i will say is a compliment to your descriptive abilities and you know what me getting really far off is an insult to you okay giveaway time if you want to enter for a chance to win this wacom intuos s tablet all you have to do is go to buzzfeed comics instagram that's at comics on instagram find this post and follow the instructions in the description best of luck to you can i get some pogs in the comment for this giveaway from star wars from star wars yep completely i don't know hi i'm cody hi i'm heijun today we're going to be drawing whatever the internet wants us to yeah and i'll add horns and appendages to all of it i'm scared this is a replay of a live stream so if you hear a disembodied phantom voice it's our moderator matt is our ghost moderator he floats and it's very impressive let's start with a ufo piloted by a cow i'm guessing people are still feeling the storming area 51 memes bella jane suggests a young child who is rocking a dragon costume that's nice i like one suggestion that was just pizza man pizza man i think we got a pizza man what else are we gonna do i'm feeling the dragon kid though ooh i like i would personally like to see um a cat doing pottery okay you wanna do that or a unicorn playing the piano unicorn i want to draw a unicorn what about a cat doing pottery with a unicorn like in that scene from ghosts i'm trying to think like ghosts shout out to louise kiwi for the pizza man suggestion shout out to louise what is your plan for pizza man brent jason i all will be revealed it's been a while since you've been on draw off nick it has been a while does it feel uh it feels like i never left just want to give a quick shout out to crazy doc thank you for the suggestion of the cat doing pottery unicorns and cats are very popular i mean why not you know i forgot what cavs look like so i'm going to draw a far side cow if anybody knows that comic reference kudos to you i have a 19 month old little child and he is awesome maybe i'll buy him a dragon costume maybe i'll make him a dragon costume and we already have our first edition uh the cow is joined by peppa pig is that a specific pig it's it's a beloved children's pick it's the biggest copyrighted we can can't do it okay so should we do salt pig uh mustard pig oh yeah okay we're drawing mustard pig unicorn's got to be majestic and by majestic i mean i don't know how to draw a horse just kind of roughing out like rough placement helps me to kind of see what's sort of because in my head right now it's like i sort of have like a fuzzy idea of what i want to draw it's not really clear enough some people they're just like boom they know exactly what they want to draw and they're just like but for me it's sort of like a like a like an exploration honestly that's it forever like even when you become a professional artist you're always just going to be like i have no idea what i'm doing yeah pretty much you never will june did you grow up wanting to be an animator i did actually somewhere in my parents apartment in korea are dusty old post-it notes full of animated stick figures doing violent things because that's apparently what you animate when you first animate things the overall consensus in the chat not to give anything away for jason is is that the pizza man legs are making them feel some type of way pizza man is available for bachelorette parties you can book now oh my god i gotta give this like a beautiful just mane of hair i love that my unicorn looks more like a cow i think i don't even know i love chubby bunny a quick suggestion take it or leave it maria d maria has been trying to get a mullet on everything today and thinks that pizza man pizza man's gonna have a mullet okay you've got your mullet here we go so that's what we do here at draw up live we make dreams come true you know i gotta say i don't think i've drawn a mullet just about ever but we're gonna make this happen it's gonna be a cheesy cheese mullet do we have anything else on the cow like i need to know more about this is he happy driving it is he being held hostage by the pig is the cow taking the pig to the hospital and the pig's like bleeding out from a laser wound could you come up with a backstory for my little unicorn i'm drawing if that's okay you guys you've birthed this creature i need to know where he comes from bbgr suggests that she just broke up with her boyfriend and is writing a song about it obviously she's pretty happy about it i got a good suggestion from uh jason brown the cow has graduated top of his class at mit so this is the cow's thesis very specific pastel world says pizza man was an olympic ice skater who turned into a crime-fighting mullet rocking vigilante who destroys enemies with pepperoni but the pepperoni frisbee of destruction i like the idea that he just sort of peels off pepperonis from his body and throws them at his enemies mac aid suggests that the pig is the significant other i'm ruminating on this new relationship i just want to shout out a lot of these backstories for the unicorns are so well thought out and touching if i read them i might cry oh my god yeah so uh language is very insistent on a pink cow a pink cow i can make that happen we can make those dreams come true another question from marsha marshall what's your question how do you draw human body parts so well oh well thanks uh just hitting your head against the wall for like a decade i'd say just trying every freaking day to draw feet and being really bad at it for most of the time and then you know one day you'll wake up and you'll be like oh i get it i get how feet work drawing things really fast i i've realized um helps because you learn to get like the way things flow i think this is probably a post graduation celebration they are going to party they're they're drunk farm animals i like to think that maybe this cow is the designated driver and the pig is drunk on mustard when you're laughing at your own drawing that's usually good i think oh my god i got to get to color though i want to put so much pink on this no don't make everything pink that's that's not how definitely how this works oh works for me actually no pizza man needs beautiful eyes jessica jones says i've really been staring at pizza man's legs for 17 minutes here i'll help you out with that there you go [Music] yeah this is about to be real messy y'all this uh gotta get some good leg shots in here there we go hey june how you feeling about your uh your party animals i'm looking at the colors right now i feel if it feels like it belongs in the rugrats blanchies says i want to see some grease on pizza man he's actually he's just he's sort of done getting greased and now there's just like a pool of grease underneath him where he has been dripping all day oh my god i'm so ashamed of myself i drew a drawing recently and i drew a character's hand backwards oh that's that's like i'm so dumb oh people do that all the time it's okay because you get you get into a drawing and you forget you're just like oh just drawing and then you're like oh everything about this is wrong like if i took this drawing and flipped it which is by the way a great thing you can do when you're drawing is draw and then flip the drawing like if i took this and reversed it i probably would just be like i see all sorts of problems i'm really excited for what you're drawing i think i'm the one who draws through something this is very strange i gotta say i took this a little far yeah you guys are kind of drawing each other's stuff yeah we're going to kind of switch places here yeah what is what a strange turn of events got to do a an otherworldly unicorn glow because unicorn is sort of you know a ghost unicorns are gone what are you talking about it's it's over put your pants down i'm done all right pizza man is done this is as gross as he's ever gonna look i can keep going definitely but i think i can stop here as well yeah so how do you think you did cody if i saw this out of context like on my instagram feed i wouldn't know what to make of it and i would just like keep scrolling i think i i also feel those sentiments i drew now looking at it what looks like a cow horse unicorn holding a pot with the cat i like it it's weird [Music] oh my god this is really good this is so wholesome wow i love it yours is amazing omg yours just adorable kyra is so good at drawing cute stuff i like the storytelling involved with this like graduated married thing he looks like he's really about this job he's just like yo i'm about to do a performance don't get in the splash zone yeah i really love that mustard pig is just a regular pig mustard color i i love this the disembrace that your characters are in there's palpable tension and you hope that the the cow will land the ufo safely you got the majestic thank you feeling of a unicorn but you did too yours is so good like it's hilarious we have definitely this is character development jason drawing with the internet suggests is really fun and i want to do it more i like this because i don't have to stick to a character design that i'm like trying to remember which is the normal format of the show thanks for these sassy farm animals yes thank you very much see everyone drawing's awesome just don't stop drawing okay hey i'm jackie hey i'm kevin and today we're going to be drawing whatever the internet tells us so this is a replay of a previously recorded live stream the chat of the live stream will be telling us what to draw as embodied by the voice of our producer matt matt we're gonna start throwing suggestions at you okay if something gravity if you use gravity or something if something grabbeth thy attention drop it draw with it that trough oh i should be a town crier you should lexi bora don't know how to pronounce it dinosaurs in burlesque outfits uh cat on a board skateboarding on an alligator not sure how that one works we got a teenager learning to use an element of your choosing this is just avatar that's the long line of avatar the last airbender that they brought in jackie as a cat you take that back whoever said that jackie as a squirrel you take that back we got a reverse centaur a reverse center so like horse top human person bottom a cthulhu working his summer job katsulu working a summer job i'm gonna look up what cthulhu looks like are you gonna do that yeah i think you could do that really cute the thing was kind of scary i'm gonna draw this i'm gonna draw you you're gonna draw a cthulu at a summer job and working a summer job okay what job should catholic have i was thinking uh just a simple cashier oh kevin as a squirrel kevin as a squirrel now that's a suggestion i can get behind all right i'll do me as a squirrel ooh a little shade in the chat barbara b says kevin will do him anyways oh wow wait a minute barbara v that's my mom mom is that really your that's my mom mom what the hell i guarantee you barbara v is my mom i love kevin's mom [Music] oh i gotta i got a lot more uh job suggestions if you need one you think you got it give it to me i'm just gonna we got lifeguard we got swim instructor we got ice cream parlor don't ice cream parlor people come with little hats yep ooh if you look up ice cream parlor outfit you just get a lot of uncomfortably sexy halloween costumes jackie what do you know about kahulu octopus baby he's an octopus baby octopus baby hey hey i'm walking here hey hot dog get your hot dogs matt are there any questions in the chat for us ask me a question i probably won't answer it but maybe i will black sheep inc suggests uh what is your guys favorite cartoons you go first i have to think about it my current favorite cartoon is bob's burgers bob's burgers is amazing yes but i would say my favorite cartoon of all time would probably be freakazoid you remember freakazoid well i mean i know from the 90s i know freakazoid but you know him i do know personally yes i went to high school with that get out yeah is he cool no that's a bummer it's a bummer you know don't meet your heroes what's your favorite cartoon i don't know this one it's my favorite but i think when i was a kid the most i've ever watched of a cartoon was probably powerpuff girls i was gonna guess it was some type of anime like sailor moon or i guess if oh if we're talking anime as well sailor moon sailor moon over naruto yeah because naruto came kinda later tiny time lord asks if you were a superhero what would your superpower be wow okay what would be your superpower yours would be being a squirrel apparently what do you think i would have kevin oh are we gonna do it for each other let's do it for each other i think it would get more interesting results otherwise i might say something stupid like i wish i could teleport so i don't have to walk anymore well that's actually kind of what i was gonna say for you next question how do you feel about a super speed that's pretty cool i think i would love to just flex on people for being really fast so that's what i would choose for you what would you choose for me mayhaps the power to change someone's mind like inception no just like a yes or no decision do you want to go get ice cream wait wait let's try it out do you want to go get ice cream yes i don't even like ice cream you don't like ice cream oh yeah i hate all things that are fun how's your drawing coming it's going pretty good i'm lining i'm having a good time as well i got a great question from ruby artwork love you ruby artwork how do you color faster are there any tips and tricks you have to color a a drawing faster i'll take this one one thing that i've started to do here on draw off learning from jackie is to simply duplicate my line art layer and use the paint bucket tool in order to fill it in now in my world of print media that is not a good way to do it because you want to do what's called trapping and i'm not going to bore you with what trapping is but for screen art it's perfectly acceptable and it's a much quicker way to um to color asami yuzawa love your song if you could have contributed to any cartoon or anime i'm assuming in history what would it be it was pretty good wow that is a great question spirited away i wish i made that single-handed just by yourself by myself i wish i worked on it but i i definitely was born the year it came out i'm going to go with freakazoid again freakazoid yeah i love that guy it really informed my sense of humor what color is cthulhu what does a chat think what color should cthulhu be tell you in a minute what flavor of ice cream should this be oh yeah very important and should it have toppings if so what kind sprinkles rainbow sprinkles i mean he's like a horrifying demon whatever he wants like blood on it no no rainbow sprinkles i mean blood just hits the spot in a different kind of way hot pink seems to be on the top of the list all right and mint chocolate chip is the most popular flavor here you guys are weird jackie do you like drawing live on the internet it has no positive or negative effects you are completely neutral about it i have there's just no emotion attached there's no emotions attached to a lot of things you do huh yeah i think so are you dead side jacking a little bit if you look into my eyes if you look closely if you if you look took off my shoes oh jeez okay look closely into my eyes you can see that there is no more happiness or joy only suffering okay jackie you're making the internet feel really uncomfortable i love this question from andrew blissat andrew bessette hit us with it who is your first cartoon crush oh my god jackie who was your first car yugi from yugioh seriously yes oh boy not yugi but when you geek becomes cool because he's using the pyramid whatever yeah i don't really remember the details yeah but i was like wow what a guy that yugi i also sorry everybody i really like gary from pokemon gary gary is like his enemy oh really yeah oh you like the bad boys yeah i like the bad ones but yuki's not bad he's like he's a good guy yeah yeah but he's cool like a bad guy nice i'm gonna give a really lame answer and a very like white boy answer jessica rabbit yep oh my god i hate this i'm sorry i am done i am also done i have finished how do you think you did i think i did wonderfully do you think you did the internet proud do you guys like my drawing a lot of no's my career is over youtube said i can't draw that was just a joke oh see matt hesitated matt doesn't like my drawing i think it's great he says no i do positivity how do you think you did kevin well it definitely looks like me as a squirrel you know what jackie they say draw what you know and i know me and you know you and i know squirrels and you know squirrels i don't know squirrels i actually have not seen many squirrels i had to pull up a reference for squirrels because i don't know what squirrels look like off the top of my head it's really really funny why draw a squirrel from memory right now you got 30 seconds okay drawing a squirrel nap okay acorn blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah okay well we'll see yeah we'll see i'll put him he's the one getting the ice cream wait what is that noise ah i'm uncomfortable it's good it's just scary uh i like making you uncomfortable with my drawings yours is adorable thanks it's you know what when the internet suggested it i had a mental image in my head and this is pretty much what i saw i drew the squirrel do you like the squirrel yeah your squirrel is better than mine you did it in like 30 seconds congratulations is that what you want to hear yeah i just wanted to hear that i'm better than you in every way and that i am a perfect and flawless human being and i can draw literally anything and everything without looking up reference was this fun would you have done this oh yeah that was really fun let's do that again i did i liked a lot of the suggestions but the fact that i could only pick one made it made me picky we'll have to do it again right yeah yeah if you guys want more live streams let's get some in the chat everyone just start screaming let's get some screams in the chat we get some screams can we get some blood curdling screams like murderous screams in the chat like you are dying of murder in the chat in the chat please why are you always gonna make it weird at the end hey i'm kyra hey i'm stephanie i'm brent my name is jason what are we doing today i have no idea well today we are doing something that you in the comments have been asking for for a while and the show today we are going to be drawing each other wow i was wondering if this would happen oh my gosh [Applause] all right kevin all right jackie can i draw you cute or should i draw you oh you draw me however you want to draw me okay how should i draw you draw me in your style my style is just me okay draw me in your style but improve upon it so that it so it doesn't look like me you're that's a tall order jackie but i will try my best what does jason look like i think i'm just gonna draw you looking down because that's how i remember you from working on this show you've got a big smile actually you've got more features than i do i feel like have you done like caricatures or portraits before i've always had a hard time with it because people are like make me look real like don't be afraid to make me look ugly and i'm like stop what if you like get upset what if i don't do you justice hmm this is not this is hard this is hard yeah should i i feel like i should go with the cute route i don't think i should try to draw you realistically yeah wait smile jason there you go yeah that's the jason smiley now i think it's really hard to draw people that you know because you don't want to offend them because you're like even if you're like no this actually looks good or accurate you're worried that they might be like is that really what you think i look like yeah [Music] i'm struggling was this a bad idea it was a bad idea i think oh boy but we've already committed we're doing it we can't stop we're doing it you have chests here i do not think i need to see i think you need to take off your shirt i need to take off my shirt there's no other way i'm gonna know this will feed into the other comments that think we're in a relationship what people think that i've seen a few no i ship it and i show i've shown my wife i'm like look at this and she's like tell the comment section you were married you are a married man kevin jackie not a lot of hair that was mean why would you say that you do she's not from the front i'm seeing you in a bra i know look i know i know i have a huge forehead so have fun with it have fun with it i have a friend that recently got married and i've been trying to draw like a portrait of him and his wife and uh i've got every like i've got the bodies figured out i've got everything figured out except for the faces like i just have not been able to to get the faces down at all i know i always just end up making people just cartoons i'm just like you're just this is your new face this is actually kind of my nightmare because okay i am not good at likenesses here's how bad at caricatures i am okay i actually have a site okay badcaricatures.com where people can go and pay me five dollars to draw a terrible character of them i will send them the terrible caricature and a written apology you know what kevin there's nothing wrong with that you know what you're good at i know what i'm not good at yeah which is caricatures did you have that middle school sketchbook that's just full of like beautifully rendered eyes i did a lot of hands when i was a kid i did a lot of um epic poses with people with fists yeah i mean like yeah yeah but that's a fun way to learn figure drawing is to do comic characters yeah so i drew like this funny because uh my friends would be like jason can draw anything with muscles yeah just boys and their muscle drawings yeah so everyone would be ripped the big tip that kind of changed the way that i drew as a as a kid was uh draw what you see don't rely on on symbols and and kind of your assumption of what something looks like like actually take time to look at your subject at the face at the features process them as if you've never seen it before i'm gonna draw you holding a pen oh cause it will signal that you are an artist and this is a portrait of an arches the whole thing that i've always heard is like learn the fundamentals before you break them yeah because i feel like yeah a lot of people are like oh well you're just drawing super cartoony so you can probably just you know not need to learn how to draw realistically it's like no you should because like even within the most simple cartoons there's like intelligent decision making and like correct anatomy and proportions yeah you know even if it looks really obscure it's still like you can tell that the person who drew it knows how to draw [Music] we just we just look up at each other we're just looking at each other we're like what are you just like what do you look like what do you look like what i look at you like every time we do this and i still don't know what do you look like jack if you had to assign a celebrity to me what celebrity would i be i always struggle with this what's the guy from 500 days of summer joseph joseph gordon levin sign up he's got kind of a very specific face i feel like oh what would you decide what celebrity would you assign me idris elba it's just wow don't take it back don't take it i want it no what what am i doing to you you look so weird i'm gonna draw your head a little more bulbous yeah i do have a bulbous head he's got a lot of veins i do have a lot of things sorry this is just doesn't look like you this doesn't look like you either what do we do we continue we keep going you know this is probably going to lead to a lot of messages in my inbox being like hey can you draw me for free do you do a lot of uh caricature so i've been like practicing by drawing friends on my insta here and there yeah and it's uh it's been like really good for capturing like the essence of of somebody oh somebody yeah and it's that's been like really awesome to to work on i'm drawing you like a bratz doll this is not good okay i'm gonna keep this drawing on the side so you can see what i started with but i'm going to go back i'm going to go cute i'm going to try again and i think i'm going to go full chibi full tv yeah which again is not my style but i think i may be able to do something more it kind of made you sort of look like belle from beauty and the beast i do like that you have weird eyebrows thanks jackie not weird like physically just weird to draw they're an interesting shape if you will you know what they call your eyes kevin what deep really i've been told they bug out deep smooth that's not the thing i want to do my own horn i think i i think i might have nailed you i think i got it if you're 95 smile i think you're pretty much there drawing jason i think i nailed you as like male model brent whoa so just normal brent no no i just drew you as yours yeah yeah thank you how you doing jackie i mean i'm done i know you are but i'm trying to make this other one i made of you even scarier how do you think you did i think it made you look cute like definitely yeah you're like like a disney character honestly it's very cute how about with me i really enjoyed doing this i haven't done like a portrait like in this style in a while and it's it's really nice it's kind of like um the like anime that's like trying to be realistic and like whisper of the heart kind of style you seem stressed kevin you seem stressed this was a lot harder than i thought it was going to be yeah you came in thinking it was going to be easy peasy lemon squeezy yeah when it was actually hard tea warty right kevin fargo right well can i be real for a second okay it's because i respect you as an artist and i don't want to disappoint you i'm going to cry stop it i mean from disappointment oh got em he thought i was mushy you got me [Applause] oh my god that's so cute you made me so cute wow wow you really got it wow this is me i love this oh thanks man i love this too ah kevin this is really good stop it kevin you're just being your anime is getting great amaze oh it's so cool that's such a cool style thank you i love your style too it's like super expressive thank you this looks like tv father jason tv yeah i had a tv show and i was like the dad everyone loves yeah these are great i'm flattered by both of them i will say the one on the left though is frightening as hell it's scary right it's very i'm very sorry this is a really smart exercise i feel like especially like you know if you can't really do life drawing classes or anything you can just like grab your friend and be like sit down i'm gonna draw you yeah or like have a fun drawing session like this like i love like when you can just invite people over and just everybody can just do art together i think this looks like me i think this looks like me oh you did a good job kevin thank you i love it and you know what get rid of your website because you have drawn a good caricature thanks friend yeah i want to give you a hug oh thank you okay this is a good thing yeah thank you man thank you i love you man you
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 176,518
Rating: 4.924602 out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed video, buzzfeed draw off, animator vs cartoonist, uzzfeed draw off, draw off, drawing from memory, animator draws from memory, cartoonist draws from memory, artists draw from memory, drawing challenge, cartoonist, animator, artist challenge, cartoonist draws, animator draws, cartoonists draw, animators draw, Draw-Off Marathon #3, PL-DrawOff, disney characters, videogame characters, nintendo characters, cartoon characters
Id: dprU4nFMjnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 49sec (5389 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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